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2. Operating characteristics

Units: 2
Brand-Model: LIGP - 25.20
Engine power (kW): 90.00
Adsorber power (kW): 70.80
Installed power (kW): 180.00
Max. used power (kW): 70.80

Winter Summer
Approximate consumption (kW·h/day) 1453.23

1. Geometric characteristics
Units: 1

Volume (m3): 2495.3

Height (m): 0.0
Depth (m): 0.0 656.66672653 525 1663.066727
Diameter (m): 28.9 256.4 225

2. Operating characteristics
Winter Summer Design crit.
Hydraulic loading rate to Qaverage (m/h) 0.50 0.50
Hydraulic loading rate to Qpeak (m/h) 0.50 0.90
Solids loading rate to Qaverage (Kg/m2/h) 1.35 1.80
Solids loading rate to Qpeak (Kg/m2/h) 1.35 3.20
Weir loading rate to Qaverage (m2/h) 6.60 4.00
Weir loading rate to Qpeak (m2/h) 6.60 1.00
Retention time to Qaverage (h) 3.61 12.00
Retention time to Qpeak (h) 3.61 20.00

3. Sludge
Winter Summer
Production(kg/day) 40771.6
Purge flow (m3/day) 132.4 307.9325993

5. Water Quality
Winter Summer
Input Output Input
Flow (m /day)

Average 15495.19 7747.60

Peak 15495.19 7747.60
Recirculation 7615.19
Purge 132.40
Concentrations (mg/l)
SO2 2.00 0.22
SF 0.86 0.45
SA 0.20 0.07
SNH4 1.04 0.97
SNO3 4.20 4.17
SNO2 0.00 0.00
SNH3 0.02 0.01
SHNO2 0.00 0.00
SPO4 5.00 5.01
SI 30.00 30.00
SALK 300.91 298.04
SN2 15.02 15.17
SPRO 0.07 0.04
SCO2 0.30 0.41
SH2 0.0 0.0
SCH4 0.0 0.0
SSO4 50.2 50.2
SH2S 0.0 0.0
XI 900.8 4.3
XS 61.3 0.2
XH 1795.4 8.4
XPAO 0.0 0.0
XPP 0.0 0.0
XPHA 0.0 0.0
XAUT 42.9 0.2
XAMM 0.0 0.0
XNIT 0.0 0.0
XMEOH 0.0 0.0
XMEP 0.0 0.0
XNV 315.9 1.5
XACID 0.0 0.0
XPRO 0.0 0.0
XMAC 0.0 0.0
XMH2 0.0 0.0
XSRB-PRO 0.0 0.0
XSRB-AC 0.0 0.0
XSRB-H2 0.0 0.0
XTSS 2690.9 12.6
CODT 3424.0 46.5
CODSol. 31.1 30.6
CODSusp. 3392.8 15.9
PT 57.32 5.26
PSol. 5.01 5.02
PSusp. 52.31 0.25
NT 181.49 6.28
NSol. 5.6 5.5
NSusp. 175.9 0.8
MgSol. 60.4 60.4
MgSusp. 5.1 0.0
KSol. 30.19 30.19
KSusp. 2.71 0.01
CaSol. 99.76 99.75
CaSusp. 6.43 0.03
FeSol. 0.00 0.00
FeSusp. 0.00 0.00
Tª 20.00 20.00
pH 7.63 7.49
Process speed*

Process Speed (g/m3day)

