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In the hazy recesses of their memories, there lingered fragments of a past shrouded in shadows and
whispers. It was a time when the echoes of laughter and familial warmth were replaced by a haunting silence,
and the familiar contours of home became an unfamiliar maze.

It all began with an unspoken tension, an undercurrent of discontent that permeated the once tranquil
abode. The reasons were elusive, veiled by unspoken grievances and masked resentments that festered
beneath the surface. With a heart yearning for freedom, they couldn't bear the weight of the unspoken truth
of that day.

Their departure was a quiet rebellion, an escape orchestrated in the stillness of the night. The moon, a
silent witness, bathed the world in silver hues as they slipped away from the constricting embrace of home.
The decision was both impulsive and deliberate, a paradox that reflected the conflict within.

As Casey navigated through the shadowed streets, the city became a labyrinth of familiarity and alienation.
Every step carried the weight of uncertainty, but the allure of the unknown beckoned with promises of
liberation. The only companions were the rhythmic beats of their hearts and the soft crunch of leaves
beneath their hurried footsteps.

Destiny remained elusive, the journey marked by chance encounters and fleeting connections. They found
solace in the transient beauty of sunsets, the whispers of wind through abandoned alleyways, and the
rhythmic cadence of distant city sounds. The open road became a canvas for self-discovery, each mile a step
towards an undefined destination.

That was the worst decision they ever made.

。゚・ ❀ ゚・. 。゚・ . ° . ✿ ೃ

Chapter 1- Meadow
They watched as the flowers bloomed. It was a beautiful sight in that moment, surrounded by the
flourishing blooms, they found solace and courage. The simple act of watching flowers bloom became a
metaphor for the beauty that could emerge from patience, nurturing, and the passage of time. As they sat
there, absorbing the magic of nature, they couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope and gratitude for
the wonders that unfolded before them.

They can't help but feel nostalgic, they remember the events of one week ago, everything was perfect back
then…With an unsuspecting step, a soft crunch echoed in the air, and the vibrant petals of the flower
flattened beneath the weight of their shoe.

Suddenly they felt something grabbing their leg, what the hell?!

They looked down in shock, only to discover that the once-crushed flower seemed to have come back to
life, its petals unfurling as if in defiance of the harm done to it. A subtle but undeniable force wrapped
around their leg, and a mysterious energy pulsed through the air.

Startled, they tried to pull away, but the grip on their leg tightened. The garden, once a haven of
tranquility, now felt charged with an unexpected enchantment. The flowers seemed to sway in response to
this newfound energy, and the air shimmered with an otherworldly glow. As they struggled to free
themselves, a soft, melodious hum filled the air, emanating from the very heart of the garden. The
once-flattened flower had transformed into a radiant entity, pulsating with a gentle light. It communicated
not in words, but in a series of emotions and memories that flooded their mind.

In that surreal moment, they relived the events of the past week—the laughter, the joy, and the love that
had permeated their lives. The flower seemed to share in their nostalgia, weaving a tapestry of shared
experiences and emotions. It was as if the garden itself held the power to evoke and preserve the beauty of
fleeting moments.

As the hum faded, the grip on their leg released, and they found themselves back in the present, a
mysterious woman in front of them. “Who… Who are you?” They asked.

The flower woman just hummed in response, well this is weird, they looked like a normal Mundano with
fox features, looks like she is mute they taught

“Well, my name´s Casey, sometimes I go non-verbal, so I know sign language, what's your name?”

I don´t know

“That's weird…what even are you?”

I don´t know

The rabbit ear Casey in an instinctive gesture put out her hand reaching for the flower fox, then drew it
back quickly

“Please come with me…”

Her eyes widened in sheer astonishment with the wind blowing in both of their short hairs

Casey extended her hand cautiously towards the flower fox, the air around them still tingling with the
remnants of magic. Uncertain, yet curious, the flower fox hesitated before extending a delicate hand

Casey lent her to their campfire, patting on the floor for her to sit

“Here, take a sit”

The white hair fox nodded as she softly smiled. The crackling of the campfire filled the night air as Casey
and the flower fox settled into a comfortable silence. The flames danced, casting flickering shadows on the
canvas of the surrounding trees. The once-enchanting garden was now a distant memory, replaced by the
warmth of the fire and the quiet companionship between Casey and the mysterious flower fox.

As they sat by the fire, the air still infused with residual magic, Casey reached into her bag and pulled out
a woven blanket, draping it over the flower fox's shoulders. The gesture was met with a soft smile, a silent
exchange of gratitude that transcended the need for words.

Casey, breaking the stillness, began to draw shapes in the air with her hands, sign language that conveyed
a simple question:

Where are you from? With a tilt of her head and a thoughtful expression, the flower fox responded with a
series of graceful hand movements. Casey, though unfamiliar with the gestures, listened attentively, a bridge
forming between them through the language of gestures and unspoken understanding.

The night unfolded with shared stories, communicated not through spoken words, but through the
intricate dance of hands and expressions. With another combination of gestures, Casey stated: Well since I
find you in a meadow, I will call you Meadow, fine by you?

Meadow laughed at the statement, nodding slowly

The fire continued to burn low, casting a warm glow on their faces, Meadow earned in, resting her head on
Casey's shoulder for the surprise of Casey, it reminded them of her…

Casey watched Mealow fall asleep, why did she look like the statue of Eternal Sophia? Casey studied
Meadow's serene expression. The flickering firelight played on her features, revealing an ethereal quality that
seemed to echo the ancient statues of Eternal Sophia.

The resemblance was uncanny, and a sense of wonder enveloped Casey as she contemplated the
mysterious connection between the flower fox and the timeless symbol of hope.

But this wasn't the most important question for Casey, why did this area remain intact from the matiz?

Either way, they should keep going, they are getting out of supplies, Casey taught as they took their bow
from their waist ready to shoot

However, as Casey aimed the bow, their fingers hesitated on the string. The silent serenity of Meadow's
slumber and the unspoken connection between them stayed in Casey's mind. They lowered the bow slowly,
they couldn't do this, but these flowers are involved in this?! Who even is he? Casey sighed and let themselves
be taken by the sleep

It was a normal day for Casey, getting back from helping their father at work to their apartment happy to
see their girlfriend, Selene, but as they opened the door, an unsettling emptiness greeted them. The familiar
warmth and laughter that once filled the space were replaced by an eerie silence. Panic set in as Casey
searched for any sign of Selene. Maybe their reptile best friend Noah will know where Selene is, so Casey
goes down to the bar downstairs… nothing... That's strange, Noah tends to be here all day bartending.

Suddenly Casey had a strange feeling, maybe they should check their father's office, why would they think
of such a thing out of nothing? And what's this scent of sunflowers?

Either way, they should go check it. As Casey made their way to their father's office, the scent of
sunflowers grew stronger, wrapping around them like an invisible thread. The door creaked open, revealing a
scene that sent shivers down Casey's spine…..





Casey felt something touching them as they woke up, it looked like it was just that dream again…Their
gaze quickly shifted to the person touching them, it was Meadow, with a gentle and concerned expression
holding Casey's shoulder. The residual emotions from the dream lingered, making Casey feel a mix of
confusion and distress. As their eyes met, Meadow's gaze seemed to convey understanding, as if she could
sense the stress within Casey.

Casey shook off the remnants of the memory, trying to ground themselves in the reality of the moment.
The campfire had burned down, leaving only smoldering embers. The night was still and quiet, with only
the distant rustle of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl.

Are you okay? Meadow signed, her hands moving gracefully in the dim light.

Casey took a deep breath, appreciating Meadow's silent support. They signed back: Just a dream.

Meadow nodded, her eyes reflecting a comforting understanding. Casey looking into Meadow´s eyes
couldn't help but marvel at the mystery of her presence and the inexplicable connection they shared.

The realization of their depleted supplies and the need to continue their journey returned to Casey's
mind. With a glance at the horizon, they noted the first light of dawn beginning to paint the sky in hues of
pink and orange.

"We should move now," Casey said, getting up and stretching. Meadow followed suit with a fluid and
elegant movement.

As they packed their belongings, the sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over the landscape. The air
was filled with the sounds of waking birds, signaling the start of a new day. Casey and Meadow set out on
the path ahead, their footsteps accompanied by the soft crunch of leaves beneath their feet.

“Remember to avoid the Matiz '' Casey talked to themselves with a sigh, Meadow was confused and asked
with delicate signs and a confused expression: What's that?

Casey looked confused, how did she not know about the Matix?

“You don't know about it?” Casey asked with the most shocked face someone could make

Meadow shook her head, a look of genuine confusion on her face. Casey, now realizing the gap in
Meadow's knowledge, felt a responsibility to explain the looming threat.

"The Matiz is a force that corrupts and consumes everything in its path, it kinda looks like ink," Casey
signed, her hands moving with urgency. "It's a destructive energy that devours both nature and life. We must
be cautious and avoid it at all costs. That's why we need to keep moving, away from its influence, that's why
we build our cities underground, all thanks to Eternal Sophia…even if sometimes it doesn't work… " Casey
said the last part with a mix of emotions.

Meadow listened intently, her eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and concern. She gestured with her
hands, trying to convey a question. Casey, despite the complexity of the matter, attempted to simplify the
explanation through gestures and expressions.

Casey sighed again “Well, are you ready to search for food?” Meadow nodded in response to Casey's
question, her eyes filled with a determined spark.

“Ready to learn how to use a bow?”

Meadow's eyes widened with a mix of excitement and curiosity. She nodded eagerly, showing her
readiness to learn the art of archery. Casey couldn't help but appreciate Meadow's adventurous spirit, and
they felt a renewed sense of purpose in guiding her through this new skill. Casey retrieved the bow from
their shoulder and gestured for Meadow to observe. With deliberate movements, they demonstrated the
proper way to hold the bow, how to nock an arrow, and the correct stance for aiming. Despite the absence of
spoken words, Casey's hands moved with precision, conveying each step of the process.

Meadow watched attentively, absorbing the information through the silent language they were creating
together. Once Casey finished the demonstration, they handed the bow to Meadow, encouraging her to give
it a try. Meadow hesitated for a moment, her eyes fixed on the weapon in her hands.

With a reassuring smile, Casey mimed the actions again, guiding Meadow through the process.
Gradually, Meadow began to mimic the gestures, adjusting her grip and stance as she familiarized herself
with the bow. Casey observed with satisfaction as Meadow's movements became more confident.

After a few tries, Meadow managed to nock an arrow successfully. Casey gestured for her to aim at a
nearby tree, offering encouraging signs. Meadow took a deep breath, focused her gaze, and released the
arrow. It soared through the air, hitting the target with surprising accuracy.

A triumphant smile spread across Meadow's face, and she signed her excitement. Casey applauded with a
proud grin, a silent celebration of this newfound accomplishment.

Encouraged by the successful attempt, Casey continued to teach Meadow more advanced techniques,
emphasizing the importance of patience, precision, and mindfulness.

“So are you ready to hunt?” Casey asked with the bow on their damaged robotic arm

Meadow nodded eagerly, her eyes reflecting determination. She held the bow with newfound confidence,
ready to apply the skills she had acquired through Casey's patient guidance. The forest around them seemed
to hush in anticipation as if nature itself awaited the duo's next move.

