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The Politically Incorrect Guide'" to

the Middle East

You think you know about the
Middle East. But did you know:
@ The Arab-Jewish conflict predates the
creation of Israel
@ Islamic fundamentalism isn't ancient-
which is why it's so dangerous
@ Democracy is not America's friend
in the Middle East
@ Iran can't be reformed-but the
Saudis can
@ Bush Sr.-not Bush Jr.-should have
invaded Iraq
@ Why an Israeli-Palestinian peace is not
only impossible, but undesirable
The Politically Incorrect Guide"to

the Middle East

Martin Sieff

• -,.-
"' _ _ " - , • DC
Cop,..w.l C ZOO8 by Marlin Si.1f

"'II righ" ,"""",N. No ~ of lhit publi""li"" lDIIy bo ",prodU<;od or '",...m;ttN

In ony "'"" or by any ..-... oloel""'''''' ~""",I. ,,,,,ludl,. Phnl"""'PY. ...,.,...j.
I.... oronl inronnolion .......0,1 ~riIrv.lollOl_ now known or '0 bo In,.n'o<!,
.. It!lou, penIllaloio '0 .. ri""lI from tho pubiiobM,"""",,, by • .....- .. bo ..lolHIo
1o quolo _ """"'"'" In co"n...~1<>n .. Ilh. "",10" ..,ilion"'" ,,,,,Iuolon '0 • "'"3'
ozluo.......I'"l"'" or broodco.l

C...laFn1.ln.PublJco'lon dale 00 flio .. ltb lho Ubrary ofeo..V-

ISflN ~l"l-$_\"

Publl,hod In lho Vnllod Stol. by

KowIN<)' l'ubll.hl"" Inc."8l0n, DC 10001

MOIlYfo<:t....-d In tho Vnllo<! S..' . of /lmorko

BooU .... io qUlmli'y 'or promoo....... l .. pnmium Wri'. '0 0 ; _
of S;-:lal Sol•• Rogn..,."ll, I"".• Uno MoooM:bu "','...... NW. W..b·
l"8lon. DC 20001. for Inf<>nno'loo on dllOOlln" &lid ,....,. "" ",,11 12(2)Z1l1-Ol1OO.
To 08bie Ynelak Sidl"
My beloved llrij.. iMpimfion. 0I>d Ii'" patl......
..110 ...... llrilh _ """y 6l~ of Ute way. rn al...."...
T'IIani ,..,... tIarli,..

101M. I....

~!he '

.... a.dIdooem-~
... wmor._ Iloo

1'100 NIddlo tool • .-...,...,
?'r - . '. ........,. ..... criio_
1'100 _ 010- __

-W _ l.-Jd _ om doo Iolidolloo EM

GooUlpoll:U 1 ,_' 1Wb
tMopo"·__ ·bM_~

~ l: no. ~Mli e.-ftitt II'I Mot hrMl'l h-'t

no. <noIllool vi bnooI: Aa ....,·MUIii. U.s. ~
Hoooil.u .......
Tho rUoo "" 1M! .-....I••I·H........
a.y""'l1ll~ QlII'O' '92'
, Ir "bdull.h .... "'"'.............
11 ODwblal": UDliUl,l'"'1'hool
110.. BriOlollimpo<Loliot _knMa ..... ~ed u.. ......
T h o ' - Bible: A """" " " _

Tho lnoot.....,.
01 cr-t'-
llotMeu ........ '" ,. . .
.... 11... ~ A _ bop.....
o ..., \a ; .1l2~1_

" .I-'\0Il Al1lM

Wloon.....a_ .......

linIIC.hloolAql' i '10
Th.o In.urpn'" Nco full • _ troublom.oUn
IIDfnbina ,ho GDldoo 101"""0" Th.o poin' of "" ""OlD
I' 10..', • dvU wor; It'••• pU..... wor
Why 1110 . _ <:IlV.ldn'"ome ~

0I0ptt< 4: "'" 1Mh oboon 1,1...., bdkol "1'11I 1""1 AftciooM

(Wtlldl Jr4I,k" It Mon Dto~lt<OV$)
Th.o wiodom 01 PritlOl TIl,ll "
Th.o eyel. of Arob hlot"'l'
Tho Mlddk Eut ......U8\O<1: 1$17-1980

Chop". ~ I,...
Th. ho.lOll £mplN' WboD !.rOIl .... JOC"I "
n ..b of ornpl . ., U.S. "". 9rll-Oln
Uhorrol bu.ybodiel 'port. ,h. 1,I'nlle Revolollon
Ay.tolJah Kl>o<neInl: 11>0 inri' of AmorI<:&n meddlln8
Corl.. ond lho boo..... ai.i,
Mod...,ion (... I'''V<l11.~kl''llin Iran
llemo<:nI;y'. bitt. Sift: Mobmoud Ahmadi_jail
I",n on boorow..d tl_

Chapltr 6: 1M IuuI~An~ W....,19ol1-"71

Dooolh .I...... '.t blnb
The 11<10 lurn.
Wbo'•• I'oJ.. ,inlon?
The _I Y.._ Arof.t
r.,ypo'. fight '0 ....U-oy 1 1
Th.o Soviet Union v.. b 1
Tbe ml",,;ulooo .!<;I"'l'
J!efoll-O of lho 51.·Ooy IV..
NI.on: 1 1'. ,-, fri...d
1$13: Tbe 1• . . - up blS
J!eful,. oflbo 1$13 ......

• 1Ii
COO.... lJ

ClIopI.. " llIII ~ ... hrt '" dot loh ...... Hoc tM ",..I'M lIS
Mlo:MoI_.. _ The s-d.. _ _ I...
Sp' ' 11
WhJ ", 10"""
_IO ..... M. . . . . .' .. _

n.s-dlo _ _ r_"••,,.__'

U' ' _
n. 'hoo _ _
lO"I r.... .-I "'0'1 _
_ .....-.. tbt-..m-

Chliphf It

....... (ul W IOIIII hI«: "~)OOJ

The ....."'" 1'atIy'. toeIa1ltt.-

....... 'l"""lJ: A_ ond Soddt",
ford'. Mlddlo Iiato ".-.,_ _
Y1,U>aI. R.JbIn, ",. ....... wbo ormod IaneI
Old tlm"'l CMl..- _111 btlnc _ '0 lI>o Mlddl. !'.MIl
CII",on' eo"..- .11 "... "1"1"

_........ '"
ChopI.. " Thotlflllo<y '" ~""""11
01..'....•• _ IIIIaMd lho.1 QMdo ,,,-
a..", d _ ,100 boll on.1 QMdo '00

Thes-dis _ , ..... pJ"iIla l.Ioo OItoo;b

WhI cIld It Iooor?-J

<looIMor1O: "-... rIot ..... (u~'MIMw.n.,... WW~'t ttl
........ ' _ _ 01 .....1. . I
",.,. -.. ... ..,.
....... ' ..,_&id> I ....


WIly oolYbll 1M Iu...U·'. ...IlIliMl ...1Ilct _ 1 oohw

T'ioo . . . . . - pi,. _ " warW wi..... oil
e- __ ...... ...., 't .•
T'ioo s.dI I h
" ........... EoooO


....... l"troductio"


be MkId iI 11M anliu-iI of ~ 1ll.nJ rantuy. And yet

prot.bIr 110 itJ 11M -uI. _ _ AfricI. illOchod·full
of rirulenl. politblly <lll<Nd mytholOlY. dUlorUolu. aDd lXn''''
lbool comblM ..liJiOll..... the Cold IV... ""-'aI'I ........., and a
hltlOf")' of <:01 11011.....
ll·.alrl<:ky lk for the mainru-m media and Ivy Lu«ueacldemics.
bul .....oho'" 1M)' Ill. . . . '0 JNllnl ..UsJOIIlI fund.....nt.lIl1. (the 1Al1l·.
u.ual on"",I...'a. tho vlcUm•• and lbo region'. Uny ,..lIllou. minority
(11.....1·. Io",lIh pol,ul.rlon) a. tho oppreuo.... A.alw.y•. A lal. Ibo
bad IllY, and lh. rorrorbt lulll dwperalo f.-lom flAhto If IOIfOl'o

11m and IJI.mlc ""tremil"' a problom. the ...tabll.hmenlloll. Uf. It·.

all put ofa mlllOllnla~ldd'.pul. in whleb bocb .ld. . . . 10 bl...... And,
of oou..... lt·. IlIlboot -.n:e of all lib, rellJlon.
While rba JI'Ul""')'OI1 of poIltic:a1 ~ allout rba Mlddla 1M! .... y
_ be COIIJltlOllI 10 their UJWDODIJ. ther are a, !NIl J*'IiIt.., ill tbeir
aatral .....' A - u ud ........ bad.
..... iliall <lll<Nd_ hal a1Io Nibly _pad ill'" _ miIlda 011 tIM
Arnn:an Rl&bt_ DClUbIy itJ tbot ~ ofGlOrp w. B..ah-
wllo. JO..-.I)' 10 bu)' blto 11M ep1.iwian PC _ytho all u"r.
~ thai W........y. d K) D1N1d lIooNll ywben. ....... ill
rba Middl. Eut. nu. .... 10 Jbortc:bau&a ...-plia1l_t

n.. "-1I11collr locoorrec1 Gyl4el. tho lllUI. Lilt

Western ....lly II. It faililo ..... lIut how herd il i. to trail.·
pl.nt domocracy into a rngion lh.t h.l. by and 1.'lJ'l. relllCle<t n'" <lnly
de,nocracy·l/ud-.(:hnllian foundationl Uapan m.naged 10 do thatl. the
e"traonlino.,. culturel contribuUonl of ondent Greeco end Romo Uapan
monegod to do th.t tool. but o""n lhe very Ellglilh Iy.tem of I.w Ind
government. Thillyotem Illhe fu]]..l e"p.enion nfmudom democrecy
and wu the 'y,tem of th.. Middle Ell!', one'lim_ll",il .hon·tim_
colonlol m••t....
In lh. Middle EIII. Ihe coal of PC dl.tonion. can be m...'ured in th..
UV$l of American ""ldie... lranion di ..ld..ntl. end I li low•. Prntend-
Ing thenl', fOII\e ""n of moral equiv.lenCfl""n 1 11••Ink..
ond p.l.Unioll ,uiclde bombe... acting II if our cunent war i, again.t
~t.,.,..,r· ..the. Ih'n .geinlt radical I.10m. believing thll Wlul mlghl he""
been 0 mllhorily K1und policy It on.. time h<lppling s..ddom during the
rint Gulf 1'1•• wh..n we h.d tho troopl in place to do tho lob Ihorougblyl
would .tm be. good IdM ten yMnl,ter (on the ch.. p. with. llghl force.
• lId wedded 10. foreign policy of global democrlCyl---ali of the... PC
delu.iolll w... un the U.S. policy In the Middle EIII.
In thl. book. my (lOll h•• not been to tum out In ecad..mic lreati.. on
Ih. hillory. cultu nd ... ligion. of the Middle Eut. Relher. il h.. been
10 ... v... 1 the h h fact, .bout 0 violent I"d imponant region of Ihe
wo.ld. Thl. book II written .. myth-bu.ter. It injectl. h...h d.-ofwh.t
Herry lhnnen called ~PI.ln Speaking" Inlo. puhlic debate th.t hOI been
fogged Over by the endl.... noble-lOullding II... of medio elil'" .nd fo.·
eign policy .... perU.

What works. and what doesn't

",,"ce ond lI.blllly Inlhe Middle crucl.lto American security
.nd Ihe world', economy. olld 10 we 01111""" to IhB<! our PC rill.... 10_
wh.t h•• workB<! In lhe put ,"d the ........nt t<l bring calm and onl••. Tho

lleY"inI I!wITNlh oboullM World'. Moot PolUlaolly lnwmoclll"l!....

&nOW.. II noll foel1lOOd canard tiU "addraolll3ln. tool u .... of Ier-

rariom." OO".n Id..IIoIM;.u- like demuaocy In ...._ whero Itwot Iw
....... workiKI ou~idl !he confi_ of ' - I and In. mUll• ., 11.11 of
T'I.uby. The_IIeIlt! ....... izi"ll!he iDhenmtly, riolInlIylribel cui-
lUAI of !he Iallmlc Middle ~ wbich 10 the _ y of all order .....
il 10 iIIllMNld from ....... wilh I ....H... f1.... 1'00" c.lh.riIf lbel f\ot
bH .11O!heOtt_Empinl.
Thdey, It II c:nocLol ... our OWII iotenoto 1M! the meiled fiot _ 001
from fIot>damentaiiol tr.n. and 001 from ... (we """-1 tbI.-...e- 00"
m. wiD to do It). and _ &om IsneIlwhidt cannol do Itl, b
i1-fruat MicllIII Moon's rillaiA. Seudi I\nIbOa. The Seudll IN ' - 1 *
lint at tbMrown fl"'blic .... I~ In tbfI WMI, bulthey ... the_..--
elly pro-W....... reslme 10 tbfI ....,.,Itwot CUI brill3118bilily
end R1P~ the naturally cha<Mic peoplel of lhe.-.n, thenklln tbelr
WIIIth. P-Ilp. end lJWnIIShJp of!be bollelt piocoo In IIlam. Tho Sooudlo
IN e1Jo Ameriel', l lllandinl"lly in 1h1 "'lllon-eYIlD 1""8M lhan
11,,"1, Thel. hlroh. und ported ctlCkdowo 00 IIrror1,m in tlCenl
ylll'O-lnd dulre fo," fUnelloninl oil IIODnomy-mlklllllm Ihl
","""I undldalllO 19p1"Cll.... OItoman Emplno ulhl IIablllly·brillJllllJl
power in Ihl MlddJI E..l-
IIUI make nO mllllk.: llli, book II no '1'0101111 for Ih Soolldlllllb....
Nor I. It.n IpoIOlI. fo. Ilnll. Nor II II In .poIOlI. for .nyonlll.. in
lhe MJddl. Eoot. wh.... lbl old mocto y• ., muc;h holdo true: Ih••",my
or my II my &IIod 1,". Ilindentend 1....1 ..."'1 0lIWI1ly
ortIM Middl. Eullw lu own Int and will pun'" them. And tilly
IN _ .I....y. IDI..... thol you or I will lib. aUI lhol only IInd..U_ WI ......t to .pproer:h the ....,., with door .,.. In _ wIM.. IDler-
. . IN _ tLkeI)' In coU>cide with our ..... 1110. rep. J hoYI coY-
..... " ' ..-porI" for Ih... deca-iM Aod " ' Npoot... I be.....Jw.)'.
""""*ilnoted Oft ""Inc III tbI Dum nther Ibn 1Nl)' polltkally cornet or
1bOdy... f\aloII.
If rou tt. '-d truth obout \be Middle EMt.lf rou wantlllum.-
whlch luo eaiMh·.,.J __ tbom _ Whll. HoOll' sh,tt..... If you'd
lib 10 ~ \be 1I\Itb . . . . It-. .......ue·ride 1Mda. ta- ....
on. WIl11labloll 01 _ bywfIp-b the: ...... Ie. _ " -
boo.11I the: ....... Ibe MlddJ.e Eaa WUI ...... it.-lf_ the Ihi. ;'" ........
thai. i'I "'1)' Ia.. world 01 ditaey. MIl)'. and m.tiah maIc:oalftlU.

fmliched beyond Ibe _ oI,varice by 011 ADd ebia '" pi..... the: ........
Into mwttopha. ....- , firm blond t..... ieI .,.... _ Ibe onom.n
Eenpll'l ...:. did.


The Middle East ~ century ago

.. -
Guess what?
hink ohbe Middle I!uI at the stan ohblt_ly-f1..- OMllury:

• For' '_of
honM 10 lbe ricbeol. high.l q... tily, _
depoolu on 1oItIA; cockpit of an _
...iI)' --..ibl. oU
IaJamhl _ _I tb.It
wenll I" topple ",oden'"
Unllfld S,"t... end the \\'al; nU
end ..... - ......1... war ...1.... !be
of an unendlns llOnflicl betwlen

• A hundrfd '"" . .
1srMlt. end and widely 00 u the moot ~..-oo
lhe .. hole ."fld
for confrvnt.llun bel_ th, major powen, lboughl the Mlddle
The Middle Eoo.t I. fliled wllh urutabl. 'lalOf. no". of Ihem m,,", thin t.t ... ~~...
ninety yM" old. mOf' of them ,1l11 I.,fflrlng from cri... of 188lllm~y. mltstalt.
..,..,..Uy lhe

Arob nillonlllim II' ""I.,H, force. Th. region" bltlh I'll. II utraordi·
...rily high. and IIJl 111" of populetlon inc...." .....t1y uceed. thoR of
•"" neliolllor, ... E..",.-n UOMm end RlluloI. The wallhi...,..,d "'Oft
Fm:Iin Goolf .Dd lhe

,eaJ.... Uy d.lnbl, ....1 _tete
JI.. In the world I, the lind of cn... tr.'.01

fOUlbem nq. ! Culf Su.tef.lllld ,be Dhahran npon of Saudi

8111 . . . . . . bundNd ,-,.. UId you'lIlh.d fI'IIeI'J _ 01 u.- coadi-

lion. rev_ _. l1w _ t.:kwud. _ e . an.d ......... part. 011""
. . - wen tbe -.n ud the e:a.u of the Anbkn lor P..'-' Gulf.
~ ,... On on Iw"n .. bo abo ...oodled the o;aUpbat_lbot led

llle ""lIUcellJ la""",,t 'ut4e 181he WI4dle b ..

all 1,Iem in Gon.tentinopl_nor th" chen""U",I... of any of 'h" Il..... t

EuroPNn Impllnal pow".. bothered with th.,.., w.stelands.
In 1905.lh8 region II unll1M! politically and ",Illioully. bUl the ll"'"
erIIl ettltude towud th_ condllionl il one of lpalhy. leth.rgy. end ....·
ignation. No major oil d"pmiU he"e been found w..1 of I'e..ia. The
callpha'" ,hIt rul.. the "'lIion and gi".. it ...JigioUi diNlCtion from Con·
Itandnopl" ilignored 0' wid"ly d,,"pl~ by moat MUlliml. Th" main
","olutionary fo..,e II. dMI", .mong mlddl".da," prof"..ion"ll. ItU'
d",," .•nd Inlen"",,,.11 to ...1.b1lIh \\'...tem·llyle pa.liame"tary d"mQC' in tbe Ottomlltl1'urk.lsh Empl....
At Ihilli ...... Ihe "'llion il a political. IU1Ilfllllc. and economic boo:;kW\l'
Ie•. None of tbe g.real impe.lal pow".. of Ih" wo.ld "'llud It U WMlI!.
Ihlmbleofblood booinglpUled. I.... alo""oceen, of ,''' ""fr. TI-.. .... 'wo
Iiny jewi.h communiti.. in the l.nd 1IH1 known N !'ai I1"". On" coolei ...
U1Idltlonal. extrem"ly obMtrvlltlt Jewl who. politically ""tl ly qui..l.
"""I. Th" IM:Ond . ......", Im"ner. coollou of w"lrdly Id liltic d ~
jewllh Int"llectuoll from lhe CZlInll IbUli"" Empire who drol&m of turnIng
Ih"rnsel"... Into fann..... but ere mlklng I b..J job of il. Apan from rh"
ulUlI banditry. the IIllMl il ~fui ""d h... heen for hundredJ of)'"n. No
on". including the liny comlDunity of l"wilh .....tJen. fireArm thalthll will
challJl" for 8"""",Uonl. (At Ih" 'im". David IlfIn-Gun<Nl. who would
bfIcom" 1......1'1ll"""1 founding falh.... Nplred 10 becom" e m"mboo. of In
Ottoman Thrkilh parli.m"nl in I.tanbul.)
Th" Dnomen Th,klsh !::mpi_lh" "'lIion w" callth" Middle Eel!
todoy-illightly popul.ted. Poverty Iiterribl" ""d u"i"oroat Health
.."e" by ,h" poor Am"nc.n Ind Euro.-n stlndlrdl of Ih" dly. II .bom.". E""" lmalJpox il still quite cOmmOn. Public Hnit.ry lland.rdl
,,'" nonuiltenl. infant and child IIIM1.lity .. t...... Iky.hllJb, 111.m.1 I
mUglon il ""c..p1Jon.lly quiucenl. palli"". IltId luboervient to thll poUI.
IcoJ authority of IIlI OtIOflllltl ThrkJlh o"",I<",w. The fllC! that tb" Otto......
",I".. in Cooltantinople .... lultanl. and tbllt<lfo... ",Ie rbeir "..t

Bnq Back lhe OI'......n Empl...

empl...-rnon .h.n h.U I.....1... 011.... Roman Empire .1 11. grMteot

men._lbIolul. poIl1lcal elDl"'fOI'I>. i.o far _Imponant to their lUI>-
jIcb lban 1M fact lhIt u..,.11m IIDbody thI hl..... rellflou- lutborily
ill blua.
In Plltooll.... 1hI tily ut............ i.o • ' - "_ _........... rot III ucep.
UmaI bMIi.y from If. IIld itolXCllpt........ fUlb and flO'Wly....... by
,..;on.l .......t.rd.. up ~ A hIDdful of fewUh pU,pilDl ex.- .....,.
,... '0 ...... ill u. ........ lotid lilly ill from of u. ivt. . -=to.
IW'I Will oftbelt ....::Mol•• IIDp.. .,.,pouJICI. J-uM bIo ' - UDdfIr
.be fi..... UlIyMldlnc Turllih yoU lor ar- four buadl'lld pus. Notb-
i"I bIo dIIJlaed. ~ i l _ will _eN....
1'_ rotwud. bundNd ,...10 IIw ~I. E ~ bIo cb......
E-rthI.. bill .1Iw oppoli_ ut wball. _ • century beIoR. How
did lbb hlppen.and wi.." 1 _ obould w. obould ...... from 111

OUomans ezlt. Instability and strUe enler

for Ihi JIIII nlll-'y YIUI. I.... dellnlng of' .... Middle EI.I
hll boon polillclllln.l.bili,y. Euro~ oolnnl.lempl,.. which broughl
't.hlll'y 'n OIher plrt. of the world. h.d lUll••,... dyln. effect here. The
blyd.y of Brhl,h .nd lhe French dOJ:nlnlon over ,he "'lIlon luted only
'wenty·ro... reu-nd thl. indudfod World Wlrll. By 19515. their pollt·
leal .nd -.:onomlc: lnn_ hid beom ellml...ted from irIn.lnq. Syril.
)ordo.n. 1 I.i.Ibu>on. IDd fcypt. 8y 11iIlI2 ,"" f-.dl ...... .,.. from
AJaerio II 11. wh..... lbl)' bid I - . £or ....... lbIn t:tO)'Mr1. And the
ItIiiIIto hid ' - in Ut.y. .. brieny thIt if you blinked you would hi...

..;.ed , , - . However briM. EutopIan ..... _1Iw Middle EMt _ .....

Ia tbllat...,. ,.... SyriI_ rucbd by ,....,. pul-I\nb utioruoIiot
1Iw freDdl. &Dd u.. Brililb .bed 10 put down • fuIl_ _
. . .1"'- '" lrlq ond wldowpo_ na.iJII ill £crpl. IJDd. Britlth ",.. IRq

and tC1pt (\be lWO _ popu~ .GIIlloN In lhol ""lJk>ol1 Ita·
hie. _ ~. .,.d. M P-"- 'J"luou&houl tIMo 19:zo. and 19*
_<douo poIlUcalln rwirled -.-\be Bridsb ", __ cit.. tho 10caI
rulers..... tIMo putlalDea.wy "--::> 1...wJed by !boo Brilifb. In
obon. W~ allempb: 10 im~ lhol Middle Eas1 Wlod. WMI
wwbd ia!bot Am«Ic:aa, Africa. DO" lhol oI.w. did _ wuri< ~
In tIMo 1 - ' tIMo P-'l tideI at""lI.W. .em ,I·I"'~iII ............

....-epI all u.- OlImlpt. iJIcompMlIDl. quuI· liamenluy ry8l1lllll .w.y.

Tber w... tIIpUad by,.lrnef V-l bapll af AM
lh. _
inlellM:lII.I_lh. Pu.di.. of
I, . th. Sovlel Union. Soci.lill dict.'OI'Ihlpol
A Book You're Not dfldl...,ed-fll l/lfItlln lhllOry-lnlllll' ....v.

I/' Supposed to Reid m._
inllh••I.ndud of livina of Ib" PM".nl
w IMl.llfld in Egypl. AII".b.
1hr lillffltikt 01 h Mldctt &lit, /9N-IllJof
Uby•. y.m Sr.i.....d l.ooq. £typl.
by Hcldrd M. s.dw; Now 'Alrt ~ A.
bow....... npOl1.d Inllflbilily 10 much of
ltqIf. I96'l M ~ and f. 100 IiItko
\be .., oflhol ..pen 1'bn:JuAh lhol Ill501
IMd iJiIibry and polibal hI$KIry oIWond
...d 'lOtI. Syrto ...d ..... could aOl ...-
w. I and al; aftennott'l in !til Middlt Em.
fiod • COIIIPfIl-I diclalorial ....;.li. I,..
~ ... .,tIw ....... oI!t11

-. leal lO IIablli... u-...lY& By the 19'1011,

they 8...n)' did. but tIMo ........... 1..-.1
of lonll.. and op~loIIltuu .....-ted

.nythill3 thol Ott_til bfId _ e d lo ueepl whea Ih.,. w...

_lIy IDMI. In u.. finI dM:fllifl at u.. lWflO'y.f\roI cenlury......... lhll dllbi·
DIU brMthl"llll""'" of It.bilily w.. IlAr1I".lo brMk down.
By conlrUI. lh. OI1<>"",n Empi",luId ",led lb. whol" vUI region fur
fnll' hllndrNl y"", Th".. wu no•. no Reforlllilion. no
Indu.trl.lltevulllllon. no .teady proceu of imp..,......... nt .nd ditlCOVer}'
In lIIedldn•. h)1:l_. III publJc hNJlh. After I hundnld y...,. .. lh. mool
powerful ...,plN-IUU. in lb. world Ihroup the .ixleenlh anlllry. lb•

_plre entend , men thm mr-huadnld·ye.r proceN olloat- 11ow __
_ Ie Uld ",111...,- del;1ine 10 tM bnwllns- dpwDk ...1ioIUI of
EutOpIIIO tIM ....,h_. In.1l thol timo, tIM OIt_ _' aIOtt",l_ tM
..poa ther llMt ~ II liabtniaR I~ iA tIM lint two .leo . . - 01
tIM li.ct_tI> e-t1UY _ ...... -'<JuI1)' cbalJeoted &om within, it
...... fill...... W'-' It _ 1 0 aIOtlrOl.litlt tM . . - ODd Pi II _
bl.1i1J. lIM 0 1 . - 'flub pr<n"8d for IU""'" 10 tIM Britl" uod tho
f..-:!lln lIM finI IMlf 01 tl. _Ootb _...,. ODd 10 tho ~_
.scm... who ........... u-. WhII _ their_T

The secrets of Ottoman success

w'*' Poft...... uplorw \'uco do c.n.. found • _1rIdo I'lIUt. 10 tIM
_ ...,..nd tho _them end of Africa. IIJId OuUtopher ColumMIIJtd
hl,I........10<1 round n... t.... N.w World IIJId then the wlY IO"llU the
hdRc~ bM;k to the old one. the Mlddl. tNt boocame. slobll block·
w.ter ovemlPl. Thll pro,rJdeo:! opportunity (or tho OItOmIIJIl. IIJId they
mlfll8'Jlllt maet""'"lly. 111&... wef1llh"", key '-:tOTS.
Flrot. th.y WfII'1IIoaoI,. Second. they ....... unerly. ", Ind con·
liltently ruthl Third. th.y ,nted only I qui... IIf•.
BelnSlocol1 hu h.d .I y conquered Ind ICfQI.I lhe
Mlddl. EIIt for half. millennium before they nn.olly came to Illy In the
..ny .bt"""th century. the Ottoman Th,u bI.... tM n.lPborhood I lot
better than th ...... otl b-eelllW]' IUperpowllfS IVer did. Th.,. did not
thlnk cepltallsat and _IC) would IIOlVI all lIM Middle Eut'1 prob-
lemI. u A..-ican Id_UIlI &om Woodrow Wil_ 10 c.o,. W. BUlb
Ill.... And tINy did ...". m- tbot lit' _ .DaI1sat (Aocb
• tho So¥Mu J*ldled) would do II . . . .
Even tho Th,u' _pllll. lDdiJIerIoce to lbo . .tlrill wIU-bti", of
their AIb;IctI pley.l1O their ~ Illd _ I _ _ 01 their ••~_

Tbey did DOl o l - aboul bulldlnc -.n. cIamI. or tcbool.J .. lhe
Ilritidl ...d f'Nncb dicL IU .....11. popuIatioa .......inMllow. aDd tJoar.
_ _ • baby boc.- ttI...,,-.
--.cI-.d', t ... _""'""'IlI ......
p1IKi,. throu&h the _ . "-,Ii "1\oot.;. fIl home!"
AJ>d .... If u... bad '-" _ NII'-. _plie J'OUIIC pIIOplot to
&I'" wbaa .....t.lhal crilial tba .... k' ,ed an......... 1\on.w.
repul..IOll for oooal.. eni. -.::1'- ,I,upl. when -,_IJ' cUllld
would ho... _red IbM the mobt ....)"'d at bomt or. If lhty ..........IIJ'
""'ermined 10 ",~and pluncl round the opportunily 10 do .. by Ioln·
Ina the 'ull.n·, annlet WI .
How.v...., rD' ,lIlhelr capaclly fur me",I1"". ,l.ughte•. Ih. Ouom.n
1\ork. won nev••, .fle. they WDn Ihelr.mpl.......lenll"". con'lueron or
genocld.1 m,,,deren Ilke Adolf Hille••nd /oMlf SI.lln. Unlike Hill..
and SlIlin-or SIIddtm Huueln. th. 0 ... mod... I\nb rul. n 1 to
beina .uch. 100alileritn m"""I......-IM lult.a-aliph. did DOl an
eadl ",Ienll_ .ppellle for blood. In.. oae who came c1_I.
Abdul Id II. 10'110 -... .teI Ana... l.... and BulpritM .....
"'Iy. _ .1Io_oftbe _ hlnlllOlad byw ao..of
-.ffideoc:}'. -J
n.iI _ tbt Ihini _ ttllh.tir ~ tbty left welJ ..............
IuId ullllW lhe 8ritiIb In puticul.. IMy did _ mab tIM ..ltI.IU or
........... ......,.. tbMr "''+'d' and \lDdefifttd ~ or fletdom and
walth t"'ll"'" could allYlM' been abl.lo rutfillia rour bWldrtd
OU"""'" 1\orklsh .ull -allptt. up wllh ...ythll18
Illu1 Magno. Ctru. I'" Atl.ntJ.c Chart•• 01' lh. ConMilu!lon oflhe Unhed
SI.t.... Thai wu why they luled 10 I",,..
II .110 helped th.t televl.ton h.dn·t been Invented yet. But If h h.d.
Y"'" can bel the old .uhlfl-aliph. would b.o... luIpi' l!&ht (Vip on II. No
CNN .....H.,..." for lhem.
~1na1ly. for a1llhe1r JI.tUl .. a11eot CIOIMl~. lite .ulttnl were Mu.

lim. and lhey .... bodied the caliphtt--"t lI.lhty ...... W1denlood 10

Brine tho Qllomaa Emplno

be !he I~ 10 Muhommad's polillcallllihority. So Ibey ...... 001

nlilloos Ill.... 10 _ oftbeil SIIbjed.. And they I*, undontood ..
\be Brillsh aft.l..... .-toIioly did not-thlll poIitlali owriordo Ihroush-
IIIlI k'_k history __ UJIKIed to Yep the n1ljpo11s ...~ suictly
lD Une. fl-"oal or nliplus upnuicm wu hvoQ("~to tbe sulwo- •
caliphs aDd 10 d..... SIIb;er:to (00). So ... boo \be Brilish dedi. to micro-
. . . . . 1ocaI nlipous po I....... \be ...r... p'DIllOdo IbM _ Corisciu»
Ilwr ahould ..... Islam aloa.. Ibis _ i• ...,w,Iy hll.,...... by....,.
MldcIJ.Eul P"f"'11"1on ~ Briris.h CXODUOI_ • .... 01. k ..u-
I"'" fMnd.shlp and Iolennoo. That helped upLola..IDD. why \be British
1MlfId ........... Ii........ _ioa in lbe nelpbotbood.
n..OI1omaa. ..dtans hod \be ......... dcnm. BII1.11_plreo Q'\l.lnble.
ond Ihls one was bmuahl down by I",ndy WOIlemllMlon Ind .....oem

The curse of modero/ly
19no.. noo. Ipllhy. and squalor nuoy boo" '-0 .be pm.... of 1M Olloman
Empi.., bul Ihe ....Ilh was 10"8·lellioglllbllily lod trooqllilhy. Thl
empt ... 's downf.lI was brought 'bolll oot by lhe h"ldtoul dotop Oflhl
big, bAd W...lom Impl..... but by 11>1 Illlody IhDl'!llghted_ oflhe1\u1<o
th_I~_p""lflCllIy, of I"" handful 1"""'3 them who had.....t \V""t-
.,.. boob of polillcal thought Ind madlthe .p....lllng ml.t.k. oll.king
them Mriously,
In 19Oe. lh. flral .nd gMt""t coup 01 half. CItIlllry of Mlddll East
_po, otripped Suit... Abdlll Hamid U III eoa... nl!nopla of the absolule
.......... be bed .. joyed lot ..-. tbao thiny r-ro. Abdlll Hamid _ nato.
rioo.oI 1ft lb. \V.t for .ppr'D'"lns borrlflc 10"11 • • 01 lb. Cbri......
Amw!1aa DOIIIIDlInilJ in the~ iD 1119&. When ....... p ofl.,.....lly
idullslk, ....iouIly _lat, aod W ,....... _y off. ... ttrlpped
Id-. of his po-. 10 not ...1on.1l""+'*i 1IbInllD"lIao;tualo aod pIIII"'
diu.,.... Eul'llOpeaod AIDlWiao .ejoOced __ They .... WJ'DD&._..-I.

Tbe Youna 1\uu, .. the offICerS QlIod lh.mNlv... wen tbot prola-
In- rot IMlImen.ble .Ian.. W..I..ool'tna llbttal cliq_ that would
.p..-d unlold oulferi,. and honor oa-. the Middle Eat t.....11 ..
ADa. Ahiao lMia Am.ial_ tbe DUI,. Fill' izI tbtIr flU-
.......te .,tb 1um 10 _ulate the I"l""W of lhe Weet .. quid.l., .. pi»-
.ib!\eQt _pl_ ..... _ I , indeF I "-"I fonDer "Okelal ...u.-
&lib pound their ...,....- mto \be tr&iDill( .............. of _ ..
led by ~tabl •• Wett'rni.c! )'UUII( omeen. They n..· t10Ppod to
reentelh.t rhe m they ebendonod the ."d""l CUtlOllUl and Itripped
.uch h.hll. and I.. int. from Ihelr n,'" .nned forceo. rhe S_t,t
would be th, IIk'lIhood tn.t the arr<J8&nr ,nd .mbitl..... young offke..
ml&ltt tll,n Ih,lr ,littering b.yon..u 'nd_
I.tu.........hlny n_lanu otI their o"'n ram·
• .
A Book You're Mot sh..:kle p<>lItlcel overiotlb.

\... Suppo.... 10 Rod Th. Thru did It before .nyooe .1...

The . . . . of the FO"P .... a )'00"1 offl·
........ it1 Jbrxrd t, ""'"' T_ MIneoII. cer....-l ' - I I En (k-.. II En...
"". o-r ...... 800b.lOOl for , .....s. Pube. belli( nk of hexMlr).
dai 'j,dlUll'oddtht-oclrk·~ En... lJ ....kMwl> In Weet. . eir-
d tht pe:1IlleI d tht .... EaI ~
tht blI,lNd 'Netem ~ lOt 111ft
c" toda)'..-.pc lor ........ ""....... of
~ 0 ItiI nortW'c bmtt. ~ • Wilhln Ihree pen of M11i.. pow...,
_ Toste how _.fllllik ...!hclur
En,.... b.ed foIIaht tluwl ..... In lhe
wmalion, ~ Kicrn. and '" the Baluns In ..hicll tiD)'. parv,nll Bal.... n
~ r,"~ ......arloond'" u-0Nl natlonJ lIt1pped Ih, ,mpl.. of .nclent
'MOt, MM!. thc:oJId It¥! here. pmvh,,*, It h.d h,ld for more rh.o flve
hundred y......
Wh p....loua (ltlom.on ",I,... f..:I08'uch oetbecu n.d bettn .bl,
to .. Iy rhel, tradltlonal ally. the 1It1lllh I::mpln. the landeaIp" .... dU.
fermlln tbe 1901& 8y 1908. 8ti1.m b.ed '-I'fuUy lined up with france

Ind 11"••11 in Ih" nipl .. Enlenl.. 10 conlaln Germany. whleh. with th..
8J"l"1 lIlamarcllong .i""" d ...d. 10'11 no 1000000r .hy II........
10 th.. euL m,m.arcli; had d...,1anld that nothing in th" Balun, 10'11 wOrlh
th" bon... of a .ingl.. d.. ad Pom","n;..n gr"n..dl"r. 8m Ih" m.. n who
_"tld hIm u chlnCflllor. Kol""r Wilh..lm ll. didn't la"" lhatedvlOll. H..
had vi.ion.ofhlm...lf ..... modem-day Napoleon bringing
and progrelS 10 Ihl.lumbering Ea,I. ThollO'il I I bo.d an id... for. Ger·
m.n ..mperor 1$;1 would prove 10 be for 1.I..r U.S. p.... ld..nll. be
lUIm... \VlllOn. Corter. Cllnlon. or B".h.
Und.. Wilhelm. Cllrm.ny -'ltIed Inching dOler 10 Ihe Ottoman
E:mpl..... bm wu ....pelled by lbe corruption. """ ve..i.,.,. of 111..mlc
rimal. Ind obvioul foundering military incompetence Ihal embodied
Abdul Hamid" reglml.
By contnul. 1M Connan ulMlr and hil""nerall loved t.... no-nonoe""".
(apl"' ....nllyl v;rlle Young 1\,,1<1. wllh lheir dyn.mlc. go-gattlJ13 n.. w
idOl'. II proved. marriag.. mad.. in th.. inf..rnal regionl.
In the ,i... y...... ft.. r tl108. th.. Y....J13lUrb moved .I ....mubbl... ~
Inlo Imperl.l Gernumy·. comer. aven IhOUjh It m"",nl m.l<.lng common
ClUfe wilh Iheir n,oal ..nd.. nl th.. Catholic Chrl.U.n m"ll;-
nalional ..mpl .... of AUllri..·Hungary under Ihe rule or Emperor I'rall%
The Young Thru h..d no lim.. for th.. fuddy-duddy old ....ligiou.lradl-
lloru ..nd cuOlOlnllh..1h..d d..fined lha H.Il:.bws Empi..... like thai. own.
for 10 long. Hut lib lhe Hablburgo. Ih..y loathed lhe tiny...ggrelllv...
1i""",lIul.. llftlion"'lal'" ohha B..lboa lib poiaon. And Ihey hoped Go..
o,..ny would I""" care of Ihair m",,1 dlnge...". enemy in mod"m lim....
Ihe vosl czari.1 ..mpire of lI.uooi.. 10 Ihair nonh.
So IlUt u Nuur fifty y..... l..ter would fltefully th......· hi. lot in wllh
!he Sovlol UlliOll and embark on I policy ofmllitary buildup and avanlual
w..r again", neighboring lnaal, Enver Puha ambnced Imperlll Germlny.
H. imparled GermluI mllllal)' M1v'-t to InOdemlu h .. own .....y and
e<nbarUd OG • cou. . or CODfronIltic.- .iIW ... ~ be wl'OllllY
~1.obl _ _ ....t<W ..ko ....

World War I could han skipped the Middle East

1n>nlr:alJy. I'" on- £m.pitloould ..u, hive ....,... """ of \'lurid Yo.
[!under!be v_lIy ... perior. wiN 1MdenhJp orbmM 1noou. 1'IIr"-)' Ia. .
•t.,... out of world W.,. Ill. Tb. lpark thll _ off lb. WI' .nd .he.
dMtroyed Euruplt dldn'.....v. 10 .pnIMI to the Mlddl. F.aot-..d If no! for
En"",', 00"311"3. It wouldn'l h,v•. Archdu~. " ~·Mdlnand.lh. fl..

b..,llhlng Ind ext",m"ly unpl ...... nl h"l. to the H.hol",'ll Empl... wu

.hot dead on I vl.11 10 s.nievo. copltll of lh" pl"O\'lnce of DoInl, end
H ~ . by an ldMlllllc l...,..'t thll)' aliI fa_Ie roun& Itudenl.klll.,
<:aIled Gevrllo Prindp.
The _iJul.1oa ~ coliJ for we, la I'" hlJbeot !lIlU....,. ... d
imperial dld_ 111 \/Manro. llfIrIia. and Sl. ........... I'Janz JoMpII _
100 old. CAr Nkhol.eo Ii quite limply 100 Itupld, and ....... Wil. . . . Ii
_ ...u. 10 IIop .a.-
But !be Y....... Ttub. fu all ....... ..m.-.atr-maa ~ .. mil·
l....,. ed~. bed 1>0 .... t, obIip1loa1 to Ilny oftbe feudi"3 naliocu.
Ea.....d bed been !heir Indllioaal ally for monlh.aa 120)'Mn Ii_
lb. d.)'I of Prime Mlal.... Wiltl.... Pin I'" YOUJI8OI"and had .....,;1 1M
_pi",'. bKOOI or> mon lhoo" one oc:culor>. And !::osland ....... lned...
n"n EnvM und.....lood. Ih" dnml ..enl nn.1 pow... In Ih. Medlt.,·
TIt'1n WlIlllon OIurchlll IInt"red the plclu",.
[n the "l,h, r-n from 1911 to 1922.lh,,", w.,oom".hlng flt"fully
Iuopl_ ebout lhe ""'... brlIlilnt, UK! dy... mlc Winoton Churchill when•
......, b. had 10 d..1 wllh 1'Iltby llIld... I.. rul..... old .nd . - . In ell or
most at hi. ",her .....1. . wilb 1M Mlddl, Eaol. be proved ~lo;.

decld.... yl.loBary. Iotaoful, ....d ... ea
_1onaI1y ript. But w.h.:wver il _ The Fruits of
10 doeeI.l,. with the lUrb. he atweyo m" Revolution
wodentood tbem and ....... them ...-I.
All pt.r1 ollhM. &rIIbitiouf modeml. .
tloD ~. the lUrb hIld oro.'Id two
.... ~ t '-tIledtl~ from the hood nl,..lcIIl,. 'lftl. Gtftb. AAk Jrws.
country mwt f.",..t for bulldl", .udI nl " ' - aibl.H Ndl 0l!leI ~ Iht
thl ...p. In 11l14. CburchlU .....1111 finl U/fttl. ~ ~ 1IlHl-.p. ~ joinf ~

lord of the M1mlnJty. ,he dylllan heM! of -.."

Snl.lln'. f.bled RoyIoI NIIvy, .tlll by f.r ,he Now..,j M. Sachar, 1M
Ie'll"' end moe, powerful In the ,.,."ld. lmrllfIK,ofrh.MiddfI
Ont.I .... 10 Churchill'. InCf3Y end EoJ!. on tht YOIIlII Turk
public .dyoc.q, had. powerful .uper!. ~ution of t90I in

wily OYer the Imperiel e-men HJsb SeN Corcslllllinopit

f1eM. and ber .m.. franco end "''''''' ~!JWIrJnl'(~GWin'

.... . - . the worid'. lledl", lUIy.1 _.mlHnl.pootldt,tIor~
po...... well Sril.lln ClflaI... ly dldol -.:ufJllll III poIod(Jl apJIOIitln _ _

- . I 10 Mlze the IWO OttomanlY...... .-"

l\I.rlt benlelhl~ bei,,& built In 11.1 .alp'
,....... It could qu>etly ...... concluded
_ _ kind of oampmllliioo '*'1 wllb
Ca<ut.nllnopl. in which. the ohl~ w...
either held in llrililh porto until the end
of the connlct If the ThrkllF"d to .tey nlut..l. or, If d....n Into e..y
connic! ,.,l,h 'heir immoole,.. lIeljhbon. 1101 to uM the .hl~ .geln"
either 0.1Ieln 0. ~·. . nce.
1""lId, Churchlll hnmedletely went mecho, HI <m:ler'ld Ihe bootll.
obJpt Mlmd fOf Britain'. Ilayel NeY)'. In wbJch they pi'Ond to hlyel...
, ..... IIllIar <:eNAt'I. IleecIloa ICl'OIIthe Ottoman EmpIN, ...d 1101 jult
- I the dominant nub, "II Immediet.. Prot_ meetl"ll" ...lnll

BriUoin w_ beld Kl'OM tbe .."pi.... The YOWlI TIut. nLl.... lbanod u..
""Inp. lArman dlp.......u U. CoIuclUltlnop" ..W rbe nd
otJoor.d to..p.e. IhI _ _ MttloMhipt'''' _ h i It.. thl n,. ,.. .
ment .... ","II. an,. c.nnan wualUp ..,..,.10 e-.... iliIop u..
British aDd f'l'IIIICh ,,* _uoU.:llbI M . d i ' - .
... u.. .,1,. Ipri of 19U. bow_. Chun:hilllUld h..lo brillJaoI bul
wildly u.. lUlbl. cider 0' Brililb .... VIII openliono.. F"1nI S. Lord job..
~1oock1II~ f'1,ber.• IIIfllIl...-nln hy"".-pt;c: nillC-S"'ni ... who
hlu-.d Brit.ln wu tIM lwllriblll of ......1. _ with I_P-
inlllhllnidon Ind OY~ hlul. oqulldfOlll of lb. Imperlli Germ...
NI.,. from th. _ . And in",f., u t....y micromllllse<! BritisholYII dl..
"""IUolllto bolli. up Ih. German bIIl1l. crull.... GoMIIn ....d lJ,....lou In
the MedlllllTln...... , Ih.. y mIIdIIl huh of h.
At 011. ,".. ,,,1 mom.ot. Reu Adminl EI1MII Troubridge. thll Brlll,h
oq...tfOll .-.muwloIr off Ib. .""lbIIl1Illp of nlly. bIId lbI 10 InIp
lhII Goeblen inti &.loll by ...Iioni,. • bllevr c::rm- III eit.lMr llIld ellho
Stnoil or M_IAL bw.-.d. bII pili botIo the aui...s at tho . . - ..... aDd
.ue-.d thee.- .-.....hlpt'to.u 0111 .. 0 - c' ...... !bIIot'-lIDd. Oa
A. . . 10. 11114. the ~, l..t ....y in tbebllrbnreltbeCol_
Hom II CouwIllDOp". brinain& with bM. II Churchill 1.01.. w""*.
o..told .. Ii..,. and IUffm for lbe P""P- or ibII EMt. Gullnnl'" •
ItrOIIt ""n1 bellO rep tbe "nJ.hipt' Britain bIId --.s.En..... .ad
lbI YOlIlIiI'I\ub ......iIIu,,, their fal.ful IIllillncl with GIro:w>y. Oa Octo-
bin 30. 19H. lh. Onomln Empln jol""" lb. world war---iind lhenby
end"" thllQltltlln.·lo... ,lumboo. oflb. Mlddl. Eut..

Galllpoll: Underestimating the Turks

At rU'lI I' _mtKi 1b.1 MYI... '1M OUomln Empl.. on thlli. lid. would
bI ...... of IlllbUlly to tbe GermanI ...d Ih. A............ lban ... IIdVltl·

tap. TbtIllritl_h in poorticutar w,..., .... to knoct. th, _pi,. OUI of lhe
...... with. coupi, of boid m__• elld th., w",. .ure It could" done.
A hutlly ptbtn<l force from the Illdian Army WII ""I to Ilure and
ItIrttd the 10q_IOlI up the 'f'Isris Riv. ",U.,lAd tlttoli&h the d - '
-..d 1ltPdtd. h followed tur:lIy the route tbtt tlot U.S........
...... would .... wilh coatidtnbly 1' • 6lan .;ply-e;pl
,.... lot,. i. 1003. llut that W ·I -.p for O" ;hlll. wlto m tbe
Ipri", of lIllS diNl;ttd hio Medit edml..11 to tIJ' to force tIM of the Dvdtntl. . to Ibtt thori. n..t could all throu&b ...d pul
Con..enllnopM. tbt v-t- cily or the Otl...... Eaplno." tbt ~ of
ill be",)' ......1.......

Aft.- , _pit 01 halft.-r1ed tttempb thtt .cIrievtd _h!"l.-pllo

...., the TurlIoh .......... tbrI maiJI "'-plIO lool;a I'" lloo'dtnMl. took
pItct ... Man:h 11. tillS. ThY _ ~... ChurchlU ........I..t in hil
book TIM I\brld OW" 1911-1918. lhe rom, bold..l, and bell .... y 10
b>or;k the Otloman Empire quidJy oul of tbt w... lhouslt it il dotJbtful
tht. would ho......,.... RUlli. or brougbllA . .Iy end \0 IhIt oI."5!>I... in
Europoo, '" h, .nd hlJ admirers would lll.r mllintlln. BUI .. It w..,
Chun;hIH w.. undone. II he w.. to oft"" in I~ d.ys. by hll own ""...
<:nIbi. cbolce In Ihe odmirell he h.d etH-n for hJsb com......d.
Th, 'llacklrtj A"llio-French belli, n..1 hlt mlneneld_ In lhe ..,iy
Wll_ of the DanlaneU......d i.. repld _.--Ion three belll..hlp" w....
...nk. The fruolrliion of hoYl"ll their h..., beltle neet luperiorily only,
few ICOII mil.. from the capital of ConItPtlnopl•. the I.lluflriroa d..-m
city oftbe Eut. w.. 100 much for the llrillth W.. CrIbiDtt. Lon! Kilch·
_ . lhe brul.l, enerptlc. ...d widell llrillob ....... mlnlll.... _ ali for
....11,. -'011 tbtGalllpoli i....'..... Iwwp it """ofme:- pootky
bett "'" Ibn either ad .....-lend 10 taU CoaI""liDopl....
ftDa11101*' the 0l0niMMl the ~couIdailtho! ... O"..cbIU_
......ho fortbt idee- Nllim.ofthoom . 1 to ...... bodoered looI<i....

TIle ,..lillcall, I.c.......,t G"ldet. the lliddle E..,

o relief mop. The Gollipoli p'lOin_"la w........n w...... '.,rlIDl)' fD" .luw
infantry ad...anClllhan w•• ,ha W""tem I'l"Onl.
NohM' o."J'ChHl nOf a.,yo"o 01.., 8""" any thoushllo Iho I'roblem_ of
londing 0 hugo amphibio.. _ fo""," "8ain.l.n .".my ann"" with modom
w.. pon•. Tho Brl'ith, Aust",li.n. and Now ZMlAnd onny thai """,,,uhore
on tho bMch"" ofGollipoli 0" Aprl12S. 19l5. wu I"OwOO largoly by hond
in woodun whooe lid.,. couldn·t stop 0 .Inglo .30J rino bullot. 1'1>0
wat"", olf1M botch.,. ran thick with hlood. No""" ~ .u-mod of 1M
kind of oftl"lOl'tHl .•tool...IOOd. powurod londing crofl. or la. thai the lIrili.h
.nd American. w<>Uld u.., fot all,hol"uCCMlful a",ph.ibiOUIlandinglIn
lhe Eutopean and pocir", th""'te.. in World W Il.
OnCllosboro.thero wore many"",", unpl nl IUrpri_ in .Ior". Tho
hoooch.. we", fa' lmalle' and narrower ond Ihe hill_ and dlffl_trelching
ahove Ihom fa, higher and """P"'" than moot of the beech... and hill_ on
tho D·Day beech... of Nonnandy. ',,,,b hldn·t been In"'ented yet.
100un::hill in flCl would hl...e 0 maio' and fAr hapl'l.. tole in de...eloping
them lOOn.} The British and Anuco/Austroliens I"d New Zealande"l
we... comm.nded hy In lnoompelenl,wH. Gen"rol SI. lin Hamilton (I
ChuJ'ChHl ",,,,orlle). while the Turko. who were fighti"g for lhoi. hom..
land. wllfC 100 by one ohM S""'1...lleadero ond gonerol. i,,'bei, hiltory.
MUllefa Kemol. the min lolerlo be known .. Alatu,k. Ihe father of tbe
Kernal hed bee" in Ihe o.iglnol Young Th.k ......ol"lion.ry 81o"!'. bul
WOI quickly bypasHd by En"'lflnd hi, friend. u not heing inl.II ....1 u.1
enough and l.cklng a"ffielent "politb." (Uku 10 ",,,ny ",,,rdero,,"
Incumpetents afle. 'h....'. the Young Th.k. we,. Inobo.1 They thoughl
K"mlltoo Ib,atl"". too Int"llIgonl, Ind too "nwiliinglO na"o. tbo'"
aho"t tl>oi. uwn Ofllf.i"'ogined "go"I ..I." WhO! Kemol Ihought of the'"
CO" be concl ..ded from the dungtlOnlOnd 81110w.lo ,,·bleb he latoreon·
.18Jlod lhum.

Orl". .....,~ tM OIt'. .",.., EIIIpl..

Unlike I........ K_I a110 proved 10 be t","OOft .... w.... MnIlon ..........1
who could KtUIIU" win I "'*'" t.ttJe. Hft >nInt oa 10 w;" 10IA oftJ.m-
aod ...1..... I'" ..-1 n>o<Iern W_ent _ ....
K_I w • ..Iv;_ by GenMaI OtIO UIIl&JI von SandMs.• brilliant
Garman . - . 1 01 JewU;b ori&iD d;Rutl" ..1011..1 101M family who

E"""'" C"ftl' ~ ftrit Pi'.um 10 thM 01 GarllIIl AbcIeI ~ In lcrPt

hill' • ctIltl.-)' liIal.b HIssef. u-1fcI I I"'l' cro.c> oIlllIitary oIfI.
em who np<Med 'fIIW, IdNlistlc, 1Ilml"fOlNllflc palItlCllll<lfl<n and
who wm ~ . ~-htroftwlltn ltley sNelllO"'ft. but who
,"lly dOl) ha'<'f IIlJ ide. willi 10 do flUI.
~~.II INII. II flllt tool< ener~ IItpS to Hif l!lt IlIClellI' 1lnInc1il
IIld ft\ldll ~ IIld ~I ~rc oIl!lt pool frIlt1IWI. Of PfISWl" of
l!lt Nilf Delli. En'o'fI dkt!., evfI\ II\IIII&f to do Nlliff he Wil
1ddic1t<!10 , ..... Iort&. ffI<Aeu ~ to his IdofIf'C pIilllC but <lII<lIinfd
«ClllOIIIlU and IOtI'Id ~ ~.and he dldn~ ha'<'f i cIuf '-'
to ..... Of . . . . . . Nt «¥lI1)'-which ~'t IIC1Il lin from ""'.... 1IId
hculdrclnfo tlIIf thoIf who did.
Lllt' I (OrnbNnOn 01 Fftd. bl fOI ~ and whit he
l!'IotlfIl- u- st\.II'bled Info fides fomalt-'-
Ilul fOI all M lrllp9Uc> oIlMldo;>tul)1Ild . . . . dtoc.ltt _
/lcIpflfou II 11'. ...... Of ~ PlIt$ in r9 .., ltIIIlltt _ II «0-

Sanders rushed reinfurQ'lmenlS up 10 Gellipoli and kepi Ihe allied furall
oollled up on Ihe be.oChM. The alliM, ap"".h...ded hy Ihe AUAll1Ilin•.
made pauioruole elforu In .1""" Ihe cliff•. 11.11 C1.Iimi....led In the clinuoc-
lie 1>II1I1....t Suvle B.y from Augu", 6lhrough AuguAt 21. 1915.
In The World en,;" Churchill depiclllh.1 I>IIttle I I the m"ll" of Fate.
Had 1M Au.tI1Illam l.en able 10 hang on, had the Britl.h II"nel1l11 mon·
o8'ftd 10 galhe. on<>thOl' comp""y d. Iwo of t"",p". and had the Wu Cobi·
nel in London .oow" IU.I I little more """koone, he argued. the beighlA
It Scimitar Hili would have been held, It would have t-n a downhlll.
all·lh...way ,weep 10 Conotantinople,lhe.ll1Iit. would ha"" '-en opened
al il.I, Ind endie.., enormoul convoyA of B.iIlAh. French, and even
AmeriC&J\ munitionl would hlv" flooded 10 RUlli. to prevenl thl col.
lapH oflhOl C%Miet "noy Ind prevenllhe RUlli.n Revolution and a1llhe
hecotombll of death and .ufferillJllhal f)uwed from it.
The illue remain. In Importlnlone Into the Iwenly-first century for
U.S, policymlkers .. well I. hiAtorian••nd WI' hillory enthuAIIII•.
8'lr~ Plul Wolfowltz oerved I I American deputy defenoe _ary from
2001 10 2005, urgillJllhe Invulon of irftq. I I deln of the John. Hopkin.
School f06 Advanced IntemaliOllal Sludi_ in Wuhington he liked 10 lake
f.vore<l grlduate Aludenll onlrip. 10 t.~bullo Ahow Ihem how clOl"
Ihe Gellipoli Clmpt.lgn_nd Churchll1'A vi.ion......".me 10 changing Ihe
cou... oflwenlleth~turyhiAlory.
But in reality, wilhout I.nkl, troc-b, Ind the tactical doclrlne Ind
tl1linillJl 10 cony out rapid armored war. the Brill.h couldn't hoped
to .dvlnee It more Ihan" cl1Iwllnd th" Th.kI would have fought them
III Ihe wlY and kept them bottled up. AiAO, the thirty·mile Call1poll
penin.ul. COnlin"M wllh hilly, I1Ivine terrilory for milM beyond the
l.nding beach.... Winnlnglhe blttl"••t Suvll BlY Ind Sclmll •• Hill
would lUll have been the prelude 10 .."dl.... bloodblth. of thOl kind
already occurrillJl on the Weslern Front. And by the time Suvll BlY Wa.
fought In Augull 19t5, Ihe RUIlian lnoy hId .Ireedy iUlI millillno dead
011 lh. !!ul.rn Fronl .nd been fon:ed nul or Pnl.nd. 11110"'. colL.pN
by thea ..... ' ..... ll.w•.

usual 0/ Golllpoll
n. Brit.... ~ . Calhpnli in litIS."'" !be .udI_U_ _ -' 1::111
tlMt . . - J'Mf. tIIu&b1 '-:In. to Weol... Mllou.oout 1"11. . . .I. . .IM
Ia !be Midd18 EMt IbM ntk nonl now 1hluI _ .
"1m. local popul.l",- MtioIUI ion 1M ..poo Ioboukl no! be
"'P'lldor~_.,tju$l~u...,bo ... _ ...... b _ o r
b.....u..u of ,...... E...,. war It different. The Briti.h .nd lhe Anob
...tiom ~ y 1I........1.... led the JewU.b ~unll)' hi Paleftine
ill 11M1_llMll...... ~led Ibe EcYpI~"'" 1M Syriulo
ill 191].
Second. '-"_ ........ mlillcy aom.-igu: '*' be ...,.euylO ItIrt
b\u very ~td
10 .. op. Once you·reln. )'0'1 In .•nd. am.-lln I.k...
on. m.d life of ,.. own. wciJllJI In uni ined...,.,n:et u cu... hl...
_rMd,he doadlock lIaepenJ.l1>e Unl,ed S,.,. h.. been l... mlnl'~t

In lnlq.
Tbird. loul popul.Uonl tblt perform mllorobly In 'be face of One
Und of wor CIIn Ilrove r"nnldobly brllllln' In Innlber kind of conflict.
The Tur.... f.iled mllflrobly when they .Uempled openulonl
-.inll'hot Drltllh In Sln.i In llJ'~ .nd IIJIll.nd IIpln.t lhe
arollnd t..b Von. alit when they had 10 flllll. deren·
II... 11.....1. to proUd .nceo,,,,1 .t C.lllpoli. or 1.I.r
.lnIIlhe in ..... i... Creek army in Iltl()-lltll. Tu,kllh.-..nt IOldlen
proYfil to be lhe .pllOOl. of _ .... ,...lli_. f.IId lou,p_nd
!bey ... oa.
t'h.c ~ .ppli. 10 t ... enty·ftnl-..tlU)' lnq too. l'b.lnoqi _y,
_ I I 1M beltbl or I.. pow. ;"1"'. poond ........... lbelftll::k
of..... U.s. ..... allied .... oam_nded bye..-aJ Nonnan Scbwarz·
l;opf. h poond &quill)' helpleM opiM 1M liFtrtina Ihnuu 01 tho U.s.

I "
n.. "-IllI.allyla._ G~Id.ta tb. Itlddl. Eut

Anny and Marinel In th.. 2003 ""mpaign. Yat the ... me ooldlera had
foughtluperbly and a~fully .gainal iranian huntan W've anods In
th.. 1930-19"lIlnm.lraq Wat luala few yllllrS before. And wh..n il cam..
to a guerrilla war against U.S. fo""," wHh InFinil ..iy luperlor fI... power
from May 2003 on. th.. Sunnl Muollm lnourgento in Iraq proved 10 be
innovative. adapliv... rulhl"... and unerly ...lentl.....

Europe's "sick maD" has some teeth

For mOI1l than. cenlmy bero... lha.larl of World War l, the groal cruiat·
ian ..mpl .... ofE..rope looked .. pon the Onoman Empire u!.he "Sid Man
of Europe~_ roulng ediFi"" Ih.1 would collapoe If .ny feriou. pow"r
went to war "tIain,t il. Thia widflpread ,,"'umptlon l.y behind the
naively romantic belief among young Brill,h offiClra who ..lied off 10 t....
CallipoU campali" In 1915 that it would combine the epic heroism ofth"
Trojan War with l.... lI"lI.ntry and lriumplu of the Cruaad....
But the Briliab quickly lurned the hard way Ihet if the Otloman Turk-
iah f.mplre 101M a akb old man. it 101,," a aiek old man wilh leeth Ihat stili
delivered a n.aly bite.
Win.l0n o.urclllll·, vl.lonary campaign to knock Turkey out of the
war with a lingle blow wu drowned In blood. The Turld,h oona<:riptool.
dien led by Kem.1 foughl with feroclou, brav..,y and t .. ptlhe Britiah.
AlIOt",llan. and New Zealand divl,io,," pintled down OJ! their tiny bNch·
h....d. Laler the aarntI year. an Anglo-Indian a""y of to.OOO men led by Sir
o.arl... Town.hend mareho<! up from the Peraia" GulflO laU B."hdad
bul wea blocked by attong. unemlcipaled Ottoman rulat.n"". Town·
ahend. rather tban ...nalbly ""t"",1 back to lhe ..f".y of Kuwllt on th"
coalt. ",t atill for long, falal w....ko in th" lown of KlII whll" the Turko
aluwly hut al ...dily built lip th,,;r fore... and cut uff hla Une of retmat.
n... doubl" Brllilh humlll.liuni uf Calilpoli and K..I Ima,hood Iba old
myth ufthe w....k. COlTUpl, and cowardly old Turko. They plltthe Brillah

Brh'llllM:k ,he O"omon Empi...

on ,... dnr..... lv8. IkU... 1...1l wound.. 11 would be 'wo yean before t.r
Iarrr. betl« orpnliUld 8rilWl ....... otartfld tl» IMJorioIy luk of rolling
up lbe OtIoman Emp;... in the Middle Eut from I.. ""'I il•• drivi. .
lJlto "'~d ... from Ff;ypI and bKI: into It , 'P'•• mia, tr.q. from
8ull'" 8,,"WI d ....._ .. c.llipoll and Kul ~u.sbl U1Wpcwtan''''
_ 11M, 8ritiJ" pollcymaken quidly ror,n._nd ,1M, 'w","y·fin,·
....,wy U.s. policymolketw licqnc I.... Howenr t.clward Il»y ",isht
ouperf\dlolly IPPM' by \\'8$1..,. ,1aDdW•• 'belOdel:_ ohbe Middll
Eut ban. MreDCI". i....lily• ....t . .UieDce oflbeir own. ConquWi"C
the. end .-hapl. .1 ' - iJ 011..... t.r 1",'3'- job thUlll Ippeen .. finl

.......(hip", 1



Anb.IsnelJ confli,a ~ Im"!.a.n bood&...... _ - . Guess what?

T: II'. aboul ••t""8llle for ul.t1OllCa. 11Ie orl«IM of 11M

.M .....,
l~ U,1ll the ~-Worid W.. IlMp~l. . In m....pon. but
beyond lha!.tlMoommonly un<Ifntood bUtoryoflhlll connid III riddlnd
with politically comet mytlM ,nd m;aoonoceptlon•.
.-..:.dem"- and the media like 10 ... '1 Ih, .trir. bepn wllh tIM UIIW)r·
dlnary 1967 Six·OIIy War. and oonq.... oftheGIIZll Strip. I"" w"",
.. -
. . . ~/Ial
........ Ille
and tho PlIal"'IIM
B.ook. "".tem ,e.,.... lem.•nd the Colan lie ish". Tlult w.r (which wu' dldn) ....1II hi...
prwmptlYft bul defen.lve war by braeJ). wu pI''' or. la'll'" war lhal h.d • "'1Ion Uclmo t.
It..,nd h.lf .....ntury ....lIer. JIIltnt.alnlllf II... Ind
• .... tho IIrUIIII .on
l'llaline -.w tbon
tho 0n00rwI0 1Iarb
The creation of Israel: An aotl-Musllm U.S. conspiracy? _ow.

If you believe tb, ...... oric or the . . . . . MlUlhll 'Il\.aI(W ~y......1 is
• TlleNilo_
Iha unholy 1IpII.... or the GNaI SatM>-the Unl'-" SIMa. Ia fact. the fin!

_...- *"1 ' M_

pnaitlent 10 add..-IIM iMue _ Woodrow Wit-. who _ boatJ" to IIoelr
tbe Idea oI."fawIsh M11ona1 Joo:ro- in PaIeatiM.. III ~ • JowlliI
n.ldeaol ...... bad Irs'" ad....._ ........ tIM IIritWI. wbD t. 1117
-..d the "'_.. Ilal:Iour Dec:Iamion. call1a8lur the a ...... ole fawIsh
_ .. T'bllI _ _ out 01 BritiaII ...... Iur tbe ..... and tIM 7mb.........
-,... .....
.... _..
..... 1!M7-


n. hUUcllly Iae_ Glldll. th Wlddl. Eul

them. (Zhmi,' I, Ilooded word, 10 be IU"', bllllllit....Jly meenlltlmeone

who believes in I 'ewl,h alile.) Tho Balfour Oeclaralion w.. loCtuaUy
t.-I on theludlernuo belief that Iho Zionisl IMdon of 1M 1b". conlrolled
tho Ilnl.h.vlk IUwolulion in R.... i••nd the political deollny of the United
Slat The Zionl,Ia, who knew their O"'n pow....llPDeu.1ItMlI" dreamed
they Id auch Influence or oaplnld 10 anythingoftbo~.
In autumn 1917 the Brill.h War c.hio", flCld a di", proopllCl. Ru..l.
w.. fiounderin3 and on the vo'll" ofbrllnll knodfld nu' oftho war. and It
would be many mnoth., f"'I"hops morelhln I YIlT, before n~ Amwican
Imll... could be lrIlned. tnlnlported. and OlpDlzed 10 pl"lllhl hol81 on
the wllU.eoed W...I,,", ~-ronl. How could Brilllin hoop Ru..l_ on II. feel
and Ameri"" oommHled 10 the m.....1i.....7
Sir hUrl. Sykeo,·1 chilf diplomatic neaotJ.olor 00 Middle EIIt
al&ln, hod an anawe•. In flowerin" _tic lanau"8" that "",d, mOr1lllke
• hold V1ctorlln nov.llhon IOber documenll of ."t., he proclaimed thll
Ih. Zloni'l movemeot had v..t pow.... over the Ilnlohevlko in RUHI_ Ind
over tho IlOv&mment ofPreeld.nt Woodrow \ViI_ In the Unlled St.t....
Commit tho Britl,h caUII '0 ...I.blilhlnll I J.wl,h homeland in PoJealine,
Ind "G•••I ,"wry" would m.k. 'Ur. R.... I....yed In the w•• while
IpeedinllUP Americo', commltmeol 10 lend ill Irml... to the We't.rn
Fronl. The desperal.ll"vln,mlnl of Prim. Mlnl.ler llovld Uoyd Coorg.,
_dy 10 c1ulch .lllraWI. bought Into this fevemd f.ntaoy.
None of thll kooky colcul.lIon w.. known to W.I:un.nn, Ih.
h"d of th. Zionlal mov.m.nt In Britlln. H. genuinely 'houghl thaI 'he
ll"Owlna Britilh Inl.....t In hll ellu" w.. h&oed on I pI..lon for thl Blhl.
and jUltiot for thl Jew., .. Willi IS on lVIUtude few hll own ullful role In
hulldlnll mod.rn muniliono flClori .. the l.nlllh of Brit.ln to provide
more .h.lll for thl wor,
if Welzmlnn hid known wh.t w.. tnlly mollv.Unll Ihl Rrl'i.h
.mbrace of Zion11m, h. would ho~ l.u&bed. It wu tnJe tho! th.", WI'"
I diaproponlOl1lt. number of,..... 1mona lhe Ilnllhevlk leoderohlp. moot

Tbo Anbo .....IIConnicl

....".'""'!'...... :-~l'-
.......... ..; "'.'~"'\'~"~."~
l'" ..:-; ,~'V"- •7'7'
, •••..

All Unli....y Friendship

1 n 19I9,0Md -.w...... ~ Olhet......a.: Ii:ItqI ~
hri$ hoprc to ~ "" ~'s taW lor _ih0>0610 U1. Pi "".
~(M WlbofI jno frion:I 0I1tle lianIsa, 10 pul II ..." WId 10 1tle \11:0-
"*s ~CI:».'OkLl'Irk_~lOW . . . . . . . . . . . ond
~ spkt' _ _ .~SO~SllJtdifl1tle __ hc:uI
IS IflOlller ~ J'CIIIl: IOlNI'IDC ~ T1wy *-'I$l frll'fldL
And ltIf J'CIIIl: Ho Ch r.wn Iunft .... d • ~ ittdiO" ~
f'lI'I(t WId _ e - ... 01 Nanh V~ ~ ko'H.Inln that
if tht Irit" oiashtd '- hopn.. ~ ~ ~ be _ fo' tht "-"
nat. . homfo '- ido;p;iodail.~~l(dV_

nOl.bly IAon Troliky. 1I11llhey we"" tiny mlnorhy .monl thel. own
people .nd-. aood COmmuni.l ......... hey h.lnd .w.ry form of ,.wi.h
n.llon.lllm. Throu.ghuuI the "".nty-four y.... of Sowlet hl.tory. lOy
form of 'ewl.h o.u"".n'l or Zioollt o....olulloo WII 11iP'"
p-' by .uc:ooui". Sorie1 mgl.....
Th. Idee thai Woodmw Wilton wilin Wel:unenn', puc:ket WII ""en
mo.. l11dtc..,..•. Wlioon. for.n hi, "Ik of ...tlonool ..I'.d.........I... tioo.
was hlahly ..leC1lwe ""d Ilfbllrwy about which OII1loMlltw be 1mpow-·
If'Id ud which M lpored or ,epo !11ed HI _Ihowed ""ylympouily
lor the Iewloh ... tloDal boaM poiie]' ""d 1i1......1-¥OfS 10 PaIeoti...
wbo op~ II ferodout,ly. The IlI'1t U.S. pnotlct.nt 10 publlclyllQd
npllcldy ilia itlppon for 1M -.bIllh_1 01.. ~ ... tlooal
boo... in Pal.d..... \\';L.oo·I" =or. w.n- G. Hard....
Marl< Syl:eo died oflMSpIIIlioh "\lin 11iI19.lMv!AI bit ..rt.:oa
bitlooy. $1- ,I.......... t...... of jewilh ZioolllU Uld Jan,oIi...... od


him ... a .......1 friend and benefactor, Almost none of them knew tluIt it
we. hi' avalle. "",,"planee of SOme nf th" worst anti·Semitic myth. ihet
put him at lheir .ide.