Winter Summer
Heterotrophic bacteria
Aerobic hydrolysis 1.69888E-08
Anoxic hydrolysis 2.761688692
Anaerobic hydrolysis 315.2778381
Aerobic growth from SF 5.39206E-13
Aerobic growth from SA 7.4582E-08
Aerobic growth from Spro 3.62524E-13
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y SF 5.84354E-05
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y SA 8.082688057
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y Spro 3.92878E-05
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y SF 0
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y SA 0
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y Spro 0
Lysis 1410.492473
Polyphosphate-Accumulating Organisms (PAOs)
XPHA storage from SA 0.000316465
XPHA storage from Spro 1.53716E-09
XPP aerobic storage 3.04105E-16
Aerobic growth 3.11541E-16
XPP storage anoxic 3.29568E-08
Anoxic growth 3.37627E-08
Lysis XPAO 3.26224E-05
Lysis XPP 9.81167E-06
Lysis XPHA 1.89698E-07
Autotrophic bacteria
Nitrification 1.38587E-10
Lysis 12.76301399
Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria
Nitritation 0
Lysis 0
Nitrite oxidizing bacteria
Nitritación 0
Lysis 0
Acidogenic bacteria
Hydrolysis 0.093852136
Fermentation 2.28835E-06
Lysis 0.000722904
Acetogenic bacteria
Conversion of SPRO to acetic acid 1.82166E-09
Lysis 3.11123E-07
Methanogenic bacteria
Conversion of acetic acid to methane 2.29865E-07
Lysis XMAC 3.15508E-07
Conversion of hydrogen to methane 1.60363E-10
Lysis XMH2 6.28269E-07
Sulfate-reducing bacteria
Growth from SPRO 4.75217E-11

Growth from SA 2.20108E-05

Lysis XSRB-Het 1.15001E-06
Growth from SH2 1.48977E-08
Lysis XSRB-Aut 1.27046E-07
Precipitation 0
Redissolution 0
Stripping O2 0
Stripping H2 0
Stripping CH4 0
Stripping CO2 0
Stripping N2 0
Stripping NH3 0
Stripping H2S 0

* The rates are for the lower layer.



ns (mg/l)

1. Geometric characteristics
Units: 1
Volume (m3): 2100.0
Height (m): 4.5
Depth (m): 4.0
Length (m): 22.9 524.9999799
Width (m): 22.9

2. Operating characteristics

Winter Summer
Process type Conventional
Mass load (1/day) 0.24
hydraulic retention time (hours) 6.4
Cell retention time (days) 10.0

3. Agitation system (only anoxic and anaerobic reactor)

Brand: ---
Model: ---
Engine power (kW): ---
No. per tank agitators: ---

4. Aeration System: DIFUSSERS

Number: 528
Brand-Model- FLYGT-MEMBRANA- 23
Nº Fine Pipe S22
Length Fine P 22.9
Diameter fine 100
Pow. Max. used (kW): Nº Thick Pipe 1
average consumption (kW·h/day) Length Thick P22.9
Diameter Thic 300

5. Water Quality
Winter Summer
Input Output Input
Flow (m3/day)
Average 27315.19 15495.19
Peak 27315.19 15495.19
Sludge Rec. --------- ---------
Internal Rec. --------- 11820.00
Concentrations (mg/l)
SO2 0.00 2.00
SF 60.19 0.86
SA 10.15 0.20
SNH4 6.65 1.04
SNO3 0.02 4.20
SNO2 0.00 0.00
SNH3 0.05 0.02
SHNO2 0.00 0.00
SPO4 5.00 5.00
SI 30.00 30.00
SALK 328.42 300.91
SN2 17.81 15.02
SPRO 1.40 0.07
SCO2 0.62 0.30
SH2 0.0 0.0
SCH4 0.0 0.0
SSO4 50.1 50.2
SH2S 0.0 0.0
XI 895.2 900.8
XS 112.1 61.3
XH 1743.7 1795.4
XPAO 0.0 0.0
XPP 0.0 0.0
XPHA 0.0 0.0
XAUT 42.1 42.9
XAMM 0.0 0.0
XNIT 0.0 0.0
XMEOH 0.0 0.0
XMEP 0.0 0.0
XNV 315.9 315.9
XACID 0.0 0.0
XPRO 0.0 0.0
XMAC 0.0 0.0
XMH2 0.0 0.0
XSRB-PRO 0.0 0.0
XSRB-AC 0.0 0.0
XSRB-H2 0.0 0.0
XTSS 2685.8 2690.9
CODT 3487.3 3424.0
CODSol. 101.7 31.1
CODSusp. 3385.5 3392.8
PT 57.32 57.32
PSol. 5.61 5.01
PSusp. 51.71 52.31
NT 182.90 181.49
NSol. 8.8 5.6
NSusp. 174.1 175.9
MgSol. 60.4 60.4
MgSusp. 5.1 5.1
KSol. 30.20 30.19
KSusp. 2.71 2.71
CaSol. 99.94 99.76
CaSusp. 6.25 6.43
FeSol. 0.00 0.00
FeSusp. 0.00 0.00
Tª 20.00 20.00
pH 7.35 7.63
Process speed

