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Ivy League Program

六年级能力班-课前测.indd 1 7/7/21 11:54


使用说明 i

课前测 1

Before Lesson 2 1

Before Lesson 3 4

Before Lesson 4 8

Before Lesson 5 11

Before Lesson 6 14

Before Lesson 7 16

Before Lesson 8 20

Before Lesson 9 24

Before Lesson 10 27

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六年级能力班-课前测.indd 3 7/7/21 11:54
课 前 测 包 括 与 课 堂 内 容 相 匹 配 的 听 写 区、 听 写 改 错 区、 课 前 测 答 题 区。 答




• 听写区
行 前 一 讲 重 点 表 达 的 听 写,

• 改错区
听 写 中 出 现 的 错 误, 应 及 时
在 改 错 区 抄 写, 建 议 至 少 三

• 课前测

• 可撕设计

六年级能力班-课前测.indd 4 7/7/21 11:54

Before Lesson 2

Dictation 听写

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_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

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_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Correction 改错
题号 错因 改错















六年级能力班-课前测.indd 1 7/7/21 11:54


1. VOCABULARY (6 points)

Complete the conversation below using the words in the box.

cope responsibilities handle relief anxiety feel

A:Your job seems very stressful. You have so many important 1 . How do you

2 the stress?

B: I've learned to 3 with it in a number of ways. Sometimes, I take short

breaks at work to meditate. And I like to go fishing on the weekends. Being out on the

water in the peace and quiet is a great stress 4 .

A: Do you experience less 5 now than you used to?

B: Yes. I used to 6 it all the time and had trouble sleeping. But now things

are better.

2. GRAMMAR (8 points)

Circle correct words with proper form to complete the sentence.

1. Many students enjoy (to ask/asking) questions in English.

2. People wanted (know/to know/ knowing) who this talented designer was.

3. I had seriously considered (to tell/telling/told) the story from the point of view of the


4. I prefer (to wear/wear) clothes made of natural fibers.

5. The company expects (completing/ complete/to complete) work in April.

6. She imagined (walking/to walk/walk) into the office and handing in her resignation.

7. Banks actively encourage people (borrow/borrowing/to borrow) money.

8. I've been avoiding (to get/getting/got/get) down to work all day.

3. TED TALK (4 points)

Complete the paragraph using the words in the box.

chronic experiences relatively transform

Everyone 1 some kind of stress. According to Kelly McGonigal, some of

us respond to stress better than others. People who view stress as harmful and try to

六年级能力班-课前测.indd 2 7/7/21 11:54

avoid stressful situations may start to experience 2 stress, which can lead

to cardiovascular disease. However, those who view stress as natural and normal may

feel 3 less stress and have a lower risk of dying from stress-related causes.

McGonigal believes that our attitudes towards stress can 4 the way it

affects our bodies.

六年级能力班-课前测.indd 3 7/7/21 11:54

Before Lesson 3

Dictation 听写

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_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

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_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Correction 改错
题号 错因 改错















六年级能力班-课前测.indd 4 7/7/21 11:54


Exercise 1 TOEFL Reading (5 points)

1. The new influenza A (H1N1) virus spreads from person-to-person in the same way

that seasonal influenza viruses spread. The main form of transmission is through the

coughs or sneezes of an infected person. Infected droplets are released into the air

and breathed in by others. However, these droplets do not remain in the air long and

generally only affect people within two meters. It is also possible to get influentza by

touching contaminated surfaces, and then touching your nose, mouth or eyes.

According to the paragraph, which of the following is true of the form of influenza A

(H1N1) transmission?

A. Seasonal influenza viruses and the new influenza A (H1N1) virus spread from person-

to-person through different ways.

B. People will get influentza if they touch surfaces contaminated by infected droplets.

C. It is highly possible to get influentza by breathing in infected droplets which are

released into air by the coughs or sneezes of an infected person.

D. Although those infected droplets do not remain in the air for a long time, people can

get infected regardless of the distance.

2. Playing organized sports is such a common experience in the United States that many

children and teenagers take them for granted. This especially true among children from

families and communities that have the resources needed to organize and sponsor

sports programs and make sure that there is easy access to participation opportunities.

Organized youth sports first appeared during the early 20th century in the United States

and other wealthy nations. They were originally developed when some educators and

developmental experts realized that the behavior and character of children were strongly

influenced by their social surroundings and in everyday experiences. This led many

people to believe that if you could organize the experiences of children in particular

ways, you could influence the kinds of adults that those children would become.