How II all began

Th. toOU of th. Anb-Israeli wnmet Ii" in \h" 1917_1920 period. Such
conflict wu•. Tha,,,... I,h people bad. b.redlt.'Y V......IIe:.
In Pal...';n.. 1l"lnll back mon than til ...... thouund yea.., Ther. had
alwayo!>eon algnifican\ Ilumbe.. of lew, the........pecl.lly In j.......lem.
But after the Briti"llIO~m'ml oommlued I_If '0 th" Jew;sh naUonal
hom.. polley, Pal..tlnlan Arab oppooition to th. reu,ml"ll jewl.h rom·
munlty WAI unmlentiIljl.
Thill might not ha"" mlllered If\twt llritl,b ran their empire ,he ....y ,he
Roman. or lh, QUOmAltll had' boldly d""Lorl"8 their poUcl", and pushing
thllm through. ~l .... nfretl.lance. But the Briti.h oonqllerors did nOC
beh."" .. conquerorl. Anli-Semhic p",jurlioo wit rIlJllHml In the British
Anny'. Occupied Enemy Thrrilori... Arlmlnl't""tlon. which ruled Pal..-
line from 1917 to 19Z0. OurlTJ8 thwe fateful y<IIIn. offil:1lln and Io<Imlni..
trIlt..... a' the highesllevel orlbe 8riti.h bu"",ucrw::y 81ve~ment.
protection. and pmmotlonlO the """t mutdetouo ..,d ""Inll'" anti-jew'
loh PaJ"'linlan Jeadotn. NO! rnrprlolTJ8ly. their fnonles turned out to be
"'lually vidou. enemies of the Ilriliob u well.
One f.v,"ite."tl·I.....l dalm lllbal the """"lion of J....eJ m....ot driv·
1TJ8 AnlI>o fmm Ibe Holy Land. In truth. th..... wu room for boIh popula·
lion. 10 JIve Iide by lid". JIllionan David Fromkln OOI;m.l... Ibe
ral"'Unlan "'",b population in 1917-191B .1600.0lIO. wblch may be far
100 high. The lerritory of P.leltloe bad been nV"l!ed by mon Ih.n four
y...... of war and by. fie""" rami.... th.t kllled Ihouoand, of ... ",1>0 and
Jewlalike. (The 8"'"t jewl.b llChoJar Ge.. hom Scholem nM:tIUed in bi.
memoln mo.. th.n ILalf a century 1.1.... that wben he flnt came 10
Jeru..lem he w.. able 10 bu)' huge numben of "'.... ancienl boo"" on Je",·
llh mylUellm in Jeru..lem beau... lhe holy men end lheir femlli... who
hed owned lhem had died of h~ and dil""" durlnS Ihe wer. I'al_
linian Anb ~"'.. had died in Own grt>aler numbon.l
Pel...llno had nOl been e 100aU)' empl),. d_rled lend undO.lbo Thrks.
hul il ",al certainly a very liShll)' populsled 0"". In 1881. before an)'
modem l[gnifiea'" Jewish Immi8D'lion from lhe curill MUSllan Empi ...
began. In very IIndl numbers for the """lthirty.lh"", )'eat'll.lhe 10lal pop-
Ulallon .... ""'rlainly 1_ ,han half a million.
Ironically. Illegal Amb immlgr&lion Inlo Pel...line during I"" ro-'-World
Wa. I period of Britilh rule Iknown .. I.... Mandale). larsely overlend from

PC Myth: It's All about the Palestinian Refuaees

f ~II 1M myrtr.1bout 1M Arab-Isrfell ctW1ict. this ant is b)o I~f the fIlO»l ......~lfnl. Tlw
O pliIflt of the f'lll,,'inian!.-Alob!. ond /twl.-..» (efI~inIy horrendous ~l the tnd of the
OO·1'U8 wM. 8uI if there Nd ~ no WlOr. ~ would hoM bffil no ref~ It the ffId of it.
All K'il'liled 100.000 f'lllKliUn refusm _ crMed b)o the _. K<:ordinlllO UN KllmllK
~ filflt ~ftfl ~. Thd wiU ;W"o,l u.,.;t1y the ~ fipe is the runbeI of Sep/Ilnlk: /twl. •
W'tle e.pelled ffQm their _ient homK tIvooJhoot the Arab world in the bickluh wM' of pe<.
SKUliom tNl followtd lhe ..toblillwnent of hael A1mosl ill of them ended up roirllO the
Je'wtsh lUte.
II shoWI il50 be noled that in the "'sh!.....iIII ywl from I9<lS 10 19<18. illeuIl!Ilrty milliM
reflCffS W'tle (rf~led b)o the tnd of Wgrld Wff II in E...... lhe r«lIzwq 0( N1ioN1 b<uld¥lK
that ~I~ mIlle horrifK ~Si(", m _ between HirIclus ond Muslims in llle 1947 piItI.
liM of Indi.l. So llle INI OUIrome of 1M 00-19<18 WlOr WlOII fnIlM. thou&fl Iff from unprKl!'-
Oenle<t Irwfer of populnioo between Ivoel mthe Arab world.

n. ,..Ull<.111 1....... <1 """ Mlddl. East

Syria .nd Iraq. may have ""......ded the numw.. of jew' Immlll""llnR inlo
tho count')' In aboolUl' num~ 'I Iho "me I;n'e. The Dritidlliml1ed lhe
numbor of Jewi.h immign.nt. baaed on l'","umed economic abtorpl;ve
cepacity if the land. Thl. hulcally meant the II"""mmenl'a ,"wilh Agency
and the J_lAh "'P"izalions runni"lland eneuu.-.gJnR Iba.enle"",nl had
to provide tha economic infnr.olru<l.u", for lmmign,"tl bofu... lhey arri.....l.
Bul the R",wl"ll ProJlPftrily of tha urbon acon<>my .Iso alU'&Cled l"'ll'
numbo.. of "'",b pouanll from no'shborl"ll COuntriOl. The Drili.h never
bothered .rllCkl"R dO"'n on them: they didn't have enouRb troop' 10
cl..... Ihe land borden evolliftbey wanted tn. A. a .....ul1. Jewl.h InvOlt-
mont ,I.., onded up IIRnift.antly It"'''8IhenlnR Iho Pal...Unian Arah
urban popul~linn.

The rise of Haj Amin al·Husseinl

For the entl... lrOUbled longth of lbe llrllidl mlliwy occupalion ond Man·
date In I'aloatlne from 1911to 1947, the fillure ofHaj Amln al-Hu_lnl.
I.... mul'li IMulum ...lJgJoulleador]ofje",..lem, blocked the paths ohha
f1rillsh Ind Zionlll Jowilh I81tl..... If you·... IOOkI"lIl sourca oftha llrifo
and hatred III the Arob-Ilrlell confilct, thl. Drilllh-picked mufti I. a (lOOd
place 10 look.
Hu.ooelnJ. a co,,"in of Vauer Anfat. w.. "",n more murdoroul towerd
hi. own peoople than he w" toward the Br;tilh OIId t.... P.I..linian lewl.
Once he w.. In office, II ..ever oo::umld 10 the Brillth oo::uplo....-I It
would cenlinly have oo::urT9d In their Onomln ThrUlh pred..........--
to IIn11'Iy ",,,,ova him from nm.. or kill him.
Thl. ml.placed conlllTulionality queasln... w.. ll"'"l'ed by
Huuolnland hi. folio........ encou"'lll"ll the mufti 10 defy wllh Impunlly
the Briti.b rule.. who hed appointed him In 11>0 finl place,
HusIOJ", w.. no ..,r;oul Illamic clerJc, He w.. limply a handsome
you"8lunior notable from one oflhe tWO o. th.... mOIl prominenl P.I....
ti.. ~n f.unili.. in U. b;P\.lluk of ....... h~. y ..'<
H. able 10 10 u.. lop .pile h1s looks You're Not

, -.d lnuptii t.:lI.... he cmriod Suppo..dtoR..d

11.... wilh In. Brilm.. _pedall, with Sir
OJln/KllloB bJ Un)' CdIioo ond llami"4ot
~ Rkb-.d. lhe o::hW 01 IDe
~ Nrw 'bt: Somon ond Sd'w&
Brill", ~ 10 }«u....... wbo
.110 hlppenold 10 be Illlll-se",ltic ,."
..-d ulu._lonary. Gfnna M: rJIr,.." At>:l!lllou4 Mr b1
RIchmond p lled upon hl. I ·'....., 0.. llI'lINn; Nrw '1'o0‫ן‬I: 0. c.l'rm.
(I"" ..,ne lntn l..,
10YtIf. Sir Ronald 51
offic:l,l who drafted the Inflmolll""""," ""
Two hichlr ~. ~1 Jflol!Irdled,
"1'0",1"""" with Sherif H"....ln In Meoc.aln ¥ld 1Mll-lllncled boob fn! pIbliWd
191~1916 and th,n Slrbllld Ih,l. pl'ln ANrty fort)' )'tMs. ilId still ...... Yllfd
..-nIna beaI.... of hi, ll"8"llllc Incom~ intro6.lctiln 10 !he ferooour, Nlul't d the
teneeJ, 510m had been prualOled 10 10".... 1947-194 ....
..... of Iem ...- . boa P RiI;hnKmd ...
Inn ' job .. uaisuDl _ u y In the
British nli. cI p.Jeotj . . Hisb e::.:-mlM__ Sir 11or_1 Sam Soon....
_ )e;w\fJI. bw ....... imporwItly.... _ . b;p.... iMed Ulilib-
... lDol who l.Mer ~ Olluchlll', .....inp ........ the riM 01 Nui
c.nn."y. Sam,",' D.lI""y followed Rkhl'O(lll<i', ..commend'dOll .....
PM.-d ..... ".,uer quallfilld caD<!.idool. 10 Ippoinllhe dJplfied. hand·
_ . Impeerahly "'",,>dod but a1eo poychop.thically paocldaland
mu,dtIrou_yQU"C HUfMhlllo Ih, job. T..... of lboutan<b of In"",,""t
Arat. and I - I w.... to dl.. .., Itull Samu..1could '-I high-mind"" end
monolly IlIperior.
Th..... rt..'. for mo.. I"-.n equine. of e ""llIury. IlIce_lv. Brlllih
.dmlnul..lon d.flllmld to ftu....lni u If he we.. lhe erchbt.hop oICl1n-
He wei lIOlhl"l of I'" !<.lod.. FirIt ordIMmlMl ee:ampelpt 0 1 _
.h.etloa...d 1....... 10 cow 1M N Mbi clan. the modenle "11lII<led

family of nolabl... who w~ tile Hus...lnll' anclenl rivals. Then. pio-
neering I form of diplomacy lIil coulin A...fal would o.dopt on a pnd, lie InlernaUonall:u>d and Illo.rnlclud Ille n.oUva Pal...Unlan "'l1Ib
opposilion to Iha ,ewllh ...tllemenl in P.I...tlne. He took advlnl18e of
lhe 1929 ri011 In Jeru..lem 10 claim lhl lhe Jewl we", plonlng to
destroy lbe Dome of lbe Rock and the aJ·... q.. Mosque. The governmenu
of lurroundlng "'rIIb nell"nl !i&Ypl. 1""1, and Saudi "'",bla...ser to dil_
ltaC'llbel,own populations from domeotlc ;..ueo and urablilb thei, own
CNdemiall. followed Hu.....lni·ll..d. By 1936. when the mlln Pal ...tin-
Ian ...... b rIIvoh heBan "8"ln" lbe 8tltllb rule.. and the Jewllb Zlonilt
"1IIe.., HUllelnl wu the undoubled dominant figllle among PaJ...tin·
ian Arabs.
He wata di........ ror his peopla, bUI be Will also popular among them.
Uke any native population faced whb tba ludden appearance of EUN>-
pean colonilll. Plleolinianl rose up in defiance. fien::ely opposing lhe
Jewish lelliemenllnd lhe Brillsh polley of luppoltlng!t.... ~ntury of

war might well he"" been Inevitable in any cutI. Bu. the fact ",mains that
Hu....lni WII far mnn ext",me. murderouI, Ind unralenllns than lhe

How the Conspirocy Theorists e.._lsnet

"To my mind. tht lioni>« ... _ tht kty d tht litlIaIion-tht problem ii, ' - '

... tIwy to tJ. YlisflO!d7 W.m 'Gmt kwry' iplnst u:ltllm is no posWk chine.
d ~Iin&: thl' tllinc tlYo' -it nv_ opti'ni5m In Borflln, ~ In Lonclon.lJlUSol!
in l'JriI., mist_I 10 lui dill:h in [COl'tStwlnc:Jlllf~ dlssfnl.ion in ulto, Ar~ III ~bbllna

IIllOfC ~Oft. As !ohK6pNIl! IoIyI. 'I.WIft tNt IIrq ilOd Ntk ""'"' diKon:I follaws..-
Sir ....., S)'bo, chief 8<lIi$h diplomatk llfSOI'iMor OIl tM Middle hit, to
Sir Arthur Nkolson. perlMtlfOt ....... -w<rt\llf)' for f~1" Ifhirl, Mirth

Nuhuhibi•. who Were Iha moot likaly oltemotivu. Hu abo flally refuoed
tu untur ""un !hu mnot cauti"u, and exploratory of negotiations with any
Jawi.h I.,.dan .t avury Ilep.
By 1929, the i.." ... of the Dome of thu Rod. and ol.Aq.. in
fern... lem. Hu...ini hod .tlrnld up oppo.ition to Jewl,h ..nlement
throughoullhe Mu.lim world. Violent Arab riot, --, ~

broku out in 1929 when 0<:0"" of Jew. w.....

killed around P.I"'tine.
I'tnolly, in 1936.• popular Al1Ib ",volt broke
out -sainI! !he Jewish ..ttleman!. Hu ....ini look
•-".> ABook You're Not
Supposed to R••d
Insldlo rhf ~N<lb {Dbjilnth by EI~
,dvonlasu of this ....volt. which he hod workud
Kfdoorir. Olfoot 1\ouI1~ 1'ublMen,
bard 10 fomanl, to u'" turror song' hu controlled
10 ulIUlIin.te ,II hi. potential rive I•. t·OT tbe next
uluven y""n be w.. the unrlvollfld I....der of the
Poi"tini,n Arab community and the worst thuy ever hod. ~·in.lIy. in
1939. the Briti.h ..,nt, then unknown sunul1ll. Bernard Montgomery.
who duf""ed Ihe ....'·01•.
In World War II. Hu.."ini took tho IOSical ultimale ,t"p to becominS
an ""s"r occ"uory_nd a very "'fective on~o Ihu mOlt momtrou.
crime in history: he apent Ihe war yeo.. in l'ao<:l., Italy and Nul Ger·
"'""y. Ho Was very aclive in urgillJl tb.. ss bureoucl1lu runnillJl thu Finol
Solution. the methodically planned gonocide of th....nti.... 'ewl.h poo-
pie In Europe. to make .ure that children. eopecioUy from th" Sephardic
Jewi.h communlti.. ofth" Balkon•• we.... not .pared from Ihe P' chom-
ben in Auocbwltz. Ho recruited SS regim"nt. for th.. Nulo from the
BOInlon Mu.lIm community In Yugoolo"lo. They 8uorded the security
of the I1Illw.y Hnot carrying caltle trucko 1iI18d with hundred. of Ihou-
undo of Bailon Jew. for the extormination chamban .nd c ...."'allon
oVOnO of Auo<:hwilz. One ofth..... foreeo took a loadlllJl role In the lIeno-
cide of hundred. of thouoand. of Serba and Gyp.I... as well .. jew,. In

Husseinl wu also I dOle l"'l'SOll.Il friomd or AdolfEichmlJUl and Hein-
rlch Himmler. He evon v;,lled Auochwllz on al 1....1 one OCC8lion 10
rnaJr.e lurelhe job,..u belns do..e right.
WI",.. Ihe great showdown botw""n the .....1 and An'" In Pal...ll"e
Ihal ho had lUlled for finallycamaln 194'. Haj Amln al_Hu....lni·a un....
lonting poliey of .....king to drivu ""ery jaw InlO lba _ led inal""d 10 Iho
.h.uenng and ..,.,uering of hil own """".... ro.ins as Ihelr gteolOiI cham-
pion. he "'~Iedly proved hlm... lf 10 '" Ihei. 8""'IOIt call1lllily.

Churchill in Cairo: 1921

He carne. HI w... I'hol"lV"phed alongside hll friendlillting on e camel.
He palnled Iha Pyramid•. He lummoned hi. heroes T. E. lawrence and
Gflnrud" Boll 10 m",,1 wilh him. When Wlnslon Churchill vl.iled Cairo
in 1921 al Hil Majaaly·' .ecrelMY of Ilate for Ihe wloni.... he had lhe
kind of holidAy lillIe hoyl dream of. He llao drew the map of the modem
Middle Easl.
Th .... modem Mlddlo Eaol netiona we", crealed by the decl.lo",
Churchill mede and lhe Un... he drew at Ihe epodtal Cairo Confftf'Once.
First. ho uphold Ihe liready highly conl.".,...,..W polley 10 OIlabli.h a
'ewillt n.lional home In Pal",tl"" and 10 build ;1 up wilh m",;ve Imml-
gralion from Iho Impoverl.hed and peraa<:uted lewl.h commun;li" of
Europe. Thai policy ultlmalely ....ured Ihecrealion ohhe Slaloof I.....l,
Second. ChurchllJ unilaterally """"'S"lzed u-S.yyld Abdull.h at Ihe
_I p"",,nOl on Ihe ground ....1 oflhe Jordan River. Abdullah, lhe ..Id·
OIl SO" or thai old Brltilh flvorll.. Sherif It...... ln of Mea:a. wu lhe eml.
(prince) of Trln'lordan
Ofalllh.. Huh..m;l" at that lime. Abdullah ..... Ihe on.. Brillilt mIen
and policyrnaJr..... lIkad 1....I-perlt.opa becau.. h.. wUlh.. Imarluland
.....n·1 pnopared 1'1 dance a' Ihelr """'Y word. But Ihe Brlti.h didn'l nood
lite ..mb."",..menl or kickles him oul of Tran.lorda". and Iltey nMded

10 _ Up IIOme kind of gnvernment to k....p the pMCCI on the cheap. So

Abdullah .tayoo.
Third. Churchill """,IGd Ihe modem natlon-.tale of I..... und.., King
~·ai ... ll. 11 h.8d MVer Ol<lotoo In hl.tory unleu you countlhe brnou. but
brief Bahyloni.n Empi.... of NebuchadMua, 2.eoo y..... .,.,1101'. lIutlhe
llfill.h Wn'" detennirntd tn hold 00 10 the oll·rieh terrilOri...
they had llf\8.lIy CO"'lunred wilh ."",h dim.
cully In the period of Wo,ld W., I.
And Ihe lV""t 1920 Shiite revolt in lIOutbnrn
Iraq had underllullld Ihn urgenl need 10
...tebll.h IIOme kind of nOllve Arah govern. A Question of N........
rnenl.up~ly"",,"pleblelo the people of
w... f'oltsline ""PlY ""'"' !IIf ~lf<:U"
Mesopotomia. A &iendly notivego\'nrnmnnt
~~!Ion Wf'I . - f d lIId tile Jew-
was nlHKled beeeu", the Brlli,b IKkllld the
M 1IiI~ home pollC)' detwed1 No. ~
flnanelal relIOun:M or Ihe will 10 occupy Ihe
crrloinly w... not.
lond mlHuuily. 8fling ahl" to prodUCOl Folsel.
w... ther. room fOf million! of jewIsh
anmh", lIOn of Sbe,if Hu.... in.... the "king
immIgrw. to WIlle t!lon wil!lout dO>-
of Ihe Arabo" was Ihu. a polillcal masler-
plXlnf: l!ll' Arib irNbitant.. YM, thm
lIf"k.. for Chun;hill.
,",uinly w...
In Ihe .horllnnn. Ihe huge redrawing of
the Middle Rul map that ChurchHl decreoed "'Tho lionlu'l pi<hftd hlftt.......

ot Cairo proved. espedally from the lltill,h

cor..ctl, ..... _ kMw-...
<OWI!r)' tfIat could "'I'POft at lout
point of view. en out,tanding ,ucceoo. For
fi.. to ttn Ii"... ..,.. ~ m...
1M nexlelghty y*"". ult.... righl ,ewl,h and g..,j thore II tho tllnt; .. ttIM wh\I-
Zloni,1 nallonaliot. an""k8d lhe "t"""Chery" _ ~ "'l' of tho pt<hap>
of cutting off lordon-m""" Ihen h.8lf I.... to.. 600.000 ....... lnhobiIanIlo thttt wu
"lOry B,itain oonttolled aftet Wotld Wit I. .-.. to btq: In millions of Itw!l/I

Bul almost nO jew. lived In the Tran.jordan

le,rHoti.. when Churchlll gave Ihem 10
Abdullah. and Ihe Britl,h IKted Ihe mll1·
IOJ)' manpower 10 enforce lewloh Mllement

there anyway. 'I"bmtI W"'-'I ....... -tb
w..~ Iflt'. JewWo..n..... -Ina &om Centrel aDd test·
Good f.. the ..... Europ.Io de. I r P''-m_ at tiM ri-. In
!be -ty I9lO1 tiM Britilh CoIonieI 0lIce _
furiouI at lhe Zion.ilt Otpnlzetion ... bri....
Empire •••
in& In too "- ...."'" ..nlcn.
"It it ItIiIlifMy riP thM tIlr tamted la liM _al ....I. .i_ enjoyMl of lu
)rw1 NiId hM I rwdonII atlttr nll tn.f i"lerludet of ~ for eighl y afler
.....\oflaI home 10 be l'fUIIlItd. Mel ~ tiM Ca.lro Con"".., arid Iba Il.hlllt Pa.lla_
tbe but I'llloel.l-. woth ""*" fOl thrft menl "'mewhal Iuctenlly aa:1Ipled Ih..
thousInd )"No'S they " - beta lrttirnitfly Lloyd GfIorge-Churcblll·Belfou. policy of
nl profOt.ndly IUOCWed1 We IIWtk ~ .. ~. ""oou,..l.., Jewl.h immlgratlon and bulldl..,
be IOOd fOl the ........." IOOd fOl the,lew!. up lhe )fIwi.h nltlonal home.
IOOd fOl the Irltis/l Em!-. tuI abo IOOd Even ltllnlq, the II 10 set bMtM";
for the AlIbI who dwd .. ~ lfotI tiM Sbiile ...."11 wu finally ~I>ed and lhe
~ ~ N tIlry ~~ .. dlebent- BritWl.IowI)' prepued lnq for a ..... of litu_
fln nl P'OF"U 01 zc.-' Iar ltldepeadeooe ulldolr "....1 whilol kMpl,.
....... O'dliIl, tiM ...... of po.- 1Itm.I)' ill thMr ow- Js.wk.

1ntisIt' '" WI_

Bul lwent)',..... aft... Oturchill'a hour 01
bry,~lo."­ tthlmph hI Cairo, lhe Arab hou_ 01 canb
eption 01 Muslim he had 10 flambo,....,ll)' ~I.t came crllIh·
Anbsin~OIl I,. down on hu heed. In !be .pri". of IIMI.
MInh )(I, wn with Cellenl Erwin Rllmme", Atrib Kcorp.
cbe'lli"l ec..... Ibe We-Iem Deun low••d
Ell)'pt, B.lliin .tocKl elone end lsoleled
egainsl lhe Nul conque,.". or Europe. Al lhl. moment. Ibe nffiee.. or
Ibe Iraqi .rm)' Ihal bad !Men palnstekl..,ly crdtlld (or Iwemy yearllO
do Brlllin'. wlll In Ihe Middle Eul rIIM In ,,"volt. kicked Ihe Britlsh ....1,
and declared lbal Iraq wu Iolnlnllhe Axu. Pro·Nul foroM aloo took
over In I'nmch-amtrolled Syrie nul door. AI thi. darkesl bour lor
Brill'n'. Imperitll fortun.. In the MJddlol Eat, ....... lDOSI 01 !be famou.

ABb IA&lon of Ttton.lotdan. IfId by a Hritl.b offlf;ft.lobn Clubb. pu- mutinied and ",ru..d 10 mardi "ll'"-i..... lheir pro-Nu1 Arab broth-
... In Iraq
Churdllliin 1921 II coIon..1 -arr Md c:rMled Inq ..... )onion 10
IM:U. . the Brhl"'" Emplra In the Middloo wi Twenty,..... Iat II

an......·• ..t.nled w. pnmioI'. be bmd the ....u.oIboth _kmo ......

bi.. Brittoln h, 1M bod< when il n. MIt lhenl _ . Only 1'" Jew. of
.........1_. who bad no . . . . . by Ibea 10 ...... the Brhbll. but who bad
now. . . eta 10'" p_ided the Iut IItrOIlIboId ~ whkb tIM BritW:l
could decbl...ty .uib hKII: ..... bridly ,.10 !heir _err 01 the Mid-
dloo .--.
BUI 10 the Iwenly-r. ... Ci!lIltwy. lhe li_lI,a. Quuclilll drew .. coofI-
dentlyon a map In Cairo III t92t contlnua 10 ohape lhe hi.tOl)' of lhe
world. n,. ",lIltarily powerfullinle .Iala or luaellMl1"W out of M.
Jewl"'" natlonal hom. polky conllnu.. 10 .tl'U&llle lor ,urvlnlephtsl
.......1. dole II band and. in thecueof1Jul. al Ihe far end orlhe "'IlIon.
And the anlfk:leJlly of the unily be impoHd on Iraq now bed lI. U.S.
poUc)'TIIlk... ev«I more Ilten it did arilioh OrIM. O:IUn;hlll·ICaI lepcy
IhllnlfoMt rem,IIII' mixod OM. "' pU111 mildly.

Emir Abdullilb of Transjordan

Th. Brlluh ""fMIri.. nce wilh Middl.. Eul.. m IUlIlon·bulldlllllllld rul...
piclr.illll could Ill busbl Ibe W..I !hb mud>: a JO"'d mao III hard 10
Iltld--oend _ I herd 10 .........i.. wben you'... P hinl.
Duri!lt thW brief imperial beyday in lhe Middle £Nt. the BrilW> d"
....yed ta U_IlllY IIlem b chooel"' ..... _ ~ the hl:(pot 10.-
. . U1.1r.e 1:.... Fab.1I or Inq &1M! Sb.If H-;o of w.ea.1 tad the..-
poi_H. unnl.ttl-. _ _ lIib He! AmID aJ·HWM4nI. lhe mufti of
)eruM1eool1 while deepW", • OJ'PO'Ult .1_ .M nUen or...J _lily
lib Mlllllf, K_J Alliun. 10 Thrby • KinI Abduluia a. Saucl In

S.udiluwblL 1bt oaly 11_ thoy hit OIl , _I
wirutw. thoy dld ... ia spite 01 ~l ....
Evea .beD WIuI Clwdl.lll .... Emir

"DIt nIti _ ... d the Abc"dlah. 1"- _ 01 SIMrif 11...-10.

.....ow.-"'. I III abut l>im Up and b.p
~_"lI;iild~~Md lII6bft1r
u.18rrll...,."... ia lin, _hi,..uc:b_
nper;t" &oaI lU•. ill u. er- III Cburchlll,
• coa.bonIor Md ~ d (i(/'oNm tnd
lIi",,,ltt in the PfOJhOR d '- pIIn., He_
Abdullah wu 1"- ...... or u. Huhemh...
lbey Ilill c1una 10 u. ridlcul &In''-y IMI
... allir;hmoM', ~ ,,~tnd lII6 (OIl-
lhe wbol, An!b MUlllm world rd'ld, Of
IDfIt1, In(~td him 10 K(~e the tltt\'·
would com, 10 "8"rd, Sh...lf In
mlnotion IIlNWIft. I hNrd him ~ ~I
Mecal "" Ih, 1'>0( IIlor of Ih, O!lom"\ callphl
~ by £idvNm. he IIId oklt«l
in Cont\Aflllnople.1I.nd Ihm b _ * 1 rUl«
thlntl.., of ",i..l u. d..hio, new p.....

British, .ullbMMd rul.- wlto wwJd utMr In

, _ Gold.a .............dfr BritU.b Ill"....
Dalunlly-tn ~ (E!&bty,.an I"••
8uab . . ..m-.... ,olicymabrlwould 10
-.k ia m.k-._Inqi NM....I c.o..._
...... Ab..l Q",l.w u.._ WIly).
Abdul~lI. ohnrwd. _ ..., bud.. I and aI•• yo Mlft-
1 , 0 - - - ' In lhitlt .,.. U. ' - of u.. tluw. Bill "- would OUd..l
r!Mlm all.
Tb.-. ... no oUlo /OttWt, And lot __ thoIll boolf 'CIlI\Iut)' ,fter 1"-
eml.." w.. Cl'e'llld, _ m.1<:lUtUt ttaIfic 10 _I" wond....rul 'ntiqul.
Ileo w.. n"lllJalbJ.. 11111 Abdull.h wu.obOt, Inl,Ulgenl, Indllltrlolil. ,nd
IlnMIl·lmlrt. H. work-lld qullllly wllb Ih,lIrllllh 10 kMp Old.. _nd wllh
only , hctJon ohlM _ , budI'" of 0 ',bborlnt Inq boondlfld h whh <:on'
IplcuOlilly ....1... 1lKX»U. eomm..:....,. mM. ,nd 1M lazy ..i l l . or I
Atntnu. wh_ Abdlillah Mel lib IIMIouIIl IMd ..-mpod 10 1120. pew
to ~' ...... """1 city.

AI Ihll book..- 10 p...... Abdulllh·. V-l-snndoon. Kina Abdul·
Iah II. conUnu.. 10 rill, OVII I ki.Dfdom of Io.dan lhal ..,1ntI11I oddo
bu IW'Ylvod bottll, ",Ilbbon OD IftI}' old'lo '-ome and ",mo;o-
wllhout oranyoil _ _ rol.o!;v,ly prlIIpIIOUl ...lklo, and
_ of lho .. felt Ind moo.t I\.IbI<Ilo lho mtiN Mlddlto EoA _ tho put
£mil' Ab:luJlahi hoin outWtAd tho Britioh. tho F.-dI. Md tho SoriOIC
lJoIon. 'Tbor ,Ito outloolod ok! SbKif Huuoi•• bumll~I""ykldod out
01 Mecca OOoly ..... ,..,. aft_ tho Cal CoaJoil • by Abdu1ul1' lba
s.ud. tho ... wurlor '*'0 and ...1 · OlOudtlU. &II. and T.
E. LaW'.DOI ~of Afablo,~ had DO time b. AlNdullahi hoi........ .u-dy
"" .1_ ...., ....Iury OUIloo1od lho killf<loal ollt8q-Oturdtilli pride
..... tar-and FIIMI·. bel... whom th.1Nq1 _ y tboc 10 oold blood in
tho buril\c mllllary OOl.Ip of 1lt5ll.
TIM ~ Ind ~Iy of Abdullah and hlI bel.. CDCilrUled with
tho fallureo ofChurcltlll', h..,dpld;1KI rill....I_hero In It.. ....Ion-
ouahllo ho. 1 _ 10 Ille w...t: 10 the Mlddl. Eut. 0\1' Id.... of ."'1.
IIIder oh.... ld be ... ofl.n wro:ng.

Herbert Dowblggin: Unlikely prophet

H.m.n Do.. blgln .... I co_ oolonl.1 police .dmlnlllnior of lhe
8r1Ulh Empl.. who no tho poIioo (010I ofCaylon--lodlly lb. lI.IIlon of
Stl Lanb-wllb an lfOll fill from 191).0 11131. H. had hardly ....y inl",,"
61\ 10 I'" Mlddl. EoIl and WII ..01 oul 10 raport on wby I"" PII_I_
police failed 10 dellI the bloody rioll of ln9 thol ......hod 10 tho .......
__ ofbllDdndoof jews, -P'd*Ily In tho lOW!lol~ Bul amld.u
lbo rioloonary lunMlco and Ulbitiouo. ",,.11,. two-r.cod MimI.nistnIon
aad polilldaM ..1>0 ... avwytllioa ...oac b ...., • c:aD1W)' ..... lban
" , 1... ly lriod 10 coYer up their tncka. Dowblwlll ItIlIdI OUI ...
__h 01 com and -..d achioa.

Oowbiggln'l 11130 report wao onl oflhl mOlllmporllnt Ind VllUlbl.
Itudles on mlintllnlns law and order in occupied or colonial nallOM
""81' wriuln. UI Inilltld thll.very minority community It ~Iibl. riol:

from In Inlck. riot. 0< pogrom by thl Ililnaled mljoorlty had to bavl ill
own Inned pollce dtlla.chmenl. Hlemphali~ the Importance of main_
talnlnjj ""cellenl roads and telephone communicatioDI betWIHlD otltl~

policoltltionllnd tho Clpltll.lnd nf bivins rllt-",Ictins I'IMIrv" of

pollQII whn could quickly boo ... nl tn tMUblelpotl. MDlt nr Ill. he ,mplta.
li~ lhe Imponanc, of hlvi'41 I v.ry larg•. ...,11·1.... ln.d police forc.
whOllI hlShly vblhl, pruence nn thl sround dll.ned vlnl.ncl from
brMItInS out In tit. fi.... t plac•.
Thore ill nmIIrlobly modom rins 10 Oowblssio'l Inlill""ce thll colo-
nlll dllO<d• .-in PII811line III weUII In Ceylon-needed to be handled
.. pollclnS npentlnnl. ont mllhary on... Iinell rnllitary hlltorlan MM·
tin Vln c...v.ld Ital Mid lb......lOnl the Brillib lICurlty fol'Cll were 10
Iffecdvl ogIllnst the lrilh Republican Army In tlte Northern lrelud con·
Dlet wll that th.y d\lllt with It III pollclns oP\lfltlQfl. 0011 military one.
UlinS anni .. aa annl.... automltlcal1y ClU_ a lot of collatl",1 dlmago.
Includlns loll of clvlllin casualll... And the morllnnocenl clviUlnl are
killed lod injured. thl broader tlte popular support for thl suenilll
movemlnt becom...
But II 1110 often thl caM with true propheu, .. oppoeod to the more
common fll ... on.... Oowblll8lo'l wlmi"8" fell on doof ...... Sir Charl811 ,
Tegal1. who look ov,,, tbe PallStlnl policoln the 11I3OI.lgnorerl Oowb4l' I
sin'l ",port Ind ,nllltarl.wd the pollee. movlns lhem Into breathtakins
moumalmop berracu thot were<:entury VII"Iio"s of Crullder j

castles. They had the laml fale. Aft.r 0 Utlla more than a decode in thl f
T"lllrt Forti... they were called. the Dritllh were forced to evaculte p
Pal..line. Ely IlH7 lbey bad 1011 all,ffective polilicalluppon amons fo
..,I...linlon A","- Ind 'ewslilke. tl

Bill 10 tltll day. Dowblgln'l repon remolnllh.......1 impol1lnl doc..-
menl for .ny W,,",em pollcym.l. I""Ppllllll wllh lhe Udk:ol problem.
ol' malnl.lnin,l.w .nd ordtrr in.n OllClIpled ...cIMy.

How British Imperialist weakness

sparked the Arab·lsraell CODniCt
n.. Brililh did .101 for bod. lhe A... bo .nd the Jew. durin, tbllhll1y
,..... u..,. ",led PIieIUM. The popul.U"" of the OOWIUJ' tripl..... f'roI..
""rily .. nknown 11001 Moman 11111"
";~ed. Swompo w_d... h.... ond nood•
.... ....1I.1I01t. botpIIlJ ••• nd ldtooll
....... built for both commlloltl... Th. Churchill ..
only tbl,.locIti,. w.. low ... d order. Holid&y
On April •. InD than. Y- .....
"Ht_to~ ...... to
half oft. World Wor I 1Dded _I,
)owitll popllallwepl thnlup doe .....
e- til 50 It•• of i hoi·

0111» Old Clly 01 _ _. , An"",'" 01 ocIIJ' IfIOOd. HIs;..-.....-.plMwd IhIt ...

J-s .... killed ..... hw>dr.:Io _'...ted wIIIIId drto, ~ t.-If"frittl ~
~ ~ ... ttw_(IlIt-
In four hundnd ,..... 0I0n = "I'lutio.b
ruIo. ....,.. 'Ihlaa bed ..... blPJ I I :1_ 1lfNl" of nw \lItrif en.... n111wy
Unclor .... bead of • kincler 1_ Ullialed .... lor wn.. ipM110 ftldl_

....1'1... tbe JewUh poople _ Jar ~£opNnatd,......, lonlt-
u.r-..-I tbaa me, _ bed bMll*
0.', I _ .
toup MlII1ba _pin tho! prec......
IL n.. Briluh w_ .
DIble to bop the

~,1DIi -=It. aatl-Iewlth wiolIncIlwlp-

0vchilI ill: ttw CMo
poried opln ond . .III. wllh vawlnc
r.nx:hyand ....ponenlwolly larpr .-...1- ""'~
till OD eoch occu.....

The Ii... t clvilian governor tiwl Britilh Ill! up to rule Pal... t1"" aftor they
..nded th.. irbri..f. dioutroul period ofmilituyoccupilUon th..... wu ido-
.liolic 1i""",1 pIIrty I...dor Sir H......rt Sam",,1. who w... l..wloh.
In dusk liiwlral fuhion. Samu..1tried to tum hio country'...nemie.
into friendl by .howing thorn mon:y .nd klndneu. What ha _ped
Inlt.-! wu an enti", pn..ratlon of civil .Irife and blood.1NKI .. a ","ult.
Thousand. ofinno<:ent. on both Ilde. would I"'y with their I;v... f",. Sir
Samuel'o P""lI""Nive high·mindedn.....

The Hebrew Bible: A. book or war

"Wlngole: the... wu a man ofpnlu. wbo could beve boon I man of d...·
Winoton Chun:hill pIIid that tribute to Brill.b brigadier gene...1 Qrde
Wingate afte' be wu kllled in a plane crub in Bum,a In t944. Churchill
w.. right about the genlul lit takeo one to know one), but he dldn't ....1·
i~e thot In hi••hort, ext...o,dlnaT)' life. Wingote hod el_dy dllCIJively
....b.aped tbe futu... of tbe worid_l""'ially the Middle East.
\ViJ18llt.. w.. a brilliant young Brill.h lnoy officer Ind biblical funda·
mentllist Chri.tlan ualot wbo wu potled to Palestine as a young cap-
tain In 1936 It tb.. otart of the A...b Revolt. He had ohown no eopeeial
inte....t In either jews or Zionism botfo... going there. but quickly became
obNfled witb the potent~1 oftbe young pion_ )ewllb community and
became convinced It wll God'i will thlt a'ewilb Itate be .....tored in
Pal...tine afte, thouotnda of yee.... He Ibo belleved tblt be w,," person·
Illy dutlned to rat.. ill army and lead It In baule. Tb.,.., viewl we...
unde...tandably received with lOme lurpri..., nol to "",nUon ....pieion,
by both Brillih mllituy command..... and lewi.b community l""de... In
Ih" Mlndete. ,
However, u a few thouland A...b gUl/rrlll.. continu,"" 10 run rings ,
around wlult at on.. point conllituted 25 po",ont of th.. active combat

force of .be U.lliab .nny. botb group.

became Incn... I"g1y dlll""rate. W'''lI''le Sounds Uk!
ll'Jl the .I'prov.l.o ral... from ",,,·I.h \"01· Pre-Giuliui
untMn ... hal becam. know" .. hi. Si»- New y"",
cltl Nighl Squad. (SNSJ '0 derend the
D,'ti.h oIi plpel'ne rrom 1,1oCI '0 the 1'IiIl" MCW1IJ; p«tooUl, on ~ nDrttI, ..
PaIeo.lne poll of IWfa. He Imprinted on ilmoilllOll"e!ltfl'll, ~ Ifw!, I'lCIf NXIs

tbem hi. o"'n hllhly unonbodo••nd 11M .., confodfru on Illt (lfitllhl-tlori·
IdiOlYIlCfljI\c colI\blo. doc.rl .... , prim.· .lft.., 1hl! oldfo ~ YF tha pdJk

nl,. lnopi"'" IlOf by Carl VQCI Oo_h.. - i I ) ' _ f. bfnfl' INIlIlM'lell uncIIr the

tIld the Ctrmtn or I'rendI...-aJ IUIff•. T...•

bul by. d tMd11ll .. rthe Old Ttl,. ,.. n.n, "'CuSt Xl.1921
• •11.'''' H BibM.. (quot" .. Dmd r....,..,
\Vi. . . d... '''bl ' . I .... ~ A ~ to &wi AlI'ftuJ
lr!DIIe from the _ ~ INld Yldortn 01
-=b b;b1ical _ _ ........ Clo--.
M1d Devld. H. _pbuized the Im...,na.:. 01_11. J.l .........h. com-
.......... ""'- who...- ....... -.oil......... trehMd lOkaow 1','[ de')'
the _ _ ill whicII they P IIWd. He _pbnized II..IpI _ Ihroap I

dimcuh and mou:altl__ ItrnIa to teb the_,. by eurpria. He .......

"'shl ...tack Ac:o;:ordl.... '0 _ _ I _ I• •1Odl ...... \Yblp.. .uo
td_td _ rum_ _ ill the '''-'.. oI_J-U ............
ridi.... It.... from vlllapt from whleb •.....ub bed ItuDCbed thei,
His SNS pleyed • c:nodtI ..... ill d. . . . . . the _ I t 01 the P.leotio-
*' A..b su-rlllt bendo ~I.. In'''' Celli. ft5Ion 0I1Nwel duri....
the .... ,.... 01 the A..b Rt¥oh_ ..... fer _ 01 p'0fMWI1on 10 Ibtir "um·
ben. Bu. lher r..w 10 avail the ......11. The. w. carrltd out by
much l&rJel and wldelprMd Britl'h ton:eo.nd opet't'ionI com·
JII."ded by. tougb DeW ....1or QD""I1VIOdtr. Mtlore..-.llltnw'd uw

ftlon'p,lIh']i. In 1939. llriti.h ..... I... com....ndtn. NCCllPIlzi.... lViflllll!e·.

IlAUlonelR ld<mtlflClllon wi'" the J_l,b community. tran.ofumld him out
of P.I... tlnft. n-.. wenI Il.Indina orden thol he never be a1lllWfld In M!"""
theno again.
Dut.thankfully for w... t",,!.Ilft. IVlngoolO hMiall'8Ady provid<ld
lnvoluohlo military flduClIlJon to. crud.l number of tho fint. defining
generation of ... olor offioo.. in whet would '-ome the I.rael Defen...
Fo""",. Hi. young soldier! and ltud"nl.l included me" who would
become the S""",.. t general. in lI.nIel'. wa.. of ."rvival in the fint twonty
y...... of it, .~i.ten",,: M.,.h" Dayan, Yigool Alion. and Yitr.h.o.k Rabin.

'~:- S···..'
•~.••':- ~'.:, ••>!'."'••:
------- - - - ------ -
,, : , , - ---
;-.:-::'.:-~"' ;o~;o:- ••;

PC Myth: Tho Twi,o-Promised Loncl

id the Br~L~ ()'IIit.lly pICIIIIM ~ HDlylJtld I" borh lhlo "'ill. M"d
D ~ Jews? Tlwfl !tit ~, hQlo<y-;nl it} f~l'f. In 1916. $i. MMI:
Sylo:e h,.j (ont~ • "8'-' on pirtlliClrw1 rt..1jXlil. of tilt

Ottom;Jfl fmpIr~ with hQ Frendo (oo,nt.... part. f'lf'ICOi< GeorSf:l·l'icot. Con-

~irc thit tht 8r~,sh iIImy w•• ~ wnhin thr Il.mllo of the ~ thill

~ nl tht Frendl .. my w... wff..... ....".. harrifoc await... dtf~

~ fonms 01 'k«b!. ~ Wi$ ,,,uny ;In (.tf(M in wMful rtriin&- lin-

101)' boob ..,;I Midml to.rrn(nmon Ii. 10 POrlf'l' ~ Syt~-f'itOl ~

"""'I " ~ ortlvtypol ~tml ~I of Mu.I..... ...,; tIwy llKf Ell,t""
mi<1ru:;1 01 E~ 10 tim "C'~. But in ""lit)' it WiU nrillv< IIlCJIll.IIOU:l
"'" ~~t~ in ~ ttll"dJtt of "ot"'"
1M Sym-f'itol ~. in ~ ~ of 1_,1""; Third WO!id (0IIl-
"""'to"".. w". qniaI ~'1)'Il1 of IOIenn pnlIIliw. t!l.Il ~ Bfitiltl hod
~ only I'" ~" ~cn to ShKif 1tJ!..,.;., of MKa. ....,dion of tho

_ _- .....
Nor.In Idy plKft. The Iriblh ..-'101 &Iflml 01 the Sl.OIn. SIr Htrry
JolcMihon, hid oIfmod • 01 hI6nnl! to the " ' .
MdoWlan ctrUriy ~ the ImM. wrimn 1rI ..... MI"II to IMlm.
. . thfy _lrIno.,.1JUI)' ·SVil.,iJd,.f_ _ llIthe JIOW.I'ile\:
_ _ 1lOf 'bbUlc4y piOliZltd IlINn1.
lMff . - . - 0I1riUlh . . Arab IlIsuIri.- portd __ the McMIiIIOI>-
HlaIoN ImM. ~ 1riUlh ......, It blnIucrilIC - . ._ _

amtd 0I0C to _ _ whIl thfy KMIJ""__ to " " "

alUIlllDnt .. wIltI no IN «ll'Klo 5 All doesor ~" ftll8U
- - . I the~hldbeendnhedb1"""'''''ffltptcple"
!hIf ill pIwftft .... - . They didn't.
IIslaNn DIe I:t«uIt ~ilhtd1Nl JolcMihon, w!o;I did nal iptII: C.
0I'flte ....... lIutndy. hid _ t d the lf~ to '-lIUistd. bIIId
Stom. .too did ~ 'PNl "'illic. ~ ~. Stom l1ucfW!'If did.
StOlfi ,qllhM fill'lilYr ficure-the ait"'" i .. OlP'9t'en! ~ .too II
.~ m..,,*, ~ ~l.C " ~ .. hiI own millrophk:
(tdtU'~ t1IJblilhtd TIIIt, is drifted t,~ed into "'iblc, lht
conttOl 0I1'tltIt1ne to the Mbs Shffif Huutvl Jl'IiOe Ilil . . . -.... or
......ibl-. SlOlIlIirnply could tIOI W1~ 4riboc POCi9trl) T1w c.lct'
.... c~ clNrty _ "boded III (tOe control 01 ~t-.r III
the ....... The~ oI.lfltIIhpb'WIOblt -..n """ the fuIooo,C
J'fi'I mobs <*r !Nt _ 01 them -1tlou&tot lor .1«Olld thM ." IUdI
WOlO'.lllllllt hid bHn .... on lIIllr ~
~.f'\cI:Il.' pJnd betripI "'" w"""""' bo.ot lid '"*',.....-
~b 1hoM.~""'Jd> .... ~orilltHllMl_1lIdIn.
Wingalq'. l;Iiblq·b..."d lactical dochinq .p~lud 10 lhq i"",glnaUon of
• you"3 8'l1l1l...tloll of Illw, ... Iaed lUI f.rm~ .lId d\.flped by lhqir ""'ular,
villonary. pIOll""ri"3 parenu 10 vLew tbe BibLe .1 • pr1lCllcl.L gulM 10 th.
Land llf'Ound thllon .nd 10 iftct thll old Jewllh ""dilion or Mdllnlllr)' Inllll·
[""lu.l ... UgLoullCbol hip. OVllr lhfl nnl forty y......, I...dlng lirull
gqmlnlillikq Doyan. Yig&C[ Vadin, .nd ehoLm Herms would emphalize
the imponance of laking pl' m1IUllr)' 1...lOnl from the Bible.

Tbe true story or Israel's creation

Afler World Wer nended in 11145, lbe Brllilh bollled up lhouHndl of
HoloceU$tlurvlv(IrIl behind barbed wire in newcamps, ~ly In CyproI.

10 prevent them emlgnllillflto 1'.oI... tine. wherelhy fe&red lbelr preMnce

would lei off. revolution by the Arab mQjorily.
From 11145 to 11141. fierce guerrilla ",volt
by Iwo P.oI... lini"" 'ewi,h groupa-the !rtIun
Zv.1 Leum!. or N.tional Military Orgenize·
tlon, led by MIlJaChem 9flgin: and the Lehl.
He Screwed up the
or Fighters for the Fn!edom of 11.....1. led by
Middle Em. but He
Yit~h.k Shamir-forced the Britilh to gi .....
Mi"" Still Sa.. ttM up thel. Mendate. The new United Netion.
World voled 10 .pprove lhe ctMtion of lwo new

n 2001. ~ body 01 Sir Mort s~ WIl

'lltM in lh. p.I.IUne Mandatq a....: "ne

I t,ho.a'rwd from ill ~Iontd (offill In

Jewilh, one "'nb. The Jewllh wmonunlly
IMden 8CCepled the UN plan: the P.I""lio·
Ploris MId ~ pithos- 01 the 1919
i.n Arab I... den. followln,g th.lead of Mufti
5jloriIh flu ~ 'riM ~
1I.IA",;n .1·1l......lnl. did not.
t.t,lCttd. Scitntilti hopt the viM rN)'
Through the 19301. Hu.....inl h.d IUC'
htIp thtm prociJ(t I ...,;rint O«l.lnlf !be
cooded in on.king the fighl fl8llin.t lha Jew·
throt 01 MI Asian flu ~.
im ...nlemeut lu Palllllinfl an "'nb priority.
Afle. thfl Briti.b witbdnwal from llnel in

.prl"l IMil. Ih• ..",1.. ,,'-II the IMipbo.". Anlb It lnveded. dolt.....
mlnlld to nllngulJ,h the InflUll Jewish e1.,.. The 11 111 """.. _Had
Ihet by drl.l.,. out lIN Brili"" CIOCUpi... Ih.,. would I.v. llNmMl.....
" ' - to fI&h•• _.,........ cllWVivel.

£liter BrJl-GllrlDIJ
The lIneli. h.d no \.lUlU 01 air form worth Ille _ . ,bey __
Ii....' ...lalUllbMod...... their Paleatinlu Ateb _fluymen poal-
tIoned to conrrol ...,. in_ional.--k ..... IifIeo cI comm...,kMlon BUI
the tenelb did hev, OIM _ _ pon .-.. of 11Nl.. _leo _Id
match: Dlrld Ben.(;urlnoL
B.l..c::..rlon INd t.en lbe domi.....1 IlfuN Ia PNestln.... poIl1la for.
quan.. """Ul}'. bu. B.lIlib policymaken end pmmlnenl Brill'"
Iewa """,plt'lll)' underMtlmeled him. They fer prttftb. deeI<. p-
c""'•• elw.,.. Impeocebl, dreued O>elm Wetun.nn end wrote olf 11«I.
Gurioo u a.loppLl)' drflUell. ~ """,em.nt profeIaloneJ poUHd....
Rut wet,.,.....n had no of sovemment or 1\11I1"1)'. A....... ~.
h. would blVe been uael unllk. W.lunenn. had come
lip In pollUce tbe berd way. Fi... b. t.ed bee".n o'Pnlzer of lh. Pale.·
Unl.n Jowllh movement. Th.n he orgenlzed the m.ln labor loft ... f·
center polltlcel ""rty In lewl.h p.l.,.tl .... 8y 1933. he w••• l....dy tbe
pri.... mini.... In .11001 name of jewI'" P.l..tln_ potIlllon h. would
bold lor mt»1 orth. nullblrty)'t'lfS. [n 19'10. M Wei in London thtuup
the wont or the LuflWllw.. blllz.. end alOOyl,. Chuldllll". cherlametk .....
'-denhip -...d blm _II.
In 1047. Ben.Gurioa .1..... no:::opI:eed thM the few. ~1Id 10.,..."
..... equip. rull modeno ....., III ¥ I oIf blrwlona &om the 1Mi&h-
bori,. NIb .... t. . Hil canruJ plaani,. pro:rv..:I crudelln prorldi"l b..
people lIN _ponol"'" n led 11I..,.1" .....ibilaliOIl. Bul wblle be

_ .....1 wartime poIltica1leeder. be.u. mUltary .....tMU of lhe

Like hil hero Wln.,on Churchill in Briliin during World W... II. !lei,.
Gur;on meddled in o""nlion.1 dellill .11 Ihe lime. got lot. of them
wronR•• nd oroered un .nd un.u""",,,,,1 milil.ry o""",llon.
"ll"in.1 Ihe Idvi"" of hu boot military command..... wo..t of Ill. he li.·
lened t" the .upposed ·e~""rt;...• "r American mililary odvenlure.
Colonel Mickey MIlfCUI. who. though I prof_lon.1, w.. no more gifted
••lrat"lli.1 or t""'lcian Ihon Ben-Gurion. Marcu.'1 f.. Ui"" led 10 Ihe wo..t
defe.' In lorael'. hi'ln')': lhe Ihlrd fronl.1 .... ull of Ihe Are" Leg!oo',
fortnlN of I.I.lrnn,


ow many Americana know th" Iraq was a conllitutional Guess what?

H mOMrchy fur thirty_three years (1925-1958) end "" inde-

pendent democracy for lwenly,"l~ y"""'? Or thaI durina that
lime. demOCJ1llically ele<ted govemmenll waged an Internal war of err.,·
democraq for
' .....I)'-s1Il"".11
live genocide ,,&,,10" thei, own Auyria" """'munili ........"""todly per- And II didn·l ..........

m,ned 10011"3 and pogrom. "8"lnlt thel, ancient Jewl.h (ommUnlll ... , • Tho ShliteS allr.q
II.·"", _ lH •
and opentad _ pollee lo"=,,, Ind lurlu ... chambers
lenlClous ""Ho""l~
wlth',..,., and fair electJOIlAT>g '!J"lnst .0
The Britilh rule over Iraq all.". Wurld War [",un"'. golde" age elll..... Englkll·.,..klng
Th. Briti... importvd India" lruo~ to e .... h • wld...p....d Shll'e·IO<! S<Jper!l'J"lV 1""1
ul"lol1l8 in 1920: tenl of lhouHnrl. died. They prevented tho Inlema_ ..=ed to brtt>g
Ilonal community from prolocl;"lI "'nyriaJU frorn ,laughter in
demO<fiC)' to Inel,
IOH-11l3J. And the democratic Ita'll government bombed defen....l....
worn.." and child....., In the vill"ll"" of ...bellio". A",b troop•.
1",'1 •• it. own ""l"'l'Ite country w., lh.e bralnch.lld or Winston
• Tho "...,1..
block .1lW
O",n:hill when he wa, Britain'. colonial nverlord aft..,. World Will. likeom' or I~
Chun:hill quickly came to regret hi. c"",lion, mad.. al Ihe "'llinll of b<foro III... "as
romaDlic and mentally "nholaneed Brlli.h Arabophll... Ute T. E. even .n hroeL
Lo ...·..,nce. In World W.r It. Ihe Iraqi army rolf! with ..-gem.... to l1ab
Brit.ln in tho back and loin N.:r;I c"mlany. II w"" jow;.h P.h>tlliml, laler

ne hlltlcelly llOaIrred '014e Ie the .lII4dle Eul

l....el. the! proved the one loyal force 10 Oritain and the Am... In tile Mid-
dle Easl. The reconquesl of lBq wu launched wilh ""ralch fo"",," boldly
.triking ....t It<:f'llU Ihe desert from Jerusalem to Beghded. All this I.n't
""""'" or .upp......ed h1Olory. lr.luOl hl<tory ,no.t I'f'Ople In the IV...t a~
unewam of.

Just like today: Abad beginning

An invincible Engli.b.• peaking n.Hon Iiheml ... tbe .neien........itori... of
MMOpoIamia from e vielou. and brulel dicl.llorshlp. 11.1 001·
diers am firol w..loomed uliberators and the .dmini.U1II<>n oflhe occu·
pytng power confidently set up new...nlighlened .y.tem. of W".tern
oonOlltullonal end democralic governmenl. BUI their plan••m derailed
hy " f""""loll. popul.r mvolt that kill. thOll.."d. of the liberaling power'.
ooldiero, end len. of thollssnd. of nsllve inh.bitents dl"loo e. the vio-
lence mgeo.
Iraq afler ZOO3? Of CO" ..... Bul it w.' .100 Iraq under the Britilh in
1920. In 1920. however, the """olt egal1\l1 the occupying power dId not
come primarily from Sunni Mu.llml In the center of the OOUtltry bUI from
Shille MUllim.ln Ihe oouth.
Troop. of Ib.. Britl.h.«mtn>lIed Indl.n Army ""vasely crushed the
u[>ri.illJl. The coAl wu high. IVillilllJl L aeveland. e ...noo. and belenced
American .ulhority. pUll th" d6lllh loll.t 460 Brillih ooldi.....nd 10.000
Iraqi•. moelly Shill.... I.e,er lraql ...,Imot... put tho dooth toll much
Brili.h policy wallo act ruthl","ly .nd on a wid...p......d OClIle afl..r
.ueh ",rlou.....volts, and th.. Shll,... we", eerte!nly cowed. In flk:!. ,h"
Shih... of oouthern Iraq remelned Ih" moot caUtlOUI and polilically qui·
...etlnt of "II th" communili.. In Iraq until Sadd.m HUllern wu toppled
.nd tbe aetlvr.t Influence of the [Ilernie Revolullon In nftlghboring Iran
finally .Iarted to I..... hold emonglh.rn.
, ..... , ' ,'.'". ,
.~' .......-~.,;..,,,, ' ,.' , .. .~ -." ." -;-
.,~'-." ... ,.~
PC Myth: D.~ocy Wililrinl Puce
-u. .10 1!W..a p«JIlk f t the wont repdm 01 tt.. hii-
A abiortlrc _
lCfy. thItr polinal-. ftI ~ they he. The Amfrlcill ........
01 . . . ._ r-""Y _ 01 the -.I hts
ltd ~ 10 ~ IJR thlt.1'lllitialIJ CllRtC! poMi(in. ftI ~ . .
_ rou 01 bIfloJ ")IllII aaesc lhir _ ~ f t IlCIIl ~ wiI'l'd
b libeqI I the war .............-.
.... II: _ the Ameron ptllIlIt 220,.." 01 dr 'ftacImrnI and 1 ~
!Il:Noy _ )ulf 10 INCh the poirC 01 ~ ...... ~ db ~ ..
lhe I&lOl.. Nld noc _ bt)',.." ... 'lhIl. ~ de....., 5pliliol
two ..d.."..ltlt lIlCIIII blood)' dfI_ doe ~..aId hid Mf ~ II
Is qlm IItrmh 10 _ _ !lIIl "ItOlJ tKtrc!bf Idoinl,. 0I1u'oftds 01
'jUIi l~rtrl pNCefIA Ifpl and conwtu6r;nII dr, 11apnel_ CM miy ....
lhe wont \eIp thII tooIl \II III o-c. Some '""" d nUtlaAt\I'lhnJ-or•
••_twl)': IOI'l'It IltilltS oI_-I,~ 10 dlstMIlhe impor.
t¥« ol CIlI' O'rtellectulllAd rtl.ip;JIII ~~ ... 0... ~ ol ~f
COI'I'of$ flQm lflCifnI Citft«.1fldfnt Rcmt,IIld Ei1:11I'ld. 0... mOllllly lAd WI-
tin (OI'I'Of from Jud,losm II'ld CMII~. II ~ I ffiIIiriII foIl~ 10 c,"" thII
rhmhtrlt¥don~ mmtI'.

Otn'lo¢rIlC)'. IS Wlllstc.l 0udliI1 fltl'O.lWy sMl, Is IIw 'II'OI'\t form ol p-

ffl"mfI'Il imfCi'\II*. _fIM for IIIIht oltltr _ thII 11M bttn II'W ~
odIfr WCldI, illl<l~ PftIKt. but 11:1. 1101: pmeltliflo 1lw Ilttmlli'on. It.':
rou (lII~ I'npOIe II c.l 0lIlIIf al\II'CI'ifs fn;wn 1lw 0Ull.0CIiI.. Ota......., ~I
_ JcundIlIClll. ThIt '-"iItion don IlCIIl bill iol th! drwru d
The pICblM • not \till Qq and IIlo ~ EM!:, rtn f t uo...... A-
~ dill u.s. ~ r V t • tIIIfB

bo:JdItird 10 1tUItr' tht aNy $UblIo II'ld

lolXcelful form 01 ~ ~ Mtddl~ Li~l ~ ~ ~ OltQllWll

&uIh idmInll"itioll poIicymaun fIIidr one llupid. icRllntic libtfll _.

like Ifttf loI'IOthtf in klq: t!ley _ put fllOIJ!Il I'oop! in IIlr! country 10
""""lin IIIllc trw ¥Id 0Ielf<. tilt)' diltwded 1M one foo:~ tllM' could ~Kf*
fully hold IrIq lOIfthrI-ltl MlII'I'-¥Id tilt)' put tIlt't trUlt In III ch.l,·
lit.. poIiriciln II'od CorMcted crlmlnillboot whom tIlt't own doplorNtlll'od
irufl~ wvia h.ld COI«<Ily WJrrled rIlr!m.
When ""'rofd Ch.lIIbl JlfO"'ed I bull. u.s. poIlcyINbn (felled I rklicu-
IcIIIl conllitul'ion cool",', poss.ibly """" h.ld no co,""",,,",
with 1M 'nl polito ~"Ptfienc~01 Ol'dlf\Iry~. They IUl.rIIed free
fltcionl would produce I modtfile. lNlONbl~ plrll_I tNr would Kt
quickly ro Kl up I porto'tf'fullO"'t",meo'l. They uSl.tlled the 11tUd)- po'I'Itiful
IIId 1lR:00'....0I' .... fTlIlitils ......"I<k..r control the ""Ill poIilal fKtionl in
the ptrliMntnl. They nSI.tIIed Ih.ll poIitiullfO'JPS wim no e"Ptfienc~ 01
politicol C'¥f*""'lok! for fOlry-f~:f"/l wookl wddoenly sober up ..cI

~ ...
prKtic~ it. No 'eol would h.loe follen for ~ OelUlionl for 0

Th.. Shill .. R..voh had Laning conaequ.. n""" on rh.. w.. y th.. IlririJh
.hBpM Iraq. Ahhough Ih" Shill... wwealt'Ndy by far Ih" majority popu-
lalion inlh.. counlry. th.. Brili.h ..... 1'1 th"m oul In rh" fIOlillal cold for
the ","xl,ltt y...... up 10 195ft. Th" polilia! .. IiI" in rh.. corrupt
and c"",,,\y bur tflCOllniZ/lbly r1um<)Q'8rk; polilicel oy,t"m in Boghdad .......
all Sunni MWlllm•. mainly from Ih" ""nr"r ..nd nOl1h of th" COUnlry. More
important. M> w ..... tb.. dominanl officer llOI'plI of th.. new Iraqi army
Th" Drill.h ..1M> "noou""8ed rh" new Sunnl Muolim "lilO thoy favored
to think. In pan·A...ll r..m ... Iraq ..v..ntually joined rh.. n.. w Attlh L.ea8uo.
Tho M..ln M....po.. mlo

The Brill.t,lhoua/ll Ihy <:<MIld Mtabllih tb_I....... tM l'rlen<b of the

AnbI and 10 undertnJr,. their tndit>oMi rinb. !be Frend!. In !be "'lion.
n..,. . -....I*i thM AAbo thlOugbout tbo Middle EM! lIMed !be BrilS
....... than !bey did !be ~ Britiah t-I 110..... control of far .......
tenilOl)' and far IafI'W popuJ.tiocul. In 19S1. I. _ I'" SIIMI om.:..
corpIo. "lIrlll.... and proleded by tbo Brithh ...... Joaa. who
tkbd u-a OUI of Iraq. Swmi M....lim conlrol of tbo lM'ion and I" oil
..Jib Iuled .""''-bty-fi.. r-s \I.IIIill'" U.s. Anay", throuP
!be <:<MIDI')' and • _ ."...r1OII of lponml Wet!... poIicynMbn
d&ddood tbIy " - how.o .....b t'" - I T ) ' I.. their 0WIIltup.

Democracy In Iraq: 1925-1958 ..... from 1...... p~lyc:omP'l..,I.J.rned. aIld IOphl.
tScattd U.s. med.. In Ib, r..\lful montho befon t'"
u.s. Invulon oflraq
In Man:h 2003 w.. &oy ",f..... nee.let .100' ~ dlEIIAlon. Ofwhal
kid IIoppened when [noq llfllried democroq.1lemocncy w....·•• poili'
lui .ntlblollc 1I11...... t~ 10 cu'" lraell. of .11 tb,lr WOM. They b.d
enjoyed whit w.'" IUpJlMld 10 be lhe bl,..lnlll or a comlltutlun.1 freedom ohpeoch. an Indopendon'ludlcllly.a f.... p...... rr...
democnllc electlQrlI. and &0 electfHl ....lI.menl for mu'" Ihln I qUlrler
ofl c.rll~dthe ......1" bednl bean prelly.
Whal happened I" the 111300 wben Bri.aln proclaimed lnoq Independ·
.... und. III OWn t11lon [with Ilritbb IrOOpIIlnd IUldanca f'IltDOIlolng. of
COlI_It El<ect!y the ...... !hi.. tMt happotMd. all.,. t'" o.ce",ber 2005
1Aql,1ect1ona that elected the _O<l<IMuIlraqi d partloea _
_ .oday: l«ribl, _ oommwtily m," ' . and dvil ilh lhe
oftIdaI army _tlIwleetimlly ..,tldpat.l.....
1ft 1933...... 1"- BritaiJI.,.m-IIraq I1hUar IlIdlF 10 1 • tl» Inqi
_ y IUlOeI- KUl'dWt ....-.J BUr Sidql ........ t d a pop.....
-';DJt tl» o.n.uan ANyrian c::o::.nfIIwtily 1ft -u-n Iraq ....

meny Ihou"","de of Iham. So frighlful warnlha kHllngB lhalrna... wu e
...rlou, mova In the LMJIua of N.Ilon, 10 t,y 10 .-:ind fuillroql ind...
""ndan"", bul It w., blockoo by Iraq', Srili,h prol&ct_,
'"'" polillClllllIld mililBl)' bl,lory of Iraqi "dam""""'y" undar S,ili,h
"suldance" I, mlnd·numhinS: i. II e bolwHdtlTins ... ,l. of InlrISu....
COUpl, 'f'll8Cheries, "'VOh" .nd Iha ern,hlnl of ona uibol .fte, another
with brulel military foroa.
On Ck;Iobar 29, 1936.1ha flnl mllilary coup in lha An.b world look
pl8C& in Iraq whan GBn&ral Sldql ovanh...w Iha ll""arnmant of the d.y.
In !lIntI 194 I. Brill,h forceo In Iraq who hed just foiled enOlh'lt coup pt.n.
ningto ally Iraq wilh th, NU.l·A~I, lid' ,too<! hAck plWlvely while fN"
traled you"j lraqilltmy om""... led Iheir fo""," 10 kill hund""', of Iraqi
Jewl end d...poil Iheir community,
RepMled Arab .riball'Bbolllionl w&re cruohoo by Ihe Britllh..upponoo
regim... duri"ll thl' P"riod wilh 1M uUn'" ....,,;ty. The Briti,h. il lhould
be ...membered. ruloo Iraq directly fo, fourioon Y&Ull. from Ihelr mHltary
conqUllllln 1918 10 1932. And they ","nelnlld 1M t8Ili pow.., in the coun·
try boohlnd ,.u""""ion of pUppel govemmente for Ihe next Iwenly"b
y&Ull unU119S8.
Bul in.ll Iheltlme. Ihe... w"" .1.., e """rnt poll"". The... w ,onure Th.... w.. lhe Cl'ulbing .nd dapoil!"ll of mlnorill And
u-e were the unpredictable IerTon of Ihe Begltdad mob. It look thl, level
of brutali.y to melntaln In Iraq th.. ao""mment the Britl'h favo""'.

AJewish bilse for the Aliles

In IIH I. the Iraqi amlY. which the Briti.h h.d ral.oo Ihe",""lvIII, re""lIoo
agalnltthe Srill,h and kicked them oul etthe height of World Wu II. '"'"
only loyelally they ootlld lind enywbet'1lln the Middle Eul wu the jew'
llh communily in Pelaline, or Iha YI,h"v.
General Erwin Romm,,1 wu running tlngs &rOund tbe B,itisb in the
Uby~n d _ allbe time and wulhmalening !':g)'pl. Thisleflth" IIrhish.
alre"dy slrelched thin, wilh almost no fOreel left 10 Iraq. The
Arab Legion, which h.d been lovingly grow" for lwo docades 10 oerve e"
the main ruliebl" Arab anny loyal 10 the British and 10 enforoe thei, will
throughoul lh.. Middle East, ""mi'rebolled "nd .nnouo~ they would
,,01 mon:h "lI"insltbeir own brethren.
At Ihat moment. Churclllll'. hinge of f.te wu.winging wide. If Adolf
Hiller had not been "" slupirl a" to ...nd hi. elite paratl'OOP'" alld other ai..
borne unilltn be dedmaled during lheir COfIqU81t ofCrele. he could lim·
ply heve now" enoogh of them imo Iraq to wip" tbe nnor wllh whale"er
bel.,ed forcoslhe Briti.h could 1Cf1Ip" h:",ethe•. Al th., momam, hefore
lite Nui inv...ion of lhe So"iet Union. lhe Luftwaffe ....ily hod lhe ClIp'"
bility 10 do the job.
Bul what crucially lumed lhetide In the Brillsh favor Will ,lIM lh" AnIb
Legion,d." and tbe Sunnl·llld Iraqi .,my in wblch they had

Political Scientists and Idealistic

Dreamers Gone Wild
bq r«ds 10 bt t~~I«I-libfr~l«lf,om bi& pIirll. E~ time people ~.
tioned illn !he wt few yNft. ~ wllIO COMKt it 10 bIa kim: the '1111 'lI~iml
WMD, """"" the Arllh-lVit!i conflict, ~ ltCtrIlly lhe w., apinl.t tarfOf;"" ond il tl'IOdotI of
demoooq. Thit's why ill thN m;IlKfs il~ mide. They"~ mide ber:_ I~ is ~Iwil)"l irllOfl'lf<lflt'l
INnd the fnt II.,. to -ltllnc elw."
GhusatI SaIalM, politic~l.dviwf to .1"I~nated Uniled Nillionl sp«iill
envoy Serlin Voe;ra dol' ~Ilo, quoted in The ASSOSSWlI' Gor, by Geoor&e
n • ...UlIr.llyl....rnrt G.I•• lalbe Ml~~l. Eltl

lavithed to much Investmenl and pride. It Wat hAlf a ",illion lrouhlemak.

.... Ih")" bad grown beartily tick of: the Jewi.h communlty of Pal",.line.
Th" flriH.h were able 10 muller a hulily .....mbled force nf their n",n
reoerve trot>p•. Anob Leflion forca., and lewl.h P.I".lInlan volunl.......
ll<Icau"" il' .tnol"llic la'llel "'at Ih.. vllal H.bbl.nly.h air ""'SolI nul. Ide
BaghdlKi. it w•• caJlIKi Habfnrotl.
Tbeir column of only .i;< thnuoand
men .truck oul IlCroo. Ih.. d..... n from
How Irlq's Last Pale,line egain,l epl"rently impm.lbl..
DemocriCY odd•. The h•• llly orpniUld Ught .nnorl
Ended mobil.. infantry force .......
oulnumbered by the Iraqi .mIY, now
ihr rfttM~ Ifl "'u fust CUI off. MId ltltn his
openly', .nd Hitler', .lly.
lU1M Itld ltp; tIlf)' _ thrown to IfOUPl of
In bri.. f bUI heavy fighling, Habfnn;e
J'OOfl& mtn, who rMl off -inz l!l6I' "","",",,,
lurned the lide, The Briti,h ..-tabU,hed
...ittl joyful ~s. ay the time the procflsion
Ihem",lv,," ov..r lnoq. But It had heen a
rfxhed the minlst!)' of drifltlf on the ottIl'r
cl., thing. 11 ...... Ih.. n.. a.....1 Ih..
siclf of tile Ii"!!, the body ...1\ no moo!' ltlMll
N.d. ever got In "'Izing control nf Ih.. oil
btullfd loUd mutilmd tnri. ... Whit WllSleft of
wealth oflhe Middl.. Easl
the 'qeoI's body thiI t'<'tl'Ont WllSlOll~ with
After the Brit. put down Ihe 19041 rebel·
Pf',olltld 1ft 00 fire. thr bruIIt r,,"llum bri'l.c
lion, the ~ didn'l lasl much longer.
Ihrown inlo the T!lrls..
EVfIII the Brill.h Ernpl... could 0'" fOl'llver
keep lhe HaohemU". nn Ihe ficllonal
Ihron.. In B.ghdad. On July 14. 1958.•
mililary coup InppJed Ihe mmarchy.
tw""ty·fo\,r-y"",...,ld "'in,g falNln. el""ll with hi. gnmdmotber, aunt, and
uncle, were .l.o.usJuernd In ftl<ClIptlnnally &",*,. ~'inllhey ,
"'ere mllChin..-gunned by one of the nfficen canyln,g OUllhe coup, who ,
lal... IBid he w., in a -.tate of madn...• wh..n he fired Ibe falal .bot•.
Then Ibe body orthe youna kin,g "'.. boh...da<l. Th.. body ofth.. "'8"nl, ,
ero...·n l'ri""" Abdullah, "'.. then mutilaled by. Ilaghdod nlOb.

n.. brul.l ""'~ pu .. ith the 80bhevlu' lla.....' .. of lhe
aar·llamll, 1..""ly.. i.I-ywar "'"' 01 tonIIiluUonal demoo;rKJ'
III ... Indeptndotnl1Bq.
V.. III 1M moniN imMMliat.tyt.fDn ..... att.the ZOO3 U.s. 11I....1on
of Dq. IMNIlOnIIoa.ola H-'-nite -.doy 10 1Bq _1ICtU&11,..-i-
.....1,. iWOPOl,..g..t III ............ 1ll1aUM:t.... joumaIJI and _ fa...... by
_ oflhe _IIID_1iaI aDd po• • fu1 polk:ymabn III the U.s. p '

No _ oh&l ... ,.l.... for the Iraqi I'Mb_IIM _ they . . . . . . .

and ...... QMonel be1 .l-K.i!ll Qui bo Iw:I 1M !lillitar)' Oll'!p that
IOppload f.INlli idal,. popular _ ballMld n,w. wbo w..
b>dIy ,"" _ _ owI afW be _ defoc-d in. 1NlOIbar00000p ..... t'*'
aucutowl bi_lI.

Where Americil went wrong

The fovered LIlli can cry u loud .nd ... lonl u II WllhM. bul _nsibl.

penon will bell.....e lhallh.. IlUlh adminil,..Uon lnvo.daod Iraq 10 enr\cll

,he oil camp.nlel or 10 dillract "'m&ricalU from olhor admlnlll..lion
ohorlcomlnp. U.S. pollcymaken were enll",ly Iincel'llin Ihelr belleflh.1
Ihl" could .nd would bn.., I.abl pro-W&I"m dlmocracy '0 l.-.q ful.
Iowl.., 'hI loppllnl of Saddlm H ln In March 2003,
!lllllhl roaod 10 hellllln~ I:Nlved ..llh ""'" Intentlonl. Th. rOMIlo
Ilotbdad ..... cw.,.lald wllb • n.r......d 0>',,1,. dLuitabl. vl_ 01 !be
InnlllnUallfOl.lp" 10 Iraq. n. 8111.b .cImh,lltmlon'l plan 10 qllidl,.
",obI1d, damna.., In 1Bq Itwnhlw:l '-<II,. bac:a..-lbay vaotly _
timaIed the Inttanll.ptl "oonphi.......towl......1I,W"&I1I nat oIlha
_potilll commllD.l.....
In 200J II.. U.ited Stata pilI na.I,.. q 10 _6.,", of 1M land
taoa. 1rI1O inIq that .............. 10 Pi "" aDd..o. _ .........
an luurIedlal. coIIapaa!DIo -..:hy. Dishud'" SecIdam.. 1eatad army
MnICIllnl wu anoth..,. ml,tAb ....uhl"g from mlsplllOO'd hwnanll&riRJlism.
Thc", wu no othe, force to fill the ll"P on Ihon notlolt. and many olSed·
dam'l formlll" officon becemc the h....11 01 the new Sunnl'll"ru:y 11..1
rapidly developed. lVashington polieymw.. lIbseued lboul cnftin& an
"idOlI" IlIId "ba.lllIIC9d" constitution for tr.q I.lId a ponde",... machinery
01 po,'ul.r "Iedionl Ind l'a,II."",nlery I'n:>ce<Iu.......·hil.. lhey ign<>ntd lhe luu,," of producing enough lood. fu..1. gasoline. RIld other economic
n""""oili... Rnd guanmtoeing a luffiel..nt cllmat.. of law and order. Th..y
thought the 60 pe"",nt Shlhe conununlly could rapidly be co-opted eilher
by chariatanlllk.. Ahmed o.alabi. who ...._commanded any lignificant
popul... lolll>Wlng. or ",ligiOlU I....d.... llk.. lkand Ayalollah All
who played Wuhlnglon from Ihe ""rt. They never drelmed lhal Iraq'.
Shill... 11~",h...ded by rapidly 0'8"nlring n.... mllill.... could develop RIl
agenda of their Own--()ne conlrary to U.S. int .. rest•.