Casey gestured for Meadow to follow, and they ventured deeper into the woods, their footsteps softened
by the thick carpet of fallen leaves. The air was alive with the rustle of branches and the distant calls of
unseen creatures. Casey's keen eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for signs of prey.

They came across a clearing where tracks hinted at recent animal activity. Casey pointed to the ground,
signaling for Meadow to be aware and tread lightly. The flower fox nodded in understanding, mimicking
Casey's cautious movements.

The duo moved with a synchronized grace, blending into the natural rhythm of the forest. Casey guided
Meadow to a vantage point overlooking the clearing. With a subtle gesture, they indicated the potential
paths the prey might take. Meadow observed, her focus sharp and unwavering.

As the duo observed from their concealed vantage point, Meadow's eyes remained fixed on the clearing
below. The forest held its breath, and the anticipation of the hunt hung in the air like a tangible force.

Casey, with a subtle hand gesture, signaled to Meadow to remain patient. After a few moments, a rustling
in the underbrush announced the arrival of a small group of rabbits. They nibbled on tender shoots of grass,
seemingly oblivious to the presence of the silent predators above. Casey and Meadow exchanged a knowing
look, communicating their strategy without uttering words. Casey gently guided Meadow's aim towards the
closest rabbit, their hands moving in unison. Meadow drew the bowstring with a steady hand, mirroring the
techniques she had learned earlier. The quiet tension built as she waited for the opportune moment.

With a precise release, the arrow soared through the air, finding its mark. The chosen rabbit faltered, its
movements slowing before it succumbed to the swift and humane strike. Meadow's eyes widened with
surprise and satisfaction at the success of her second shot.

The two of them descended from their vantage point to retrieve their bounty. Meadow, now more
comfortable with the process, assisted Casey in handling the catch. The silent understanding between them
deepened with each shared task, reinforcing the unspoken bond forged in the crucible of their journey.

The aroma of roasting rabbit filled the air, and as they sat by the campfire, enjoying the fruits of their
successful hunt, Meadow couldn't help but marvel at the journey she had undertaken with Casey as she

Before savoring the meal Casey prayed to Eternal Sophia, Meadow looked confused but did the same
movements that Casey did.

The crackling flames danced in rhythm with the soft sounds of the night, creating a comforting symphony
that surrounded them. As they shared the roasted rabbit, Casey gestured toward the sky, tracing
constellations with their finger

The silent communication continued, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and unspoken
understanding. Meadow's eyes sparkled with gratitude, her connection with Casey growing stronger with
each passing moment. With the meal finished, Casey retrieved a small, worn journal from their bag. They
opened it to reveal sketches and notes detailing their encounters and the wonders of the world they
navigated.“Here, it's yours” Casey handed the journal to Meadow, inviting her to contribute her own
experiences. Meadow hesitated momentarily, then took the journal with a determined expression as she
thanked Casey with soft movements.

“Well we should go to sleep, may Eternal Sophia bless us…”

That was strange, Meadow hearing that name got an uneasy feeling, and asked a little hectic Who is eternal

“You really don't know anything, do you?” Casey sighed “Well, be ready because this is a long tale!”
Meadow got herself comfortable and got ready to listen to them

“ It is said that Eternal Sophia used to be a normal Mundano just like us, no one knows her animal
features, it is said that she is all, in the times of war between Mundanos, she appears out of flowers and stops
the war with the promise of peace and the warning of an imminent danger ready to strike. She led all the
Mudanos to the underground where they would be safe from the imminent danger.

After that, it is said that she climbed Mount Estela to watch over us… Maybe you are Eternal Sophia? You
appear out of flowers too…” Casey laughed at the last part.

Meadow looked thoughtful, absorbing the tale of Eternal Sophia. The idea of being connected to such a
mythical figure seemed surreal. She signed back with a hint of humor. If I am Eternal Sophia, I hope I can
live up to the legend, with Casey chuckling at her response.

As the night deepened, the duo settled into their makeshift camp, finding comfort in the quiet
companionship that had blossomed between them, it almost made Casey forget the events of that day…

They turned to Meadow, their eyes locking in a shared gaze. The flickering firelight accentuated the
warmth in Casey's eyes, reflecting the unspoken emotions that lingered between them. Without breaking eye
contact, Casey leaned in slowly, closing the distance between them. It has only been a month since that day,
they shouldn't do this but…Meadow was so astonishing they couldn't help it… It was great, the sensation of
their lips touching each other… Wait, aren't they forgetting something?... Right… Meadow didn't… Oh

“I… I'm sorry! I shouldn't do that, it was harassment, you didn't ask for that, we only met yesterday, what
was I thinking-”

Meadow quickly touched Casey's shoulder, as she signed It's okay… Just please don't do that again,
whatever you were thinking, I'm not the person you were thinking you were kissing right? Meadow said with a
worried expression

“Is it that obvious? “ Casey didn't know whether to cry or laugh

Meadow smiled and nodded, signing gently: It's alright, we all carry our pasts with us.

“I thought that you… No, never mind” Casey said with a confused look as they sat down on the floor
below. Meadow placed a comforting hand on Casey's shoulder, expressing understanding through silent
gestures as the night enveloped them in a blanket of shared experiences, and as they sat by the fading
campfire, the weight of unspoken words lingered in the air. Casey couldn’t take their mind off the events of
the day, the mysterious connection between them, and the revelation of Meadow's unfamiliarity with the

Matiz raised suspicion that echoed in Casey's mind. Yet, for now, the silent connection between the flower
fox and the rabbit Casey prevailed, allowing them to find solace in the quietude of the night.

In the quiet embrace of the night, the flower fox and the rabbit found solace in the silent connection that
bound them—an inexplicable bond that transcended spoken words and whispered promises. The night
unfolded its velvet curtains, enveloping them in a cocoon of serenity, and as sleep gently claimed them, the
mysteries of the day were temporarily set aside, they should arrive in Caroline City soon, Casey's robotic arm
was starting to fail.

Before drifting to sleep Casey stared at their robotic arm with a melancholic look, they would never get
used to it…

。゚・ ❀ ゚・. 。゚・ . ° . ✿ ೃ

Dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and orange as Casey and Meadow emerged from their makeshift
camp. The city's underground gates loomed ahead, a gateway to both potential safety and unforeseen
challenges. Casey's dysfunctional robotic arm served as a constant reminder of the journey's toll.

The day unfolded with a sense of urgency. Caroline City's gates silhouette grew more defined on the
horizon, prompting the duo to quicken their pace. Casey, determined to contribute to their survival,
decided to hunt for food to replenish their supplies.

The air was tinged with a mix of anticipation and caution. Casey, with a handmade bow in hand, moved
with the grace of a seasoned hunter, aided by Meadow's rabbit instincts. Soon they came across a small
group of wild rabbits nibbling on the overgrown grass, unaware of the approaching predators. Casey
crouched behind a decaying vendor stall, signaling for Meadow to stay hidden. With calculated patience,
Casey notched an arrow, eyes fixed on the target.

Meadow, observing the scene, felt a peculiar connection with the rabbits. She gently whispered to the
surrounding flowers, a soft murmur that seemed to communicate with the flora. The rabbits, sensing an
imminent threat, hesitated, giving Casey the advantage.

With a swift release, the arrow soared through the air, hitting its mark. The chosen rabbit fell with a clean
strike. Meadow, with a subtle display of her flower powers, communicated a message of gratitude and respect
for the sacrificed life.

As they returned to their camp with the fresh catch, Casey couldn't shake off the unease surrounding their
robotic arm. The city's distant hum carried a mix of promise and uncertainty. The survivors they
encountered earlier might hold the key to repairing Casey's mechanical limb, but trust was a fragile
commodity in this new world.

Suddenly Casey felt someone touching them, “What is it, Meadow?”

I have been wondering to ask this, but, your black stain on the face …What is it? Meadow asked signing with
a curious look

“'s nothing, I was born with it, it is probably some genetic stuff” Casey said trying to shove it away

That wasn't my question She signed with a serious look as she sighed It's getting bigger

You sure? It never happened before, maybe it's just the lighting? Meadow signed this time, and they were
getting nervous Let's just go to sleep Meadown did not look convinced

Casey tried to divert the conversation. "Look, it's been there since I can remember. Maybe it's just a
birthmark or something," they explained, their voice attempting a nonchalance that contradicted the
growing apprehension.

Meadow, with a thoughtful expression, signed: I don't think it's just a birthmark. I sensed something
unusual, like... a connection to the-

Casey's eyes widened, the gravity of Meadow's words sinking in. The black stain was not merely a
superficial mark; it held a secret, a connection to that ink force. The revelation sent shivers down Casey's

A mixture of fear and curiosity danced in Meadow's eyes. She hesitated before signing: We need to
understand it, Casey. It might be the key to... well, something important. Let me help you.

“Good night, Meadow…” Casey said getting ready to sleep

Meadow looked down at Casey with a worried expression, giving up on this matter for now realizing
Casey wasn't ready to delve into the secrets hidden beneath the surface. The flower fox cast a lingering glance
at Casey with her fingers casting a flower and putting it on Casey´s sleeping hair, her concern evident in the
subtle movements of her hands. With a gentle touch on Casey's shoulder, she conveyed a silent assurance
before settling into her sleeping spot.

The flower fox closed her eyes, letting her consciousness drift into the ethereal landscape of dreams. In this
realm, she found herself in a tranquil meadow of roses, surrounded by vibrant blossoms that mirrored the
ones she had summoned for Casey. The air hummed with a soothing melody, and Meadow felt a strange
connection to the flora around her.

In the dream, a figure emerged from the shadows—Eternal Sophia, but younger, the mythical being Casey
had spoken of. The eternal guardian extended a hand towards Meadow “C´mon Mister ##### is waiting for
us.” What was his name again? Meadow hesitated for a moment, almost placing her hand on Sophia´s.

“ No need to worry girls, I´m here” a mysterious figure appears out of the sunflowers…wait weren't they
roses? What is happening-

Meadow slowly woke up, the echoes of the dream lingering in her mind. The meadow of roses faded away,
replaced by the muted tones of predawn reality. She sat up, her gaze immediately drawn to Casey, who was
just beginning to wake up. Meadow couldn't shake off the remnants of the dream, its surreal imagery
clinging to the edges of her waking thoughts. As Casey stirred, she reached over and gently tapped them on
the shoulder. Casey blinked, adjusting to the dawn's light.

Morning Meadow signed, her fingers moving gracefully in the language they had crafted for themselves.

Casey yawned and stretched, a mix of weariness and determination in their eyes. "Morning. I guess it's
time to face the day. Maybe we can reach Caroline City today!” Casey said with an enthusiastic look on their
face, Meadow thought that they looked like a toddler and let go of a small chuckle

“Hmmm, What is it?” Casey asked confused due to the sudden chuckle

Nothing, your expression was adorable Meadow signed with a playful grin, just admiring your enthusiasm.

As they packed up their camp, the duo set out with renewed energy, the city gates drawing closer with each
step. The journey continued through the remnants of the once-bustling suburbs, now overgrown with
nature's reclamation. Birds chirped overhead, and the distant rustle of leaves hinted at the hidden life within
the foliage.

Casey's robotic arm twitched intermittently, almost responding to the city's pulse. The black stain on their
face seemed to resonate with an unseen force. Unspoken questions lingered in the air, a silent understanding
that there was more to discover about Casey's mysterious connection to the ink force.