According to the paragraph, which of the following is true about organized youth sports?

A. Only a few children play organized sports in the United States.

B. Each community can provide children with an easy access to participate the organized

youth sports.

C. Countries all over the world started to have organized youth sports in the early 20th


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D. The development of organized youth sports started with the realization that children's

behavior and personability were strongly affected by their everyday surroundings.

3. The necessary space is there, however, in many forms. The commonest spaces (storing

groundwater) are those among the particles-sand grains and tiny pebbles-of loose,

unconsolidated sand and gravel. Beds of this material, out of sight beneath the soil, are

common. They are found wherever fast rivers carrying loads of coarse sediment once

flowed. For example, as the great ice sheets that covered North America during the

last ice age steadily melted away, huge volumes of water flowed from them. The water

was always laden with pebbles, gravel, and sand, known as glacial outwash, that was

deposited as the flow slowed down.

According to the paragraph, where is groundwater usually found?

A. Inside pieces of sand and gravel

B. On the top of beds of rock

C. In fast rivers that are flowing beneath the soil

D. In spaces between pieces of sediment

4. Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results

in the loss of the soil’s ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. The impact

of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil

spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration.

Water absorption is greatly reduced; consequently runoff is increased, resulting in

accelerated erosion rates. The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability

to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive

surface deterioration is established.

According to the paragraph, the loss of natural vegetation has which of the following

consequences for soil?

A. Increased stony content

B. Reduced water absorption

C. Increased numbers of spaces in the soil

D. Reduced water runoff

5. When several individuals of the same species or of several different species depend

on the same limited resource, a situation may arise that is referred to as competition.

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The existence of competition has been long known to naturalists; its effects were

described by Darwin in considerable detail. Competition among individuals of the same

species (intraspecies competition), one of the major mechanisms of natural selection,

is the concern of evolutionary biology. Competition among the individuals of different

species (interspecies competition) is a major concern of ecology. It is one of the factors

controlling the size of competing populations, and extreme cases it may lead to the

extinction of one of the competing species. This was described by Darwin for indigenous

New Zealand species of animals and plants, which died out when competing species

from Europe were introduced.

According to paragraph, what is one effect of competition among individuals of different


A. It results in the eventual elimination of the resource for which they are competing.

B. It leads to competition among individuals of the same species.

C. It encourages new species to immigrate to an area.

D. It controls the number of individuals in the competing populations.

Exercise 2 VOCABULARY (5 points)

Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

anxiety generation recession responsibilities optimism

1. They always want the news to be good, and they want their leaders to represent their

collective .

2. The economy is in and will remain so for at least another year.

3. The men and women of this new found themselves in a paradoxical


4. Her about the pain of childbirth is understandable.

5. I have a bad habit of taking on more than I can handle.

六年级能力班-课前测.indd 7 7/7/21 11:54

Before Lesson 4

Dictation 听写

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

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Correction 改错
题号 错因 改错















六年级能力班-课前测.indd 8 7/7/21 11:54


Exercise 1 - Vocabulary (5 points)

Choose a word from the list to fill in the blanks.

predator herbivore omnivore carnivore defense rub

1. An _________ is an organism that mostly feeds on plants.

2. An _________ is an organism that eats plants and animals.

3. A _________ is an organism that mostly eats meat, or the flesh of animals.

4. The animals with strangest ________ mechanisms use absolutely unique strategies to

stay alive.

5. The arrival of this South American _________ threatened the survival of native


6. Place your open hand firmly on his back and ______ backwards and forwards then

around and around in slow circles.

Exercise 2 - Reading (4 points)

On the Wild Side

Tiger cubs are cute. It's easy to see why people would want to keep them as pets. But

the cuddly cubs grow up to be natural-born killers. It's their nature. Some owners don't

know what to do when their wild pet becomes too much to handle. Zoos cannot begin to

take all the unwanted animals.

Roy Horn was a well-known wild-animal trainer and performer. One of his tigers

attacked him onstage in Las Vegas. Horn was badly injured but didn't die. Other owners

of wild pets have not been so lucky.

Some states ban ownership of big cats and other wild animals. What do you think?

Should people be able to keep wild animals as pets?

Yes! Big cats should be allowed as pets

Almost all animals can be dangerous. Horses and dogs injure people all the time. No

one is saying that people shouldn't keep them as pets.

People just have to know how to handle big cats in a safe way. Most injuries from big

cats occur because people are careless around them.