Why Western gOlfernopce doesn', work Ihere

Th" .n.wer 10 thll qU85110n_hich seem. 10 hive escaped .uch promi-
nent wrlle.. u Thomas Friedman and Chari... Kraulhammer---wu Ih.1
Iraq i.n·1 Ihe United St.I .... Or anything lik.. it. DemOCf1lCy could work In
Cennlny Ind .ft... world W... ll beceuse. for Ihree quarte.. 01. ce,,-
tury from the 1860s onward.lheno hlld been a f...... p...... f..... parliaments
(eve" If lheir po........ w""' 10m_bel Ilmiled). and free eledionl in th.-
co..nlntlll bero", Ihe ~·.sci'l te.keove.. of Ihe 1920. .nd 19301. To • I_r
but stlUIlgnificant d"l!""'. Ihe wulrue In Japan fullowl"Slhe Melli
Restoratio" or 1869.n the way to the military 1.....lnatlOlU and effec·
live 18lr.oover of the 1930&.
a ..1 al we blve .""n. during the fony y of Brltllh p....enee from
1918 (.nd Ihe Iwenty·li" y...... ef conlli1 ..11o 1democrw::y from 1932 10
t 958) the .....lIly In Iraq Wall tribal rivel,i.... ,nililery coups. _ poli08.
and lorturo chambers. And In the thil1y·five years of the Second Ba'llh
Rel'uhUe from 1968 to 2003. Ir.q wu a telalilan... Ilate of tbe mool
""lteme son. Befo.e the Dritieh occul"'llon
in 1916.thoru had nover been Iheellllhl"'l
Mmblance of modem polhlCIII cullu .... In
Iraq-In elrild"ll cont...I. for example. 10
, A look You're Not
Supposed to
1M ChotOOrn IlotM VmIotl ood olhfr Mid-
• [ostlm SI1.dt's bJ Ellt I:edoulif;
The It.ql concepllon of poillia WM tbe
AJ1le mere 11_. winne...lak... U. kill..,...l..
Chiu&o: I'ink. ~.l'OO4.
killed. ~ero-,um game Ihal Lenin ellmmed
lip u ·Who/Whom.· You worn eilh... ·Who·-the .ubjecl oflhe verb. the
aggreuo•. the viClimIUT-<l' elN you Iuld no choice bUI ·Whom·-the
objecl of Ibe verb. the pu,lve vicdm helplels 10 defund hlm...1f from
",hat ever lhe rule. did 10 him. The contempo..ry urban equlvalenl of
Lenin'e Id_nd Iraq'. po1i1i~ouldbe·get Of S'" got.•
Thle wun"1 an "'mericen co~pllon of polilia. il ""rt.lin1y ",un'ls
libe..1one. BUI il wu Ihe way lhinS" had slwap wo.ked In Iraq.

After Saddam: -Beller TIberlus·

A ...·IN old hle10tlan once ..Id. ·Belle. TIberi ..1 tha" a oommlll..... •
TIberiu, wu one oflhe worsllyrenu in the hiltoryofthe Roman Empln.
snd Sadd.m HII.... ln made him look llk:e Mothe. Te..... 11111 .ule In
Regilded by tbe ·commillee" l)efunle Secrelary Donald Rumdeld
l...laHed Iurned 011110 be far wone.
$odd.", had been tbe greal...1 klller in modern Arab bielory. He had
uul"".hod two major wars 01 allS"'"ion. all""kl"tllran and Iwallowlng
Kuw.h. He had innkled moru!""," .trocIU... on bis own people. The
only IhinS ho w••n·t sulily ofw.. the crIme tbal pffIClplteled Ihe 2003
U.S. Invallon llull fill.llly look him down_funding d' oth.. involvement
In Ihe planning of the September 11 att""lto. Bllt Iraq end Ihe Middle """t
"'ere va.11y more d,,"lI"rou. p ' - ell.. he fell than Ihey were during his
lullwelve years of power.

Tho original_mum by Prealdem George H. IV. Busb. Secretary of
Stete Jam_ A. Boker.....1io""llIO>CUrily odv;oor Bruni ScoW<:nlft,and Ceo-
Mal Colin PowelJ..-.e OrlM IIMI national ~ily l...rm in modem U.S.
hbtory-lo [$lVe Slddam in pow", in Haghdad was sound. This became
very cI It.r U.S. mllilsry fon:'" finally mo,·ed into Baghdad for an
extend Ilay in AI'.il 200J.
Slddam in power Iuod been an effe<:li,'o block On the [ranlans. Prelli.
doni Ronald Reapn. Secretary or St.,., Ceo'll" Shultz. and their Milo",,]
_Ulily I..""" had """"'8"lzed Ihil d"'fly. Thoy""w that I... " ",... inoorn-
parably Iho gmotor long.term 1"""'110 the United Stat*""","""d to \ull.l for

PC Myth: Democracy
GUirantees Hu.... Riahts
""T'"h" ~ rnr:xwchy MId iU ~~l diOl'l ~e ~ moder·
1 alt. cmlizJo'C. iIld rMlrlllnfd Infll.'fl1Cf oomtitulionil_chit$ art
I<opllOlfd to _1ft. kill',)twl.. (lWd>, Shi~K, MId I'J\Ml)' 5ImI MWn
lribtull plid tilt I"'Ke for "dMlo('K)'" lou Nt"", INt l-..d h,.d no mtory
of constitutionill f'KlIul:ion Of I,... Tht swHflin.l (onfll<~ion of almo1t all
tho! prClpfrty oIlrill" _ifnt Jr«kh COfIYI'U'Iity 1_ than 100.000 ,t"'"ll
_is ICtulllly Ci/11fd out iKCOIdinc 10 p",lion'lonIMy hi ,onstitulianll pro-

pI'iely o'u loIIltlu day In Much 19'51.

Far from brircinl pl'Kt. dtmooiC)' inlr,,! runntttd 10M. Tht (QI'llptt-
lilt lfCt4lS in I,,,! from 1912 to m.a QW the dftnocmic proc:t" only iIi bn-
lit Tflrou&Il which to stilt the InstiMions of powtf ond t!ltn .. itld ltltm
ruthlmly i&llnst t¥tfyoot thO!. In J'It.lrly lIilf iI ctfl1U'y linct the ~ 14. •
I9Sl cOl4l. nothInt l\iI d\inted. J<

lhat mall...-ftll\' lraq'l poIenll.Uy C'llaJll'Ol'hk nucl.... poIellll.1 had
been deotl'O)...d In the 198\ 1....."li air ro.m nalll 11la. _ why the BUlh
..... bM:bId Iraq to 11M bJ1I It:I. l~ 19l1O-1988 WIll' ..... nsl I.....
SHkIem _ tIM OIIly !hi. . lI"Ppi. . I.... m-IIMdlly Ip....-li. . its
i.II.fI""",* Illto Iraq. wl.h ill 60 petCIIIl Sbiil. -torily populat,..... AI
..... II lbo Iraq __ romat ItIbIo aDd cbni.... od by Its Sunnl mu--
IIJ', the IlIn.... Iol. .ic vl ble.rkod. So _
$eddam'lluotI,. t •..t .."." aftfIr thoy ~ III thMr 11191
II'tOII lbaI the Shlil. _jl:wity "' the _til w ld not dan defy hi....
When old Gnnd Ay.,ollah Mobl'" ,d
Sodiq "-sodr WII moutlend
" ' - ,*,,"inly 1m Soddaal·.ordln i111_,lt-. _ noll. wbisP'"" out

• tha Iraqi Shill. m.ojorily. n..,. k-. wbat .....,wd happen tbent. '0
But ...... Soddam _ ...... 11 _ • ...,. dlfloren. II""". ilIInakllt.......
Iold m:.. lbo Stale Deport_., tIwt OA. and ""81)1 OIher pan of lhe U.s.
........momt out IIf runnl.. Iraq. But .h.n he and hll Illp It.ff dldn',
boIher 10 do lhe IDb lhem..l~...
A I."" hody of J'OU"lI d<tmocncy-touli"8 Ideologu., non. of wh"'"
.po~e A.-hlc ". hod e~e. lived In. let .Ion. Imdled, tho hiltol)' 0' 110.
Arlh wOflt, w.... nown out to the Groon Zone: the cOlnron.ble, 51.....
bucko-equlppod uncl.~e In &ghded from which U.S, ron:eo ruled. A.lhe
Coolillon PoovI.lo".1 Authorily (CPAI, they In1<lIIdod to """', •• n"w con·
IlItution for lnoq .nd decide how the _"try mould bII ruled. They made
!he bun&Jl"ll &npl.. IonIr. .,...,petent.

BiilDklng an a bank swindler

.......Wd·. poIk,.-ken b.t l..vily <xl • .-Jthy Shm.lnIqI ad\"ell1UfW
... e..i" who ..... been cooriaMI ,..... brian • _ I... b&n.l; mud ill
Jood-. He _pod ..... jail .... by OeoUlI'be IlDUn~.
tbon _ not II.. lIishl_ _ 10> ~ tboI Ah.-:I Oylobl aDd

bIo InqI NoIiona1 n.._IINCl_ ....... ill ~ 11111 SIMI o.p.rt....c

and ...,ioul aA 1tl&lylll we.. extrnmely IUI'II.,.1 of him alliiong. Oul
Ihe;r ,",,,:o,,,,te au"..mentl and wunlngo w..... ignored by Ihelr gunS·ho
poIHI.,.1 mute... Vet the allumption thaI Chel"bl w.. bGloved by Ihe
Iraqi ~ple. including la'll" numOO.. in d", Sunnl·dom;nated lnoqi enny,
&h<>r8d up U,S. war planning from the finl. Rumlfeld even wanted to ""nt
the Invading U.S. fol'C1l dnwn from 150,000-180,000 UOOplto a me..
~O.lJ()(Hj(].ooobecaUM he WII 10 oonvinaod the Iraqi anny wouldn't figbt
and large elementl of It would def8CI In U.S. fol'08l al ,oon a, they
~ the border.
Of cou ...., that didn't hap""n. HUI thl dllulion Ihat Chalahi and hi'
INC would rapidly becom" the cl'ldlble, "fIerly pro-Am"dean sovern..
ment in Iraq died hllrd. [vemuaJly tbe a ...
lI"thel'ld compelling evidence thet Chelabl
DUly have been ,n agent fnr the l",nlan,.1l
along. and, at the very I"".t, wa. a ...riOUI
Thlt's the WI,! It Is
security ri'k. They we.. convinced th.t he
·Brief 1'1 it is, tilt realfd or tilt k-.oom had leeked confidential cod'" and lnl.,..."a..
or k;>q is full or bloodshed. llU~ and tion he Ihould nev.., lIave had to the Irani·
,.~ and Ilowe'voer pitiful in end, we ant. Rurn,feld·,lleuten.anu then cut off their
moy nnw '>¥f this "n ~ictt in its linkll to hlm_ll.....t fo' a !lOle.
btl........• [ve" wlthoul Chalabi. the naive U.S.
pla"""re in the Green Zone and lheir politi·
(toe ~"'. "'The ~ d k;>q:
.,.1 ""..tera hiack home we",n'l too """"
I ile{fOIPKl; in /lor C"Io>!IDrI_
_ ar>d Ottoer SIt.dOrs turbed. They had Invaded and DCCUpled I",q
to male H .. re fo' democracy. and make It
life they would. Through 2005, the lnlu,,"
genII inmeted a hell of bomh Ittackl declo
mltlnglhe new lreql pollee and security fo __. The new pollee ro~

w.... undertrained, P""_Mrl dub;"", loyalty, and we.. I""",pa.ble of oper.

atlng independently "8";nll inlU'll"nl fon:ea.
TIl............' I,.... . .I pow« 10011 lnlo u.. Iw1df of 10Ql lIIllltiu. both
Sunnt and Shllt.. Durill:lllhb '-t.fuL time. theCPA pLon.... In BaFdad
kJctillld OIl en,".. "" ldeell:lOmtilulilxl b u.q. n..,. misht. well hoMI
cou,u'" the Duml.r Dr..,.11 WI could dence OIl d.. b..d of a pin.
Wlthoul any . .I ..............1 W'lInh tIM ........ l,...lJI wenl hul!&'1'.
_ , plltd.1M:Ud eloKtricily lor .... putI oltIM dey. Mel dldtl1_
lui.. _ . h ......i... La tI.. CIIWlUJ' wlUl tIM ~ lupR and ""'*
_ l b l e " ' 1 ' . or tIM .tuff OIl euth. £""" s.dcbna lIIarled 10 Ioul<
JOOd. and lhM look _ doi<Is-

Birtb of tbe Iraqi InsurnctiOD

lusb'aldeelUtk edvYon. deed _ OIl mek.lll:ll u.q lnla a nlm w....·
Itrla dClnoOCiecr, believed Ahmed Chelabi whesT be Aid be would be
b.,.ly populer and thlll'.... U.s. Annr would be s-ted. Ilt-lolon.
II ...... luIppened. Within twenlr-Ih"", de,.. oru.. fr.ll of Ileghdad on
April 9. :r003, the8"Jlll SunnllMuntldion . .Inat U.S. Jon:lN wu .:IreIodr
up end runnl.... It Itatled 00' Mer 1. 2007. 'h• ..."a doy Preold.flI Cec>fsIl
w. Ilulh drlmatlcl.lIy Landed on Ih. nuel..., aln:...n carrier USS Abro'
110m UncoI" and proclaimed "Mission !II::oomplllhed."On that day, U.S.
..,Idl.... In the SUllnl town of falh.jah .hOl and killed .Ix'...
n vlol.nt
demooul... ton who were not canyI"lI
Tba dead prol"""" promptly became marlyn.. from Ireland '0 india,
lIOIhl... MU mull emOllonlaneme and whlpa up wld.p...... popular
IUpport Hba doun 01' IROn ..... 1).. ;-•..,18 whocan be plauolbly p..-
_Mel utha lnop: .. leti of the evil oocupy\nl pow.... Combi... IheM
lnoaYitabM n.r..,pa with R fald·. iAailleace OIl lulri.. a1maIl DO n.
lbIa pNMnM on lhe 1,...1 at_. and e dolanl hm"PRCJ abould be
8:l<,*"ed. M ~1.a...1ll "",.pl.....U . . poop"lOIId ... J"OU 11 n- ..
...... .. IINy·.. afrUd or JO'I. luI mU:i", poop" IOIId at JO'I wlthoul

mekl"" them .".,Id olyoull 1M wont mlluoh In IMIIoaok.. Rwndeld·.
PentlFa aDd Ibeir _ a>A ....... tllM ..1"0 lJ:I .pods.
The U· l.....,.,.;ta, In Inq DOW 1M "'""...... ,...
pH Ie.t w SMkI.m H...... and .... _ po_.. NI and hitber10
P fulcon tioDaI. ,. i.tI 1M Am world bed .oWl,. failed twice.
The Sl.1nJlJ Inql I " .. ymled. '_Il...IlIlld d bepn 10 ..........
1M Us. ........ ton::. u..t bed _II,. wlpld _ 1M larlreql_,. In
IhIM weeo.
n.. SuJUlI MuoJlm rn.umoction in I IltrllCllld .ignific:anllnllf-
""IlOfUlljihadl... lo II......h. Irld o" lhe ,......Ihey aome lOlNU UI) a
.ignlflant numbe< "rlhl 'ulclde bomber cad_ who Inflicted Ih.. wotll
mlyhem on Shill.. el"lll.nllrld Ihe ..ew I... ql armed fotcel.
Out It dldn', '1&11 IhI' w.y. Al Qr.eda and Olhe••lICh groulK did nOI
lunch 'he In'umK:tlon in [...... were n.ot,iJy _pon,lbl.. for lu
JfOWIb....d ............. up ""'"' than I small mincrily nllll-=U... fI&bt•
... By fail ZOOS. Us. milillry Inle1IJaenoa 1I_.momU lJ:I1req bed con·
chw:W lh.Il the lJ:IRattec:tio: bed -"ed 1M • .,....'...;ni"" polnL Ev.n.
ir ell ........pp1_ ............m-. &om ouuide 1M DIIWItry ClDUld b. cui
ofJ.--4ncL II- t'"peudlJ of U.s. F'DUnd rorc. i.tI 1M COOU'lIy. Ihlt
_'I _ ..,. pew'hle IMIDIwpncy -.ld conlin.... 1II UM;tI,. me
_ _ IevaIll bed , 'wi

The InsurgeDls: Noljust a rew troublemakers

[n AUglllt 2003 1.....[ 100urgenu kllllld lhe Unlled N.tiOOl enYO)' to I......
Se'llio VI.lIra de Mello. and Iwenly-one "",,,,boo.. ofbll UN Ila«",bh an
en<mno.lIlruck bomb thlt d..molilhed theCa...1 H"tell .. Baghdad. The
widely re'pected de Mello WII Ihe hls/lest'flnklnll UN o!flelll to be
IriIJIld In I'" l:IClOl>tM of duty In more !han fou. dto::Id... '!bI1 IIlIM "Illao::k
A"llull." C.. nd Ayllollab Mohl,,*, Bllql, .I-Haklm. the mOl' senior

PC Myth: We Don't Need the ail, &ad &a'athists
~ eo.lilion Prorisio:roll NIttlority YlcUd t.- U~ control of SIdcl¥n's well~ined
L "'" jusl11 fu,ed i1"")', pIJin& itll,oopUnd ~irc i1lMfui aent'i11 from lhe old ~
to ~ it, Thit Pil't lhoul<l t.- btffl my; SoiIddiIm IH'ilIed his ~Ib Iii<! dirt, ~lIy if tIlry
Sffled him well "'" _~ rood ~l thril job1.
But insteild, ~ hiIpleu L Piul &remer, iIppiIfll1ly OIl ordfrs from RI.mIf~ "'" his ri&"I'hInd
mtn ......... !tIt ~iIp ill !tit limr. diuohed the IfiIqi i1rmy "'" issued I de'&I'~thifl(ilIion
order t'liminillirc ~ who 11M! Sffled in the &I'ilth PiIrty from IIr1 poIillOfl of oIf~ ~
sibility, Thilt WISllt iI (OI'Mf>ilIi'we WI'! to do ttunrs: It wiI' r«>-1~iIl idultSm ill Itl moil ~.
0Ul iInd 1t'4lid
1M d.-BiI..thifQlion ordtr i1lso I&nored the p1i1CtKt iInd ~<Im of Gentr~ Gtor,e So hllOl\
!'till"'l of III U.s, CO/T'lM c~ who JOI into hot will... .n... World w.. n b)' kffPirC
formtr membt'l of ltle N.u:i !'IIty ¥0I.fld 10 enllH lOUthem GtrmiIny didn't col~ into fil/lline
iInd dIiIol iIlter World WIlll
For hUOfl undenlood !tit IIiIIIM of lhe 100illililliiln llille: t'>tf)' tI\IW-, doctor, or t~
(Iill worth IIlllill is forud 10 ioln the lUIi.. piIII1 ;"sIlO bt iIllowed 10 do his jab.
De-BiI'i1thifKilliort could t.- btffl dooe wilh diKliminillion iInd lUCC", [it WCIUId be Iwd 10
~ it btlnc conciKted 1m lUCce»ful11l If POSl'OCC'4liltion!ilfor' hid fOC\Md lOlely
OfllKrtl police killm iInd lop poiit)' oIfdilll ilrIolotd wilh erlorcirc SoiIddiIm'I molt notorioul
iInd bloody initiilliftl,.
Iolteilod, SO,OOO 10 60.000 mtn who wm l!le btlt illmer:1 iInd btll l,iIlned in l'iIq wm ~Iien­
i1led from l!le u.s. (orca, the CPA. iInd "'111iq11 who rtwrw thei, 101 In with them. And ltle enl~
SU"InI cotnnU'Iily in cenffill Oq WJS _I !tit /Ilf'll.iI,e tIliIl iflff e;zhty.1tu. YN'" of be"'llop
qlt>eft lOiS IOinC to bt no hope forthrm ill the h¥odl oIlhe" 'ltfCtl'u15hiilt brtthr..... ~
mtr iInd his J'OUI'It slilffm in the CPA didn't "lend to ItIld ttlem thit mtl~, But It1tn. tIlry
didn'tl:oow ¥l)'ttllnc iIbcIur I~

n. "UU~.UJ l.... rrea GlI14. ~ I" 111"11. boC

Shll,. c1fIric In Iraq. and IlJhty of hb .uppal......... killed In lnother

devutatinll car bomb 11IG.
N.ivi U.s. (:tInI_IAIQr1l did'" pili. ",..,. opIoed thaI th. "nloCh
...... cl.rly the....n of. tmalllltiAority It.....) _I"fl-I_bel",.
u..Jr of ~ 10 IMlq IfalMl. Whet tbey dldll"t ..Jim_ tbal .....
_ tapkIIy doMIlYlnc iDIo the - .... ol...un- ~ l". British polil-

~ .Jo,.,:-., ,;.:
"-' '-,,'-! ._
_:",.;-. ........,.;' "
.• ' , " . ' , ' ••••••

PC Myth: W. Don', _ T~
efeM Seomry 0lNId ~fId. obIm«I.lltl tho "IN! the
Ulolfd SUlft could _ the worId'~ px..l.~ with ..
IIWtplOIIy I¥r m.n North lorN\ ""-d<' .., UI,"
troop! or-bfttff br f.,-polk. 10 ~ the t;WlIlJ ulm. WI. ¥ld .....
~ ~ tIIf n.mJt\lCMo d"I" .-.d Wftb .ft.. ~'. f~t WIwn Ml
OIl)' rJ riolinJ pm:Ii<::lobly fR4lIfd KrOll Boplld. ltumsffld Vwuged II oH
wllh the now"_ '_I. "ShJf 1\Ipptnl.."
Wi" old SIr ~ 00wbl1P\ !he BfaiYl colcnill polic:_ wtlo
~ tho ~ 01 the 11129 "'Ill rial. in I'IltUII'It. «dd lIM told!tums·
feld whtI-...:Ihlippfn 1lI'rt.
f"nI. cnUI ...... _ dont II) trlq' (rititJl mlWUCtlft, npec:1il1,
itt Ncrriul ~"".i1c cipkIty Mol 01 pockxtoon foitlO!l, widl_
InffIQI ~ on the .,.lIon', i«O\Jti) ~ rulhr kIIowWC)'NII-
~ tIlIIlrlqi PftIPt "* wNlrftf _ tI'IfJ tIICl rJ tlwlU. Mftt.
('1'hf IU. Nrrrf. if >hcdd lit ielllflb8i!d. ftoodfcIlb OCO'fl"'m lCftI! III
-a-. ~ ... 01 )lpIrI WlIh IJIXlP' 1iT.« lU __.ole. tlwl!lld
dWarld WltIlJ

Iall phl_opber ~ ~ • "at. whb-
A Lot of
0lII.1Ioc;rl ............. t. ................ ter-
ror I""'P- proliJenlMi and k1lhd .. will: a
Hot Air
_., .. I ~ _lObI)' P'" h, w..... 1ilI
"WhM: plIl_ ' -
_ MpooI', MOly, Liab, andlbort. M
WWlql:CIll_ i
no. SwuaI i b . . . cuilld pri...... tudl d diebittn. Thf(d $01 .-.d in the
rily frOI1l tiM 20 pllf'Cel'l SlIonl mi'-;'y 10 Gm!ll z.R1I'IIl cIfbIIe ~ I "", " - '
lnoq !hit bad ruled W ....1 ..... "il>Cl liM iboul thIl.l.fI\ f')' thIl.' Nod then 1Iwfd
Brill'" aulhed the 1920 ShUt' rIYOlt. Th.,.
MW c1&O,ly they IuId no .... Ultle Itak. in •
"now" lnoq wh..... lhe Amoricen, w_
Inll up Ih, Shlltel 10 be top dog. IHiocaUMI
hllJld- _.
debite " '01 morahIlRd IOlllIlIM II'IIl
lIlOf'Itl'4l1'11l mgnl!tollRd """"" lff(IIJd

u.s, militilry COll\bi;I

RUlD,r."ld I'9fuIed to fiood lreq wllh AmerlClln
Yflffillilld pmonil
110O", 10 bop la. and order.• nd 1lIcIlIMI
injury IiwJfr .10M
CPA bled L Paul 8.-n.. bod dllhen<led 1M $·,tlileuIO ....
old lreqi .....,-which ... y.... 1D liMcou.... <I.......,...""
try bad been juMly ecerwl or-.wclly and
IIr1"OriIln ....-.:L New klcaI mllillM. SIili1e ....
S\IMli "'lb, 0IU1ed 10 COl.... 10 II" • _blanoe of pnltW:tlon 10 IbMr
IOI:al -'VI bcooda.
no. ..0....... "* .....
_ d o o d U.S. ron- in l.-q ..... rapid·
_ .....11 .li" combel unit.--(bo beel In tbo world, Th.y w_ noI
poI~ ... d lhey had noIlM.I "'i countW>lnIlI'I"""J' IXpeIU.
Th.,. ....ponded In.uacla and th lI .. tiMy had '-n trained, witb
ov_h.lmlllll fi",pow.. and celllnllin .ir ,I,ik.. when thoy nfHOded
them, Thlt WII tho way 10 win convfllltlo.nal w.n, but nOl to win hlllrU
lJId mlndl In I COlJnte.. lnlll'll"ncy connlcl. lnnoce,,1 peoplo wurn
Inovllably killed Ind th.I, hom.. d"lroyad-nol boceuM OIl. IOldl.....
..... mu.d....., but beco\lMl tb.,. w••• IOldl... nth... tluln .,.ee-

bepe... EVIrJ lime tha. bappened, II . u I blip pollllal glft to the

n..lrYwpaUl at... .....-.IopMI. __ ..-wInnlnt _poo> tIwot.~
bandedlr trandon...d the ~ dr-Q III the . . , slmpJ.. old·
fMhlorMd. hooby-tnp bomt. th.l--.t the lUcy ..... -I... """'i....
u;plo»l ~.- 01" lED. They -plor-l .... peG chalK- and ......

e:q>bl tbM NDdaed the~· Bnd""

I'\PtiD8 v.bicI.. hlfhly
...,t- m-Se1-..... 11.R1aJmWd·.....~'-d'-'.... 8d
.,lIh flM1lC1fI1 .upporl by ' ~ lib DO flft"iG<u
Department 1Il0"'.n. 01" ...... in U.s. hbtory. but Rumn.ld in""""" _
of It intovl.lonary. JCiM>ce.llctiorl-lJ'P". hiJh·tech wonder ')'lIt...... ohlle
fu.t"",. Th_ "'u no mon.y.t firsl to bur 'imple .1..1pl.t_ to buckl.
onto t~ .Id", .nd botlom, of U.S. combe.t ~ehld ... in Jr*!. E~ntuaUr.
hundred. of U.S. ..,ldi... ",ould die or I.,... Umbo before thet ov...
,Ight wulabotlou,ly ~ifled.

Ev.n Aft....11 theN bu"8I01. bow....... lhe 'it.... ion could hev. been
revened If ",.Il·inlentioned poilcylfUlUn had !MIen _ aD. ",Innl"l'
",errilll...., ..Ih. thin htltllll",, beI... iM and pure parll.mentU)'
demou..,. ill I.... On .-...-.... IS. ZOOS. tbIJ u.n\"lliold tbelr ptldllnd
joy ...".1....,. &. and fair .-t;-tlry.1 'Iew. Urmr at ." Inq.

Bombing lbe Golden Mosque: The point of no return

For -.t,. LhrM , .....Il" Inqdl... Inq, U.s. poIkym1bn IIII~
ndic:lll. 1'OIIDIUI11c. la-al ....tion-bulldinl poIlcl11 on the hep_ country.
dooimllll the pll........... lither ~I,,",or _ t i l l for DllioD1J IICU'
rity. In tl'llth, Ih. people wOOCllm. up .,llh the brisht ide.. .nd p.... hed
them tbmU&b "'.... n.lIber COIlIMV.tlve in .ny ...eanilljful ...nM nor
kno",l~ble .bout the "'8lon.
BUilt tbere "'u, ,I,,&,e moment Ihlt could be celled tha Point of No
Retum. II "'U tlllTOf .....t... Abu MUIIb Ii.""""",l', final .........ItOQ.
On FO!IIruIry 11, 200II, Sunnl Muslim 1_....... bombed "",olthe InIlII

Herod Ihrlnol in Shlile 1.lem, lhe .I-Alkltly. Mooque. Or the Colden
MotqUI, In SamRlTlI.

PC Myth: Democracy C~n Solve Iraq's Problems

tutlt 10 pPKfl'lt II far "'Jher 1~
Tthin for mon
~ in the Iroqi electiotls of OKtn'Iber 200S _
U.s. el«tlonl.~ The Iraqi people Opo't'l~ thfiI 11ft, dfmcxrati( will loud MId
<te.. ond they "01e<! for ... more chaos ind <MI WII.
After nellly1tne )'WS of esc:llatin( terror. suffe<in(. ond chios, tht OUIc~ Vlould N¥e
Merlo pre<!iU.t>Ie ~ tht thr~ II\IIn tltllIic or relipJus I'<lUpl in I,aq-tht SI1iit~ of lhe l(IO,IIh,
tht minority Sumk of lhe cente<. ilId lhe K.,(\s of the roorth-Ill 'tOle<! IOf thtor lffdil~ Ioul
p.lniYn P¥t~ rm lOts tht loiIne p.lttem lftl'I in.., lfIIously dMdfd KlC:ifty mil ~ )IJf~
<:MI_ Of leriIM. l«Iarian wife (Sli lirb. Northern 1o'NncI. 8ol.oiI. ond Lrb.Inon iIf I f~
e~~ MlIrf of tht liOionl el«led 10 tht new p.If1limen1 in ~ _ «lnlrolled by Of
hid nrons ~ 10 tht molOt ~.t>Ieterror "oop! Of rnililiis.
$hiil!' Swtpl tht brwd, ~ 62 pertelIt of tht 'Ole. Stmis, clr\pite brin( one-frfttl of the
~ion. WQn only. percent of tht !fm in tht new p.If1i1mfnl. The -..l~ boo.led lhe $hi-
/1~ lid K..<iI ~ by U.s. pol~~s ond left tht s..mts feelitll 001 in tht cold. reallinl
tht li)'ing tNI 0ern0r:1JCY is lW'O woI'<'e lid I Wep dtcidirc wh.ll to ~ IOf dimer. ond liberty
Is 0 _"-Inned lomb. The Insur£ffllS b«iInf more populir thin IMI' in tht SImI cOfl"flUlity, on<:!
tNt ~ them more boI<I. Thetr ~rul1in1 fl£l."'l soared, ond so tlitl their ability 10 any CIUI
more terror IltJCkl.
U.s. poIicyr1'Ql:... hid ~y believed tht el«tions would lUC~ tht II, 001 of poflUIII 5Inri
Sl.WOlt for the ~. Instead. iI only f¥fled tht f1~ The f.ln II whldl u.s. soIdifn"
Iraqi sec..iIy Ion:ft, ind innocenl-molOtly Shijl~~iIns _ ~llIed lOi,ed In tht montl'rl 101-
lowin( the elections.

Shllte mllili.. around the country, e,pedally In Baghdad, rwcled .t
OllCfl with murdoroua fury. Hundl'1ld. of innOOllnt Sunni. we", IhOI II
random M, even WorM, draagllKl off to be tortul'1ld. SUnnil rl>&Cted by rol·
lying behind tbe tnaurgenl' and otho. mllitia group' witbln Iholr own
The", w.. not even an independent lraqignvemment yel fundioning
in Baghdad to p.etend It could t...llihe mayhem, Mn", than twn moot""
1ft... lb. porllamentary election, Am«lco'. C.....n Zone b""",ucrat, we",
10 proud nf. the oquabbIJ<\3 Iraqi political pani_lJIOIt of tbem
frontl for murderow militia groupo-"'e", .till far from agreement about
a government. And there we", ,tm f.. too few U.S. troops Oft the grotlnd
to gu.nmt.... l.w and ord•• and eod tbe Ulling.
Ten. of thouaanda died a, the wavea of m·fo..tal ,andom killinll"
nowed beck and fanh. HUlldf'lld. ofthouNndl of Iraqi. ned their hnm""
In find ",fug. In endavee tun by mUlti.. of their own ",Iigiou. tradillon.
The pow•• oflhe Sunnlln,urgenla in theirown com,nunlty grew, .nd in
Ihe following months. the ocele of tel1'Orallecki by SUllnl'!V"w by Ieops
snd boundl,
But the bilRlflOl benefLciarlee of the ol·Aalwiye bombillg",d Ibe blood·
batb, tbal followed wen Ih. Shllle mUlII .., ""pecl.lly in Baghdad and
IOUthem Iraq, II wAlthey, and nOl the epbemenll Shiile-Ied govetumento
Ihal U.S. diplnmato franUcally patched togetbe., who lOOn cameto be the
rul power in Sbiltelraq,
Shiite militia, ooon gatbef'lld vurJy lDO'" power lhan Ibe Sunnll"'u"
lIe"to ever had. They had strong ti... tn alllhe lIew Iraqi -=urlly f01Oll,
wblch in rulily wont controlled a"d ron by Shiita ...nlor om""",, n.ey
allO had a powerfUl innuence 011 the ram,haclde n_lraqi II"vemmenUl,
includin8 Prime Minlsto" Noun al·Mallk)·a. At one tlme. five of Mallki's I
cabin... mlnlstorl and. bl"" of Ihirty memberl oflba now 1"''1i P.,lia· [
ment WeNl loyaltn Moqtada al·Sadr, the cha.blltltJe-end m...t am)·
American-5hiite mililial-tor whn tu",the Mahdl AmlY. Sadr.nd hi, n

Mahdl An"y ...It\8lnMllh........1powe, In the
y. •
- A Boole You're Not
Shllt.. stronghold of Sadr aly within Bagh-
did. Th..y aM at tho h.... rt of .. tight netwo,k
nf Shill.. mllltl., IICroea th.. ..,uth..m h.lf of
L, Suppo.... to R••d
.t.rnerit., ~rmm Nltorilt\l. hM paid
th.. country.
virfu"lI, 110 ~lIemion to the ..... lc>-jewM
~~f at 1Qq in J9,41. All tllCtlIdon ilo
II isn't a civil war; How¥<! M SiC;hir,~fllllpfl_
it's a splinter war m" MIdtIt f<lll: 'SI.l6-I9S4. Ntw Yort Alltn
lM1t ~1!htfl..1914.
Fo, all of 2006 and m""t of 2007, PrMidem
$KN, ( ~ tush I<:hoL1r1hip "';!h.
Buah and h~opolNmen laIxwed 10 deny th..
oIlvlou': 0 fuU-lIedged clvll war wu ,Ir&ady rivid, dtwiptM .. ri1i'C Ilylt tNt n'IIkK

.-gIna in Iraq. Tht tvtnll'" 0tI<:,;bts (ClI'I'lI! coolint 10

In on.. MnM, all th.. p..-ide",·s m..n w..... l,ft. Hil bool:. inlflr~trl tt.. diffrrtnl mili·
t..llina th"lrolh. Followlna Ih.. Februuy 22, tlf)' C¥l1lIIi&m <bint World W. It IJIld

2006, oolllhina of Ih.. Golde" Mooqu .. in &'~. ,artandtl<:tHtnI ~,iol ...

Sam..m, It wun'l I civil war thlt wu rag.
1113 In traq. Jt wu aomlJfhina far wo...., .. 'pllnte. w....
A clvil war pitl th.. gov.. rnm..nt agalns' .. faction trying to lak.. pow..,
fo, ilHlf. A 'pllnle, w.... occ.... wh..n .. cenlr.. lllovemment coll"pM.
compl..tely "nd I",s of Unl.. mUlti... and local gro.. po imml'Jdielely ot.."
oquabblina and killill3 each oIh..,.
Splinler wan .... Ihe IlOml in Thornu Hobbet·, ~steto OfIllIU"'." Thor
ofl..n kill mo.. innocenlJllh..ll civil w... do. be<:&UM killina i, random
and done by loll of differenl groupo and becaUM public Mrvi.-lik....lec-
tricity ..nd hoopitab lend to coll"pH_
In April 2006 I coined ..noth... phrue to describe Ih.. kind of war th..
U.S. arml'Jd forces w..... fDn;ed ID d....l with in Iraq, e wa, ..ceDrdinl tD
Belfut Rul 0' Ikllrul Rul....
Th_ th.. rul.. thal ..pply when natiollli armi.... occupying foroao.
Dr intom"UDnal JIOI'C"koopon Iry ID maintain ordo. and """urity .. nd try

- - - - - - - - - - - - --

PC Myth: Kill bn!awi .... W. Win

0 . )uno
.;, lfr~
7. 2006. Abu MusMlII-WCll..t W'iS killed by I p'«iIion u.s,
on. wppolfd .... t. hau\.r whfn! he "'II pIolllI'( fniYhtm
-' the t ...... Hi< till.,. Wll' I niuTIph for tilt lla«I'pltSloed U'£' tnd ~1Qi I«\t-
ril1 fotcfl MId tlirnilvled II Qieda'l OUIS1indirC lude! in Ir~ I mon mort
rnpomibIt ~ IlrJ ottlff fOlIM txlrtme U'WitfI)' of the So.rrI insu'C"'tY
~. Yf1tM )'tIl .Iter hit dtat~ ~ no r«luclion in ttw: inslr"rocfs (opl'
bit,tits In Cll,ry out ldhlol bomllinIs iVins! Shiite civiln There wm
importlfll rNloOIll wily TIlis W.
~ Wllil f".1It of lhe kind often fco.rld in ....i-<;oIoniol ond prill.1
pont (tl1h.fy. He W'iS 11 mrKlim. bfUlll '''''tie who W'iS fllO •
WolfS r;I tilt

tKliut Jffiius lII'ld • ~ opttltioNl (0IMI¥ldtr. e...t hk ind,,,

killi'la ltld his bloodlust ''''''I'll Itllow Muslim. "PKillty SMt... !h<N,-
f'I'lM tG i50blt !he ~ by "lOllililirclhe ')hille lNjority in Iroq. wtlKh
M. tlYH tinlrs lhe popubTion of Ihf ~ w.....;.1", pricfiti...d .nKb
00 U.!. fOlCfl in k••p ll"lqic polity lh.ot Mt.-l tin OWl! OrmM.
ZMqIWi'S dellh immfdWtly IIIide heldlinel.........d tilt world. But tht
ltwI of iltl,itOoo inflicted en U.s. fotcfl in Ifoq b)' !ol.nni ~ ' ..... inod
hi&iI. ond the 1nluICt"'1 wm obit to ~~ ~ thr 'Iwalty 'Itt.
'tYlly dod tilt tKtitil u.s. wccmt$ iplI'Il ~ o.e& wittwl nq f.~ 10 ~I
ltlt lnIIqtnc)oJ Pirt of tilt _ b tIw 01 0-10 ond in "tits hid Ilrudy
su:cftded in pIhtrilrc thr ~ of kill" rhrff dtmomIlcoily <'l«ted
1O"fl"'O!l,t5 br ttw: liof u.s. form could ..... rut inrQid" itolins1lhem.
The U.s.~ IO'im ~~_(onsliMioNl p«KfSlft
dl$trxled Amftiuon p1¥1ltfl from ~.. ;l!)le 10 for:us 00 tile prim.lry issuts
of rfS«lf1n& ~ri(ity " ' .......... W.!e< " ' hn-.. enou:cI1 ffl~e U.s. wi

............ ""--
n.. tol_ In~" opotomlo

iIbN ~ to - . . .... nI onII!r. AJ J f'fdt. lOW d ~ INft dwIl-
......."'16($ d nq...".ed In'/ &rJSSIOCltS cmlillibt)'. Tht1- ~ m
~ t-l::

....... -
['fIIfI •
Qq. rht
ar MiIbIt _ f t III J . . . . . pcrtIllrl d rht

"4IJ MOly pumul ~ m.,..1t)' pO"''''

OO,l6l1lclct5 apelJle in JLra 00. rht
.«1. .....
d-a P*l d ShIh m. ttw,o do ~ UIflIIIll
. . ~ ddn' ~ M* III erdi'c lilt _ be<:Me'" o-dio _
""'" rht _ rht - . DlIII the Slml mGunce. .,. rht tI'IIf
lMqIwI_ ~ he WJS ~ . . . . fIIIUIb in alhlt.. (0111110O'I11I __
~ SlmlIlllllli.lI'Q4ll.Irnl wtlflllMqawi wccft'6ed in pIOIlOkrc 1ft
_ "he""', Shiite lWICtion Jftft ltlt .... AJQoIYJ btwl~" lot ad.. ,(d'"
lftimJle SlIMep: pl d ...... nq ~ ltwoo.iIh rht U.s.~
clfmocrllic polillcJl 'QS lempl. . 10 l!ri. thJI rht k~ jl(Oflle
wculd be Illt~ we hid flftd \to(m oIlt'1flf brill" ctltlilar and tI\II
dmloc:fIC)' and The ptllrI'Ole lila brishtft flll~ would _htlm ltlK bit·
ItmtU and l.lbIlNn. buI wth hopeful ~ "m1_nlllTllltd" lhe k~
U.s.lland 1I'llfltln koq. In ib obleWon wittllM4IWl and II QaedI.
""'" coriJ'lllllfd tile IIWSS)' rellJious nI fllri; political nI parlfnilltM)'
Itilrtlft d lht clUllry. ~ Geof&e w 8ulI\ Voce PlftIdfIlI Old:
(hen(y. nI DeferM ~ llaAIld ~ rm'IIintd coo"iod lNI
lIIICf lMqiwi WJS IulItd '*"'" and ~ nI'" Qia(GI' QPfIMialll CllltI"
.-.d ~ _ ~ Iho!Ilhe ....... iBurJenrJ' wculd MfIllrJlf nI
~ *-crICk polilicJl ~ wculd • ~ truJfIh in nq.
lui: it did IO:lC 1IIIlPf'I-. .

1110. I'IIlm".lIJ 1.0_ G~I~.I. t~. Wlddl. Eut

I" p...venl1he m... ~ ofthouMlldo ofPM'ple when thewnlnlgov,,",.

menl h... tot.lly broken down. 8elrul.nd &If••t rul pply when sec·
11lI'i0ll'butK! mUltl•• h"ld pow., in n.H"nolh.t .l dy Ipllntered
.". fragmenled Into conditionlof civil war. They .... wh.t U.S. ",,]dien
now fBC1l in Baghd.d.

Why the surge couldn't tame Baghdad

The... w .... .... ny _ n l why the much henlded 2007 'o"'lIe" of U.s.
IronplI in Iraq. f<>Cll-J On Baghdad. oould ne,'''' h."" wo,ked.
Owing Ihe finl row montla of Ihe ourge. miUtle killingo in B8ghdad feU
.ignificonlly. aul .tlh......e time. Begbd.d r..llever mon lightly under
the control of • web of viol""l ShiH. mHiUao whUe Ihe Shlil....oomlnaled
n.tlonalgovemment W." olmuhanoo"oly pow.'l..... to Ilop il .nd INI'
lively compllcU In Ihe pl'OOOlO. "nd In the lumm.,. Of2007, even ao vio-
lence wu dropping ,,"pidly in "nbar Province. il w.1 rioi"ll again 10 iUl
old levell in Begbdad.
Th. OU'li' 01100 demonot,,"ted Ihe futllity of thooe anndll, ot"'leg!otl
."d "warrior" pundit. ond polltlcianl beck In the Uniled who h.d
1.lked eo glibly .bout ·unl....hl"g" the U.S. armed f<>n:el to bri"ll MCU·
Tily to Uaghdad.
for neilher Ibe Americen .rmed fon:eo nor Ihe ",,,,.hackle Iraqi
parllementary-democratlc oyotem Ih.t U.S.• utho,ili... lmpooed On Iraq
could bti"lll'""". proape,Uy. MCUrily. or ballc (lUBflllltllOld dolly ..",iea
to the Iraqi cepillll. for theM 1lllrV1ccll, Ih. PM'ple of Baghdad hI 20011 end
2007 came 10 On their l>Illghborltood Illilitiaa. Lik. the mafia in en......
ridden dtl... of old. the Shiile mililiu became the _I govemment of the
iraqi cepital.
And when miliU' fnreeo .... deeply rooted In Iheir own locol oommu_
nlty OIronaholdl OIId are _0 by eoough of their loh.ablt.o'" u Ihe rom·

"'unlly" del' ..,In,t them I. INn .....t the enll...
n.t II lbot ftlIbtanare or:enario U.s. ......... to- ....... lad,. In 8oIgh.
clod In !he d<-i,. _tho 01 M07 ... t-lon:ed to 1lI!M' _pUp 01 .......
hllMioa ... ~ . .i.... the ~ Shil'- mlllt1M In 8opded.
I" lboory. by buoti,. up mmliao. U.s...adJen ......ld"tMo ClWT)'i,.-
IM .... ~ 0I1b1 d. wtic ....... menl 01 tt.q, and ttl ... doUI& tbe ....
pie', wi.l1, In the JMOPIe', eyeo, howeo'", I lore... occupy!. . fon::e .....
........... . . - tM (lOlly iI'IIlltulioae boIdq tbeV coaun...uu. . . - .
n.. ...... U.s. firepow_ end ... iIi...,.fon::e u-t . . . . . lbot ..Ilit__
oDd the _ drillan cao...nief aww;ornlWltly Innlcted-d.. _the
Shille popullllloA oI~ ......ld _ _• bmerly op.-ed to 1M u.s.
p. . .nce AI the connlct eocalete<l, U.s ...illlll')' , _ would bM:ome
...."tMonled ItId beelesed. Tbe tt.ql sovernment_ ..............1 In little
...em. thin olm_1 bel........ Id .ry 10 help Ineffec'ullly. end II wont
could _lly beoo.... ' eondult for lntelllgenotltld on bekelf of
the Shille mllitL••.
The U.S. Army hL.toricelly hi, hid little uperle"ce or the eoloplul·
UII. yk:IOll.nOU. end cnormou. aos,,"ltl.. Ihll full'leIle .It'IIIt fighting
In In u>bln enylronttMlllI ""n gene...le. Amcriclm••hould fM1Iy Ihey_
ha..... o leArn.
......., ~



"- Mu.U.....lioIn of the Middle r...t lcoll>! IlI.. oabIe turn

Guess what?

toward ..<IiCIIll.l"", _ in lboo tenth OMIllu)'. not .fl.... th. rail
0( 8IiIhdad
10 tba Moncoll in tba thin_th ...lIu)'. biotin 1979.
w" "'Y"tollab Ru.hlllla.b Kbomeinl'l lo!amlc Reovoilltion
_ I S ... ~I

II ..,. tIIkty J'UI'I

in I od bll Iuc:cetlful defiance of lhe United 51.1.... Two other fueled Ihe t Sinoa 1973. lhe Saudi monarchy had beeu ma~· • """'Caneri
1"8 .uch hur oil profit. lhal II COIIld .fford 10 upol'l .... Ical verolon.
of III own rundamenl.1I11 verolon of Itl.m Ihroushoul Soulh
,- .......
1II11d1lnlj ef I""

crhlI ,Ided lftt rIM

.od Soulh,,"l ,... 1•. And .100 in 1979. lhe Sovlellnvallon or Afghani. or lHl<,,[ IsYm.
ltan inlpll'lld IU"""li",, U.S .•dminillnllionl. Oemocnllic .nd Reput>-
Ian .1Ik•. 10 fund 1.1."'111 "'ujlhedln .uerrill.. In Ihelr defiance of tha
Red Anny.

The wisdom of Prince Turkl

Tba _ ..... 1CIIl. and IIn-lll· o(lba modern w.... 01. Wamlst
__ ""'~ in .......... 2005 by I'riDDo 1'W\i!. t"- r..r-
~ 0( Saudi IIIIAIl.Ipoca.
TIarU. who had -....dfur~ bu,-nthe U...,w..·. b ...
10 Brilaln. told. ~ in I ........ that tba au- hl'ml" Iem:JriW;
.... la.op!.red by _.III'mic co.It ~. He.,.,...t thai the,..1
fbe 1'011110111 IftCIO'fKl G~lde tl tbe ltlddle EeoC

nftture of terrori., organization. like II Qao>da WI' not 1,lomlc. bul ralhM
a cull psychology ,hat had borrow&<! 1,I.mic language to propoga'e
dorangu<1 m_go>A and Iu,'ify It.aetlolU.
-rhillerrori,m illHll baood on bl.m. hut ila pe",erted cult Id""I"lY.
III follow".. hl~e Ihs<:n'ed them...l..... from normellOCillll.y ...d from the
femily. end placed them... I~... ou!!ide of ....Ii,y'o fulfill f.n,..i... tha,
ha~e nothing to do .. ith ,h.. "",I world." Thrkl "1l11 I lerrorlst cull.
",the.llum I cl ic !errori,1 nrganlzallon like ,he IRA or ""A."
HI' oommenll re nOl original on.... Many pundlto and t.lamic schol·
a .. h."" mad... Imilar f'Olnll. They ha"" not&<! lhat. far from being .ny
kind of logico.l exten,lon of uadltlonillolam. the kind of nihililtlc ~i<>­

lence end re~olutlon .d~ocat"d by o...'no bin Laden and othera II .kln
to ,h.. re~olutinna')' utopilnl,m of Bobh""lom .nd Ihe Ru..110 .nd Chi·
0 _ re~olutionl. E><ceptthl, tlm... it II wmpped inlhe')' of on.. of
th.. world'l groat. lOci.. m. monOll>eillic religionl. and a""'''lI11I SOIIo .....
th" o~,,"hrow of secular and modemt.. Imditlonal MUllim go~emmentl

Ind lhe "'lIbll,hment of In ld....lized lupof'"f'O..erful ""liphale over the

..mire MUllim ..orld.
Th .. kind of people .ttracled hy thil In s". I I "u Ihe cue ..itb
M • ."I,m. are notth.. lClU.11IOOr .nd ,uffering bo are overwhelmingly
p.ooa:ul'ied ..ilh makJng endl m""" .nd securing boner IIv... for Ihem- \
...Iv... and their They ere th.. dilplaced. rootle.. int..lIectuall. ~

Ihe "'uporf]ucm, m..n- d lbe<l by the great nin..teenth..,entu')' Run- I:

Ian noveli.t Fyodor II beinSlhe driving fo....... of the revolu'
Iion.ry movemenl. II
Drili,h ........ri,y ...",Ice MiS certainly Ih..... PrillCl Thrki"........menlo Ii
Their ps)....t>ologk:al profil.. Mve prudletod IIuII dl"8"""'". oIien.ted rev· E
oluliOnodOl wll'RI mom likely 10 be ...... ruited from middl.......l.... univ.... s;
lily bockgroUlldo lluln from m...n Iluml. pi
Bul .. ,he July 7. ZOOS. lulelrlu bombing. In London ,bowed. the 10
Britilh """"rily ..."'1....... unlike ,heir Frnnch. R....iun.lJld I......U coun· "8
IO<J*U. t-dly und-..J"",ted the polent\.ll_~ of I'" problem. After
m. d~ ...) lhat 8rilbh·tJom Mur.limf oIl'ullW\l "--<It Mel oe4 off
!beblxDbllhat kiUeol flll.y-w;' poopleand wounded ....... hundlM! ""'"'.
!be Bnlbh IKUrily _ ....... multiplieol tbe\r Mhule of the number of
people !.II Brial.. CII~ of l:lIlTyIna ....1 ...ell MUc:b by I _ _ 01 ....
hWKlnd: from thl"'y 10 thno 1!v.'_Rd.
Pri.,.1\irli'1 '.... -.led I"" theSoud!.,......- a>rreo:IIy
ILDdenIood theClllalpla and .... _011 ""~1 11oey ...... •
Il1..t tMt for lhe _ ~ the lswm.u ID WOOl. tlwy mlllt fust bo
IonIoiteol from !be ....1""'...... 01 the ld.mic W'ooid.

The cycles or Arab blstory

I mlriD' .. !be Middle £ut Itt the fust deClldl olllM Iwenly-finl ..,tury.
11"1 -r 10 1.....lMIlhM IlM SNIt drivl,. foroo ndlCllUd,. lhe f'I'IgIon and
luml"l U. .lnltlhl Welt Illnd IlW'l)'S wllth fIlliglon of 111.m. It i.
cert.lnly the COM, I t the mep_termrill Itllol;u of September 11 SO
Iwfully confirmed. th.t. r.n.t1CllJ Inti-Americ:&".Hlm .•nd Inll·
1......11 dynamic _hed through th" ~on. Iud Ihlt ulfllml IIl.m h.d
beco"", UI driving fOlCCl. Hut thl. Wit In exceptionally lltl d"""lopmenl.
IVhat I" IXI.....mln.ry lbout Middl" Ea.t hl.lory ,hroullh the fin' th.-

qUIll.... of t'" tw"ntleth OInlury I" nOl the dylUOm!<: POW" of ill.m bul
III 10I.11obM_.
ill.... _ ..........lIenl ... mollY11I1"1 foroo lor m. '-lUlllm fIIOPlM of
the Middle l:Mt thruuflh both world ...... The lUlun<allpbl iD Con.'ID·
Iinopl. Clilld upon Mur.HfDI 01 tIM world 10 riM . .Inll the 8r1lbh
Empin. Nooo of Ih"", did. The Brilbh l.....hw;l 'hal If tJNy could J«
Sherif HuaHiJl of MICClI,!be pard"'" of the...- -=-lill....ic: Iloly
plica. W'boIe U- 01 1••" I-=k ID tbo ,,,OJ Mobom.-:l fl.....
t ..

• If. 00 their Iide. IMy ld bo ebk ID pley tbe Mur.llm ... jihad card
JBI1DM theOtt_ T'haitdi.....'1wori<.;m..

The only Arab who Itood Itro~ and independenl through
Wo.ld Wn I wu Abdulazl. ibn Saud. And while he championed a m.....
a..llt"e and l""'ilio....1form of d.-l1lllam, h,,"ppealed only 10 hll Own
tnt-men and 10 ,'''' populalion of the H<Iju coutal rogion of A",blo who
had had thei' fill of old Sh".if HIlI..,;n. Ibn SI..d n"v", d_med or
playl~ any lihad holy WI' caro ag.olnlt t.... 8rillih and the Fr.mch. He
wan'I thltllupld,
Aft'" World War I, th" parliam"ntary d~mocraci.,. of Brililn IDd
France.lhe nationlthal bad won the G.....t War, _moo tn lbe peopl... of
Iha Middla East 10 offa' th" bell palh to the _lo"'lion of thei' natlon.1
Independence......entu.1 pmoperily, and n.tlooal dlgnlly. The r:h.arIom.olk
"Xlmple Ind IUr:<:ell or MUlt.fa Komll Ataturk in noighborins Thrkey
.110 luggesledthll w.lth" w.y to go. But Iheo. In Ihe 1930., th" ri.., of
F..,;Jst Italy and NI,i Germany _medto humble the ""haulled parlla.
m"ntny democraci.... A",b political we... fa. from unique in
belnslmpreued by Ihe FudlIJ and the Nazis. The mllita'y leade.. in
m.ony ulln American counlri.,., in Jopan, and even ChiUljl K.l.i,"bek in
Chi .... made Ih" loame mioloke. I
Com.ol Abdel NINe"I lucceloa In defylns Brlt.ln and ~'",nc" wltb c
Soviet IUppoM in th" 1956 Su•• crllil convinced mllliono of poopl. "
Kroll the ,eglon that Arab IOClallom modeled on and b8cked by the 1
Soviet Union wu tb" w.y 10 So. Nuse,'1 t'Ilpellled rallu_ and h..mlll.. S
tion Wilh Syria. in Yemen, .nd t'Ill''''ledly II th" Iuondl of the 11"",lil In 01
the 196Ol1 helped den.le Ihal idea. StobIe Ba'.th lOCiallll rogimes weren't
"Stabllihed In Iraq and Syria until 1963 and llnO, RlOl"""ively. Buttbey w
provllKll..... than altrKllve to neighhorinScountn.... A,
Thll Arab socialial cycle b8cked by Ih" Soviets 1••led about thiMy tal
y........from Ihe /lS1.bllohm"nl of Ihe Slole of rorael 10 Ih" IlaM nf Ibe tfIJ
Illamle Revolution In [rlUlln 1978. Since th"". Ihe main focul fn. the fII("

rn..strtlUnnl, upiratloOl. and ambillo". or the A"'1i world bu hoen fun· bu

dament.JiIl 111.miom. Thio hun'l Iuod • II...dy "",,oro of failu'" 0' lue- HI
Tho '!hl'h .bou' blom

CMS "Ilh"r. The "e,ly p....tlll" of Ayetollab Khomfllnl and hll fnUnw"..
in Iran wal dented profnundly hy th"ir repealll'd military def...11 at Ihe
hands ef the Iraqi anny during the h"n-I",q W~,. At lealt IuIlf e million
lro"ia" IOldl".., many of th"m i""' I""nog"" Of "ven younger. died In
crozed and futil" IUlcide ollocu. Th" ltctull figure may ev"n he far
higher. Bul al Ihe ... me time. a new generation of young bloml". "'II
winning credit aero.. th" Arab world, flIpeciaily In trlIdltionallOCieti...
like Saudi Arobla. fo' their bl'llve'Y and effoctlvenell In fighting th..
Sovi'" Red Anny in A(ghanlltan. Ironically, th. governmenl of P_Id"nt
Ronald Reagan walthei' mOllt imponam lupponer and lupplier.
When Saddom conquered .nd fo' lix month. defied
the Uniled Stat... ond lit .111.,. in 1990-1991, he briefly "nloyed the kind
of acd.lm .1 • popular warrior-hero th.1
N.....' h.d enjoyed In Ihe y"" .. ofle' Suez.
Bul il didn'llo". Saddam WBI nev", .ble to
undermine (If destabilize Alllb 8<JV'!'I'TImen1l
Whit's a wahhabil
around Iho Nlgion lhe "'Iy Na.-luId m.n·
MlNbism bf&.in two ho.o'Iokd
aged to dn afle' Suez. Un tbe contrary, 001
ooly Saudi ArtIbla and Egypt, but <MIn Syria W yon ~ ~ I reform __
mtnt to ,Id IUilntic loOCiftif!. of SI.WO'l'
..lIled 10 th" Unlled Stol ... to him,
They had good """'0 10 bo .......,.j of him. So filly la. cullurill prilCtlcM IOd
SAddom'l p"n·Arob and qUlli·Mullim rhet· intf'rprrtilions thill hid built up eMf tilt that of10 "",ny before him. feU fI.t. (trlturif!.. Mosl Wilhl'Iilbn liw in Siludi bin Lade" did .1", bette' than that 4OOiil, IOd almost III Muslim:! in Mecca
when his IUcceu in killing th..... thOlll8lld IOd Mfdinil ilfr Wilhhahfs.
Amerlco,,"In • lingle day. mauling the Pen·
\83On, and d.,.troyi"llthe World "thode Corn·
ler m.d" him. populor bern 8CI'OU th" Arob world. All of a ludden.
0Xlnm>e 1.lomllm looked Ii.... a!>oroi<: ,ua:uao flory"8"in. Since then, U.s.
bun8l" in Iraq .nd Ioroeli miMI"!,,, with the p.i.,.tini.lIl ha.... _n H.mll
Ni,... power in G.....nd blami,t guerrilill continue 10 terrorize Iraq.

Ttli "-lItlcIU, IIKWTICl Goldltl th ltlddl. Ellt

The th ......t l.......d by e><lremi.1 Isllm Ind II. prolifunolingll""upl il ~ery

mo.1 .nd .houldn·' be dilMXlunllll!. Our pl.n.r. I... hundred y.... Ihow
UI clearly thll peaceful 011 ion. lOJI'Ulimeo dlocounl fringe redieal••,
Ih.i. own l"'ril. Nobody buAldM Ihe c..... look the oboeuJ'1l.
f....ding. ",Yolutionary .dh.....nll of KArl M"", in RIlISI. befOl'll World W..
l. But then the Soyiul Union wal cruated and the Communill fringe COn·
lrolled th.larg...t nalion on earth. In 1920. its armi....wepl welt and
untillhey wel'llitoppud by the Pol... in the BaUle of the Vilt"le Riyor
looklll!.....,;Iy 10 I"m Gurmony Communi.' .nd Ih"n dominlt" Ih" l'IIIl of
Eurol"'. Simliorly. In 1923 end for y.... lilor, Adolf Hitlor _mill! like
nothing mOl'lllhan a bod joke to the goyummenti ofthe world. Indudi"3
Ihat of hi. Own country. No one d_mlll! he would buoome Ih. greal...1
coruinentslconquoro•• inaI Nopoluon end the mOIl m"n:ll_ kill", linoo ,
Genghle Khan. I
Bin Lad"n'. el Qolll!. and Itl relltlll! groUpl ,hould be _n In IhI, I
lighl. If Ihey can be conloined, and if Ihe naiionalll"yemm"nts commit· n
ted to ,,1'IMl;catillll them are nol undermined. the prolpec!. for martl;nll- t<
Idllllihem remain excellenl. BUllho.lllluollon can repldly chlnge. A.;I
ii, th" BUlh adm;ni.,rallon'l fat"ful "nthulium fo. Ip""ding W""tem· II
alyl" d"mocracy II rapidly and compl"tely al poulbl" acrc.o th" Mlddl" Li
Eolt w•• arguably a hUlIlIlo al 1.....1 .s felef,,1 II I::i",nhow", .eoculng m
NalSfl. in 1~ or J;mmy Can.. underminillll'..... hob in 1977. of
Th" bottom lin" II that th" Arab Middl" Ealt w"nllhrough two full ria
polilical cycl... eftor Ih. fell of the Otloman EmpiJ'1l. Th. firol, from 19t7 ou
10 around 1950, lOW it try on liberal parliamenlary democracy. Wben thot be.
didn't fit. end wh"n th" moin Mmi-porliom.nlery 11lI1... ofEBYpt, Syria. WI
end l""l felled 10 .rod"",o 11.....1In Ihe 1947-1948 wor,lhe -.and thiny· co.
year <:yt:1" bogan. Thol WII the cycl" of reYolutionary Arab """Iali.m Th,
back"d by the SoY;"t Union, The I.lamic Revolution in Iran Ind the ""~

So~i"l inya.ion of AfJYIa"lllan PUI paid to Ihat end IoUllChed Ih" thinl All.
cycla: Ih" period of "xtl'llm" 1.lamlc fundamentalilm. Thillppe&M<i to mal

TM1'h>lh ......., I......

1M ....,. much on the rel. ., "ntil s..po"",bet t 1.1001. "nUl bin LadIm'I
~1aoCU.nd AmericI'1 Ions. painful occupdloa of Iraq reju,.."..,ted. il.

The Middle Ent gels rellgloo: 1977-1980

If J'OIl _IM.JI the oonfllao the M>ddle Eeot .nduted In the IiJIly ,.an
illloori tIM fall of the on- Empire. J'OIl woWd IMIlnIcl: by the bow
...wI • role reliplol pLo,.ej in _ ot tbom. ID o.Iy tbow IhorI Y-'" dur-
.... the c.rt.~.tbw . . . . . . ",.,...•• _lOIl1y...... ,hot 001'•
...:r- aN witb ... to tbw clio,.
FInt. In Iete I"" the IIlami<: Rftalutioa IOpJliMltlM ohah in IruL The
form of Sh'-II thIII Ayatolleh Rub"llab KhomIit>I cnfIed in the
of hll .. ktory DOl remotely. relum to triecl-aDd-true ,..Il&'ouo.,...,.
u.:..• IM ~ted It. Ub tho sr--t MId _ b'mldlble l'IY'l>I"tlon·
...... thl'OUf;l.ol.u hlltory. ""orneinl p"",,·ed.o be I muler •• p..-nUIl&
tldlcally nllW ....yl. ,,"ually the .. ery op~il. of the old on.. he claimed
10 ....Ion. In the camoufl. ofold. comfortl"8 1m....
n.. N.dl ch.mploned the wholllO.... ""I,,... of p"triotllm Ind fam·
lly Ufe whUe prllp"ring genocidal WaIl of hitherto "nlmeglnable horror.
"'homelnl t"rned Shl. 111.m. for mGrlIth.n. millennl"m the
moot q"I_, .nd poUlleaUy paul". form of lilim. Into the prototype
of. f1erc- new .....ol"tlonlt)' f.netkllm. He cleime<! lhe .....ntl. of fun·
damentallam. but In . .lIty wu ' -..ily infl"enced by the mool murd •
OUIt~lIteri.1I "CIder ldeol081ea ofth century. Thll would not b ...

beeo poulbl. If. wi.. or compMMlt ~idenl bad been occupyill& the
Wbite no..... l"teaidentlimmy Carter diepley«l COOlIliteDl Ipononco.
comp~. utd iaeptitude In ,..Ii,. wltb the ..,.,nli", crille III InuL

The end .... It the WOO'II b"m.lli.linn the United Stat.. bad _
aperioloced In tho end ito apuldna frm> Inoq..... then • "-ie
aft. PJw;..... t ilichanI Nboo> bad decidecl M would build It up AI.
maP"..pnaI pow...... u.s. .......... in the ......
no, ,,-Ulle,lI, Il>t<IrTed 6.14. loth .lI14dJ, tool

The [.Iernie Revolution wu ...... Jly IWillh. Iton of thlngo to CO",•. In

November llHII•• ye•• lit..... Irani." extremi.t Ilude,," bKked by
Khomqinl'. ",volullo"ury ll"'vemmunl olonno<l tho U.S. .,mba••y in

live.abu-J, end in many COleS tOrlured fot .e.

Tehran and ... imd fifty·two American. "' """tag... They Wu", held ClIp-

Poisonous Prophet
lNid QuIb. Otle c/ tilt fooncifts of modern ,~ill!J¥n. ,t\.died in !he
5 United ~Iit~ iIId ~_ COINfflCfd Mleric:. Wlll , ~ of deprMd
wwallniq.ut)'. He diOO', come 10 l!lis ConcluslOll,fttt _!lit.., Ys ~
MMlhamn. Of Los Mee'n. bot ,fltI iltflldinl I'Yotll'lUnt chu<ch iONls in
Gretlfy. (0101100, from I'Ma to 19SO. Qo,nb WII ,hog ;appolltd by the Amtri-
CiO ~)ion fOl ~U.l'lpt'tilIl1 bo.I... iIId 101 i'll, wIlich lit onu
Oescr1bed l'I ·c~tfd bI' Negron 10 w,sI'y their ~ Ii noM end to whet
theu if..... 1 dnim: He c~1IIfd too, tho>t ~iurtl. Weill' too .ntri(ti"l'

ibout di"OlCf (w!lich in 1111/1I ~ nol • tMl de,l~ He 'lIITIiined • hfflorc b¥;h-
(Mb WitS !he dri." 10ft, oA !he Mull"" &r~ in the e¥1, I9S/h. ,
Mole !Id~ thin £&ypt~ P'~ G¥nII AbcleI N,UfI-who wou!dn)
NIl .kohol. ¥Id whom rhe 8<otherhood 1~ to .»O.""'t~iIId

OIhtr 8tothe<hood ~iOe<l welt ¥mIN in J9Sol. Qutb Il'ft'l • ~
beIIind bel,s. whtIf lit W'Olt IltI boot oWn,,,,,"" In It lit ....Ifd ltlt....,;vtl'WI ji

,""k~lion 01 th¢D Q~ Uw~ tlt ..... t.trulO'd in 1966. but IltI writircs
I'Jicltd ltlt ,i'dk.t 'f""~1 01 SIJmi klom in lilt '"' 19101., ord impiftd a-..


The Thotb .......1Illam

Can.....-rl"y m.odoI ,hu,,,,,ill WotM. IMt. of publicly downplay.

I.., It or dlll.neI", hi"""'" from il. whil. workIn, 10 .;11...
thr.t... the In.P..... or brina rulh'" II1ilituy bellO 1.. ... tt-n. ""
P'II'd'-ly procIeimed bill....-.I ..... iaItion 10 ptlin, the .
fnerI. wronaly IlM@lni"lhe<:oUid tide 10 . .\eCtIOQ 00 • p ·M reo-
olutkla oItbt alIaiI. All be dicI_ .... down t b l _ po ful ...lioa
In tbt worid ill ....p......lI,. ....-.di,. &Iobel bWIIIlIaU ..
Meanwhile. "'--'"1"1*' .1 prSip.nclthll orhllt ...... U1ioa
_ _ w;roM tbt Middle EMt. Iltluaio:: , d·==tll~ •. - . 10 bet<:b In

tbt SunJLI _Id .. well. luddlstl,. rep !be dlllC:nOdlled 1 of

N_'I .w.1OClal1om ..... Il;':n,..." with SoYIit Comm.. ni The
loup. tIllbleoa. w.lI_ablilhed did.I....... I!'" of 1l.1a .......t in Syril
IDII Seddem H......n In lntq WflI'lI DOll ohaluIII .. threItenod. 8,,1 they bed
DO .p~1 bIyond their own lrr<kn. lOKr>einl did.
In o.cemt- 1171. Savill prelldenllAonld 81'ftZ1tnev poured PJO!.h>l
Ort!be .u.dylNmlns funo:lameollliot n.m.. ..,dina thl Ked Army InlO
...fBhonlltln to p'll' Soviet f.vDrit. b1c~ In'n pow.!. II proved to beth"
moth.". of.1l Sovl'" m....·.. p'.
I'O! ltiO yellS ... fHlllnlltln hn bIIe" .... y to CO""!,,.... bu,lollp"..lbl" 10
hold. Th" Brillih Empl.... cOllqu"..... it th,,,,, lilll", I",IW""" 1840 .lId
1120. Tho 8..1 Um" they mIdlIlhe mllUie of lryl"A It> hold II. LilMaIl,.
... tlwt. handful-tew.lban Ii.........." lhe 10.000 mell made II b1c~ 10
Indl.lli ....
Tho Red Anny luff..... very ,Imlilt uperllmDl. Thly 'uo~ Kabul
wilbln hou....nd tlul lri"-..- ...illllihorn. It ..... widely - . . n.
jibed ~ pl_1Ibebu. n.. SO'rietI lIl1••IJI,. _ 15,(100 ..... In
...... thot did mud! IOditc:tldil thoU _ pRpItI tbt ,. few ill
1.11. For PnIl......, R..,ln ........ ..r..ilIon. II _ .lId ,
opport"IIl',. 10 p-y !be SoriIto for b1M1dil. tbt Unlled sm. 10
hwI.l,. In .....nua. I..... ""'*"""'
bed _ I the Nulh VIIt_.1I the

ann, they needed. Reagan and hi, anelJlelic dll'1lCtor of Central Intelli·
Il"nce. Willlam Cuer. did the lame thing for the mujahedln.
It WII cla..ic Reag.on---«:tlng ,h,...wdly..,d 'ubtly wi.h a louch Ih'l
8i,mard: at hi. blt.1 oould nOI "'lual. 8,,1 In Ihe lof\@, run 10'11 a
100111y unlnlldpaled Ind calaslrophlc "bl"...bect" effact. Thomand, of
ldealildc y<lUIlfl MuslilDl from around the Middle East flocked to .upport
the mujahedin. What lhe U.S. 1110''' I 'Irib .111£1 our rival for global
power. younS Arab Muslim, laW II a baule .In.llfOdl... Infidel QCCU.
pi...... The mujahedin bocame radicalized by the ""J'OIience while getling
In nealllni groundl"t! In modem Suerrllla warm.. One of them cam.
from en. of the wealthl...I, moal pl1lltiglou, lamm.. in Saudi Arabia. Hi.
nlm. we, bin Lad.n.
Saudi Arabia. wllh Ih. f,,11 approval ollh. Unlle<! Sial , uMod IIlI \l'a$1
oll wealth 10 fund Ihe muj.ohe<!in. Neither I""emment d med ohhe
lrue netu,... of th. fon:ea they we,... unlea,hi"t!. Iron hed ,ucceufully
defled..,d humHialed on. of Ih. 110'0 thennenuclear 'upefJlOw.... in the
hoallfle crill, and llved 10 1.lllhe III •. Now Ih. *mui* in Afghlni'lan
were wilh,tonding lh. Red Army, Ih. most powerful mili••ry ground
force on oanh, an anny lhal had nOl known def""'l in war for more lhan
lixly years.
The revolution drew blood in E8YPlln 1981. NauerofEgypt,
In 1966, had lunged Sayyld Qulb. the vilionary proph•• of Ih. Sunnl
lkhwln IMuIUm Ilrotherhoodl, w!th Impunity. ~·Ift..n yea... 1ft... Qulb
Wa' hanged, wldlen In the Egypllan anny broke .. nltt durt"3 I ponde
10 1973 Vom Kippur War and Sunnud down Nauer', 'uc'
ceuor. Anwar Sadll. Th.y molivlled by QUlb', 11""", dl'MJl\S.
Nauer'. brutal .Ial••uWreulon of religion was Ih. norm in the region.
TM hlowbAct would have been ronLalned 10 Satta!" _,inaU<lf>-.nd
Qutb'l i..... would not he..... causbt flJ'll-if not for the bungI.. oflbe SovI·
ets In Afghanutan in 1979, and IhOMl of Jimmy Carter In undennlning tl>e
Ihah and a..uming Ihal democracy wo"ld IUlomallcally.ucceed him.
(Plwldent ~ W. BuJ.h. Oef8RM ~ Donald Rumofeld. end their
pollcymabn IMide ....aI, the _IIliNb.oo..1 "-t.n. s.ddam.
quuter -.tluJ a.Ia-.I
on: ow .... ~ __ c.> tIM mudl..
....... Chapter S


'-."" '. t l)' y ~ thlnl< they bow &II about. bul ill Guess what?

E . .lily lhey don1 boo

0Uf Iellthoob
the a1i&bteat clue. no.. II t.:au&& our....d"
Ii'" WI • coup" fA cllc:l* and then _ DD-

.TlIt ...........


191) .

. . . '.,... .. 1...••
The PersliiD Empire: Wheo lra.n was good
glalIaI llllInI "I1
Th. "". thl....ny or ,ew ...1..... on !be !llbl.. blowl .hout Irtn
II Ihat the Penl&ll Empi.... CI'Il8ted 2.~ y...n ..... under CyruI and l)ar.
• Whal happeM 0I'hrII
;ullhe Gr$IU. WI. I rIOdlhlng, IIIHowlld the ""ned ,ewIIO return home lhe u.s. Mtddleoln
from 8.lbylon &lid rebuild their temple In 'eno..lom, lr.n'. poIMkll

In the MYenth ""nlUry. however. Ihe Penlln Empl"'a>Uepaed.tnd the AtaICIIIh IOIomeIlll
lend thai I, lIOW Inn became • ShUle MWllim domal......... nd It hu
...",11nI<I thUil lor Ihh1_ and I htIr oenturi... Unlike Saudi Arabia.
wbich did not .,.llllUltli Abdulub n•• Saud _ltd it all. world W.,l.
11M hal bM.. I c;obenot ... UOO-.tlle for..-. than II hundnd y-""-

U"'* the Sar-rid dr-y m- ISOI 10 1736. ruled b7 J*"I" ~

• ah&h, "-tIt olthe dm.l Of 110 emp"-lhM - . . . lhem _
trolled _ I , the _tin b U.. der ...... dr-Itt til.. the
Stbrida. the Pwn~ _ _ lon.ldIblot. bullloty malDw-:t
their mcM<1* d • praudly ~ ",.,.. . . . __ ol-',. baIIdfuf

of nalion. in the Middle Ent and luia 10 do in thu face of thu 8101>&1
.w""'p ofth<llV'*'t high·•...:h empi..... ofthu W tem world.