Process Speed (g/m3day)

Winter Summer
Heterotrophic bacteria
Aerobic hydrolysis 1244.980461
Anoxic hydrolysis 66.74374566
Anaerobic hydrolysis 1.32584765
Aerobic growth from SF 1254.441194
Aerobic growth from SA 77.8938837
Aerobic growth from Spro 10.41563437
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y SF 44.83395765
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y SA 2.783941646
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y Spro 0.372256677
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y SF 0
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y SA 0
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y Spro 0
Lysis 718.1730633
Polyphosphate-Accumulating Organisms (PAOs)
XPHA storage from SA 8.37359E-06
XPHA storage from Spro 1.11882E-06
XPP aerobic storage 3.97371E-05
Aerobic growth 3.90186E-05
XPP storage anoxic 1.42021E-06
Anoxic growth 1.39453E-06
Lysis XPAO 1.65104E-05
Lysis XPP 4.93577E-06
Lysis XPHA 2.00263E-07
Autotrophic bacteria
Nitrification 17.40680968
Lysis 6.441150179
Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria
Nitritation 0
Lysis 0
Nitrite oxidizing bacteria
Nitritación 0
Lysis 0
Acidogenic bacteria
Hydrolysis 0.000458152
Fermentation 7.06314E-07
Lysis 0.000364393
Acetogenic bacteria
Conversion of SPRO to acetic acid 5.56488E-11
Lysis 1.56174E-07
Methanogenic bacteria
Conversion of acetic acid to methane 3.12724E-11
Lysis XMAC 1.58377E-07
Conversion of hydrogen to methane 2.22039E-13
Lysis XMH2 3.16673E-07
Sulfate-reducing bacteria
Growth from SPRO 3.02167E-10
Growth from SA 2.31826E-09
Lysis XSRB-Het 5.77439E-07
Growth from SH2 2.18641E-12
Lysis XSRB-Aut 6.37191E-08
Precipitation 0
Redissolution 0
Stripping O2 -1117.38298
Stripping H2 0.00063184
Stripping CH4 -0.00074614
Stripping CO2 33.08558105
Stripping N2 54.5035517
Stripping NH3 0.020318795
Stripping H2S 7.70398E-05


ns (mg/l)

1. Geometric characteristics
Units: 1
Volume (m3): 900.0
Height (m): 4.5
Depth (m): 4.0
Length (m): 22.9 225.0000195
Width (m): 9.8

2. Operating characteristics

Winter Summer
Process type Conventional
Mass load (1/day) 0.24
hydraulic retention time (hours) 2.7
Cell retention time (days) 10.0

3. Agitation system (only anoxic and anaerobic reactor)

Brand: FLYGT
Model: 4680.410.1
Engine power (kW): 25.0
No. per tank agitators: 1

4. Aeration System: ---------

Number: ---
Brand-Model: ---
Installed Pow. (kW): ---

Winter Summer
Pow. Max. used (kW): - -
average consumption (kW·h/day) - -

5. Water Quality
Winter Summer
Input Output Input
Flow (m3/day)
Average 7880.00 27315.19
Peak 7880.00 27315.19
Sludge Rec. 7615.19 ---------
Internal Rec. 11820.00 ---------
Concentrations (mg/l)
SO2 0.01 0.00
SF 210.00 60.19
SA 40.00 10.15
SNH4 16.00 6.65
SNO3 0.00 0.02
SNO2 0.00 0.00
SNH3 0.06 0.05
SHNO2 0.00 0.00
SPO4 3.60 5.00
SI 30.00 30.00
SALK 339.83 328.42
SN2 14.61 17.81
SPRO 5.00 1.40
SCO2 1.45 0.62
SH2 0.0 0.0
SCH4 0.0 0.0
SSO4 50.0 50.1
SH2S 0.0 0.0
XI 0.0 895.2
XS 108.5 112.1
XH 0.0 1743.7
XPAO 0.0 0.0
XPP 0.0 0.0
XPHA 0.0 0.0
XAUT 0.0 42.1
XAMM 0.0 0.0
XNIT 0.0 0.0
XMEOH 0.0 0.0
XMEP 0.0 0.0
XNV 12.1 315.9
XACID 0.0 0.0
XPRO 0.0 0.0
XMAC 0.0 0.0
XMH2 0.0 0.0
XSRB-PRO 0.0 0.0
XSRB-AC 0.0 0.0
XSRB-H2 0.0 0.0
XTSS 103.9 2685.8
CODT 416.1 3487.3
CODSol. 285.0 101.7
CODSusp. 131.1 3385.5
PT 7.01 57.32
PSol. 5.70 5.61
PSusp. 1.31 51.71
NT 27.62 182.90
NSol. 22.6 8.8
NSusp. 5.0 174.1
MgSol. 60.4 60.4
MgSusp. 0.2 5.1
KSol. 30.19 30.20
KSusp. 0.10 2.71
CaSol. 100.00 99.94
CaSusp. 0.00 6.25
FeSol. 0.00 0.00
FeSusp. 0.00 0.00
Tª 20.00 20.00
pH 7.00 7.35