As they approached Caroline City's gates, the enormity of the walled structure became apparent. It stood
as a testament to humanity's attempt to shield itself from the Matiz. The gates, adorned with symbols of
hope and unity, loomed before them, and a sense of anticipation filled the air.

“Okay, we only want to do a brief visit, we only need to fix my prosthetic, and then we move to our final
destination Glorious City, the most virtuous city and the only one that remains that isn't on the
underground, get it?” Casey asked but it looked like they were talking more to themselves than talking to
Meadow, who responded with an okay sign.

The guards at Caroline City's gates scrutinized them but eventually allowed entry after Casey explained to
them. The city sprawled before them, a mixture of makeshift shelters and remnants of a once-thriving
metropolis, looks like the Matix has already taken a large portion of the city.

Navigating through the bustling streets, the duo headed toward a workshop district, where Casey
suggested they might know someone skilled enough to repair their robotic arm. The air buzzed with activity,
and the contrast between the city's resilience and the encroaching threat of the Matiz was palpable.

As they walked, Meadow noticed a peculiar-looking shop nestled between the crowded buildings. The sign
above the entrance bore symbols reminiscent of mechanical components and arcane symbols. Casey, too,
sensed an odd familiarity, a subtle resonance with the place. They exchanged a glance, curiosity evident in
their eyes.

Entering the shop, a tinkling bell announced their presence. The shopkeeper, a middle-aged woman with a
pair of magnifying goggles perched on her forehead, looked up from her workbench. Recognition sparked in
her eyes as she noticed Casey's malfunctioning robotic arm.

"Wait…Casey is it you?!" she said with a knowing smile. “You are alive! My sister said that you weren't there
when Mathew City was evacuated! Also, what happened to your arm?”

“I…in the same accident when Selene….” It looks like Casey didn't want to admit the last part to

“ Oh…right, my niece…” The woman sighed “ So, what do you want? I can give you shelter and your
friend over there too…Who is she?”

“Just someone I met on my way here…Nothing special Miss Claudia!”

“Ah, I see, well glad to meet you…what´s your name?”

Meadow Meadow signing with Elengacy each letter

“Such a peculiar name, I like it!” Miss Claudia gave a large smile “ So, Casey, my niece-in-law, looks like
your arm needs some fixing, I can help with that! Also since my kids moved to Glorious City I have two free

“Thank you so much, Miss Claudia!” Casey said with excitement as Meadow nooned

“No need to be formal, you can just call me Aunt Claudia!” She laughed “I will bring you both food later,
and your arm too”

Over the next few hours, Aunt Claudia worked tirelessly on repairing Casey's robotic arm. The workshop
was filled with the rhythmic clinking of tools and the hum of machinery. Meadow watched the process with
fascination, appreciating the skill required to mend the intricate mechanisms.

As the day progressed, Aunt Claudia shared stories of her kids and family, offering glimpses into the lives
that the Matiz had taken its toll, leaving that once-thriving lives in ruins.

With the repairs nearing completion, Aunt Claudia called Casey over. "Your arm should be as good as new.
Take it for a spin, see how it feels."

Casey flexed their fingers, marveling at the restored functionality. Gratitude shone in their eyes as they
thanked Aunt Claudia. "I can't express how much this means to me. And the offer of shelter—"

"Consider it a small repayment for what your family did for Mathew City," Aunt Claudia interrupted with
a warm smile while Casey looked uncomfortable "Now, you two must be hungry. I'll prepare a meal for you,
and then we can discuss your plans."

Over a hearty meal prepared by Aunt Claudia and Casey prayed to Eternal Sophia. As they were eating
Casey and Meadow outlined their plans to reach Glorious City as Aunt Claudia listened attentively,
occasionally nodding as she absorbed the details of their experiences. Her eyes held a mixture of empathy
and concern, a reflection of the harsh reality that lingered beyond the walls of Caroline City.

"I understand your urgency to reach Glorious City," Aunt Claudia said, wiping her hands on a cloth. "But
it's crucial to acknowledge the dangers that lie ahead, you sure you can make it there on the surface, I can pay
for the underground tunnel workers to take you there-"

Casey, appreciative of Aunt Claudia's help, nodded understandingly. "Your generosity has already made a
significant impact on our journey. We're grateful for the repairs and the shelter, you don't need to do
anything else” Aunt Claudia smiled appreciatively at Casey's gratitude.

"You're welcome, dear. I've seen my fair share of hardships in this world, and if I can offer a helping hand,
I'll gladly do so. Now, you both go to sleep!."

As the night settled over Caroline City, the trio prepared for rest. Aunt Claudia, with a warm smile,
showed Casey and Meadow to the spare bedrooms. The workshop's ambient sounds faded as they entered
the cozy living space.

The room was adorned with mismatched but comfortable furniture. Soft lamplight spilled from a corner,
casting a warm glow. A large window overlooked the city, its once-bustling streets now shrouded in the quiet
of the night.

"Make yourselves at home. If you need anything, don't hesitate to wake me up," Aunt Claudia said, her
caring demeanor putting both Casey and Meadow at ease.

The two companions settled into their respective beds, the day's events replaying in their minds. Casey's
repaired robotic arm felt like a small victory amidst the uncertainties of their journey. The ink force's
connection, however, lingered in the background, a mysterious force they had yet to fully comprehend.

As the night progressed, Casey found sleep elusive. The weight of the journey, the revelation about the
black stain, and the ink force created a tapestry of thoughts that kept them tossing and turning.

Across the hall, Meadow sensed Casey's restlessness. An unspoken connection had formed between them,
transcending words. With a quiet determination, she decided to check on her companion.

Meadow padded softly to Casey's room and gently pushed the door softly. The soft glow from the
corridor spilled into the room, revealing Casey's silhouette in the moonlight darkness. Meadow approached
Casey's bedside with a graceful, almost ethereal presence.

Can't sleep? Meadow signed, her flower powers creating a soft glow around her.

Casey looked up, surprised but appreciative of Meadow's silent support. "Yeah, the day was just... a lot,
you know?"

Meadow nodded understandingly. Sometimes the mind needs time to settle, especially after facing the

With a subtle gesture, Meadow invited Casey to share the bed. The unspoken invitation held a promise of
comfort, Casey hesitated for a moment before nodding gratefully.

They settled under cozy blankets, finding comfort in Aunt Claudia's home. Meadow's calming presence
offered solace amid the uncertainties. The night continued with the city's restless hum outside, a reminder of

Yet, in this haven, Casey and Meadow shared quiet companionship, a respite from the storm beyond the
city gates. As they slept, dreams intertwined, carrying whispers of the past and the ink-stained mysteries that
awaited them. The night unfolded, cradling them in a realm where secrets mingled with the soft rustle of

Chapter 2: Whispers of Ink
As the warm sunlight painted the sky, Casey awoke from their slumber. Meadow lay beside them, still lost
in the realm of dreams. The serene dawn light filled the room, bringing Aunt Claudia's home to life.

Slowly getting out of bed, Casey couldn't help but appreciate the comforting sounds of the household
awakening. The smell of breakfast drifted in from the kitchen, promising a delicious meal to start the day.
Glancing at Meadow, Casey decided not to disturb their peaceful sleep and quietly made their way to the

Aunt Claudia greeted them with a smile as they entered. "Good morning, Casey. Did you sleep well?"

"Like a rock," Casey replied with a grin, feeling momentarily free from the burden of their journey within
the haven of Aunt Claudia's home.

Together, they enjoyed a hearty breakfast filled with laughter and conversation. Meadow eventually joined
them, her eyes carrying traces of the dream world she had explored. As they shared stories and connected as
friends, it felt like their fractured world was mending.

After finishing breakfast, Aunt Claudia turned thoughtful and spoke to Casey and Meadow. "I've been
thinking about your journey to Glorious City. It's a difficult path on the surface. Have you considered taking
the underground tunnels instead?"

Casey thoughtfully considered her words, grateful for her concern. "Thank you for your suggestion, Aunt
Claudia. But there's something about facing the unknown on the surface that feels right for us."

Aunt Claudia nodded understandingly, her gaze lingering on Casey's repaired robotic arm. "I won't stand
in your way then. However, let me offer you some supplies for your journey. It's the least I can do."

Gratitude filled Casey's heart as they accepted her kind offer. Through sign language, Meadow also
expressed her appreciation.

As they prepared to leave later that day, Aunt Claudia hugged both Casey and Meadow tightly. "May your
journey be guided by strength and hope. And remember, you always have a haven here if you need it."

With heartfelt goodbyes, Casey and Meadow ventured out into the bustling streets of Caroline City. The
city gates loomed ahead, a gateway to the unknown challenges and secrets that awaited them on their
journey to Glorious City. But as they walked, with their repaired robotic arm serving as a symbol of
resilience, they carried with them the companionship forged in the haven of Aunt Claudia's home. Their
hearts were filled with determination and hope for what lay ahead.

As soon as they left the city´s borders a peculiar sound caught their attention, it was a low growl,
resonating like thunder rumbling in the distance. Turning toward the source of the noise, Casey and
Meadow locked eyes with a creature unlike anything they had ever seen before. Standing before them was a

Matiz Beast, its sleek, black fur glistening under the sunlight. Its body was a graceful combination of feline
and avian features, with razor-sharp claws and magnificent wings ready for flight.

Fear flickered in Casey's eyes, but their determination to face the unknown remained unyielding. They
reached out to Meadow, their fingers intertwining with hers, drawing strength from their connection. In
that moment, a surge of power coursed through Meadow's veins. Flowers bloomed and flourished around
her, their colors vibrant and petals glowing with an otherworldly light. With a swift movement of her arms,
Meadow directed her flower powers towards the Matiz Beast, forming a protective shield of blossoms. The
beast's growl grew louder, shaking the very ground beneath them. Its fiery eyes locked onto Casey and
Meadow, hunger burning within its gaze.

Undeterred, Meadow unleashed her flower magic, The flowers around Meadow bloomed with a dazzling
array of colors, vibrant pinks, purples, and yellows filled the alleyway with their beauty. Petals glowed with
an ethereal light, surrounding Meadow and Casey in a protective shield. As Meadow stands in the middle of
the field, she throws her arms wide and a wave of vibrant flowers burst forth from the ground around her.
Each petal is a different hue, radiating with an otherworldly glow. The air is filled with the sweet scent of
roses and lilies, as butterflies and bees flutter around the colorful display, bringing it to life.

The Matiz Beast recoiled, its fiery eyes widening with surprise. The mesmerizing beauty of Meadow's
flower magic seemed to captivate the creature, acting it from its primal instincts. As the radiant petals danced
in the air, spiraling and twirling like ethereal confetti, a sense of tranquility washed away.

Emboldened by this newfound power, Casey stepped forward, their robotic arm whirring with
determination. With each step they took, the ground beneath them trembled, resonating with their
unwavering resolve. They locked eyes with the Matiz Beast, their gaze filled with unwavering confidence.

In perfect harmony, Casey and Meadow worked together as a team. Casey's robotic arm crackled with
electricity as they unleashed a powerful bolt towards the beast's wings. The tow truck is true, enveloping the
wings in a dazzling display of sparks and light. The creature roared in agony as it crashed against the walls of
the alleyway,Seeing the opportunity, Meadow summoned vines from the ground, their tendrils snaking
around the creature's legs, binding it tightly. The Matiz Beast thrashed and struggled, its silver fur now
matted with sweat and dirt. But Meadow's flower magic held strong, their connection to nature empowering
them with an ancient strength.