Most big-cat owners love their pets. The animals make them happy. If people are

willing to risk their own safety to care for a big cat, they should be able to do so.

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No! Big cats as pets are too dangerous

People who own big cats put themselves and their neighbors at risk. Big cats can break

out of cages and injure or even kill people.

When they are not in the wild, big cats need a lot of care. Many wild animals are kept in

small cages and in unhealthy conditions.

Only zookeepers are trained to work safely around the furry beasts. Even professionals

sometimes get hurt.

"A wild animal is like a loaded gun," says TV naturalist Jack Hanna. "It can go off at any


1. What is this text mostly about?

A. reasons why it is or is not too dangerous to have a wild cat as a pet

B. reasons why the tiger Ming bit his owner in a Harlem apartment

C. reasons why all animals, not just big cats, can be dangerous

D. reasons why big cats need a lot of care and should be in zoos

2. What can be inferred from the text?

A. wild cats are only good pets for people who work in zoos

B. everyone who owns a wild cat does some safety training

C. some owners of wild cats are killed by their pets

D. most owners of wild cats are also animal trainers

3. What is one argument for keeping big cats as pets that is presented in the text?

A. One argument for keeping big cats as pets is that if people own big cats, they and

their neighbors are in danger.

B. One argument for keeping big cats as pets is that if big cat owners really love their

pets, they will be able to take care of them safely.

C. One argument for keeping big cats as pets is that if zookeepers can help take care of

the animals, everything will be fine.

D. One argument for keeping big cats as pets is that if people are willing to take the

risk, they should be allowed to do so.

4. Write down one argument in the text against keeping big cats as pets.


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Before Lesson 5

Dictation 听写

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_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Correction 改错
题号 错因 改错
















六年级能力班-课前测.indd 11 7/7/21 11:54


Exercise 1 Vocabulary:Fill the blanks. (10 points)

side effects face become courteous spare

bloom seatbelt fossils stayed leading

1. If you're in Holland when tulips begin to ________, you should visit one of the many

flower festivals.

2. In 2011, the ______ producers of coffee in the world were Brazil, Vietnam, and


3. Tina is always __________ to the customers in her shop, even if they are rude to her.

4. My mother won't even start the car until everyone has fastened their ___________.

5. Before buying any over-the-counter medicine, read the label to check the

6. Unfortunately, I haven't ____________ in contact with many of my high school friends.

7. Many dinosaur _____________ have been found in North America and China.

8. Although Jack had an excellent education, he didn't feel ready to_______ the

challenges of the future.

9. I always keep a _____________ tire and a jack in the trunk of my car.

10. The use of social media has _____________ very popular among teenagers these


Exercise 2 Grammar (10 points)

Read each sentence. If there is a subject and a verb in the sentence, select correct. If a

subject or verb is missing, select fragment. Complete all items.

1. Many companies require training for their new employees. (correct/fragment)

2. Where is the remote control for the TV? (correct/fragment)

3. Gloria decided to order take-out food for dinner. (correct/fragment)

4. After school, Will and his friend’s soccer and basketball. (correct/fragment)

5. Rachel’s new television set is too big. (correct/fragment)

6. Unlike Japan, Saudi Arabia self-sufficient regarding their oil supply. (correct/


7. Why did they decide to leave the office so early? (correct/fragment)

8. Barbara always gives me good advice. (correct/fragment)

9. Robert unable to find a replacement during his vacation. (correct/fragment)

10. Many people that James committed the crime. (correct/fragment)


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Exercise 3 Editing (10points each)
Correct ten errors in spelling, noun forms, subject-verb agreement, collocations, and

verb form.

Finding a job takes planning and diligence. First, you can starts by looking in the

help-wanted section of the newspaper for a job that appeals for you. 1-2 After checking

the newspaper, you may want to search various online job sites. When you have found

an interesting companies, try visiting the company in person. 3 Ask weather there are any

openings even if no position are advertised. 4-5 Do not forget to have your resume ready

to give to a prospective employer. Make sure that it highlight your employment history

and educations. 6-7 In sums, remember that persistence is the key to getting the job you

want. 8 By following these step, rest assured that you will find a job in not time. 9-10

1. (verb form) 2. (collocation) 3. (noun form)

4. (spelling) 5. (S-V agreement) 6. (S-V agreement)

7. (noun form) 8. (collocation) 9. (noun form)

10. (collocation)


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Before Lesson 6

Dictation 听写

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Correction 改错
题号 错因 改错
















六年级能力班-课前测.indd 14 7/7/21 11:54


1. VOCABULARY (4 points)
Complete the conversation. Circle the correct words.

A: Are you going to JD's concert?

