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Staying Psychologically Healthy:
Test Your Coping Skills
How do you stay psychologically healthy and well? -
There are many ways, but some are more effective than cally healthy.
others. This assessment was created to help you identify Carefully assess yourself by scoring each item according to
how effectively you cope. It is to help inform you of the most how often each statement applies to you.

Sometimes 8. It is difficult to forget about my 1 2 3 4 5

problems and worries and just

have fun.

9. I experience difficulty sleeping 1 2 3 4 5

because my mind is racing.
1. I seek out emotional support from 1 2 3 4 5 10. I manage to find an outlet to 1 2 3 4 5
others. express my emotions (writing a
2. In light of new developments, I 1 2 3 4 5 journal, drawing, painting, etc.).
am willing to change my opinions.
3. I find myself so overwhelmed that 1 2 3 4 5 I n te r p r et i ng Y ou r Sc or e
I completely shut down. 0 A perfect score
Your score for numbers 3, 8, and 9 is _____.
is 15. The higher your score, the stronger your coping skills.
4. If I think there is some research or 1 2 3 4 5
other information about a prob-
Your score for numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 is _____.
A perfect score is 7. Keep in mind that the lower your score
lem I have, I will seek it out.
here, the greater your ability to cope with stress in an effective,
5. I try to keep the situation in per- 1 2 3 4 5
healthy manner, and the higher the score, the more improve-
spective. ment is needed to increase your coping skills.
6. I refuse to give up. 1 2 3 4 5 Source: Psych Tests AIM Inc., “Coping and Stress
7. I remind myself that eventually 1 2 3 4 5 Management Skills Test—Abridged/10 Questions, 5 Mins,” Reprinted by permission.
things will get better.


The Assessyourself activity gave you the chance to assess your coping abili-
ties. Now that you have considered these results, you can take steps to change
behaviors that may be detrimental to your psychological health.

Today, you can : Within the next 2 weeks, you can: By the end of the semester, you can:
◯ Evaluate your behavior and identify ◯ Visit your campus health center and ◯ Make a commitment to an ongoing
therapeutic practice aimed at improving
that negatively affect your psychological they offer. If you are feeling overwhelmed, your psychological health. Depending on
health. What can you change now? What depressed, or anxious, make an appoint- your current situation, this could mean
can you change in the near future? ment with a counselor. anything from seeing a counselor or join-
◯ Start a journal and note your moods. ◯ Pay attention to the negative ing a support group to practicing medita-
Look for trends and think about ways you thoughts that pop up throughout the tion or attending religious services.
can address them. day. Being aware of these thoughts gives ◯ Volunteer regularly with a local
◯ List the things that bring you joy. you an opportunity to stop, evaluate them, organization you care about. Focus your
Commit yourself to making more room and choose a different thought. energy and gain satisfaction by helping to
for these joy-givers in your life. improve others’ lives or the environment.

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