Clash of empires: U.S. ¥s. Britain

Ir.n w.. a backwater thro"llh the ninet....nth C,""IUf)'. In t903 iu can·
turl... of quielude unded with thu di..,twery or ,i8"ificanl _rv... of ail.
Wilhin fllUl y......... the dynllIIlic and visionary young Wimto" Om",hlll,
Ihu" finll l<m:l or Ih. admi",lty, had MI up the Anglo-l",nlan Oil Company
to -=ure and develop Iran', oll """""M .. a ",nable'tnlluglc fuul _rvU
r", hi. ","vy.tllun IIlll the oIronguot In tha world. Angio-InnJan Oll J, ,tlll
around loday, having changed it. name la Hrili,h Petroleum {and now
.imply BPj. And Churcblll'. bold move. done 10 IlllCIln thu 011 10 powur
the t,,,blne engi ..... of Britain', mvolutionary Qu....n E!izabelh-dua bal.
tlMhJps. became one of the handful af ll"vernment inltl.tivM Ih.t ever
turned a fat profit for the IllXpIlyer.
for tha nuxl forty y....... tha Brilish IllXpIlyer and Anglo-In",lan's .h....
holden ltI.Idu tremendous mOIl&Y from thulr lranl.n ope",tion,. lrao

Ayatotllh lOlomeini's Tbouchts on tho White

, 11M r~lttdly poit1tN out tNt the ~I ~I evW intentm ¥ld is ,,
~ 10 the OfdNncft of klom. ... ~ MOIlIIlry of lo.rIlicf IwI maclf dell its

"IlP'JSlTion to tilt <lfdirIinc1K 01 bUm by fIriauIlTINwrlK like tilt lIboIltion 01 tilt ~emeot tNt
JudfIK be MuIlim ¥ld 1Nlr. h«aforth. ievn. OIristiMII. ond the ~ 0I1I!¥n ¥ld tilt MuIlirm ,
~ to citeidt 00 ilffain totKtn'IirlI tilt horoof ond penon 01 tilt MuIlIm\.· o
"y....w. ...1W. n =Iwl. ~ 011 Marcil 22.196), ill Qom.llan
""alned ita polltkallnd~ and u. HrilW, pNily much lpond
~Ic developmmta .. Ions" \bey could devfiop and U!mC1 tbtI oil.
Worid War n bol.l8Nd Inul.'a importarla t _ the COWIUJ pnl"ide:l
a.u....t INCUN iaw;l bridplo lony ~ auppl_ from 8rita1D
md ~ 10 tbtI SoritIt Unioa to belp keep II In tbe _ .., Nul
<Amoany. wt- lhe.t.ah iii the w.... Reu Shah. a .,...ell rur...l.Md...
rur...l ...... _boMd _ _ the thn:Jnt, In 11I21 • .bowed pro-l"nl.,....
~ be _ and 0«.0.11)' Into ai'" HIf; ..... MoMm-
~ Reu ..... Iari, . . . . . .11....... a "'ow I i. So ~
_ Inul. 1M! the AII_ dim. Il!t Qpilal. ,....""., for the ftnI 8.lI n.r-
_ i l l n 11M3 ... =_. U.s. pll !,,",' FJual..IIn II·' .,.tI.1IritWI pn-
",Inlow ChwcblU, aid SoritIt dicull..-1<-f &.liD..
Ulltillbe.n)' 11I!tOI. l...,iulJ kroew 1I111. .boul tIM UnlllNt~.- ...i
ca..d • . and .........,.M fell the..- .ay.bout lbem. Tbat duonged
duri", the '-taM p...ldMlcy of Dw;aht D. Eioenhow•.
Mohammed MoudoMq. a c:ontempotary of !'.tYptlan P!'Mld~1I1 e:.m.l
"'bd~1 NUffI..-nd llke him a romanlk. Ideall'llc. l~ft._I"3. anll-
W"'l~m dema8Ollu_lIOk power Inl... n In 1951 and nltlon.lllt&d Ih~

8rill.h "Ullliult')' th...... Tb~ 9ritIJh lChurchlll. lronlCllUy, wa, prilll~

mlnll!~r ...In) w~" furiou•. but having iU11 llquldaled Ih~lr Indian
empln and beoIn tun:-d OUI oftb~lr Pal.-Ilne Mandale. tlley w~ .. In no
.-m.... to do enythl"llabout It.
Fearllli ......U·...meriCAlI Inn. Ellflllhowe. live Ih, CIA lhe......,
IiJbI til O<pnb. a Military coup to toppt. Moaeddeq ud Ii"" ,lIoctiv,
power bid< III PahIavt. _boon the BritiJ,h hed lrutaIllNt block durtnc WarId
War IL II .....-....IIi"" • r:harm..
Blli Ihlil IbI W..... all... ",n OllL Inul.', oil . . worth bl& bucb.
rt...IlIll tIM boId.-olthe ....,...,.;!.Wpot, •.-oltbtllCufL TbI
oi.I _ -U)' ... i aod of hiP quality. EI......-. .....
l1w U.s. 011 m.ajon . . " _ _ 10 iL 1"bI BrillM - . oul of
l1w ~ .....tioa they Md 1Ilpy.d In Inul. for men than forty r-n-

and ChUJC.blll. who h.d il.lI poulbl". wu fon:tKIlu IWlllow the
The Brillih w..... furioul. but th...... Wat nOlhing they could do lbout
it From Wuhlngton'l point of yiew it .U mtKI hunky-dory. But EiMn·
hower tuld pllllttKIlhe 0Ded1 for fulu... d truction.

Uberal busybodies spark the Islamic Revolullon

EiMnhower then pUlhtKI .......d .nd got the y""na.h.h IOlpproye In""1
parlleipalioll ...·ith Iraq, Thrtey. Ind Pitiliin ;nl.... Go",..l Truly Org.o.
niudon (CENTO), IntendtKI to be I Middle u.tern .nd Soulh A.ien
eXlon.lon of NATO (i.e... tool for bl""klng th" Soylet Unl<1D from
flXpandinglo 1.... 1O"lh inlo th" Middle E!ullind il. oil field.).
Although Shah r.hl.yl rem.lntKI pro·We.lern (he had • tute for
beeutiful W... tern women. W...tern nigblllf", and pattie. "n the Rlv_
i"rI), bb people did nOl. The hatred and ""rlnoi. they h.d felt tow.rd
Brillin for fony }'ftan wl'lh"n .blfled loward Ihe UnlttKI Stal... for top-
plina Moaaddeq. Thai mighl not haye matlered in lb.. long term If th..
•hah had lefl well enough alone and .imp(y allowed f...... markel ""0-

nomi"" and hi. hulSing all rey"nu ... IO nllurilly rliN,
Or if he t<MIt ca... 10 ...."""1 hil people'l Irldi,ion.1 w.y., •• 'h" far
wi.." rule.. of Saudi A..bla Ind Kuwlit we... dolO3 a<:roN the Gulf. But
he didn·l.
For Ihe .h.h hid been Infected by other W...'em paMlon•. He WIS a
llberll, lIo<:i.I .... foool'" do-gooder. H" Imbibed the domlnBnl politial
fB.hion of Ih" time in llritaln .nd America for IOciIUmt. bill go yel1llllenl,
neUonel pl.nnlO3, .nd 10d.1 anginll8l'ing. He allfMl I' hi. White R....olu·
tion. MllllOIUl of won! uprooted from the (Ind ...d forood Imo the
townl and dli.-. While thftir .t.ndard of IlYI", ro"'. they millDd their
old.• Iow-moving, cherilhfMl way of (if•.

American llberala... peclally in the mfH!ia.
loved II. and Ibe sbab "'" played up " ' mix·
lure of Wl,,-Ion Churchlll. FTenkiln ROOHvttll. At Least _inc Good
and Moth.r Te..... He w.. launcblng bls own Came Out of It
New Deel and curing tbe bKl<ward foll< of th.1r
""J"""e ,,[!In of the (OII"fNI'dG "ill on traditIons and ..llglon. 11m. mlgll-
Ein. WII I puticularly enlbuslutlc and witl....
L Tdnn to f~ rllt ho!ot.,es rmtfd
.. the Q91ion rJ U.5. WKW Oprrillonl
~ter. Only Ibe lrenhlll peopl. dl"llfMd.
~ ¥Id the Army's 160th WKlil
Th••beb's d.pend.n"" on the United S"'t..
Opewlonl Aviotian RflimfnI: the "Ni&/ll
and hla honeymoon with braelin the 19SOI ...d
19601 deluded loaders In boIh COUlItri.. thaI lren
WII inh.rently mod.ret., antl-A...b. Ind pfO.
W..lem, They couldn't have been more Wf'O!Ii- Anli-Amerlcan Ind Inti·
Imell popular Hntlm\llll grew dnmalice.lly In lren during thoM yeAf'I.
M.....whll•• U.S. st.t.....f·llt..-rt Ilrcreft., ...d .utomatic w..poru
nowed to Ih. shah In an URIlnding strum, w;lh Preeldenl Nbon·. bl.,..·
Lng. Bul wIthIn two)"'US, Ih. Ihah h.d lurned upon and bluen Ihe hand
thl! fed him. H. IOlned fotclt wllh S.udl Arabi., bis n.tlon's hl.toric
rivel.nd enemy on the oth.. aide ofth.Culf. and .upported l(Jng Febel
In hnpl.mlllllng ... unp""",,",nted quedrupllll3 of Ihe globAl pri"" of oil
in the wlnl .. of 1973-1974lbtOU&h Ihe Organlzatlon oflbe
Exportlll3 Countries (OPEC). The U.S. domlllic lCOJIomy dropped II if
pole-axed. FII..1 Ind lhe ahah ovemlghl allied more dlmlS' to Ibe
Uniled Stlt.. than Ihe Sovlll Unlon, Communist Chilli, Ind the Korean
end Vietnam wan combined.
Amazingly, flllu... preold.nta would me.. up the Itln allultlon .ven
lOOre. In Sn ..rie fotelhedowing of diautrous U.S. pollcl_ of the
Iwenty·f!rat century, Democralic preoldenl Jimmy Cart•• wII ... obe.,oo
with fOllering dem<><ncy ...d hum.n rlghll in Inn thl! be &"'lIy und....
mIned and dl.lracted the shalt.
TIle htlUcal1y lec_ GoJ'... tbe WiHle bol

Uke .., meny othe. blg1!Overnment. T'IIform·mlndlld lIOOMlI. befoT'll

him. P.hlnl did nOll'llllllu lh.t by destroying lbe old traditIon. of tocl·
"'y, he wu al.., rl ...iroylng Ihe found.tlon hi. Own Teglme _ted on, The
moot colU8t'VaUve, blw;kw..d (In the very bell 'en... of ihe word), end
pMCefullOClety In lbe MIddle Rul wu IMlneformed and modernIzed.
pilchlld InlO _II .... motion. Iran we. cui off from III own Illbl.. ""-'.
longing fo. It and yet ripe for ndleal change.
Enler G",nd Ayaloll"h Ruhul1.h Khomelnl. 1M Man In Black.

Ayatollah Khometnl: The frull of American meddling

In 1917~1978, popul.. p....,.... On Ih" Ihah and prol...11 ~.I"'I him
IINdily grew. Presidenl Caner wu InlUlenllhal thelhlh div.t hl ......lf
of much of htl power ..nd Itan 10 demOCJ1ltlu Iran. At Ihe very 1..,1, he
had to ..,10 In hll own elile lpecial fOn::el Ind his _ police.
Me.nwhlle, l",n waslnnsfonned by e ludden w.V<tof extreme Shiite
lIlamulI, sllrred. ..p by Ibe .ndl.... T'IIOOrded MrmOI1I of an emlnenl buI
hilblllto oo.cW'lll deric, one Ayatolllh R"hull.h Khom.lni. .1......<Iy In hil
lei. """",U. and living in exile In Paril. Khomelnl was becl::ed by l"'n·
len extreme teftilll IUpported by motl.y ..... n:eo ranging from Ih. Soviet
KGB to the Pel..lln. LibeMlllon Orsenl:u.Uo,,-U of them bllter "".mi..
oflbe United Slet... Yet ell Caner _me<! tocare eboul wulecturing the
.h.h 10 impt'Ove hie hum.n righu T'IICOrlI.
Th. U.S. gov.mmelll eert.lnly dldn't wenl the Iheh to f.ll, and If h.
did. linIn. U.S. pollcymehMl hop«llhet e .I.ble,, pro-
Am.ricen coeBUon could be Ih'ph.rd.d to power in bll pl."". Tbll
fantasy Wei e slriking oonl1ul to wbet e more confldenl. competent aA
......Ing e vUlly mon competent p.... ElJe1Ihow.r-h.d
men~ed 10 pull off In toppling th.. democratically .Iected Mohammed
M""ddeq 10 ....tOT'll the shah to full pow.r e q...rt......:.nlury before. It

w" el.., ...m..ubly Similar 10 tbe renl..l... Ih.1 U.S. policym.k..", On
the Nationai Securily Council and within Ihe "enlBJIOn harbo~d for
Iheir fanluy of. demOC11lt!c end pro-American [nq a quarte,....,.,ntury
Carter bumbied. microUUln.ogud. ignonld, pettlf"88ed. and ledunod tho
shah-&lld then hel<HI1 I",n. The shah ren and wu fof'C1ll'd to n"" in '"n-
uary 1979. The... WOf ch_ on the atroot,. Khomoln! came home to be
"....,ted a, the nellon', g.... t...1 hero. A beaming 'iu,e. Arafal new in
from ",,,them l.dIanon. Khomeini almost never omiled. but h.. wu all
grin. and bugs for the Pal...tinion revolutionary l...mer. America'. humil-
iation wu oniy JUII beginning.
While aUlhi. wu going on. lncr...tibly. Cart.". delivered far more effort
to brokering a final p""CfI t","ly botw.." i,,,,.1 and Egypt (which we...
al .....dy in a ,tal. of de facto peace. and both
countries wel'll al","dy In the U.S. otbitl.
Cute,', OIanding In th" opinion pon, Ahmadinejad's
ol ...<lily declined. It dldn't help that the
Fighting Words
dragon of Inflation. briefly defealed by !'reoi-
dem ee",ld Ford. wa. again, And In "1f)'OO -..kI1~ 10
thaI rateful )...., of 1979 the OPEC hoM &ood ~'tions witt>
nation. pu.he<! tbrough anOlhe, mu,ive oil tho! If. . . ""ion in lhe funn. r«oV"'e
priao hike wilh newly radicallMd I,..,. eageriy the If""'" ""ion'l richt. ~osniH tho!
supporting il. A. it had done.1x y....... hefol'll. nr;.,o IMlion's ~ And bow down
the U.S. lICOnomy .....Ied. before me treWoeit <J tho! ~¥IiMI ""Ion
...:l tl.l"render.lf)'OO don" KCopt, me Inn-
~ "'tkln will "tedoru )'00 10 ~
Carter and the bostage crisis
0" top of all thet. b.. nlon ""ud"nt." Ilhey
we... ""tually ...volutlonary paramJlllary
...:l bow down,"
AhlIla'i Ijad,lpftCh
fO"'M acting wilh the full ,upport of tholr on ""SuillS, 1006
govornmo"t1 otormed the U.S. emba..y ill
Teh'.n and held fifly.two diplomal' and
n. P'lIUlClllll~cerroclGeld. t. t~. Illddl. Ellt

olhee Am..dcen citl ...n, ho't"'l!.' For 444 d.yllh .... Amorlca,," we..
prilO"ers. "'8ulorly lorturod .nd obu.ed. Cort.r couldn'l gol Ih. m out.
Al on. point. b. appT<lved 0 pIon for U.S. Special Forca. 10 launch 0
commando .. Id In lho boon ofToh.." 10 f..... th.m.
It woo on .xc.ptlonally doring, dongerom, and riAky conc.pllo .ton
with. U.S. troop. wo... being ...nt lnto tho h..rt ofa capital city of eight
million peopl•. atm"'toll of wbom b.ollld them. W. bad n.""r tried thil
IOn of tblng befo...
Tn mah thing' ov." wn...... Cono. miCT<lma".ged ogoln. At tho la.l
minute. bellubed lhe numbe.ofh.lIcopl.... for the ml..ion. FlH" lwenty
y...... the fOCI.. of U.S. military ope..tion. ha<1 been In the d~mp nln
foro.u of SOuth....ot A,la. Am.rlcan fon:::-o, bad don. no ••rlo,," dOMrt
fightl"lliinoo Ih. Italian and Nul forcM bad to EI..nhower,
Patton. and B..dl.y In Tunllia thitly...ix y.... befo.... So tho ... nd of the
doten thatlammod k.y b.licopt.r mocbanl.m. ond cauoed on. of th.m
to cn.h cam." a ,u'Pri... The million w.. aborted. Oeloill of II w"""
GOOn and rov.aledto tho woeld, Th. U.S. n.tinnll humilia-
tion Will compl.t•.
To Mid to Carter'. w and to und.I'SCO" thecomplet. cont.mpt lhal
Kremlln policym.ok now had foe him, in Oocemoo 19'9 SIlvie! p. .l-
dell! Leonid Brezhnev approved Ihe lnvalion and .ffecllve lakeov.r of
Afghani.tan. In I... thin nln. month., tho .hlningachiev.m01l1 ofComp
David (00 il _mod ot tha Ume) hMi been enUroly ovo..hadowed. The
U.S. and ~Itlon In the Mlddl. Ellot 10 be crumhling by
the hour.

Post-revolution Iran ,
Th. blotOf)' of th. 1,larnLc: Rilpublic In the twenly_nln. yea.. ,ince Aya- ,
tollab !Chomeloi ""ized power flu lnlO four genenl periO<h: ,

1. ",., ... of war and c:onfrootlltioo

1. ,.". .... 01 iMIlatlon

n..-iIlI _ .... lor _ ud cunfroo.....1ool.. Uk. .0 _ , t.n.rk:aI rn- Koo-pWN Is m. F.-dl Ramtutioa 10
......1JtIourW; b.totI
lMlio> b11bo ~klleYolull<m. o.c-w _ _ """-:I u..1bo I*'"
loctloa 01 Ilk ...... \d"""-J ide. ..... _hi.... would.-.p ap mill;'"
"'1ft m-blible tick Mod lib Koo-pt.N ..... lAnlll. be_

F lOooIMllIl, GIft....', foil, wu.n _wk rictOI)' _ tM Uoited

SUOI I>Othl", lib It Mel Mom _ 11_ ~ . dIIy .-rIya q...n......
CIIlIl,l'Y ""for-. Bullhe IIda wu M>oullo cho.... lluollb 10 America'.
oecret WMporo ill the Middl. EM!. HI, _ wu s.ddam
In S.plembllr llNlO. Saddam Invaded I(hu_Ian. an COI,tll
pn:wh'QI of tr.n. He lhou"'l lhe Innla" revOlullol\U)' NSime "''' IOIlM>
1"3 .nd tll.1 Ihe lnnl.n, would f.n a~.ll"''' the IIIme mi.l.k. Adolf
tIlJ1e. h.J,d made when he In....,;Ied lh. So...iet Union .nd ..t off ....... to
lh. death ...ith Sadd.....·• peBOn.1 hero /OIIr SuoUn.
Whet h.J,ppened nut ohouldp"lIly Amerk:ano ..... ilnlello .,!hllll_
lie aboullnvad1n« InD pluM. n.. InDian people ..1I1ed beohInd ICbome-
101. and .. I...n" population _ t.IuoII fo\Ir l i _ tr.q.... ft a few
lDO<Ithllbo li<M l......t ud m. tr.qil ""'*
bad Into tbelr b'J.
Seddam __ IW,.-aftt .-:e. bill Kbomeh.l w.. lmplaable w!tea
.......... lie _ cIel-m.d to c::nuh tlw Inoqi ,",ie ..... thea ow.... OD
-=--Ibo Middle ~ Heed_ 0I1bo alIllO b10 _ people. be pushed
Jorwwd. TIoaoefIe toor-. lncludiol , .. J'OUl'C .. lW...... w ...

rKNitad 1010 "'.... ollUil::ida.u.:k Bet_ heir allllllioot ud

a million In.nians wef'll killed in Ihe war. and l"*Iibly u .nany ea
100.000 iraqi. dlod. Aalollll ... lChomeini lived, any armistice or cornp"'"
ml... wu 0 ..1 of the q....tlon end the ... icide att""ks and'll of
innocent. continued. The If'llqls Ihowed no hetltalion in poison
sa-Imost unknown in werfaf'll.ince World Wa' l-seinst the If'llni.en.
and killed perhaps 100.000 Iranian IOldien with It.
Finally, in 1ll88. even J(homeini WIOS forced to ....:osni"," the im",itable
and a"""pl a compmmi•• c....fI... Th. ~ 01 peace-meklns p.......bly
proved 100 much for him; h. died the followi"ll year .tlhe ripe oid age
of e\3hty·slx.

Moderation (relallvely speaking) In Iran

For Ih. nexl eishl yearo, Iron ..malned very much In Ih. lnt.rnational
dQ8ho...... Khomeinl'l Seddam. emboldened by what he 1m"8'

The Roots of Persian 8elliprtnct1

"'For thtse rnsons.lltelefooe,l ilm bfnt upon this w¥. illd 11ft 1il:l!'WiSO! tllM-
wim umed flO fe'f/ Idvintqes. Once let lIS sWdue this people. illd !hose roeith-
bOIl d theirs ... iOd ... shill ellend tIw f'mIin lerrilOf)' is fM is God'l ho!iYfI'I
~loCho!s. The lUll willl:hen sIllnl! on flO Iilld beycnd our borOH~ foo I..HI pw ltirouIh £uropl' ffom

one end 10 tIw OIho!<. illd w~h )"OU' ~ mike of i111 tIw liIlldl which "cortIillnl one CCiUIltry, fOf
thul, iI wtwl Iho!iIr be lrue. i1ffil.n nilond: tIw roalionl wItmof IIIrwe lpObn. onee lwtpl: i1WiI)', tlwrt
is flO dIy. flO COO'Ilry lefl in ililho! world. which ....1. IIfllI'Un! so much is to wilhstillld '" in iIm'Il. By
this (<UW I:hen we shill br~ III mriind lJIde< au yoU. ili~ thole who iI(f JUilty lind !hose who I
Me imoI;ent d cloinc lIS wrOfll." ,
rwnian killa Xenft, fillirinlllil people to inYide AtItenl ind Spilrti, ill
~ed b)' lWrodolulln 1M Hiltotin

m.l wu ~ II Md COfI b.1I CXIW1try _ _ of billlaal of dol·
Ian Uld ....... 100.000 ll--.followed u. .... by Inndu,. Ku....11 only
two ,...,. tat. aad brl..!I&l"I u. .....Ib of ItMo St.... Oft bh b.d.
Seddam.. h.......u1ati<lD aad u. vlJtuaI ~ of btI.- y.u.
buth ..,... III u. wuld .u. timII. in U. 11111 CWf W. _ .........
........ I<> U. -re1Ol1aN rulliIa in T........ Bul _ 1M U..UId SUI ...
......... in u. np. 1haIl_. ~Iy lDIiowt"1 tM a>l.1a~ of 1M
Sootl. UIlkIa allM _ of tlllli. '!"be ..... Iam telftoll l...wlld ""til
111l17...._ I ,.latl... lDOdenll. PnoIl_I ...+··· KhawaJ.....
eMct1Id • po III f_1 of tMlt1lmic JI• .wk
nwlml'ltwo _ oflMdenhip rn.m 11ll71<> 2005lDUbd u.third
_ofIM hlllolyofU.1alem1e: R«p'.>b&. '!"be lhlIted SUlM .....i..-d 1M
lIl...nclbll "'1* po••• and StcIdlm tbollsb bwnbl«l.l;IIIIItiDued I<> rule
I.. BotMecl IDlid _ y rwpIlI1. of hll .... ewed P........... I..
d.... lop po...1Ilfu1 _POO" of ....... dllluuctioa.. lrlnll...-botb I.. lbe
leedenhlp and ..nlfai populatioo-wenlltllllerr\fIecl <>flbl OW" who
hod Infllc:lld 10 mllCh I"fflllri"ll on them.... Innl..,leeden COOll.olMd 10
I....d ct"fully bet...... n Begltdld Ind Wuhl"llioo. TMy
Improved diplonl.lllc Ind 1I1Ide II" with Ihl nillon. of Alii Ind
W.tlm Europe. China lod india bolh hid srowI"ll demandl for their oil.
And Khlot.amJ "" eou&bllo mend hll c:ountry'l lonl-.dHlt'Oy.d U. with
1M Unlled Stel H. In both the ClnlOO and BUlh edmlnltll1l.
II.,.,. 10 ICrlP itln·...uclear p.....m In Ni\ll1l In•• 1""'''1'' thaI I'"
Unllld Stet........ ld I'IICOll'IIu the Illuale: Republic and _pocIllo lOY.
With 1M belIefll of tM deal could he......orbd. 11 d
be R1bject 10 ...-lfkMm Pr.i.....1Gootp W. BUlb .......ld "" .
ruall)' 1<>. fat __ Umited aDd plmbl_k . _ ".." with Non.b
-=-_ NItricllIlI iu .. ucJ- e'op IL
s.dI .............Id an. 01 cnodaJ __ 61 10 1Inel. U. fIrM
~ of tM -r-n...-NrJ. it ....._ c:Mr tlwIlbt 1IoI .. uca-

program po-J probably the gravllSl thnoollo the u:lst""ee of the Jewllh
ltate linee III creaUon. Bul ironk:IJly. pro-llfHl actlvllilin WlLlhlngion
we", the In ,,>gins ill ....;.etlon. Kh.o1JuJl1 hid bumbled bla COUn_
try Ind bessed for~. bul lwooy from the tlble.

Democracy's bitter girt: Mahmoud Ahmadloejad 10 d.H....c Impro...ed tl .. wllh Ih. United Silt.... lrlolln vote..
look I new dil'lK:tlon In 2005.•Ioctl"ll" pnlIldtlnt fond or I mock turt[.,.
neck Ind blater. Mlbmo"d Abmldloei*d bl'Oll.&"lln the fourth ... ofrh.
bl.."ic Republic: f1lnewed helllge",nce .nd confront.Uon wllb Ihe
Uniled St.t....nd IIfI<lI.
Ourlng Kblllmri eighl y.... II p...idenl of I,..". Ih. ulull hebbHnl
pundlU .nd Il"IDChllr .UlIeg!.U In the Unhed SlIl'" endleuly....,ned
Illal il did nOl ltIIUer who Will chief ulOCUti"" or I,.." IIId thot .1Ii....i.n
lINd... w""' _lIy Identical bIni-Une ItCh.vlllllm who .hould nev". he
But wben Ahm.dinejld ",pllCld Kh.llmi. lllOOn becom. clNr thlt
who the IlNder w.. millere<! I gtllIt dell. AhmIdinejld w.. open In hil
determilllliolllO develop lIuci.... WlllporuIllld ....dy to defy lhe whole
world if nlCl"'ry. H. oou&hl to d.l8flitlmiu lorul'l ""lItenee Illd
bouled lbotll obHle..tlng II In illl3ulgI not heard .Inee lhe heydl)'\l or
N.....r and Soddom. lie pUfll'ld tho iranian lJOvemmenl of",llli...e mod-
erltll Ind pUI hil hlrd·line 11ll... 11110 e....ry key nlUODl1 _ucily Ind
miHtl/')']XII1 he could. He .I!lO mlde no _ of bb plnlolllie 10yllty
to the vanilhed Twelfth IlIlIJJI of Shllie lallIll.llld .....ell ordenKi mlnul.
of every [...olan cabinet meeting to he dropped down the well wh.", lhe
1W.iRh IInlIll Will lAid 10 hive vlllilhed.
Ahm.dlnej.d WII .ble 10 let .wlY wilb thil oull'lll""'u. beh ior
becouoe on. enormOUI ml_Icullllon hid ", \lI'Ied lwenly.four y of

contillu.1 mUltary delllli. mu.iva cuualli dlplomltlc ioolltion. IIId
alnItepc 'NI' It.. United Sla'. bad inveded Iraq .nd lOP pled Seddam
HUIMIA \D ZOOJ By doi,. .... lbo Bush edmlnl.Jtntl.., removed bolh __
1111. I'" .yatolLaht moa' f......l .1 • •i.... l•••ml-seddaln and lba
Uni.ed Stet. 1.."Jf.
For In .... ,.... folio the loppli.a& 01 s.ddalD. lhe 130.000 10
11lO.1lOO U.s. tmelfN 1ft lnq lied dowll•• lIfferl.,..1ow blIlll.dy
.....JtMo from Sunn; Mu.allm bwlrpn.... FoUoori,.lba IIIIp!emelltIlkm
of _ alnIlep. by e.-n,1 Dnid Pe4.-. III 2001......Ich - P I lD
..............tb adAI.,. local Sunni ~pe ill Anbet Province. ,he
Sunlll l.... lIJ'I"'"'CJ at Last bapn lD run oul of 11_. Bill by , ...... ell 01
_tbam lnq ..... \'\l.II by local Sl:liit" lII11iliell)"lDpethatlc lDeDd bad.!
by lnm. and I'" Sl:lIlI.oo.niMled......,....en1 of Pri.... Mlni_ Nowi
.1-MAllkl ill IIa&bdad ..... _I i.. wwmlieo wllb Tehnut • w"ll.
F.. &ta bel.. " w.t lD Iran by bei.. t.Md \D '1U'IIn8"lly nut door.
lbo U.s. pow>d run-in 1Iaq, with lhelrcommllnlcat...... ll.- 10 KIIW'lli1
.nd lhe elilf runnlllA Ihl'Ollsb Shiite IIIUllil-<:Ofllmlled ImtOl')'. W'fIf'II

IncnlUln&1y II ,he mercy of Shlile grouP' .yml""ll>etlc 10 Iran. No woo,

d.... Ahmadlnejad wuoo bold and confid"nt.
The U.S. lnvl.lon and occlll"'lion of Iraq Ihef'llfore ",v<mOO • highly
Illcceuflll p'oc....., .."il;on. ",hell.llon. and conllinmem thl! hid
""ndlup~ the Islamic Re"ollltlon In Iran for Ihe prevIOIl.lwenty.follt
yean. Neo-WiloonLM llhftral Mtlon·bIlildil!8 hed failed rill . . In.

Irn OD borrowed time

Bill by 2008 I",", _ another factor drivint t'" lranlll... lD ........ bard-
IbM polklea: lba 1alaIII1c IlApubllc _ runnUt:l DlIt 01 oil---ancllb."eb •
....tof time.
Iran" olllWda bed ........... eIoped ....tier and - . ............ y ,!Lon
lbole of any Clilf M11oot. T'bay ..... _pllcaI1r pwapina oil for u..
Afl&l...I....1u 011 Coatpany and BritUll" Royal NI..,. rot ,.......Iy,....

bofore Ibn Soud even ligned hil epoch.l "!I1""mem wllh StlJldlJ'd Oil of
Qo.lifornl. to .ulho,ize the proopecllng th.1 led 10 the diocovery of Soudl
A .. bl.'1 gMt Dh.h..n ollfieldl, By the eldy yel'" of the"'l
cenlury, the [", we'" II .....dy Importing nIt ural g.u In pump p....
• ura Into thllr dlpleled field., Fer from IhNl8lenlng to heeome I .wlng
producer, It Will ci..... lhat .fIe, • few rrKII'1I y"""" of PMt production. l..n
would be lucky to be I dangling produce•• holding onto It.. market ohare
in OPEC by the .ldn of iUl t_h.
[f l..n'l oil .............. h.d '-" dlocovered and developed in the 19301,
lih Soudi ...",hl.·•. thM tod.y the !Allmle Republic would lIiIl be lilting
pmlty. enjooying enortl\OUJ fiJWM:ial. IlIId mine..l r-.urceo for decodeo to
come, but Win.ton o,un:hill'l enelllY .nd vllion in getting Ihe oil pump'
Ing by World War I m8ll1t th.t by 200llthe .y.loU.h. wlmlliving on 1>0..
rowed lime, Thot meant t....y b.d 10 p".h fo, maximum globel priceo In
the OPEC corlel to lltl the ITUIxlmum profiUl they could from Iheir
ing 011. And it m8ll1t they had. far mo... pl'1llling motlye to try to ...iUl
lbe .till eoormoul oil ............ of II'lKj .nd Soudl Anlbia for themoelY,," by
exportIng the 1.llJIllc Revolution to them If they got the chance, a
century after he ITUIde the d....l. Oturcblll'l epocht.1 AngI... II'IIIWt 011 V8f\'
tu... Will .till driving dlllliny in the Middle Eut,


or Ibe fin' quarter-<:Bnlury of ita exlatence. th, State of t.......1"'•• Guess what?

F locked in. continual ,trosgJe for furv;"at o.g.oinlt It, bOllil. Arab
neighbo... ln"" y
won all "fthem. How did the J
1....1fought five mejot wa._end
Il. do II?
• briers ~teoltSl
g.".",II••",.d key
lKllUllnsoflS from
1M Bibl. and rtom
1."",1, .....'''' often told. I. either. puppet l'Ial_ the puppet matl_
oftha Unilod SI.OI... , and demoll.hed It. mh neighbon on the.tmngth of pBlIlft 9""",,,1
an American-crelltoo military .u""riorlty,
• F~neo. nOllhe
You uM<! to h"", thl. only from Arabi. bm the myth .... now_pod UnllOd SUtes, _
111[0 the writings of ."ti·Zioniat 'ewilb Inl,Ueelual. and Ameri",," left· brie!". best ftlend
wlRQ l'olemicilt.o. Any .v1d.~nd th_ls. IOfm [t-thal dilpro". reo- lho nnt twenty
the;r th.ille .uppnltHd ,,, .Imply ign.ored. The to_II. won thelt ",an
beclulJe they hod t..-nd lheir mililary thinking and execution wu of
the high..., caliber.
JUI10r lis

• Goldo lIelr _ •

Death almost at birth

... _'"
buDgllnoj polltJclin

deslroyod ""' own

country In 1M 191J
1,,,,,,1', fin! we. we. by far the worst Whe" the lanoell. dro"ethe Brituh Vom Kippur Wor.
QUI In 1947. they foolllhly thought thoir lroubl'll we... over. They we...
now an lndeJl'lndonl country. lIulthe Britilh h..t t-ntheir prolllClon '"
well U OCCIJplef'l of Pal.llne. Happy to be rid of lhelt troublMOme
Unll.... Nallo"" man"'te In P.I8Itin•. the f1rilllh we.... confidenlthat tho

/\rab Legion ofTno",jo<dan_ fOIQlIOO, "'luipped, t",lned, and offillM1ld
by the British-would d""troy the lewiah stele at birlh. They al",
..."mOO that the ...maini'4l fews would become dhlmmio: a tole",IOO
minorily infurlor In political, human. and rellgiou. rights to the Muslim
..... jority. Field M..........I Bernard Montgorntlry. lba greal"t Brhlsh World
War II gene.... l. w.. chlefofthe Imperial Cen"",1 Steff etllte timo. and this
we. his view.
11 didn't work out that way. Tho A",ba launcbed e multi·pronged attad
on 1."",1. MlIItlmpor1ant. pemaps. wu when the A",h Lesion Cf"lIIHd the
lordan River. It wu welcomed by J1IptUroUl crowds in the hllll"llgions
north and anuth of lerusalem Inow known u tlte Weot Bankl. In lorm.l-
lem. it WI' I dlffe...nt story. The Legion couldn't make I dirllCl mo.....
l8ain'lthe organized lewish mljority in WOItlorusalom. but did, receive
supporl from the Arab mljority Into the anciont Old City. whleh i, ,ur_
roundOO hy a formldlble. 'furki,b·b"llt wall nearly four hundred)'tll'"
old. The Jew;sh Quarl... of the Old City WII a-ieged. and the jewisb Jl"I1I-
military grou!"ln W.t jeru...1em rouJdn't
b""'k th.., to ...Ueve tl>ent.
L. '''> A Book You'.. Not El...whe.... the main th .....t to tb,

I Supposed to Read lareeUs came from Pal.Uniln Arab i""8'

ula'" led by Abd al-Qadlr .1.Huaaelnl,
Thomu (~I\IO ..u no lo¥er of litH! or tM nephew ofHlj Ami" 11·!iu_lni. the plO-
llcnllS. whidI trM.ts hk boo&r~ Arofat: Nul muftI of the Palestiniln Mu.linu.
~ A.b'IlnJ ~ MyltI (fWw Yort: W. w. Like all grnat military I"'dors. Abd II·
Notton.I976) .11 1M more dtvist.tin&- Qadir knew the Ilnlngthllnd wea!u,.......
.oJone amorc Ar.f.t'slllil'l)' (MIll UlUilly of tho ~nt ;""!lula", he led. He knew
flWl"lrCl biocr~ alernitI qoestlooed lblt wblle brave. feroelo.... and det.....
tM o/f,ti.1 venions ~ir:~ly MIll 64 minedto fight for tholr homeland. they
~, ..lemew.... many people ..tin IIid IlckOO milltiry diacipllne and CQuld not
known Ami1 is • boy. boo ofH&Oized 10 carry out ambltl""., rom-
plex milltiry operltion,. He knew thl!
tbooy I!to IKbd u.. t -...... _pooIlIw IanelIIorDlt bM:I, thanb 10 the
fonIl&bt ollaneli ~d ~ . wbo*l adI _pool
UsowtJIIIIw .uch •
w... wu lneYIlabl.. Abd "~ir _II,*, WI his
pMMnt ~ _ at their bIlIt I.D. cuttIDt otlllle Iuld ee-m\1llimo
u.:-lbM _ tIM !eWI' _ ...w-.bIe pot.aL
n.. ~ fWlIti.n&. --oc....t "p 10""""" _ the
_ . ub or tIM ....... n.. Pa/-Clnl.n. CUt off tIM 100.000 in
~ &0. TtoI Awl" _ .... - U - t i U'OUlId tMCIIUII!rJ'._·
... tlM pply u.... n.. iDfmt J-IM~........-uI.D. N Awl"
budl" nl md,.hlfl..........-l """'...,.. (rh·'d........... plat_ _
tnw;bJ 10 pp1" ~
B"t cmoaltlel .... b.... 1n • .-bbM Matdo leMlpMCb Ii- iD
WIloh1ncl'" to tIM AmIricIllIanel Public AlfUn CoIIunln.... !ben WMlI
primo m1DiIt... Y1lWk Rabln "hidl" <t-::ribed lIM _ of bll d)'l1lc
J'OUDlI P.lmlCb &l d.--mIl. Ind ftmII, ooldl... burnt .ll", In lIM
lr\lCb thai bid 1IIlbu.abtd whilt cnwlllll"P 10 ,......1"",.

The tide turns

Ev.nt",Uy. J."'lIh commtJIden.lDcl"dhl/l Yh:r,hU; Rtbln. dll'ludod other
frontlto brl..... ronnldtbl. forcll 10 d ...r th. bill. on ,lther Ildt of the
..-IIO}IruII1Ito. TIll fi&bt..... "'.. r...clouI. Tbt key htitbtl .tKml c..
III cb'llfl'd b",dI ........1 tim.. B"t dltclpllnt IDd mollvlilon "'_
much blJbtr """"1 1M lIrMll .... dltn tbtn lIM Ptlllllll1an Arab ......
MID" or lIM ArIbt _ I homt to tbtir IilmJUtt wltboullell.......1or ofII·
.... AIl~"dto~, Abd t1-Q1dlr WII klIltd It tbt fronL HiI
clIIlll WII. dtnltlti.., blow 10 tIM PtIl1tiDianI. wbo bt", _ b..t
.............. 10 .....tcb him ... militlry llkill....t cbtrioma.
MMnwbllt. ftwioII_1tmtnu IMId 01'1' I&rp n....... 01. Arab mil-
tIry forcot. boch _ _ lm.1 aDd 1rnp1Ir. SlUpriliafl". tht Arab
...... drafttcI rro... tIM FtrtiIrI e . - t Uld ~ frual Syrii. bad.
negligible Impact on the war. In fact. the perform.n"" of Ihe Ir-.ql. Syr.
i.n.• nd ~lillIl arml•. -.II of them conocrlplod peullIIl fore. th.Il b.d
IwMln ml..... bly I..inod. ",!uipped••nd lod. w.. very di...ppolntlng. Only
the profeuion.l Anb !.eglon ofTunljordln .cqultted it... lf well. Nol
only did the Legion conquer .nd hold the We.t B.nk (.] .nd
lerooolem tl comldenble .chlevement in term. of th. fierce f1ghtlnJ
th_l. bul it .1"" held th. key fo<1.- of Letn.on .• monul"')' looki"ll 0\11
OYM rolHns wh8&t field. In the )ud(l8n hliJo. The Is_II fo,,*, fO\lgbland
lOll th..... ,,"ttleo trying to Letrun. Devld Ben-Gurlon .nd hi. f.r 100
Influenll.l Amerteoon .dvl.or. Mickey Men::u•. were obHt.ed wllh !t.
Hundn>d. of you"ll uraeli ""ldl... died Ihere for no .tnleglc purpoMl.
oy the end of Ihe w.r. I.rge luppli81 of weeponl prlm.rlly from .n
onm deel with ~hOllov.kle werelllving the 1._1l f _ .upertor Ii..
power and mobility .t long tat. YJgeeI AUon. the O\IIIWlding !srN!!1 com·
,,"llltIne..1 of the w.r. Iweptlnto the Negev llIId le<:uredll..... I·1 dum 10
It. He outm.neuvered llIId tnpped. I.rge Egyptl.n force .nd was In.
poIlUon In conquer Ihe Sin.l Penl",ul. II well. The A.. b .t.t IUod for
.n arml.Uoe.and • lull", One WII f1nlUy concluded on the C k 1.11lIld
of Rhod. in 1949.
The war ended In viClory for the new lI.te of Jorael. bUI the COlt wu
enormouely high. Of the populltlOl\ of the Infant lI.t....-&XI'OOO lncludl"ll
men. women. and childn:m_«nn. 6.000 died in the war.• full I pen:ent.
In the twenty·fint..,.ntury Uniled SI.II•. th.1t would be the ",!ulvalent of
• war in which three mllilon people died.

Who's a Palesllnlan?
If you uked llIIYO"" in Pal.tin_AnIb or Jew-from 1920 to 1947. ·Who
.... th.!· the .nlwer would be un"'lulvoc:o.l: P.l....tinl.n.
were jewl. not An". The qulctly Il10wlng ,ewlah community in P.I ....
Une durt"ll thll Ume .lwa)'ll deocriboKl itself .. Palmi'llon. Thl. u'"lle
"'~" ., ---
, ';"'~~"":-:<h"X
, .

uI~ "'Wcu ~ "-''t bocbn CIl.C 1Il1M0ly III )In6IIeIl_1M

F ~ bty ~ ftI _ III 1M <:..II: ftIUIcI eo to _ _ lldcIr
tCl*lltor ""rDr GiuIiInI III ........... HI' _ _ ..... II 56S,lItfI ill
...0, <lID,
'oed poIilgI .-.Idm ltor JM1_1ha -m 1M 0Iy.
it _ ~ IiIle em.. 5o.oeLiDOE'i)oolllrul KIldilt1 UMd _ and dol-
chl'l1Il1M poar btMlI.It4Doi1klOdl ~ ~III ~)rws e.w ' -
o\qb(l)lll(llftJb UfJ'II proan--ftI ttoer 5hilc ~ I;Il. Tho! )c:Ird"........-.s b-
bide 1lrWlI)rws IIOIIl ~ m 1M ad Clty cr -...,lew;Ih._ en
IM_IIIOl/Ifa.~N.mUMd IM~,-IS""-'
8u{1M ~ W. ~ 1M CJl1, rem.,. it 0l'I1IIIfIl-.
~ """""' jlMiltrft wrlh e...,moe from wcrIcl-cI$ conc«l Nlh.1br-
iltn. pIlb. and ...... ~ litr1'OE'i. He _1M pNlest bo6:Itlln
Jen,alltmi MIOf)' ~ lrc $Ob,a. iIld Hrrod the GfNl.lHb thtnl. he
'Rlofll t)'lltll cr ill tpTIiIliK. but mem, WiI'iltd ~ bt.klloflA, pNttfIA (/!y.
"tel deled 1 bII Cl'I lib tIIfM iIld belowed VltmI. 1(1 the poont d CO"'trir1I
,leoruWem w~h I\ower dilpI;ays. He 1110 wlS Otttltl'litoed 10 ~ tI\It ~
-.Id tit ill optrl .-.d ,. cv.lodiIn III CNl!l1ln .-.d MuIlIm hoi, p1K~ Lh
the old AlnIrlin ~ from wIllch he lp.-..lw honofed the IdN III rht
moWc iIld alllld tit _ .. . - , ceIltlAdCl'I cr ftWoll III rht cilyi "'I'iAd
IflIcicM iIld ttInc «JI'M'U'IiIift. He obsmtd 0'Kl" lht 1'-' dttib III M
.W1,"'I'dft, Kolek _ loP4t 0l'I L.-..-.d crder, .. ~ dNIUlN. ...
~~ hf'I .... III public --as.. dtbPi'1ln INlq Upnlot
ilII(IKttIn .. ~ iIld KItook 10 lIftpmetuNDillen!herr ~
,.,...-. lnlJ'lllf'll. _oahoc "-' III peKe Icr tt-ty-1IwH
~ \IIlI'iI me l«JlI'Id ~ n4d0 . . In f. XlOO. _ ~

ifIlf «GIlt IIId kft: lht IfII1O'I oIf'n. One un) ht4p tuI tl-* rhII
.Ifl\Il.IlaII', ~",. dIG", ~ '-' pili they hid I\.
wultill re<:ogt>lmd In 1960 whim the hit movie &001.1. Will madu. Paleo·
tlnian Arabo invariably mfel"f'fld 10 themselv... u AruN.
The war 00947-1948 to eliminate the lewlsh Ilale at blrlh wu fought
by the Pal Unlan Arab community not U PlIlelljnum. bul &I Arab.. A
dlalinCl Pal linian Arab ldemlly cenalnly emetged as a reeclion to the
muslve )ewllh immigoatlon Inlo Pal...U..... but il wu nOla mHlennla~ld
a\lachmentlo the counlJy or the name.
Paleslinlan identity changed dramatically dUl'in3th. 1950s. Th. P.leo·
Iinlan lews wbo Iw:t called themHl_ PlIIf<Stjn;"n. for ......Iy tbJny years
now dropped ,h., l.bel and called themselves luueU. instNd. Muon·
wbll•. the hundre<h of thOUMlldl of P.oJeaUnian mfus_ displaced by lhe
war we... bottled up In mlse,.bl ....fugue campa. primarily In Egypl.
controlled C.... the w...t Bant, and to • I....' degJaa In lIOuthem
~on. Th. sovemmenl. of Egypt. Jordan, and Lebanon did not wanl
10 rilt dllltabHizinglhel, socleUet by glvinslhe ... fuS- full cirlzunlhlp,
and 110 Ih... Arabs h.d no home but the mfugee eam~hlch, lnt ......,·

ArlII. the Murderor

W ll«l U5, prf5idtnt 8il1 dinton embrKed P\.O (Nirmltl YHstr

Ar~fot on ~ Whilf Hcw.tH ~ in Septembfr 1991..tlm ~ 0.10
I'fKf A«ook _Iipfd, did ~ know. Of (UIf, !hot ..... lfot Nd PffiONlly
OIdfrrd Ille f>l!CUllon of Us. ~wcior C~ Nofl in 1m?
Wf know thn ~ ~ CIA, ~ hIltI) )"et bftro &Uf'led by Htnn'l)'
"'ttl, -.0'8 loIlppi'Ic Ar~f~fl phano ~rd ff(ordfd him .'-ire the ordfr. Prfsi·
dtIlt Rictlitd NilOll'l tNCtion w~. 10 ....tty intff~lf (ooptIJIlon hflWffll
the OA itld tho! ISI"atll Mowd to f'lln PoI"'ini¥lltl.or!lm.
lnaly. pl"O¥lMd ..e:elh"'l .."""lioB for the youtll. The well.funded
Ulllted N.Ilona R.lief ....d Woru Apnq .... lnt.lned 1M _t .-.ible
tJ.ic ..uwianb 01 '-ILh care In u..- campti. Condltiona w_lIdua1ly
belt... tMIl end"""" by the rural ~uy In SyM and faypt uollll'"
19501ll1ld-'I•. And willlin. 6ef;ade the P-l-tiIl1ao .......... _1...
"1-..I"""led etIInlc poup in the Anb worid. If the Unll"tWloM of
the IItMlIJ t'" '-iF bat>d of poawar w Inlper"'li the
P-leoIinlM benotfiMd"""'y tr... 'Is _p'-IB 1nl1'"Jriltl ...
eaotlnll ....t beattll C*I'L
lIy the mid 10 !Me ll1ifi(M. WMlLhy ...Iw.. lib .s..dl ABbie and I'"
Gulf 011 _ _ .... iJIlportInc _ oltM·...... cI P-J.tinIuy b aiu.l
........ wd:I.l~toa. plwnbi"A-e' l'ie:eI maIo_.... and ....t- ,.
ios- "The P,~'oiu:l .............._ !he "cur"»" upI*' wcrrkI.,. cIu. and
prowkroal middle eJu. of the Arab world. lIut 11:11I. the nil: .... jorlly
ortbem conlinued 10 fMt.. in the campti.
"The old..........Ilonl Bf PaI_lnllln ........ wllo Md f!MJ3b1 t"'l.lon·
'It eOl"'llrl.. and (VOwlog Jewlab ..ttle",enl long throughoul lhe
IIritllh Mlndlle period Md ' - " overwbelmlllll'Y ",,.1 peuenu. EVeD
wllile llle Oy.... lIll.nd.rd of IIYing In P.leltlne .nd oppoo1unm.. for
mo", prtlBperoullI"eI In lownl .nd dU.. grew durins IIrllllh ",Ie. ll1e
n...-I e:enl.... of op~ltlon 10 the ). .IBh Mllle",enl e",pled in NBCIion
to lepll.lonlll )ew'1h orpnbJllions purchuillfl uluelly "l",mely low.
.,..lei.and. like the Iwam.,- of !he lezroel VrJley or on I'" coaIl... lhe cenl_ for bulldl.,. kibbul:rim la:>llectl.,. r'l"IMland other Betti..
menu. TbUB ArBboppllBition IImDJDed from tIM peaaolfy. and tool: I'"
...... of ..letl ....l)' rand<:m .DKb epu..t ,.,..w. driliarw InYeli". alootI
or cllostll ...w- u. _ I I
~ pan COOllinlllld.l!lou&b in much 1r1l_If!ed form. In 1M lint
.......tIon oI...,.nt1B BWdo d....u. the 1\lI$OJ. Al fine. thlln.Iaot IsneIi
_y J'fO""'d i-'loctuel BI detarrio& or I F dilll ICI u.e B1tB1Cb. end
_ ullBble 10 klKld: out .... bueo lbey came ftoaI,. DuritIC IIl.1 cnocW
y...... u the la"",li army chief <>f aldf (19~J t<> 19~71. Weutelllll! Ge1l8fll1
MDOhe DaY8l\ l'll8haped Ihe mil itary t<> combol luch alteeD. in 19~6. ill
coordl""llon with the AngJo-F...nch mov• •inOll!4lYpl·a III. .i fUlllon_
eHudoll of the Suez Cenal. I,uel ""ized the Cua St,lp and Sinal In
.....poll... 1<> cmu·border lemwilm 81\d Egyp!'a clOling llr the Suez CeneI
10 I....eli .hippl'4I' Afler thai camp.olgn end Ihe d"mili'"rlution of the
Sillel Penlnlule. guerrilla elleeD were dumati""Jly reduced and Ih.
Pel""linian Arab gu.",.illa movement .ppoared to be over.
That changed In 1964 when a young Pel ...tini.n A",b ... Ieted to
Hiller'lllld elly, Haj Amln el·Hu.... lnl. ct1IBted Ihe ~·alah O'llanl:utlon.
He wDUld lela. make It the dllmlnant faction llf'ha Pel...tlna Ubo"'llon
Ortlanlullon. Hi. name wa. Ya._ A",fat. A...fet·1 ront leelical vlclDtY
In 1964 was I purnly varbo.l Olla, but inlplred. He epproprieted the t\ll.IIIe
PaI...U,,;a/l-which hed ~ uoed exclllilvely by Pal...tlll18l\ Jew_for
Ihe Pal...Unlan Arah people. H has been exclualvely .pplied and used In
Ihil w.y eve, 111IO!.
Adoptinglhe lerm PaIMti,,;al! Iharpened and 1"IIllimlzed the lIelll...
of the Pal...llnlan Arab oppooltlon to the very exl.tenc. of the Stlte of
iInlel. It 1110 oerved 10 Ihroud I.... _lIliaJ underly;nll ",ligl..... and axl..
lenllil n81U'" of lhl COnmC1. It wal certllllly tme tb.t tbe P.I""tlnl.n
Arab people from Ihe very beginning overwhelmingly oppooed. the Jew-
I.h return t<> the 81\C8ItraJ land <>r bolh peopl....
The 1948 InVBII<>n ofP.I...tllle by the A""b uml... was p""",med to
Ihe w...t al a """'polgn to fllICue Pal linian ArB"" from ' ·I.h 0llptttl-
IOri. In Atob cOllllt,l... it WII p llled IIn.mblsuoualy .. a war tll
d...troy the Zioniit In Ille W l, Arefat dOWllpl.yed the ullderly·
IllS ... ligioua and potentially genocidal alpecu of hil anll·Z1anlll cam·
l"'i8n, If the "al...tiniln /\rlba we .. the P.I...t1nlan people, then Ihly
we", ellsible fot lIatiollll tishta Of~l8lf·deto""illetioll.·A.

V&riOIlI Wel!efn·bullt emp;..... crumhled, the United NIllolI. and thl

UIII,'" St.l.. both profeued to .uppol1 ...tlon.J ·MJf-det,""I... tlOll~
uoond tM sJobe.
IledefInl u.. Aral>-bnell """IsJe ......u.on.l connia 1.1_ two
differeDt U_liMu c:b.anpd the dot. from M\l.JllllU ........L II
....._ dlpionMtnlly_l*".... II puI It. PLO ~ FMah ill It.
_p of _ _ other ....ion.ol w-.ooa. dWAI_1I .. pporl" by Ieft-
1m III tIM liblnl d • '4lic W. . II .... hod lbt 00IUl<W4ble "'tIID19
ofbelllI m.. .. !ow .. h w-..
",.,. hod . . . no ...I.tia.... ABb ...1ioDaI1.... dvri. . lbt Ions--
nm. of tlw on- ElD¢t-. 8ul tlw O'JO'dllkJo>l, or U""" wwW Britiab
l'\&1e.rt. World w., I. whllt. I _ )4wiab ...uo...1 toOC:MIIy w.. bel...
bulh Up.1 bnaknood. ~ around lhen!. had .-taIaly p ... tIM -
tin .... AID. ".., dilleteot upeo ie<>c41rG:n t"-I or J*lP1M I.. aD,
pet oftIMI ABb world. ADd !he ex~ of I'" h.....u.b of lhoutands
wbo nod lbel. born.... w.... opellod by lMMU IoroeIln tM IQo48 w.,
Inlo th. ml b1. refugee camJN. wltb their biumI but.lplficant com-
bl... t1on of ""11",,, belle ....Ith <:ani •• uperb odllaltlou. Ind otherwiM
,wful conditlonl. mad. tMt n.1l0...1experl.nce more dlilinetive JlIII. If
the P.I"tlnl." Arlb P"'Jpl<l were nO!. oohllIlv. n.tlon.l &",up In 1948.
th.y cert.lnly """" Iwenty ylll1S lit'•.

The real Vasser Ararat

v..... A..f.1 domlllliod Ib, P.I..linlln nltlon.J mov""... t lor forty
)'INS.wllb dirt -"Iu ro. bls own I*'fIe. La manylmport&Dt_pocII..
... _ IKII et "I wbM he .ppeend 10 be..
AreJ.t cbI~ 10 hive ..... born I.. ,IenIMlem. bill _lII;NalIy born
ill !:C1pc &ad lip '" Gaza. lie prueott" !he PLO . . . ",Ihlcw '
MorxUI-eocWiII utioo..,.- __ 11'- ..... thII_ blm ........
\III"-Cetliuty or IoyIoI ,uppor1 from the "'-1111. Bull..bwe II COIlviDt::iDc

TIIa "-Illlca]], I",arrect Gaille ,. t~a W!ddla lut

ev1dMlal thol he rimed hla und"'lV""nd canHll". and made hi, fi~1 power
00... In ""volulionary A",b I'olltlco, wllh Iha Ikhwan. Iho MIl,lim Bmth-
orhood in e;"... and Egypt.
H.. presenled 10 the world an Image of being an Incorruptible....111.....
mvolllUonary. bul he hed away billion, of dollar, during hi. long
domlnatlon of th.. Pal linlan IIIOlional mnvemenl, and hi. Falah waS
alway. mirod In corruption a"d Incompetence.
Araral p.-nted to the world Ihe f""" of an Arab regio" unified In II'
oppooltlOlllo 1'.....1. but he killed many Araba during hi, long ""reer. 10
hi, heyday, every Arab country Ihat gave ""f,'3" to him and the PLO waa
ruined and plunged Imo civil war I I a ",.ull. King Hu.....ln of Jordan
drove th.. PLO OtJt of hla <:ountry In September 1970. L.eboIno" then look
them In. They esteblbhed a pow..rful encleve In soulhern L.cbanon
Imnwn .. "f&tabland." But unlike I"" much more funnldabla Hezboll.h.
which evenlually ,l.ICCMded them.lhey proved milllarily u..l..... apln..
1.....1 UCepl for a handful of raid, that alaughtered l.raell civilian •.
Indodlna mom than twenty childmn In alach",,1 in Ma'alol in 1914,
Starling in 197$. tha PLO plunged L.eboInon Into fifteen yea", or civil war
and anarchic violence that ev..nlually took 150.000 \iv....
Many Arab I_den hated or dlstNaloo hi",<lOlably
King nf jordan, Pnlsldenl Anwar S&dat of Egypt, and moot "rill,
Pnlsldent Hafe~ AlHd orSyria.
Araral WII a very poor "'ll"nlUlr and ad",ini'l",tor but an utremely
ahrewd polltlcaltaeticlan and unerly ruthl.... gang leader and rovolutJ",,-
ary. He w.. a "'liter of Ihe lhakoodown, The Saudil Ind Gulf Arab laotd-
e'" pol'; At1Iflt protection money. knowing thot it they didn't. Ihe PLO',
.......Ino and pollU","1 lubve..i""" would be .i<X:e<! on th."n. European
I,,"d,,", during and Iller Ihe 0010 J'ea,ce I'ro<:<I» ,"ve ..ven InOt1I. but fer
III their talk. they n""", ralaed a finger to make.W1I tho money WII bel.,.
'pent properly. (In FOCI, It waa being .iphoned orr into Swill bank
ICCOIlnt. and uoed 10 aNI.. the terror arl<llUll that latar k..llled ",om Ihan
• thouNnd [.... U clvill.... durl"lltM Second lntlfadoo., Th. Clinton
IIdn!.lnt,tnllocl. aDd It. Kclooimed ~ dlpLom-t. wen tOiall)' u!Mp.t
tIM .wllCh _ w.ll.
Anf.1 wu.~. dlplomal 01""11110', IN! tao. ,...u..1), ...."P..,..,t
bb balad. '" _ pua-Anb aDd sIOOeI NCOpltkm b bill _ioN' __
_ I....1)' 10 prowob ..."""'- ~I .....iIlJoa. HoI re"-' IO_~
mllil ,,"III be _ bmd 10, wbidl.te-Hd blm and tIM awa .. ·,,1 be
led 10 11-* thr. ~ of end_ mlliW)' aDd "ttialllte1y polilical
dI'-u. Afiw UNo!. bo ••••. tIM 0.10 p..,. P'I~ • 1lnaJ1)' p'" bim
politbI pooow. which ............. _ tIM IIUI ...... F.... a..u.
and tIM PlO ublu.ttd. di.cndiltd. aDd baDbvpl III tIM f.aa of .
far _ lmplofabll...... fonDHI...... rel.ip>ut rIO'OIuu-y orpzlizMM>II: tIM I.lamlc ReliIWIot Movement. liow_. t!arou&bout bit

.... ,
,.~-.;.- .-.y •.'
_ Did Romanion Intellipnct
Know about Artlat!
lMtNM Gtne!il mlolihll ~~ ~ fomw< I'aUd of lilt ~
L inlt'lli&ft:t IofMct. 'Mifft oftffl.t>out Nfl_ In ,. "1111.. book, ~
HI:rilonJ. Hie _IOioall how lilt ~ ~ ~ r:-i'ii!illl4lled
an NII_IflCII~ .... U¥OfI"
In. ~ cWIl1f1ct ""'" lin bodr-
fIIId. Thr ~ .ho ~ "l6IflP'I"l'l«l ". an Nil.. -..NdI
doM'i!ilttd .1tura1·d ~ oritntII poliIicIl-..en,. d lin,. d
embtulfd ft.() ""* ~ 1n 1flCI of """-""'" "'"'__
lfIlal, bt...., wilh lin mdltr 1flCI wn!l h5 a.mM ~
IJte INdirc ThM ItpCIO't. I fdt. ~ 10 lib. _ _ .11 ," I
hid bMn kisMd by Arh. or - ' ; S ~ 1M '-:I.'

n. "'lltlnlly lec_ Geldl tl lbl Mlddl. £Id

co...... r. Al'llflt could Ilwlyl count on hll polltlcil charm Ind guil. to
carry bim end the pU) from on. d.f""l end .x11. into .nothur.
A..r.l. Fatlh. Ind the PU) did nol hold n.tionll domocntl<: fllOCIionl
In tbe camp. (or onywh...... IMI) to confirm thom..lveo II the
n.tional representolivM of !h. PllMtiniln (IOOpl., in 1964 01' in the ylllllS
thlt followed. They couldn't. The Pallllltinien ....fug... campi .... rnained
undor foreign contml, Egyplien end Jordanian unlil H161. and lll'lloli
Artlf.t end hil Fatah hy nO mean. Ih. only gmup claiming the
mantle of ,ovDlut!Dnary rep.......nt.tiveo Dr the Pale.tlnl.n people. Th.
Pop..ll. Fmnl fDr the Lihel'lltion of P.I•• llne. Ih. P.l...lln. !.Ihel'lll ion
Army. end other .m.lIe. groupl lOOn Iprtlng up. I."'! and Syria hoth
either ..t up or gove .helter and limiled IUpport to differenl groupe.

Egypt's fight to destroy Israel

G.rnal Alldel Nal..r took Egypt'. rein. of power publicly in 1954 .nd
quickly OCCl'\led One lriumph after .nother. H.. boldly n"iDnali~ the

Sun Con.l and defied Ihe Anglo-french mililary reoccupatlon of tbe

eenel Zone in t956. Within a few weeki. Sovi", and American p ure
fon:ed th.. Drltioh end r",nch 10 I""ve thecan.l.nd foreed Ih.. 11 li. to
pull oul of Sin.i. Thi. diplom.tic ·victory" ••a.ed. in 1h.. eYllll of the
Egyptien (IOOpl... Egypt'. obvlo",. military def"'l end solidified N.....·• a. a hero. Nal..r llood in liriking contfUl 10 Ihe leader he had
depoood: Ih.. r.l, corrnpt. end ... Iflsh King r •• ouq. Na."er in.ugul'llied
ambitioualOCial polici.. 10 bring educatlon .nd 1>011<: h...lth C&nI to Ih.
Egypti.n Jl"Ople, lOCi.lIzed the economy, and trealed polilical crilico
with ...Iatl"" lenlency, wm~ to 1.ler regiDnalIyranlllike Hafez AlMd
and Sadd.m Hu.... in.
Still, N.....r wu a Soviel-Ityle lOCialiJl .nd proud of It. While wnock-
iog hi. rountry'. eronomy, he sought 10 ronquer hil neighbors. H" pur-

1...1 tIM m.,.l_lIal policy of ..... labiliEi....nd then toppli"llthe
1'InII1nlllll pro-W.-t..... mod...11 ...........,hl_ of IhI M.b world. llpo-
cIoll)' IboM 10 lIMa. Libyo. Soucli Anbla.1I>ll1ordoo·
At flrSl ••1l ~ 10 10 In his to...... The 1'0)'11 famll), 011.......
'lIIuahtond 10 the horrific millW')' coup of I'sa. ,0.0 .lattMd Syrio
. . - 10 Ion:a • UIlII" Arab Republic ....... " ' - ' 1 IIIdInlUp. Kq
HuIIIi.·, doyo 001 thilllfth .PflII""'Ioun.! old _ ~I tall>ll
I)'lllpoth1lWlllol.. ,b ' _ i........ ploIoft._tw hIm.. .... I..... twen!y-fh'" vi u....1 And III . . . . SoriII Union
... oil Ita MlddJ,o &uI chlpo ... Nou.. <XlIIdudbrc _ _ ..".. deals
wllh hh". 0.. Iho .... of the I1Ml7 SiJI-DIIy W.... _ F10ld MorshoJ
Iler1l&fd Moo........,.. the dIIwt oonq...... of Erwin 110m..... in Worid
W.. II. oonclllded IftfO' • vilil to F.crJll: IbM the ....u_)' wou.ld ho".
DO chaoco ",WI £cypI'1 IIIIW 1"lP0ClI.
No..- ...I E«YJlt1ln IrOOpllto eItIblilh ond Illppor1. puppet I'lIgime
in ...mot. .•llh. oppooile Ind of lhe Red SM, whll. hll reenu
1III10t.lned • CIOmpolgl of I..........m In the Brllllh-o:>nrrolled l'roIectonore
of Adon tho' _nlu.lIy luooeeded I" drlY!n,lhe BrltI,h out.
BloCked by hi, mighty Soyier .lly. N..."r lll<>ked w,,11 on the wlY to
conquerln,tho enUre Middl" Eo,t. Th. wllk •• hOll-Ilghted Driti,h IIOY'
.mmenll of Itlrold Wiloon .nd Edwlrd H..,h. who were dll.rmln&<!
onl)' 10 pull out of Ih. ,..ion. offered lillie oppooltlon. Tho United
Sill•. mHowbll•• wu CIOughl up In Ih" VI.lnlm War .nd dnm_lic
up....val. It _1IIId 1"'1 no 0.... _Id ... could Ilop N.-. Eyen I'"
SolMlll tremblocl.
In 11Ml1. bow•••. Neuer puaMd 100 1or.1IId all hlo pnl........
. . . • poct.ICIl1otIy IIId aueIIy ex 11M £cypIiaM ~ • ....,.
_full,. that Villi" Nolioal ..-=eboPIIlC troopI be w1thdn.wo from
~dHr ~\oIl1Dd ......... 10 _ . ~ 1.000 tanh
and 100.000 fcypIian ddMn 10 u..-t.. .....1. and In reploy of
\he S - cftoiI of 1 - ' cb.I\he StnIta of TlrIA 10 11 oloipr.. tt- olio

knew thaI Syria (which wu periodically lbelling northern iInMIl) and j0r-
dan (which IwtKmtd the PW), both ofwbich hod ligned defenM lreeliel
with him, we", ","dy 10 Illacklhe Jewilh llale,
N......r wun't jUlI grandsllnding Or IQ'\Ipp,ng for lOtne lurf, Hllalm
wallo wi"" outllnoel. Hil quatl"8'lnocldalalma agalna'larHllbould nol
be doubtad, Hil "p"""h... and lhe overall rhetoric of hil "'8ime were
unnIltonllng in their determi""Uon to annihilate the JlIlWish Itlte. His mil·
lliry bulldup, .uppllad by tha Soviats, wa. foc:uoed antirely nn Ilrul
from the ~ I>eginning. Moot of Ill, N......r'l dark...l and m..-t ambilloUl
mililary prognlm had lila",lly genoc:ldal .mbillon., Ha "",ployed u
many (",.ermaD fnrmar Nul t<:leollll• • 1 be could on lwin programllO
develop balliltic miull... ""pable of .....cl1ing llrael.nd biological w....
h""ds for lhem,
The I.taal[ secrel servl~, the MOM&d, msn,,&ed to kill a couple oflhe
ocientl.ts Involved In N8118r·. biological ....rfare plan. scaring off the r81L
A key 1.... elllntelllfJen~officer In directing thi. crucial o!"'relion wu
YilUts.k Shamlr. the (ormer head of tbe r .....dom ri8,hte... for 1"...1, 0';, in Ihe 1945-1947 guenilla war against Ihe arililb.
There wu no reooaon why N _ could nol hove curled out a cauUou.
accommodation wllb I.rael. at Ihe very lellll. Ihrough lhe 19501 .nd
19601. ror moot of lhal lime, King Hu....!n of lordan. rmm a vUlly
weaker pooillon, had .ucceeded in doing iU81 thaI,
Ferp,'1 huge and rapidly growing popul.lion .nd its "'....Iv. poverty
should been Nuoer'l ",.In area of <:oocern, Had he o!"'ned FerPI'.
bordo... wllh the Pllo",inlan refugee campa in Gaze. ha would h.....
helJMld Ihe pli8,h1 o(tb_ Arab rerug- and enriched hlt counlry wllh
""cellenl young P.I...lini.n pmf....lon.llihen .tartlng to be trained In
Ihe well.funded, wall·run ...fugee camp t<:hooll, If he had truly been
looklng after hi. """ple'l welfl.... NllSor would have welcomed fmm
thoM ClImpalhe doct..... leacherl, plutnbe... aula """,banla. oonstru<:·
lion engineen. end electridana FerptlD d""I"'f'II'ely neaded,
tn.t d, N..- DJ>'ud fura""ll"'IQ'I, ambillon, and Wllf'Iofconquenand
ut inatlon. He doomed hi. people 10 a cycle ofthme more wan. the
devastatlon of many ofthe nalion·1 laJ'll"lt and previoully IOOIt pl'Ulper-
OUI citi.... and Ihe ....o...t milillry humllllll"ru inlhei. modem hi.lory.

The Soviet Union vs. Israel

In the Six.Da.y War, the IUleli. knew they couldn'l wait 10 be IltltCked.
They muck fi ... t. d...troyingn....r1y th""'"'Iulrle... rtf Ihe £gypttln Ii.
f"rQl, toulinglh. EaYptlln Irmy of Sinal. re""mnR the Jordanian altKk
and ClIpturing the W... I JI.ank. IllId hurlllql back the Syrilllli and lakilqlthe
ColIn He~ht•.

All thi. i. well known. WhIt i. I.... well known II Ih.1 the Soviet
Union con.idered IUKking 11.....1 i_If. Th. Soviet. h.d Na....r
thlt th. 1••11811. mighl Ilunch I p....mptiv. flrlh, but lhe s<>viet role
went far beyond .upplylnll.rm. Ind intelligence to the Araba. A book
publi.hed in 2007, Fox.ool. 0"'" Difflono, documented how Soviet MiG-
25 fight .... had nown r«onOliNlnc. mi,·
lion. over tbe nuel .... .1
Oimon•. Th. Sovi",. kn.w the 1."",li. W1Ire
dev.loplng nUclM' ....&lIpanland ....anted t"
""p Ibem. The Soviet. '"'...... even preparing
Y. •
- , Books You're Not
Supposed to Rud
SIx 00y:I of Wc:r.Jvtw I96l OIWJ ~ M:>Uw
for • mljo. Imphibiou. I.nding Ind p....
01 ~ Modfm ~ 1"<>$/ by MldweIl
empllve "rike. of Ihelr 0 .... 0 In d ...ltoy Ihe
~ New VcR; P'rnidoo l'rrn, 2OOl.
Dimonl fMCIor. In Ibeend. th. 11;"",11. won
Ih" war 10 quickly th" Soviell n.ver Rol • Now fc<&o!len In Mlfficl but W!fY .-.lifC

cluuJ<:e In lump I". atoout lilt proffSSlonll eKfl~ the

Llk" hil Soviet ml.t...... N...... WII not lSIilel~

woR:ed 10 hard to Clute In their
roarful of th" 1".011 army and R..v"ly army In lllt I960s is rM T<riJ 01 T<lfIImUl
unde tim.tfld it. lie Ind hil lOp com· by SNbf.1 T~ New VcR; V.... 196'J.
mande 110 unde....lim.led

lbe I'Dlmalty 1..,_ Gaidilith Wlddll Eoll

lat&lll'l air alrJk. "",,,,,bUhy. They eopeei.Uy h.d n" conClpllon "f 1",10'
the lan.lla could mulUply thoir .ir otriking powor by ropldly ",fu.IIlIg
Ind ,,",ming Ib"lr pll"'" Ind ..."ding llt.m oul fnr ..,.,.,,,,t .nd .ltlrd
atnk.. on Ih. eame d.y. Nouer'a blood-cutdling t.hrea1S of IXI.rminoting
lat&llilumed into atlrk Arob humJliltlon.