B: No, my parents won't let me go.

A: Why not?

B: They don't think he's a good 1.(theme / influence).

A: You can still enjoy someone's music even if they're not a good 2.(villain / role model).

B: I agree, but I don't like his music anyway. I don't find any 3.(inspiration / characters)

in it. He doesn't sing about things that are important to me.

A: You and your high 4.(ideals / idols)! I just like JD's music because it makes me want

to dance.

2. GRAMMAR (5 points)
Match each sentence to its missing clause.

____ 1. Batman, ..., is mostly good, but he also has a dark side.

____ 2. Watching movies ... can make people more violent and aggressive.

____ 3. The lyrics to this song, ..., always make me cry.

____ 4. Angelina Jolie, ..., is a good role model for other actors.

____ 5. The evening news,..., may make people fearful of leaving their homes.

a. which are very sad

b. that have a lot of fight scenes

c. who is the hero of a comic book series

d. which broadcasts stories of crime daily

e. who has helped many children around the world

3. TED TALK (6 points)

Complete the paragraph using the words in the box.

assesses heroic quest seek out theme villainous

Colin Stokes watches children's movies and 1 them to see what they teach

children. Most popular children's movies have the classic 2 of good versus evil.

The main character is often a man on a 3 to save a beautiful woman from a

"bad guy" - a 4 character, such as an evil scientist or a monster. Stokes wants

parents to 5 movies with stronger female characters for their children. A 6

female character shows boys and girls that women are also strong, not just beautiful.


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Before Lesson 7

Dictation 听写

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_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Correction 改错
题号 错因 改错
















六年级能力班-课前测.indd 16 7/7/21 11:54


TOEFL Reading (5 points)

1. Cullen resigned from Kroger, moved to Queens, New York. In the summer of 1930, he

opened the nation’s first supermarket in a former garage. That original King Kullen

store, long since closed, brought together the five elements of a modern supermarket:

separate departments, self-service, discount pricing, chain marketing and volume


According to the paragraph, which of the followings is NOT included in the five elements

of a modern supermarket?

A. Self-service

B. Low pricing

C. Substantial advertisement

D. Chain-store operation

2. People often associate the United States only with the English language. And many

United States citizens often think that America only means the land within the borders of

the United States. This simplification, however, obscures the truth. In fact, America refers

to all the countries in the estern hemisphere, incuding those of both North and South

America. Therefore, Argentina and Canada are just as America as the United States.

According to the paragraph, which of the following countries is NOT considered


A. The United States

B. Spain

C. Argentina

D. Canada


Spiders use their silk to weave webs to suspend themselves or catch food. However,

humans have various uses for the silk as well. Some fishermen use the webs of certain

spiders to catch fish, while some spider silk fibers are used to produce violin strings or

even make clothes.

Spider silk is considered to be one of the highest quality silks. However, clothes or


六年级能力班-课前测.indd 17 7/7/21 11:54

goods made from spider silk can rarely be found because there are many challenges

in completing the process of extracting, gathering, and weaving this type of silk. For

example, on average, gathering a total of just 1 ounce of spider silk requires 23,000


Because spider silk is so precious, the largest ever textile made wholly out of spider silk

is 11 feet by 4 feet. It took 82 highly skilled workers over three years to gather nearly 1.2

million Golden Orb Weaver spiders individually from highlands in Madagascar to extract

the needed silk from them, and accomplish this feat. Every morning, the workers would

search for the Golden Orb Weavers in the wilds of Madagascar so they could collect

30-35 meters of thread within a 20-minute period from the spiders, then release them

back into the wild again.

3. Which of the following is NOT true about the largest spider silk textile? Nearly 1.2

million spiders were A. used to make it.

B. It is 11 feet by 4feet.

C. It took over three years to complete.

D. It is displayed in Madagascar.

4. Human uses for spider silk Include all of the following EXCEPT

A. to create clothes

B. to use as violin strings

C. to eat as food

D. to catch fish

5. Western farmers altered the landscape by reducing the annual fires that had kept the

prairie ( 草 原 ) free from trees. In the absence of these fires, trees reappeared on land

not in cultivation and, if undisturbed, eventually formed woodlots. The earlier unbroken

landscape gave way to independent farms, each fenced off in a precise checkerboard

pattern. It was an artificial ecosystem of animals, woodlots, and crops, whose large,

uniform layout made western farms more efficient than the more-irregular farms in the


According to paragraph 8, prairie farmers changed the landscape by doing all of the

following EXCEPT:

A. Reducing annual fires

B. Dividing the land into large, regularly-shaped lots


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C. Planting trees that eventually formed woodlots

D. Fencing off their farms

VOCABULARY (5 points)

Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

exposure to transfer underlying virtual dedicated to

1. To information from short-term to long-term memory, the brain requires

periods of rest.