Casey approached the restrained beast cautiously, their eyes filled with a mix of empathy and
determination. They extended a hand towards the beast, their touch gentle yet resolute. The creature's fiery
eyes met Casey's gaze, flickering with a glimmer of understanding. At that moment, Casey sensed sorrow
within the Matiz Beast—an existence plagued by loneliness and misunderstood power.

As the vine-like tendrils tightened around the creature's legs, its struggles grew weaker, surrendering to the
force that now held it captive. The Matiz Beast's bright eyes met Casey's gaze, both their wills locked in an
unspoken understanding. Casey's robotic hand, with its gleaming silver surface, reached out to the beast,
emitting a soft, comforting hum. The creature trembled, its body language conveying a deep-seated fear that
had been stirred from within.

Meanwhile, Meadow continued to weave her magic, the flowers around her forming a delicate, intricate
pattern that seemed to coax the beast into submission. The petals bloomed with an unnatural intensity, their
vibrant colors fading and shifting like a painter's brush on a canvas. As they did, the Matiz Beast's growls and
snarl turned into pained whimpers, revealing a vulnerability that had been hidden beneath its ferocious

Casey's touch was gentle yet firm as they placed their robotic hand upon the beast's quivering flank. The
connection between them sparked with an electric energy, bridging the gap between Mundano and Matiz.
Casey between Mundano's raw power coursing through the Matiz Beast, its essence pulsating like a living
current Overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the moment, Casey's senses began to overload. The vibrant
colors of the flowers surrounding them seemed to intensify, their brilliance blinding Casey's vision. The
sweet fragrance in the air became almost suffocatingly fragrant, filling their nostrils and making it difficult to
breathe. The soft hum emanating from Casey's robotic hand grew louder, resonating through their entire
body like a symphony of electric currents.

In that instant, a surge of energy surged from the Matiz Beast and coursed through Casey's veins. It was an
intense surge, like standing in the center of a tempest, feeling the raw power of the elements converging
upon them. Every fiber of their being tingled with an electrifying sensation that threatened to send them
reeling into unconsciousness

Casey staggered backward, a wave of dizziness washing over them. The world spun in a dizzying whirlpool
of colors and sounds, disorienting and overwhelming. They fought to maintain their conscience but failed
to do so, succumbing to the sheer force of the newfound power coursing through their body. With a final
gasp, Casey collapsed to the ground, their body going limp.

Meadow's heart raced as they watched Casey crumble before them. Panic surged through their veins, but
they refused to let fear paralyze them. With unwavering determination, they rushed forward, catching Casey
in their arms before they hit the ground. Meadow held them close, their embrace a lifeline amidst the chaos.

Time seemed to blur as Meadow cradled Casey, their grip tightening with every passing moment. They
whispered soothing words of reassurance, hoping to coax them back from the depths of unconsciousness.
As moments turned into minutes, Casey stirred in Meadow's arms, their eyelids fluttering open. The air,
once suffocatingly fragrant, now carried a subtle sweetness that mingled with the sweet scent of Meadow's

Casey blinked, adjusting to the new sensations coursing through their revived body. They took in a deep
breath, relishing the crispness of the air as it filled their lungs. Their gaze shifted to Meadow, whose eyes
sparkled with a mixture of relief and awe.

You're awake Meadow signed, her expression filled with a warmth that enveloped Casey like a gentle

A wave of gratitude washed over Casey as they realized the enormity of what had transpired. The Matiz
Beast, once trapped in a cycle of fear and loneliness, had found solace in Casey's touch.

Casey's voice trembled with awe as they spoke, their words barely audible amidst the rush of emotions. "I
can't believe it... I could feel its pain, its fear. And then, suddenly, it all transformed into something else.
Something... beautiful."

Meadow nodded, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. That's the power of your touch her hands
gracefully signing the words.

“Are we still talking about the beast?” They both laughed at Casey´s question as the tension eased from
their bodies. Meadow's laughter was like music, a melody that danced through the air and entwined with
Casey's own laughter.

No, Meadow signed, her face filled with a playful lilt. I was talking about you.

Casey's heart skipped a beat, their cheeks flushing with a rosy hue. They found themselves captivated by
Meadow's gaze, the depth of her eyes drawing them in like a magnet. At that moment, it felt as though the
world around them had faded into the background, leaving only the two of them in an ethereal bubble of

Meadow took a step closer, their bodies now almost touching. Casey could feel the warmth radiating from
Meadow's skin, a comforting sensation that sent shivers down their spine. They longed to reach out and
trace the contours of Meadow's face, to feel the softness of her skin beneath their fingertips. But they
hesitated, unsure of how to proceed.

As if sensing Casey's internal struggle, Meadow gently reached out and cupped their cheek, her touch
feather-light yet filled with an undeniable tenderness. The world seemed to hold its breath as their eyes
locked, a silent conversation passing between them. At that moment, words became obsolete, unnecessary in
the face of the unspoken understanding that pulsed through the air.

Casey's heart raced, their breath hitching in anticipation. They could feel the magnetic pull between them
growing stronger, drawing them closer like two celestial bodies orbiting one another. Without a second
thought, they closed the remaining distance between them, their lips meeting in a delicate, hesitant kiss.

Time seemed to suspend as their lips danced against each other's, the sweet taste of possibility lingering on
their tongues. It was a kiss filled with both caution and curiosity, a tentative exploration that spoke volumes
about the depth of their connection

Casey pulled away slightly, their breath coming in shallow gasps as they searched Meadow's eyes.

“ Well, this happened again…What now?” Casey asked with a mixture of anxiety and fear

We could just continue like this… Meadow signed with a hopeful look

“Yeah, that sounds right,” Casey said as they hugged each other. “Well, we should find a shelter for the

Meadow nodded in agreement, her fingers interlacing with Casey's as they made their way through the
forest. As they walked, Meadow's magic continued to weave around them, creating a shimmering dome of
protection that shielded them from the elements.

They found a cozy cave with its entrance adorned with moss and vines. Inside, the air was cool and damp,
but there was a sense of safety that enveloped them. Casey gathered logs for a fire while Meadow searched
their bag for food and supplies.

As the crackling flames illuminated the cave, Casey and Meadow sat close to one another, their bodies
radiating warmth. They shared a simple meal, savoring each bite and the quiet intimacy that hung between

In the firelight, they began to share stories of their pasts, until Meadow remembered one tiny detail: Why
did Aunt Claudia call you niece-in-law? Meadow signed with a confused look

“Oh, right… That, I haven't told you yet… I used to date her niece, her name was Selene... That's all”
Casey sighed with a nostalgic look on their face.

What happened between you two? She asked curious to know about Casey's past

Nothing happened Casey signed as they lay down

Meadow at this point already knew that Casey didn't want to talk about their past, she wouldn't force
them to tell it so with a gentle touch she touched Casey's shoulders as a gesture of affection. Meadow gladly
embraced the gesture leaning into it smiling.

With calm movements, Casey slowly embraced Meadow whose face was surprised but happy “ Thank
you... “ Casey said with a low voice as Meadow tightened her arms around Casey's. Even though it was cold
outside, the both of them felt harm in each other's embrace.

“I don't want to ruin the mood but we should get moving-”

No, we stay here for the night Meadow interrupted with quick gestures

Casey sighed with relief “ As your wish, Roses”. Meadow laughed at the newfound nickname giving a
quick kiss on Casey's forehead.

“Let's go to sleep, I still feel a little dizzy after all that,” Casey said the last part with a quick chuckle as they
both got right to emerge in the land of dreams.

Morning arrived with a soft golden light filtering through the mouth of the cave, rousing Casey and
Meadow from their slumber. Sleepy yet content, they slowly emerged from the realms of dreams and into
the possibilities of a new day. With a gentle stretch, Meadow rose to her feet and stepped outside, inhaling
the crisp morning air. Tiny blades of grass tickled her bare feet as she reveled in the tranquility of nature
awakening. Casey followed suit, their body still heavy with sleep but their curiosity piqued by the promise of
a new day.

As they stepped out of the cave, the forest greeted them with a symphony of color and scent. Birds filled
the air with their melodies, creating a harmonious cacophony of sound. Flowers bloomed in vibrant hues,
painting the landscape with splashes of red, yellow, and purple, until these hues were replaced by a solo
yellow as sunflowers bloomed “Sunflowers….?” Casey looked terrified meanwhile Meadow looked confused
at Casey. The sunflowers seemed to create a path into the forest, what does it mean?

“Let's follow them!” Before Meadow could do something Casey grabbed her arm and together they
followed the trail of sunflowers

Casey and Meadow wandered through the forest, letting themselves be guided by the whims of
sunflowers. They stumbled upon a babbling brook that shimmered like liquid silver under the morning
light, its sparkling waters enticed them to dip their fingertips into its cool embrace.

Guided by its rough touch, Casey and Meadow stumbled upon a hidden treasure nestled within the
forest's embrace. A babbling brook, its surface glistening with the ethereal glow of morning light, following
the meandering path of the water, like explorers tracing an ancient map, Casey and Meadow discovered a
sun-dappled clearing bathed in celestial radiance. As their eyes adjusted to the splendor before them, they
beheld a sight that seemed to defy the laws of time itself—an ancient stone altar, weathered by centuries of
existence, stood proudly amidst the verdant tapestry of nature. Its surface bore witness to the labor of skilled
hands, intricately etched carvings telling stories forgotten by the passage of ages.

The mysterious presence of this enigmatic altar cast a veil of bewilderment upon Casey and Meadow. In
the depths of their gazes, curiosity mingled with confusion, like tendrils of mist dancing through an ancient
forest grove. Meadow furrowed her brow, her mind grappling with the puzzle before them. Her voice, barely
above a whisper, broke the sacred silence that enveloped the clearing.

What do you suppose this altar is for? Meadow asked, her hands carrying a delicate weight that matched
their surroundings. Casey approached slowly, their footsteps cautious as if treading on hallowed ground.
Fingertips brushed against the worn glyphs etched into the stone, tracing the story of forgotten times.

"I'm not sure," Casey replied scared, their voice filled with a mix of awe and uncertainty. They marveled at
the craftsmanship that adorned the altar's surface—a symphony of symbols and shapes merging seamlessly
to form an intricate mosaic of devoIt doesn't seem like any altar of Eternal Sophia I've ever seen before… And
I don't want to know…" The last part said in a monotone tone

Meadow's eyes darted around the clearing, searching for clues hidden within the interplay of light
defendingShe yearned to unravel the secrets that whispered through the rustling leaves, to decipher the
ancient language of the stones.