Was Israel really In dllilger In 19677

[t h•• become flahionlbl••mongla ....l1 loftllto .nd libenla In roc.nt
doco.deo 10 larool'a tlton prime mlnlolor Lovl Eshkol .. I wi...
oIeteonu........troined end mod....le in p8IlOII.nd brilllanily IUcc.lfulln
10'' . Thl trulh Wla. "' Ih. Iinoli public 10'011 roc"llnilted .t the tim•. WII. OOITUpl old IPl'enolchik who hId pUl [It&IlllnlO I """""",Ie
....-.I"n.•pirlt ....1d.preoalon. Ind aulf",ing from mO", emign...11 than
immigronlS. He 1110 folded under prellu .... Whon the Egypliln ormy
flooded 1111" Si ....i. .dd....1ed Ih. nlUon. h 10'11 I dillaler. He
trembled and Itullerod end looked Ilk" whIt he WI_burned oul. Inef·
foct....!, end very frlghlonlKl littlo old man.
At Ihlt momont. the moat Importlnl liS"'''' In k....plng the lirool
Oeflmae fo~ running Ind On .10rt ...11 the chiof of opontionl.nd f0r-
mer Ilr fore. commandor. Genol'lll Ezor Wei"m.n, the nepltow of lito
n.Hon'. finl prelldent, Chalm W.IUllann. (1("", lpolled bll nlme with
on. n Inlleed of two to Indlcale hll dilllpprovll of hi. uncle. whom he
regarded II 100 dovilh Ind .....dy to rely on the Brlti.hl. Ho kn.w Ihll
unl.... he Icled. Ilt&Ill could ""peell.n. of thotlllnda dOld from Egypt-
I.n .Ir 111..,u Ind grtMlnd ...... ult. In deapontion. Hohk,,1 conceded Ibe
n~ 10 c t. I new n.tlonal unity govommunl, ""ngtlmo chlofoppool_
lion load Mon..,hom IIo8ln of Ih. Horul Porty, whom the ",Iingoociel-
Ilta "'8"rded II e ......1.... melodromeUc blowherd. 10'11 brought in .. a
mlniator without pol'lf"l;o .nd proved 10 be I hlwkiah bul COllllructl,...
end oIabilillllg preoance. aut Ih. key eppolnlmenl went to M..he Doyen. ,
lual .. Nevllle Chamberllin In 193910''' forced tu bring back Winlton ,
OIutchlll .. poliUcal h_ 01 BritalD·.1loy1I1 N• ..,., El.hkoI_ farmd 10
band oyer Ill. mliltary' portfolio& aDd .ppolIlt o.yaa lII.l.nbter 01 defenIll.
o.yaa'. Iml*" .... immed;'c. and .Iectrlfyl..... He t .......form-.l
-x-J ......Ie end proridM a dKiai..... adI'fi1l.. polltlcal_. dine-
tioa 10 tIM IMIIon thai ElhkoI. Abba Ehaa. Golda aDd R.bin bad
utl.ny f1d'" 10 pt'lIride.
lie ...... =,Id.I~.-I~ol!be
lineD &nIlIId be-. He loci;. '-.I tbat tIM cria;' _ IiUlylO be .....
fully ...,..j....l and l'-'by 1..11ed 1M £crpd...... nd their alll.- mlO,. that ...... would <XllltiD 10 KI .. iMUlwly .. II bad ......
EIhkol and bls QDI-..-,. lie -'-> 1M -iaatin& patilude 01 U.s.
pru.ld_t4'Dd<- ......n_ for .....1:1 quit. deu wt lInel wouJd_
OMd!be U.s. &nlMId IOrl;-. tn JI"OlCllt.lo.yw.n Md wllll-.l v......... aDd
l:IOnWCtl)' ........ how Am.icI'. polilicai and mill..,. '-denhlp __
bu... UnlIM war.l TIl. American public brMtbed •• Ip of Allllr WI
AmMk:In troopl would nOl be n-'ed in 1M Middle Ealllm abla. They
brMlhed .n .w.n biJ8tor on•• week l.tlr whln o.)'.n unl...hed lhe
1 11 air fon:e on thl EaJptI.n••nd .mul1ed forev.r Nu_'. d.rk
d m ••

The miraculous Victory

11>1 1....1i millllr)' rielOf}' In the Sb-Oly War w.......0 more ...dden
.nd overwhelmi... than the brilliant U.S. rielOf}' In the Ii,.. GulfW.......
Uld wu done without .U!be lima lor pnpenIlloa WI A->ca aod ill
alll.. had. Tba 1I....II ..idOf}' .... a trlbut. 10 the ...... 'Vt_ ....1
Gananl VI...I Y-.llo had doulped . 1 _ t_ bafon.1J>d It
wu IX«tIlaci willa. brilllana llldom _0 I.. I'" ea- of ......
kupoocl'.. 10 de.... ~ 1"''1 I 1-.1 .... .,.1_ 1alliitary-=-
.,.. yet _ _ British aod AmaricaIl plOl. H y __ U ....
bill It. 8aca.... EcPtian ain:nft couldn't 8y .ulltple _ i u .....

fIoI "-1I11eIU, ID<'Orro<1 Geld. I. t" Wlddll Eatt

d.y. the never d the I,rull, could. They ther<lfore
...umed Ihltth" W'vef ofpl.n... th.t h.d wiped out th"lr air f<m:8 ond
their .Ill...• .Ir fore.. could nOl ~Ibly.ll hav.. com.. from Ilnet The
U.S. Sixth Fleet in Ihe Medltemon...n must he"" provIded ItI .in:nlft car-
rie.. and plan.... and probebly Ibe Britl,h h.d too. Wild .ntl·American
riotl03 Immediately broke oul.U over tho Arab world. whlcb iJ e nu,dy
market for con.plracy thillorles to cover up Anlb i8nominy. f.llu.... and
N_r we, di,hon...t even with hi' Anb .m.... He called Kina Hu,·
... in of fordan and lold him the t.neli, b"llIa.1 tho flnt day of .Ir fight·
Ina and w.... now doomed 10 "" destmy8d. B. urged
10 .nlet th" war lmmediotely. The king. ironically. owed bl' ,urvlv.llo
1'.....1for Itarina down Syria in 195.8. when tb. Sytl.... hId th,"tened to
iDved.Jordan. He .1.., owed hiJ own imellill"nce oervlce. which Iuod pro-
"'cted him from nurn"",,,, N....... ._in.tion auempu.
But Kina Hu .Iso \:new bll public bated Is..el artd he could be top-
pled by popular rage if he It.yed out of Ihe war. So b8 temporiUld by
,lIowing hil military forc. In and oround lenaolem to bombard the Jew·
llh ....If of the elty.
Th" bornbardm.nt WI' ... Ialively lisht.•nd b8cau... Is..el·, civilian
Ihelter m.....u_ln Jorulliorn we... good. casualtle. w"'" negligible. Bul
for. country th.1 h.d .ppeared to be .urroundnd by Implacable onerni.
end On the brink of beinaextinguilhed by them. it proved to"" tbe [ql
IlnW. Dly.n .pproved • _ponse, .hhough be h.d Inlti.lly oppoo.ed
Invadlna ond DClClJPrt"tllho W...t Bonk. But IS lbe EsYptlan enny In Sinal
diJintag..tnd .ftor only th..... d'yl of mopplna up opentlo,," followlna
the initi,l bnoUthrotight. be allowed 11...11 fon:OIto IIrlke ...1t u well.
Tho campaign on Ibe W...I Bank wa. tbe eUCI oppnsite of tbe
doul 'nd h....r1b""'klngllruggl ... th.... in 1947-1948. Tben Ihe Arab
LegIon h.d proven mOl'1l than. mlltcb for anytblng the amoleurllh .nd
n....·ly cobbled tosether braeli furr:eo could throw.t them. Every 1....1i

'c ".;
' "~~<'
, ••",~;.,"~;-.~;,,'~;'"
., ~

Too Good to" Trut?

liN flnt. bll. .oiI.,. dor d 1M 1'9Q - . MkftRllba. 1M as
bill ~ Ia_
bdio Mrws to'espo:• • iI brMI. fled In'PP "II, wnutxlI'IIl
d 1M _ d bAtl\ lnINI oIceilrJ. • KUldtd to
hdcxN 10 1M tula II MonhottMIN they ItfIIll'd 10 . . . The hllll
ero.d :..... Colptl...... 1or ....... [Aft iho -w. prvoed __
bit. l1wy 'TO t ,,' '*..,n. ..tlIdl is howo the ..... ltomld . . . IltJefs
""" d the £Dpt.- ~ Ihr Moaua did.
Therrir~ ""'mbilhiltcwy _the~du.
Soritf AI fOfte a, lhr lJInAfho CI'I ~ ,"lll u. d Opeq' be,.••,
bCI'IlMbIrossI. HitIrr'1Iwaoon d IlI&II. Md IS ~ oed CI'I IlIil ClCU"
IiCI'I. CI'IC't the E&rPI*,,' .lIIlbmla __ wiped out, lhtor .... crOU'ld prowed 10 be Wn... dum r.x the ~ coorONtcd IlrMli
blmblt& tKtlt\ N 1'01 therfI.

offenlln oper.lIon .Silnll lhe I.etIlon foreeo In 1948 f.lI..!. In 1967,

overy one of lhem 11I~ed. The Arlb I.etIlon Wi••1I1l ueel1~nlly
trained and led.. Of .nthe Arab for<:ef. lhey fOU&hI Ihe longeol. bardeot.
and b.tlln lhal wor ind lnme'led the m..t Cisu.ltl. on '1ha Io....Uarmy.
Blillhey "_OlI'1numt.rood.oul-equlpped.OUI·trolned. and II",,~'
tionaIlev.t. ..In, ""1«>Id*""- Tho Old aty of .......... "1110 ....Ii
fort- and the Nit of '1M W_ Bonlr. did . . . .n.
F"" ly. Dllyon _ clMennined 10 end .u-_ r-ro of boonl:wdmenc.
d 1...u.-.lS II> 1M lot DrIf'Ih rra. '\be Syrioll "'"- .. 1M_lIP"""
edty imP.......... CoI.m Hei&bto.. II> 1941 aod.-u. III t1l&7. the Syria1I.
_y pro'I'*J lOiilIy """,**,of_y MIIIdI _:..t-. '"""'&It
Syrioa ooldMn kJuIbt hard ill tboir.w...;.. plliltloDo. theyl.d ... op8O'"
. . . . . . 00" IIt'ticII oolutloDo 10 1M a.-li . . . .elI jo W ..... L t.roel tool

lhe Golan Height•. lu.l u it look the We.t Bank and Sinei. In .i>: dey••
ISf1loIlI', eneml. '-n IU\Ited on tI""" malo< baltle fnmta. IlIHli forca
h.d .wept to the Suu aon.l. and the Old City of 'eruoal.m wu IUdd.nly
In 1_I.h .....,u For th. lint 11m. in mora lh.n lWO ,houlllnd yean,
Tha w.r wa. a amunlng humiliation not ollly for N....r but for th.
Soyie! Union. wblch IUId poured 10 much ml111ary hardware Inlo EsYP'
and Syria. Th. polnl w.. not lcet 011 tb. Americall puhllc and on poHey.
mabn in Wuhi.ngton.

Results or the Sb:-Day War

Th. SI~·Day Will' did not <:reatetodoy'. Middl. E.... The region h.. '-n
lhrough plenty mo.... of lh.m rar bloodl......... lnc. then.
But the war certelnly tranlfomu,d lhe region. lU1I81luddenly appeared.
not ...n Ide..llud Utll••'ate '''''laring on tbe brink of d...l",ctlon but ..
• regional mililary ,uP"'l"'wer, a tooher y....lon of S~. The llale luaU
wa. allO 'ran.formed by tbe Will'. [t. citl1fln. grew proud and far mo....
macho. While IUItly proud of their eltl1fln-.rmy ,nd Ita .mulng prow .
they .taned deY.loplng. wld...p.....d conlempl for Arab mUllary cape-
billti... That altilud. would coot th.m dearly in anotb•• war only IIx
yaan later.
For the finl tim. 1.....1 h.d conquered temlori... 10 adminbter and
develop. LeYi Eahkol. Gold. Melr. and Rabin. the """" Labor Party
prime mlnior"", who inheriled wballaJaell.ulbot Shabtal'llMrt called the
.~" tried to pnlYent.lgnlrocanl "'wi.h oettlement In tl>cee
le.rlton•. They wanted '0 control. primarily lor lfICurity 1'1IUOIl1.
but u raru ~ible 10 let lhe Paleollnlana the.........dl.. lbe;' own Iff.l...
The we. ellO mn.formed the ",,1.lenUel netuttl of [ 1. Throup.out
lbe tWIlIIU8Ib ceIlIUJ)\ theJewtsh community In Pal...ll hod grown. Tbe
IOClall.1 democracy Ben-Gurion had crMled and led sa".' lot oflegol
prolecllon .nd .peelal ~hta to 'he originally .mall Orthodox I_lob

minority. ooitMI had boI<on panlfld on ihtI comtort.blalMlC\ll., umpo
lion ttuot tha unworldly ..Iigi..... would .tay In their OWII o;om and
probabl), qul...l)' aNiml"l. Into the sen.....1 popu ..tlnn. I""I-.d. they
O....m.hed uu1.- II a .. pld J*>L
In tile Arab world. .....,. ...jor Arab . . . . whoM l:OIllItry' Iou&bl iD.
tIM ~ ........... Syrie. aDd I... .. loppled within three,...,..
willa the uceplkIol of ........... Kina 1I_ia. Sym end Ireq ......_
oIronpr So¥\el: a1U.. uuder the ....... Reba. (Nld br\llalJ a.'uh Arab
ooc:iaIlM dlaMonhl~. with tort..- aDd hll ...... SH't_ II..... _ -
U. toefloctl" ~ iD. R . dwl iD. 1961 md ","-,.Jr IorwdtWHala.
A.-l t.U~ J>OW"" III in t1l70.
Al nr.. ~ lboo.l&hl t. _ld coallo... 10 Ie.d lhe Arab world by
.peut-' hottillty lowud t.Ne1... IM hid before. H.orpniud a
"...Iva pan·A..b. anll·Z;onlot conferenco In Klu.I'loulII. lb. copl",1 of
Sudan. 1M Nj)idIy rebulh bl, ......y ..,d air rorc:e with hlo Soriet ~

By 19611. h. fell .tr0lllenouah to .tal1 bomberdinS the d.ren_ Ihe

1.....11. lied built to hold th.e _em blink orthe S...... CanaI. In 00 dol"ll,
he launched the W•• of Attrilion. h proved 10 be Ih.e I." .nd In lOme
""'IMlCI' 1M ,nOft COlIlly or.ll hi. 001111...
The ",,"Il. hed now a lot more power 10 _pond tn N..-'. pl'OYOCOI'
II""" tluon lhey hed had beck In the t 9Mle. lo,..,li aln:.. f\ dev""led lhe
dllM on Ihe<:olnal'. weelem obore. the moot eophloll<:o11ed .nd mool proo-
l*OtIe In Efypt. In • few _tbe, the poonet counlry In the Mldd.. E..t
w . . corryl,. the *<ldilloo.&l burden or llelr a million ..",..... N _ ..
• polltldan w.. IInlobed Ion& before 1M died of. hMft .nac:lr. &1 the . .
of M)'oCwo. HoI looked aDd &de<! .. If he ...... 1_1},.... oId..

Nizon: Israel's best friend

In 1961. ~ EehkoI_1 ~ e.-.l Yildlak Rablo to w ~
tOIl .. 1.e....1·. ........ d .. 10 order 10 set him 0111 of the way. II. . . . .

no "'lUlolllr Inolrrod GKld. lotbllllddil EaR

PC Myth: The U.s.llocked 1....1from Birtfl

'""J""M U'lil~ Sln~ l\os IlOl i1loQ)'S ~ IllH'l'1 ptOIKlOI ond iIlif.ld. In
1 foct. loUC«S~ u.s. &<M"'omo<'lt, whl~ pmi¥tly ~t~iI: 10 thr
Jr<mll SliII@.rtprdtdittftlO"i1\1ylS iI/l ~ rd ~ it 11 1f1Il'1
ltflIt!l fo( thr filSll-.ty )'fIlS of its e.isl~e.
Drmoclillic prfSldfnt HilII)' S T'........ pr;'llflr thr mDlt .iNlffll lnti·
lofmole fOft 10 SlI ill thf 0.11 OffICe, 111ft (lIimfd to boo iI WiI,m, ilpprKiiI'
1M frifnd of bllel but in offICe Ilf WilllI'!. T.......•• 1....0 loK,@lirifsofslille,
G«If.. Milnllilil ond OfiIn ,l,(hfIon. «<URY WfIffl'l. Truman dod 001 lift I
fOlllff 10 proridf iIO\' ~l(iIflt offlCloIl U.s. milililf)' Of ... lid to 1SIH1.
The s.kifs of thr filly kwtlh 11IIe wm proI«lfd by Nui~ ~.

~II 8(·1091 buill ill rd sold by ~olio. • S<>riff w1flli~. frilllCe,

no! lho! Unit@<! Smes, W'I t!lf W~lfm d.mouoq thol fllSl CiIIT'fI!to lSIi10fl
lid ond sold it t!lf .Irc"ft 'rod ueb it df,pm.tflr ~
Me~. tllf COlt of ~ fffdirc. ond <Iothirc thr I'uodftd!, of
thouwock of kwtlh ~ wddmIy kick~ OIl( of miltOI' Nib llilliom like
I,iq. Er1Pl. rd Yemen WilS (~. NJthr $t11@oflSllfl,withonlytS
milliorl ~e. olmOIt holl of tMm dntoMe ,~hod no ~ to bu)'
thf rnodfIn Wfilpl:lllS it .......,.Ir !Wdfd 10 dI'f<'l'ld i1wtf. ~ fOf thr
infil/ll Jew!s/llt.te tiI/lIf from thr loll OitKtian lIrfOt't would ~
At fIrSt. ~ Dwi;.t O. EM..'Io"f' ond hh wmlill)' of 11iIt@,Jo/ln
foIlft Outlet, WfIftI't llllfli ftifndI ei!hrr, T1wy OKkN down hiIrd on IllIf1
In thr I9S6 Sufi oM. But "ho!fllSllfl dmr,~ Srriil f,om IrMclInc Joolin In

-- _-
I9S8 II U.s. """,inff, WfIe liIndirC in lfllilnon to prlMfll iI hor,1!llCloIa 00

_. [bale e.-lDl& INtiltd Ilw btMlisnot onyadd tMfQltol
I!ltneIIots. buI add Iwdtodltr patmtill pi 4111. IIIllw ...... wtI.
w.CO& __ , klI _ _ .tt.. tNt.
TIlt 1ftIiI0I wtI&.udb«uM, _ ~bt'I ZZl'M¥t<-
0\ CIA" Ilw ~ IrIIouId __ illlw .....19'SO$. TIlt kty ~ III
m--.lI_ ,..........'Ol.Ilw..,.-l-...l)'I*.dd
CIA o;uIIS' Sis ICe dIitf..-lltdd)r 1oItt., dolt Iritncl 01 OMI .....

w._..,.ootd ~wtltn.lclhnf l:tMfdJfN_ Ilw~
Houw.I.tMfdr\ fIdltr. Joltllll ~ IIId bftn .. ~ iM-StmQ
in llw 19~" 19«:k" btcnt nouwIouJ IS .............. to 8rillinlll ttoz
ma ,.at 01 Worid w. I. TIlt tldS' I:tmtltI' rcpOcd WiraZoll 0uct4I
WI1tI COI'lIZlI'lpl " ~ HIli ~ would ~ ..... '"tlltllll ~.
lui .. son prO¥td to be , ...,.. ditfercnt Old 01 ......
IflIOkl fYwt anti-waif! rnGsIlts-ttoz bnt ~'I lllylltm 01 '" bid
IIIIlw WQf\d " llw fimt-fO IIIItl And ,ft.. touch oldro-III1t11 ~t Gt<.
""" c!'1¥l(f11oo" Konrld ~ ret«d In 1961, ~ kfllIl"S~f on
~'I 'M wNktf IUCtmOI.l.udwi& EthIrd. to honor AdtNutf\ pledtc
10 ~ U.!.-built hllon tm fO I\IItl. Thaw 1m prO¥td 01 IfNI ~.
1¥l(.IO ...... in winnIrC lis ~ Su:-DIy WM oicIory.
ltnnt<t;\ IUCl:ftSOf. lyncbl ~ _Ibo IJftlP'Ihtflt 10 I\IItl, buI
he _ _ pl'f'XC p' d wich fht Yitln¥n w. 10 be Kthot in Iht Midlk
El5I-~lit aflw4y .,ku".d llw wItNd for Soritt poaeln fht
..par. frcn Istitl\.~ Wa 'nt1OIJ. .... iZ. _ ony'" f'IWdeo(
RdIM:lIoiUlINt fht I.httd ~ ~ dttiL .zt, in f _ oIllljlPOilWtl

war hero and Ihcnlfore" poHIICllllh"",t 10 Elhkol and 10 Golda Meir. who
wo..ld flK:COOd Eshlr.ol a. prim8 mlni.tM. Th8 polll of envoy 10 Washl"ll'
Ion In lhOlMl day. wu "iJl_n u IOmllthi"ll or.l.ckw.le•. fran"" had
t-n I.....el·. .upporter and ,upplier of arml ....per:I"Jly "irer""
.inee Ihe <:hllIllon of I.... nat... Th.. Uniled SIlII. wu _n u Important
mOf1l fo.lhe privlte fund·nili"ll from III Jewl,h communlly. Ih" l"'E""t
Ind w""llhi",1 In Ihe world. lhan for llllllnliegic ... Ielion.hip.
Thl"lll ehan~ ....pidly Ill.... Robin "rrived in WI,hington. Fintt. 1'rM.
idenl eh"rl. de GIlune of France. who bad alwaY" hId IOmlllhing of a
Ialenl eonlempl for Jew, (he had ...rved clOlMlly wilh Gene....1PhllJpl'"
P$ln aft.... World War I) beam.. furious et t 1for going 10 w... IO"""
lr.olf in 1967 rath.... lhan hied ht, call for Irainl, De Gaulle fint mild..
some nOIOriou, public 11unlJl"ln,1 Jew, al. p.... ldenU'1 pr"" confer.
enee. and lhen he followed up hi, word. wilb aclion by Impooing an
""'" embeJgO on 1'..... 1. Th.. amu embergo came lUll ... the Soviet Union.
pouring good money after bed. wu ...nding eV8n more new arm•• etpe-
dally lIat.....f·th alreraf" to Egypl, Iraq. end Syria. And llra..1 was
running oul of 'pa", I"'f!Ilor IIlI precioul D...... h Mirage III•. To add
in.ulllO inlury. wilb de Gaulle', the Dauaull company bllpn
...lIing Mirageo to Arab n..Iionllib Iraq and LIbya. Brilaln under Harold
WillOn wu gene",lIy ,ympalh8llc 10 lI",el bul unwilling 10 incur Arab
enger by ...l1in8 It advalll:ed &nB1. And besld... the Brililh allhal tim..
had no fighler-bomber to compare whh lbe Mirag... The Unlled Slat.
did, in II••uperb McDonnell Douglu 1'-4 Phanlom.
In 'anuary 1969. Lyndon johnson SI"pped down II presidenl. worn oul
by th.. Vietnam W race r1011. ""d lhe ch.oolie anllw on America',
collese Cllmp 1111 'UCC1lIIOf. Richard Nixon. WN .I dy I friend ""d
IIdmi...r of Rabin·l.
When Nixon vi.lted 1.......1in Ihe 11l6Oo. hi. political career _med 10
be over In/ll" bl. defeat in California', gubernatorial race. Rabin WN then
ehl ..f of Ilaff of Ih.. l,rael Defen... force•. and he gave Ih.. lormer U.S.
~ia1 prwidenl Ih. red.c;arpel lmetmeDL A louched NlxOft ......lned r......

pri....... Inltt.of ....... Willi w.

N Nixon bM:eme ~ldent of the Utt.llfld Shot... eo ColdoI Mei.........
Ec'Pt C1lIIliaulal to
daa "ClIlIUle S_ e-I. mel willi IIntU air .uperiorily In I~l ..
Itt W. of Ami·

doubt. _ Meir nall_ bow illlp0rta81 teoIM.... willi the United sw-
Mel' • s.ld-. the _ thIJ,. MeV...iMd I" Mil...... -....,.I
II _ talk1n& 10 A-'canI. She hit it off willi Nixoll &om the wont ...
8eoMth ' - lovabl. palld_'- _ . of caoarM. the _ .. tou&b.
-prorn\IlllI- bard·heecl.I. - . "fUh. mel vkiGo>s .. 1M,..... HoI
libel .....
WhiM hleloriluu ....:I. the tDed.lIlllb to peln! Richard Nixoll ... ba,..
fulanll·Semlle1""\ 1M ..wnly hAd his pnjudlc.l. it·. uodettllblelhat
he ..ved !.-I In 1013. TheaucMl C5A Ce..Luy airlift t!Iat N ' - author·
lEed MId DlfenM ~ Jam'" SchIeIi...... brilllanlly Implemenled lit
tn.kneck • .-I ..ved bneI durl"llihe Yom Klpl'urW.r. It .110 bn:lughl
home 10 I....n pollcymakerl how cruclel the Unltoocl Sill. hid become
10 en.urina Ibe vel')' .urvlv.l of tbelr Illte. Thlr1y·flVlt ,.,..,. 1.11... thai I",·
IOn .tlll hold. sno<\.

1973: The Israelis mess up big

no. \073 Yom Kippur W or W... of R....ed· n•hepn II • dll'llC1 oonltUt
10 the '961 SIx·Dly W And II .uch. II wU • 1Ober1"ll 1 _ of bow
qulckly ....Uoaal fel_ CUI cherIp. winnII'I become I and ,*pt.:!
Uw;:ompe4enU I..M ...... tblmMlvM iolO fonnlcMbl. Ih u.
After the 111111 _ . the bneli ermy _ COlIlIll-I""\ anupnt,
~ II)' the fKt lit • tK:ticaIl 1. the ....11 WOOl .....,. .u.-.
..iIb. hetOe. and _ 0<10 .......... io the War of AIlr{Il". &om I _
to 1010.1.. 1010. they __ 1101. au nil.. SoYI,,-built..dar ltalloa
&om the Ff:rpCianI. But f4;ypc ClaW OUI of the War 01 Atlrillol'l with _

101lJl·'erm Itnt"llie Idvantage. Th.. Ii. force had not been IblllO
dillodS" I n..w s.. n..",tlon of Sovi..t·mad.. 8"Ound·tlHli. mi.. Jl... alons
th.. w...t lid .. of th.. Su..z Canll. Mono important w.. th.. evolution in
Egyptian "'luipm..nt and combat taeticllhat took pl.aca &fI... the 11lIl7 war.
EgyI"'1 " ..w nt. Anwar Sadlt, who CIIIUI 10 power in 1970, tnn.-
fomlod EsYPl'l militlry Ind.... hip. includins ..levatins Ai, Ma.. hli
Hnani Muba"'Jr. to ehi..f of atlff of th.. Ilr force. Mubarak and Go.......1
Ahmld Jamell All (Ippoinlood war minlat...) and Go.... "'1 Sold II·Shuli
lal/pointed army command..r in chIef) CAnlfully I"alr-! thl cabulltOphlc
d.. r....t of 1967. They took aerloualy th.. acathlns int..mll ailiciama from
..,nlor officers In th.. l'.gyptlan Irmy. Th..y cl.... rly I"tlC08nized Ih.. need to
n..ut,"l1,.., th.. 1••a,,11 IUP"'"iority In pllOlllnd tank Cf1lWI and to equip
large .. umbo.. of sround troopa with th.. Soviela' eh88p n..w ml..·
produced anll·tlnk Th..y were nnt political plou .... and
lntriguert like N"""'-I fAvOrit and croni•. Jamell Ali and Sh.ul.i In par'
ticularlater rellafoul of Sadet. oppoalns hia more modenl" poliel.
tnward 11I1Ie1. Th..y Ind oth... office.. w..... ""polled from power, lalled,
or e:dled. MuhereJr., who /"lllDalnad qui..lly 10yll, .uo::eMOO Sadlt .. p...
ldelllllld rulood Egyp' II well II Inyone could for more than a quart..r nf
I ""ntury. All th.... men were Intelligent, "nerg..lle, analytical, and poa.
aeNed nf gmot pror....lnne.1 intesrity. They w..... IllJht y""ruwly from the
arrogant, poaturillS Fi..ld MI....hll Abdel Hakim Am..., who had led the
Egyl"iln Irmy to aham..ful humillatinn twice In the 19S6and 1967 w....
And ulllik.. Amer, th..y learned w..11 th.. 18IIOni of d..f...t and put th..m
to sood u.... .,the 11......lillOOn learned to their COlt.
Shuli t"'ined th .. E.sypUan army tn und,,"ak.. ca...ful, llmlted·..,n.
nff..".l""" under the prolectloll ortll......w lurfoce-tlHllr IIIU-aJn:raft mIl'
IU" ICr'Nn from the Sovl..t•. H.. Ind hlllliff pain"aJr.lllJlly d ..v..loped
d..fen.h.. tactla u.lnS thei, neW minn... againlt 11....U muaed tlllk
auacb. H.. did not blindly nood the Egyptian army with ahowy blgb·tech
Soviet w,,"ponlllld th..11 neglect'o t..ln hlllOldi.... I....ffectiv.. combat

<~.".", '." '-'."' .-•.-
'."' ." ,;...• ~ " '7'.~;o:
' - -•.. -

'"T""'-lItJrIl....,. didrl't IUfI <lUI: B ~ ."llCiblt ; =,,_

II wo:Ud
L --.c.lNfltNdt~¥..,..u:rht..-.Ci. c,c41ono<
Moshe o.,o.n. ,.,. Ptnc ~ o-l......e..--lMClIlO et-:f d ut
d rht Iwd..",. ....... _1fI't...... afflcen in rht IllIIItidcnhlp..
Dil'I'l tqIIIlht I'Ibrlt . . , iI . . . , . _ <tlftliII eda. .. ~ on
Iht~ ~ d ~ obpi:uiwi,. "IiJflImd ~fCUl.

...,.iIniICb.-"'. ttmlf'lm f\ontdIlu,i<1tiI dootlh IlriJdj paIti-

~ thld: iIlUds tNde • , . . .-.4 ...... irdftct iJIlll'OiIdln; ~
afflcen iIII4 0IdNry 50ldien ~ ~ nt>iItM in !he rocl4; illl4lX1ltlbi1l"
If. . . . thiII_ f. taochti' thin it 1IiId ..... DiIJln\ cw...od UyIc: 0'Md

lot. ifco:"OciI/Iy. 10 INl oIl'i1nlcf GcncrJI HeN Guclmar. Ifho de," cpfd

!he . . d!he ""lincI. The modem imIp d!he liIiItU IOlditr B InfooNl
iIltOpIlt iIII4 \i'bHlilble ~ fmm CMJ-'L

IIClia wllh them. U Amee hid. Shizli midi Ill... hi, ooldlen we...
tqlllppwd only with wlllponi thlt we... well within lechnol08lcel
cepebU1Uu. He th.m I new ll""eratloll or .....u wl ....ulded InU·
link mluUu Ind lVOUnd-lo-ai, IDtl..lrcrall ml..n... HI .110 ...orked
ban:! on plenl,. bow to.,.,.. the Suez c.n.lln O¥WlO"belml", force end
retek. lbe _I binI:. ... h.... ltnlei had ."""ee1
Ippuently ImpNlpMbl.
ne'" derer-Ibe Bu-tM>' Una.
Oooy_ abjecteel 10 the DeW line•• nd 0 _ ...In hll InlllncU ..._
_ nc!. 8\1t be .... _ en hlcn_iD31y peoeiye til",. mlnJ.t. or

der.ue In !be boal1d"p to lbe Yom Klppw W Ort&

De,.. bed _ ......1" !be ....11 _y lO......, elllhe y 10 the s.-
CanaL Amilbea he e.rtaIllly had IlCIl Wllllted 10 .wllt.ala , front
llAe of d.b- OIl It. (If the Itoriee eboul Dey_ putici..-tl ill lhe

Dnieper cl'tlMi"ll. the S"""t... t emphiblOl" operation in bUlory "&".inot a
hOltile der"ndfld .ho... in term. of comballrooJn involved. """ col'T1lct.
be bad"""" Ih..... defe".... vastly 0'0'" ImpmMlve than the ua..Ln Wne
But o..ya" ""... outnankOO. H.. could nOl 8"1 hi. own way wilh Goldl
MeJ., end he hed .l....dy ""'luieoced in the di ...lroll. "I'pointment of
Uem""anl Ceo"",] a"im Oar.Lev. " LAbor I'"ny loyall", as chief of ,talf
in 1968.
u.a.-t.ev ...". far mOl'1l rigid, a""S"nt. and d""I"I\.OI", than the inf","",,!
[}oyan or the ,by. [ow-key. but ex""p!lonaJly Intelllsent and analytleal
work.holic yltzhak R"bin. He W8. convinced be had tb" aIlIW"" to
e\'$")'thing. iii, family originated in the Y"plev Jew;lh comm"n Ity. at
did thet of hll pmt~ and 'U~JO' l.Ieutenant General David Eleur.
1ilI..1AIv end El....... unlihl Dayan. Ariel Sharon, and Rabin. pUI their faith
In .tolle defun_. They did nOl t>eed th" weml"ll ufGeo!p S. P.Uon thot
Italic defen_ """" luting monument U, the stupidity of tlUl.n. They
thought lhe Arabi we... u...le.., lhat brael rouJd lit back in ita mighty
new defen.... and malSKn tu enemleo at wilL The l....eli anny had
fallen into the handl of rnenll who wanted to ...vive the Mo.glnOl Une.
Hut the o.r-l.ev Une w.. alK>llow .hell. ";nl, unlike the fa. mOf'll for-
midable Siegfrifld..,d Maginot UnBll during W(Illd War n, il wasn'lali...
al all. It was a ...rl8I of ...panlle .tl'(logholds conflrocted aio"3 the Sue~
CoIUlL NCh supp<>MdJy able 10 Hive the othen covering fi.... Second, tlul
whole Ideo of the Une w.. that It requIred I(Ildien and ,Igniflcant mobi·
li!8d ......"'" fo..- '0 tlUl.n it.
But before the Ecptian altack filUlJly came on October 6, 1973, Prime
Minllte. Melr, d8lflite many wamlngo, IuId natly refulJed to call up any
1'ften"81. She w.. convinced the auack would nave. come. In the event,
a few hundred I,,,,,,U 8mty IOldien. moally regular conocrlpll doing their
tM-y..... lOur of duty, we", hit h...d-on by an Ecptlan army of 60.000
men. The muolve amphibioul op"nlion to emu the canal had !Men p. .
pared m.tIc"IOU.Jly and i\ walll off lib • d.wun. M.I. ""d 8ar-LeY'.

E..... w_
Itnt.p: ~lon .... ponted ia
Ia,. LII Ilore ro. the b
ltoIr of ~

rolled Into tIM 8iM.! ,,-,m.w.1O KattM" the fcyptWu.

n. mobilized iNMll army
u..r bd done
IhNe 11_ bel.... '" 1IMI, 1_. aDd 1967. But tbb _ II VWJ' diff8r.
..... £cypUaa _yo II b.d . . . _u.t1y llIlu..d and drilled IlOd t!LII
tiaM II _ pnpeted bm. WId olMtKb it w...... 10 . . . n..-
daap• .aI, prod.........11 1< and utl..m:nfl miMi" IMI it
6IIopIoy.l c:h • I the r.c. 01 ",. ..eo l> ... 1, iDY\adbIII ~ wW
__ knockecl WI by tbe _ . _t...JI, by tIM hUDdndo. The lint
bneU ~ .... Ia"....... fu 100..,.... wilbout _ _,."".
60:""'. pLuoni... n. ~ ~ of &.r-...... atId Elazar .. _ior
front command_ ptO¥8d UBiIiormI, di-.ou_ ttriti.,. <XlOIlrut 10
o.,.n Ilnd Ilabill, who .. cIliefI of 1Ita« Mol both t - oulMandlna jud3'!'f
or ......... The IsrMlilln Ib,1r 0..... aUacb ............ the _ .I.....ntuy
........ thai 11M! COlt the Briliah and So..t.t annl. to "-vU,. . .lnJl the
W.hrmao::ht In IIMI and 11M2. They coun"....u-.;l",d wllh tanb In
m..... fonn.tion wllhout nn' e1Mri"g the way with lnfalllry &U.lult
troop', AI ......,,11. lh. lanb we.. litti'41 dUCQ for hllovy Inll-tlnk
..... ponJ .nd Inrantry anned with handheld antl.t&nk ...... poru.
A "'Hk lnto th. w.t, ... lth u .....l·. fint counl.....uaeU ."""II..! and
ammunition .nd ..... pona rMerVM runnl"ll d."lI'l"OI'.ly 10 the Jew\.h
_ . _ In ....1.. denpr ofbei"ll ~ by the Efyptl lhen II bed
beeo;o llMl 00' UMH. b> the Il156eod 19117 wvs, rorc. hed
--.I .. nyl"ll .....illery ...... quidJy end .pplnllltly eMIly wIonlo8 CUII-
-..d of !he KIM. e-eequently.1he IlrMII_r hed _ _ InY'Mled 10
"''tJ' i1I«y. II _100 IlIudl end.~ down !he fut·lIIoO'rioc-r·
And ho 1111 W II Ihe eir oould do !he lob t.u. eo)""y?
8101111 1173. U. 1 could _loapr do Ihe job. The F:crP-
1....· . - ~ Ill 10 thet.. llMno _ . rurbr.bool: oi

........ eUIe pllou end ~" ein::nft.

n, hllUnlly l_nK'! '0.14, II I" IlJ4dJI toOl

Wilh Sy,il Ind Jraq IUlcklng from Ihft notth Ind Egypl moving tip-
idly ICro.. Sin.o.i, [Itlftl look<ld 10 be imptlril<ld. Supportintl thft Arab
It.llftl Wft.. tbe Soviet Union, S.udi Anbi., Kuwft;I, Mo,occo, Ubyft,
Algeril. ThOlli" SudOJl, th P,l...Unlanl, OJId ,nn P,k.iltOJllnd Cubo.
two thi"8" evenlually lOW<! Is"",1 from di_or. Th, flrsl ...... Ih.e greel
C5·A Collxy oi,lift, duhblld Opetllion Nlckftl Gtlil. II w.. OOft of Ihft
lorgMl. qukluoot, mosl sUllOlllllful ftu-sency ....upply ol"'tlilooliho U.S.
Air Foroo bed evo, cotTi<ld out, Mony of Ame,ico'. NATO ,llItlO f1lfu$Od
10 1,1 Ihft ,I""tlfl lend for tflfuellng, but Ihft PonUJIu..... g<>Vftrnment
hJped Ave the )ftwilh 11.1'.. by,lIowing Iho U.S. 10 uM Ih 1.0"" lir heM
on tho Awtfll i,l,nm In Iho wOlI,m Alllnilc.
Thft IfICOnd fecto, Ihlt lumfld dftf...1 lnlo vletOl')' in I.... oouth WII , ....

moo who inhftritfld o.Yln'1 old monlle .. [ITHI'I greo.lell combo' com·
mandftr. Gonftnll Ariol Shlron, Uo hod !Men oqueoned OUI of the ermy InlO
...Iy l'9\iremftnl end had Immfldlelftly lumod hll boundl......nMgieo Into
lraruforming domtlOllc polltlca, oonvlncing Ihe nOlorloUlly .mlll.think.
;og Me",.chern 8egin 10 exV-nd hi. "-mlrkel. righl.wlng coalition Inlo
a for broodM nelionllilt lXIiIliUon-tho Ukud hJoc. Now .... tared to mil-
iiiI)' command, ho workad, limil.. ,...nlfonnllion on the boltlofl.ld.
I.ftding [.....11 tonb 10 Ihwlrt Ih. Egypllan Ihrusl Ind turn the Iide
.Inol whal could hevo boom I diA.tM ror Is"",1.
Resupplied alld und.......inv\goreted l...dorshlp. 'hi [Iraell. drove Ih. beck 10 Ih. polnl th.1 the Syriln Ind Egyplien reglm81 fell Ihli
thfty-n<> 10n8'" Iho Io"'oll_w...... in dango. of coll,pH.

Results of the 1973 war

[n 1967" mltKuloul, ovorwholmlng vlctol)' It low Cool led 10
rno... wor. [n 1973, I fft. mOM ferocloUI wor COIling ,lmOiI fo.... limeo u
mlny Ilv... led to 010... Ih,o thirty y..... of ptI.etl with the twO Arlb


Ilot.b I......l.nd Ih, 1oo" Anb mmt-I atet... w_ll"t1y ..... Ml by

, TIN 1I.rlIell that theycould noIlindel'eStlmM. the mIli-
tary pebilltl. of l&bbarinlI Am> ltat. . Dr>c:. the bard-'-lod ..,d
...\.bet braln_ Golda Melt wu ' 1 of power•• younaot'. much
....... .....,..ex:.....1ion Dl.1uMl.i y 10 mal:. political com-
pnlaIbM with u.. ,.,.1DOk ..--. h .. \elll,. thM the .,.._1«riIoriaI
'ow "-li- by the slIppaMdly _ rlIht-wllls""\ i.D1IaIUi-
' ..
pDt larMlIlMd« of MenKbem ~. w,*" hel'Mumed.he
_tlno SIBaI P.D..... ul. to EuP'I by 1MI. TIN ....;O' AnIb Mil.,... bad
I......... ' - - ' .. will. Ec'pt and SyrM bad cau.11I 1M lsnMi ana,.
lDlally by ftIrpriM. _,.-.....1 mmblllllClka. "P"""lty , , - of
the fc1pd.... Infanll)' In the Ii.... __ of the WK, wen ....tI)' .... peri«.
F«the tint lime III an),"', they hacllMlll iIlfIlc1ed. lKtkal def.t on
the bneU air rorotand pnrvented il from pr1J"'Idi .... dflchi llICIical.up-
pori 10 I......U IfOI'nd 1on::M. V.... d_plle .11111_ adv.nt the ......b
InnJ. still IoIt. end th. C8UII-fi.... In Ih. nOl1h end '11 ClIme wilh
1.......11 comb." 'on;fllI on both frontl poi-' 10 Ilk, D.m-=u. end Cairo.
Senior h'eden In Eflyptand SyrI_ ""malned In pow"," for til .... ~
,ft" Ih. Wlr, end In both oounlri81 they look ,hOM I.....",. very milch to
.....11. Syrien 1'.... ld.m Hafu A_d held poWI' fo...nOlh.... '_nty-flWen
y"'" untll hlo death In 2000. HI. damn... minlltor Mu.t.r.. T1u:I ltoy<H!
In pc>'o'I'W IlntlI2004. o.pil" their openly U(I.-I fenx:lOUJ .nll-5eml-
lilm Ind "Ily .......... ortorlllrinllind kJlllncll....ll poilOnen of in
11173. Dlrithlllr or them _ cbmd riot: brIIoILJ.. the GoLtn .... lghto iJtico
bykim... 1I.... 1orMl.1 oolm. on tlMI lTonl "1011&" lheyUved.
And In EcYPc•.u ron:. cblef of JtdI Mut-rak. ... ho jNi roo ",oed 10 (lUI·
JWKlintlY befon.nd d....... u.. _. 1'IlIn&i... ~ l 01 FcYPIIII ZOO7
.tl... lUI. . pow.- i111l1l1l. ADd 10"" be 11M _ rlobd ~ the
11I7lI .....I.fcypt ~ ~ .

....... ,



The enemy of my enemy Is my friend Guess what?

IdIael Moon" Falo, NJ l _ la ....... thol 1"-

M s.udi royal,. _11M .... ta.d ...,.. 1ft tIw Anb world..
~ J'OU coukW Seudl AniN.. IIbI..,., thai _ _ add..
• ~ dIo WIaIlI: WW&

LtIl. ......" . .

OfI1l the Anb U11ofta. SMldI ArIbM .... the.,...u.l cbaDcI oIbriasblI
,... ....t 1labi111J' la 11M ,...paa, HiIItJrically, !be Seudb ho.... ' - " . .
,. ......
• .... s.MlIo IIloot ....

-. _..
<IW" .Id. __ aflelhaa ally ather Am lMtkm. Bill .... J'OU K>ak-'

I.Iwa IhroIIib t1w ..... oIlMty poliIlal Wi'·.' 1I...u._

o "'--''- 01 tIw Saudi royal,. bII..... dip lic. .... • Sri t 11_ •
pror..ionaI ....UaRahlp with tha B
nw!s proar_.h 10 _y IbM !hay _...u.

S."dl ArIbIto',
bow, Isml.

S.udi AlabM'.
_ y it buad .. ail, .bidI,,, ... all
GrtouIlytwllf\aul. bon !haydaa~
• ,"-0'_
We -*,

Tbe 011 coonec1/oo 01 Sooudl ........... been 11M s..- and _ luaMi... pan-
_01 major u.s. all DllIIl,....1ft tha warld b _1)'·fI... y--. [)ur-

;"1 that time, u.s. all DllIIlp""IM ...... pnII~ &om 11M put....hip...

Thl ""1I11elll, I...rrect GaJ.llllllllll4dJ, tUl

hlVI U.S. nllionll inllrestl. SillCe 1967. Saudi I\l1Ibll hu been Ih.
world'. crudal -awillS"Il'oduce, of oil. Thol meanl It i. tho on. country
with luch enormoUllnd ....lIy 1CCfI. .!bll oil I'1lII<!rv lhll II can IffllCt
globol oil priceI mono thAn Iny othll' nlllon by Inc lng Or dlllCl"elllng
production llIId oo.l....
From 1933101973, Sludi oil flowed 10 the Uniled 5111... II borgoin.
be... mlnl priOll. Aft.. lhl 1973 Yom J(!PI,ut WIt, Ih. Siudil joined
fon;", wllh the Ihah of ltan (RiclLard Nlxon'l Ilvorill d_pol) 10 'luadru·
plegloboJ all prlcel, Hul evon then, the Saudi. did not UIIlhelr h"8" new
",venu", 10 undermine or OPPO'" lh. Uniled Sill...; tbey hlYlited the
Ilon'llhal"ll oflhe money in Amlrial.
In Ih'198Ot, U.S.·Slud! I"IIlalionl '-:II.... mont imponlnllhan I""'".
King Fahd look Ibl lhronl In 1982 Iftll' tho dlllb of hi' brolh.. King
Khaled, but he hid beenlhl reo.l powlr In the kingdom ,JIICe Ih' ........
linllion of KhlS Faisal In 1975. Fahd loved Ametico. llIId wu convtnc.d
lhe Saudll n-Jed U.S. protllCllon from Ih. Soviet Union, ll"lln, end 0It-
potenllelthl"lllltlnlng pow..... Fahd Itepped up tbe already clOMl cooper-

Local loy Done Good

"In 0Iclr< 10 be llodef of mrn.11'lIIlI his 10 tf<;~ III edutillion in Ns own
coontl')", amorc Ns own jlf<;lpIt, and to VOW up in ~inp Slttptd with
tht tl'Jditionl and p!)'ChoIocY of Ns coontrymtll. Not onI, did Wnltm tdutl'
lion not fulW thlt condJllon, but it ttnded 10 _ I JOU'IlII'lIIlI hom tht CIIIloms and ttldilionl
of Ns clUltl')":
. . . AWIllaIiI ..... Sotod, II quoted by Chlrln Crlnt.1931, and IS cited by
konIld 1.Ict1 in T1wKirftdom: ATobfaandfhe HtxMofSDud

.llon ..lIh Ih. R ..munlllnlUon 10 fund Ih. mulllhdin luerrlU.,
..ho wen flabtl u.. Red /Urny 10 ••""dIUU In Atp.nul.... Mudi
wlUtna:- 10 keep alobll oil pr;e.1ow _ ..........Ior . - . lor 1M
tllH'1ll.1Ml al,I'lhiollopp1«l 1M &met Ihliollin 1M 11ll1Q1.. n.. SorietI
thea Uiu Rup .....1 wu dqitnd...1 oa proflu froc Iu oU lUId au
u:poru lO"'y .lIoe1. "OM Mudi ..... Ia IopJllirC commu....... _ I.......
Ian upalIbIy ar-- _ thullboM 01"";' U.s. .U.1l1:o1 Brllaia. Ger-
_yo utd 1101*'- ,.".,. .... &>-do whMlo . . . . . . . lto.a 10 to..

1tl 2002, 11:1.,.Abdullah lho Abdulub chlonpd the ""IIoa',-u

~ policy. 1M Saudil _ QODlJII.inMl 10 -.bM ....... oil pn.:-
...... IIIP IIMMe Iooorref ,.".,. ..,.. !be ext... . . - , . 10 buy pro»-
perily .""d Ihu, pHCt ""d MCW'ityl.1 tto-. ",. r1ol ... lh...1 of Inn
KI'ON tIM Culf IlfI...-d u-n. And ..ith 0.1....·1 Ihlnt lOt 011 1JOWi...

by 1_1* ""d bou.n<b.lUId Joopan, South Ie.... ",,0:1 lndle. far behilld,
1M J""'""N 10 kN'p J!00.1 pries high ""d OUlpul low JfO""I.... 8uI
......, lhen.lhe Mudll WiIf'II determined not 10 k1lllhe 100M t1.., Ih.
JOId"" lIllP' the h...llh oflb. 8100.1 tICOnomy.
Thtt blJlgeol botllened:. In 8100.1 oll.uppUeo II Ibe dearth of oil ",f1......
I.. eround Ih. world ....pecl.Uy In the Vnlll'd Stlt.... SuccI..i"" Amerl·
""" ftdmlnl'lralion•• RepubU""n Ind Democral Illk•. h.v. blithely
190>0Nd thl, floCl. M...I major intemational 011 compllnl ha"" concen_
on I"'yi.., lhelr b_hhy profil mlf8lDl to their IIuI hold....' lhey
h.vlll'l lnv.led In DeW refinery In&slIrUCIUN, The only major ucepo
tkln to thl. rule In ..,;fInl y. . . hal been S.udi-owlM'd Anunco. On<:oo
ep1n 1M S.....III....... out 10 be 1M l"IIflO"l'l~ flIOd BUY'· lhousb )'OIl
....... ldn' ktlow It by IlatenitlB 10 the ,...ed L.eft. who _ 10 thlnt. tbe
S.\ldll ... the only bed AnbL
s.udl AfIobl,o, 10M, In ....,,11I Dumbero. the ..... atId weaIthMot roid-
die c'- In 1M ........ -teL A 1erp...... ~ioMt IllWIe duo .. It.
11I1 liel 1"& q ,iJi.. lor ... y COWIIIy'l pa 0 ful..-illoa 10. iloeeIthy

delllo<:ncy In the Ionjj tenn. That wu u true for Ensland In the elghl"""th
and nineteenth centurlN II it was for South Ko... and Mal.pll. in the
tWfmtlfllh "."tury.
It wu bette.- for "'merlc. wh.en T~ WII Our cIIief lOurQl
of oU, but our own endl.... thi",t for "TexalIN" drank theT~ gu.h......

dry. Suppoae Sludi Anlbi.·. well. ran dry or the kingdom WII tom ,pan.
Who could rapiace it II the worid'. nlUt dominant ".wlng" producer?
TheM .... oniy two .....i candldllN: Iraq and RUlli•. Iraq hu IIveen<ll'-
mou. field. lO\lIh of Ilegbdad Ihat heven't even begun 10 be developed
yet. RUlli. under Vladimir Pulln il .l.....dy Ihe world'. num,
beNwo ""porter of CI'tlde oil efter the Sludll .nd the oumbel'OlIe
""poner of Mtural au .nd oil combined. Alld If you Ihillk the American
peolple .nd the n.Uon.1 lnleretll of Ihe Uniled St.leI would be betler
...tvM by IwJtchl"tl fmm Ihe Sludilln the KremHn or llighdad, Mlch..l
Moore may love you. bul nobndy el ... will.

Michael Moore's mania:

The Saudis were behind September 11
Thi. "Big Lie" woMhy of ' Coebbell he, probably been the mOlt
lua:.oful and d.tructive mylh. to come out of Ihe September 11 .Irod·
U., The .Imple end obrio... truth. II thet ClAme bin Laden" IIlneged.
from one ofSludl wNlthlWI.nd mOlt .... peeted ramm.., deUb-
eretely Iected I I mlOY Sludl n.lion.l ••• he could to bijac:k Ihe four
IlrUne Ind carry out Ibe .nlcks beceUM he wlnted to dellroy Saudi
Anlbl.·. d ..... ti.. with the United Sill... He carne. lot doceno lueceed·
1"tI th.n mOlt peolple IIlIllze.
II wll true that up 10 September 11, the Saudi. had complacently tol·
ereled the mOlt extrmne .ntl·...merican end IOtl.lIreeU ...nthnenll beil\i
t.ught in Ibeir mooquel. and Ibey look 110 efforb to cnck down on them.
Even Ifler the .necks, thl ••t.te of eff.ira continued for .nother yllll. The
S.udil UlulMd lha'll QIed. and Ilmllar &fOUpI"OlIld nOllll.a them
il tbor II'" .hem no otren-.
Thlo policy ..... "'" ~ I<> al QIIoda. u:ld It did "'" _ 1"- S.udis
in any way fJIlIpetJUzm .. ith al QIed." alma. Alt. an. al QoodoI·llh...
_ _ Y«)' uplk:itly the daftruct:1on of the S...dl monarchy and Its 'n ulf'ltlliol CIIliphatl I"'. DDIIItrollad S.u4i oil
,_: •• u:ld tbo two _ holy "'""*
in the M"",,illl world. Moeca UId
Medl".., both of...t.ich lieln Saudi Mnitory.
tho S.udls wan.-d • q.... ki..... ond __ prlplf'MllO pay or
IoolI: the 01_ way ill ...... 10 f'II It. Saptecber 11 abould ...... beon •
........p call 10 I'" Saudi .,.......,-1 I<> cnck down oe iu - . l ...u.n.
ill ~ UId on tbo of al Qoedo .'aNl'bh'lltllllln tbo '*-1
~ B,,1 for ._lIy IM.a. the a1181:b. 1M S.udll ...... ra\.a-
li....y obout tbo threoI bin \.MI8n pc..t 10 1m own boma DllW\lry'.
Tho. d 1XI Mily U. 2003. when nina II Qoedo IUlcldfI bomben
alladecl. Klyo.db rwldenU.1 compo1.lfKl whenl Well.............. Iivlng.
1r.lIlii\ll ,...nly••lx poopl•. Al o-eda bad Ibo..n I" d_annlDiUon to lop-
pl. S.udJ Arabia. U proved .0 be • bill ml,tU.

Why separatlon of mosque and state Is folly

To Ibelr credl,.tho S.lIdll. under tho able enersetlc dlfllC\loll oll:lng
Abdllilah, wob lip faot. The way thay handled 11M lrrunadJata throa, from
.1 QIed. over the ..... flIw y-... hu beon alme-t Ifn<lnd In 11>0 Ameri-
can ....,.jls. 111111. Is III objact IeIIon In tbo _iblo IIIod _ful"'r-
In ..hicll Mld<tM Eao1 AAb ............... COD .w.ol Il\IdI mlll'lleroo.ol and
n.lhlllatic ..... po.
Fint. 11>0 SlllIdlrI ...,....;-t tM ..-.I 10 tackle the probI_ at its
-...:& Thay otamd _ i l....... _ _ .. _In ~... throo'lh,,"

,... 1I".oo. by qttd... local relipN1 . . . . ond ~ Ext.-

lolamlltJ ..ho .po"'" .. QMdo'. wild p1I or ..-:bad aCilloro

TIro. "'lltk.Jlr loo;oorrOCl ~.l"l. t•• lliddl. Eut

ll&'lnot th~ Riyedh g<WMrlment ...._ ldlntlfied end .... mo~ed from tb~l.

J>OIltlonl. Th~ wo..t on.1 WI'" uJMllled from th~ countT)'o Th~ S.ndll
.110 inltltuted • grodu.1 bul Ina..oingly effective policy of Impoolng
otoll control over ....ligloul inltltulioDi ond IlIIlCbe.. of lll.m to ma'llln·
.lim ond lilaml.t Thil policy Wilitudled Ind copied
wlIh greal luceell by RlINI,n p id.nt Vlldlmi, Pulln. Indlfld. Britlin
10'11 th~ only majo. country Ihat Illowed 1' 10 p""",h thoi.
~xtromllm unmolured. Th~ Soudll found rhemHI~... in Ibeln:mlc pool·
lion of privately Illi"3. In ~oIn. PrIme Mlnlttor Totty Blair ond tha Britiab
HCUrily oe.~ic ... 10 muzzlo the radlcall. On July 7. ZOO~. Ih. B.itl.h
l.mod lh~ I'noo ofnol h-tlng Iho Soudil' w,ml"3'.
The llritllb weal<n... ralulted from Ihl wl,h to .pply Weltotn lIon·
dotdo to lho MUllim world_ wid"J>f'IId folly .11lOIl Sopt~m"'" 11 .•nd
th~ aam~ ono tbe B.lIllh had commlUed in thel. empira doyl. In ludlO-
Chti.t1on count,;... cburch ond "'" ougbtto leo"" onl .nother .10"".
Afte. hundredl of yo... of wrangling. that illt.nd.rd p••clice in tho
Chri,tl.n WOlt .• nd II thoroughly In lCCO,d with wblt lelul tought In
Ibe 8OSJMIII' _de. unto Co"",, Ihlt whlcb II Co8Iar'llnd IInlo God thol
which II God·I. But 111.m doesn't I.... vo thell'te .Ione.• nd 10 theltlte
con't I....vo It .lono. In foct. the control of rell.flloul down 10
moaque lo~el. h.. Ilwlyl been • l..ditlon,1 funclion of eVIT)' Mllilim
Tho Ottomln Empl", IJMlCI.lIzod in controlling tho mooqu.... whiCh il
wby Ihey beld on 10 WIll for 10 long. When the nolvo Bnrllb dldn'lllll
or ulle tho mufti of Jornlllem. H.j Amln .1·Hu....ln!. in the 19Zo. .nd
1930.. they .How"" him 10 Ip""d hll doctrino ofmu.dorolll violence.
All tbft mufti 10''' IHowed 10 pnoach. tho P.leltlnlon Atob popul.tion lXNI·
cludod (not """"lOo,bly) th.t tho B.itIlh ,pprovod of him. Aft.r tho
ZooJ bomblnp. tho Mudil dldn't mal. the lime mill.ale.
Th. Sludll .110 unl.,bod tb.i. own domestic IflCUrity servlclOlln
w'YI that m.d. tho BUlh .dmlnlltntlon·1 domesUc "'"ponlO to Sep'

lember 11 Hem lll,...I ...d wimpy. And fat f..... loft", COffiIpt.•ympo-
thetk: 10 I&. urnori.ll, ot "";lOpobl•. the S.udl foruo .... pond. .

How to figbt Muslim terrorlsls:

Build willis ilnd monitor the mosques
'w ecIbyYirNolll.lytbe ...... ArJw,il;an~ _ h med1Il.theSludi-.o·
rit)' _~ • __ 111 QMdIl from ZOl» Ihro\oP 200& I'"I'"d to" 10
1alIll-_ 1n~_lOthe&--'oldInl_""In~

i.. u.-,..... 10 .. ....-... to tbe .,..ot>oa 01111 QIled.o ~

or diNCIot of opII"IlIkrolI ill S.udi ArUi. _ 10 ........I..t deeth _ .
lIGIlL Tbe S.udlJ Ulled b&lf. dol:eIl oftbem ill 10 lOW.
By 2005, 1/>10 S.udil were buiidJ.a& IUt... f-t'-"'rt, hlfh·11lclt IlCUlily
bI.l'T'-" aIooa their botdM. with V"""'" 10 1/>10 _th and tr.q 10 tbe aortb·
_ . 111_ .y,l_ w... Inlplred by the •...",.. of rormer 1....11 prime
mlnl.tet Ariel Sluoron', MCUrily fencI. which ~ 10 deci.l...
w..poo In bNll'4llh bloody .uieLd. bomber On.lllUlIhl of H.IO """"nd
PlOl_Unl.n InllfAdo.
...110••11.11 bel.tedly. the Sludi'"lOrted 10 monlto. IOnd .. wrI,.. ,
own lredltlo""llChooll""tboob to remove p....ll'" llult would glv• • Id.
a1mforl •• nd leglllll1lCJ to.l Qoeda .ympolhl-..
It .110 helped that _rt"ll oil priceo In tbe Brit decIld. of tbe ~nty·
flrIt .,.ntu'}'.,..... III IO .... WwlDdfltll for Sludl Arabi&. Il:ltIlI ...bdul..... ••
1l/1Ml.cconl with !non 10 to.-I &lobe! oil prices Mel wotbd ""

The Siludls and Anrilt From appusementto rullsm

TIoe oriJI....1Seudl policy of MX"OI!!mocIlOtloa toward aI QMdIl -
8dminbJ,e, but It _ . . . <ZJ frca ...... y Apporti. . tbe *"'" p.

lei alo.... coop"...ling In ill Seplember II Illee" on the United Sl.t... It
wa. wllh lh. d_d..·old Saudi polici... of eceommodalioo
loweed YUH' Arefal end hie P.lenl"e Ube...tlon Organlzellon.
1'0. more Iha" a quan•• of a c.ll1ury. the Saudll p.ld Ih. PLO huge
.uml of protection mon.y 10 A...fat and hi. gu.mll.. would leevelbem
alone. Bul evenlhat policy didn·l luI forever.
10 1l19O. aft.r Seddam Kuwait .nd looked poiled
10 co"'l"e.Saudi A...hia. A...fat ""8cr1y jumfMld on Saddam·.'-ndwagon
end offered hiliupport. The Saudil ..... furlou•• and they finally CUi the
PLO off and cracked down on ie. operalion••nd fund-...iling. B_u..
Arafal wll 10 cuh-.l.rved and weelr.ened by thl. Saudi reaction. he pUl
on. more moderel. f.ce .nd agreed 10 Ura.ll foreign mlnblll' Shimon
P.....·I propo6lll.10 .nt.rth. 1993 0110 P"",," Procell.

Understanding the Saudis

In .horl. while IOmetimee .horl-lighled. Ih. Saudll hev. nev.rlllel....
Iided Wllh lh. Wasl mo", often Ihan n01. Tn fully undentand the Saudi
p.yche requi ...... of coune. delvillfl inlo their bi.tOJ)'. For nu. p~.
we need ooly gn bed: 10 World War l. when Saudi Anbia and the Wesl
Iwocame fully Intertwined.

A lillie Saudi history: The myth af Lawrence of Arabia

T. E. Law...nce. Ir.nown a. Law...nce of ...,..,bla. had an enormo... Impact
on W""t.rn conc.l'l;n". of the A...b wo.ld. Ile even advioed Winllon
o.un:hlll in d...willfl ul' what beceme th. mal' of the modem Middl. Rut
allhe Cairo ConFe...nce of 1921. 8uI he wa. never the great henefllClOf
and, ohbe A...b peoples bl. admire.. made him OUllo be. He
wa•• potenlially talentod archaeologill. I wriler and ..If·drlmallze, of
8XlraOrdinary genlul. and a wildly IllUlahle individual wim a bewilder-
ing variety of bighly emertainillfl fe.lioh... He WII. however. far from the

The s..udi. A'" P." of,he SoluliOll. Nol,he I'J'oblem

prophet"f Ihe Arab Awakening he im"3lned hlm...I',o be•• nd he woo a

mili'Bry geni", only In hi' own d..... ms.
In hi' wonderf,,1 book Seven Pillan of Wisdom (besl ......d •• a hi&hly
colored work of 1'''''' fietion) Lawnlnc. pMMlnlllhe Arab f'IIvoh In Ihe
dose" a,. ""lio",,1 up'blng Ignored by Ihe pMamle Brili,h ."Ihorili...
In Cal", bul f.nned by him. In hi' 'elling. il wei Ihe crucial epilode 01
1VlH"ld IV., I in Ihe Middle !(asl, d""mylng.ll Ot,oman po_lhro"gh·
oullhe Anlblan peninlul•.
In rulily. the revolt w.. mod" ~ibl" only by IlJ1onnOu, Brili,h ,uh-
lidi •••nd btihM In lh. Huh.mlte family. led by Sherif Hun"in.
who wM the he.wlltary guon:liolD of the MUlHm h"ly 1'1...". in M...,.,.. lIul
She,if wu d...pioOO .nd dilINII"" by Ih" g"o"ral popul.tlQ1\"f
Ihe Il.jaz. Ihe Red SN COO,. region of Arabi•. and bil wril n"v"r nln
inllde Ihe de"" v.,tne,. of th" Arabian
penln.ula. whef'll lhe dynamic youl\3
Ahdulult Ibn SlIud w., Ihon .l......dy
mUle' of all ho ,urveyed. Th" tribesmen Peter O'Toole
LaWf'llllCfl w•• .obi" 10 bribe 0' buy. who Could Mob
ogreed 10 work wilh hlm on behalf ofth"
,h.,lf and hl. oon •. did corry oul Ih"lr
Anr- Look
famou, raid on Aqob.. BUllhil WU aliny
lideshow mlillarlly {mlleVanllO the huge "liwreocf'l ,ecord, lhen.lhawl br-rr In w¥.
dMh of the Brill.h .and Otloman imperi.l iI &'91 CipilCity for phylic,1 ~_ ..........
uml.. of mOf'lllh.n 70.000 men NCh In ity ill , l'J"D'~I, Ie.>de<. pllit.. _litffilfy
Ihe 1917-1918 belilct for Pelctllne. lillenl. &ulil 'ho lhawllh;tt he WoIlle1f·
In 1920." the "'llin8 01 Ilrili'h politi· cl!lliored. .....curiill, lnd viol<enlly Ufl'Iu!M.'
col "fJicioll. Brill.1I military commanoo.. Ille KedowIe, "(01_1
quietly wilhdrew lbeir fot<;GS fmm lhe liIwrt'llCt iIIld Hi! aioIri'
Syri.n cepit.1 of DomaKul. In order 10 pherl," in 1lSam ... tM
d .... the w.y for 111 f1ctiooelliberaUon by "",","WorlJ
HUhemlle Arab forc... Thl, w., •

dum.y .t1empl 1<> undennlne the rf'llnch .ulh"";li... from occupy InS
Syria In IoIXOrd wllh lhelr pf'llYiou'llgf'IIemenl' wilh Brll.ln, .nd 10 r....
Ie, Ihe myth Ih.llhe Brlll.h wef'll Ihe ch.mplonl of i\f'llb n.llon.Hlm
whilelhe ~'f'llncll w8f'll11l cruel eneml.... The rf'll""h tr.led Ihe Brllllh
ploy wllh oonlempl. i\ Pon·i\..bcongrMI did mee! In OemllJCUlln 1920
unlll the """"pyinS rrench expelled II. Law"",ce. In n Pillors of Wil_
Jom, did mote thon onyothM .ingle penon lo ..... bll.h I myth lNllhe
Drili.b b.d evicled Ibe Ilh.nk. 1<> lhe i\.. blo) Ind had then
bel..yed Ihe n.lion.lill movemenllhey llunched. Thil inlerpf'llt.Uon
wu " adoptlld by ,........,Ilon. of Britilh enli..,.,l<>nllllnleIl6CIulli
and w. . . leilmollf of Ihe 1I0y.1 In.lliule fo' lnientliional i\ffaln II
Chllham HouM in London for lltOund half I cenlUf)'. CI'1IIllns whal \h.e
ll\e hilloriln Elle Kedourle called In I f.moul e'My "The Chllham
HouM Venlon" of modem Middle E.llem hillory.
In .... Illy. i\..b nlllonaUom grew In Ihe great chi... of Cairo. Baabd.d.
Ind I)omUCtll, and il w•• fueled by • pe.feelly unde..tlndlble and

lin Laden on Saudi Arabia

Wi5 thr s.ldi ~ behind ~~ min tontl'llit. 0\ImI twI UdM fOtJ'ldfd
II Qiedi n I reloCllon q~inli Sludl Arllbil"s pttl-Amerlu ~. . . Htft,'l Ml
"o(fI"pl from ill Inlen1ew bin ~ did with CNN'1 1'101'" Amet11n MMdlI997:

The loIudI rrp.w II but I brlftCh Of Ml.,w 01 "" u.tly btlrc ~lllO tho tho loIudI
......... """'';lIod .. oct qIlnA ilIMft. A.n4 thil. Nltd 0tI tho ""irI& 01 a<tl tho
....... outsldolho"'ip>uI """,,,,,,..,. SoIlI"l '"""" t1w .......... ,tGp9td ~ """"
l«ordinlIlO what, priM and IIorJ' 1M 10 Him, 110I10 _ion ...., OIM< conln-
dlc!0t)' KIl. WhtrI1IIlI In loundIIion _ oiolItM, OIM< torrupI_ fdlcNftd In - r uptCI
01 tho _ , . "" tcOI ,. . tho >od~l"""""w"1 ....m ond >0_

no. 50....10 AnI Par1 of the Solution. No! the _

M..ishlf......erd _tnlent <JI British ...d French OCCtlpotlon of1"- iP"M'

t«rll~ lIIOllem Syria ...d u.q.
<JI £«ypl Uld wh.! ......_
F., &om bet.. e rillloI>M)' propbeI for ItM A'*. lA .. , e dM-
sie ",,"'pI. of aD alMu..a J'O'UI3 ..I.....IImIt who P""!'od'" h;' owo
tanlM'- 01110 e fonip pmpl. he did DOt 1I0d.nland and who under.
~ y Mel Ii"" Ii... for hi...... Mel...,.,.. on Ihe hllIOI}' ...d
IfO"'1h of ARb _bMU,m
E...-yIh!nl_ did. blhe _ bUan. and ..a&b • ns wllD
. . . Ilbi ~ ... ~ lib tam. 10 _ M e humble elnau Ia
II. Briu.b iloylII Air F............. _ _'I d - . K. P . . ._t...
r-n& Illruwn 10 whip hi". and 10 otherwlM pbyUcall)' abuM him.. He
.,,"" hid t wrile ...,..u ;aboul h1li .-:tkJIw to bM. . lomu.d . . Ibot
I. COIIld lhoom afl_ud. He _ killed u. e 1BOI~1. Kddott!.1 III
1935. CiYftlItM w.,. 1. ....... 1u. bib el hiP spoMl throu&b tIN Ilaf1'OW

£nt.lish COIIntry~. t.b4o only.III'J:'Ii" WM It hid not MppeMd >-n N I. . 10 My. coospiney lbeorl........uuaUy swld'" around
hI. dornl HMlIMIU..l. he might well haw......"hl mon mlKohklf d
eh..... wllh the tell...." he wOlild hlv. whbp'~ Inlo Chlln:hlll' .
during World We. II. In the lll601. e Sllptlrb movie ,rerrt... Voter O'Toole
revived IAw",nct·. el1u O'Toole WIt tell .•mu.lngly lundlO...e. end
1.....I.Ubl. to the ldl lAw.... - WI' nOnl of tlloM thinI" HI WII
.hOft, ooyl)' InlllllClual·looklng with I I.,. ...... In In OVII f_. Ind
found lhe fe....l. farm repll1J.ive.
His Induri.., ...putltlon conlinnli Ih.ld_ tn.t old l.."d., lib old
..ldi_ _ di.. Bllllllllib old .....u.., ........<b lib uwrencs'. don't
fide ew.)'; Ilwr Iutt _ heir. with ....... allUN and .... tMy th.ul .......

The ARb nvolt tbat worked

Tbe...t AnI>.....,.. _led by Ab:IIlIIozlz n..Swd, TbeO\lllltl_ I\0oI:.._
n.. s...cI ..... UWI e, aDd with lAwi ;e's - - . Sberif H...... ol
TIl, ,..uUC'UJ loarrm Gold. I' t~, Wleldl, Eul

Mecca and bl, younger 100 F,I... I, w..... profound. Ibn s..ud wu. real
prillCOl,a man ofactlon and a wOlTior bern. Willi hl. f.mlly h. ned Riyadh
and wanl inlo ""ile when he wa. only, toen..-. In the Arabian blll&l1_
land, he ,howed poli1ieal .. well .. military genlu. In merglllJl bl. loyal
Bedouin tribes with tho Wohbohi puri.t. of the [alomic f.ilh. He led wh.t
omounted 10 both an Arob nOlionolilll and [.lantlc fund.ment.lill .-eRora·
lion movement, JI. au.terity. inlegrily.•nd ...n... of juatice made It pop-
ular. Ind hy 191. he Will lhe mute. of lh, Arabiln h",rtl.nd .• d ......rt
.lm""t •• large •• Indl•.
During world Wor I, Ibn Saud prudenlly .t""nMl c1.... of both tM
Ilrill.b and lho Ottomans. H, did not Ilk, Or lruSl th'lOCul•• YOUllJl 1\Irl<
I'lIrlicol. who h.d Hiu<! control of lh, VNI empire In 1908, and Ihough
.dvl.ed Ind luboldized by Ihe Briti.h. h, look hi. own cou In tM
1l/201, hcompleled hi. conqu 1 of Aro·
bl. by ...ndlllJl hll fOreel 10 capture the
lwo holi"'l dUu in Ill."" Mecco .nd
APillo< of Medin•.
Wisdom Mooca Ind Medin. were run hy Shertf
HUllieln. tbe Briti.h idol Sir Henry
"OefUl"'C I\lfI'lWlil illjke
McM.bon .nd Sir Ronald Slor.. b.d on
Ul"'ClOUp ...1ttI iI knift- ~'l
Irdently w...-l In thel. lnr.moul .nd
lIow iIIId melly."
hu"llied Il/U McM.hon· lotI.....
And Lawronoa end Gertrude Bell h.d
worked 10 hord .nd 10 wen 10 pretenl·.lOn Fli..l ••• VNl w.rrio..
prinoa .nd ltatlllmln 10 o..yid Woyd George and Winalon Oturcbill.
But Inl"lHlllly. Sherif wu d..plled and reMlnled 01 I rep....
IIY" greedy bumbler by billo"ll·.ufferlng IUbjecta. Not only could thl
Hubemhlll not ... l the Arah MUltlm world .glinillbe O\tOIILODl,
but they could not eyen protect IMir own backyord. Sberif Hu....ln .....
Illnt I*=king by Ibn Saud in 192~ .. hia Fonner .ubjec\l Mg<lI"ly oalebrated

nOllhel, a>nq.... bul Ibllit llbMMioo.. By Ibe... Cb\l1clllll, -' l.8wnIf>Q
IlIId BtIU'.llf1Il:n&, b.Ml a.t8d tIM ~ of..,.. tu-. ror H..-in'._
F8iIaI, II did _ p"o" 10 I. e NIppy or ... ~ declIlon, M.ln ... hi", lha
.-..I pow. I.. AntM ..... n. S.ud'L

The founding father

IbD S.ud bull. tIM lC..l.......... of S.... i ArabI.I IlIId ll.. ifIMI ill IrlbM
~ II. I ilion of purlw.icaI W ~ 11...... e _Ion 10 1M
Il1l8pdly -pollt.llll. ~pt. aDd deal,.... 011_ calipbMe ill
lAt"'M1tiDop'" 8uI it lie wild diIIortioIl to ....... lhM tnodltlonal s.ud!
W~ III 8lI1llnllllll to tIM Wamlc....ue:atilm IbM _ . 1"- M ...
lim wortd ill tIM 19l1OL Tbo - . a of tIM. 11•• r-.dlalilm ..... AY",01·
lab Rllbullu. Kbo...mnl'. I.La...1e R.vIllutloa In nn. 8IlIh IbD S.ud·.
WIl.Mbl........1t U1d lOtom<lini'1 Sbille .....11 CUll. _ til tIM equiv.
,ie"l of Ihe Prot.'Ull l«lfurm-'ion. bullhe I,ll', w.. tar man r-.dlcel
IMn .btI lonn•.
Ibn S.ud "' 0\11 both world wart bul """. Iho... Ild, pertlelily lor
lhe Nni. Ih., olh.r A.. b Iud,," (like 11'1 Amin .i·Hu lnl. ,he COm·
mind... of 1M Drllbh.lrl.lnlld Lr.ql .nny, .nd even An ar Sad,I) nOlO-
rlouliy did. And he ..... Implecabl. In hll MInK! ofeomm"nl.m .. ,
diabollall nlvolullorlll')' lor<:». He felt , .... y ,boul ZIonIlm. for
tlMl .... tt•• B"......... aIM> tIlrou&I>oul hllllr.. veal eppnocilth'.
friend ofU. UIII.1ld s.-. He Ioollwl ........ but 1M pp.lled Ia.d dJI..
......ed by tIM HolocllUiL
Iha 5Iud buill b.1I kinw"- DOl by d.IroyI.... old nl... utd . .,.. bul
by _Iori .... end cherbhi". them. He !be _plar of e cluaic
IWhdn Ibell:Jl. Mlny of !be (InMIJ told Iboul him ......Id fil e:t..-
IICI. . IIb}lllhro aad AbnbIm in lhe Blbl., Of lhe tim fI'I'M".1on of
Anb -.l.nlft. M"btm...... Un1ibI ea-I AbcW ~ io £cypl:.1ba
58ud ..... 1riId 10 ~ .. A1bwwt .-l&hborl.......1onL w....

Ilyi. ofpa.Uamenlory demoa..:y were alien and ludlcroulln him. bUI
he carefully pU<;II<:ed Ihe Iudilionlll deoen Anlb tOlIll.l of m••liaUon end
conlululioo within hiA tribe end ..x:iety. It iA beaU" hilIOnlIII hive
conllnued Ihal pr..:1ICII o\'er Ihe five and a hair dfl<:lldeo Ilnee hll d""llI
Ihal SIIudi Aubla, 'll"1""11O many predictionl of doom 10 Ihe conl..ry.
hu romoined olltoble and IUe<:eIIlul81 II hu.