Process speed

Process Speed (g/m3day)

Winter Summer
Heterotrophic bacteria
Aerobic hydrolysis 13.0063884
Anoxic hydrolysis 47.89976015
Anaerobic hydrolysis 195.2192063
Aerobic growth from SF 51.80744158
Aerobic growth from SA 6.684838933
Aerobic growth from Spro 0.334234895
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y SF 127.1971838
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y SA 16.4125589
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y Spro 0.820610632
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y SF 0
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y SA 0
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y Spro 0
Lysis 697.4903255
Polyphosphate-Accumulating Organisms (PAOs)
XPHA storage from SA 0.000147505
XPHA storage from Spro 7.37009E-06
XPP aerobic storage 4.78871E-07
Aerobic growth 4.30597E-07
XPP storage anoxic 1.17572E-06
Anoxic growth 1.0572E-06
Lysis XPAO 1.61472E-05
Lysis XPP 4.44599E-06
Lysis XPHA 1.18353E-06
Autotrophic bacteria
Nitrification 0.091156143
Lysis 6.314694143
Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria
Nitritation 0
Lysis 0
Nitrite oxidizing bacteria
Nitritación 0
Lysis 0
Acidogenic bacteria
Hydrolysis 0.04636434
Fermentation 0.00109432
Lysis 0.00037362
Acetogenic bacteria
Conversion of SPRO to acetic acid 1.10689E-07
Lysis 1.56509E-07
Methanogenic bacteria
Conversion of acetic acid to methane 1.38919E-07
Lysis XMAC 1.58716E-07
Conversion of hydrogen to methane 1.4228E-10
Lysis XMH2 3.19395E-07
Sulfate-reducing bacteria
Growth from SPRO 2.97291E-07

Growth from SA 1.15849E-05

Lysis XSRB-Het 5.78102E-07
Growth from SH2 1.25314E-08
Lysis XSRB-Aut 6.3768E-08
Precipitation 0
Redissolution 0
Stripping O2 -9.87815528
Stripping H2 5.73796E-05
Stripping CH4 -6.2767E-05
Stripping CO2 0.61150858
Stripping N2 3.267740454
Stripping NH3 0.00052848
Stripping H2S 2.471E-06

ns (mg/l)

1. Geometric characteristics
Units: 1

Volume (m3): 897.4

Height (m): 3.5
Depth (m): 3.0 256.4102547
Diameter (m): 18.1

2. Operating characteristics
Winter Summer Design crit.
Hydraulic loading rate to Qaverage (m/h) 1.30 1.30
Hydraulic loading rate to Qpeak (m/h) 1.30 2.50
Retention time to Qaverage (h) 2.31 2.00
Retention time to Qpeak (h) 2.31 1.00
Weir loading rate to Qaverage (m2/h) 5.87 10.00
Weir loading rate to Qpeak (m2/h) 5.87 40.00

