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Clover Scholars Academy was a prestigious school that only accepted the best of the best. The students there

enjoyed a high level of freedom and luxury, as long as they performed well academically and socially. The school had a

system of points that rewarded or penalized the students based on their actions and results. The points could be used

to buy anything from food and clothes to gadgets and cars. The school also had a secret curriculum that tested the

students' abilities and personalities in various ways.

Ryota Akira was a student of Class D, the lowest class in the school. He had enrolled in Clover Scholars Academy

with a mediocre score, and had been placed in the class of misfits and failures. He didn't care much about his studies

or his classmates, and preferred to keep a low profile. He had a hidden talent, however, that he rarely used. He was a

master of observation and manipulation, and could read people's emotions and intentions with ease. He had learned to

hide his true self from others, and to blend in with the crowd.

One day, he met two girls who would change his life. The first one was Haruka Saito, a cheerful and friendly girl

who was popular among the students. She was always smiling and helping others, and seemed to have no ulterior

motives. She approached Ryota and tried to befriend him, despite his cold and indifferent attitude. She was also a

member of Class D, but unlike Ryota, she wanted to improve her class's situation and reputation. She believed that

everyone had potential, and that cooperation was the key to success.

The second one was Rina Kuroda, a cold and aloof girl who was despised by the students. She was always frowning

and criticizing others, and seemed to have no interest in anything. She was also a member of Class D, but unlike

Haruka, she wanted to climb up the ranks by herself, and didn't care about her class's fate. She was a genius, and had

scored the highest in the entrance exam. She had a hidden agenda, however, that she kept secret from everyone. She

had a personal grudge against the school, and wanted to expose its dark side.

Ryota found himself caught between these two girls, who had opposite personalities and goals. He also found

himself involved in the school's mysterious tests and challenges, that pitted the classes against each other. He had to

use his skills and intelligence to survive and protect his interests, while also hiding his true identity and motives. He

had to choose between friendship and rivalry, between trust and deception, between loyalty and betrayal. He had to

face his own past and future, and decide what he really wanted.

This is the story of Ryota Akira, a student of Clover Scholars Academy, and his journey to find his place in the world.

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