King Falsal and the 011 weapon

Fallllibn Abdulll1lz become k1"tl of SIIudl AJ'IIbil in Il1fH. Hil UOfInllO
the Ibrone hed not ~n enlured-.ccepl by hiA, H. wal on. oflbe
SIIud·1 older 1OlII. bul nOllhe IIppe.renlln Ihe Un. ollw::ceoalon. IIUl
It w.. deAr long belo... Ihe of hi I fllher In 195Z 1be1 he wu lhe old
man'l flvorilo. Al I.oke Su~ In 11H7, lhe yoU"tl Prince Fallil had led
lhe Arab ""UOlII' fierce oppooilion 10 Ihe UN·, partition plan 10 """"Ie tho
Staleofl......l. Of all the deoefl ki"tJdom', rul...... ov.... lhe nllXllixly yean.
he would prove by far lhe mOlllmplao:able In hll opJlC*illoe 10 Ihe very
.><Illonc. of lhe ,.wllh 1111e.
DUI wh"" Flilll came 10 power. SIIudi Anlbll IPp8lJ'ed 10 be In lrou-
ble. iii, ulflle", brolhe. King SIIud Ibn AbdululE had squandered lb.
kingdom·' growing oil revenual while 18tII"tllhe oonaonium 01 U.S. oil
ooml""nleo in Aremoo enjoy I free hInd. Sludi Anlblo IPpeal'lld under
thJ'1ll.1 from revolutionary Communlll end Anlb ooclaUot lubve...lon. n.a
chari,m,llc Gaml] Abdel Nasser wll riding high ICf'OII the ontire "'Ilion
after defying lhe Drillih end the P...o<:.h In 1958.
Conlervllive monll't:hieo _med 10 be loppling a<:1'011 the Middl.
u.s!. Revolution&ry regJm.. thlt wanled 10 overthrow the SIIudlllKlDll'
chy now exisled 00 the country's northern end ...tern borden. Th. haql
monll't:hy bad ~n mon:il.,ly mlOl&Cred by a militory coup in 195&.
N..",r wI. mlking Egypt thl ~lo,,'s mllitRrY mlnl-.uperpowe. with
Soviet WMpona, end Syria Wal III Illy. Failll, devoully MUlllm and pu-
siollfttcly 10Yli 10 lhe dtl$4'lJf ,..dillon. of
hl.ll«louln .-.ple and 10 thl memory of Un-PC History:
his lit" fllher, _med I ridicuioul Great Men
.m.chronllm In Ihe modern Arob ",orld.
Inst ...d, he "'" Ibnul to t,"ndorm it in
ChI,."r.IIl... lib ~·II ..l·. OUllle<\ brnlher "It ;" not flShicNbllo loday 10 conslNCI hitfOr)'
King S.ud. Ihl obul pllYboy King ortItI'Id ~ T1lr~. wciolocY.
F.,..,.,k of f.Aypt. Ind King FII..1[ of l~. ond e<onamicl of NMlilo In the ....Iy ~ilI1 of
lh, derllng of T. Eo Loo"'l'flnce. Churchlil. thil (l!lIlury ~d, In theory, elpQin how lhe
."d Gertrude lieU. hIM! led many W""tlm· diipM~lf lheIthdoml, IOWM, ond Iribe of the
en Ind Communi.lol0 Illume III hIred· Pf'IinluI.i <MrIf 10000thel 10 form tIlillllll~
I,ory Ateb mon.rchI could be ",ri""n off MOd f,ll'iCltlliNry lliltf. SuI the)- do 001. T1lr
... ",eal< .nd d\lClldenl. lIut lhl ...Ugiously only l.IIl,fKlory MIl...... rMidflln the lI'Iiquf
dlvout FilM] "'II nol. He "'II I quiet, mion m lllIll of .IWJluil hin>sflf,"
m,thO(\iClOI. Ind IVln .hy ",ork.Rholic l_ld LK.,. 1M Kq·
",ho "" 100Ut d ....nina up thl wrecked dom; AtlIbicr and thf
finlnceo of hi. counlry .nd ,tudylng lh, HotMofSoud
lernu of It. relltlonshlp ",Ith the Ameri·
CIOn oil companl.... HI "'II nol given to
grendlose. emply speICh"" Ilk, N"..... He h"l<'1<1 Communism ",Ith e'
1&111 "I much pasliun50 hI did Zloni.m. He proved I fonnidlbleellCmy
10 bulh.
hiMI ...Uzcd Ih.. the Huh"mU, linl lin Ions", pooed Iny Ih"",1 to Soudi Arabil. Thl Huhemltl roYIII hou... had t-n nlingullhed
in lroq, Ind·. Jordln WII lOll .mlll 10 wOIT}' IbnU!. [nd~,

Fai",,1 ..... Iind th" ""v.ntlg. of k""plng Jordln I" KIng'. CIOU·
tiuu. Ind ....poll.ihle hind•. Thlt "'"Y FII..1 could .upporl YI'te'
Ateflt Ind hi. young PLO "lI"in.' lor...l. bul 1110 ute Jordln I I I buff.,.
p",vf!nlillfl It rrom booing Inolh., l'flVOIUlionlf)' bridglh...d lik. [,sq.
Sy.ll. Ind f.Aypt.

!'aiNI wu helped by world evenl•. In 1967_lhe Hme epochal y.....
thaI I.,ael .ma.hed N&$Mlf'. dl'1l&llU and conquered. !he W..., Bank. Gaz.a.
and !he boly cily of feruNlem-tbe greel 011 .-,.,..". of TOll. . .la"'0<1 10

fall.ho... F.INI bomellto<l from hi. vaat experlel>Cll'" dlpl"mal MlrYlns

hi. 1.le falber .nd .. the moot rwpeded oenlor Il$ure In lb, kJ"lIdom dUf>
ing t.... ",ign of hi. wQl1hless brolh". In relurn for richly fund~ tha PW
in i1l suerrlila .nackl 'Pin.I I......l.nd liI..... lland jewlilh la~" .round
Ihe world, h, won immunlly for hlo country
from PLQ In:>Ublmn.kins and ouhYe..ion tb.t

.fflicted Jordan .nd Lebanon. H, autboriEad
hio oil mlni.len 10 "an nagotlating wilb Shah
R,... Pahlavl. the ,ulocnlio: dict1ltor of Shille
lnon ocrou th, pllfSlan Gulf. about coordlnat·
InSlhelr polici... on lUting oll prlceo.
ilbaut i '''lime is not
Aft,. th, dealb of N...... ;n 1970. F.i..1
wNt It iscillied but how It iCtS. 'Itlmm
found hi. fUccetlO., Anwar Sadill.' welcoma
COITI4lI ~icilll ftSlmts iIOd S<UId
change. Sadat did nOl ha"" N........ grandl...
~ iIOd rice "o'f!SiI. ••• Tht qwIity
Imbition. to w....k ",volulion .nd h.voc
of iI ftSlme ~ be ~ by lis cl«dl
throughout the Arab world. Like ~·al ..l. ha
iIOd the InttSflty of its rulet1..
Was ready 10 work <:<>operallvely wltb tbe
lIIIa ,alsal ... Ame.icanl and wa. Inti·Sovlet. And ha
A.~blull, quotM In
offered the only raaUollo: Arab military option
RoniIld lxey. Thr
again" 1"..1. The two men o:....ted a new
Km,dom: Arob;o and
Saudi·f".Aypiian axU !hat rema;M. key faclor
rM H<JiM' o( SolId
for .labilily in Ihe Arab world loday.
In 1973. when Sadat thMW 80.000 EgypIJ...
""Idian againsl 1....1·. hollow Ih,1I of I
defuMive Une ot:l Ihe eutlide ofth, Suez Canal, Fal..1"tuCk 100. 0....
Ihe following weeki, 1o Ihe ohock Ind lhen borror oftbe world. Saudi and Inn led Iraq. Indon...l•. Vene,uel., .nd Ihe olh... m.ln oil.
no. s.."dl...... Pall 01 tM 5oI"U,"" Sol 1M Pn>blem

produc:11llI UlIor.-In ubil..,.;ly raUL". tIM priDI of oU, In a 1_ monlhs.

tJwy ~ 'l..... NplllCl ii,
Btllaln and fn.- Ud fully withdnwn from tIM Mlddl. £Ut. Th.
UIIIIIICl SUIt. _ uhawtllCl and dtmoralIzIICl &t.I till ..... In Y _

-... '0 UJ' 10 _.IUI

NoM ofllM ...... Wilt'"' po.... Ud tim. 11M military dOlll or IhI
.be key oll·prod...:iltf; ....Ior.-••Itblt by
iAvuioolor by " - I I.. a oou.p. B.hi... s.udi AnblIIIM!. lrtoa ___
... p~ly-tbl UnllllCl SUlI.' .....u. all_ In tbe ......... Nilloa 11M!.
"-'Y KIM.... Ud .....y buill lip Ihllobah of lrtoa u tbIir ~ I
pol' 'e 10 Utp till SoriIU and Anh rwolutloaary , . _ nul or till
S.ud' IUId Kuwaiti oUIl.lda. n.. S.ud... how_. bIICl ri&btly judpd
that tIlIlobah _ an ..-ab.. and unpndk\abl.......kvn.nlM' whom
tM Amtricanl oou.ld no! tnHt, and F oIf...cllM Iobah a ...1 he
<:oulde' ... fuM: ..... Iy it>CJ'llSOd oil .,u. . The 'oil w..pon' wu
Fai..1 dId no! bMllate 10 .... II on '&lobll",,". """"1...-1 with 11M
bi3 Itld 01 1OUi"ll 011 ptlCftl. or b,vi"ll cruel,1 oliluppli_ withheld,
dounl 01 nllloni eedllCl their diplomlilc ..1,donl with 1.....1. Third
wo.ld counlrt.. upalled I.raeli development tNm, who wen part 01
PrImo Mlnl....r Gold, Molr', fltuoUl,ttempl 10 1,....1 Ibe loede. 01
e new Third World power bloc. Allhe AfrlCiln "'tlonl reu obediently in
U... beblnd lbe St"dl,. lbe UnilllCl NII!onI wu Inl\JlormMl ovwnlghl
InIO a nl,nu- alobll ......pbooe of rejectlon IIId IIIM . . . . .1 Iarwl and
till UnllllCl SlIt•. Fal..1 mIIClc no _ ofh" dlr~ .Ide. lie Wll_just
imp1loclbly anli·Zionisl end d_lICllo lbe ennlblltltlon of .....1. bul
equally uul-&mltic. tu. Mlleved tbIlDCleal, loq..dbcredllllCl "bloOod
libet' that It.. k1Ued MUilim IUId Qrilllut dt.ildrea lAd uNd tIlIir
blood to bab Pz ow ...--. "'" belIevIICl T'1Ie ,.,0ffIC0h of u.. EJ<kn
0{ ZMM. till bpd Jew\Ih plot 10 ~ tM world t" by till
OltbrwII.IM - ' - a.-ieD _ polka. HitMr bIICl uHd tIlIl'IOloculo

nol "-IitIcIU, IIUITICl G""" tl tho lli~~11 Eut

lion.. of hll ju.tifi""tionl for the Hol"""u.t ... nd hlotoril" N""",," Cohn
.Ightly called It I ·wI"a"t for g.nocld•. • ~·al .. 1 Mthu.l.,tlcolly gav.
copl... of it 10 hla vl.ItOl'l as !itt..
fai..l WI'. "' It turned out. fl. Ih...d of hl. tim. In cheml'lonl"3 I
""vlvod JHIn-A""h movem.nt bu.l On ""Jigioul exl""",I,m. H. d..matl-
ally Itepped up fundlllj of mod",,",•. I,Jemlc roligiou.ocboob. ocrou
tho Iolamlc world. H. w"" not typlal of hi. Rl<:CellIO.... hul hi .... Saudi
policy Iiong fateful poth. lhat hillu<:CelllO... did nOl do,. to~.

Th.... I. no tllllllj how much further folia! might bay. goo•. Would
h. bav.. mad.. common cou"" with Ronald Reellin to brlllj thl SoViet
Uolon down. a. hil.ueculO... dId? He mlllbt blvl-O' he migbt blY1l
refuled becauM of Keegan '11ItO"i .uppon for I.rae!. H. might w.n MV<I
mede common ""'III In.t...d with AYltoliah Khomelnl oller tbl 1.llmle
Revolution In Iron. The I'l'OIpect of Siudl Arabll Ind [ron united In
ImpllC*ble oppooltlon to tho United Stlt... ond 1.....1COIJld hlv, t..,..
ronned I.... world In the ....Iy 19801, Ind nOl for Ihe beller.
But On March 2~. 197~, II I roo/iii. I ttadltlonal gatherl"3 of S.udl roy.
lb. wh."" .v.n Ih. moot <>Meu" and junior m..mbe... we", llf1Inted
IOOIlII ond Illowed 10 p""""l their grlevoncel Ind COncernl, King Foise!
w"" 01101 dead. H. fell victim not 10 I Communl.t, NUllrlll. o.exl""m.
[llllnl.1 ....volutionary. but to hi. own n..p....w. 0 "",ntaily dtlranged dru«
Iddlct who hid hUllll oulln CaHfomll. Th"ldU.. WIll convicted of regI.
clde Ind beb...ded Ihroe monthll.t....

Saudi Arabia's three threats

Kl"i 1'11..1 was followed by Killll Khaled (l97~1982). King fohd
(1982-2005), and Klllll Abdullah (Icllng II crown prince Ind ~nl.

199~2(05), Ouring Ih_ )"'II'" Saudi A..bial'fl8ll'ded the thteo 8"'"t...

thrMli to III exlotence a. a ",volutlonary Inn, an assr-oiv.. or un.table
1""1, and I.lamlc nldi""li.m.

The SoudJ. An Pori of tho Solution, Not the !'robl"",

Saudi 11IliUdM toward lnlll had fluetull&<! wildly lin<,. th" 1979
blllIUic R"volutlon, finally culmlnltlng In r...... of tb.. nldlal ShUtes,
which pu.hed the kingdom Into Ih" "nn. or Ronlld RelogIIn. Uk. th"
United Slatu. the Saudil under King Fahd
financed Saddlm Hu.... ln In hi, wlr ogaln,t
lrmt unllll983. When, however. Saddam_a1-
lowed KuwIII in July I,,"";fled Saudi
Saudi Arabia
Iud.... ,...Illad th"y could vet)' easily he nexr. ... ltIo
Relation, with the United StltOi becam" """n Terrorists
d ....... and Saudi Artlbll became the mar·
"AI QHdIIIlde!61imi1!<l ~ eftluq of
,hailing y"rd for tha U.s·led 700,000 strong
s-ll intrll;&«Kt ilrld ltCUlrt~ fortn ilrld
allied army-th" grealesl """. plh"no<l In th"
tht.. ibiIlty to idipt Ie ntW typts rJ
Mlddl" Eul~hlt ......hed Saddam', mlllt"'l'
ltYNt IOd ItlilCk. WIlI1t ordiNry polic:t
pow". In Ih" 1991 GulrWar.
~ not ~ippfd to dtil ..1m tht ntW
Relallon, with Ih" Unlled StllM .lowly
tlwlt. SMdI inltllllf"oct "1$1b!t 10 ilC<\I"
d"t"rlortlted durl"ll the Cltnlon yean, how.
.Itrlr idtntily thosoi! milrt¥1ll ""'" tom-
.v..... it dldn't h.lp wh.n cautlOIl' and lactful
priItd tht """"'Y·\ix moIl-.,qm!<llisl1$
Wamon Chrillophe. WI' repllM:Ol<l .. - " ' l '
ltldtfl 0( II QHdI ,Nlr.tIy quic:kly, IOd
of .Iat" ht Clinlon', MCond t.rm by In.your-
tht ItCI.rity stfYK6 _t Ib!t 10 tun
fIe". p!'O'd.moctaCy Mad"l.ln. Alb.ight.
down ilrld disn4ll molt of tht c~b I!Itr
Aho, King Flhd weI.lowly dying. and by the
lIt" 199OtI, "frlOCllv. pow•• In Ih. kingdom """'. AntIlolty Cot"llll••
bId pulled 10 hi' broth.r Cmwn Prince
Abdullah Ibn Abdulezl •. Whil"
w.shintton·~ (ffl\tf
pro-Am"rican. AbduUah Wll' much more tn·
for Sfrltqic mcIlnttr-
dltlo""land IncornJl"ibl.lhan Fahd. H"loot
OiltioNl Sludlts, "AI
confld.n"" in Clinlon IlfId Albright and wo. Q~ in Sloudl A.,bl,,:
concerned aboul the financial .ffecl of plnnl-
Asyrrrnttfk Thrml
m"'ing glo""l 011 prieM on th" kingdom'. fi.. mcllllmlll b:trtm-
eel IIlbllity. He ,,110 noled Ihot 1"0 hed 1111; ~
"lected iI. mOIl mod....l.. lead.r ,Inc" before
the 11l111 volutJon. Moh.hlm.d Kh.tunl. So In tllllll s..udl Abdull.h
co.. cluded 011 productlo.. limitl"lllltld prioIHlonlrol-sr-menl with
I..... The two gt... t. quickly .howe<! Ihey .1111 hod lhe cloul wilhi.. orE(;,

Harry St. John Ptlilby: Tho Anti·uwronce

T. E. ~! - I ~k: drurllef who K1!d (IOJI hi! (liz!d fill-

IWn. 8uI the IIISl.IIlIliInt of the MHAA! Ult of ~!'. lime _
Hi")' "lid" Philb)'. Philb)' '''is iIIOIher [n(IlIImin SO"! ~. but
Uwrm:!. who errbrK!d the ~ IIld ineff~ Hilh!mll! fny. he
~i!nded -'bduIuiz ibn Siud ind be<:¥r>e rh! hitt"dy nJ.-till iCl¥W to
the (NI pow!< In the Arlblin oXsert. In tIl!!¥ty 19JO!, 10 his.,,, p!IlOIIil
pi\, he helpoed nqotill! ~ Ibn Si\Id II'Id Stltldi,d Oil of Ullfomil,
1'I"1"'t the oompiflY the ploxp«1in1 tonmloion lot oil .. the Ult~ pin
of the ~ Phllb)' l\IIII!d hil b.,;:k on Enclllld IIld (~!d to Ill..,
lind it~!d ill ,~t of titt....:;I)IOIIj .. mlddl! • . Hi. 1OIIl.lm.
who ~ fo< the Britllh ~'" S!Mt!. be<:¥r>e",", _ inl"i/TlOUI thin
hil fi1her. ~ is I spy fOIl the So¥itt Union fOIl I "","!!"-<:""lO')' \OlI,1 he
defl!tr!d t~ in 1961
If notIWls !l1!.1id Philb)' Wi'\ I (NIII!. H! did nor try to iIr1poI! hi! own
m.on on the Middl! £.iIt but tl!it1y f!tosni~ itI!\"$1I"Id 10I!I111ld
the outill ~_! of oil. fW I!I\'!d hil mi,l!!" Ibn Siud loyiliy IIld ~l
ind in It.e protl!'lS, I!I\'!d the Ilitionll int"em of the lnt!d Stltn
~y. fW died I ~ilth)' ITIiII, in hil own b!d. it I I~ old qe.

A1l\Qnild!Y norn in hoi book TIIf'~' NobOc> t:nd dtf /It:lIlw r;f
Soc.od. "'Th!r! _ m,o;h tNr IOn nobl!.l.. tl! tNt Wi'\ V..:iouI. ibcIoIr Hi'IY
Sf. john ""Iby. Thit "II pI~y why II! &01 QIIlI(I ~! .."h the "'lib.:
'Tho Soudlo AN !'1In of the Soluti<lOl. No! the Problom

liven Ibe rlpt clreu.... l.I.nCwo. to make I dlff....nDI. ()Yilt Ihe nut lout
yean. oil priceltrebled from at'OUBd ,e" doll.ln. t.mol to..-.. ,.....
thirty. 1I.......t liu. l01I of.......,. M the Ii-.
P'r"Mld"1l KMt....l --.-ed two t...... 10 ~. bul hb .'- 10' In
~ _ • ...,. dm.enl UIld ot_.IO,. AbdullUl_ witlI PnsicIem
Mahmoud Ahmed;- jEd...d.. ---m.,.10 S.udl-.quWrb'~_
........... how IrnlJor,a,I NMl ....pndio::tlobllr be DIIOIId I-. h _ • ...,.t
arplMftl b .ubilili,. m.1"- wiLh the UaIMd SW. .
lhIforIwMlely tor the SolldiJI, from tbair polDI of riew. the lhIited
SlI'_ _, -:II,. CI""~r or .... pool.ibl,. iA the Middle EM!. llim..
an. lhe 200J nq War and 1M o<Uti<lI of Seddem Hu.-i... n.,--
prjnl,l,. MPPYIo _ .'leMam ........ but they kMw IIrsthand ""...
rienca Ih.1I W""M1I libetlli derJlOCl'1C)' d.,....1 work in their pan of tIM
The Saudi. w ..... Ioo ....ry wary of I.....•• Sunol·ShUte r.ud .pilli..S
Inl" th.l, own country. Popuw oplnkm among Sunnl MuaU lo S.udl
Arabl, _ otron&lr ........ on the,lde oftheSunnl, In I lIut oil-rich
Dhat"I" Ie hom" 10 mlny Shill .... !""hlpo """" I .... jorlty. The Soudl•
. .ponded by building. ",...IVI, COlllt,. MCUrlly bam.... on Ibai. lIonb-
ern bordo•.
Th. Soudl. hid I" aven more [mmedille COncerti. By 2006. the U.S.
InUituy . . . noll"3'" IncreaJl"3 number of youna Soudll .ctl.... in 11M
Sunnllnlurpncy Ln L.... puticularly in 11M ran'" o"......dck.. bomben.
Tbll 1 tlRcltloo wu predictabl•. but il frip,ll1f1od tho Soudll. SoudJ
.... ppol1 tho ,,"l~uollt o>ujo.hodi.. hi Afshonlltan ..... producod
bin aJ QMda. Sopl...m- 11.aod tho ZOO3 hoonbl... Ln SoudJ Ar.
bill. Tbo iraq dTIl ww lhrMllIfIId 10 I""'dIlCl • for Iupr numb. 01 ....1·
aoUad Soudi. DIMaIIl;llod I.. lOpplina lboir own ......._ . s.. tho
Soudlo ctICbd down IE tho radicIll f'Iiipluo _ ' • wilhln lheir own
_don. Wb.ile tryInIlO .-llbeir _ ..... _dow.. u.r .... tried 10-.1
lhoir ................. with v_.. . - - . eoli-.d 400.000 I*'f'Ie

• Y>OM w@l"lllrekklngnOl"lhforlbMIMlIfo.ThoS'llldt..lulpoctl"!l..dlco.l
"Iom"nll In impovorllhod Yom"" we", lnfiltnll"!l lhel' kingdom. lICIod
10 ohullhom down by building lnolh.". .-;lInly f"n<:fI.
Th" Soudl mo,,"rchy will Ilwlyl hili" nl own OItloOlllm.......lI. bm
u... inl.......l. 0(. con"''''''llvo monarchy are much mo... llkoly 10 ollgn in
Iho fulure. ulhoy hov" In Ih" ,,"II. with A"",rlco'l dellil"ll foro."blo,
no...communl",. non·ndial Middlo Eaol. And If WI will tab tho Soudil'
.dvlce. OOIlH"".IIVll,ltIodltlon·mlnded mona",hl. are. bolt.... bM for lho
fulunml p....W..I.... Mlddl" EMtt .....n 1... III.mie d_ocrocl.. and tho
111.mlllllhoy might@lect.

.......ChI pte, •



I'e POP\lIar 10 _ that the Middle WI .....1....,. b.a. blood· Guess wbat?

I bIth. bul 11'1 _

.....Md, •
tnoe. 1ft"-l.......... tIM 1173 v .... Kipp.... WN"
I*iod ol JI"'C' . . in lirltem>pttd, ol c:owM, ... Ith bou~ ol
rio1enol1. It ........ ...ny thirty ,......
• 'I'-"'1IIIt 1'InJ"
. . . . lIfw

+ • dllllls. I

- """'_lIOl
1InoII'1 ...lllloN wUh I~ n~ A...b JUl.......... dominIt'" by
dy...... iCII of JI"'C'. no! WN". An....... s.d.o. made,..e. willi 1....,110 u..
1~17-UI7~ J*iod. A ....... mteoitbeorel.laoJ ....' IMI ..... rMlly p-::.
• $fTtlo1l Po !lid OIl
opentlld on .h. Golln tl.. I&11I1 beI ...""n 1.....1 Ind 5yoil. LebInon col. Horn ,\ssM lilted
1• .-1 inloll>orTendoUi civil war lIrgely lllltlpu.d by V _ Anfll and Isnot'l blall'af'Kled
hll PLO. and n... SyrlIlnd Illen Ls.... IIlIlIth..... lMlv... set lu<;.k«llnlo the YitzItIk IIIbl", Ind
lnf"",,,1 breoow, willi Syr!1"ll by fN" 1M beu", of II. SI\ldl A1lIb!I. lot·
dIn. EtiYpt•• nd the Al'llb Culf 11..... ,U enjoyed ~. and ,II of them
he "'"" PIlIQlIM

ucept £&ypI P""'pwwd. Ev..n In £«ypt. th..... w..... welcolne d.....w. of

. - . . .nd d.Y.. loprnlfl' irIltrikinl1 contnll to tbt ......ic but hyltltri<:al • ' 1 ' - _•

po I' III w1llI tilt
UMI ruiJloul ........ l ..... of ~·I .....

Anbs can ngbt

A-":anI aDd iMMIIi 101 partialItr 1ft the ~
......1 ,Ietoilel .. doo 111117 Si:l..o.y W. . . . . wldeIy
ot_ the d.-tic
1CId the_yth

thoIIt Anbo can'" wil:l - . 11tio Iltitudol aw-n to tN. tttar.d by

Vice V.&lid&nl Dick O>&ney. o"f"n... Secretery Dnnald Rumsfold. end
their h.ondpkked edvilO" when Iltey ...nt lite U.S. urned fo,,*, IW,,",p"
i"llinto 1""'1 in March 2003 and thotl3ltl tltey cnuld redraw the poUlical
map of lite counlry al wHI.
In fllCt. lite military history of the Iwonlitllh oonlury SItOWI Iltat not
only CIII Arabe figltt. but tltey can do 10 very well,
Tlte A..b Middle wI wal one of lite lUllMU of the world 10 _lit
canqual .nd colonluotion by the greel Eurn!""'n powe... Britein and
F.11\ClI gOllh&l, hand. on il only wlt&n th& OUOnten Empire fln.lly col·
lap-J 111... 1 long. touslt. biUe. r'llht in late IIUIl. It .hould be noted that
mOlt of tlte IOldie....·lto IUmlunded. trapped. Ind ultimetely caplured
lite Anglo-Indian army et Kut in 1915 we"" Al'lIbe J'9Crulled by Ihe OliO-
menl from wilhin tlte region. And they we"" ImOflJl the v"'1' fi ..1 to drive
OUI tlte British Ind French. By 11MB ~ meta. Arab nellon uoopt Alge-
.i. wal Independent. Ind by 19511 ev&.y one of tltem It.d .uccaduJly
ejected.1l B.itish Ind F""nclt Infl .."""" ov... tltei. arre;ra. Tlti. w.. nOi
tlte record of nallons of oowarde. In<:ompel'''',", Or defeoatlrt•.
II lllrue th.t 11....11t.1 won.lI tlte major conv..ntional military w""'
agelnll 111 Arab n&1&hbol'S. often ap.Inrt formidable odds. But tlte [••lIeHI
were eln>llll e.!weY' flghll"ll for tltel•• urvinl. Mass conlllCript Arab urni..
we", ...m InlO WI" for fro'" home, Ilke the 1",;kl,," Egyptlln ermllll
N _ """t Into Y"",en In the 1Il6Ol lind tit..... destroyed by the l.ra"lis
in 19411. 1956.lnd 1967.
BUI tlte perfonnll.nce of tlte Iraqi Irmy agelolt vlIlly "",oencally
supe.ior [ranien fon:eo duri"ll th.. el&ht·yar lran·1nq War wu """"Uent
Tlte Iraqis Ited b.. vo and uoollont field comm.ndera-unUI S.ddl'"
HUI...ln, murderoul and will.... III eve., killed the bell of IIt"m Itlro·
...If_nd ordinery Iraqi IOldien foughtlo"ll and b..""ly with greel diJ·
clpll"". MOlt lmporleol of .11. Iltey won.
In conv..ntlonll.l Wll.... wh..neve, A..b IOldl".. hivil. hoe" equipped..
treined. lind IIrmed to fight modem Weltern ",mi... On Inythlngllkl

Middle tMl W... 0lI>d PMot

equal tenn., .pecLolly in defen.. of their homeland, lhey Iuo... ut...lJy

fw&hlln lyand well. The ltrMlilroopt who fwahl the IordaaIan and
Syrlaa I.n 19111 and the Syriant and FcYpllan. In lll1J ...... 1.0-
fled to 11M I""IJI- of lheir opp:wwnll.
It _ tNt thM U.s. iorcet quldJy ...... lhlLtled 11M Inqlcon.....11onaI
IrIf.-In 11M lWI and 20lXl Cu\fWan. But t.b.aa _ " I t.:.t.... ....,..-
fl&hll", Are. . II ... t.:.t u~ IMtloM _II,.
ctQ"I tt.-I Up 10 major lnd _ _ let u- ""'*,0••" I.n quick.

But w_
....11I.....ard . . . paipo.
II. _ 1 0 ,uW'rULo war, Mutllm Nab IMlIont provtId 10 be
of the .....-. to. I.n 11M world 1JI the - . ; I ...If olllM _tiet.h
...rury. Tbe Nulonal Lilwnlioa ~'ronl of Ala-ia ,......d far ....
don. and "'Ihl. . tb.m ..... lbe Vletn_ In lhelr;.r of
I.ndependeaoo..,m-. f _ from 11lS4 10 11lIU. TIM 1_1t. yet 10
deoIroy 1iRbol1ah, wtw- f _ evenlually droVfI them out of_!bern
....non. TIM muioohedln SUerriU.. In Afsh.nltt.n ......I...Uy dl"Oll' out
lb. SorietJ .ft... another .Ish'·,..... w....... nd lb. S\lnnl Mu,llmsuMTiI-
I.. III Oflll.. 1 I,eq, II lhe pruelll lime. hove Y'" 10 be openllon.lly
defeated (It dealroyed ~y U.S.•nd CO/lllllon fOn:ell.
Th.1 I,. p",lIy Imp"",ive "",,,ttl by .nybody', 'l.nd.tt1,. Over the
pul wly y lhe n.llonl ofConlinenll1 Europe. Latin ... mwlCII....d
,ub-Sah."n frlCII cannot begln to compete whh h.

The Ba'ath Putis socialist roots

£wn op...-u of thelnq WIr odmit lhal Stddam H...., _ • IIn"..1
dk:ttllOl. and Illt Bol·.lb Plrty ..... lotIIltariln opp.-. Wktt ,....
_"I fiftd!be Uft tdmlm.., It lbia: Ba·lI\biam .... iu IO\lt'CIII" 11M Id,o,.
t1ltUc pi. . .u- 01 e1ite.ClICIIled Mantitu.
Tllro-......It tIM PM! ""'r
It. ~I. SyrLo UKllrlq, the two sr-t Nab
ftIIlioft; 01 the fwdle o - t.....'ll ' - ' rvJed by 11M e.'1Ith ~Ioft

(Arab SodalIM P.... ,~ lb'Mb ",I. bn:lu&b"._ ~ -...ioIl.
..... olforoOp a : D .... ppar'I ... ID........... llllf1'Clrislarpnl.Mjgn•
• p......II'.cI_ dlcUlonbl~,_ poIa 1,......u...ID... ,_ ol
t _ oll.......• • ol d..w.... III . .II...... """"I......, and t· 'hili"
olbail-raWlIt_plwolAdiltlc _uno
ill ~ d" ........•
YM tiM ...·Mh Pan, _ ~ "" 1DbI''''''O• ...,.....,1Ic revoI"..-.
ariw 1_ lIlitht ...... ClIll tiMm Innoc:etllli wlao bw.w _hi,. bul.
bri&bllOldeD lip of pNCe. Jl"'»perit,. IlIld "ndoonl.ndina for tM NaIl
world "nder IbM....UghtlllDlld ru'-. I"mvldlld no _ sot ill the w.y. or
COUfM. II woe 11M .1Of)' of 1M Youna l\ulu ."d tboril Commltleo 01 Union
and J>rosrwo .11 OVll•• pln. Llk. the Youn, Turlu. the Idelll.l. of Ih.
Oe·.th P.rly pmv«l the wlodom of Britl,h polltl«J phll'*'PhM Sl. I..•
llh Berlin: ...ory .ltempllo cre.t. I perfect 01101'1. on wrlh I. gulnlnle-'
to cnoote beU 011 Mr1h I_d.
Two o.m-:uo od>ooI~. HIclMI Af!oq, I Olriot..lan. and Soloh
.,;I·OIIl 11·111..., I Mu.Um-<o-fovnd.d the lb·.1h p.... y III UMO. Tbey

W1IOted to a . M . ot.,
W1IOtld bltI'Id 1M ~ bM_ ChrilliIDI 1M Mualima. TbI7
Wllfied NaIl DIllon IIa'OIIIhe MidcUe ~
founded on .-.1IMI1OdII juJtIcI. They W1IOted lo.tJolisb f'O"Ily.
Tbey _ _ lIlta fIYot of hIdom and d • KJ mcI. ofCOUtM, iii_
-.dIIbm. TlMy het.d l)'nIlD.y iD. - , . bID" ........" ....,. did.
8uII'Ir fiom "nltlaBtiM AAbworld, Ihe ""Ith DKi'_ ohetllnd II
Fir from IItabIWtI,. "'-:10m and ~.Illftlblilhed the Ionpoc.
luti... m.-l•.• nd bloody lyfInIlI_ In modem NaIl hl,"Of}'. Tbe
COillratl with KlnS Abdullih and Kina Hu.... ln In Jor<Ien. or with Ki",
Abdul.u.l~ and bI' .'OCCI...,.,. In Sludi Arebl., could no! be 1l"'I1". h.
from jolnl", t.... th..... the IWO nl11on.... h...... So'llb panleo look and Mid
power-Syrillnd lnoq-w...... lh. mo,1t hltterrivllo IJId _mieo for 11"'"
.retion.,1ICh of lhem c1.lmJna to be Ihl only heir and embodimlnl or
true So'.lhlom while thotocher _ nU '-Jr. In the,.- 11184, tWil.-

Mlddlo Eaot Won on<! __

tl~ of BitBf'Other that c:..rp arw.1l would baYI NeOlPllad onl, too
_II wen ,n... end rull"llin o.m.ucu.end 8fl&hdld.. They would_,
tben lor decatIM 10 00lDI.

Arab Iynnts: Assiild iil.Dd Sa.ddiilm

Afl.. lu "uIBm.d........ at ...........liS. In tba l"'-I"' w...
tluauP !l70. Syria c:tJ.InIId .,..em_u futerl_. revolrinc door
.-1..... T1Mn _1IIl1oelloll twlmly_6 cIilIInDI.......-u in t r-
two,..... n. Syriul republic: _ . ""f!hlrlllOC. tluouthoul "'"
Middle Eut•• lMIlu anMd fon::er w.... ' byword for ......1... I..."
t _ ",. SyriuI ....., played no rol' wba-.r In tbe I05fllrnell·
£cyptluo SIDai wrr. III 111&'. aft.. their .1. IoroI Wu dettl'O)'ld on lhe
IJ""'lDd In the flnt hou.. of the ....... lhe, Nt ...... IYfll' unlil 1.....1i
dflfflnM .... Inlrt. Morbi Dryan war abIr to hel.... l"lll foroM to
tab the Golan HlIlsbt. from them.
But In the thh1'-illsllt yearr .iIlCl19'O. thl Syrien I""llI1Iment has not
fell.... once. Th' only ch..... In Itt IIIIId.... hlp cr..... ln 2000. whon to"4lh
old I'reold"nt Hlfez Au&d died In hi. bid It th. as' of .Ixt'.nlnfl.n....
thirty )'80'1 of unoontlllted .uprerne power. HI. ,urvlYlnK I0Il Buh,. tool<
0.... lm u p.... ldflot .nd not • whlll'8' of dl_nt war herrd
apllW Lt.
A-t .110 left behind .. hit Iart1na IIpC}' the IOtIIJ-t mllhuy force
IlIlbe Arab wo:-ld, ODI the! bad frad Ih, IMMIl,nny In lull land COOl-
bet !nON oft.! and pwfwuwd _ rpIl1Jt II tbut III' othIf.
Aoord'i ach.............t 001, with Syria'. perc, ....1 Wo with
the lrtoool"l0 WIowUld rivrI Br'llhdidrto:-. PnrideaI SId<Ia", HuMIri".
in "'"'&hborirtK tr.q,
flotIa _ _ to powIt aI ~ the _ _ tllDL AINd ..u.I powIt
in 0 -" in llrnl. determiDrd to _ _ the IUlIIlJlllliool and ~ II..

nalion. lI' ,nn"d foJ'C8A. and mosl of all hi' 'lr force Iwd .uIJa....d al
I'rael" hand. In 1M 11167 SIx-o.y War. In 1968 S.ddam IMlCllma tha nurn·
ber--lwo man and ......1 powar behind tlla Illmna In til.. Stocond 8o'alll
R.. publlc h"d by Pruldenl Allmed Ita"an .1·fl4kr.
A.....d and Saddam w".... bolh merdl..... tyrant. who routinaly
employed lortu", en an unpf1lCed..nted ocale. Ilolh of Iham waged w....
of "8lV""lion and OOIIqu...1agalnO!llIalr n..lghbo.... And neither nf Ihem
h""italed 10 Ila"gh18' many IlIouundl of their own citizenl whenever
Ih..y f..11 il n_.....ry or ..apedlonllo do .... BOlh of Illem looked 10 Ih..
Sovle! Union fo' _POI" and .upport. and botll oflh..m halood Iha O!ate
of 1."",llik.. poloon.
Ironically. IlIrough th.. 191101. II wao Seddam who wal"""" In Amo..
lcan ..y... (,,"pecially Ih.,.., of Rallpn adminill'.llon policymakare) al
by fu Ih .. mn.... moderate of Iho IWo. Sadd.m wal ballli"3 lha Shilla
1,lamic f.nalleo of Ayalollah;·1 I n from Iweepi"3 acrou Ih..
Middle Ea.I. A d. by conl....I. wal fO'1lI"8
a 10"8-lonn alli.nce between Syria and Iran.
Am..rican pollcym.l<..... uw Syria. nOl Iraq.
til dil'1lC!in8 and proledin8 Ih" mOlt dang..r.
OuI I..rrorill f<>I'CM in Ih" region through 1M
19801. In 1963. SlIlh.. Hezbollah luicida
bombe... backed by both Inn .nd SyrI.l<llled
more Ih.n 250 U.S. Marin... and mo.e Ih."
.-..ore ~poliritiMll; ltId M_~ 00 French p"nlroopen •• Ih..y in th..h
ct",kM bqmrc <:II nfW dviliution, bern!lcka on Ih.. out.kirta of Beirut.
...tIenwe _ ... fl({ ~lau t.mlpIan of Bul h wal A...d who died In hi. bod. wllb
lHotkwar<i"ltu. and • dtloIitirII tlprmlon hll .on lurvlving 10 rul.. a. hi. h..i, and hil
ofiC "'&i_.nd fonnidabl.. army _ ..rely in pl_
S.ddam. wlu, had inh..,ilad a f•• la'1l'" .nd
more pIll'"lous nation wilh th.. l8COlld·largott
nil nlMltVllA on eanh and .. far large, and mora

Mlddlo EMt Watt and P.oo

powMfulann~hfourth Lars-t In tM world by I~ .....dered all

of IhoM ...... bd:>n d~ OIl 00. 1OOtJ, -" 1M omd of a M..,.
...... ·I~
AMM'. lutlna.UClI)HII ...will ~ Of IIndotmotMI by U.S. and
.....11 pollc:ymaken to thil doIy, Bul lhen ... KIbetina ..... 10 1M
...,... ~ wily 1Ie..-.eded w..... Sadd-m and ~ did_.
",. _ _ Spbinl< ol Dom_ _ • 1lI...ty ill _ _ He .,..,..

-.M«! tIM SyriP air ..... iD tIM _ d.'-lill Its lIidory, ywl .. ted
tb.1 o:pri~ 10 pow.-. He Inhlrit'" ... - 7 " ~.....
• job ~ ill 0W1l ,..>on ...,;I wlthbo thne ,.... ..... 11 for..
IDldolble.. h ,.....,1..... 10 thb d.Iy.
AMM ...... Am "..~iM 1..... ywl boo .l...... c.nd w..mic
1Mu.ven Md funduMnulilb _ _ th'-ly ...d OQ. r.r wider..u.
thu s.ddlm ............ In. H. Mid power for Ihh1)',..,.. th.....p the
.... of .ontlft uwll-.oo: omd bit came from • 111\)' ~ uwlrelip:JWl1l8Cll
tBdiUonaU)'\l.led by hb MUon'. ov.rwMlmll\,l)' Sunnl MII.lim
"",jori'y. Vet he ap~ 10 hlIveenior-l .... lllIppott and . .pect. and hb
IOn hal rullKl rellUvely """"rely linee hil d..lh.
AUld "'"I the mOlt dingeroul enemy Ih. 511'. <If 11....1hMI.fl..... 'he
d..,h of Glomal AbeI.l NUItlr. Ve'! h. f"'lllKl .I..,in, bond of_peel "'lIh
o... ofl.....I.. ..-1_ ~.n: Vitzhok Rabin. whom he ne...r mlllt in pc-
lUll. H. dwmplon<Kl tho PoIeIl.llllln co.... puolonalely, hul he ...lKl and
deoplted the man who ..... the li .. tna embodiment of that cou_ V _
",. flrst _ of HeM AlMd'l 1..-0 _Ihal he J.d .x:anli....
10 Niocolo ~Ii. _ . . - MId;-. He WOIlkI reprded tho
- . l BUlh lKlm1ftlltnlkla'. DbIO.,I... with a.I'''1 hl.Il.U1 fulHcale
W ~ .spa ull... d
EaIt _ only .. IhrMt_l,. hiI 0W1l poww. but I f . _._pli.. .
<•.ey IIIWi & k m throol&bou. the Middle

blporUlsthe pow.- ..tit*olthe,..... iu lIi11ory.Md polilica1_


-.iiitar}' rMlllM.

iD thelete 19901. futUJ1l IIII.h edmlnl.1n.tlon pollcym.ekenend Inlel·
Iec!"el•. led by [}ovid Wt1rmHr. Vice Praldent Did: Cheney'. chlerMid.
dIe &0,1 IKIvl_, oJ:>ellly d....,ri'-l n.lion. likelreq end Syrie u ·fllled
.t.I.... • Ignoring Ihe fecI thel they hed been erollnd e. dlOllnd ILItlonel
enthlel.lnee the .. riy 19201. And Saddlm in lraqlnd Aued in Syrll
botb ..,lved the problemo of chronic In.t.blilty thlt hId plagued both
nlllon. for Ihelwenly y..... befo... either of them look power.
AUld, heeding M.ochl.vell!·. (;(IUnMl, regorded being e. vUIly
mo imponent thIn being loved. III1t thongh hi killed widely, hi did
not Sedd.em did, kill (;(InlinuIUy or indioaiminllely. In lreq the wlv..
end even children of thOM who t:l'Oued SalIdlm. even by contrediding
him or one of hi. murderou• ..,n.1n I con_tlon. w""' torturtld... ped.
muUl"ed, Ind murdered. A"ld did thOM thing. only to hi. enemi...
Ilthough there were enough ofthem.
In 1932. AMId cru.hed I popular IIpri.log on behllf of Ihe l.leml"
MII,Um llrotherhood in the w..tem Syrlen cily of Hlme by Innihillliog
the entl"" city. Thnu Ind heavy Inlllery were Milt III to pulverize Ihe
...mlln., Wben U.S. Intelligencelnllylll (;(Impered hef"", end ener ph...
togreph. of the city from .u",elllence ..lelUt.. Ihey could not believl
their own e)'ll. The deelh loll of dvmen. i. genetllly ..llmlled et
20.lMlO. end It mlY eVln hIve been milch hlJlher. Rifeet AUld, Hlfez'.
brother end longtime sec:ret pollc:e chief. leter deimed to u.s. IOumeU.t
Thorn.. Frledmen thslthedO$th toll w.. reelly 38,000. Not even S.ddent
ever luthorlud killing egain.t bi. own I"'Ople with .lIch intensily.
II'll where S.ddem killed endl_ly, Ind Ipptlll.. 10 hevi ILed e JnY'
chotlc need to do ii, A d killed only whun il d Mlrvod hi, int.r·
",IS. The domeotk netu ofthe two regilDll wa. very dlff....nt SalIdlm
..n I grim, ulterly IIete thai .urvlvors of ......f Sielin'. 19301
terror would heve """"S"lzed III too well. Every public ult<lrenDllI)JlIny--
thl"ll h.d to be hi 10111 confonnily with the d..,..,.,. of the c .....t Netlonel
Leoder, oth<lrwi... the toll .."" chember. th<l firl"ll "I"ld, or Ihe hengman
MlddL. ""'I w ... ond """"*
beclroood In Syria. by """1rUl. m.- wbo auoy«l OUI or pollia and put..
lie dllClOW'tOl _Id upeocI 10 liwe Ih.i, own II¥M and ....... mDdMtly
"lo1lbeirown print. proporty.
The . . polIcIe. aDd petl,...,. 01.,. '1m 01 u..1WO I'fIIIa- wen
...., dUJennt. " - ' eN....! 10 c:onlml ! ......... _ _ lnoelteell,...1S"..
len rulfln t.roN him bed. jw;l .. Seddam _ del_iDfId 10 NiD<:orpo.
.... Kuwe!l_ tile .. ~lb pn>rince oIlnq, _ Inqi .... >oneIi.u ......
Aim bod.
Bolh olU- did II, hul SMIdam ~J' and bnltally La-*! ';:Uwail
La ,..Iy tlil90 aDd ~I the .islll oll U..ltfld SUI. .
and ita .IIIM dowI'I 011 h;' to.d only .ix monll" - ' craftily
fInCOU,....t d'-t. dTU war, and cheof; I.. ~ ber _dillll"
hla erm~Pt-lly to ........ nrder In 11176. He _ to lOy thew
b o1x ,..... u..lil ..... lJ. .li. dJvy., him oul.
Sadd.m wu mercll. .ly 1"..illCibl. In lnq for Ihlrty·flwe)'fIUS l'Jom
t t.bll.h.........t ofl .... lfICOI1d 1la'.lh Republic In llil6ll, wh.... he ....ld
the 1power for .Ie¥en yea>s befOlfl IIUltl"ll the IlIfIffflClual flgUJ'llh"'d
II.Blkr.IU.. lI.d Uekr murdered by being ,,"n'poe<! f.. ll of In."ll .. Ih.....
1""" let... )
Bul Sa<\d.m ~w nothlns ebout the world outeid.lreq. end he mil'
COIiQJI.te<! COIlull'Ophl<:eJly .,..., tim...... I)ro"ok"d Il. Aued ...".. did.
H......i..ed the ~1'OII31"Pporl oft"" Soviet Unio.. end leler RUHle from
beglnnl..s to end. The Sphinx orDlunucuI defied the United Sut_ end
uod~ned Itl i.. nuence """"",("Uy ror dee:.o:llol, Ihen COl.... to e kiDcI
01 eo;omllloOdetloa with WubiDgIoo duriDa lb. Ololon edmlnlotrllion
when he bed I... He ....... hooted lwo u.s. ,.....idenu 00 ..I.iu: IUdoan;i
Nixm:l end em Olal00.
AIIed'1 . . .Iou with 1I:rwl wenllXtB<lniiDary in lbeU .chw.-tI
aM _plnily. Within ohrM)'fIUS oftooli. . pow.......... n !be
Syrian _y 10 tab the IeW\I.b WII. by ........... In the n,. 01 tbe
1173 y..... J(Jppw Ww.

n. UI .., lIy .umm tIM .Id. . 1.... ....-....1n>i.nI ror-c. In
!be eo fllhll Syria ud dron bd: to withill &fti.I*y....,.
of 0 . ._ _ wba. _fire ftAally 1m~_ Bu••h ........ !be
..... I~ c:ouId p10bably 1M"" 11.. Syrian apllal and coulod ..ulAIy
1M"" LoveloIod II bid !be .... _ti.lluecl, lhey _ p....--w IA rou1!al1
!be Syri...... In alUl'OWldiDt tham. aa Ariel Shal'OIl. _ lob.. to do
...... !be Ec:YlM1aa third ........ y oa tba waat of .... S - Canal.
A.I.,-rilla altaeb, aapecially from Habollah. pew ill 1982 after ....
loneli mllit8ry CIlIft<l.-t of _them ............. " - ' _ obIe 10 wito bd:
throogh I\"II'fllla war and dlplomallc IltllI wltal .... had loot in dinlcl w....
lIy llMl4 1.....1 W&l forced out or moot of IOUlhem Lebanon axcelll for I
buff.... ""IlIon north or III border. Some Ilxl"",n y""ro liter. Iinell prim.
mlnlater Eltud Bank pulled out of lhere 100. "ezboll.h wu able 10 ...Iab-
liah a lUI. within I Itlt. In tIM IOUlhem PO" oft.... counl<)'. and Syrian
military ror-c. and InlellJa-ca ...... iDIJonIlDOVed b-=Ir. in 10 domlnat.
m\lcll of tIM counuy fot ~ !be IleI<I quarl...e::-Iury. Sloddam, by __
traaI. bid .......... 10 han& oa 10 Kuwall for _!haft ab< _tho.
Bul_ whl.. Iw_ ... ~ ....... ruth'-....t firmly MIoai...
,...mIla ' - flJhllq IIw , - I i i .. Syriu land lnnianJ pnu:ieI I.
_u-.. I at.- AIIiId ........ riKo wiIlt Pf'C'"'OkI.Ilf tl>era oal"," GoIu
tfei&hta. wt.n tnJopa ofbatb _;... CDDIlnuecllO . . -=110m.. b1""
1_1)'_Ii... ,...,. from the aiFIIlI of 11M .....lI-5yri.1.n d1...........1
...........1bI 1117$ 10AeaM!'a dMth I.. 2000, _ a lingle lanell Of Syr\u
IOld;.". died In .ny Incldenl on lhe Golan fron•. Tblloq paKllu.ed
Ihrouah the fll'II """'" )'Mn aft... hil IhouBh thenl.n now many
Indlco.tlono II m.o)' not lut fot m\lcllloll3'!".

Ford's Middle East successes

If you belia'Vfl)"OW" PC blatlit)' boob, I hay. bean oaly I....... kind of
IlItpublican prealdentl Ilnol Unc:oln: It 0 .... INmon and
MIddle Eut W... IIld _

dumb ~ (IIMpn and CooI.I<fsooJ, and Tflddy Rowe'.. eh. ~'or lhe medii
el the Ii.... and maInJI..... hlstorianl u- da}.., lbeN_ no cboloe bul
'" Ilick CAnJ.cI ~'ord 1010 lhe dUnDI cM..,ry.
He __ IUPpoMd '" I.. hrain.I_• .Il1lOddlllll- old lOoIt.1J pLo,.. and
polilQl hedc who h.cI ..,.;Yed. .... blow '" the hMd too ......y. e-atd
Ford ....b with hb Iitllow aMJd_e Republ.ic:an Wm. C, I'tu'di,. u
tbe _ UJlderettI-.d AIMric::u. plWkkmt of the t......tiMh .,..,tl1l)".
ACId &11 MkI<I.M £Mt ......t __ pouibIy the ' - of .ny pr.kleaL V_bow. -1oIt- £sypt 101M Ru........ end Ford, by hill
IppI'OVII of Hemy Kl.l • 's _ a:-plklleCl. subcloI, pet"l end sue-
.-eM dlpbnMlc •brouahl II ""'" the ..bil u
_ bIforw, HlIbo pJd«llhe A.-rican ..........y Ih the won!
u~ of the 1913-1974 qusdruplinJ "'' obIl 011 prieM IDd Mlbillzed
the MlOIK)IDy wllh _ '" the IIJ'OIIpsl. mosl COUI'epOWl••nd .....1
unpopular l-.dersh.lp II hid _ hI dlCldu.
On hnIh lhe hom. snd fo... I,n .ff.ln fronts, lhe qulel, hudwoddo.
Ford provided decl,lvI, ,ucceuful l... denhlp Ihl! wu Inc....I",!y
...,pecloKllround lhe wo.ld. Only Ihe AmeriCin people. lid by llbenll
pundit. fosming II 'he moulh ov.... Ford', ",rdlln fllr Nixon 10 end Ihe
long nlUoMI nlglums.. of lhe Wltergote SClndll. Q:lnldn'l _ iL
KiIIl......., did fir bolt... nmnl"8lfOUnd Ihe reelon .. ford',
- . . , . of mle lban he bed .. Nixon'. fi&hl.bsr\d _. It ru.lsht MVll heel:l
lluot NiXOfl kept KIII1""" on I much tighl'" le..h Ihln InJ"lfl" ...limd
whlll Ford Ioo»Mwd lhe mJahllbo hi", t-n thII thelln>oll eM·
Iclysmlc ClOflMq_ of the y.... Kippur \v.r--."" Ih..-enood dMuur:-
lion of .....11Dd the riIk oil tber ...... ucIar oI>owdown t.t._1 the
ImIMd StII-. ..... the SoviM Union "1""'-1 by lhe CJf'U:. L .. b.t
........U8Md U.s. pollcymsbn' focuo ... the fIIIool. FOI" tt. fine time.
KiMi _ dMI"'" po;-ily with the SrwiM Unioa. au .
Io:wl. 01" the vw- w.r.. ",. Middle Eul _ It. bia-l <-.
bio. :Ie In_y_ wtIh Ford I u",1Wn IOthehllt. ""dlrhwy.....u.

nl "'Ullt.n, l.acorrocl G.l~. II I~' 1I1~~11 E...,

Pi..l. Ki..lnger enS"ll"'lln month. of end Ie.. n"SOliOlion•• ch.rmillll.

lieo. fIollery. bribery••nd thr8llu wilh [.......1and Egypt to brillllabout the
1915 Si"",i II Di... ngagemem Ajp'eement. Thi. pn,..ed 10 be nn8 of 1110 moot
.uccenful, far.f'MChi"3. and overlooked diplomatic """I",.. _ U In mod·
em hInerican hWary.1t ",,<led I..... llp.""'nlly i"'lvi!.ble .nd .ndl... eye'"
of w.... bolw n 1."",1 and Egypt_fiv. w.... in twenly·fi"" yea.. 10 Ihol
point. illY''''' [ 1• vital bmothlng II""'" for """"""y ,riM III heavy casu·
alIi... of the 1913 w•• but wilhoul paying anything lIu the priallMaeJi
prime minilll' Mln"""e'" Ilegin had to pay for. full ~ I.....ty wiLh
Egypt. Prime Minlllt'" Yit:<hok Robin WOn Ihe far.l'(lI!OChing Matmon C ant'UI
pacbge from Ihe Uniled SI.I ... Ih" to...v., ch.nged Ih. _nli.l COli'

.In..;tion of the I_Ii anny. In pavi"3 the w.y for Motmon C. the di......•
8"3"",enl .groomenl .1"" laid Ihe b..I. for Ihe nexl thirty yean of
unqueslloned 1 li OM:\I.ily .nd milltary predomlnanee In Ihe region.
Sin.i U abo p pared the way for KI"'nll",·1 trlumllh ofn"S"lllting a
.lmUa.armlllloo ."....,menl be1w....n 1.......I.nd Syrl•. whIch proved lull
I I lu~oful I"d long·luting. It even paved Ihe way for an unliuly
lonoll·Syrlan .tnlcgic undemanding thel I.IIIN! for twenly·five y"'"
Finally. Fom gn.ped the opportunlly wllh Anwar Sad.tthel Nixon
hId ignored IFler the expullion of Ihe Sovlel diploma" ill 1911: he
st.rted elong·lullng U.S. Ilrat"llk ...latio".hip wilh Egypl. Sad.1 quickly
knllW Ihe Uniled Statea could gi..... him for mOl'8llu1n 1110 Sovieta luId ever
provided. And u"liu Nesser. Sad•••1"" ....H:t.a<!.h.1 So"iet fIC<HlOl1l1c
wlodom Will 1110 flO d to eVflll worM poverty Illd deatitutioll. U.s. ec0-
nomic aid .lId W lem lourl.m we... 101 lu flood In to toep Hgypt Illhl.
Ind Ifloat for It lout anolh". th"", d""'d.... Given the huge ..te of pop-
ul.lInn lncmaae during the aame time. il wu Impoo.tlble tu hoI'" for. ]11I
Iinne achieve. anythlllll mo....
Skillful,nd lucco>ufuiln lheit d...llngo wilh Egypl .nd Syril. Ford
.nd KII.lnge. w......I"" lucky In their ""perie"ctIt with Saudi Anhi•. In

19n. Klllg FIi.. J, the moo ....,.,..ful.nd fnrmid"ble ruler linee old Ibn

Mlddl....... W... • nd .....

Soud hl_If••u ~ ...t.! by. _UoII)' dllFluJiMd nephew. lIilI....,.

ceuor.nd half·brot..... Kitlll Khaled, wu • dl"-enl kind of .... n-
dec:et11. OIulloul. U>d Iow.b)'. He In lum tMqu.thed 1llJect1... poww 10
hillowu I*r Nld halfbrotbK.Crown PriD(:e FMd. ADd wh.iI.briI.
l>ant....t lliq f ...... _ ",",""nell)' ptO'AmowScuL tfio Uobow.r
oI.n.ol pow.- in R1,...u. - ' ....Iioao with 1M Unll.! SUlI. . 1001<
lII.iliuory ClODftooIUoIIon with ...... oIf 1M fronl bwMr, U>d ~ 1M
- , for tM l U l l " pw\M!nhip boc_ SoIKlI ArlIbl.I U>d the Unit'!
SW. \IQlMr RoDUd ...... IhM -.kI pa.ylUd:l ........ In bri~
dowu 1M SoY'- Union.
011 pI'ic.I NtII.llined hlp. 11_ i. the Unlt.l SI.I. _Ined ret.
1i....1)' lwab. IJId KlI&led d Fllhd _ dilpoMd 10 Nd_ II,. 011
fJric- aad o;utolfIMIIM I .....n.. F bad prorided bu..m. For
I.... _ . Mlu.. did Ibe o.hah oIlran. BUI w..... Ger10ld Ford left oltlCl
In '.nuat)' 11l77--<1uletl)'• .,...::efu1l1' wllh sood bumor .nd hMd ht,Jd
hl&b. I'" w.)' 00 Ammcon p....ldenl hod lftfl I'" Onl omco lill.Ol
Dwlghll:Joenhoww', depututlln 196I--t..llfl heblnd. tIIblllzed Mid-
dl. &111. full of oppo"Unil)' .od hopl for hl. ,ue"""IO'. jlmm)' CottOI'
would reap thl ",w.rd. of lhe good oeed. rnrd hed lOwed, but h" .1...
wl"ICked neerly.lI of II.

lCInlllge,' realpolitik
The key 10 Ford', ,~. M1mlltedly. wu lI"nry KIIIIII3"'". A German
Jew wIwM bUy ned Ibe NuIo In World W... U, 1'_1...... w... brillloni
Harvard pror...or of dlplometk: hiotory with I Nmafbblellfl for pollll_
eol hlt~ .. So olillfulwao be tho! dun"l 1M 1961 preoldentlal CIII!-
poJan be WII. fl'oot-NII'" 10 I .. ullOM! MCUriI)' ..Iri..- with
both l1l.I1.. CIOdldol• •1 tbe II~blan Rlcllard M. ~ixon
-..d 0 CUM Huboct IL H pm.,.. Whom Nixon ...... OUI H..... phNy
I" ...~ I It r'lm. KIM! a ... u.. job..ln 1t7). be . - IllU Iolfbeo"
10 _ .. oecrMAr)' 01 tlltIl II!Id. N""",,", aad U-lIII.der Font.

n" hllUcall,lectn'Kt '.14. II tho Wt.dJ. totl

Kluinger lpeclalized in realpolitiJ: polici... lIuo! IlX:Ompli,.he<! moral

goale whUe .p~ring unen, cynk:llJ end confounding eppatMl common
Mn~. Befon! h. enlenld II." Middle &.., .",n&, It we. unlv....Uy
••Iumed that you had 10 bold on. ,Id_ Of the other In the ul1Ieli-l\nb
conflict. ud If \1.. Unlted S'eu•• booked [In.. t. it would continue 10
OI"dily'''''' pow.... and influence Krou II." Arab world.

umf. TliIS WjS 5\,,"", minill~ 01 def...... rOt thirty-to¥o ~ifl

(from I9n to 2004t So it ~ wFe 10 '>If llw hi. IIMllp ~ M l!lI!
WhIt does !flit mNlll Well 11m pJIIidy bo"t~.bout lor1urinf:
ifld Cillril"'C litH'll pr~1l ,hI!< ~ 1911 Yom Kippw WM. In the 1980I ho!
wrole iIId poAllishfd I book prodllmirc the truth rA Itl. n:i«IIlntl-Sfmitk
blood libfl t1w1 Jews kill Ovisti¥l ifld Mullim childr..,...:IIM thtIr blood
10 l*e I'l!.IO'O'f< ",,1ZQl,. He r"PO"~1 ~I l.I,Jl' pin"", of lhr f _
~.I..., rnootie Klrt'lOl Girw lollobriplo in hi$ offOCf !of many )'Nr1. BKMM
of his Io¥e fOl he<.lw 1olO0:1. he fNde "" tho 1t,1... pHCrt:~ foru om
~red ffl)lllll!t deml~rc 19B1....-:l<Wmn bomb i1IKU llw killed molt
llwl tIYft IvIcnd Amtrbn and F.-II "lldim in ~
It -.lid bf _, 10 , ..bun Ttm II I bubMic sw.
hf WJS the molOl ~ul Soni MoAlim In tIw ~ of J'n!sIdmI Hirtl
Of I buffoon. But

A»Id, ifld hr 100000IIy ~ped ;tlO~ the IU($ d ~s san 8uNf. fit lisa
n\Idf Sy<ill fll _ fonnidibl. m,irlir)' powtr in tilt Middle L1ltlmodtl·
Ircllil fotu on Sov~ ~ drxlrinlo~ In " " futIn ....,'- S)'lii ";!1 ct!·
llinl)' no! fi"'l b)' Mitquis of QuetlIlbtlry 01 GtneYI ConvtnI'ion rules.
t!Iir*s (0 nm..

Klai"ll« conloumMd Ihl....."mpllon. 8)' m.llnl.lnl", .nd flrmglh-
IIIlI",lIKI U.S. role .. '-I'. dtio!r ... pport.... 9 w..hl",lon 19
pl_ A..b ...0... bMllO ... If lbey wm:>11Id U1y co~1oM from lbe
w-lt.. A. w-I .... ~ I only .... 1"- U..I•.-! SIal•. II roIlowed
tMl ....l)' 1"- UnIIN SUI. QlO.Ild ~ 10 ... I. ell-.-l..,
oboiouoo _ you _.110 Ihbok 1IL
KIMh.... _ ..... 10 dt.plKe omd "'PIKe 50¥* I..n...... in £«JpI
w1lb ~ Hit alto brouab' .....Li... . . - . omd Rablhly'" !hi repoa
by _lint bod, eide. ill 11M IAMl·Am. connict. TllI. . . . sood
__ lor U.s. 00IIII...... bllttinc rr-c- !hi ~plint01 oil pr;e.

in.n. 1t70i0. I. Ilho dra.! Nrived .......lutl... U.s. Inn.- in

~l ..... and NiJloII. by 100 _ m.r.JlibM w'*' i. CUM '0 d-.J.

I.. with In. Middle I'.Mt. '""'J <:amIl up w1lb tIM NiXOII Dox:trI... '0 ....In·
1.1.10 .-:wily III tIM oil-rich Pen.t.n Culr by bulldl... up 1M lMh of Iran
... ,.J.....J mHlI&<)' pow<II' comparooble 10 brMl.. BUI Ib. .halI prov.d 10
be nnl en ..........""1 end becUt.ebbl"l'Uy, .nd 1Mn. poI wllh feet of
dey. H. pl.yed e crucl.ll.dl"ll role in Ihe CIInel wllh Sooudl A..hle end
other A..b MII(lf" In quedrupllng globel 011 prl... Within ."other five
)'Mn. he w.......e eml""ly. loppled by. furlOUIold ShUle Mu.Um derlc
btl bMl benlm.d '0 Perle.
KwinaM .bo mlllCfllC\l.I-'ed In del.yln, crucle.1 .Id.<;> 1....1duri...
lloe Ill73 Vom Klppu. War. lie w.nled 1......110 .urvln lhe w•• bullO
becbu....... by II,'" I,e t-d... would be mono wlllln,lo compmml..
with lIKI _\01" AAob .lal_ 00. ht. . _ Bul 1M war IItOYIId .., fat that
,,,- .......l y rItbd "'onl.., ....1 of emmunllioco .nd w_ponlI.,.INt
,he E&Jpc1e O'~l. w-ll.p~ 10 ",-lduo. Nl!<oo. ro......lyCOll·

Yl.DoId Klu1aa- 10 .....pply. B.., 0....... s-:ntary Ie- Sch. .i ....

pler-d 1M by role in pw.hiaa llorouab tIM orpnlulloa of 11M r._

C5A Celuy .irlift Iblot P ,he cnx:lal ...ppllM 10 lhe '-li troope in
TIll ,.IIUcIII, lanrrod GUJ'" II I" 1l1oklJ. btl

Still. Klaolnllftr·'lUbll~. cynicool. mK:nJnuuuogold. bl'l"'roctI"". ond ...If~

rifyi"ll dlplwnacy wcrled, lounclling th~ first l1lIlI J>MOI' p~ bulweon
L.-.l and III Atab nel&hb:nand eoemleo. The 197~ Slnll II d ~ 1
agroom~n' be loboriouoJy brokftrtld bMw""n linoel Ind Egypt led, In

rn<Inllhon lwo ye&ra, 10 Egyptian preoiden' Anwa, Sallorl remortabl~ villt

10 }eruooJem and then to the 1979Is"""I-Egypl J>MOI' ttftalY. And the di"",,·
8"ll"ffi"'" .-ment h~ hrotered bulWfl8f1 lintel .nd Hlr"" A...rl kept IIwt
re- on the Colon 1I~igb.1J follho nex' tb"", and I holl der:adel.
For mo", ,ban th"", d"""det, KJ"ln8"" record of IChi",,~m~nt in
mln'gina Ihl Mlddll Rul on~ lhat non~ of billuCOllIOl'S "".'
neared. Wh"" It came 10 bandlin8 tb~ region. be wrote Ibe book.

Yltzbak Rabin: Tbe dove who armed Israel

Yilrltak Rahln'l firet th,..year tonn .. prim~ mlnJoIM of 10"",,1 wu vutly
undIIT'led. Hio l$fXlnd, far mo", r.moul onl. woo OVIITlled.
Rabin'l firel prnmlerebip Ilunched. pMCll proclll wllh Egypt. HII..,·
ond launched. peaca proclll wltll Ib~ ['.leotlnllnl. Their ouloom~ wU
very different, 11'll"ly hooau V , Araf.1 WRi not Anwar Sadll.
In 1974 Rabin Inh~rited the t ominoUlll8Cllri,y IllUlllon ""y 11"",,11
prim~ mlni.I~, h.d faced linCI .b, nrel bloody .lrusgJ,lo ","bllih 'h~

1,.11, Whln Moshe Ooy.n bocame mlnl.te. of dlren.. in 1967. hI knew

bl Inhe,lt&<! the ",..., powerfullnny .nd Ii' force In tbl Middle Rul.
fresh Ind pollld 10 ttrike. Bul MVen y 1.le., Rahin inherited "" II.-Ii
amty .hal h.d I.... more lhan fourti", u many IOldl..... In the Yom KIp-
put WI1 .. h.d died in tbl Six·Doy WI1, 'I'hroa Ihouund 1.....11 IOldllre
had died out of. lot.l popuillion of only til,.,., million. T1tio wu prol""""
Ilonll '0 Ihe U.S. IMina 300,000 dead In • WI1 of only th,.,., wllk.o: Ih,.,.,
Ilm... ,bl dlllh loll of the Koman and Vletnlm won oombined.
Abo. Ihe prevllJully Invincible [Inell .rmy found that the '.nk .nd .upport I\rikl fol'ClO Ih.t hld ...rved i, 10 well in 19S6 Ind 1967
Middle EN' WI" Ind P-=-

we", oo.ol"'e. The hlndh"ld, wiro-guided. Inll·lInk ",illn... and hind·

held .urf...,., ",iliUM supplied by ,he Soviet Union '0 Egypl Ind
Syril bid iDflicted camase on [1....1'1 elile. lmlplaoNble pllolA and lank
C",wl. SHU ",".. Ively oulnu",bered In manpower. liner hed 1011 Ihe
long.lern, lactlCIIlluperlorhy II neflliod 10 lurvlve.
!tIbiD'llOlmloo w.. to look 10 Ihe nation he had admired evcr lince
Iludying and serving Ihere..,. young II_II offiQl1' in Ihe 1950.. Preli.
denl Gerald Ford and Ser:rcury of Stale Killinger Wfl1'1I punl"ll enormoUl
pr.... u"' 00 lirael 10 wilhdraw from ,h. w8ll.rn """,ionl of Ih.. Suoz
CIIn.1. Dayln h.d been ",ody 10 tXInlemplallluch a mOV" ofter Ihe Six·
Day Wor. "'lIulng LD vain 10 Goldo Meir Ihal l.n.l,hould not keep Ita
fron' lin. on the cellolln any ce.... !tIbill cern" to th" 11m. conclulion.
bul h" decided 10 ll'" lO"'ethlng for Ihe coDc...,ion.
!tIbln'l price lor Ilgnlng Ihe 1975 Sinol 11 dlseng&gllmenl agreemoDI
wu a U.S..lI...llannl d l quil" unlik. any _n before.
Morelhan any orma d ll.anel hod .Igne<! befOl"l.lhe 1975 deal lraIU'
formed the Dalure of Ihe ormed fon:eo. The I,racli air force had

"You Will Me"r UnderstAnd"

"1'lwy Mf~ t<. 1M Krnn of 1M eo:«vlion 10 bolo rKordfd, 1M priKlntf If<!
from 1M (~Ito 1M pl'I" of e.mnlon, the blindfold.... 1M orcltr 10 r....,1M
blood pcuirc gut of 1M IIDI!tI, the u-. fol<lonc ~ 1M .Klm hi!. body
luninI: forw..d .1 the cordl_~ Ioole'wd. hlllllCl<M open to kiI, 1M Nrth hi!. mo!tlrr. I..lei DOth·
.... I went gut or.d on off"O:f!" ~ IIIl' s.ny. 'Mow clid )'00,1 Idle i" Dor;tor7 t ..lli 'h m;, 1M &o",h7
tv ..lli 1 do nof o.nOm,lond.· I \lid. 'You will rrm lI'Identond,-
SMII a/....., by thtn Syrian minillff of inforrt\lllion, dflc:libifll\tte ..Ie-
cution of IUppomn of EuPtion pl"nidmt (;omol AbcItl Nossel .nff the
llMIlCcnlful coup atttmpi of Julr 11, l%lln DamllcUI

"'I'\'ed at flylnglU'\JIl@ryforth@anny.provldinglbeUnd nfel,*, ~lical
ground luppon thll p"""ed ItO dflCi,ive for lhl U.S., Britt-h. Sovi"', Ind
Germen Irml.. in Ihe lV""1 lInd boltl.. of World WI' II. Butlhe belvy
101.... to limple lurt.ce-to-eJr guided miuileo from poorly wined Egypt·
i.n Ind Syri.n combat IOldlerl during th@1913 w •• proved Ihll lhOle
dara w .... ove•. 11_1 would hl>'e 10> on .....1h88vy Irtillery now thll
it, flbllKl "flying Inill@ry" .nn hId boon brok@n. Ford, Kiuing@r.lnd
Schl... ingM proYlded Iltel anillory-llte heevl l the... we,. They ."p'
piled every celibor of ertiUery blvy gUD the 11 1;. nlllOded. including
mauiy@ 1550101 0...... Bef,,", t.... 1973 w••• l."",I'1 oonv.... tionel.nill..ry
enn he<! boon nom..i'lent. Aftl.lhl deel in 1975. II hId the mMt poWflT'-
floi InUlory In the Middle Ealt.
n... gift, inlh.. giganlic $900 million peckag.. (mono then $3,5 billion
In 100lY'I dollarlllllO Included I new (lftn,,",lion of mlin hettie tlnu. In
follow.up ~men!l. U.S. funding flowed to finanOll developmenl."d
producl1011 of the M....u". (Hllbnow for "ch.riol"l. 111'll81'1 own home-pro-
duced mlln beule tlnk. Ford lllO"'8l'-' 10 'upply I,rael wllh the flnesl
cotnhllt .Ircraft in Ihe U.S. arsenll. th@ McDrn\ll@1l Dougw 1'·15 Eagle.
n.. 1975 ...... deelltanlfonned Ihllsraeli umy In way.lhat conlinlll
to thi' dey. 11 would nO longer be Ihe lightning-fest foree of Hghtly enned
elile tmope IlIacldng boldly by nlghl, .. en"i,lonoo by Ord@ WiDgllt@lnd
the bIIIZuI"lI·influ"rK:<td militlry commlnde.1 of thl 19500. it would
now hII a huge me'18 de IIUIleriel. mono 'lo....·m""lng bul ove.....helmlng
In the firepower il couid brillS 10 IMIlr. Rabin Ame.iCllnllt8d Ib@lln@!i
enny, Ind II remllnl 10 to tbll dey.
1 1i pundll' .1 the time and historiln, ,ince heye ..."., Rebln', flrsl
p mi"rshlp .. I 'tudy in w..u.n... Ind ineffec:lualnllSl. They amid not
hI"" !MIen more wrong AI the lerusa/em Poi,', Philip Gillon p...cilntly
nllled It lltIUm.., Rebln .howed I det<mnlnlt;on Ind ....din_ to mIke
hlrd, crucill dec:I,lonl wortby ofDoYid Ilen-Gurion him..,lf.
Il'Oftlcloll)', It _ the P-IS £1«1111 btl JO lXIveted for hi' country thlt
llroupt Rabin down. In 1t77. he Mid I proud .... 01I>0OI)' It '-I', Ben·
Gurion Airpan 10 weJcome I'" Ii... oflhe F-l'- from the United Sl.t8IL
BUI II _ I I'ridly &ftamoart aDd u..1!n;nfl __ O)'lnt bIhiDd ocbad·
w.. no. _ _)' 1lt'illl:Joad Into u.. )' bow'I of the J-iIb s.bbIt.h.
J-Wt putiII RIbin deJ-dad lor hil ..... ltloa MIjoriI)' In
the b ' pulled out of the ...-..-110 protei' Ibe _ t run!n&
IDto 1M SIbbItA. TbtIr I.dan a>rpICIad 1M 1lIU111)' mlld-....nnerwd
RIblfI to 11apI)' pKtiDo ..";DI.. eI..-l aDd pl-.l wltll tbIm t o _
b.:k.." W1 I'" Infuriltad priaM mioLiot_ 'I ... '8d and callad I ..-al
ellaloa.. Thil lad 10 the 1111 of bil ~ I lOCI the IOd of lhe Lebu
I'Irt)"o thrill .............. aIIltroi of the .....11 ltell. RIbin bid boMtad
10 tboo wlk:omi", _ ) ' for the F-ISI lIu,1 til.,. would IUbeo ID I
~utl)' dw>pd IInel. [Yen he did _ drMm how ....111 ebenpd il
would wi)' be.