2. The website allows you to take a tour of the art gallery.

3. Improve your sleep and health by reducing your harmful electromagnetic


4. As a scientist, he was the truth.

5. The factor in almost all suicides is the feeling of hopelessness.


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Before Lesson 8

Dictation 听写

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_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Correction 改错
题号 错因 改错
















六年级能力班-课前测.indd 20 7/7/21 11:54


1. VOCABULARY (5points)

Fill the blanks.

hibernation migration habitat evolution vicious

1. Animals, plants, and all living things are adapted to life in their natural surroundings,

and these different environments are called __________.

2. ____________ is a way for many creatures - from butterflies to bats - to survive cold,

dark winters without having to forage for food or migrate to somewhere warmer.

3. Bird ____________ is the regular seasonal movement, often north and south along a

flyway, between breeding and wintering grounds.

4. Mark is a __________ person who will spends years plotting how to take revenge on

people that hurt him in any way.

5. Perhaps __________ provided human babies with curiosity and a natural drive to

explain their worlds.

2. Exercise 2 Reading (5 points)

Endangered Animals at a Glance

Back to the Wild

Not all the news is bad about endangered animals. In the United States, dozens of

endangered animals have been making a comeback ( 恢复 ). Here are few of them:

Gray Wolf: By the 1970s, the gray wolf had all but vanished from Yellowstone National

Park. In 1995 and 1996, federal biologists brought 66 wolves from Canada and set

them free in the wilderness areas of the park and central Idaho. Today, about 285 gray

wolves live in central Idaho, and 271 more roam Yellowstone.

Bald Eagle: Before Europeans came to North America, the sky was teeming with bald

eagles. As settlers moved west, they destroyed the eagles' natural habitat. Egg collectors

and pesticides almost wiped out the bald eagle population. However, about 30 years

ago the federal government passed laws to protect the eagles. Today, more than 7,678

pairs of bald eagles live in the lower United States.

Grizzly Bear: In the 1800s, an estimated 50,000 grizzly bears roamed the West. Today,


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the bears are making a comeback in several Western areas, including Yellowstone Park.

Can Zoos Help Save Endangered Animals?

Emi is a crowd-pleasing Sumatran rhinoceros at the Cincinnati Zoo. Why is she so

popular? In 2004, Emi gave birth to Suci, a healthy, wide-eyed female calf.

Although most visitors to the zoo enjoy gazing at Emi and Suci, scientists are happy

for another reason. Suci's arrival brings scientists a step closer to pulling the Sumatran

rhinoceros back from the edge of extinction.

As the populations of wild animals dwindle, conservationists are hoping that they can

breed animals in zoos and later release them into the wild.

Scientists have reintroduced at least 19 species to the wild from captivity. For example,

by 1985 only nine wild California condors were living in that state. Biologists captured

all nine and began a captive breeding program ( 圈 养 繁 殖 计 划 ). As of July 2005, the

number of condors increased to 280, with more than 120 living in the wild.

1. Which statement best describes the main idea of this passage?

A. People are harming endangered animals.

B. Endangered animals need our help.

C. Scientists are trying to find a way to help animals to find safe places to live.

D. Some endangered animals are increasing in number.

2. When the gray wolf had nearly vanished, what did people do to help prevent it from

becoming extinct?




3. The bold word “dwindle” in the passage means_______

A. sickly B. missing C. decline D. raise

4. Which efforts were mentioned in the passage that contributed to solving the problem?

(pick two choices)

A. arresting hunters

B. federal laws
C. allowing animals to roam freely

D. breeding animals in captivity


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5. Which of the following conclusions are supported by the passage?

