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1. A man can read the number of a distant bus clearly but he finds difficulty in
reading a book. From which defect of the eye is suffering from?
2. What type of spectacles should be worn by a person having the defects of myopia
as well as hypermetropia? How does it help?
3. The sun near the horizon appears flattened at the sun set and sun rise. Explain
4. Explain why and when the sun is overhead at noon it appears white
5. A boy uses spectacles of focal length -50 cm. Name the defect of vision he is
suffering from. Compute the power of this lens.
6. Give the meaning of the term ‚ VIBGYOR‛ with which phenomenon is it
7. Explain the following terms connected with the eye. (i) Ciliary muscles (ii)
8. What is meant by spectrum of white light?
9. What will be colour of the sky in the absence of atmosphere?
10. Why are the traffic light signals (or danger signals) of red colour?
11. Why does the sky appear dark and black to an astronaut instead of blue?
12. Explain why, when the sun is overhead at noon, it appears white?
13. What is Atmospheric Refraction?
14. A person with myopic eye cannot see objects beyond 1.2metre distinctly. What
should be the nature of corrective lenses to restore proper vision?
15. The far point of a myopic person is 80 cm in front of the eye. What is the nature
and power of the lens required to correct the problem?
16. The far point of myopic person is 80 cm in front of the eye. What is the nature and
power of the lens required to enable him to see very distant objects distinctly?
17. The far point of a myopic person is 150 cm in front the eye. Calculate the focal
length and power of a lens required to enable him to see distant objects clearly.
18. How is the eye lens held in its position?
19. What is meant by near point?
20. What is meant by least distance of distinct vision?
21. Which part of the eye controls the amount of the light entering the eye?
22. Which liquid fills the space behind the cornea?
@ Central by: M.School
S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths)
Campus Near Main Road Buxar Page -:-70
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23. Why is blind spot so called?
24. What is meant by the accommodation of the eye?
25. What is the least distance of distinct vision of a normal human eye?
26. Name the defects of vision of human eye?
27. What is the other name of near sightedness?
28. Where is the image formed in an eye suffering from near sightedness?
29. What is the other name of long sightedness?
30. Where is the image formed in an eye suffering from long sightedness?
31. How is long sightedness corrected?
32. A person has to use a concave lens in his spectacles. What defect of vision is he
suffering from?
33. What is the other name of Presbyopia?
34. What is the twinkling of stars due to?
35. Give one example of source of white light.
36. Which scientist first explains the dispersion of light?
37. Name the delicate membrane in the eye having enormous number of light
sensitive cells.
38. What kind of lens is used in the spectacles of a person suffering from Myopia
(near sightedness)?
39. On what factor the colour of the scattered light depends?
40. What is a function of choroids?
41. Why does sky appear blue on a clear sky?
42. What happens to the lens and the ciliary muscles when you are looking at nearby
43. In an experiment the image of a distant object formed by a concave mirror is
obtained on a screen. To determine the focal length of the mirror, you need to
measure the distance between the:-
(a) Mirror and the screen
(b) Mirror and the object
(c) Object and the screen
(d) Mirror and the screen and also between the object and the screen.
44. The image formed by concave mirror is real. The position of the screen should be
(a) behind the mirror
(b) on the same side of object between focus and infinity
(c) on the same side of object between focus and pole

@ Central Public
Prepared School
by: M. Campus NearTGT(Maths)
S. KumarSwamy, Main Road Buxar Contact
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