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How To Attract

The Life Of Your

Dreams In Under 12

A Step By Step Guide

By Kartika Nair
Speaking from experience
If we havn't officially met, I am Kartika nair, a personal
development coach and trainer, in the field of
mindfulness and positive psychology and I have been
training people to live their best lives since 2011.

I manifested my dream business, career, income, world

travel, health and conscious relationship and tons
more, along with my students who have had their own
hundreds of miraculous cases of manifestations.
We have hundreds of students who manifested their
dreams, some mentioned here are:

My Goal For this guide... to introduce you to the system I and hundreds of my
students have been using and it is called PEMS- MAP!
PEMS- what??

A Step By Step Guide

I will explain! PEMS- MAP stands for the Physical-
emotional-mental-spiritual - Mindfulness attraction

Basically its a unique combination of using advanced

mindfulness skills along with mentally, emotionally and
spiritually aligning yourself to the abundance of what
you want, and then taking inspired action.
What does it all mean? Find out in the next page.....
I would like to start by explaining the MAP part in the
PEMS- MAP process! The Mindfulness attraction process.

It is pretty easy to understand.

Manifestation is a natural ability we all have, we are
manifesting ALL the time. Your life is a RESULT of who you
are, and you are a result of your dominant thoughts,
emotions, reactions, perceptions, which is a result of how
you were brought up, ie Your conditioning, which is pretty
negative, if we can be honest here!
Over time, you have come to believe your negative noise,
your negative self image, self talk, cling to your past, worry
about the future, constantly complain, condemn, criticize
the world within and around you. Don't believe me? Try
going an hour without judging/resisting/complaining about
something/someone and you will be beyond mind blown at
how much mental noise you carry throughout your waking
life. Your mental chatter starts the moment you wake up
and goes on through the day and then into chaotic
A Step By Step Guide
sleepless nights, or chaotic dreams, and it all starts again.

This stinking thinking is a result of the pain you suffered

throughout your life, we call this the pain body. It is a
energy field of negativity that has lived in you, under the
surface all your life, building with every day judgments,
resistances, reactions, triggers, upsets, people, situations,
causing life to be a soup of pain for majority of people.
So pain body is the unhealed wound from the past, and
you create new wounds from the present and project it
and carry it with you to the future.
Notice how you carry yourself everywhere you go? You
carry the stinking thinking and the pain body with you
also, its just operating at a subconscious level and not
always at a conscious level.

Why does it matter?

1. Cause 90% of your life is result of your subconscious
2. Law of attraction works on every thought, not just the
happy ones you have 10 minutes of the day but also
the crappy ones you have the rest of the day.

So healing the pain body from the past is essential to not

keep manifesting more powerlessness, but it is also
essential to stop judging, resisting, complaining,
condemning, living in the powerlessness of past-future
thinking- cause law of attraction works on ALL of this!

A Step By Step Guide

Here is what mindfulness does for your creative process:

1. It releases the past, present and future pain bodies, (all

inner suffering) so you can create a whole NEW version
of yourself and your life.
2. You can observe and dissolve negative thoughts as
and when they appear and control the direction of your
mind and the way you want to shape your destiny
3. It puts you into a state of stillness, where the mind is
quiet and you have access to the vast energy field from
which all your manifestations come, it is called the field
of pure potentiality.

Stilling yourself puts you directly in touch with the source

from which everything comes. When you drop your
intentions in this space, things come fast and with dissolved
pain bodies, you have no blocks to hold it away from you
and with no present pain, you create flow, positive vibes
and abundant manifestations. How? Cause it law!

There is nothing more direct to help you go beyond

A Step By Step Guide
suffering of any form than mindfulness as it makes you
step out of the madness of the mind. Studying and
mastering the proper way through a guided
implementation program, renders you the master
observer of your mind, emotions, body, behavior,
reactions, perceptions, ie, making you the complete master
over your self, and therefore your fate no matter other
people and outside situations. Thus the MAP- in PEMS
MAP is the foundation of long term success.
The P- in The PEMS- MAP
A huge part of creation is taking action, inspired action.
Action is the connecting link between the inner world -
thoughts and emotions and the outer world - success.

However taking action without your inner world being in

alignment with the ABUNDANCE of what you desire, is a
total waste of time.
Like Esther Hicks says "No amount of external work can
make up for your lack of alignment".
Which means you can work your whole life, but if your
thoughts and emotions are still vibrating in the "lack" of
what you want, even if your trying to think positive, your
vibration holds the truth, then you just wasted the hard

The magic is in having thoughts and emotions aligned to the

abundance of what you want, and then allowing that higher
frequency to bring you inspired action, we have a 6th sense
for a reason- the brain is always receiving answers, be still

A Step By Step Guide

to hear them, feel them and act on them.
The "How" shows up on the road to the "what", so just
do whatever feels good, and the rest of the way shows up.