Did Jimmy Carter really

bring peace to the Middle East?
in four ,bort yearo........ Ident llmffi)' Cartar tl"«ill the worid Ind hil prel'
Idantlo.l.,,'X'I'I1OI'S In IInflill"llormlill to wrtdt Iha Mlddld Eut: foclli
.....I... i)' on brlnaJ"I ~ betW1l8ll tho 1,,"liI and t'"
.. lfCod ~ onI)' )'OIllnd)'Olll pwoooIl ·IX~" to do It, and I"",,,
fri. .dl)' ~rrMntl to lilt thel' own tn..,." by lnllllll"l flill-ll;lla
Amerkan.-yle demoaac:y immedIItal)'. It fai.lJ..-.y tl.....
c.n_1""""ad 00IldUIl-..l)', .. BritliDi Ne¥illI 00amberW0 hid forty
,..,. befono bu., tlMl the .-:110 bell II ",vtod wlth sood LDI_ionJ. A
panoo.Lll)' ~I. boaonble. Ia<:onuptibll . . . . .UCIi Ouist...... hi
WIIttad notbi............ 1hIa 1O ...... 1lamal plKJlllIII._ tbeChlI-
drao of AbnbMa. the jews aocl the ArQ.

Than'" to Genlld Ford and Henry Killinger. Cuter came leto office
with an Iwrnllot going for him. Eyen 00. hi. than hi•
•klll. 8IY1 hiD, hll big brMkthrough. In 1977. Carter w.nledlhe Soyiet
Union 10 b1lhe United 51.11. .' par1Mt io runnIJla. Middle EasIIlMCfl COD,
fereoce or diplomatic inItiollY1l 10 IIl!tIe the bnoe1l-Arah conflict. Egyption Anw.r .s.d.t confronted the idee with undenlandobl. hDl'TO<.
He hod riAklld his 1If. Ind the IulUre of hIo cou.. try 10 kick Nu.....·1 Soylet
.dyl...... out i.. 1971. The IUllhina he n.-led wUlDme utreordlrwily
I\.I'WI U.S. p",*ld.nt I.nlng them come becl<. bound for reyeng•. So the
m.n who h.d confounded 011 Upect.tlO..1 by upelU"3 the Sovl....Ix
yee,. ""rll.r .nnollnolld thot within dlyl he w... llDing to vllil leruaalem.
The move waf .,Ioundlng heyond lmlglnlllon. Nothing lik. il had
ever 00e.. _ .. i.. lhe hillory oflh. Middle Easl. S.dlt wugol"3 to m_
Ih. (.upp<»MIlyl moat hard·li.... r.rocioua. and Implacable 1.....11 lead",
Orlhem .Il: Men.oehem Begin. WhOM Ukud bloc h.d fin.Jly won pDwer
i.. the 19n rneral .lectlom Iller he h.d endured Ii>: prey!ou. eiectonl
def..... In I row ... lead.r of th. Herut .nd Gah.l JNIrtlea.
Nor w... S.dlt IUlt 801"3 to T.l Aviv. which would have OOen ...dical
en0"tlh. He Will 801"3 10 leruMlem. the city whOM IIlamic holy III.. hlld
OOen I.. 1.....11 handa for more than. decad•. to the ulllmdi"ll furyofthe
entire Arab .nd Mu.Um worldl.
Friendland eneml.. Ilik. werellUnne<!. Cen.....l MoNillChoi Gur. lhe
tough 1."",11 rn.....1who hed led th. fon:ea that ItormlKl tbe Old City in
H1ll7 .•ulpeeled a t",p. Only Elegin took Ihe whole thing in ,trld•. Thou·
lind. of "'pone,. .nd televl.lon newl leem. noodfld In from er",,,,d lhe
world. B.zeq. [.rael·. 'u.tly reviled nilionlllzed t.lephon. comJNI"Y.
which uluilly couldn·llnll.lll.almpl" phone In In .JNIrtm.nt without.
lhrM-y"", d.IIY. Ill! up worklna rr... global communicatlom
for.n ofthern in I... than. wlllk.
Sederl Jenuolem WM the bl8ll'llt thing of itl kind ainee lhe Qu.....
orSheba h.d com. 10 woo Kina Solomon. Sodlt WM 1_lmp"",!IIKI. And
lollddlo EMl W.......d I ' - .

Ih........u ce".hd, no Ion affair bet..... n FcYpt end la...110 rivellhe

femous blbllca1 0 Bill the, did ,heno lhelr hMrtl' dealno: ~
bet..._ lheir I COIInlri. and. for s.del. ed_lid u..t 11M enllno
dftnl.1It8rl-' Sinal ~Ie II. ratvmed to FcYpt.
W1uII IolIoW«l IDOnI lban fifltllfl ...... w of Joaa, ubeustiDa-
_ , ..-d ~ ean. rhnw 101_11 11110 the IIeut of
l!>em ud t _ every detail. (Lib I. . beol Hooow.., c.rt.....ho
~I, p~ the .:toedlli. I..- Ibo Whll. Haute ten.nil court.
11ui..... on dMaib, 1M 1DOnI1IM1. . 1bo bMl.,) E.....I... U'. 11.11 c:aa>e
top''- II the leT' Camp DnId peKlleat. . . . . . wlMn euu. 'wkall,
locked lip IMeo'me........ oIlanoe1 e»d F.fyplill wbet IlIIOWII" 10
.1",,,,,, ...... wllb the Secret S. oice ea their lal.... 1111111 lhey finall,
..... 1IO. ~ U.I,.
Tbe Il'OOly la Il.el """'" of II - . y . and the! ,.,d.., ~

bet....... luMl end E«YPt fIIIy n bevel.eo ~ibl•• on fer more f.lYOr-
.ble tennl for I _ I Ithoul II.
Saldet fnookly nlf lo ....b peace ...ltboutrllln.eUof lhe Sinel
bK.k. bUI,Ince Klulnger·. monllmentel Sinai n "I""m..otln 11115, he
had the ,...Illy of peace anyway. The e",nlllall, hammered oUI al
Camp o.vid wal made poaoible only wllh MlDnnoulannual paylllentl of
m~ Ihen $4 billion from Ih.. Am....iean lupeye, 10 1.....1 and Egypl
alib. lonel 11"1 a Ihlle monI lhen Egypt In .beolut.t......,.. buIll It had a
much Nnaller population. vutly more In per<:aplla Iemll. Bul by ,lvI..,
up Ihe Sinal. 11. .11oIt the IlnU.depth II would deepenl.. ly ~ If II
....... aD, Iuna·term........-,t wllb the Pe.leltln...... II .... 1011 the t_
ritory II wou.ld ullimately - J If It .... r.c.d an
611_1.... 10 ec:qulr. lIudeu _poaa. Tbe _1arH1·. popuWlon
WII COl" • tnoled i.tI u.. . . . of IfIItlf nol Avh,. tlae IDOnI I.... ptina II
W'O\lIcI be b aDy pooddal·mlnded mani_ 10 wipe nul tlae bulk oftlae
populetioo at e t1ncJe fltOb. By sirlaa up tbe SU>al. Beslll mad, 1M!
......_ elnt ..w1OedUen.

Ral.inlllS much "f Sinal would .lso hava m.da it far ....iar to moin·
loin (ontrol of tha eu:u Strip. Tha Pat...lilli.... we", ada pi, a. tha Vi",
Cona ht.d baall beforu them. III conOlruetlns endl.... arnoyo of lu",... lo 10
.mugsla W"'poIIO illlo c..:u from EsYPt whan lha 1.,.,..,U-EsYPtiUl bonl",
wu righl bulida Iham. And lll.h.rp conlrasllo Ga:u U1d thu WUll Balik,
Sinal wu .1lIIOI1 ullinhablla<!.
~'Ut from brinaills pNOIl with ilo lIeigbbora, tbe... I•• sand .rgumant
to be mada that Cartar'. work enabled IMlgln to 11&rl a di ...lrou. war Ihal
hi. ooonlry hu. baan puylna for ever .inca. P...,. with EsYpllll the oouth

PC Mytfl: Ronald R.OC'" Didn"

Know _ He W.. Dol..
r ~ Ww Hrtwy Kis~ wI, iI &eIl1UI, iIIld if ~ dietl"t "'" - . hnitatfd 10 ltll
Lt..m "'- r.ut "'~ RoniIId Rtilp'llOl ~ily inpm,w reUb by ilpllHtiflt 10 bf so
nu<h if.l. INn"'" wli.
Whfn Rtillilfl led: oIfu,lht ~ S1i11es W'I$ ~fd to iIIlrwnlcwtf ~tllt of tunlllillion iIIld
lIppiII"tnl inpoIoou thiIIl it hid bHn <lma tlw 1971-1914 oil ~ Tht rww ~ f'MlIutkwllry
~ in m WI! II~1 holclio'c ftty·""" American diPomiIU iIIld otlwr U.s. d1llfllS hostJ&e iIIld ill
hornt tlw llilfn w4UlllllCt u~l hid noIl~fd from lht l~ of V _ iII'ld Willtrlltt.
Rtil8i11l wu-wd by till...... louch- iIClin& (ilUlkMl1. iIIld ~ bflUiiIIlll1' Ht aond hillop
officill. noI only 'tllcud and IllqtNonfd ,t,mtriu', 60miNm poiillOl'i in I"'" Mkldlt EiIlI. but
they eooen -.l it lUCcffifully 10 «O!lOffllCIll1Y1lClemWlI! tlw Xwltl Urion iIIld ~ it 1Iidin1 10
Rt...... r«osni1fd thiII tlw intfflc:lmt SoYitI Cormullll I~tm lflri-,ofd on hi&!' rtobill ~

prkf'l. II they _
iled Rillionl of tlw flft wOOd. Ht the<efOO"e workfd "!f)' d<Ml1 with lint lhilfd iIIld (sown
.....-... _-
I rolctJtmilre fof tlw L\'lilfd S1i1Its, Npan. iIIld 1Iw oth!f miIjof indlIltr~·
&--l Bo!tIln to 1a"nd1 hi, amy ioto LebaDon to the nonh in ,prill« I1NI2.
Bul DofenN Mlnl't.. Art,l Sberou', grand dlllpl for l..ebeoon quickly
WIfIt d ~ y wtOllf.lInIl ...1Iered h\lRdrede of deed and thouandt

of wouoded he6Dn i1 finally withdrew ....... much of _It. . . 1 . . . . . . .

• ft. , hnJ,k., IltIKbIIeft offic:e.
HId £cJpt _1Md _ti.llly pow IIlld IA lbe u.s. oobit. but
without • fiDll .... INMJ willi bed ...... -mlaiDMl DOD-

lrol of _ of lbe SiAIIi. but Iooad to he oa perd In the _tho Be&ln

-ud _ ............ toDP- up ... embItklue new &onl bI u.-.h..

P'Iinl:t f.tld rJ s.udi AIClW to _ _ tNt U.s.1IIIluoy powtI' ptOItclfd tho! lii"",,"'" \lodI fn;,m
tho! Scwidllfld fn;,m tilt n-. mooIuticItwiK ~ ttlt eMf who hid ;.al toppWd d1t ......
~'I_i¥thtrol, am-. -'1IIIf prWnt """"tff WI\S1011 ~ hid nul ~
tile<! 10 ~ SO¥itf< )eMf S101on. dIt IIQI prolilk '~Ier tn tun-! hi$(0IJ. whtn tilt ~
fl., _Ittl(l!td by tho! IM!'l ""'"' ~ llwlt of Nill Ge«Nnr' 11'I1941. Rtop> ~
equiI 'fisIon. boIdnnI.lfld j~ti\ cyni(ivn 11'I suppoot'" the _It tyr¥1f tn dIt Middlt Eut
s..ddAm ft;I,~ whtn Siddom omcRd kin tn 1980. 'I'ht kMlllnl rlllltd btIn:I thto' dwilmolot
~. AJltoll¥! ~ lOld tilt fIIIUirC _ drollCtd 011 to< fi&trl )'UI1o.lkdff ~ the

lkote<l SWtl P")'~ "'W"" to ~ ~ rttI·timt lnttl/Ctrott on .t'Ifff

tilt _ _ but slo_ " iC Ifld U(tJ(JIIy iWpI k...... fon;ft _ plomilc to MUd.
~ ~ in .tws MiddIt Ltlt pb.. Itt R1eetl... otd bt.L ~ Qq,
-.:t s.udi """lIfpc 01 pritts _.bbl)'
Iow.IIld ~ thr l'J8OI, _ iI dtc* II
IIohII poa&pffIty MItriu bnonotd '" iI ThI! only ~ lit ~ _ in ~ ....
_ thert. lit ~ Iunotd from "" ~ 5Idotd tht PtCPt ~ Ifld ~ If'l-
lI'C wtWd lnto I _Iw cid ... __ Hi!. hriIiinI f" ; " ~ ' - dowr iIlIdy"" '-
_ thin II Mi..aMd.

The hllUullylaclfTKl G~lde t. I~' II.lddl. E..t

lie and Sharon might .till _epllhe PLO oul of the large h
wotrolled In ooulhem lebanon, butlhey would nav.... Mwdared 10 l'u.h
on Into the ......rt ofLahoonon. lIazbollah. C.... led by thl....riM of man.,,·
v.... l'roved a fer rna... formldabl. and lon8·la,ting enemy ofthelewi.h
.Iale Ihan lhe 1'1.0 bad ever t-II.
ThOlI..... ll·~:gyplian ~ abo coot Americtltha lifa of Ito m...t
importllJlI llJId conltructive ally in tha antlt<l Middla ~;".t. On October 6.
198t. Anwar Sedat proudly ...vlewed hil armed fol'CflA al thOly marched
pen him In mal_l ..... y. A .mall group of IIlamic extnlmllt cOII,pl",.
'oro In hi, own army. furioulat Sedat'l f>8"Ca with 11",.1. broke .. nl<. al
thOll, unh marched by tho reviewing otllJld llJId "armed It. thei•• utlHnalic
rin... blazing. Se<L.t died in'lanlly. Hi. fa'" wa._led by the m...t anor·
rna", decoration he WDnl on hi, chMt, tha Sta, of SinaL It WI' ju,1 '00
bi8llJ1d lI"riah 10 mill.
Had tha 1975 Sinaill "ll""'..... nl t-n aUowed to daflne
l.raeli-EtlyptillJl ...latiom. s.d.ot would haw lived .nd e"l Illemilm
would neve. heve won h. 8"""tell coup to dele, aut by
tben. tho other .uppoeed greet aUy of the United Sletlll in the Middla Eut
had aloo faUen, aven m...., a victim to Cart....'. romantlcand farclcal ...n..
of priorities. Cartar·. "l.... t achlavamant" of peace batween brael and
E8ypt Clma al • dillltrou.p,ica, it ....uhed In Inlll·. f.ll 10 Ay.toilah
Khomalni. launching. vimlent naw form of l.llmltt exlreml.m hllh<lf1o
IncollOlllvabla. Prom November 1977 throullh MatCh 1979. Cart., WII 00
obI<looOO wllh achlavl"8 an 1....U·Egypllen ~ I1Mty that h" IgnQl'e(!
lhe in<:rlllliing "Vidence that tha .hah of Ira,,', palHlon wal cmmbling
wllh ...... zi"lll~.

Clinton: Carter all over again

AI Ii.. tlll"""", lIill Cllnton', dOllinll' with the Middla Eat apJ'M"'d tha
aboolula op"""ita of Iha h.I'I/lIlI Carte,', ""periance. And compere<! wllh
many of the buQ31.lbe ou'-!.....t Buah .dminlltntlon would mab. il
UJ... bly Itlllloob 1IlOOd.
Uoder OInIOIl. I-=- ..... relMi... -.hIlily .... pi' t t t .-.d tluou8boul
the ret\OIl...... lbe bneli·p.leltiniooo I-=- ~ - i to .d~ ......
Even Itaa IP~ to I . ....... . . . . . . .1. with the 111II111 tioa of

u.. ...-rbbI, .....'"'"' 101 ' - t by ",11"1e ~Ic otandIniIl Mobaao·

_-_ ........
mid taM.....l. ADd oil pr"- .... lil1lM1l1a'J'1d -ioh!a&Iy low. e.-.

~ to Cart""Il!&btmarioh """""' ofbu~ '-piOIIlIoce. thio

But .. It tumed IIUI. Olnloa ....,.ted Cell,," _Ie mlolab <II roc...
l.n& ....I.... y oa lbe Ionoeli.ABb ~ pi' I. HtI Can.·1
......"-Iooc:al 1 100 IbM ba ...... Id Jorp lbe 100oi: I-=- thM ....
Iluded Pft"l_ iono 00 eiU- ....... N I . .ult. lib Cell•. Oln·
ton and hlo top u:pwto tbe region i8"'lftCl or o:ataotrvphla.U, uDder·
rol'" tIM ..-mOlMleoo-but oth_iM bJ&hl, prevln",b~ .. of I
fIlroc:loullllelD, thet would k.illlllOf'll A~ In allQ31ldoy than the
JaplllMe nl~)' did It P.rl Harbor.
Clinton clnnOilab lither credit o. bl...'e for the 0.10 Peooe PtocISl.
It wu I...... li lupe"hlwk (now turned ullnlodo~el Shimon ........
wl>o laId th.t "IllI. And It wu Rlbin-hount'" by memorl. orthe d.lh
crI. of hll you... comrod. In Ihe lIM7 flshlln. for Ilt'Uulem--who
made th. aucill decilloo 10 10 .10113 with " - .
Bul once Rabin and Ar.flt hlld that ramouo mNtlol and Ihook
boodlOIl 11M Whit. HDUM lawn io 1"3. Olnton d hll tMllt ",",I,
lomped lboard tho "PMce.t wt- up Wb Carter bad ~

11 ly thrown hlnl.Mlf Into BVtIlJ' DOOk <:nJIoy <lithe lontil·£«Ypt.·

I ~1.lloc>u for l!&bt_ moothll. ClnlOO did 10 for. MI .......

,.... 'Tbtdi...... came In I"'y zooo wbaD. with lbe oandl ..rtlON run· OIIt . . blo - " _ , Ci>ltoa con......... c....p o.rid III-=-
lummlt with .....11 pri_ mioistotr Ehud Bartol: IlMI tIM old IOd IUInt

Th hlltlf~IIJ laO:Orn<1 Gol40 I. tIlo1i114dlo btl

U.lng Jimmy ('.r,rter u ~ mooel for .nything. ev..n for wh.t .till
Ippeated 10 be hi. one IIndi,pllted s-t diplomatic .chi"""",..nt .•hollid
hne glv..n th.. Clinton t...m pill.... bIlt cl... rly It did nol. Th.. id ... ~nd

driving fon::e for Ih.. mnfem""" mportedly cam.. from BarU. wh" ClOpped
a hrilll~nl at.-. H 1Mae1'~ top lpeelll foroeI comrn!lnd"" (during whleh
hi. ""ploi\$ ""OIIOdod ..v..n th..... ofOeyln Ind S.......n) wilh I .hort alld
unerly bungled premiership. Bm th..... 11110 doubl th~t Clinlon and hi.
l0P peace negolillMl we", ""OIIpllon~lly""8"" to moke Ihe effort.
For luch In Imhltloul ..ndeavor. Barak end hi. Ullm hungled th.. lmff
work for Camp Oevid II abylmolly. It II difficult to Imagine Ihltlh. men
who hid beell Ih.. legend.ry commend"T of ,peelll foTC" Ind Ihell •
....pec1ed IOF chief of lI.ff could h prov.n 10 .loppy III pmpar;"lI for
hi. great.1 ch.llll"ll. H IlIlioll.ll d..r.
BUI alro.k .•• hll Intimal" Ilt..r ",v... led. did nol e....n do the bulc
dlpl......ti<: prepIIl'ltion of IIOUndl"ll OUI th.. Pal...llnlano' It.olm.. bottom-
llne!erma for I MlII"",.nt. Wh.1 heoff.....d WH. from Ih.. l.rNli pIT1p8C-
t1v... lmm....... ly lI""eroul: mom thin 90 I""'C"nl of Ihe W(IIl Bonk. DUI h..
didn't yi .. ld on the right of relurn for th.. dMCend..nll of PII ...llni.n
Nlfugee. from Ih. tlM7 ",or, .boUI which Anr.1 wu 11I.I.tenl. He .110
In.llled on malnllining 101.1 111' conlrol Over the enUNI city of l..m.•nd 011 ret.lning Ih.. NlI.llveiy .mln Imoulll of t..rrltOIJ
beyond Ihe 1967 bord..11 on whleb 180,000 10rNlii bod huilt towm.nd
I"uiom.nll. Tht. w•• 80 percenl of the lol.ll....eli Hltl.., populllion
beYOlld the Cmen Lin...
Over Ihe prevlou, I(Iv"n yMlI, Anf.t hid IIIlned I VIII Imount for
hlml(llf.•nd hid mid.. hio fillt golno f"T hll 10"ll·....fferlng people, hy
compromi,lng for the fllIt time in hi. life. HUlltCamp David n, when he
could h."" won 10 much mONl. h.. lurned It down. Oemllldi"llllolhl"ll
bul th.... ntire cake. h.. 1011 th.. much 11'11°' Ilice "f it h.. would olh_l..
hev. bid. Hi, dtlCi.lon w., lrue IOlhe I"'u..m,of hlulT1I beblvior Ind
logic lhll h.d go..erned hi, .nli.. IIf... It 1110 condemned lorlOU••nd

Middle EM! lVon amd p..,.

P.l..tlnl.....Iike to e new round ofwv ...d ... fferi........I... then .ny·

thi,. IMy hed ....tured U1l110111 tbu:I fifty ran.
ForOlnlOn, lIM feU ..... otc.."p DeYid II def;hec! hb d.rHrM of ~
I,. e t..rl.., ud..,..,.. ~ for both lideo. BUI..".. by , C1lnlon
end hil chief Mkldle Eut ~ ""'"'Y, DenDb Rou, bed t.., the
iMtlnt wltdom 01 Healy Kbat....., ben d;,pul. . . . _ NIDi...w.. II
b __ 10..,..... . wbM.-- ..." aDd Ii.IIlply wo.....11M4t on
improYi,.lIM conditione th.I caD" inIPf'1'"d. £ ....., OCIDdi.tioGI
IUId .ulltlldeo _y eN..- ....\Iio::iIeGlly 10 l'8COQdlellM pnricoIaIy I.mIc-
nodt.ble. bul tryi,.1D do ton ma ton _ _ .1_,.. t.:U1...
n..t wu the 0IIClRqU0IDCe of c.."p o.vkl n. Wlwn /\riel Sbuvn Yil-
lted tM T pl. Mounl in ' - 2000. lUI ednolllMily poIeal"Uy
i~Wy Arafat IlMd II to off. DtlW P."lnlen Inllfada. n..
First Inllfade hed ben> , 1 wilh but noo·lethel J'f'M""U.
befeUH llInI ...d exploel w_ not _lIy enll.ble on the Wee! Benk
end In Cue .ft.. Iwenly yeero of .ffllCllve 1....11 conlrol. The Second
lnllf.da wu lu IIIOfe lethel.
Som. \.\00 l"e.U clvlllen. died In lb. rollowlns four yM" of may-
hem. end probebly el 1....llh..... tim"" Ihet number of P.leolinlen. died
from l.rHU ....llltl<NI. Rebin·.td ... lllm .nd P...... ·lutopl... vllionll\ad
born biller frull.
Th. United 51.101 bore. worse ... d more diN(! price. In lb. yeero
..fore c.."p Devld II. end In lhe fevered months up 10. durl"'....d efter
It. Olnton end hI. top offlclel. paid no eUeoilon In the mounli"ll evl-
deooe IbM .I q.e,;la, • . . - obecwe bul I-.I""y fortnldeble_
"lemllt tlln'Orill lP'O"P ..... by S.lIdl ....,...0. 0Mme bill lMleo. bed
........... emboIdelMd. ~ by ill prevlouIlmpoulllylrom NWIe-
doa by the U.s. armed torc-. II _ now p .... 1nt el«Nrill etIId: 01
unpeced..nMd __ on the two 01 the ~ c::Itl-. ill the Unit" Stet...



Mrr'IlNt Ittacb of Septembw 11, 2001. bid I profout>d .n.:t Guess whit?

1: on u.. Amuka4 p&yd>ot. 1'bIIICaryofthal "'y, wbalilld up 10 II,

Ind wboot . .uhlld from il U llowly ltarti"llia ..tidily. 11 ___
Ii.... _ _ lboo oaly ,*,pl. qumionill& til. amelll ~enlan ... tile
• lllI'IdoIs IllIooll1 _
CIA_FIl ....
lUI • o-oN ,.M
~U\ltben·-.II. MldlMl Moore 1)'pM Ol)<lvinced tbat--'>ow Bush ...d • '""" Ibn.. lout
__ fl~.

H.1libunon. t"",ther wllb Ibe Clrlyle Group and prot-bly W.I·Man,

at-sed III••ueck,
~lc ' " . tlolJ
wmtI't ~1owH III
Hill tile officlallll11ory of September 11 II.. beltn lnfeoled by politiall Ihore hwnnlllGG.
correctn...., .nd we do n-J 10 ... tthe record .tnight Mootly, if. impor- • Tumt"llt~ lLS.
t.nt to remember the bungling of lhe Clinlon .dmlnl.trltlon .nd the IO)iIMi the s,,1>tI1i
co",."..u!'" by Clinton" natlon.1 aecurity .d~Uor Sandy Be...... Aloo, it'. _.Uyt!emeM
flON.... lIla
crudallo debunk conaplrlCy tboorieo .boul Salidlin~ol"'lrMlnt;"""

bin LId",,", ....1. w.. to weal.., Saudi by lI.rml.... U.S.·Saudi

Ii.... W••lao Deed to Iqllelch the c1alrlll or Ib' bl.....AmeriaI.finlen.
1..,..ISe .

o..m. bill Udao &D<I hi. pawns &rI u.. only pmpla "fIOGIibla for Sop-
_bar 11.

[linton', tum missed the ~I Qiledi threit

It'. (ftIC:\al for u.. LIft III claim thai uoder 0111II1II A ... i .,-.1 r-'"
01 ~ &D<I proaparity. 1'bII.---.y pww. lbey .y. IDd . , - - t

n. "lIU~.lIJ l"COned Gul~. Ie lb. WI'dI. btl

Ip"ndina w.. """" kept ulld.. conltDl. They admit Clinton may have had
I"'rson.l.hortcomitllY', but he govem&d well. To pf1llerve thll mylh, you
n_1 to bolieve Ihat September 1\ <:ame oul af nowhe... wllh no warn-
Ina alall. To beUe"" thai, yoU need to !JIn""" history.
AI Qa&da wu hardly unkrmwn la U.S. pollcymaken bef""" Septem·
ber 11. It had .I.....dy cani&d out Iwo ambitiou••nd devaltaling atl""u
On U.S. largetl, well autlide Ihe normall'8llJl" of Middle Eutern termr
groupl. On Augult 7, 199ft, Ihe groul' limult.nooully bombed the U.S.
"",,,"",,I... In Nairobi, Kanya, and Oor ... Salaam, l'an:r.ania. T~her, n3
poople wtlre killed and III""" than 4,000 were wOUJIded. I and lII8lly oth...
American journalilt. comoctly aocribed the bombinll" 10 al Qeeda at the
dme. Tho w.. Il'parently linl publicly ul4'ld (Ipolled al-Qoida) by
Preoidenl Bill Clinton anly lwo wooh aft.. th..... ouackl.
On Octobor \1, WOO. al Qaeda membersuling nMhing more h!.&h-toch
than. rowboat filled with "'plotlvOll damaged Ihe USS OJ/, In
Aden. Yemen. Sevent""n U.S. oailors were kllh,d and another thirty. nine
we.. Injured. The g"'up woe cl....rly al"",dy coml"'tenl. and dlngo",ul.
Theanacu on Ihe emhelslOll Ihowed a capability to 0l'll.niu emhitioul
limult.noou.aUltCu ogailllt diffeJ'1l1l1 targetl.
Illaler emerged that differenl parll oHbe enorIllOllI U.S. international
Inl"lllgen<:& .lId domestte oecurlty orgeniutlonl h.d received
piee... of informltion indicating that al Qaeda wu org.nizlng auocu
within the United StatOll It... lf. Thil wu IOffilllhl"ll thaI neilher Ihe PID.
BlacIr. September, end or any other Pol".llnien termr group hed dend or
!Men able to do.
A number of Nnior U.S. officiall w..e .I"n 10 th" dengers al Qaede
poHd. On" w.. Il.lchard O .. ke, who w.. In charge ofoounter-termri.m
in the Clinton adminislnltion, which Clinton rightly medea cablnlll·l_l
job. Another wa. John O·N"ill.• brilli.nt. abnllve, 8"'"getti"ll depuly
director at the Fill who wu fon:ed nul nroffice In 1000 becaUN he made
lUCk. "",10ll1 bll""'lICJ'lIla ul\COmfonohlo. A thin:! wos Geo'll'l Tenet, Clin.


IIIa.. OW1I.dlncaoie-tallnt.ll....... To
;;L. .
lW a.:Iil. c.or,. W. Buab lip' boIh r - looks You're Not
and Cler~e In Ihelr poeilions-hl&hly
unuillel for .ny Incomlll3 oppoeilion p....l.
1:. Supposed to R.ld
dent (auk'·1 poo:llion wu down,gn.oHd.1 The CII.lIfop/les Ii Stptftl1be II " - pro-
Howe ••• W"'I rollowld _ '" blpeniAD cb:td .1itQoy Ii boab, ",.",. Ii lIllt'l...,.
pId. I ... d _ 'Ot!)' bnf f t AfonI' AI
-.opboe. ClolOll end lW Netl...... s.a..
rily CouDdI_. I - * l ..,. _ion",1 Nea· r - ..... AmIriaIllolWOIl Ttrrllr t,
rily ed",- SeDdy &.ta-. DeVer tool< lbe ItidIInj ~ Ntw 'IbIt: ffH f'Im, 2004.

threel of.1 QNd. "'"".Iy er>ough. Aft. .... nw t.-... r-- M QlrfdI r;nJ l1w
September 11. well",fter the Olnton admln· b1d III 5tpftmbtr ~..,. UwrffQ WrWrt
lilrelion left 011I01. Sersor, In en unprece. I'W Vort: Vw•• lOO1.
dented end hl&hlylmproper Mri. of c'-Iy No Ohl' ~ in. bftt8 poUtlon tkIn

pnmIdiUlted ecliorNI bet..... ~ z C\Irilt 10 wnw 1M lnIodIo Ref)' on 1M

end Octot- z. ZOO3. wlthdnw 1I1lJM1tN1 01 . . .td to.rcltJ oIlOfl"l-1lll. polky-

..... of 6ocv_1JI deeliJlt with iJlleabt 1IIIhors", b<:O Claon Ifld . . . Aln-
t...",.1hNe1i to the United SlII. from the 1M. opnc1fWItd, " ........1:r honN..
U.S. N",tlonal Arcblv. In Wuhlll3lon. .... "'~ he _ tNt IW tiwlI. I
Meny or IhOM documentl we" never W~on ~ thIt (ifI~ (OIl'richOll.
returned. end Berger. efter contredlcllnl If 1I1llO 11'ww. mel.
bi_U In prrtlow eccounll. evenlually
admlnld 10 deetroyi... lIIlUIy of them. Orl
Sept_ _ •• ZOOS. be wei Ii.Ded S$
So i< Wf""':'1 book, flllaMd. it II on
"-Io/Wll OlWl" who aUd

end _lenced 10 ..... buAdred I>oun of

community IMl'Yk>I for u.- ectio.... CoG•
itllJI(b. ... 110_.
' - ~ the SlptI!flbJ n_

. .lhwI, ...... ant. O'NNlQl

jlIot II
JlIII the potUI

• lderi"ll lhet the dOCUmenli be detlrvyld IIltuqotd oH t, me IIIItl in boch t!If a_

mllhl well hIVe ....... 0;;1 .. evidence for n 8Wlldm"'$l'ltlom. bn\f: 100 lM,d·
lmpeeehment Ipillli bim by ....... fulure d'IIr.... 'MY1 lhII _ _ 1M he _
U.S. Coa&r-. the peuhy _ _ • clMep IIIld"Olb........d.... ( , ' - .
priDI for him 10 ""y. II _ _ e ='011",* .... cle!-.ltdIOPfOI«thDCllIrCr)'
Pl'HUlllpllon 10 CODdude that 8eIpr

dutroy.d the documenu becI ..... th..y contained """..ptlonally Incriml·
""Uns or>uTu.lns lIVidence .boul bow he "-Dd top Qinton offic'all
unde....ti .....led.1 q.edB.

Bush drops Ihe ball on al Qaeda 100

Unfortunately, Ib .. Incoming BUlh .dmlnlllraUon W.I IUlt .1 com·
pllle""t. A Irultr'led John O'Neill w .. oqu ....zed out of the FBI. HII
... peate<! w",nlogl .bout calallropb.. 00 th.. borlzon b.d dilCNKIltM
him in thecompl_nt .. y... olpolicym.k..n .nd move.. and Ih.ken in
both p.rtit!A. He look. job nInnioglecurity lor the World 1"I'ltdec..ot..r
.nd w.. in hi. office on th.. Ihlrty-fourth floor wb..n th.. hlloclr.....11'-
liner .Iruck hi. building. H. lurvived Ihe Inilial bl..t and cell ..d hi.
family 10 tell them he w" aU right. But he In.III'" on II"lng to back 10
h.. lp reacu.. Olhe.., and perllh'" when th.. tow.... collapled. H.. wa,
one of the 01011 heroic and cert.inly th.. 01011 tngic figu... in Ih. whol..
M""nwhU.., .bl.. offici.ll.t both the FBI and Ih.. CIA we.......trieted
from Ihlringlnfonnltion .nd COOpe...llog ..ffllK:tively by congrellional
legillation pa»ed In Ihe poal-Vletn.m e.. by DemOCl'1llic-<:ontrolled Con·
greueo. ACLU·lnlplNKI qu....ln.....boul Int..lIigenoo pth..ri"ll k.. pt ...
from ocliog befo... September II.
AI late .. September 10. Def..n" Secret..ry Don.ld Rumof..ld told.
ll""'P of U.s....naton wh" w""t'" 10 .witch $500 mHHon_
ImBlllUrn by Iwenly·fint-cenlury d..f..n... budget IlInd.rd_frorn blgh·
tech """'1'001, Including baillitic rnlulle defenM, to Intl·I..=rill open·
tlono th.1 he would W'8" """'id..nt BUlh to veto .ny lucb n' Nor
II th......ny Ilndlcetion. despit.. much lubHquent Ipin 10 Ih.. con·
tnt)', IMI .. Ith BUlb Or Condoleeu.l Rk:e took Ceo'll" T..n..!'a WlImiogl
about .1 QHd.'. growina CIlf!"blJiUes "-Dd evid..nt Intentlo". to cerry out
tomlr altacb within the United StlI... "-Dy mo... serlOIIlly. Ten..t trI... 10

n.. Hiotory 01 bor 11

...... both Oint ""d BuJh et-Ity, COPlJ*-t1" ud I>,. But

If IbIn w cha'l" that UA be tam"", ...lIut hi... u ..
_ptetad Jew- ior ~1ooaI 01f1Cial who dealt witb ID&IIr of
m- __ told it _ tbM be _ 1 _ aItnollk from_Ill,. Inllh
10 po-w.
~ of A..-ir:anI . . . . . . .110 dia I . - 01 all tlw _pia-
mncy. lnc:ompeteaca. ud bu".u..

Heroes and lessons

Onl, OM hW>·I..:h 'YJI"'" w(lfked lo .. v. tOO"..mb of Amor-
lean llv... OIl Seplember 11, and II didn't c.nt from tb. SJ60 bil·
11011 Penll.ll0n budget. Thlt 1,lt.'" will tho. ordinary <:fill phOOM
.-ngen ... Uniled AlrlinN Fllihl1l3 from Newark. New jeney,l<> San
~-rand_ uMd 10 f-.porItbat their plana '-a hljecUd. R_lld"ll

tbly .... oa. _wI.)" lrip. and with nOlllllllleft 10 1oaa, .......1 pal-
...... In'-"-:l thelr kwed _ thay PIlI I<> ...... tlw hijaden.
who aJr.dr alii tlw thrmu oltba ......
II... pUoto... their COoplotten did OIl tlw
00.. tIuw pa.-. No_ wlll_ ~
tlw diaIaIl. 01 wbM loIJow.L but tho. ,.... BinlMon
_ G ,I. I.ucx:ee<l.d In lbal. aoaJ: lba .1.. W....... US
liner cruilad Inlo. hnn.ylv""l. f1.ld,
In hoi /oWdIl991lntt"" ..
klllllll .....ryoo. 00 board. ItI Inl.nded
oriItl 0iH'1 ~er Amm,
t.rget .p.-n 10 h bIIn th. United
CMmI bin ~ ~ to tthr d1rKll, 10
St.IM Clpltol, where I U.S. Seltlt. Ind
ltlt IIIKb of Stptembtr l1:
Hou.. of _ both In
_Ion.t the Ume. P£TU .uN£TT: WhIt _ fut\II'f plonIl
Illd lhal upe<:t of 1M plO! Illcc:-:led, .... lADlIt YWll"" 1oN< ....
• natlooal catutropha wOllld hn. HCI.- " ' - ilL tt:o ..... Go:I .....
Iat" Into. nall....l mlil, WhIt lived

the nation from IlICh In llnp"""ldentoo eriai. WlO. the heroi.m and Mil·
ncriflCOl of. handful of onlin")' peopl•.
Th. two hi,,"cked pl.n... I.rgot&<! for Ih" Twin Tow,," both blt tb"ir
larget•. Th"y wore n04 ...mot"ly controlled. III aom. rna... c....ti"" con·
.piracy nut. l.t... claimed: • United Preu lnt.malionallXN'nlapondalll io
M.nhm.n ...ported 1.lec bow b" aba"rved with hi. Own "yea Ih.t the
bijo.cker pilot of Ih" HCOod airliner h.d COlTIICted hli nighl to try 10 bl!
Ib" 10war.I" lowar point. to t... p rna... people.
Th" lowe.. w.... IUPpoHd 10 hio .bl. to wilhSl.nd .ny .ircnofl cnlh-
Ing inln thcm. Their li""I.lruclu..... in fact. withal""" the kln..dc .hocla
oflb.. IWO .Irllne.... uloC1ly III Ihey woo... IUPpoHd 10. 8uI th.. 10Wfn had
bMn d""lgned IxIfOltl tit.. fl....1wld... body end "Iumbo" .irlin.......nd Ih" h.d d"liba .. laly pl.nned 10 hijack plan....t Ih. beginning of
Ihelr CrQI.I-Q>untry nighl' ao Ih.ll fuel t.nka warn .UIl alm"'l full.
0Iama bin Laden had lnoined .u cl"Hlan engineer. ond he bouted lai...
th.t he bad calcul.ted thaI tha lntel\M 1t""1 of
Y, . the burning guollna would pro.....ufficient to
- A look You're Not melt the lowe..' 11"1 Itruelures. The Iwo
1.., Supposed to Read ooildinga we... aloo man vulnarable beoI"....
III • dealgn exceptionally unulual for any aky·
Fordocuonrrnilion<:i~ ~i.l1 inc~·
acral""". their lloel ableton. had t-n 0InIC:l....
IfflCa iIld b1~ <:i tilt a.,ton ildnWlis·
all the outaid... mlb.... than IlIlheir inn.... COni.
mllon on rht 1'Jbjto, ~ boollto rNd Is
Had l.... lWln Towe.. t-n built in th.. lradl·
""""....... !*ow Nnrritcr'llnf~ foil-
ilnnal m.nner. they might ."rviY"'"
"'" LfJ to Pill by &ill ~l; w,lIW1glon.
Th.. fourth hijacklld plln. Will crub.... Into
DC: ~, 2002. ~L ~ ~tfl'.. lntelll- the Pen!alloo. The .uperiority of World War II
JfIlCf corrnpondfl'tt n ~ ~on .rchltectural pl.nnlng lnatead of l\MlOs Iky·
TmfI. producod. ~-o1ri "-"ho<itl!~. acnl"''' .pproYed by Ih.. Rock.. f.n.... w.1
dfyntiliJl&, on:! 0'0'fI'WI>eI...... in itl docll' rapidly demonltratll<!. Tit.. Pemagon
mmtilion and ~.;L
toll Will 1.,".. 200" fraction ofth. 2.7M1
who dill<! in lit.. Twin Towe.... Th. Pentagon
d"""n'l .wen .pp.r 10 h..... bee!:> the Imended I..rt. The hlilecken
.pp.r lO /1.1... -.hllO diNtrO}' the Whll. HouM, bullhey diw.1 . .1-
Izie u.... the Whll. Howe b Oll"Mully camou.~ from . . . . AICOlP';liooI
and bee been lOr r-re- Unebl. 10 ldentil'y lbe Whit. HOlia. they then
etrucl: lbe Palc...., ... \be _ ..tly identifleble tuwet. IIImm1nR u..t c:onuadee on Ulliled ., _lit dIIItro)' !be CIopltol.
De.... Secret.ary Rumdeld oI:.o.. ed . . .ppeared 10 ....." ",,_I
c:ool_ end M1f....... M-K- w .... rialli,. the ail. 01 the cn.hed eirii...
m lob 0WIl PalUi1"" to.dquar!flrS.. How..... "'1. tepOO'U .....-led th.It
R.......wd _y _ he... been fully ..... 01 whet ... aol-. on .. bow 10
_~ .... apeal lbe reoI oIlhet r.leful moroitlfl polnd,kiDllly cirelti,.
lepl N_ of l1li...-1 under whkb the U.S. Air r _ _ Id .boot
down hl)lcbd wilDen.

The Saudis weren't compllclt In the attacks

CIIwlrophea and u_h\.lllon, .lwaY" productl conlpll"lC)' lheonea.
mOll! 0' th.m Ibillm. Ind Sept.mber 1\ WII no exc.ptlon. W., hlwQ
who wenled to Inwed. Iraq lried 10 h'lIJI the bllJll. on Sedd.m Hllnein. Wlln'll Ihred nr ....1.wtd.1lO& In '"pport Ihal oonl.nllon. Ihough
depllly defena - . r y PIll! Wo]fuwll2. WI' 11"11"3 In Invulon of Iraq
within lw.nly·fou, t.our. of the .I!M:kI.
Al lhe other end of lh•• p«:tNIQ were lh. llft·wlna Dill. led by
MIch.l M.-.. who alwa)" bed hated lhe Seudla '**'- they ...... rkh.
con~ltI.... rellJl...... tnditiooal. and-won( of all-frienda ollbl
United Stat. and the Bulb family.
""* ol the IlII-:bn .... indeed Saudb. the . - __ fcyptIana. '1'hla
wll no ..:ddenl. Bin Ledao WlllIed 1o IGpedo \be U.s.&udl alli&o<:e.
10 he wlDled u llIIOJ' Seudl Mttoaall II poMible Impl\Qled m the
.tIId... He ... clM.mi..... 10 • ablj.h the callpbat. the. Muttlle
K...... AIaIII", Iled ebo.liabed ill 1124. and IW lint and primary wpu

we... the rule.. of hi. own netion. whom he h.led wllh. virulent p...
lion. The Saudll' l1UIin .uUfOll or Income ....m.lned their oil w<porll. Ind
U.S. ml1ltery .upport .......lned _nUel lothe kingdom'••urvlv.l In the
r""" of the Inmi.n and lreqltht&ote. The...rore. bin Loden'. 'lnteslc 1""1
on Suptember 11. beyond Il.ugbterillfl thounnd. of Americanl Ind
d"".pltltlng the entire U.S. politlceIIY'h''''. w., 10 deltroy the U.S.'
Saudi IIIi.nce. He didn't qulte IUcceed. but In tbe sbon term. he d.",·
IIged It ""diy.

The Heroics of F1isht 9J

~ hiiooe:k~101 Ri&flt 9J hid w¥lltd !lie pISHIlI!IS to Ill)' Ifill but onee !IIey
turned tNt Ittl hid aultfd Into !lie Tw", Towm lIfld !lie l'fntilO'\ !IIey rNl·
~ !lie)' needtd to IKe KIm i!eolow i!ltl ellCffPl 01 !lie <ell phont «lI'lVff"·

lion bet_ FliJhl 93 ~ Tom &o.mt1t ond hi! w·If.., DHnI:

DUNA: No! SiI dowft, be Jtill, be qulet ond dofI', drJw m"",ion to _otIfl [1!It e"" wonk
t""" to hat t., OtIto .vt.... ni&h\ omnd&olt tr....... J

TOM: 0eenI, if t~ I"inc to <mil thi< pbne IrIto I!It ,......... ....." ....... to IIIoe to do

TOM: WI ..,,',_ fOf I!It IUItIo<ItiIOs. I dofI~ __ ...... t ~ clMd do ...,..,.11', up to .... I
!IWIl .... <IfI do It.

DUN.\; WhIt do rou _ "" to doT

TOM: PI"!. 0eenI, !uit p..y.

DUNA: [Ifttr 010<'1_11 ..... )'0\1.

TOM: 1IoII~ WOf11......" I"inc to do >Oi,wltlio...

Tho HiMOf)' of Septombow 11

llln !Adell w. . . rtlMpdl. but he WII ....n"'. from one of lhe

.-lthlllft. bIIt<OrlMCled. _ lnflueatlal, IRd _ rMpided r..mJlieI
ia Soudl Ar.bla. 'mmMIi.l.ty 1ft.. 11.1'" s......b...-:ted by
l'UIhllll" mill' of thair _Ibl......t of Unll..l StltIiI II pouible.
lAlIr extentlvw ~ no ladlclcloll tJlIt Ill'
Il&nIllcutt ~ in
!hi 51...... 1'0)'11 6uDUy, t. .. m.ojor m.tlt_ 111\"0'......
ia !hi plot. but ! h I _ flisbI did pIIy Imo t'" ........
oI opr.ey _
..... Much dim. _ a1Io c&oo>o. by MichIIl MooN'. Im_teIy popu'
.... doc:wn.IlIry FaNwtJoftIlill. ia tbe,-rb8oN!hI ZOlM.. It IiII
IlrIc'tlolt thl DOrlot _ _ ........ thla SUlCI million----.. p t..l
~ billy A-'cIll ~IIIyCWItbutricll t.......
! h I _ 01111....,.,.. _ the aoti&..... i lOCI .0t~1 compuy .......
IlOlI wltb wblch Moon I-t it.
'fbi Unlt..l St.t. . . .Id • b.."Y price for !hi anU·s.udi .....nola
f.nnOld by Moon IIId hi. friendL Th. s.udll w.....1.rmOld by .1I1he
rhetoric, .nd lhey feored tballtlo to"&b _urM InItio USA PATltKYT
Act thol could f"'l'll tllTOMII coplUoI could fnouI s."dl copll.I.1 well.
Th.y mo""" mOil of Ih.ll'luld ....... Ih.y h.d kept for decade. in tbe
Unlled Silt.. to other pull of the world, No on. know. Ihn ..oct .UlIII
Involved, bul.tlmltll hive ruo .. high .. mloy bllllulII of dolll",

Why did It happen?", s.udl Arabi. WII I .... jor lim of bin lAden. bul he hed ""
ihortftIe of _ to bll. !hi U.s. Self-botiaa AmencaoIllh to lIy bin
lAdoo .tucked 1M U.s. beco\IM .e opp.-l lhe Palllliniano ..
boca.... 01 ...... copit.JiII"-' Od>on blame ...... a>n\IpI alIlut1 ......
..lIitary 0\ •• ...0. Itt _ ...,.. tboyn III riFt: bin L.doa at1Id..l UI
_ _ _ of ~ oI:M;.ot ....
If you look It bta 1Mioa' publ;c _ _1I. ...... 1Dd 1ft..
SeplIlllbIr 11, you _ tbot!hl u.t ofcomplainl:lla ....... In 19l11i.1ft. be

lau&<! hil "D"dlll1ltloll of War AgoI"stthe AmerlC&lls Who Occupy"
Soudl A",bil. he 111r1buloo the jihlld 10 the fact thot the U.S. governmenl
II ~unluat. crlmlnl;' Illd ly",nnica!." He cil&<! Amllrican "IUPpa" for the
br&llll OCCUJllllion," a well u our Il"'mce Industry Icha'lli"ll int......t. you
nnw). and nUt con'umptlon of .Icohol. In. post-5epleml)er 11 l1al...
ment, he anad&<! the U.S. for our agalllll Sodd.a.m ULUJein',
regime. r...el', u... "f fol'Ce Iglin'l the Plleftinianl. lhe oombing "f
Hl....hlma.and Naguol:l..and the very exillence of l'r&Ill.
V"'}' limply. lhe only way we could have avoid&<! the altl<:1: wu by
preventlng it th~ Intelligence Ind counter-terrori'm mIIIu .....

e. . anythl... I. done about .he Middle £un c..a .,..,. be

Guess what?

...... .
mall"'! c.n ...... t'-' 1lJon,f. U>d boP' I...,. ......' botIMrr

limmy Carter aDd GeoIp Buah ' - - ahown .. thet II'XId iDtenu.- and
W..."", Ilto.nll"-lllwon'ltol... Middle £Nt', problenu. Indeed. thly r.:rtilI»ttI .. "..1ICl
a.,.. 'Nllhlul ...
tend to ....k. tbl",. worM. Thll bu Cl.lIeed lOme AmmcaJU 10 all for ~

"' to IlOl,te ounely.. from Ih, "'Ilion .nd let them flgbt it out them- IolIIiDII poopIo _101
...1..... ThAt mlshl ha... w ~ Jew, M~ Ml'led In Ih, re(llon ...d JQ~ .. dulh.

hId OUlllver been dJ-';OVlred, • E..,n If bfHl WI~

Th' Mlddl" "'Ill' II' m...... hut not. hopei... m.... Looking ,t the II",",,"" Ulmne
....Ion today. Wi! can _ Whll ... orb and wh'l dONn', "'0<1<.

Hope at the end or the millennium

IsLomlsll """Id IllII
....111111 COIlqutr lboil

• T1o!lty .. Illiblt
AI u.....d 01 IMIWl!CItlotth QI!fIIUf)'. tIM imllW!Lo',1'fO'P"Cl' b m. Mid·
dle £Nt Ioobd hopeful. s.ddua HuaeiJI Rill Nled III I.... end ....Iu
I ,..u,.. s-II
'11k", ""

Auld I!I Syria. WI ,*",",m "'" bI.fI_ ""ttldlt Inoq. _ NMd _ ..-
~ It f;Mltloua. E hid • NlMIftly m d. .II ..........ideot
MoMm..... KbM·ml.and tbe ... i;sIow aat)·W..... - - . "'the h l_;..
RnoluliOll MeIlMd 10 bI ",...,.;,. out of st-. IOleI.amI _ oIhnd

Presidellts Bill Clllltoll alld Georg. W. BUill a d...l to ocrap hli lIud.....
progt1lm III Mum for diplomatic ...Iallolll &lid all elld to Clmfrontatlon.
but n.ithe' p dUM 10 gralp th.t partleula, neul•. Kllalaml"1
.!templl at ...I.tiv. moderation gol nowhe.... alld ill 2005. a vel')' dlffe,...
ent man replaced him asl...d.". of Inm: Mlhmoud Allmadinelad.
Ahmadillejod's emergenca wu ollly one III a _ieo of grim d.velop-
mentl thaI made Ihe Middle Eell a valtly mO... ominous and threatening
pl""".1 th.. hesllllll"3 of lh.",1 cenlul')' lhan It had been JUlt.
f.w Ihon yMJ'l befo....
Oil priCN, which had beenlowerlhan len dollar. I benelin 1999. had
dimbed to mo... thin dolla", alwonel by lit. 2001. Sadd&Il\ and
Alsad we... both go"•. but lhlngo w vutly wo.... in both countri_
than when lhelwogrim old "",'alhiall w llill.liv•. In ll"llq. U.S. forcea
quickly loppled Saddlm. and .t the ,"d of 2006 h. Wal des.rv.dly
hanRfJd for IUlt a fraction of Ih. monstrous crimM b. bed. commiUed. But
U.S. policymak.... saddled with lihenl. do;pxI.,. dreenu about equII·
ity and d.moalCy. bungled lh. peac•. In 2006 and 2001. more l.-qlJ

,.. ..
w..... dying alld .t a foot.,. rat. Ihalllh.y had duriltJllb. awful Saddam

III Syria. Alled'llOn Baslw ruled securely I I preold.nt. but he proved

far more th....lenil18 than hil CIIUlioul lwod. Syria bousht lMl'W mi..
lil"" from RUllia. and by 2oo111raeli milil..,. allalYlllludsed tha dallger
of an oulb.... k of direct war between SyrlIand urael great•• than 1\ any
limo linen 1913.
Und.... Ahmadin.jod. a man wbo publidy d.nied th. Hoiocauli. Iran
pUlhed ah ... d with its lIud...r armam.nt d.v.lopm.nt progrlm flste,
lhan "".... bef".... AlunlMiin.jod openly boalted of annihilating 11....1. Th.
th t of an liraell or American p.....mpllve .trlk. "&Ilnlt tha Iranian
nuel r faclllliOllltee.dlly grow.
Th. PalMtinian·llraeli lim.tion allo Mw 10m. bAd tlll1ll al the tum of
the mill.nnium. [n 2000. V.....r Araf.t to malo' urnli

"-:e In 1M Middle EMI

.........1""" II Ihl CIlmp Dlvid II ~ conr_ _ 1ftd. lhea unl_bed

I bloody new ull on '-I. Beforedyl..... be _ I bid: 10 wlLat
he m... belt: ¥lins- Reginn;", iD ZOOO. the..-d PdIItInl.on iDlilada
lIboo/i: ......1 rOO' fiWI yan. wilh ill ....Ia lIdk: .uklOe 110mb IU.IIO;b
. .ilUll dvill_ In puhlic pa-. MaN ...... U clril ..... diM durin&
Anr.c·11IIC bWfth u- man,. preriaw: conflict UDIpI bthe 1941 .....
A,..r.1 .ppeu11O be" p"uiDel,. bellned thai 1 would fall.pan
....... tM _uti. ......... '-Iii ....11ed I Araf.I·. aid ucb..
ant'"flOllllt AriM Sbarolllw:a_ prime .unitt_ lOt \.uc uwl ... joyod aio
1\_ bow. HI beld hio alUnlry I aDd ~ r. "",·.ly In
....liMary ~ribo apm. hoth Cua the Weel But.:.. T1w 1.....11. blpl
k1l1lJll off Hlo..... \.Mdert. but II didn'l do ... y..,...t. T1w Frencb bod
found I'" _ thinl wlMa lhey M the NaIiOMI Ubemlool Froo!'1
hl&h command duri", u.. A~ of bldepeDdenl:-. WhIt did .....,.
tuall,. work, ..... bulldin& h"lll' ~ 10 cut off _ oflhe
Will Bank .nd Cua from 11...1.
Ily ZOO1, Ihe,. ...1.1 good cue to he mlde Ih.llhl Middle Eatl h.d
lndNd fi""ll,. heoome Ihe world'. mOil d.nlerolll nflighbo,bood. The
lrony"'l1 Ih.t, deophe II. ,.plll.lion, II had newer bee" 10 hefore,

They are here to stay

Wben '"' 1‫סס‬1o: lllhe diffICUlty of aenJ"I"P' .table MIJ>II<nC)' In I....
....ny I\.merkano _ thai the Middle Eu110 neuly lnetpal>le of per-
manent or 1-eilhm,lel"""'ment. Reopeo;1ed jounllllit Cbuta CiuI,
hardly •• unc:ondillonnledn:d_ of the oolled
Ilw0000ttMo orthe repoo -.nt-with f1lOp.- ADd It IoIl*tII.o.Iy thecae
lA the _It-lint ClIDtury thai the ...... __" of 1.llm!. _ i t m.
....named tor the dl_'nNlly .,..oc.Jed u.s, mlllwyc:oaual.-1 i.. lnoq.
put preriouoly liable ....i.... lib thoN of Jordas. SllOdl ArIbUo. IDd
f'cypc lOt ..... tiIk.
The fact ....melnl !h.t by the beginning orthe twenty,lInl cenl ..ry the
".IIon-lllt.. of EjjypI, SyriI, Jordan, Sa..di Arabi., .nd ""en Iraq h.d .n
t-n in Ih..l. borden .nd ..."""tiol ferm for mOTl! th.n I4IVm1ly-
fiv.. yeon .....::h, ThRt lhem olde. lhon th..-.qUlrten oflhe mem-
be. It..leo of the Uniled N..lion., Moot of th" nation. orthe Anb lelorIue
had wnn !heir Independence belON Indi. and Piliatan became Independ-
ent".lionlln 1947 .nd befo", tho People" Republic of Chino will at..b-
llthtld in 1949, The meior oil-producing 'llta. with the """"plion of Iraq
(Sadd.m·. murdernul hungl... ~aln). prnven fll' mo... gen..rnu•.
ooci..lIy lu.t, .nd Ikillful .t ,horing their vall wealth with their people
and m.inlliningoocl.l.t.blllty, Compare that tn ntl>er oil malo"' around
th.. wn.ld, .uch .1 Ven..Eu..I•. Iran {whe.... the lhah und ... I, or
Jndnneai.a. whk:h und... th.. long rul.. of SuhRrto w" prot>.bly
th.. moot conupt notion on ..rth,
Ev..n Gam.1 Abd..1 Na.....'1 .eglme In Egypt. the moot militarily
incompetenl gov..rnm.. nt in mGd..rn Middl .. Rail hi.tory. didn't fall
aft.., three consec..tiv.. h.. mIU.tlon••tl.....I·. hlRd_th.. 1956 Sln.1
Campelgn. th.. IlM!7 SI.,o&y 1'1••, .nd the t IM!D-t 970 W.r of Attritinn,
Th.. Second B.·..lh Republic in Iraq ret.ined Itllmplacabl... l..rribl.. grip
on pow..r from 1968 .. ntll total military d"f... t " th.. hand. of the
United St.t... toppled it In 2003, And .galnl! .lIlh.. prognoallcation.
of Am..rican pundltl both old .nd n..w. th.. Bo·.th R..publlC In Syri.. h..
..ndur..d .inc.. 1970. Even liUI.. /ord,n ...Il.bli.h..d., a ca....I.fI..r-
thought by Win'ton Churchill du.i"ll hll holid.y .mid Ih.. Pyramld••t
th.. Cairo CDnf nce In t921, continu.. to thriv.. und... King Abdullah
ll. though th I. nO H.m.. h.. it firmly in lll,ighll, And"" fll',
the end I..., prnphecl"l nf doom thaI h.v.. t-n thrown .1 the .h...wd
.nd cautiou, Houl.. of Saud ov..r th.. half-c..ntu.y h.v.. not heen
worth. cent,
Thil obviolll record of political and even lOCi.1 ..,hlevement .hould
have giv..n the .mbillou. armchair ,tn.tegilll of the fInt BUlh admini..

trltion, who .u-m.t of ....... wina tIwt map of Ih, Mlddl, Eut, a".. for
ptUM. UnfonlllMt,I,. II dlda't.

ARb democnlCY " erlremlsl rule

Aft.- tIwt MIKb of Sept_ _ 11 killed tb,.. thou..nd "-i<:aM. II
....._ r.h,= ..... in tIwt Bldh adm'nl_'=" u.s, pundil d.rcl.
to d IIbouI ~dnlILl-. tIwt...-p" 01 m. MlddI. F.atc by bcbtt oonupt•
....PfI'l'"'dI' _-d.-oucb "'IIi- to hili;".. cruD-do ali.ulloo
,........ A by fipft Io....,...u,. B..... ad",ln'_'= pol~ to
..tnc. !hb I . _ Nataa Shannaky. m. "'-IaneIJ NfuM,ti.. " - '
who ..... d.n-.l _lhaIla decade 01 i",pn...,_l and ...... by !be
SoYIet KCB to _ .. _ a ~ '-0. He _lvall, beew_a poIilical
..... end ri&bl·wl", ""1 .mlnbtflf In btMl. Sherln.k,', book
TIY ClaM ~ Oemoo:rocy d hb embrK. of !hll t pt'O\"1I<I RnOI'

_I, lnn"",Ual with ld""t c::.orp W. 9 Ind SeaeI..,. ofStltl

CoodolIleUl Rice. who ~t to ...1oroo it a' thl ""'&lnnlll8 of 9uIII"I NC·
ood Ilrm In 2005. Th, ...,,111 werl unllOl'mly dl...trow for tbe United
Slltllllnd I.. many frl""dland lHi... In Ihe ,.lun.
lotlmlc Ul",mlill Ind flmeloully Intl·Anllrlcen I'Irtllllnd mo".
"'Inll mad. huae pllUln elec:lkJnlln Kuwliland fcypI. Il...... won 1""
blltlw IllCllooo In Cua thaI thl UnIted 5u.11lI bed preooured Pal ln;"n
A"thority pNlldiln' Mahmoud Abbu 10 hold. \~ IIn"I ly rr..
delllOCfltk ~lor>I . . . bald IICI"OU lbe ........ ut1flflMt IIlamilt J1U"
Ii. '"'"' Im.-ly.....,.........
'ilion Ihould be.. boooa DO owpriM atlDY 01 thla. 0 <,ecloM fir
from a1wa,.. ~ l>urinc III flnt bty ~ 01 popuw ")
.... 1121. m. lhtilell SUI... apended .,.,.. belr. OOJII'- and fuuBbt
!be blood. . ch11 .... 10 tM>doID w.e... lUoI-r, "". ...._ powtb 01
lbe BrItiab Empire _ all 01 AfricI and 1M Middle EaIl ""_ only
1ft. IInl....J ..... ~ _ IftIl'OdIll»d I, 1167.

F., from "drainl"llthe,· Ih., policy or undemtlning.uthorit...
I.n Ot cautioualy con","".tlva Mgim......u much m""" akin u, blowl"ll
apan tba .... l.. nighl dOOl'l on tba 11tonic, Tha aumpia of Saudi A",ble
.In<:41 Seplembe' II abow. Ihal s="lI' tndltionel, and II.bla govarn-
lOenlll In 1M Sunnl MUllim Middla Eelt, given I'8IlIOnable It.bilily acro8I
their borden, ...... perfuctly capable or .upp......i"lli.l.mic ....1... mi.lO and
tenuri.lO, Ind..:!, lhey ..... iot bettat.t doi"llit th.... th" United St.t..
and ill onned fo"",," hav" proVllII to be In iraq.
in th" yu, .fter Sepl"mber 11 the ma.l volubie Intelligence tho
Unlted SllI.tM ....::eived In llll fliht "ll.llllll al Qaed. cam. from t h . _
...""Ie", of Jordan and Syria, {Th. [.... Ii int.llig.nOlllimply w••n't very
good.1 BUI 1M SyrI.n. became furiou. at the Bush e(\lOinl.trtltlon '. con·
Unulng bostility to them end broke off WI coope..tion,
Still, polltlclanlln both peril'" talk u if functionillfl d.mocracy in [""I

can 101"" our probleml in the region. The l"ecllI on the ground ""8fI'!"t lOIRe-
tbil\fl very dlffe...nt: tha charactet of lilam end Ih" A...b people ""lui....
tough, autOCJlltlc ll"vemmool Ilk" Saudi Anlhi_lh" Ottoman Empi ,

Why solving the Israell·Palestinlan

conflict woo't solve the problems
The", i. no doubl WIthe AtIIb wotld .nd th" ... Id"r MUlllm community
i. by continued l eli conlrol of th" I>oly plectlll In j"ruAI.m,
U1d by th" very continued ill""':" or th" Jewish .llIle. AI 10'., have _n.
thi. hu been the case eve' linca Haj Amln al.Hul..inl, Ih" mufti of
jetullll"m boIt_n the wotld wan, .uCOlMlded.., w"llin IolemidEin3 hil
local, biller COnmel wilh Iheinunl Jewloh community In Pal",t1ne,
For ...""nly yean. ambltiuus p8IlCemakftn, ... pecially Am"rieatlll .nd
loraeiia wilb viliona of Nobel PIIIIC" Primo dancing In headl, hav"
punued. two-.t.l" ..,lullon like the pot of gold .llh., end of 'he taln_
bow, The unending nalure ofth.confllct hu convi""'lo<l mof'8 than. f.....
peopllo In the w-' tbt wI"- ~ In the ..... CUI a>me ..... y Ihrc>up
'lMtilll brMli- iflip ~-'-t.
Sudro • .,.-c. jwl: fm . . .t\d)'lnI.-y .... ~ l*Wnly
be nke. BUI with tt.m.~_lnC.. • I, I ...........
tor bu",*, '-!lud U.s. pollciM In !be the put IlAenI
J-' ·w doo •• Io,w'.'I!oob rwtIl.-....,. and _1II1I1b1y lbm-.
But_ If II cuuld hoi aclt .......... 1M ttu.t ol.. <D<b . . . Iolamlot ~
ol ....1or Arab natiON. Includl". tM • •lIhi.1 _ . •ouldn·t nnlab
.........l3ht And If bneJ. -'>ow dMtroylod fll.u.- bylranWo nucJ.r
.llllClt or by combined Syri ·P.INUnla.. or Hezboll.h·lranlan military
1CI1on. 1,1.",1... mnlidfl1>Qll.nd pow_.. d thl dangan they poH to lho
United Slit.. and W....ern RuMJ-would ..... v..tly WorM. ,,'" boIIl••.
Tha _IOn for thi, i" ,Impl. and obvioul o... IMI 0...... bl .. ~

und_ood very cleuly. With I cynlcll cIeri.y wor1hyofNlccolo MIChI-

....111 or Adolf Hitllr. be w..... lhM peoplilib 10 Iollow, ... ro". borM.
TbI _bol. hitl:ory ol the Arab worid ..... the modem Mldd1l Eul
,_dood In thiI book conr...... !bIl _baa w-a rr.. mII'kII '*'--
eM =1Ullrily ooaquered Uld U- oa:up;ed 1M !be naliat e1i_
WIMId to be llb thInl.. WM. '-:lII or c.:.a.m...u.t IMItioN . . 10 bI
on lhe uplwi.....I.... 1M W-. copyina ............_ the feahlon In
ahlpl ... Middl. £ute.... poIilic:aI ...... 1Dd Ibm rulUli... l>Itloll_...
Ilxltlml "lim. 0>0lI the ralJaloa .. II t.. tradilionllly bien pncIicId b
M ' - ....... hundred yeus••11 cono;oo;tld bJ AY'loIlah Khoml1nll..
I"" .nd SI)'}'ld Qulb In E!Ypi. But If H.",u. Syria. I ..d Ihll. 1....1...
,Ill.. to_bow mIIlIg'ld 10 deslroy irnIl. would II QooedI"'''lIIClIIJ dl,·
'P,,"' from Ih. "'""11 Would Ih. exl,..m, 1ll,mlllllm>r Ihf1ll,110 lhe
U.. ltld StllN and W.I.... Rurop" vI"I.h ovemighl1 It il_J to _lh.,
It would noI.
~icel \l.lem ..... 1d hoi ICIIboIdeDlll. llOllililn.l. by tbr et.wctlon
ollsnoeL Tenor IltIo:h Uld the _ \l.1amiIt J.den' ......... <lo .... tbe

n.llons of W$Alern Hum"" would In"""' .... nOl dec......I•. I!'4l
lSI1I.1 would l••d to ....pld 10cnoaH In the popularlly and preilig. of
.xl""m. Illamie mov.m.nls wilhln p"",loully far mo"" mode"'le Mus-
lim communlti....round Ih. world. The oot w.y 10 elimlnale popul.,
support for ouch group' "",to Ila",e them of SuCCGI•.
When Adolf Hiller IUCC8fIdftd In conquering or othMWiH abaorbi.Jlll all
Gtlrman majorily region, In I!uro"" lnlo hi, Third Reich. he did not
becomo a I8li,fit>ri. J"'8clI-10vinll mod."'I •. In.lllld. h••"".I....lfld hll
pl.ns 10 Invsd. Poland Ih. followlll3 And wh.n h. succeedt>ri in
wiping oul Ih. F",nch .nny .nd Iwoepi'4llhe Brillsh army off Ihe I!uro-
"".n m.lnl,nd in 'ummer 1940. h. did not _.Ir. the .nd of Ih. war.
lnIlMd. h. puahfld ah... d with planning hl'S"""".1 crtm.: th.S'IIlocid.
of lhe "'wilh PMlpl. In I!uro"" .nd Ihe oonquOlI .nd en, of lha
I""'pl.. of lh. Soviet Union.
o..lroying 1'......1. th" would nOl m"lllClllJy eRdieot. anli·W.I·
.rn .nd .nti·... m.rieon tenlimenl from th. Mlddl. &..t. It would lIl<~d
i110 Udal·wave proportion,••nd lhe forces relpotUIlble would prob-
.bly IWoep 10 power acrout"" region. d.lroyinll "".rnlghl tndillonally
modenlt••nd ....ponlihle governmenlf in Egypl. Jordan.
Saudi "Rhl•. and the Culf S\.l18l. This d08l not mean W...lem n'llona
,hllUld .bandon lhe 1'·Pal_inian conflict But th.y sbould .bandon
their traditional dnl8m of bri'4lll111 an elemal, lUll, and luUll3 end 10 il.
Henry KIISI"3et'I ~imlillc wlldom In dealing with theconnlct .fI....
Ih. 1973 Yom Kippur W.r II now mo", .ppropri.I.lh.n ever: Ih ......
conflictllhat eon boo con\.linlld .nd .llowed to die of old age... Ihe hil_
lOry of Ihe .Irugglel In Nonhern l..ll.nd demon·
""'t.... The 001 thing Ih.1 eon boo doneil to try 10 .mellOnlle 'ufferl"3
and immedl.le grIlM1noet and provide tecurUyon both lid... whne poll.
ponlnllihe mOIlI dlffi<:tllt lISU... ID. l.ler d.le.
"'""Um. that 10m. """rfecl" [..881i·Pal...lini.n peace could be
achieved between 1'......I.nd the PIle,Hnia",. Or even Ihe
"-" in the Mid,no EIIt

l... dero of IiIJllU wuld rooclll vud,ging but

v..rifilbl. eompromi.... WOtIld Illth. oth...
IOCI.I. ",Hglou•. political. t.rror. economic. The Etfunol Economy
Ind """urlly problems of tho Middle East
@CoWl concl!l>"1bl1 t~ or
vanish overnight? Thly conolnly would not.
H 10 linking to tecall thot when bin Loden W Jisollnlo consumption "'ittI E-
85.1 MI e<:eblq: of 8S perunt
and his lUi. got II Qaodo up snd "",nlllllin
th.. 19900. th..y [>lId IlmOit no .n.ntlon to ethInnl. TIll' ccuntl)' micht I0o/I1 little
the 11...Il·PIIMtlnlan ronniet H simply dlffmm. thouc/I:
w.. n·t Imponlnt to them. They demandoo .., lht '"' MIl. 011 lht.,..;loblo
the _to..Uo" nf the coUphot.. to politlaLlly o:roplllld rtflht UNted SUI.. "'OUld
end religiously rul. III Muslims. pu,," Ind be ~ for (0<11 procIYctlon. .•.
limple. It would he. coliphote BtmOO with .., Z048. lly lht wldI'-".
wittllht"'"f'l .... rtf rilles, -.ld
nuel..... w....pono. eontmlHng.1l th.. mlln
be.-.d bJ ""'" plonut........
oll.produclng ....... 011 earth. It would lIOt be
I peace-_killg or on loCCommodoting ono. Mlin:eio l Din d@0I""',,-@l>L "Ethonal
III the Oltom.n .uhan-calip,," """ntuelly III F...-t fnftU. (Ifbon DiooilW ~l¥lm.
ilId £o:olocQl roocp."",. !ioScitru. My
became eft ... they w.... thrown bock from the
&"t.. ofVienM forthe MCOtld time in 1683.
Bin Llden-..d the Mtreme 1.llmilt
groups thlt hav.. mUlbroome<! lICJ()H aouth...... l(Mltheut...... Ind oont..1
Alii over th.. JIIlt decod.. Ind. h.lf-lltriv. toward I mllitlnt. oxt",m.
coliphlt.. that w(MIld mah th. lIItlOllS ofEost Ind Wilt IUk. bnw down
Itltl f_. Th..y .lIvillon Isup",ma gov.rnm.nt. ",I..ntl_ In unltlllll tho
.ntl", world und..r it. Own violon of 1011.01.
Eatebliohing I LutIng. fllf. Illd lust PMC" "lVt"'ttUllIt betweon Is""'land
th. p.IIIUnl.lIs would not .lImln.te th<l grinding pov..ny of EaYpl. It
would nell end th"lIlIbitiono of.1 Qaeda to d..troy the kingdom of $Iudl••nd u....11 ita oil w....lth to finl""" ..ndl..... unlimited. jlhld
lround th. world. It would t>Ol e"d th. elforu of 000.000 poor Y.m.... ls.
y.... to try to sn... k into $Iudl Arobl•.•ddlng to th<ll"'ll". potonU.ny
TIll ,,",1I1lc11l, 1 _ 'HI li'oldl 11 lho "loWll laol

th"",tenIIlll. unltlbll under'Clul in tbat country. It would Dol eDd the

ambition_ of Ihe Illamic Ropubllc of Iran to control the entll'll Gulf. No<
would It end"" Ill""iate in any wlY the contlnulIlll onatehk chooo ;n Iraq.
The bloodieol confliCI In modem Middle Ea" hillory--the eighl-yeu
lran.lrsq War--had nothing 10 do with the 11...!l·Palestlnian conflict al
all. And when Syrian pl'lIIidenl Hafez Aaad obliterated hi_ own city of
Hlma, he did an to kHlllllmllU. not J«WI.

Tbe American pipe dream: Aworld witbout 011

The Unhed SlIles lIilllmporu Iwenty million hamill of oil a day. Ind
Chine impoo'll S.6 million _nd riling fall. Indi_ II h....dingtOwll'd huge
imporu II well. Yet Ihe idea of a "hydrogen economy" ,.,malne. famuy.
HydJ'Oll"ll.powernd lutomobiles are yean. probably d"""dOl. away from
being ch... p. Nfe. and coat·effectlve. Elhlnol. of cou.... II complelaly
Unprofitlble without mammoth ,nboldle,. and upandlnlll1 beyond.
niche fuel would involve coveriIlll the nalion with com. The id.... of get-
Ilnglhe U.S.. much Ie.. the planel. off 011111 pipe d...m.
We need oil not only 10 power Ollr carll and heat Oil. hOlnll. hUlllao
10 pilitici (like YOllr kitchen utelUlll o. your desk chair) Ind to
grow food. al well .. tranlport it. Mlny pllillea are "petroleum dlltil-" m&lnlng lhelr raw Ingrndienl i. black gold. If lree-bugginll envi_
ronmenllli.lI wlntl0 conlinue lhe imp..... ive protection Ind growth of
f......led areu in the Northern Hemilphe,., Ind finilly get I bendle on the
continued Cllellrophic depletion of the rain fn""lI of Soulh AmeriCl .
• ub-Slharan Africa. end Sot.olhQlll ....i•• then lhey',., IlOlng to Itill need
loti ofplutlc for fumllu,., and concrete for bulldlns-nd 10 go on h.v_
lng thOM nicelh1np. you·ve .... 10 have oll.
lIavi"8 plenUful food requi. . oil. bocau.. feniJizer requ;"'" oll--.nd
tbe sJobol food crunch II even mora Implacable and unrelenlinglhln Ihe
011 crunch. ~'ully one-lhln:! of tbe human helnp livl"3 todoy-two billion
p...,. 1Il1lMo Mlddloo EM!

of them-would I.ItartlD& W1lI'II il 001 for !be In"""llon 01 !MOW ,,"iliI._

..... Two Cetn:wu. cbemlsl Frill> H.ber .nd indllltn.lIlt Carl Boocb.
In..... *' the Htlber-Boocb vnx- for Ulf'lICIl", nll..l.. from e t _
pberic: n1tr<l8la tuM brion Wortd W. l Thill ....bled t!MI prndlM:tloo 01.
nl...l; t.1LUun 10 ......... bumper cropo CIa • .:1Ie U>d 'I....tlt,..--.d
~111'f jA"lwaly IIloCOOX:einble. rOO" thlI-.w..,;c:b......
_t. w\d;ly ~ iI the tim; . . -...ul,. bn.d ....101. ;Ir" tafl ;)J.
70 piR*lt 01 the o(m I ..... ill u-1 nitnlpnl. both _ \b; Nobel.
Pria ford Iii,),. {1iiOw", 1&......... dim. . . """,... w'-
lw _ \b; oquaily _tb"'lwjc pnius bMlind !be IndIWriil produo;tiorl.
of pol_ 1M for .... by- the Cennaa anny In WCIi'ld w.. I. bul thM·,
anotbir ;Iory.1
B.. t Ilw H.t.r-ao.:b po .-qui. . hllp '1 111. of ol1-<uld
uniIU ;lictrial po" li"llItaU...... then DO , ..bililut... Ii....
byd........ COil. w Of nuckal power lluol can I. ..-110 do Ih, iol>.
Cbernlcel and fonnlllu-lih milh.m.llCiI on-...
llIlClungll1.ll end lmpl.:oobli. With the &lobil populellon o"er.1x billion
.nd .un r1,lnR.lh; world noed, H.ber .nd 8,*=h·, nllr••; f."'l1l~
.nd Ihil melln' it·. 110111.1110 II" 00 n-ti"ll oil.
Thl. me.n. ,hit-until Ihey run o,,'--<lll field. In S. .. dl Anobi•.
Kuwah. Iran. and Inoq wlU be even mo.... cruc!.ltb.on Even with Ihe
dev.lopment of Niprl.n IUId w...1 AfriCin fI.ld•.•nd Itu"i. energot;.
Cillly di... elop1na .nd ..Ill", ltll own h"8' 011 U1d p' ,eMH.u Ihe
.....,. cbeopill. _ _ily -.Jbli. iIId J>4be;t.qUillly pelro m
..... 'w In thoI wurld .......u. In the Middl. F.iII..