3. Sludge
Winter Summer
Production(kg/day) 1937.6
Concentration (kg/m3) 16.1
Flow (m3/day) 120.0

4. Water Quality

Winter Summer
Input Output Input
Flow (m3/day)
Average 8000.00 7880.00
Peak 8000.00 7880.00
Purge --------- 120.00
Concentrations (mg/l)
SO2 0.01 0.01
SF 210.00 210.00
SA 40.00 40.00
SNH4 16.00 16.00
SNO3 0.00 0.00
SNO2 0.00 0.00
SNH3 0.00 0.06
SHNO2 0.00 0.00
SPO4 3.60 3.60
SI 30.00 30.00
SALK 350.00 339.83
SN2 14.61 14.61
SPRO 5.00 5.00
SCO2 1.45 1.45
SH2 0.0 0.0
SCH4 0.0 0.0
SSO4 50.0 50.0
SH2S 0.0 0.0
XI 0.0 0.0
XS 360.0 108.5
XH 0.0 0.0
XPAO 0.0 0.0
XPP 0.0 0.0
XPHA 0.0 0.0
XAUT 0.0 0.0
XAMM 0.0 0.0
XNIT 0.0 0.0
XMEOH 0.0 0.0
XMEP 0.0 0.0
XNV 40.0 12.1
XACID 0.0 0.0
XPRO 0.0 0.0
XMAC 0.0 0.0
XMH2 0.0 0.0
XSRB-PRO 0.0 0.0
XSRB-AC 0.0 0.0
XSRB-H2 0.0 0.0
XTSS 344.5 103.9
CODT 720.0 416.1
CODSol. 285.0 285.0
CODSusp. 435.0 131.1
PT 10.05 7.01
PSol. 5.70 5.70
PSusp. 4.35 1.31
NT 39.25 27.62
NSol. 22.6 22.6
NSusp. 16.6 5.0
MgSol. 60.4 60.4
MgSusp. 0.7 0.2
KSol. 30.19 30.19
KSusp. 0.35 0.10
CaSol. 100.00 100.00
CaSusp. 0.00 0.00
FeSol. 0.00 0.00
FeSusp. 0.00 0.00
Tª 20.00 20.00
pH 7.00 7.00

Process speed*

Process Speed (g/m3day)

Winter Summer
Heterotrophic bacteria
Aerobic hydrolysis 2.57788E-08
Anoxic hydrolysis 2.01031E-14
Anaerobic hydrolysis 5.15591E-08
Aerobic growth from SF 7.30649E-09
Aerobic growth from SA 4.14236E-08
Aerobic growth from Spro 5.59739E-10
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y SF 3.79855E-15
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y SA 2.15356E-14
Anoxic growth from SNO3 y Spro 2.91001E-16
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y SF 0
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y SA 0
Anoxic growth from SNO2 y Spro 0
Lysis 7.29493E-08
Polyphosphate-Accumulating Organisms (PAOs)
XPHA storage from SA 5.06795E-08
XPHA storage from Spro 6.84405E-10
XPP aerobic storage 1.05243E-09
Aerobic growth 7.25181E-10
XPP storage anoxic 5.47145E-16
Anoxic growth 3.77012E-16
Lysis XPAO 3.54189E-09
Lysis XPP 5.91971E-09
Lysis XPHA 2.18698E-07
Autotrophic bacteria
Nitrification 1.24087E-10
Lysis 1.09444E-09
Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria
Nitritation 0
Lysis 0
Nitrite oxidizing bacteria
Nitritación 0
Lysis 0
Acidogenic bacteria
Hydrolysis 0.308841626
Fermentation 0.006438963
Lysis 0.002515291
Acetogenic bacteria
Conversion of SPRO to acetic acid 1.32448E-09
Lysis 7.67662E-10
Methanogenic bacteria
Conversion of acetic acid to methane 2.58333E-09
Lysis XMAC 8.27413E-10
Conversion of hydrogen to methane 2.59058E-11
Lysis XMH2 4.65214E-10
Sulphate-reducing bacteria
Growth from SPRO 3.39808E-08

Growth from SA 7.40405E-06

Lysis XSRB-Het 1.06908E-07
Growth from SH2 1.53618E-05
Lysis XSRB-Aut 6.55139E-07
Precipitation 0
Redissolution 0
Stripping O2 0
Stripping H2 0
Stripping CH4 0
Stripping CO2 0
Stripping N2 0
Stripping NH3 0
Stripping H2S 0

* The rates are for the lower layer.


ns (mg/l)

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