I feel like I had seen this before Meadow signed with her feelings uncertain

“What…?” Casey asked even more scared “Don't say you are related to him?” Casey said scared taking a
step back, the sunflower scent disappearing and being replaced by a lily of the valley scent

Who´s him? Meadow didn't want to be in the dark, at least if that meant discovering where she came from

Casey quickly stepped on the sunflowers scaring Meadow in the process “ I don't know okay?! He's the
reason I have lost everything!” Casey screamed with tears in their eyes, Meadow in a way to try to calm them
down tried to touch their shoulder

“ Don't touch me!” Casey said, giving another step back “Please…” the scent of lilies of the valley

The atmosphere in the sacred clearing shifted abruptly, the weight of Casey's pain hanging in the air like a
dense fog. Meadow, with an understanding gaze, withdrew her hand, allowing Casey the space they needed
to confront the haunting memories that had been stirred. The sunflowers, once a guiding path, now seemed
to wilt under the weight of the revelation. Once an enigma, now bore witness to the emotional tempest that
raged within Casey. The forest, with its vibrant colors and soothing melodies, became a witness to a silent

I didn't mean to say Meadow signed softly, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and compassion. Yet,
the wounds of Casey's past were raw, and the mere mention of the mysterious figure had unleashed a flood
of emotions.

Casey's breaths came in ragged intervals as they tried to regain composure. "I'm sorry, Meadow. It's just...
it's complicated. I never wanted to bring you into this mess."

Meadow's expression softened as she signed back, We should face our pasts together. I'm here for you,
whatever you decide to share, okay?

After a moment of heavy silence, Casey took a deep breath, wiping away the tears that clung to their
lashes. "You are right...I will tell you all I know."

The height of Casey's words hung in the air, and Meadow felt the weight of the imminent revelation settle
over them like a shroud. The sunflowers, though trodden upon, seemed to regain a hint of vitality, as if
nature itself responded to the unveiling of a profound truth.

"I've been running ever since, trying to escape the shadows of my past," Casey confessed, their voice
carrying the echoes of years of pain. "But it seems like they always find me."

Meadow, without a word, reached out and gently embraced Casey. In that quiet moment of solace, they
stood in the ancient clearing, bound by the shared burdens of their histories.

"I'll tell you what I know," Casey murmured, their voice barely audible amidst the rustle of the leaves.

Meadow gave a firm nod, signaling her readiness to hear the truth, whatever it may be. The sunflowers,
which had fallen limp, suddenly came to life, as if the sun had given them renewed energy.

"I can't be certain, but I have a theory about who or what he is," Casey continued, their words laden with
caution. "It all started four years ago, I was still studying...My father was working on defending ourselves
from the matix, or so I thought at least. One day, he came home and announced that the solution was within
his reach, he had discovered the power to defeat the Matiz.

"At first, we didn't trust him, but the situation grew more dire as time passed. There were fewer and fewer
resources left, and the Matiz seemed to grow more powerful with each passing day. Finally, we decided to
listen to my father. He said he had found the secret of the ink force, so I became his assistant, but I wasn't the
only one helping him...Some time passed, it was just a normal day, but then...I can ́t...I don't want to
remember that day! I'm sorry Meadow, but I can say that the one helping him was a sunflower...I don't
know more"

As the words spilled from Casey's lips, Meadow could feel the sorrow emanating from their soul. She
could see the memories flickering in their eyes, a silent agony that spoke volumes.

Meadow's eyes widened as she realized the implications of what Casey had revealed.

Thank don´t need to share the details. Meadow sighed with a straight look for a second. Casey
could have sworn that the sunflowers had reacted.

"Yeah, thanks..." Casey replied as they hugged and started walking back

The rest of the day was spent in relative silence, the two companions walking side-by-side, their fingers
intertwined. As they traveled, they were greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of nature, yet they couldn't
help but feel a sense of foreboding.

A chill ran down Casey's spine as if someone was watching them.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor as Casey and Meadow
continued their journey. The watchful eyes they felt seemed to intensify with the fading light, and an
inexplicable tension hung in the air.

In the twilight, they stumbled upon a small clearing bathed in the moon's soft glow. A cluster of
mushrooms with bioluminescent caps created a magical display, offering a natural illumination that
beckoned them to rest. Exhaustion seeped into their bones, and the uneasy feeling that accompanied them
from the ancient stone altar still lingered.

Meadow, with a concerned expression, gestured towards the glowing mushrooms. We can rest here for the
night she signed gently. Casey nodded in agreement, the weariness evident in their eyes.

As they settled into the natural glow of the clearing, Meadow produced a small flask from her bag, offering
a comforting brew of herbal tea. The warmth spread through Casey's body, momentarily easing the weight
of the day's revelations.

The night, usually a blanket of solace, felt different now. The forest, once a familiar friend, seemed to
whisper secrets that Casey and Meadow were not yet meant to understand. The watchful eyes persisted,
unseen but ever-present, making sleep elusive.

Resting against a tree, Casey gazed at the moonlit sky, lost in contemplation. Meadow sat beside them, a
silent companion in the enigmatic journey they found themselves on, the both of them giving up to sleep..

The stillness of the night was broken by a rustling in the underbrush. ###### tensed their senses on high
alert. Emerging from the shadows, a figure stepped into the clearing—its form shrouded in darkness.

##### stood before them once again with sunflowers surrounding him. The glow of the mushrooms
illuminated his features just enough to reveal a sinister grin.

"Daughter," He greeted with a voice that seemed to echo through the night. "You can't run forever. The
past has a way of catching up with you."

###### eyes narrowed in defiance. "What do you want?" they demanded, their voice steady despite the
underlying tension.

##### chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Answers, my dear daughter. The truth
you've been running from. It's time to face the consequences of your actions."

His words were laced with venom, yet his tone carried an undeniable air of authority. The watchful eyes
seemed to intensify, bearing witness to the unfolding drama.

######, with a fearful gaze, slowly raised her hands to respond. Her movements were cautious as if the
wrong gesture could trigger an explosive reaction.

"You are a traitor," He sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You dare return after abandoning us?"

She slowly started to laugh "A traitor? Me?! That's funny," she laughed even louder, almost choking

"And why is that?" he said with a confused expression

"You are the ones that betrayed me! I have found what I have always searched for, happiness, and you want
to take that away from me? Not going to happen," she replied, her voice filled with a newfound confidence.

He took a step forward, his body now covered in sunflowers. His eyes were cold and unfeeling, a chilling
reminder of the darkness within him.

"I won't let you go." he hissed, the venomous words seeping into the air like poison.

Her laughter, once joyous, now turned bitter. "You don't get to make that choice. You gave up that right
the moment you took away my family."

The weight of her words hung heavy in the night, bearing witness to a tragic tale of lost love and broken

The sun rose, bringing with it the promise of a new day. The world seemed to come alive, the chirping of
birds and the buzzing of insects filling the air with a melodic symphony. The trees, bathed in the golden
light, cast their shadows across the forest floor. Casey and Meadow, their faces illuminated by the morning
sun, stretched their tired limbs.

As they packed up their camp, the events of the previous night weighed heavily on their minds.

"I´m sorry for yesterday, i shouldn't reacted like that," Casey said while their hands trembled a bit

I know Meadow smiled giving a gentle touch on their shoulder, their eyes meeting the other Let's go

The day went by without many incidents, they found a shelter for the night. They rested and planned
their next moves, they needed to arrive at the city as soon as possible

"We should leave at sunrise tomorrow, it will be a long road ahead," Casey said as they lay beside Meadow,
their bodies sharing a blanket of warmth.

Meadow nodded her understanding, the fatigue of the day's travel evident in her eyes. As the night grew
deeper, their breaths became slower, their bodies falling into the embrace of slumber.

But before sleep could fully claim them, Casey was awakened by a strange sound. It was faint at first but
grew steadily louder as the seconds ticked by. The eerie noise was unlike anything Casey had ever heard, and
it sent a chill down their spine.

As the sound grew closer, Meadow also awoke, her eyes filled with confusion.

" A Matix beast...Can you take care of this one?" Casey asked while looking at the direction where the
sounds came from

Yes, no problem, I will do it she signed confidently as she moved her arms creating a shield of flowers around
the both of them

"Thank you"

The sound of the beast grew closer and closer until the creature finally appeared before them. Its massive
form towered over them, its eyes burning with a primal rage. With a mighty roar, the creature lunged
forward, its claws swiping the air.

Meadow stood firm, her body pulsating with the energy of the plants around her. She reached out with
her hands, and the plants responded to her will, entangling the beast in a web of vines and thorns. The
creature roared in fury, struggling against the grip of the vines.

Meadow continued to channel her powers, the vines tightening their grip on the beast. The creature
thrashed and struggled, but its efforts were futile. Finally, with a mighty roar, the beast succumbed to its fate,
collapsing into a heap of lifeless flesh.

Meadow exhaled deeply, her body trembling with the effort. Casey rushed to her side, their arms wrapping
around her in a supportive embrace.

"You did it!" Casey said softly, their voice filled with awe and pride. wasn't hard, Meadow replied, her voice still shaking a little.

"I'm so proud of you," they said smiling and giving a quick kiss on Meadow's cheek

Thanks she blushed Let's rest

"Sure thing, I will take care of the beast and clean up the place, you can rest"

OK, thank you she signed while laying down

After a few minutes, Casey had everything cleaned and ready to leave.

"We should leave now, we have a lot of ground to cover"

They set off into the sunrise, the warmth of the morning sun washing over them. They walked in
comfortable silence, their thoughts filled with the uncertainty of the future. As they traversed the forest, a
sense of adventure and wonder coursed through their veins.

So, where are we going next? Meadow asked curious

" Glorious City awaits us…We are close" Casey said with a confident smile

Chapter 3: Lily of the Valley
The forest they traversed was a living tapestry of emerald hues, the canopy overhead forming a natural
cathedral of intertwined branches. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, dappling the forest floor with a
gentle, golden glow.

As Casey and Meadow strolled along the moss-covered path, the air carried the sweet fragrance of lilies of
the valley, and the distant murmur of a babbling brook added a melodic undertone to their surroundings.
Vibrant butterflies danced in the air, their wings creating flashes of color against the flowers.

Amidst this serene landscape, Casey and Meadow engaged in various chats until Casey's prosthetic came
into question

Hey, your prosthetic arm. It's pretty advanced, right? Meadow signed with curiosity in her eyes

"Yeah, it's high-tech and all, but I hate it. Feels more like a machine than a part of me." Did the case say
looking down

Meadow looked surprised Really? I thought it would make things easier for you. What don't you like about

Casey's mood changed completely, now being a monotone and sad one "It's cold, lifeless. I miss the
warmth and sensation of a real arm. Plus, the constant maintenance is a pain."

Meadow gave a sympathetic look. But it does give you some cool capabilities, doesn't it? I mean, it's like
having a superpower.

"I didn't expect you to say that but it's not the same. I miss the simplicity of just having a normal arm, you
know?" Casey now responding with a sorrowful look

Meadow, realizing Casey's situation, tried to make a positive light out of it. I guess I never thought about it
that way. Have you considered any upgrades or modifications to make it more comfortable?

Casey gave a tired laugh "I've thought about it, but deep down, I just wish I didn't need it at all. It's a
constant reminder of what I've lost."

Meadow touched Casey's shoulders and signed. If you ever want to talk or need support, I'm here, I will
always be here.

"Thanks. I appreciate that. It's just one of those things you have to learn to live with, I guess." Casey gave
out a small smile, happy after bonding with Meadow.

