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Blood stem cell donation plays a crucial role in
saving lives. Here's an overview of why and
how you can become part of a registry:

Blood stem cell donation has the potential to save lives,
offering a vital treatment for individuals battling serious
blood disorders and cancers.

Being on the registry means volunteering to make a 5. Complete your swab kit
significant and positive impact on someone else's life. It's a
The kit includes instructions on how to swab the
selfless act that can bring hope and healing to those in
inside of your cheeks. You can also find additional
resources and videos on the website for further
The donation process is often straightforward, with guidance.
peripheral blood stem cell donation resembling a non-
surgical blood donation. This simplicity makes it accessible 6. Promptly return swab kit
and less invasive for potential donors.
Return the fully swabbed kit to the prepaid box
and send it by mail!

HOW? 7. Swab kit received

Upon receiving the kit, NMDP will initiate human
1. Scan the code in the lower right corner leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing. Your HLA type will
I've selected this registry for the tutorial, but there are subsequently be added in to the donor registry.
numerous registries available. The key is to simply get on
any registry! 8. Officially part of the registry
Congratulations! You are now part of the registry
2. Begin the sign up process and have the potential to be called upon to assist
Click on the central blue button that says "Join the Donor someone in need!
Registry" on the page.

3. Complete registration
After pressing the button, you'll be prompted to respond to
short inquiries covering your age range, medical history
(current and past), contact details, personal information,
ethnicity, alternate contact details, and, finally, donor
consent. This entire process can be completed in under five

4. Receive a complimentary kit

Once you've provided the required registration details, a
complimentary kit will be dispatched to your address. Take it
easy and unwind; this process may require a few weeks.

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