A. Scientists do not want to breed animals in zoos.

B. Endangered animals may no longer survive.

C. Zoos should not help endangered animals.

D. People have been able to find ways to save endangered animals.


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Before Lesson 9

Dictation 听写

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Correction 改错
题号 错因 改错
















六年级能力班-课前测.indd 24 7/7/21 11:54


1. VOCABULARY (10 points)

Complete the conversation below using the words in the box.

soaring reptile by appealing brakes

filling snack with reduce on

1. In order to ______________ stress in his life, point is starting to do yoga.

2. After that delicious and ______________ meal, I don't think I can eat dessert.

3. The ______________ on my car don't work well on wet roads. I should get them fixed.

4. My manager is good at interacting ___________ everyone in the office.

5. Karen's favorite afternoon ____________ is yogurt with fresh fruit.

6. Due to _____________ gas prices, we're trying to walk more and drive less.

7. The Yunnan box turtle is a _________ that became extinct in the early 1900s.
8. Joanna can always depend _________ her mother when she needs someone to talk to.

9. Going to the beach on Friday is an_________ idea, but I can't take the day off.

10. Aunt Helen only gives gifts that are mad ___________ hand.

2. GRAMMAR (8 points)

Recognizing Sentence Fragments (SF), Comma Splices (CS), Run-Ons (RO) or Correct.

point it down and give it a correction for those that have errors or Tick it(√) for those

with no mistake.

1. I'm a vegetarian, I don't eat meat. _______________

2. My sister is pregnant I hope it will be a girl! ______________

3. Lilly needs to study tonight, she has a big exam tomorrow. _______________

4.The birds that usually eat at our feeders have disappeared. Due to the extreme cold.


5.It has been warm this week, today the temperature really dropped. _____________

6.Even though it is so cold. I will still go out for a walk. _______________

7.It is really beautiful here in the valley when the sun shines. Walking in the cold air

makes me feel good. ___________

8.Many people do not like extreme winters and purposely live farther south where the

weather is milder. I like the variety of four seasons and hope to stay in this area for

many winters to come. ______________


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3. EDITING (10 points)

Correct 10 errors in fragments, run-ons, comma splices, and verb form.

In my large family with dozens of aunts, uncles, and cousins, my Aunt Carolyn is by

far my favorite relative. Aunt Carolyn will be my father's youngest sister. 1 I am also the

youngest one in my family, which may explains why Aunt Carolyn and I have always had

a special connection. 1 I've read about the youngest siblings having certain personality

traits I can see and appreciate some of those characteristics in Aunt Carolyn. 1 First she

has always appeared youthful. 1 She exercises regularly and has a fun sense of style

and fashion. Secondly, a very optimistic person. 1 She have a unique way of never letting

anything bring her down, as well as knowing the perfect thing to say when someone

is having a bad day.1 Finally Aunt Carolyn is easy-going and friendly.1 At family

gatherings, she always seem to find a way to talk with everyone in a warm kind, and

interesting way. 2 I have often told Aunt Carolyn, how much I appreciate her positivity

and energy. 1 I can only hope that I have inherited some of her admirable traits!


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Before Lesson 10

Dictation 听写

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Correction 改错
题号 错因 改错
















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1. VOCABULARY (6 points)

Complete the conversation. Circle the correct words.

A:According to an article I read, today's young people are more 1 (altruistic / enduring)

than previous generations.

B: Interesting. What's causing this 2 (priority / trend)?

A : T h e a r t i c l e s a y s t h e r e ' s 3( a n a s p i r a t i o n / a c o r r e l a t i o n ) b e t w e e n y o u n g p e o p l e ' s

altruism and their use of the Internet - they are more aware of problems around the

world, so they want to make a difference.

B:Wow! I hope this is the start of 4 (an enduring / a decreasing) movement. It would be

great if everyone cared more about others.

A:Yeah, it would change the world if more people's 5 (aspirations/ governance) were to

help the poor instead of just becoming rich. Some people's 6 (priorities / trend) need to

2. GRAMMAR (5 points)

Complete the sentences with either the present perfect or present perfect progressive

form of the verb in parentheses. Both are possible.

1. The global standard of living __________ (improve).

2. The unemployment rate __________ (fall) in our country.

3. Around the world, the number of villages without clean water ___________ (shrink).

4. The government ____________ (make) significant efforts to reduce income inequality.

5. The mayor is worried because the level of crime in the city ______________ (increase).

3. TED TALK (3 points)

Match the terms from Hans Rosling's TED Talk with their definitions.

___1 developing world

___2 emerging economies

___3 industrialized world

a. countries with healthy economies and hi-tech industries

b. countries with few economic resources or hi-tech industries

c. countries that used to lack technological and economic resources but are becoming

more successful


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