Casey completely stopped with an excited expression, the city ahead appeared to be in full swing as
evidenced by the many windows lit up in various buildings. They could also spot a bridge in the distance,
adorned with colorful lights that reflect beautifully on the water below. The notable feature of the city is its
large dome-shaped building towards the left side of the frame. It too is adorned with numerous windows
that seem to glow against its dark exterior. In front of it lies another building with multiple levels and an
interesting architectural design. As their eyes moved towards the top right corner of this city, they noticed a
bright snapdragon…wonder what that was?

"Look at that! Glorious City is coming into view. I can't wait to see Noah again… Wonder how he has
been…” Casey said with a faded smile

Meadow, confused at the mention of Noah, signed Who's Noah?

“Oh right, I never talked about him before, he is someone from my home city, Mathew City, we used to be
best friends before I… No, Nevermind” Casey said with a sad but nostalgic look.

。゚・ ❀ ゚・. 。゚・ . ° . ✿ ೃ

It was a normal day in Noah's life since the incident at Mathew City, with an unspoken weight in the air.
Sometimes he wondered how his life would be if the accident never happened. Noah quickly shoved these
thoughts to the ground as he got ready to work. The familiar banter of Ifan and Wèi Zhong filled the air,
their continuous flirtation becoming a background melody to Noah's daily routine. These two had been
dating for over a year, yet their honeymoon phase seemed perpetual. Noah couldn't help but ponder how
intense their early days of dating must have been.

"Noah! We know you're there! We want a drink!" Ifan, the annoying pink Mantis, screamed.

"And now!" added the other annoying Shi Tzu, Wèi Zhong.

Noah sighed audibly. Seven in the morning! Did these guys ever do anything more than flirt and drink?
They were lucky that they were the reason his business didn't go down! As he gave another sigh, he yelled,
"I'm coming!"

Descending the stairs, Noah found Ifan and Wèi Zhong already at the bar, giggling like schoolgirls. He
rolled his eyes at their antics.

The bar entrance was marked by a vintage wooden door with a slightly chipped paint, which hinted at the
establishment's history. As patrons stepped inside, they were greeted by the warm glow of overhead pendant
lights, casting a soft illumination over the worn but well-maintained furnishings.

The main area featured a classic mahogany bar with a polished surface that gleamed under the soft lights.
A collection of mismatched bar stools lined its length, each bearing the scars of countless conversations.

Behind the bar, a vast array of colorful bottles stood in neat rows, waiting to be mixed and poured into an
eclectic assortment of glasses.

The walls were adorned with an assortment of framed photographs, some capturing moments of revelry,
others showcasing the diverse array of patrons who had become part of the bar's extended family. A large
antique mirror, weathered around the edges, reflected the lively atmosphere and added a touch of timeless

Wooden tables and chairs, each with its own unique character, were scattered throughout the space. The
slightly scuffed wooden floor bore witness to countless footsteps and the occasional spilled drink,
embodying the history of the establishment.

A jukebox, nestled in a corner, provided a soundtrack to the evenings, occasionally playing tunes that
resonated with the nostalgic undertones of the bar. The air was infused with a comforting blend of laughter,
clinking glasses, and the low hum of conversations, creating an inviting ambiance that made patrons feel at

The bar's ambiance was a testament to the passage of time and the enduring spirit of camaraderie that
flourished within its walls. Noah's bar wasn't just a place to grab a drink; it was a haven where stories
unfolded, friendships blossomed, and the echoes of the past mingled with the laughter of the present.

"Morning, boss man!" Ifan chimed, his pink eyes sparkling mischievously.

Noah grunted in response, setting to work on pouring them their usual drinks. "You guys really start early

Wèi Zhong winked. "The early bird catches the flirtiest worm, my friend."

Noah shook his head, suppressing a smile. "What does that evemean?"

Despite their perpetual antics, Noah found an odd comfort in the vibrancy that Ifan and Wèi Zhong
brought to his otherwise mundane days. The camaraderie shared in the bar served as a soothing balm to the
wounds Noah carried from the past. As they bantered, laughed, and went about their morning routine,
Noah momentarily forgot the heavy burden that lingered in the recesses of his memories.

His friends noticed his distraction. "Earth to Noah! Where's that sharp focus of yours today?" Ifan teased.

Noah hesitated. "Nothing, just-"

"Thinking about that day?" Wèi Zhong asked, a tinge of concern in his eyes.

Noah sighed, a subtle heaviness settling in his gaze. "Yeah, I can't help but wonder how things would be if
the accident never happened."

Ifan and Wèi Zhong exchanged a knowing glance, understanding the unspoken weight in Noah's words.

Wèi Zhong rested a comforting hand on Noah's shoulder. "We don't know how it is to go through that,
but you can't change the past. What matters is the now."

Ifan nodded in agreement. "And right now, you're stuck with us causing chaos in your bar!"

Noah managed a faint smile, appreciating the effort to lighten the mood. "Yeah, lucky me."

As the day unfolded, the trio navigated through the familiar routine – drinks, chaos, and shared laughter
that seemed to mend the fractures in Noah's heart. Yet, even amidst the raucous atmosphere of the bar, the
memories of that fateful day lingered like ethereal shadows in the corners of Noah's mind.

Late at night, after the last patron had left and the laughter had dissipated, Noah found himself alone with
his thoughts. He glanced at the clock, noting the same hour that marked the onset of the life-altering

Ifan and Wèi Zhong noticed Noah's contemplative gaze. "You okay, boss?" Ifan asked.

Noah nodded a determined gleam in his eyes. "I'm thinking... Maybe it's time to face the past... Do you
think the underground tunnel to Mathew City still works?"

Wèi Zhong and Ifan exchanged glances, sensing the gravity of Noah's decision. Without words, they
offered their silent support, ready to stand by their boss in whatever journey the past might unfold. The
weight of uncertainty and nostalgia hung in the air, setting the stage for a change in Noah's life.

The next day looked like the other, the two idiots flirting with each other and drinking, and Noah having
to endure them. They were right; he needed to live in the present. His home now is Glorious City, he
thought as he smiled.

That was until today... Where the two lovebirds took his best friend, who he assumed to be dead, and a
mysterious woman to his bar. What the hell was happening?!

。゚・ ❀ ゚・. 。゚・ . ° . ✿ ೃ

As they approached Glorious City, the towering spires and gleaming structures stretched into the sky,
creating a breathtaking skyline. The anticipation in Casey's eyes intensified, their excitement almost tangible.

Meadow, sensing the complexity of Casey's emotions, signed gently, Who's Noah? Why haven't you
mentioned him before?

Casey hesitated, their gaze fixed on the approaching cityscape. "Noah is... or was, my best friend from
Mathew City. We shared everything together before everything changed."Meadow's curiosity deepened, and
she signed,

Changed? What happened between you two?

Casey's expression shifted, a mixture of sadness and nostalgia."We were inseparable until the incident at
Mathew City. It fractured our lives and tore us apart. I never thought I'd see him again after that day… or
everyone for that matter."

Meadow placed a supportive hand on Casey's shoulder, understanding the weight of the situation. Do you
want to talk about it? Casey sighed, torn between the desire to share their past and the fear of reopening old

"Maybe someday, but for now, I just want to focus on what lies ahead. Reuniting with Noah... it feels like
a chance to mend a part of what was broken.” As they entered Glorious City, the vibrant energy of the
metropolis enveloped them. Skyscrapers towered over the bustling streets, and holographic displays flickered
with information. The city's heartbeat pulsed with life and possibility, amidst the glow and the hum of the
metropolis, Casey and Meadow strolled through the crowded streets. The anticipation of reuniting with
Noah lingered in the air, creating a mix of nerves and excitement.

As they continued their journey, Casey's eyes caught sight of a pair in the distance, their exuberant energy
standing out even in the vibrant cityscape.

Casey nudged Meadow, pointing towards the duo. "Look, those two are Ifan and Wèi Zhong. They're...
quite unique."

Ifan, with his pink Mantis appearance, and Wèi Zhong, the Shi Tzu with a mischievous glint, noticed
Casey and Meadow approaching. They exchanged quick glances and then sprinted towards them.

"Hey, you! Are you a pilgrim, it seems that you come from the surface? " Ifan shouted with exuberance

“I-Who are you-” Casey tried to talk but they were cut off

"And who 's this?" He winked at Meadow.

Casey chuckled, gesturing to Meadow. My name's Meadow Meadow gestured

“ Oh sorry I don't know sign language” Ifan said embarrassed

“Her name doesn't matter, what do you want?”

Wèi Zhong playfully nudged Casey. "Nothing, we just find Pilgrims interesting, and you guys look like
cool people, tell me your story"

Casey exchanged a knowing glance with Meadow before responding, "Long story. If you want me to share
it, we can go for a drink."

Ifan grinned. "Drinks? Now you're talking our language! Let's find a place."

Together, the group navigated through Glorious City's vibrant glory, sharing laughter and stories. “We
know this bar, the bartender is a cold ass, but he's a good person,” Wèi Zhong said while chuckling

Meadow quickly gave a slap on his shoulder in a playful way, “You have quite the personality,” Ifan said
while chuckling, eventually everyone was chuckling until a nostalgic wave came over Casey.

“Well, we are here, c'mon, let's meet Noah, he is probably going to be annoying to us,” Wèi Zhong said

Everything stopped for Casey, they weren't ready to see him again, what would they say, will he be mad at
them for running away? Did he already forget about them, does he blame them for what happened? Casey
was paralyzed that was until they felt a hand on their shoulder, it was Meadow with a calm smile, Casey gave
a painful smile back to her, now a little calm

Wèi Zhong and Ifan both looked at each other with a smirk, giving a small chuckle “Boss! We are here! “
they both screamed while Meadow and Casey just looked at them with the most confused face.

From the back of the bar, a figure emerged. He was tall, with little scales on his face and a pair of piercing
red eyes that seemed to hold a world of stories. His gaze swept over the room, finally landing on Casey. A
moment of recognition passed between them, and then he was striding forward, a wide grin spreading across
his face.

"Noah…" Casey breathed out, their voice barely audible over the din of the bar.

"Noah!" Ifan and Wèi Zhong echoed, their voices much louder and filled with mirth. Noah reached them,
his eyes never leaving Casey's.

"What is it?!.. Casey!? " he said, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise and warmth. "I didn't think I'd
ever see you again, I thought you were-"

Casey swallowed, their heart pounding in their chest. "Neither did I," they admitted. Noah turned to
Meadow, his gaze softening. "And who's this?" he asked, his eyes flicking to her hands. Meadow wrote her
name using her hands

"I see you use sign language. I'm fluent in it." Meadow smiled, signing, Nice to meet you. Noah signed back,
Nice to meet you too, Meadow.

The tension in the air continued as Noah turned back to Casey. "So, what happened to you?!" he asked,
his voice angry but his eyes searching Casey's face.

Casey hesitated, then decided to be honest. "Don't want to talk about it" they said simply. "I'm just glad to
find you." Noah looked taken aback, but then he smiled, a genuine, warm smile that reached his eyes.

"Well, I'm glad too," he said. "I've missed you, Casey," Noah said with nostalgia. “But you need to tell me
what happened, and what happened to Selene”

Noah's words hung in the air, and a heavy silence settled over the group. Casey averted their gaze, the
weight of unspoken guilt settling on their shoulders. Meadow, sensing Casey's inner turmoil, shot a
supportive look, her hand resting gently on their back.

Ifan and Wèi Zhong exchanged glances, realizing that there was more to Casey's disappearance than met
the eye. Noah's eyes bore into Casey's, a mix of concern and curiosity etched across his face.