What is the difference between inspired action and

regular action?
Inspired action feels good, and not like dreadful work
because it's coming from a good energy place.
Regular action feels bad, and tough, causing you to
vibrate at the level of struggle and hate for the tasks,
that kind of work puts you out of alignment with your
joy, and therefore slows down the creation
process.Inspired action is born from aligning your inner
world to the abundance of what you want

So The "P" includes clarity on your vision, mapping out

milestones to hit, creating and executing daily action
plans towards goals. When the action is inspired,
consistency will follow.

And with mindfulness in the mix, you will be doing the

action with full joy, presence and focus, which
exponentially increases the effectiveness of that action.
Like writing this guide feels joyful to me, and yet is an
essential action to hit my goal of helping you.

The only thing stopping you is the protective voice in

your head that gives you more reasons to not go for it,
instead of educating yourself on how to do things that
A Step By Step Guide
can get you started.

If you want it, you can have it, and you can learn the
"How" on the job, so nothing holds you back.

It is in this way, that the physical, practical action part of

the creation process is included as a vital part of our
PEMS- MAP system.
The E- in The PEMS- MAP
The E here stands for emotional alignment with the
abundance of what you want. Alignment refers to the good
kind of thoughts and feelings you have around what you
want. These thoughts and emotions feel GOOD.

Lack of emotional alignment means that you are thinking

positive or about what you want but your emotions or
your body feels low and stuck, mostly because underneath
your positive thoughts, is resistance to not having it, or
focus on the lack of it in your life.

In visualization, affirmations, scripting, the real power is

not in the images or words but in the emotions underlying
those images and words. If your thoughts, visions and
words are of what you want, but your emotions are
negative, you will attract the equivalent of your emotions
are vibrating at, which is more negativity.

However, when your emotions feel amazing when you

A Step By Step Guide
think, talk, visualize or script about the achievement of
your desires, then you have tapped into the juice that
makes miracles happen. Law of attraction states that you
attract the ESSENCE of what you focus on, ie- the
emotional charge and feeling of it.

This is the power of E, in PEMS- MAP, the most integral

part of creation- energy!
After all, emotions are just E- energy in motion!
The M- in The PEMS- MAP
The M here stands for mental alignment with the
abundance of what you want. This includes the good
feeling thoughts, visions and attitudes you have towards
the achievement of your goals. Having a strong POSITIVE
reason for it's achievement, having strong positive reasons
why you deserve it, why you can achieve it, and strong
positive attitudes around it, are all the mental avenues of
When mixed with mindfulness, you create a powerful
potion of manifestation, how?
Well mindfulness clears the blocks and fears and positive
mental attitude creates the direction in which your life
When you can come to stillness, and plant your visions,
positive emotions, good thoughts into the field of no limits
you can literally be, do or have anything you want.

This is the part most people focus on, however there is the
most vital part of the creation process, and it is the "S" in
A Step By Step Guide
PEMS-MAP, referring to the "spiritual laws of creation",
let's find out more in the next chapter.
The S- in The PEMS- MAP
The S here stands for the spiritual laws of creation. We know
that the law of attraction is one law, and we know our lives
are governed by many laws, some of them are vital in the
creation process and must be mastered.

In our PEMS- MAP process, we discuss, practice, do challenges

to master the following laws. You can also find these laws
explained in Deepak Chopra's 7 spiritual laws of success.
In our courses, we dive very deep into the PRACTICE of these
laws together as a group in a systematic guided
implementation program for depth and consistency, since
consistency and practice is what gives long lasting results.

These are the spiritual laws of creation you must master:

1. The law of pure potentiality- accessing the source of

your manifestations.
2. The law of giving & receiving- attitude of abundance
3. The law of Karma or cause and effect- Doing the right
things A Step By Step Guide
4. The law of lease effort- the path of dropping resistance
5. The law of intention and desire- clarity in vision
6. The law of detachment- letting go
7. The law of dharma and purpose- being of service to

and I have added a few more in our courses, including the law
of Gestation & Incubation- developing patience and being
present with the journey.
Now, What's Next?
Now you know how creation works, all the steps! You can
take this and jump with it!
If you realize that there is much more to learn here and
that if you don't jump into the practical, daily and
consistent mastery of these principles soon, then you will
likely continue to be enslaved by the emotional pain
body, inner negative thought patterns, blocks, impatience,
frustration, attachment, and wrong manifestations.
So to hand hold you and invite you into the world of
practical mastery of these concepts...

I have a FREE course on how to manifest

the dream life you desire in less than a
year using PEMS-MAP process.
We are going to cover:

A Step By Step Guide

1. Guarantee wealth, health, relationships and more in
less than 12 months.
2. How to succeed despite self doubt, procrastination,
hehalth issues and distrust in the universe.
3. How to succeed even when everything is sgainst you.

Sign Up For The

Course here

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