Good reoces make good oelgbbors

w'- -..u priaM mhli_ /uteI Sb.... - . t buildiQa bio In 20Dl
towpw .... Pelwinu.a_oI.\b; w- BinIr.~ Gu; ro- i '-to
....._ ~ -....iDd pmell........... u.woftddkl not IhInl

it would wwk, Ubonl. worecondiliOfMKl to wony .bout the "root QU..."
of connlcu 1'8lh.". Illan Ihe nut.1lJ\d bolt. or .etu.lIy winnir\3 lhem. And
lIWIy 0DIISMV.t1_ atIllloved the mmantlc Idea ofbold. lhriJlllIfI ollenal....
&rm0l'llli &lid blltzkrlAg.trIkM. Ubo Itw-Wt won the 1991 &lid 2003 Ctllf
War military campaign•. Security fencea .lonS n.Hon.1 borde. . .nd
incnIuod bonier control. wore globelly oul of fashion, l1>e BerUn W"l1 w"
10m down In 19/1g by e<;SlIotic Eul Cetmana In the nonviol"lII upb_val
that he1'8lded the coll.pae of Communi om. Th.. .-:urity fencel lhat lore
Europe In two for forty-lour y..... coIl.r-Iea Communbm (:tUmhled.
A new ...... of glohIIllom powel"lMi by worldwide economic growth and
1M Infonnation technology ",volutlon followed. New Yorl; n~ pundit
Thom... Frledmen h,,"lded th" .rrivil of ••uppoaed -net "'rlh." The
EUlOpe&O Communlty oonaolldated 1_lflnlothe EuroJlM.O Union. lnt.....
na.l oecurlty barrie.. within the EU were lOIn down .• nd th.. cu.lomo .
.-:urily. and lmmlgrolion checkaon ill""'''''''11 perimeter became I lobo.
lIut u Edward Gibbon, the 8""'t elghteenth<eDlury Enalilh hillorian
.nd .uthor of the monument.l DtK;1i"e ond Foil of the Roma" £mpino.
could Mve lold Friedman .nd th" EU poUcym.k..... I nat earth wlthoul
hord.... wu 1110. pl."et without def..n.... "lliinol barbari.n lov.d....
•triklr\3 from every diJW:llon.
Even .fter September 11. mOl't medl.a elilel In th" U.S. believe Ihe Id_
of. w.ll II 100 barbaric. Thl. II' CIOlfi In whleh Ihe Weal could learn
oomethlns from the Middle £Ut.
II wea tough old Sh.aron, Ilwly' rtlitdy 10 pUlh llbe1'81 hunOJU. who puI
"""urlly f..n""" Ind def..rulhle borde.. back on the global IU1IlogiC map.
1.l1Ieli hard-line right·winge.. and liberallupporlen of the Pal...linianl
,lik.. derided hi. concept 01" oecurity fence to cut the Gooz.o Strip .nd the
p.leltlnl.n of th" Weal B.nk off from llraelln order 10 atop luldde
The rence worked. In 2003. before It w.. even cnmplo"ed, Ihe number
or terrorill .lu..::1:1 .gllnlt l.reeli (ell hy 30 pIIrct1D1••"d Ihe
number of dvmlnl killed by such Illadl roll by ~ 1"""*'1. hi the foI.
1owI.. yearo. the Impro~MI>l!nt."""tiD......

.succ.."'l.-.lcldol bomber Illaeu "'U from dowM I r- 10 . . . ,..

..... Huodreo:b or dvillooulli. . ~ y..- .......... And AMideaJ)".-t•
.... botdet def. ...".. '-cl: ill fM!Uoo..
The llIdlooulatmy _ .. imp" I I I I by the . _ 01 the IsnelJ ........
thM k bultt I similar ......... the Un. or e-tmI 1IIdiaJ>..c:uR.
tmlled J-mmu MId K"bmjr &... Ib. much -.1 01 the ...1<1 held
by hki"lo alnao llH7. Soon the IDd...... w_.. rauportlllC u..t lolamiot
..-rlllfllJlauUc.y the Un. 01 Conltol Md by eo !*'*IL
They up the K.uhmlr '"""" witlt. aD -Ioolwor 10 ............
tb, . .II.. Muolllll ....tloo or Iboalodeob. BtllJladetb. lib il>dw.. lo I
democncy. bul "' u..... be", btto mudl mort tcti...
Ii"", they .... drl...... oout or Af&htniltan by u.s. fc:I«. and allito
bI Lit, 'lOO1.
Tbto Studll ,1801001< notice of bow wolllf;.... l·. ro"", Tbtoy
INCI'" on, of 'hei, OWII to try to conlrol tholt ..... lhOl"ll borner wl,h
Yornen. which 100.000 lUogollmmlgrtnt.lookl"8 for won:. emu overy
fM'. They .... now building 0"" ,10"8 tholr north_IMII border with u.q.
Sharon', fe'lOIt"In,formod " ...t"l!lc G11lcullllon, lbout bow to conlml
borde... eround th, world. And it II I fe"",. not, concrete win. ooouwy
to much lnaa:u... lelnlernaUOIMI ...porIlna on,he IUbl-ct. AOCOtdIIlll'o
offidal 11 nllu..... only thoul' ~,. or '.'nty·1ow mil... of the
Iou.. bund mllt rene. If; I thlny·root-hl8b coocretl well. Such bun_
....... _tid 10 proIld 1Irtoe11 cirili.ln$ from ... I~ flrt OIl u.. ott-
Ildol. III .... 11ldd1fl1 ....... Betblehem.... tiJ"t·)'MM>ld 1....11 Jirl-
....,. ~ ill ..... such ,tItck heron the . .n w . . builL Tb-...aiooI
look DO di"'"-t r..... the t.m.n lID ",-m.. I~ ,d.dt rn....,.
and 'wnplbtlA the UD.iled su. _ _,. ia Ewope.
The btrrier Illbeno1"GnI low·by d ull.relllAl'bbk It It _ , a....
M. ·COftJII ....... ljb .. ~ DllotiIt&riJl& ..... ltbM.....,.
• fncliorl oftbeClOnCnll.and _ oftbl_MOUI t-vy vUII-.yllUrw
.....t ..... wilt InIG the Frendo ~Ilot UtM or Hitl.'1 "tlanllc IlIld
~ wall. d"riq w..Id. W... n.


at tho! ,.-hno!vp. uted 10 hulld or prd h " . . t ...... .ua)' ,.,. old.
)oIep-like .....hld.~ ldenlkallotho! .... tho! u.s. Ana)' IlMd
in World W II " " " a\oIIc Iu dlrt "*'-- 11M bubed ...u. II ..- _
In....,t.. 120,...,.. .... 0nI)' ..... 11.0"._uo(\eteoctlon._ ... ,.LIl,
li.....l)' IOphIIUat". and .......n Ill.... th emphal.11 on I"""n_ and
... liablllly ...ther Ih.n lllno",UOIl. Th. fen<:e d~ not reoq ..l,. .ll)' ll.W
lechnol"lli•. only old.fuhloned but ell.loully .ffeoctl.... ppllatloll of
0n0II the r~ce became lully lunCllo""lln 2005. Ih v. or .Illclde
bomblnp lhal kill" more than. Ibouund 10....11 drill dllrilll the
fl ... yeart of tho! s.:ond Intlred. wu .loppR dMcI in ilJlll'8Cu. Since
thllD not • ,1"I'e .uldd. bonlbet from eltb« Cue or the 1'.... UIlIIIl
A"thoo ilf'<""'trolled . . - of the W_ 8anlr. ha bNn able 10 Ull .....
additloMl dril... In the ......- and fall at:lOO7, tbI cUM ......
tho! olT.. Am and"""'" - . tbroapd wittlcwt......
day aDd DlPt .. tl>ouP tbe Samnd intifada laid _ hapJ**l £.....
tourlIm .... t.:k 10 pre-Intlfada ........
Sharoo'1 " - mon..-1I110 poliial 1IIco"aet".._wu dolnl
ill job.

The Saudi solution

When I.l,ml.t. deton.led two homho 011111 .... S... dl " """"r1ty cen·
I t the end or December 2~, wllhin bnu.. three of the .u.p&Cled
r1"ll had ..... UlI.. and oUwn .pprehended. Vat whlllllnoo.upnta
III Iraq un.. thllt)' pernmet>1 IOldierlln .tllil:lr.l ... ~i"l tiara.
tbey did 10 wttllimpuait)',
" - III tho Middle Eool

...oxonl.i", 10 much American c:oavenlional wbdom II Iba tIml. oli·

Ib.. of lheM thl ... w.
IUP~ 10 hIoppen. T1M 1o:.lngdom..ubliabMI
by old K1ltI AbduWb I.... S.1Id _ IUflPOMd 10 III" ...... of c:anb, and
lIM irIautNdioa l.D Jr.q _ ... p ~ 10 1111 m.I!t« local diffic:uIty.
..... lwo r-n aft. lbe toppli,. of SMkIlm _ IIIppoMd. 10 atr.dy ..
I pll .... of~ tubilily. P""'fIlrlI_I_.h 01110 IInak lbe power
of lIM OPEC can"; s...di Anbia ... oup,-, 10 blllw d..-g •
~pouIld lor 1Idi... 'IWn"" lel'DiIlu.
VII by lIM _ of "'upM: z007 ei&b- l i _ lIM 1I\1J11bo1r
of " - i c u -.ldien had t-> io 11_ P,.IMoI e-. w.
Buah d.:IIAd "Miwloo> Aco:mpHtbad" May 1. 200S. than ,be DOl....
_ or!bola wlM> diad d lIM fir« thna of DilCUp"iOII. A.rui lIM
banh. W>NIeou,. fICt IMllbe lrIqllllCl.lrily r-- ..pidly
rusbed Illto .,.111_ 10 lab Iba burde<t off 11M ...haultad"nd under-
_ned U.s. lor.- haVI .. far Ihowo DO abilily to do tbllob.
Thllir mo",l. II poor. lhai, equlpmenl mIN",bla. and IIMi. 'flinif13
IWfut. U.S. mJllwy 1000l)'lute.rtha n_ ro.c. ... riddled wHh Illlmill
and forn\{II" 81'llh "8""11 Uld that in inllllli8ftOOllenni lhey thet'"fOf'llIealr.
Ubi 1111lVIO. In WuhlngtOll, many Mlddla EaollllCperII ,"'w opl .... Ihlll""
U,S, Ihould 1llllNd hlva opted for bulldtna ,lowly Uld r.. mono a",fully
UI aUta. o::arafully ICnlOIned. and much 1lIl11l", l""ll fon:e.
By a>nllul. 1M ~Id predicliool of CI\.IItropha and <loom in S.udi
.....bia bev" bien p~ complel:ely WftlOI. E1pl ,.... .... with gkal
011 pn.;:. dowu 10 I biItDriI: low of.-ly IIln dol.... par t.nel. theta '""'
i""-i _ I l l that the S.udb ml&hl III rtUUllniOUI of <:Mb
In fund thl ..... _ ..... uJ-SI... todaI CXlf\tneI !hat b.u bought
... wi. 01...-- aDd RabiUty to lIM dawt k.l"..oom.. B"I today. wilb
~ oil prica ..1ll _11 Iollov. li&hty cloUan a .......I........ 'ii
ltuDll'J Qd.n.a, fI' ."1,. I i,.
new oil .,ppl_&om .. far IWI,. ..
Canadl aDd v-a.Ia. lIM S.ucW ,:.rtahll,. do _ lick lot 11",......1
-.mo1O fIIDd altblr their -aI ~ Of their IIICI.lrit)' _ ,Iuw.

110, hUUC,U1"" ....1c.J.Io g u.. liIloWJ, E.uI

IaI1Md. _ the ~ yeer. lMIr rerilliWod MCUrily_."'. which

_ Ii...,..
e6ecti. . thaa botliIe cilia ia tbe Am.kaD DlOICli.l

oft.. pai

AI Q.doI
0... 01 Itt
tt-. -,*_,-,-..
i...;c.. ia s.udi AnItM bM t.-
killed hy Soudl JolQIrity Ie on.Iy rw.I

thL N '
.-uh. tbe Soudil did .......... dent 11M I..... srouP·' """'" oIlllvllldbUlty
!han four .,.j I balf,.... '" U.s. ntlUwy 0I*8'1ont in nq hi.. _- • I
The """* ~md eII8ctI•• -..IM.1 QMdt hal r.:.l ...... t-n
the llltelllrn<».me. of exiolil\ll Nt/) pemmenlt. wlw,tbor Iboy bt the
oten.l... network of the Seudl monen:hy. the .m.oJl hUI blahl)' elflclttnl
..,uril)' ro..:. of kJ", Abdullah II in jordtll. or the SyrlIn Intelligence
..,rvIat of Buhu AIud. Ind• • SpI. proved to be ..., i", fOWOI
or inlelll8tDOt CM:1 Ii Qoe<t. In the r- after lhe Sepcember 11 an.:b.
At I_t lor lhe mo_l. !be Soudl MCUrity .uthorilia oonlln... t",
clemp dawn GO their lIWfI militlU'llt. 8ullti neipborill8Inoq.!be tnt",.
..,1I.m bI... tblI8w.b lIdmitllttndoll ud thelrOWllp. n' hytbll
throM. _ the Cllha' we1 ............
8y CllIlm.t..........,. lOO5 report 1111ed -AI QMdIo i.e Solidi Arebl.:
AlYJI'I#*riCnu..u ud ItIuWl Wahi CICM:1'. e-t.
~Ittt- ~

lor Sb....... 1ll_;....1 Slum-CXlIlftnn.t 11M Seudl. "1"bo

,I QMd- orpnlzation in Selldl AnbUI,-,IM ptJMr rtpolU,"1IN done
tome dIm. 10 lhe "i"Cdonf' _ _y ...d lIN killed many I n _ t
people.- How...... -Ihi. b.. bad little Impect on the dty-to-dlyUf<l 01
on!il>U)' Seudit.-
Al Ql.ed. Iw been ·u!\tuCO!ttfulln lit .eCJ'lllunenl olforu.· the rtporI
condnued. "I, raUed 10 .ltkul.t•• vi.lble altern.tive 10 the n!lll", flOV'
emment- tlld "It lacked fund1na and _forced 10 cllaunel ~ inlD
!be one ubtlll8 ClU-UlUll Ul\IbI. to 8IttbllIh other lndtpendenl otIla.-
The report .bo dioputed tbe wldtly held popul... belief WI Ii QMdI
1I1J",indbit b.:e... il 11 dtc:.IlnIliMd Illd ca.t roorpniza ...d ttIp'OIlp

.1 wlll. Thll .... no! been the cue In S.udl A..bIa. "o.oplt'lhe poput.r
noIiOl1 of ,I Qeecle _ , by<ire WI CIII CICllUIenlly IJ"OW new bMd.. IbenI
... Indk:etl_ 1M! the orpnlDtioa .... 1101 been .bl, 10 _If fmm
.....emmenl .UKU. Al ;~ .-l. S.udi .1 QeeQ ct.1mett bet ....
sao 100 memtoer. ....1.............. lhe c.ll.. Of m-. fOIlIbly 250 .....
.............. 8)I'!be -.d oflOO4. benor.. 400 500 ..tllhnls hed '-to ClOp-
1\l..cI-.i kilJood. 1DcI.. ~ lOll of itllco:da:: !~ie in -ekIitloD 10 the Ihou·
.....dJ of I~ lpopetbu.n who __ antIIted ancllnl~ed. _ of
w ..... b.... been freed. "

Once 'lPin. the peper fnomd, I:w::wder .-III'" II ley. "1.11 lOO4. Seudi
bon;lw auarcb deWDecl Dllf!y. m.ilIloa people Ml....pll.. to . .in 1lI.1
miry Inlo lhe UI\IdonI .nd CIOpcurecl ....". Lb.ullm lODe of drup (the
""'_ ofwhlc.b ... often "-' 10 fulld suenilt. <>J-'Ilonti. In Mldili....
It-. ....... 2.(100 _pone ~ *lid. In ,n 1".000 ......... i.. Illempll
were foUIId ...d 1.000 _"llRlen unoted.."

....... ' ," .... ' ....... ',,', '"',,

'.~'~ ' . ' , ' .;>0."'£"' • '.' '~ ••""~':".",."".,"
,'.' ,'

Publk Opinioo in the Middle Eut

f l'OIl wendt< Mloot 1M f\II\ft r:J d!Imoc:~ in 1M MIdcII ~. d«k
I (lUI1hr Grf'IIf DMdr: How wm.m.n cnI Muslims Vltw fDdl 0rI0rr. in 2006 by tilt I'too G.Inb.I A~ 1'fojKt.1fIow Is I ~ r:J
tilt $Ill Pt&d from I pol r:J Mull_......d !tor WOIId:
vw-.... .-..r-eou..... IIlI . . . . w..QI"~
,-,- ...., "-

'- ""
M".I Important, hnwn..... th...ulhnrs concluded, wu thai "Ih.. n'll"n.
IUllion could not win popul.r oupport. whn.. il wu .bl.. ln ""plnit po~

Ul.f f....l1"l1.nd a"ll"f nn AOme IMU'" ouch u th.........l> connlct, It

could not win signific.nt support for It I lOCIu.1 aclivW ..s from ..ith.".
S.udi peopl .. or the Saudi cl .. rgy. Above all. lla ..mphaais on VIDI.."ce
f.lled ID .....,,,ate with th.. peopl.. , Saudis we.. shocked by Ih.. inltl.1
attacko. and Ih"...!bal targeted Mualims.nd .......bI furthor alien.led and
dlminlshed support fD' Ihe wpnl..tlon."
Nevertheleoo, Ih.. poper'. aUlhon ""ulloned .1"'1 undu.. and p""".'
tu,.. complacency In .....lIinll Ih.. contlnul"ll al Qeeda Ih.....l. "Saudi
Afllbia is.t s crill""llun<;lute In 1'- IIgblapinat terrorism. The th_t II
"nllbly to dlll.ppear fnr y....... lo come. Al QaiIdo can dnw 011 SaudIs In
A{ghllnlolAn, Pd.i.IAn. Vemen, .nd Cenlnl Ali., a. wen u other memo
ben of al Qaed. who may be abl.. to ..ntaf Saudi Arebi... The I,,,,! .nd
Yem.. nl bo,d"n present riou. in t..rma nf Inllhflliion."
Ironically, whil.. P Sadd.m HIl....ln conlinued 10 rul .. Iraq
with a terrifyingly Iron hand, the Saudi. foatd no th.....t wh.I_,,'" from
al Qa.ed.'. infiltflltion IOCfOBI thai border, II w" only aft"r the U.S. occu-
polion of Iraq and the en,pllon nf a formidable wid... p.....d Sunni MUI-
11m popul., insurgency Ihat thi. problem h.u ""plooed.
Th.. ,..portalAO nnted th.. warni"llthel Saud! Inlerlor minllter Prine..
Nayef bin Abduluia illued ..1 I hlgb·l""..l ~onall«U,ily meeting In
T..hran: "Iraq mUll nol be a place for lralni"lll..rrnrilla. and they could be
Saudll, \Ike wh.ol h.oppened In Afgh.onlllan.. , ,Thultuatlon in lfIIq endan·
S"" no! only the colmlJy and III peopl.., but II hal becotne. ell.....nd dan·
gerous tll.....lln oecurily Ind .ublllly in th.. region."

A safer Middle East

Am..ricanl and European~d. frankly..." ..'1nn-......'b 10 WofT}'
aboul th.. Middl.. Eut. 11'1 not gol"llIO go away, and It'l not gol"ll to I."..
"-'" in tile Mlddk Eaol

malone. We will t.-I the region', oil lor the ro. ll'nblelut~. ud IMlD
Ifwe dlu'l. 1......1exiW:.lUld.., Arab.,..r will penbl:.
WbJu <:an ON do eboul it?
to doowIop' ........uble ...won lor . - In the Mid·
IIefon '"' can be&ln
dl. EMt. '"' ..-I to"'", Jaw poIitic:all,. ~ ~ f'tI'fI. ON ..-I
to rejacI Mld-l ,...... and hit <:ron;' who .......... ·...... 1baI the Saudi
,.- lor the en- olbmnl frieDdl,. with the !Juab faznlly--k the ......
S. d. ON.-l to _ .ida I"'" r..aI~ IdMliMD 01 li_,. e.t.
ud BIlJh .....t W_........,. Ilbanl damoaecy CaD w..... ia the
....... lib il Mlln the W-.
ThlnI. '"' ..-Ila adjwl our ~ ol dwaoc,. ud daaJ wllb the
fac:l lhallM 011_ Emplr&-brutal. lnlolannl. e.ld b..Y)'·...... datI-
wotbd. AI how_ unp...... t the .-:uril,. Janet ....,._ In '-I. II"
.ka,.la .
If ... ohaUar Ih_ I'C Idoll end embnce ....... polltlclU,. Irw::<lI'NCt
InlIIte tltet hlolOf)' tMChM m. WI <:an .cal 10 _ lhe peth 10 reIMI... ~
Th. kay 10 , Il,bl. regime II not , damor;ntk: Iraq bul e powerlul Saudi
Anlbl., Whnelbe kingdom may n<ll bacorn. en empire. II an unen III
Influeror:e IhfOllihoulll>a ragton. Imagine If <IIhe, counlrl_ could control
aI QIIed, Ilk. Saudi " ... bl. doel. The Saud". like the end In
contlUt 10 the Ilritloh or A,n.,,'iC&1U. aMD'l ern.ld 10 go lnlO llllJaqu" e.ld
uiPftlnfl..._ to quuh the u1ftlaliltlBlld dafend .ceblllly.
W. elao ' - ' 10 IUpporla.tronI bul reotnoInad 1Inoal.. /\rial Sharon. the
fiaroe warrior wbo WM .Iao prap>atic, is the model b \I.nlellleadoenJllp.
how. . . l'I'Vilad by the Left orloobd dowu upOIII by W..... .uta.
In ell_pac'" ollila. poIilkal ~ doondI_ ..,OiIjltioIlI. bu1
In the Middle EMt. t-m.. dowu PC mylba" - e mall. of II" &Dd
Math for Anbe. Ianelio. ~'M A-sc.n..

hlt book cou.Id DOl ha......... Wl'inen wllhout I"" frienddllp.
..,.,..,........ ""n.;,.cI.w.a1ppM. MeI ...p.t> pro........
1l11Jm 01 H.Ty Ctocbr, vQ ......... 01 ~ T\m Camey. my
dNam editor II Rf!Bnery; aDd myoid. Ii...- friend john ITSUlli...... " " ' -
IIdltor-iA-cb1ef ~ UP!. who sot the .bole rnovlna.
Myoid l..cher. th.l.'e. sr-\ Prot- Ell. Kedoutie. prowided nOl.
lUll tb.. fruit. of hll unrinled Khol... hlp but .llO lib unlquI und.r-
Ile,.,dlllll and wlJdom .00u1 .. "'Ilion Itlll too much p.....:becl.' and too
linle und"....'ood to thl, dey. Arneud de 8on::hll""ve. Ih, legendary editor
and fo"'''ll'' oorntpondent. h.. ,1",0 me the Sift of hi. fri""dlhlp at well
.. hi. . .'ootahlna .l.,tr-plu. yM'" of ftXV".lence of Ihe ""lion and pre-
..,!flO! Qlli th~.11 wall beaI..... I worked (or him for 00 many
,...,..., lh. """'/linsfOll TJ...... thaI I _at "ble to .,.,.,..,ul••" the experi-
ence,"'t I did.
'IbanU abo 10 Thbm Beet. o.ude Salbani, M~ MarslMIl. Manin
Wall... aDd KrilhMdn C11lamur, my 1oroc'1 bou.. coI1~. and
~ at UP! UDder wb!xn I CODtinued 10 ancl ...... it.... the rep:.n
ADd _100 mIdI-,. doy of ~ It- u.u.. . loY and .. piYI.
AI.o 10 Holpr )eMea and the lat. Woody w-. .100 lin', bed 1M 011
the f'IIIoa. 10 W.a.y Pnoden. ",,,,,,od'. a , c. .. editor ill em.t 01 the
"QMI~ n_. aDd o.rid ...... U .....-..lllfl and lIlucb·1oftd

fOlfllp .,;Iilor. wbo HOt me out thereto oft.... 10 Martin HutdlllOn.
m1ll1r1ll.iJ1 011 -slIlI DMrbu \l) lbe "WI StIMl}oumaJ who helped . .
WU1I...1 10 ..... ny _ 'ie ClDCIu"dru..... and to s...1a. 10< priotleM
.,;Ivict and ~ -' _ I y tIM rl&ht tlma. N<.- 01 tIM out.po-
_ judpwo.. IIllhb book Iohould bll ettlibuted to My oIl.beIlI.


AbbM. "... h.....1d., Ull 1\1.... YW-I...... 10$

Abdul Haallcl n. 10. 11. 13 al Qooda. 12: l:ltIl L.-tea. 00uM
AbduJNi&. AbduIIallU... 137. In. and. , .... 1M: Bw.b. G.cqo W.
Abdulul&. falMl k l4t--$l
and. IM-M: Oln,,*- Bill and.
1 _ , s.ud11\nbM Md. 135.
Abdulul&. NlrelW", 212 139-41,1». 155.203. Z10-12,
AbdulLob. -SO)')id.:M. ]5. 37~ Syrill and. 2\0: .. ttu.t. 115:
Abdullah. Crown Pri""". S6 Zarqiowl. Abu Mu."lul· and.
Abdullah. KI.... 152-.Sl1 12_13
Abdullah 11. KlllA. 311. lllll. 210 An,e•• Ab<Mlllilim. 121. 1:19
Abtoh"m Uncoil!. USS,1l3 Amem, StM United SU...
AdeolIu.... Konrad. 125 Amnrlct.n Ovl1l,Ibc<1I. Uni""
Afshan1ot.n, Sovl", ["v_lon of. 77. ("CLU).I811
U.'~.137 American .....1Public "ITa]... Com·
Anaq. Mlebel. I!IO min... \05
.4.1<>1..11 All EnemlH: fnlirJ. A__ ........on.!amM jflo;u•• 125
100"1"",_ r_(et-uJ. Ill' AqIooltanlaD Oil Company. 90, 101
~l""', ",ab_d, 811. Iil$. antl...semlw.... 2'. 31, n.
IOG-Illl, In. IIlll ........lor..11 mnnlcl. 5ft ......1·
...Aqoa M-a.... ~ n. 33 ""'...1".... wnllicl
...Ast..i,. ~ .......biJos. Anb~.s:.l. .
116-71. " Ani> 37.... .u. S6. 11M. lZO
Ahie:hl. U d ' IN. 153 /\nib ,Ioooollaa, S. III. , ....
A!II-k 7." 1M, lSI. 117 ...,... Rrtoh [1tJ$1. n. n. 4Z~.
AIL Ah...I-...u. 1211 ~.145
AIu..S4-57 Anl>SodaIIIf P.r1y.11O

AtoIoic Pondt»I u........ IW:IrIonlaa [,.pu.. n
(1CedoIarie). sa 1Wly1ool" ~ ... "
Nafot· 1'1Iot.wa.. ..." tIw AIyll> B;! d 1rooq.17.22.74-~
(~).IOt ............. 10
NaJ.l. Y_. 95: "'-d. Kdo:I.aDd. Bab. AIuMd..- aI•• 162. 1M
157. IU, Comp Dorid D peKe Il.ollow ~ (1917), U-H.
""""""",,- ud. 1.....7; f"atah 35• •
wi I,..... aDd. 110. 112-14: Balau. 12.13. D
H.....Il. SeckIem aDd. 142: H..... Barak. Ebud. 1M. 111--82
.-inl. Hall\mln ai_ ...... 30. 31: a.".r-.Cl:laiar..130-.31
....n·...... wan Md. 111-14; &r-Lrt u.... 129-30<l. dwll w .. ln ouwI. 157: e.n'- 44
00101"-01 Aa:orda Lad. 108. Ilo!llln. M.noociMom: F«YJ>t.luaoll
181: PID ""d. 111_14: Soudl ~ ...d. I7l1-llO: 10....1. c..•• nd.141-42 Illon of .nd. 411: Sln.llI dl_·
'",.mco. 137 .....m.......... _ t (197~I ... d.
...""""i.llI. 10. 11.25 117: su..Doy War ""d. 11': Yom
...m"'t ........ 144. 1.9 KIppur War aDd. In. 133
"-<I. Buhu. 1111. 1711. 210 a.m.t aDd BalfMt 11".1•• 71. 7t
.............-.. Ball. e.uu.... 34. 3ll. 1411
170;NafM. Y_Del.. 112.157. 8eIl~.o.rid. 125.1t9:
1M: MMb 01.. III: H..-... s.d. CI:lwdilll. Vo"lllltao 47 • .oa:
.u......t. III"':""""'" 157.
1M. 1 _ ; ' o t - ...... 1M:
.; w-u. i
...... IM 157; Raibia. 47_. an...... Eapin ....... "
YiIZhM 157.IU _ 01. 1$47_11114....... lOS. 101•
.......... ltirut.l .... W1~ Wuud:a_ -.d. n
1'1Iot _ ..' GMe (P.a.l. 55 ...... Su>dy. 115. 1.7....
ANyriaDI.. 49. u-.54 Bori18. Sir - . : . 110
"'Wutl. MuM&60 "-aI. 37. 1lO. '**ro. Itt
191:C.lllpoll ......,..., aDd. 81..... H. MI. 147; 1orMLi.t\r.t> ....
19-20: World w., I ...... IS-ZO. and. 103; ....U·l'a1Mtl...... """.
22: Y",,"1 Th,o Md. I' Diet and. 4:t-44. 411
... uocllwltz. 33. 34 OJ. Tb_ tummlt (111431.111
"'ult.. n•. 18. :to. 22 bin Lad.n. 00&rIlI.1ll. :t01; II Q&edo
... ~I •. 31. 54 ""d. 144. II]: 1.....II.Palnotlnl...
"""nlel ...d. 20]: radlalll."""
The Ba"mh Oundll. 181 and. 7•• az ..... :S.udl ...... ~
9-'.,11 P.ny: a.tloll 01.. 157: H..... and. 138. 139. 144. 155: s.p.....
.-in. SMde........ 159: 1Il1rooq. bor II ud. '1.13. 138. 1.5.
_.182. 1M. I":..oat... 1"",1.103-$4
...... 01.. I _ I biok>p*I_."'.. lUI
Bi.........,.,. 0110 von. n,. B",b, <:.otp H. W. o 11IO
8,18. s.1ab ...·01.. U •• 1110 Buoh.Ceorp W. o t. n. IV11; aJ
Bild Sepl_t., 1M QMdo ...d. HI......; DucJ.t
BJ.Ir. Tt.,. 1.0 ..............., VI: Inq tZOOJI
Bolabewi~ ItewoIllIllooo.:la. '7 ...... 57.63. lOt: pohtlml ...... 2OS-4I f· , Md. I: pool 5 Mem
Bc.cII. e.t. 20$ I......... 17: Ie. II ....1.
Bnd..,..a..... ZanIowi. Abu ""
&wok"......" How A ...... I..,. lIS;
aDd. 73

...... FolJ_ 1M 10 1111

Ic.ul. 1110
ar-. L ....... 65. 17
&-=h_. a-IcI. 65• •
BriubI: ....... .,_ _ 144;
142. I.
c.lto ....' __ lIn1L~7.•I.

caliphM«.t.oIifOI 01.•: Ot-..

E.pIn .... 5-4, '&-II
BIll"",, DId Mioa 119171ed. C-p Dorid ,..,. .........
U-l6;c.l",CoD.""-(11121) (l.n).I77
...0. )+-,37; ~ ..,.j, 2. C-p Dovld n . - . CXlOI"" •
~I: CaJllpoll_i*Ia ...d. III-&J. 1911-97
1&-%3: Iran Md. tcI-I2; u.q . e.rt.. 'i_yo U. U. 8lI: OA ODd.
iIO-,5~: 1uMl. """,,,lion of . 101: II"""", "Pili aacI. 113.114:
u-n.:la: ....... wllhdnowal
from uI.• _7: ~j·.... leotinlan
connletlnd. 25. 28. 41-42: ICu.,
1......nd.IlJ. ~.1l7: I.........

trlaU ... d. 77. &HI5.
I.lamk: Jleyolullon ... d.
der-. II and. 22_23: low Ind 13: Mlddl. ~1 record of. 151.
llO".m....m In. 2: Middl. EN, 1_'0. 17.5-l1O: I'.hlllvl.
NIIOf. 2. 1-8. 10: ...",,1 power of. Molwnm-.:lllol. . .nd. 94
1.'-16: 01'0""" Ernp"" ond. TINI CaM Jot Democl'«}' tSlw'an·
1!5-23: 0"....... Empl.... loll 01 oky). Illll
Ind. t:l-13: Paa-th'!lIn MaDcI.I,. Cuey. WllI""'_ Nl
of. 25. N-JO•• 1.... 2. 40: Shiil. CBS IloIdIo New.. 111
'""11'(11:01 Md. ~J: s.- (:'11. lor Slnttpc and I n _
erlol• ....t. 10: 1\iple ED...... aad. tlaDlll Slue!" UJ, 110
\:l-U; _ of ilM7-1t4e and. C:."VI'O. IlJ
103-5: Worid _ ....... 16-22; e-.... ~ A..,ey lOA):
Wwld w.r U...... _1: Zioniol .. O-U IH, , . .; .......
_ 'Ia. ZlI V_ 1(11: Ch,!*, AhaMd
..... 61: "" '*"I "'" L wei
..... Ill. 1M, Mo.M IZS:
..... Sdd_Inq 1
c.y........ -o
Ch'leN AluMd. M. n. M. II....,
~ N.Y1IIe. '". '15


~.ItaIl t7 CoaIitbl """""'..... AuibI;ril,.

n.. a..dIoIn HouJ \' <JDd lO'AI. II, U, IS. t7
oa-ltIiddJ. Fe< - ~ ac.ha. Nuo Ul

1~":HI.11 C*. USS· 1M

D }. Did.. 164: ..... _(Z003)
Dlioo'I1CaI...... 10
Col1laf. Latty. 31
e-i_ til Uaktt ... PI"
IS. U.S. In. 141
aw....". 137. I". 204 On u""Pl.. I. 20. n
Olri........ W_.IU eor..tltutlooo. U.s.. 10. 11
ChlllChlll, WInttoa: Ab,hdlah. »- c.:.nw_Il.lulthoa,.. ISS
Soyyld ...... :M: fIen-Curioa.. 0 - . DlatIM. 136
Dovid and, 41. 48: 8. n.n. er.-.-i. 10 b.-l (5ybo). 4\
,ummll and. Ill: 9,i\.oiIl·' RoylOl Cnlud•. Z2
N.vy and, 118--18: C.lro Confer· c.ebollov.kJ•• loti. 124
_ (11l2Ijand. 34-37. 41, 142.
I": democ:nor:y and. SI: GoJ_ ... ean.a.V...... I
lipollcampolp ...d. 20: ~.oIJ ~.17
h.duWy ollOad. t. n. _ . fl: i)ArI", o..Cnot. "
Inoq ...... n. 411: brMI. cnMlaol. MoohoI. 173; CoI.oa Helfhu.
ol-.t.S4:~y,~-.I. ~"""'CMl'_of""'.1I1:
In: ~'" T. E. -..d. 14!o: ...... aUlwy_ ..... IIO;-..u.
MiddIoo ..... ..., ol MId. :N. 1'-1 .._umfIid-a.u:Sb.
3~:NuiCoo } ...... 'I: ~w..""'III--IIl.In:Y_
l'loh1ori. '-khen j __ ....t.. 1Clppww.. ..... I~
13: s-t. ~ t- ..... :J1l: o.".y. tU>tJ FaJI of W a.-n
so...Qoy w• ....t. Ill--ll1; l\uby taIpW ICibbln), 201
-.t. U: WiIlpI<o. 0t0e IOIld. 42: ... e-u.. n..n.. 128
Worid warl ....t 14-11. 17. 20. ... ~ s.p., 5S. 64. II
22: Wtrid W.. II - . 55 1 . ., . F;I tODd. 2. Sl:
C1ub. Itkbard. 1-"7 aJob-I. 2: h......... fIt:bu ...... 1O:
CIa_ita, Catl ....... 43 lnq ...... 41. n-54. "-61.13. 61.
Clov4la1ld. Willi.." 1... so 1117.1110-200: IonIII and. 3:""""
Clinton. 8111. \3. 113:.1 Q-edoo .n<!. and. 2. $I: lu~mUanfoIln.
1M-811; AfMd. IUf•• Md. 1M: dMlorIo of. 2. Sl: MlddJ. Faol ......
Iran nuc:J_ p,."....... ... d. 1lIl; \_2. J. I, Sl-ll2. 19It--200.2\ll:
MiddJ. IiMI ~ of. 1$1. Ottoman Fmpi.. and. I: poKlt
l1liO-t3: 0.10 ....,. il.<:modo ...... ....t. SI-62. IIlIl: lIuby u.d., 3:
101.1'1; s.pI........ 11 ""d. las. lh•.I1ad $lAIM or>d. 51-41
,M 0IW>tan. Saudlluabla. S
OJN. 10. 144 ~ ol 0.. Rod. J--I-. 32. »
l.Iil* y. Fy<><b. n F.!MIlI. Kl 541. ~7
IIo>rili HeriIefl. --"1. 1M 1"--'10, K1 IU. 148
Dull 10M F...... 11...15 1"..... 114
F..-.aJ Burloo.. 01 b:l.-Jpdna
[.Nt Afr1a....-.,. bombl... [FBI). tIS. 1M
11MI.IM F" u..F...............
. . . . Abbo. II'
FcJpI. 7. 55; Ilritlah ftI,," _ . 7-4;
[lAhil. 11&
F'lnIIl Soolutioe.. .-
.....I-AntI 11 17; F"onIln1l..... 113
....I1.", "'1en ftia . f"..... 1.oGnI 1oM·~· 1.
:S:, IorMl..l ~ - , . wid>. M. Font.Gtnld. M. 171. I~ Mlddloo
1.u.l~S-.e-.J. EMt - . I 01. 1~7. lM-n
AbdooI-..I.II' ..... 1a.1)7; FadxrlI _ 01-. 117
SiMiDd' &0
(1.7)) ...... 117. 172;
...... 110. 1U; Wwof Amil""
r - AJeioriu _ nl indepwd.
__ -.I. 117; Alah _inaal.
...... 1~; domlnlna ..... Middle
...... 117_H [.Nt of. 7; and. 12lIi; IN-.Ii·
EXh_nn. AdoIr. 34. 31 AntI lOJ; Mldd,," E.t
~. Owl&ht 0 .. aJ. 9lII, In.n ftI'- 01. 10: va1 poww 01. 15;
and.II-e2,; Ott-.. Empl... "'II of Md.
MKld,," ENt....",.u 01, le7; n-13; S..... crWJ It_1IIIId.110
~ . Mnlwnmed and, V4 Fnom: F"'IIWWI. Archduke. It
El... r. o.vld. 1:10. 131 I'ftn.I< JoMph. Eml"""". 13
Klkln•. Mlchul.1Z1 ~·rlednlan. Thom... !3. IlIi4. 206

~ fim_'I"nce of "," Middlf Eo-'. Fr<>mkln. o.vld, 2e. 3~. 43

191f-19141s.cb&r). e. 1~
t:n_ Puh•. 12. le;('_ny ..,d. Go.lllpoll COlml"'llI". 1~21, 22
I)-U; N_.Gomal Abd.1 VII.. Go.zo Strip. 2~. 110
11; Wnrid W141 Md. 14; V"""l!I e.-u 1941, T7w1'/rs' Arab-Isrt¥lj
Tluband. \I W.... (K........... I.31
&Iwd. Llldw\a. 12~ c:;.......GIla_Ina.170
Eo!W>I. J..vt. 11"'", 122. In. 12& e-.. o.vWlJoyd. 2" 31. I~
~ UaIoa IM.~. ~ e-,.-1'\QDl. ~. 44-43
Eu...... t-.. rlN J>tidd. £.cut c._;;;.~.~r~_~_~w..-I of. 13;
I~'I.U lSodwI. 7\ u «J' In. M; En_ P-.hoo
EJaxI.... I ... ......1)-14;~.31,'J.I~
SO. U. SoIl; 'nip'" ~ .... 13:
Fahd. K1Qa. ,:iii.
1~2. In. 161 V....... 1Iatb "II-. wilh. IlIi
FtI1IftnJoeil NIl. 1»' 113 G-tt. Bill. 110
F P'riDc.-1'outl.&....... 77-7$ cw- Edwwd.~
F I. K1Qa.:15." 37." 149 CUlna.I'hIIIp. 174
cw..a-"107 bu risbu.: ............J and.llO:
Clubb, Joha, 37 I ll2.14
<;ool~"".""",u. H pbNy. H..., H.. '_72
(;01,., I' 's''' n. 117. Ul-U. H lC... oI ......... 112. 11"
1S7. 111. 1M 120.122
Goldooa ~~ ......... 71. n H"...m......· '.. 10.~57.M.a5. D/ride'Haw II~_. 114.142; A..tM. Y _ ..... 141:
_ MIuJ... \Iiow Eodt 0tJw ~.lidoc"". I'I-IM\; Ila·.. h
(Pww Glol* AIlItud.t Pn:.;.cll. Part)' &ad. 151; _ _ 01. I",
tr... and. SIl. '0....111. 17: tr....1n<j
<;u<Mri.lrr.. 1Wl1l~. 119
War and. 152; In<j ...... 5_1:
lCuwait and. 59. el. VII, 185: .....·
GulfSt.I... S. IS? 01... Culf Wu l1!1l1l) and. 2; s.".
c..r. Monlecll&l. \7e lember " and. 51. 191
Hu_ln. Sherif. 2t. 25. 31. 44: Cal",
Hober. ~·ril.o. 205 eonr...",,,,",
(l121) and, 34:
I1&bfr.Botcll p_. 20S McMahon·Hu in!el1en ... d.
~ EJapl U. 14 0: ....alll and. 71, 10;
Ibi.l... Mohe llaqir.I-. M. M SoIud. Abeluladz IJ. ..d. 14s.--4l1
" - . ". In. 1t7. IVII 11....w. Abel aI.q.dlral-, 104. lOS
H.....U_. SIt ID, \I l1..-lnl. HIiI Amin aI-. 27, ICH,
H.dJros, w.... G.. 27. 187 110. 1400; 1......._ aDd. n. $t:
H.ot-~ $to M. S7.liO. 143. 141, ......i·PaleMiniaa .-nla ....
141. ISoi .)l)-,JoI. 4ll. lOO; ..........16a
Htioda. £,,:hnnl. 115 ANboand. 31--»; World w. n
....-odtt.GnoIC.107 ..... »
I ...............
......1 PuIy. I I I
Ho:dloIIab. 112. UI, 162. 1M, 1.,
Himm*". Hei.Ilricb. 34. M
Hi..... Adolf. 2(11. 2OI:"'-U>l,
bldiul N.y, 17. ~ 9'8, :104
" ' - t & AlwuDd n'\ni.l. 12
JNIda 1M Anp,.1\tob LtJhrrimll
lUI Amlnal_ ...d. 110: In<j d. C.........rlel.23
SS. $I: O!I_ EJapl 10: ban, 3. 7; Ahmadl...;.d. Moh""",d
TINt ProlocoJ. 0/ 1M EJd~ oJ and. n. 10ll-101. ,,,; Can",.
Zion .nd. 151-62: Ruool., lnva· JImmy .nd.17: CEm'O Ind. 92:
.lon of by. 121: T1Jlrd Reich of. Chur<:hlll, Winlloo ...d. 5:
202: und.wthul;"I of, 82 hu....n rishllin.ll2.IH: I1USHin,
Hohl.o. n..:..-. 67. 71 .s..Id.m and. 51. 150-61, 17-N.
Ho (::Jt,1 Minh. 27 lI&-lIll; I...,·~ W... ancI. 22. 11.
~ 1• • S2.4'. 147. 152,198 11, 152; Islaalic: Republic la.
~ . Htrbeol. 1M. \77 ....,01; Islamk: Rorwolurioa i•.
SO. 77. 80-11. u-lH. as. 112-+1; 22. 8.3--64. O&-71,:lOII; Swull
Kho..... MoNmpwl aDd. <XIIl1rOl of. 50. 51-55: Syn. and.
...... '00. IM--M: KIooa>ftaL A,.. '61--' _of IM7-1M' MId•
ItIllah RuhulL.h Uld. 11. II. U: World w. n and. 111-50.
1:1-15, ... 00. _ . ll6-9I, ~,

.Q.~ ~ of. __ 100, 11116; IdqI ,.......' C g_ 11Nq. K •

011".5. ".110-12. 101-%, ,,~

hhlo MohaaJnMI "-' aDd. lnoq _IN05). 11. 21. n. lSI;

12--$4; ElDpiN . ........e-..W...... 57.U.~
--.eo: 1ItlOa. . . . ! oo:,...d. 57~ fC_ytbo
s..IlllnWol aDd. 152-64: s,n. oDooo!. 1J5. 1116, Sulllli ~
.... 162, U.s. .... BriWa ..... -Ln
111-$2: Wooid w. U -.d. III In..... oHI. U. N. lOl

"-Inoq w•. 22.151.11. 1S3. ISII, IJpa Znd '-"'IINMIoIIaI Mill*,
0Ipn1Dt1ooIl. 46
_ aiaia. t.l; c.n.. Imh ~ _ Ana,.. 40
li.nIl.8l)'lIDd ; ...tlcallalam .......: dl_...d. &4, 0n0IIIu
..d.77._ Empl.- ... d. 10-11: ... reIi&\oG.l:
..... 5. 7. Il: .1·IuUtl,.. M<>.que SM... 83; W.. hhoobl. 71.11. 147,
bomblnf: In. M-7I; ~Jewbb ........ aho nodJcal .. \.om
~of.49-$O.71;Ar8b "tam ,,, 1M Mo<Hm World
....... and, 52; /\xII and.:MI. 5.4: IKlOdouri..).143
1IA"tb POll)' In, 65. 15!H11: lol.omk; R lll.o"",,, Mow.ment. s....
8riUlh ",1<1 "ye<. 7~. 411-50; Il..m...
Cairo Conference (1921) end. 35: lol..mlc Rewolutlon. MI. n. lIO-lIl.
OWTO lJId. 112; Chalabl. Ahmed 13.15.1I!-114
and.lU-43: CblllChlll. WlnalO<l luIool: AMad. u..ron and. 157. 163.
end. 15.• t: civil war In. 71. 14; II~: Ben-<:urion. o.¥id .. nel.
demoa-:, In. 4\!. 51-54. 51-59. I. 47-41: .,..1I0Il of. !5-:lI:
13. N. 1t7. , ......:roo:.1ec:tloOI demoulOC)' Uld. 3: Oe.otNCIIoll 01.
In. U. 69: '""""-I War and. 22. 201-4: fcypt ~ ''''y with.
11. '1. 153: loN_U-p.leIllnlan 116. U3. 17$-80: l.-q. Nul J.ob.
"""nk;l .....d, n. 55: military ..... "' ....... 4~ .....U·PaJM.
cou.p oIltooI Ia. 56. 51. eo. 115. Ua.i.oa .,.,..Ria Uld. l5-4I.l-wioh
14&: I j .uoa Ia. -..100; Nul POp"lol_ ot. 10 1... D. ciril
e - y Md. 11-60. 504: pool' _ 1....... 157:~.c....l
SN'd"= K-41,65:s.udl....,..,.. AlIoW...d. I); YiuMl
...... 1St: s..::-d . ' 0 RoopubIic ...d. 172-7$• .s.dM. Aow. Uld,
Ia. M-M. \12. 165. Ita; Sbll.. 157; SlaaI D diM 6 • II
fftoIt (IPOI ia, n .•. 41. 5G. • I I (1375hlld. 1t7. In.
S2-&S. 17: SwuM l...u • , •• 175: SoorioI u.oo. .... 117-11;

......1tcoll1lnuedL 201 .... ; ..,lv;II3. 200-204; Syk....

Syria and. 157. 163. 165-6e; l'iCOl AgNemM\' &Ild 5; UN
United S'a'... and. 124-25; U.S. and, 46; Uolled Stat ond.
arm. d... l willi. 172-75; Will' of 25--26, 170-11; war of 1~7-1946
19<11-1946 and. 62. See ploo and. 31
l.....n·Anb wan; 1.....Ii·p•.I...• Italy. 1.33,56
Unlan connict
1 100(&1'.. 1'0"""'.••. 116. 126 lapan, 2. 15.56.80
1 n·A...b won: A.-b n.llo.... liAm 10....lem, 1; 1929 rloI.ln, 32. 39,
and. 111; Arar.t. Ya.- and. 66; tUM1·. oonq.-t of. 25. 106;
111_14; I::fIyp, .nd. 114-17; Ioraell·PallllOtinlan connict and,
r.lah and. 110. Ill; .. n.tlo....l 26-29; le....ith my.del.... in, 29;
connlct•. III; NI~oo. RJ~1Iard Meljl R""oration o' 11169 and,
and. 123. 12&-27; Po/minion. 56; Wa' of 1941-1946 .nd. 1(\4
_nlng of ."d. 106. lOB-l1; PC .....I.b AJlen<:y. 30
myth. abou'. 12a; PW. lID. III; loll......,. Lyndon 8.. 119. 125, 126
Sinal Campolgn. 1\18; Six.Oay jordon.1. 35, 37. 116. 120. 157, 198
W.t. 107.115-17. 1I1l-23. 127. lund!. Soml ai·. 162. 173
11llI; Soviet Union and. 117-18;
Wa' of 19<17-1~6. 62. 1ll.l-6; Kodourle.Elie. 33.•5.56. 59. 62.
War of Allrilion. 123. 196; Yom 143.1 ••
Kippur Wit. 66. 103. 127-32 Kennedy. John 1'" 125
1o_11·l'alao,lnlan connict: Abdul· Kennedy. J<-plt. 125
lah. u·Soyyld and. 37-311; 01 Kh.led. Kios> 136. 152-56. 1M
QaOO•• nd. 203; ont;-8emili.m lCbon. ~Df,hi •. 62
and. 26; Il<In-Gutioo. David and. Khatamt Mohammad. 99-100. 15t.
47-46; 81bla and. 42-4a. a6; bin 155.195--9Cl
laden. Oaomo and. 203; 8rili.b Khom&lnl, Ayatollab Ruhullah. 77.
lmperiall" w...kn_ and. 41-42; 90; Huuein. and. 97-98.
_ ; Iran ond. _ . \l6-96;
Cairn eonr'''''l01 (19211 and.
34-31; Dowblgln. Harbert and. Iolamlc Revoiution and, 6 t. 63.
39-41; Huueinl. H.oI AlOin 01· 64.65; U.S. meddling in iranian
and. 30-34. 200; lran·l.-q War poll!a 'nd. 69. 94-95
and. 204; l.-q &Ild. 5'; 1.....1..,.... Kbu_tan.IH
a!loo of and. 25-26. 34. 46-47; KI..",.". Tbornu. 1(l4
KI ..lnll"f. H.nry and, 170-71: ThtJ Kins</om: A",bio and 1M
McMahon·HuSH;n lell..... &Ild, ,""'.. of Saud (lAceyl. 13l>. 149.
45; media and. 25; origin. of, n. 150.IS4
2&-30; Mob R<tvolt t 19361 and. KllOl"8"f. Henry. 176. P6. 2ll2;
32.33.• 2....3. 5.; PC mytll, 1.....Il·p.i...!;ni.n conflict and.
o1>oul, 211.••; radicalltlom and. 17~71; Mlddia Eall 011 and. 151;

dl_.. ,
realpolitik of. 16$-70, SIDalll

IOIMI. 117. 17:l-7J

Metr. CoIda, Ill. 122. 128. 117. lSI.
173: I..-lI·AnD ...... oDd, 103:
NIJoooo. IlIo:bMd 1IIIod. 117; y"",
K.I~. Lord. 17 Klppw _"'.103. I:JIO-JI. IJ.J
lCoI.loaL n.dd,.. 107. In MlddIe EM!: Anb -.-11_ Ia. 5:
ICor.a w•. '2, 112 birtIl _ S. I: IIrilhII ......
Knulhm .a.......
)8 ..... 2. , 100aop;t"li 1I;
K.....-. I)u., .11 f -.d, 1-1. S, •. S1--n.
. .,

kiln!. S. U. H. It. 91. lIS I~ZOO. 21G: ~ ......

_.7: Ft.dI _.7.10:
....,..~. I:M. H'. 1:10. 1504 InII oDd, _I!tt: 1a.1:
~""'lo ...... Jl ................. Ia. 1CI3-U:
IMIII" ..... I I . " 1snoH·...IoiotI_ -'lid ....t.
U - . T 1l..:Jot. n. 4', HZ....'. zs..4: ....wily _ Ia. I:
1M. 1S4 an.-... Em......... .s. '-23: PC
' _ _.7.... liZ. 1S7. lIS .JlM I.I-2:~ __
L.hI lF1&hlMll lor the,....... of bill')' I 2-3. 5; poIl1iod ......·
iI<'Mll.4&. III II)' .... 1; J'OP"&~ .... 5; ~
~. VIodimlr. H. 87 Ill. I; todic:aI ..Iani uod. 71"'7:
Ubya.',U ...liaJoo. fJ~ oIlJ1. US; lril.l
Lollobrltldo. Cl"". 170 CUllllN In. J: World War IMd. I.
London .ulelde bombinp (20051. 14-111; W<:rid W... lI...d. 14
,~" Mileo'onH1Qllth). f4
1'It<I u-nl.., Ttl..."" Al Qo«Ia lind MOIltsomery. 8flmanI. 43. 104. 115
rhlt Hood In ~pr..ntb<t< II MOON, Mlch...l. 3. 13S. 1311. lIS.
(IYrl&htl. II' 191. 193.213
M..,hl...lIl, Nk:colo, 13. '13. 1&t. M.-I"-'I. MohamIIMld. 91. ,~

),IMl....., J.m•• 113
Moaa<!. Ill. US
M"h&no~........1. 128. 133
M"'IiIMll U 130. roe Muhammad. 11.19. 141
Mahdl y. 70-71 IllUjaMdlll. N. 131. 155. 1"
MaIlU. Noutt aI., XI. 101 MuoJhll 1lrotMrbIIod. f4. flI" 111.
MAraoo. Mlcbr.... lOll 'N
""-lI.Ll1. Goap. 1It
Jo.Wx. Karl. 7', Il2 Nop<>Iecw 13.12
MeM·· • Sir"-y. U. 14& JIleoh"hibl' 31-32. U
J,.Ido". H U. 146 r-:-. e - I AbcW. f4. '1 .•7,
...... n:~Eooot
..... "",h
ql 1Iia

!t".'...d. I
l; ...i· .....h flI.. lin;
...... _
141: bill ... el - - . - . Ill:
. . . . . . . . . 13; .......
Ueip '.' ..... 011_, ~ AnlI _ _• 114-17, 117-18:

NUlflt, Gamal Abdelloontlouitd): 101-2: 10 Middle EoOl. 5: 0I't:.C

mlUwy buildup ...... 13: Qutb. and. 93,~. 102: SoudJ Arabia
Soyykl. _lion of and. 86: reli· ond. 102. 135--38. 148-52;
Jlon....!fI.upp.-ton ofand. M; world'. food .upply .od. 1115.
Stx.lloy War ...... 115-20: So>'iM ,~~

UnioIl ""d, 13: S""z t:rioi. and. o /aro,m.m (Colli... ""d upl""").
N.tlonal Ubontion Frool (AIprl.oI. "
O"NeiJI. John. 186. 181. 188
159.191 OpBnUon BaJt>.toua. 121
Nltlnnal MlHl1f)' OtganIzotlon OpBnUon Nickol GJ1IN, 132
(lrguo Z".I Leumll. 48 Onto. Mle"""l 8.. 111
NATO. S. NfltIh Atlontle l'tMly OtganluUon of tho PItItOII<UI:l
OrpnlUllon ElcponlnB Cou.ntrl.. IOPEC). 93.
Nnl Getm.lny. 33, 55: Chutdllll. 95. 102. 154. 181
Wloot"" ""d. 31: Iraq ""d. 4G-60. Oolo PMco Ac.:on!•• lOB. 112. 113.

54: Middl. Eulon wMlth ....d.
56: S<wiel Uolon. lo"ul"" of by.

N"'" ~l""d, 18. 22

142. 181
OToole. P1ll1f. 145
O!lomon Empire: .. allon oon·
que",,". 10: Arob oatlonall.m
"Night St.llko... " 93 ""d. III: OI11phate""d. S-fl.
NlJtnn OoctrIn•• 111 IG-II; r.Iemocncy and. 8: down·
NI.."". Richard. 83. lOB. 136. 151. fall of. 11_14: fall of, 113: r.lam
186: MAd. lI.f"" ""d. 185: For<I. ""d. I()-II: 10Cll.l0 ""d. 9; Middle
CoraJd pordon of. 187: Iuael ....d. Eull.lld. 3: Middle Eul.. PM""
125: l._Il·A..b wan ""d. 123. ""d otablilty In .nd. 3. 4. II:
126--21: Melt, Cold. ""d. 121: ruthl....nMI of. ~ 10; .UCCfIII of.
Mlddl. Eaol. ~ or. 189. 171: 9-11, World War I ""d. 14-18,
PabI...I. Mohammad Rowo ""d. 18-21, YOIl"l!1Url: Revolution of
93: Rabin. YIII'),.)' ""d. 123. 1_""d. 11_l4, 15
126--21: WII . . .tl and. 187
NOlL. a.o. lOB PIoOIp". 100 MIhal, 113
NfltIh Atl.nlle l'tMly Drpnlutlon Pack"". 55
(NATO), 92. 132 Pahl.ovi. Mohammad RMa. 91.
NfltIh K_, 86. 99 92-94,1!>CI
n"",l_ ...... pon•. 99-100. 198 PaI... tin". 1, Arob lmmlpUon loto,
28-29: Auad. 11m. ""d. 151,
Obald. Na... u. 153 Brlll.oh ......,...,tInn &om. 40;
Occupt.ld Knemy Tftrllorl... BzitW> MLIldate In. 25. 2~30.
Admlnlotrotlon (OETA). 28 41_42, 48: CaIro Conforenco
011, .lI1......tlV.. to, 204_5: China 1192111.l1d. 34-37: f<rwl.h com·
and. 137: It&n and. 5. 89.1ll)..82, munill.. In.8, 28

P~ Ubent!oDAnDy. 114 . . _ . 1 [lt751IOlld. 117. 17J:
"""-I... ut-M.... Orpnlutioa Sill·C.,. W 11'. 122: u.s.'
(PUll. 14. 110.110: ......,... ....1 '*1 172-75:
V _ ...... 111_14: SMw:IIAiMM _of 1147-1 105
..... 142 ndical bllaao; Anb b'-Y Md.
PUotin_ ANht:: H.....u.l. H.j 7$-oIJ; bi. 1Ad.n.0.- .
AablaI JI-31: "'-tIl}' of. 111.12. 14: aatl,., ........., .
o_ f_

PaJ.li_ u
Autaarll}'. _
mci.. 77-19: kulM'"
n_71; 1'. ..... P'rbMool\ukl aI·

...t. n. _ : ...-..u.hIMtiJ>.

41-42.40 _ ",,",Ilia -.I. 2411-4. s.udI

_.c.qoS..Io5.... I:IO ...... ...t. 152; "'I<*_-.l.
(I'.-k.laI.:!S. U
~ "'""" "'*""by. 12; Inltb
-.out.71...7 ; _ 0 I l l _
..... Sh~142.11I.1&3 ...t. 2..oJ... .....
,...,EaoplN._ ~ . RolMld. 60.11. as-.-. 137:
I'wUan GulfWw(IlMlll. 2. te. 1 " lJrwl...d. 152: MJcIdJe Eut
no. Hillor;.(IWodof....j. til ..-.l of. 117. 17"'TII
~. Philippe. 12lI "",'poIlfiJ<, 16e-70. 17'
~. o.v1d. 101 Rod AnD,.. 15. M. 1J7
Pew Clobool Atlitudllll'rojea. 210 Red HorI-.. fP..:epIlI. 113
Phllby. Hany St. fob... 1M ",ll3!on: "-lorn of. 11. U5: bI'-mlc
Pltl. W111ialll. lbe Vouaa-. 14 exu• ..,II... ....J. 1: _ ...... 1
Popul.r Front lor lhol Llh.ntlon of Rice. Condolllln.o. IMI. 199
P.l....I"•• I14 Richmond. Sir _ t o 31
Pow.ll. Colin. 110
PrInclp.C.vtllo. I.
I'toIIIIWlI RMomw ..... 8. IV
Komm.1. t:rwin. 31. 55. 115
RoweYeh. t'nonklln ll.. Ill. '3
RoN. OMni•. 183
n.. Protocol. of 1M Ellkn of Zion. RoyeIIIYtllul. for Inl.....t\otlel
151-$2 A/faln.144
Pullo. VladI...Ir. 1:18. 140 Rumsfeld. OoMld. 5" &1 QMdI
...d. 1111:'", _121X1311lMi.
QMlm. Abel aI.Karia. 57 15.; pwl 5,6'1"", '... ...d.
Qutb. s.nw. 14. II 1l~._7.I7:SepI, bnrll
UMl. lit: Zonpwl. Alror tol....
~ Y1t.ltbM.. 1:10. 1:11. 1&3: aI· ...... 13
......... Ha'--.l. 157.111: a-ie. 5. act eow-u. llM'oIu....
. . . . .hl pi_t... ...tlia ad. b1. 2lI. HI Adolf 1 0 _ of.
44; Nl-.Itlcbwd
Aa:orcIo .....
0 1..-"'...... rn-.
111: Slaol 0 Itl • a t 3-l9; n1 ~ 11:

RUNia fconllnufld): 141-41: Seplembft. 11 and, 135.
World War [and. 211....... 01"" 1311-39.142.144. 155. 11~.
Sov[et Unl"" 191-'13: l6m>rilm Ind. 3. 153.
Ru..lln RevnluU"". 2(1, 11 2QIJ. 212; ,h ...,. to, 152....56:
Undentlndlng. 142-<15; Wol>·
S.d.... Howard M.. I. I~. 11 haM.m In. 111; ",O!IIJthy middle
Sod.t. An"'••. 86. 1211, 141: Abdu- d ... of. 131-311: World IVIr [
tulz. ~·II ..llbn IfId. 150: A..fot. Ind. 142
Y..... and. 112: Io..olond. 157: Schleolnger, J&n>eI. 121. 171
lmIell'Esl'ptlln ~ lrMly IfId. Schol_. Genhom. 2....29
,,~ SCh",,,,,,kopl. Nonnln. 21
Sad•• C..nd Ay.tollah Molwnm<!!d SCimitar Hill. bolli. of. 20
Sadi" .1,.61 .sco"'cn>fI. B.....t.1IO
Sad•. M"'lt.dl II·, 1C1-71 Second Bo'ith R.publlc. 58-$9.
Saf.vld dyn..'y. 69 162. 1115. 1911
Sal."". C.......... 55 SeODnd lnlll.d. (20001. 101. 113.
Samuel. SI. Herbon. 31. 42 141. 1113. 191. 2011
Saud. "'bdulul. Ibn. 31. 1341. 154, Seph.rdlc J...... 29. 33. 101
2(1';1: A..b Revolt IIY36) Ind, 145: Septelllt>er 11: bin l,.oden. Ooama
Hu~n.Sherifand.39: .nd. 111. 13. 1311. 115. III_I.
l,.o"""...,.. T. E. IfId, 143. ,.5: 011 1113-94; Bu.h. Georse W. Ind.
.nd I..n .nd. 102: Saud[ 1115; Cllnlon. Bill IfId. lIS. 186:
.nd. 69. 141-<11: World Wir [ ....- 01. 1I9-9ll. li2: hlll"'Y
.nd. 1IO or. III~, HUIIIln. Soddam
Saudi A..bia: Abdulazlz. rolool ibn and. 5i. 191; Saudi Arabia and.
• nd. 14&-52;.1 QofId. and. 13~. 135.13....39.142.144. 155, 11~ .
139-41. 153. ISS. 203. 210-12: 191-113
AlIlfot Y_.nd.III ...... 2:b[n ~n Pillo,. of WiMom
Loden. Osam••nd, 131. 139. 144. ll,.owrenoe). 143. 144
1~~; ""motunllm ond. 135. 131: Shoh. Reu. 91
iron .nd. 1~2-54: 1lan.[,"" W", Sham[•. Yltzhak. 411. 116
IfId. 153; 1'"'IlfId, 152: [I_II· Nltan. 1\19
P.IIIllnllfl confllci and, 32: Mid· .Itori<> n.lalllk 1a"'1.114
die EIIt. ""'""'" and ".bllity In She""", ,0.';.1. 130. 132. 166. 1110.
IfId. 3. 19~; Moo... MIchael and. 1113; r.... Ii·P.IIIllnllfl confllCi
3, 13~. 1311: mulohedln and. 86,
131. 15~; N Goomal Abdel ,.....
IfId. 191; MCU,;ty f.""" of. 141.

Ind. Ill. 115; oil d. 1CI2. Sh&Zl1. s...d .1·. 1211. 12i
13:1-311. 14....52; ~ in. 157: Shiite """,It (1920). 49. 50. 52--$3.
PW.nd. 142; radlcallJlam and.
152: Saud. Abdutul. ibnond. "
Shultz. Ceorse. 60'
stdql. IloIkr. n. S4 TIN Tonb of 1llmmul rr...O\hJ. 117
Si....l Cam...... tal ......,. Sir 0 -• . 4(1
Sinal "-1AMl1a, 110. UJ ~.c..rp.l_7.1_
~ndj IS r'._ ~ MotMr. U. tJ
IIV5), 117. 172.1n.l~ ' - ' - ndlcaI Waao and. 7';
Smani. c....d Ayaaollah All.l-. 501 ret...... Md. 1; ' * ' - •. 3:
Si>,·Doy W•• 15. 107. 11,...17. SMHII AtM.Oo ...... 3. 153.::09.
11. .n.127.1.

of..... '
50. LllIyI'of War "',.. 'flVa,.J /he
.we.lina ~
T.....a. Sbabui. 117. In
Ii nt.n se
~IONDJ. 117 n · • tJ
S-..... /011.... 7 n-.. MlMtUo. I». 170
S _. Botti. ." ...... To.d t
SorioII U....... 1.1:: A!lboni"", ~.)4.n.31.:Mo.n.I04.
la_loa 01 by. 77. U. u-ee. ,~

137: ......... .".119: ~. l'r<Iuty. t-a. 27

e.-ll\bdool and. I': NIW m..... 'T'roubrideo.~. III
oloa of. U, Sb..DIoy w . TN....... HarTy S. 124
117-11: 5.-a'bb See ~ QNT'(l ...... IU, OIutd1ll1.
01... RuMLI WI........ and. 14-1~: d.II..... 8C)'
SpecMJ Nl«hl Sq..... ($NSI. 43
Srt Lanka. 3'. 4{), &II
...d. 3: mlllW')'
,.., MMl. 12
of. 3

Stalin. lDlHlf. 10. 'I. 111. 164. \7'

Slond...d Oil of(:'Ufotnla, 102, 15-1 Unltod I\rab Republic. II~
Sttl. Ooportmen., U.S.. 1U~2 Unll .. l N.,lono rUNl. 114. I ~ \. \98:
51...... Sir ROII.IJd. 31. 45, 141 1.....n.".I.llnl.n ""nnlel Ind.
St.. I\ of M....ln•• III 411: SIx.!lIy WI' ."d.
SU.. crill•• 110. II. llG. 114. 115. Unll"" N.,l..... Reillt ... d lVon..
u. AaoncY. lOll
SuvL. Bay. _nle of. ZO Unll"" " - Int_'IonaI. 11'0
Sr~. OuWtophw. 41 United Stat.,.
bid. I. doaKc:r..,
Sr• . Sir MatI.. 28.17_211. 32, .nd. ~1-52: I..... ""'.IlO-l2;
........5.48 brwI....... 1on of ...... 2l'>-21;
Syb.-PicoI..... I. __4$ brwIl·Anob won and. IOJ: I
Syria. 7... ,., 10: III QMdr.-.t. ...... doaI wilh. 1 n-7~; ,.
210: Be'atb hny I _ I . 1M: PaIMlnIM _nid....t. 250-21•
.......... IU: Inq 111_ 1J'G.71. MJddlo EMl.,.... and
....... uod. ISY. 163. 1 _ : JUbllll)' 18 ...... 2. ~. e-.I
I+- drll_ I57: AbdoI and. II: s-d11\nllOo.
~. GuDal Ahdoil ll. aUyof.J: _ WW II~.
II,J; st.-DIy W ttl. 117 151; Y_ IUppw War 112
u.s. Nellonal An:hiY". 1/11-38 and. 1~21; Indian Army and. 17;
U.S, S!*,iel Opul1lU..... ConlIIiLOd. Mlddla Easlead. 8. 14_111;
Ollnman Empll1l and. 14-1/1.
USA pATRJCIT Act. 1113 16-21; Rua.", aod. 26: sa.. dl AN-
bia and. 142: ScimHar IlII!, balil.
yan ere,eld, Martin, 40 of and. 20; SuyJa Bay. balli. of
V~n..... le, ISO. 1118 and. 20; You,"& nuke and. 14. 16
V_III.. r-.o COnr.......""". 27 World W... II. 1; Briloln and. S4-57;
Vielnem,27.119 OI..",hl1l. Winolon and. 55: H....
Vietnam W.... 113, 115. 12ll. 151. 172 Min!. Hal Amin al· and. 33; 1rtIn
yon Sand<'lS. 0110 Uman. I ~20 and. 91; lraq and. 4ll-&1, 5~7:
Mlddl. Eul and. 14
Wehllahl,,.,. n.lli. 147 Wrighl. !.a¥l'l'<ll>Cfl. 1/17
W... of AUritlon. 123. 127-2ll. 1118 W.. =-. De.Yld. 1M
lI'a,/linstan n"..... 1!lU
Wote'!P'ltt. Ill7 x""'.... lIll
weep,mo of mau destruction
(WMO).55 ......In. "'Ipe!. 119
W.I"""". Emr. Illl ........n. II. 110, 115. '55-6/1
W.I""ann. a.alm. 2~27. 47. 118 Yom Kippur War. 86. 103. 127-.12.
W..I Bank. 25. 106. 117. 120. 122 132--33
Wilhelm II, Kal""•• 13. 14 YO""11 Thrk RBYolutlon of 1_.
Wil""n. Herold. 115 11_14.15
lViloan. Woodrow.ll. 13; Ben- Young Thrke. 12_14. 146. 1110;
Cutlon. oe,ld aod. 27: 10_1. Alalurk. Muttal. )(omol and. 18;
e_lIon or.nd. 25; 1....II·l'al.... German alJiancfI ....lth. 16: World
lInlan cooRict and. 25: Zionlol War lend. 14, 16
mOV.""",1 and. 26. 27
Winpl•• 0n:I•. 42-44. 48. 174 Zorqawi. Abu Mua.b al·: al·
WI,JI"""y. Dlo4.... 311 A.koriye M'*!u. bombl"ll and,
Wolru....ll1. Paul. 20, Illl 611.73: d_lh of. 12-13: S..nol
The World Crt.i.: 19/ 1_1918 I"",,'ll"ocy and. 12-13
(Omn:hill). 17. 20. 41 Zionl.l m""",,,""I. Zlonitm. 25-2/1.
World War I: BriWo and. 1&-21. 147: R.""I"lion and.
21_22; OIutehlll. WllIIlon and. 26: Britain and. 26: Wll"",.
14_16. 17; Galllpoll caml"'lgn Woodrow and, 26. 21
The Harsh Truth about the World's
Roughest Neighborhood
Combine religion, race, the Cold War, America's enemies, and a history of colo-
nialism, and you've got a breeding ground for the most virulent strains of politi-
cally correct mythology, distortions, and cover-ups. Welcome to the Middle East.
In the Middle East, the cost of PC distortions can be measured in the lives of
American soldiers, Iraqi civilians, Iranian dissidents, and Israeli Jews. Faith in the
magic of democracy, a blind eye to the truth about Islam, and a fruitless search
for terrorism's "root causes"-all of these PC delusions weaken America and draw
out the violence there.
The Politically Incorrect Guide'" to the Middle East is not an academic exercise;
it is crucial reading for understanding the most important conflicts of our time.

Praise for

The Politically Incorrect Guide-to the Middle East

"The mysterious Middle East is no longer mysterious when the distinguished
commentator Martin Sieff has explained it all with his inimitable blend of
scholarship. wit. and inside knowledge."
-John O'SulliYan, author of The President. the Pope. and the Prime Minister
and edltor-at-Iarge of National Review

"Martin Sieff. an especially incisive analyst of international issues. puts his

formidable skills to work demolishing an array of myths about the Middle East."
-Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies
at the Cato Institute

sma 1947
Martin Sieff is the managing editor REGNERY

of international affairs for United Press PUBUSIlING, INC. Current Events u.s. $I9.9S Can. $24.00
AIIl!iItJW 1'rIbI*bbtB Comparry • ~ DC
International, and he reported from the WWW.rqplery.aIID ISBN 978-1-59698-051-8
Middle East for forty years. In addition,
he has reported for the Washington A Main Selection of the
Times, Notional Review, the Belfast Conservative Book Club
Telegraph, and the Times of London.
Cover desIp by KristIN PhIllips 9781596980518
Cover Illustmlon by Sam Ryskind

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