"Casey, you can't just drop back into my life and expect to brush off what happened," Noah insisted, a
tinge of frustration in his voice. "I was worried sick about you."

Casey bit their lip, struggling to find the right words. "I know, Noah. I messed up. I left without a word. I
didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me."

Noah's expression shifted from frustration to genuine concern. "Hurt? Casey, you disappearing hurt us
more than anything, especially at that time."

Casey's shoulders slumped under the weight of Noah's words. "I never meant for any of that to happen. I
thought leaving was the best way to protect everyone."

Noah's eyes softened, a mix of understanding and sadness. "Protect us? Casey, we were a team. We could
have faced whatever came our way together."

Casey shook their head, the burden of guilt evident in their eyes. "I blamed myself for what happened in
Mathew City. I thought I could spare everyone if I just disappeared. But I realize now that I only made
things worse."

Noah sighed, his anger dissipating into a somber understanding. "Casey, we've all been through a lot.
Selene is dead, and we've learned to cope with the evacuation. But you owe me an explanation. I'm not just
going to pick up where we left off like nothing happened."

Meadow interjected, her hands carrying the weight of empathy. They were trying to protect everyone, even if
it meant sacrificing their own happiness. Casey gave a small smile at Meadow´s gesture

Noah's gaze shifted between Casey and Meadow, a complex mix of emotions swirling in his eyes. "I want
to understand, Casey. We all do. But you need to open up. Starting with what happened in Mathew City."

“No” Their words were as straight as their faces. “I'm sorry but I can't.” A sunflower smell appeared at the

“I´m sorry for interrupting whoever this trauma dump is, but Casey, just I always tell my sister, you need
to be honest with us, do you even imagine how Noah has been since that day?! So please be honest, what
really happened?” The sunflower smell was now replaced with a strong snapdragon smell until the lily of the
valley smell appeared.

Now everyone was looking at them, even Meadow put a delicate hand on their shoulder, Casey sighed
“No running away this time, I will tell you everything I know…It all started when I was still at university in
Mathew City…

Chapter 4: Burned page

Back then you could say I wasn´t the most social person, but as you know, I was still pretty popular due to
my father´s work and for dating Selene, the daughter of the mayor, so my life was far from normal …now
thinking about it do you know where Miss Rebecca is, Noah?”

“She moved to Red Riani City, as far as I know, she wants to stay as far away as she can from the past..”
Noah said with a hurtful face

“Oh…I see” Casey looked down and sighed “Well, continuing,” Casey took a deep breath and began to
recount the events that led to their sudden disappearance. “ My father one day came to me asking for me to
help with his research. He was always obsessed with pushing the boundaries of magic and technology,
blending them together.” Casey's voice wavered as they delved into the tapestry of their past. "My father was
a brilliant but tormented scientist. Little did I know, his experiments were leading us down a path of
unforeseen consequences." Noah listened intently, his eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and concern. Casey
continued, "My father's research delved into the creation of artificial beings, a fusion of magic and
technology. He envisioned a perfect society where these 'People' could coexist seamlessly with Mundanos to
overcome our limitations. I, unknowingly, became a part of his grand experiment."

Casey's gaze turned distant, haunted by memories. "As his experiments progressed, he grew obsessed with
controlling the Mundanos, manipulating them for his own gain. Then, digging into some older papers of
his, I discovered the dark truth behind my existence—I was one of his creations, an artificial being designed
to serve his twisted ambitions."

Noah's expression shifted, a mix of shock and disbelief. "Wait, you're saying... you're not a Mundano?"

Casey nodded solemnly. "Well, I'm a Mundano, crafted in my father's image."

A heavy silence enveloped the room as Noah absorbed the revelation. Casey continued, "Then he tried to
control the matiz…it didn't go as he expected. The incident in Mathew City, the one that shattered our lives,
was a culmination of his dark experiments gone awry."

Noah's eyes widened with realization. "So, Selene's death... was it because of your father?"

Casey nodded, a mixture of guilt and pain etched on their face. "My father's influence led to tragedy.
Selene's death was a consequence of his relentless pursuit of power. I was a mere pawn, a puppet in his

Noah's expression hardened, anger simmering beneath the surface. "Your father... he's the one responsible
for everything."

“No…” Casey responded almost crying at this point

“ What do you mean no?!” Wèi Zhong asked furious

Casey took a moment to collect themselves, wiping away the tears that threatened to spill. "It wasn't just
him. There's a mysterious force, a sunflower god, I think, that controlled my father. It whispered dark
secrets and desires into his mind, manipulating him like a puppet. This entity sought to harness the power of
the matiz, and I unwittingly became the vessel for their malevolent plans…and I know he's following me…"

Noah's brows furrowed in confusion. "A god of sunflowers? What does that even mean? It's difficult to
believe that, especially you saying that, you are the most devoted person I know to Eternal Sophia"

Casey looked at Noah with pleading eyes, urging him to believe the unbelievable. "I know it sounds
absurd, but I've witnessed its influence firsthand. The sunflower god spoke to my father, enticing him with
promises of unimaginable power. It manipulated him into pursuing dark experiments and controlling the
Mundanos for its own sinister agenda."

Wèi Zhong crossed his arms, still skeptical. "A sunflower god controlling your father? That's a bit hard to

Casey sighed, understanding the skepticism. "I know it's difficult to grasp, but I've seen its symbol—an
intricate sunflower with an otherworldly glow. Its whispers echoed in my father's mind, leading to the
incident that changed everything."

Noah, though initially doubtful, noticed the sincerity in Casey's eyes. "What does this sunflower god want,
and why is it after you?"

Casey shook their head, frustration and fear mingling in their expression. "I don't know its true motives. It
seeks control and power, and it's fixated on me for some reason. I've been trying to escape its influence, but it
always finds a way to reach me. I thought by leaving Mathew City, I could sever the connection, but it seems

Meadow signed a question, her concern evident. Casey translated for Noah. "She wants to know if it's still
after you."

A heavy silence settled in the room as Casey nodded. "Yes, Roses. Despite everything, it's still pursuing

Noah clenched his fists, a determination glinting in his eyes. "Well, if we assume that what you are saying is
true, what do we do?."

Wèi Zhong leaned back, thoughtful. "And how do you fight a god? And why would it choose your father
in the first place?"

Casey bit their lip, grappling with the unanswered questions. "I wish I had answers. All I know is that it's a
malevolent force seeking control through manipulation and dark rituals. As for my father, his obsession with
power and blending magic with technology made him susceptible to its influence, which led to his eventual

The aura in the bar became even darker, that was until Ifan interrupted the silence “Well, we actually have
here similar here, but I will have to give me more one shot”

“Ifan don't! You know that it's dangerous!”Noah screamed at Ifan, afraid of what may happen

“Let him talk! It's a deal-” Casey was quickly interrupted by Ifan already speaking

“Well, sometimes people see a mysterious figure surrounded by snapdragons when people try to see who
they are, it is said that they are transformed into snapdragons, this was been going here for over fives years,
people are too afraid to do something, some people say it's the second coming of Eternal Sophia, some say
it's the opposite, maybe they would know about that sunflower guy. So Noah, bring me another shot!” Ifan
said quickly laughing

“You must be kidding me, I'm going to call you sister,” Noah said with the phone already in his hands

“Please don't call Matilda! She will probably kill me…” Ifan got up and tried to get Noah's phone out of
his hands, doing it easily due to his height, Noah just sighted, wanting to continue the important

So, How do we find the snapdragon person? Meadow signed as Casey translated it to Ifan and Wèi Zhong

“That's the problem, we don't know, maybe you guys could stay around the city for a while, maybe you
will find them” Noah sighed

“You are just trying to make me and Meadow stay here, right?” Casey said with a playful look, or at least
the best one they could make

“Basically, I can find you both a hotel room… Do you want a room for you both?” Noah asked, what
looked like a teasing

“Wait, we are not” Casey could not even talk when Meadow touched their shoulder and made an ok sign,
needless to say, Casey was blushing like crazy “You seriously?” they whispered as Meadow nodded “Okay
then… “ Casey gave out a small smile

“Well, we accept your offer, Noah,” Casey said embarrassed

Noah chuckled, enjoying the unexpected turn of events. "Alright then, I'll arrange a room for you two.
Just make sure Ifan doesn't cause any more chaos in the bar while I'm gone."

Ifan raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin on his face. "Hey, I'm innocent until proven guilty. And besides,
I was just trying to lighten the mood."

Noah rolled his eyes. "Your idea of lightening the mood involves summoning mysterious figures. I'd hate to
see what you consider serious."

As Noah went to organize the hotel room, Ifan leaned in, whispering to Casey, "So, you and Meadow,
huh? Spill the tea!"

Casey blushed, giving Ifan an amused yet secretive smile. "Maybe we'll share our story over drinks someday.
Right now, I think we need a rest."

Wèi Zhong joined in, nudging Ifan. "Enough with the gossip, let's focus on the task at hand. Casey,
Meadow, stay vigilant. We'll keep an eye out for anything strange in the city."

Once Noah returned with news of the hotel room, Casey and Meadow followed him to the city's
accommodations. As they entered the hotel, Noah handed them the room key with a teasing smile. "Enjoy
your stay, lovebirds."

Casey rolled their eyes, but the playful banter only made their cheeks flush even more. As they entered the
hotel room, Meadow signed with a smirk, Looks like we've got some privacy now.

Casey laughed, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. "Yeah, we do."

Casey nervously said “Even though it was only been a day, I miss being alone with you”

Meadow grinned, her eyes filled with warmth. Well, here we are. Just you and me.

As they settled into the hotel room, the atmosphere shifted from the chaos of the city to a more intimate
space. The soft glow of the city lights filtered through the window, casting a warm ambiance. Casey couldn't
help but feel a sense of peace, knowing that they had Meadow by their side.

Meadow stepped closer, signing before her hands gently found their way to Casey's waist. Sometimes, it's
nice to have a moment to ourselves, she signed, her fingers moving in graceful motions.

Casey nodded, the nervousness transforming into a tender longing. “You're right. It feels like everything
slows down when it's just us.”

Meadow's expression softened, and she leaned in, capturing Casey's lips in a sweet, lingering kiss. The
connection between them deepened, a silent exchange of emotions that spoke louder than words. In the
quietude of the hotel room, their worries faded away, and the only thing that mattered was the closeness
they shared. As they broke the kiss, Casey couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you for being here, Meadow." Meadow signed Always. She traced a delicate pattern on Casey's

The night unfolded with moments of laughter, shared stories, and stolen kisses. The connection between
Casey and Meadow grew stronger, a comforting anchor in uncertainty. The city outside continued its lively
hum, unaware of the quiet intimacy within the confines of the hotel room.

。゚・ ❀ ゚・. 。゚・ . ° . ✿ ೃ

The following morning, Casey and Meadow woke up to the gentle rays of the sun filtering through the
curtains. The hotel room, once a haven of intimacy, now held the promise of a new day in Glorious City. As
they prepared to step out into the vibrant metropolis, the events of the previous night lingered in their

Noah greeted them downstairs with a knowing smile, his teasing tone echoing in the air. "Rise and shine,
lovebirds. Ready to face the day?"

Casey blushed, shooting a playful glare at Noah. "Don't push your luck, Noah."

Wèi Zhong and Ifan joined the group, and their energy was infectious. "So, any plans for today, or are you
two going to keep the lovey-dovey act going?" Ifan teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Ah yes because you and Wèi Zhong are not the same,” Casey said with sarcasm.

“You are no fun, so what do we do?” Ifan asked making a really bad fake boring expression

Meadow signed a response as Casey translated, We've got our eyes on the mysterious figure surrounded by
snapdragons. Any leads?

Wèi Zhong grinned. "Well Ifan´s sister is investigating that case, maybe we could ask her."

Ifan sighed, “I hate that you are right”

“Well, so let´s go see Miss Matilda,” Noah said bored at the actual conversation

As they navigated through the crowds, Casey couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. A subtle glance
over their shoulder revealed nothing out of the ordinary, but the sensation persisted.

Noah noticed Casey's unease. "Everything okay?"

Casey hesitated before responding, "I don't know. It's just this weird feeling like someone's keeping an eye
on us."

Wèi Zhong chuckled. "Welcome to Glorious City, where everything is extraordinary, including the feeling
of being watched by mysterious figures."

As the group approached Matilda's house, nestled in one of the quieter corners of Glorious City, the air
seemed to thicken with an unspoken tension. Matilda, Ifan's sister, was known for her no-nonsense attitude
and dedication to her work as an investigator.

Noah rang the doorbell, and after a few moments, Matilda opened the door, her stern expression softening
into a small smile at the sight of her brother and his unusual group of friends.

"Ifan," Matilda greeted with a nod. "And the rest of the gang. What brings you all here?"

Ifan grinned. "Just paying a visit, sis. Got some questions, you know?"

Matilda's gaze shifted to Casey and Meadow, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And who are these two?"

Noah stepped forward. "This is Casey and Meadow. They've got a unique connection to the strange
happenings in the city. We thought they might be able to help with your investigation."

Matilda studied Casey and Meadow for a moment before nodding. "Fine. Come in. We can discuss this in
my office."

The group entered Matilda's house, a neatly organized space that reflected her meticulous personality.
They followed her to a small, cluttered office, where Matilda gestured for everyone to take a seat.

"Now, spill it," Matilda said, her tone demanding answers.

Casey took a deep breath and began recounting the events leading up to their arrival in Glorious City, the
mysterious figure surrounded by snapdragons, and their connection to the peculiar occurrences.

Matilda listened intently, her expression unreadable. When Casey finished, she leaned back in her chair,
deep in thought.

"If what you're saying is true, it adds a new layer to this investigation," Matilda finally said. "I've been trying
to track down the snapdragon figure for months, but it's like chasing a ghost. Every time we get close, they

Wèi Zhong chimed in, "Maybe we can combine our efforts. Our group has a unique set of skills, and Casey
and Meadow's connection might provide insights we've been missing."

Ifan leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "What do you say, sis? Teaming up with the cool kids
for a change?"

Matilda sighed, realizing the potential benefits of collaboration. "Fine, but don't get in my way. I run a
tight business here, and I won't tolerate any nonsense."

As the conversation continued, Meadow signed to Casey, Matilda seems to know more than she's letting on.
We should be cautious.

Casey nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of intrigue and wariness in Matilda's presence.

“Hey, what did Meadow say?” Ifan asked curious

“That Matilda seems like a trustworthy person,” Casey said while Noah just listened knowing damm well
what Meadow said

Matilda focused on the collaboration ahead, and didn't seem to notice the discreet exchange between
Casey and Meadow. "All right, here's the plan," Matilda declared, laying out a map on her desk. "We'll
coordinate our efforts and investigate the recent sightings of the snapdragon figure. Casey, Meadow, keep
your senses sharp. If there's anything unusual, let us know."

Noah chimed in, "We'll cover more ground if we split into pairs. Ifan, you go with Matilda. Wèi Zhong,
you're with me."

Ifan raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Why do I have to babysit my sister?"

Matilda shot him a stern look. "Because you're the only one who can keep up with me."

As the group prepared to venture into different parts of Glorious City, Casey and Meadow exchanged
glances. Meadow signed discreetly, Watch Matilda closely. There's something she's not telling us.

Casey nodded, their curiosity piqued. The dynamics of the group were a mix of unusual alliances, and the
mysteries surrounding the snapdragon figure deepened with each passing moment.

As they left Matilda's house, the bustling energy of Glorious City greeted them once again. Ifan and
Matilda set off, their banter echoing in the air. Wèi Zhong and Noah followed suit, leaving Casey and
Meadow alone.

What do you think? Meadow signed to Casey.

I'm not sure, Casey signed back, their eyes glancing back at Matilda's house. But there's more to Matilda
than meets the eye. We need to stay vigilant.

Meanwhile, Ifan and Matilda moved through the city with a distinct energy. Matilda's steps were
purposeful, and Ifan struggled to keep up with her pace. He teased, "Slow down, sis! Not all of us have the
stamina of a Mantis."

Matilda shot him a look of exasperation. "Focus, Ifan. We're here to find information, not to engage in
sibling banter and you are also a Mantis, we are twins."

“I hate when you are right” Ifan teased again

As they delved deeper into Glorious City, Matilda's gaze shifted to the sky. "Keep an eye on the rooftops,
Ifan. The snapdragon figure is elusive, and they could be watching us from above."

Ifan, despite his casual demeanor, followed Matilda's instructions. The city's vertical landscape offered
numerous vantage points, and the mysterious figure could be anywhere.

As they continued their pursuit, Ifan couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic figure they were
chasing. "Any idea who this snapdragon person might be, Matilda?" Ifan asked, his curiosity evident in his

Matilda's response was cryptic. "I've been chasing shadows for a while, Ifan. Names and faces change, but
the essence remains the same. This figure is a harbinger of something big, something that could disrupt the
balance of this city."

Ifan arched an eyebrow. "Sounds ominous. Do you think they're connected to the sunflower god that
Casey mentioned?"

Matilda's gaze lingered on Ifan for a moment before she responded. "The sunflower god is a myth. But
myths have a way of becoming reality, don't they?"

Ifan made a exaggerated sigh “You are so boring, sis”

Meanwhile, as Ifan and Matilda were navigating the labyrinthine streets of Glorious City, Casey and
Meadow decided to discreetly follow them. The duo moved through the bustling city with a sense of
purpose, weaving through the crowds to keep Matilda and Ifan in sight.

Casey whispered to Meadow, "Something feels off about Matilda. I can't put my finger on it, but there's
more to her than she's letting on."

Meadow nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "We need to stay close but not too
close. Let's see where they're headed."

As Ifan and Matilda ventured deeper into the city, Casey and Meadow maintained a careful distance,
blending into the shadows of Glorious City's vibrant nightlife. Lights lights flickered overhead, casting an
otherworldly glow on the bustling streets.

The trail led them to an unexpected destination—a discreet entrance to an underground club. Matilda and
Ifan disappeared into the dimly lit establishment, leaving Casey and Meadow with a decision to make.

Casey pondered their options. "Should we follow them into the club? It might be the key to unraveling the
mysteries they're hiding."

Meadow considered the proposition, her hands moving gracefully in sign language. We need to know what
Matilda is up to. Let's go in, but stay inconspicuous.

With a shared resolve, Casey and Meadow entered the underground club, the thumping bass and vibrant
atmosphere engulfing them. The pulsating energy of the club contrasted sharply with the clandestine
mission they found themselves on.

Inside, the low hum of conversations mingled with the music. The dim lights created an atmosphere of
secrecy as Casey and Meadow discreetly scanned the crowd for any signs of Matilda and Ifan. The duo
moved deeper into the heart of the club, blending in with the diverse array of patrons.

Casey's eyes widened when they spotted Matilda and Ifan at a secluded corner booth, engaged in an
intense conversation. The secrecy surrounding Matilda's actions became even more palpable as Casey and
Meadow observed the clandestine meeting.

Meadow signed, What do you think Matilda and Ifan are discussing?

Casey shrugged, their gaze fixed on the duo. “I have no idea, but it seems like we've stumbled upon
something big. Let's stay here and keep watching.”

As Casey and Meadow discreetly observed Matilda and Ifan in the dimly lit corner of the underground
club, the intensity of the conversation heightened. Matilda's cryptic words resonated in Casey's mind,
leaving a lingering sense of foreboding.

Matilda leaned in, her voice barely audible over the music. "Ifan, we need to stay vigilant. This figure has
connections to forces beyond our understanding. The myth of the sunflower god might not be as mythical
as we believe."

Ifan's playful demeanor shifted, replaced by a seriousness that mirrored Matilda's. "What are we dealing
with, Matilda? You're not telling me everything."

Matilda's gaze flickered, as if considering the weight of her words. "This city is on the brink of a major
upheaval. The sunflower god, if it exists, is a wild card in this game. Our priority is to protect Glorious City,
even if it means dancing on the edge of the unknown."

As Casey and Meadow continued to eavesdrop, the gravity of Matilda's revelation sank in. The sunflower
god, once dismissed as a myth, now seemed to hold significance in the unfolding events.

Meadow signed to Casey, her fingers forming graceful movements in the dim light. What if Matilda is
connected to the sunflower god? What if she's orchestrating something bigger?

Casey furrowed their brows, uncertainty etched across their face. It's too early to draw conclusions, but we
can't ignore the possibility. Let's keep watching, and if things get too dangerous, we'll need to make a move.

As the clandestine conversation between Matilda and Ifan continued, the atmosphere in the club
remained charged with an undercurrent of secrecy. Casey and Meadow, hidden in the shadows, clung to the
edges of this enigmatic revelation, uncertain of the path that lay ahead.

Matilda's voice lowered further, her words shrouded in secrecy. "If the sunflower god has taken an interest
in this city, we can't afford to underestimate its influence. We must tread carefully, Ifan, and gather as much
information as we can."

Ifan leaned back, a mixture of concern and determination on his face. "You're talking about a god, Matilda.
What can we possibly do against something like that?"Matilda's gaze met Ifan's, unwavering. "Knowledge is
power, and Glorious City holds secrets that even gods might not know.”

Casey nudged Meadow, their gaze still fixed on Matilda and Ifan. "Something's off. We need to find out
what they're discussing."

Meadow nodded in agreement, her hands moving in swift, silent sign language. Let's get closer without
raising suspicion.As the duo stealthily approached, Matilda's voice became clearer, but the specifics of her
confession were lost in the club's cacophony. Ifan's reactions, however, hinted at the gravity of Matilda's

Casey whispered to Meadow, "We can't hear them properly. Let's find a way to get closer."Navigating
through the crowd, Casey and Meadow strategically positioned themselves at the periphery of Matilda and
Ifan's secluded corner. Their focus intensified, eager to unravel the secrets that seemed to bind Glorious City
in a web of intrigue.Matilda's words became audible in fragments, and Casey strained to catch every syllable.
"...balance in this city... sunflower god... protect Glorious City..."Meadow signed, frustrated, We're missing
crucial details. What do you think they're talking about?

Casey furrowed their brow, the urgency of the situation evident. "I'm not sure, but Matilda seems to be
involved in something significant. We can't afford to let this slip away, but for now, let's go back”.

Are you sure we can leave? Meadow signed with a worried expression on her face as Casey noded and sighed


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