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Each task has a list describing minimum requirements for each task.

Feel free to do more

than it is written in description. Note that creativity is greatly encouraged. In case you need
some information on how to complete the tasks, visit the Youtube Video Guide:

Task 1
Create a model of a bottle.

Minimum requirements:
● It should be created as 1 whole mesh and not a combination of several. (From each
vertex there should be a path of edges to any other vertex in the model)
● Use Subdivision Surface Modifier as well as Smooth Shading to make it look less
edgy and increase the polycount. Note, that in order to achieve a harder edge using
Subdiv modifier it is necessary to have 2 edges close to each other (create additional
edge loops)
● There is no need to model the inner side of the bottle. The neck could be filled with a
● Try to add as many details as possible.

Example of solution for task 1

PZ 2024
Task 2
Create a model of a wine glass. Its sizes should be proportional to the bottle created in the
previous task.

Minimum requirements:
● It should be created as 1 whole mesh and not a combination of several. (From each
vertex there should be a path of edges to any other vertex in the model)
● Use Subdivision Surface Modifier as well as Smooth Shading to make it look less
edgy and increase the polycount. Note, that in order to achieve a harder edge using
Subdiv modifier it is necessary to have 2 edges close to each other (create additional
edge loops)
● The insides of the glass should be modelled too.

Example of solution for task 2

PZ 2024
Task 3
Create a model of a piece of cheese. Its sizes should be proportional to the objects in
previous tasks. Shape of it is arbitrary.

Minimum requirements:
● A base mesh should be a cube.
● A curvature can be achieved by beveling 1 edge into several segments.
● Using a Boolean Modifier some round holes should be carved in it. Note, that it will
not be possible to use it in all possible places as it may create artefacts.

Example of solution for task 3

PZ 2024
Task 4
Create a round table and a blanket covering it. Its sizes should be proportional to the objects
in previous tasks. Shape of it is arbitrary. Additionally, place all the objects together on the
table in a fancy way and position a camera for render.

Minimum requirements:
● You can omit modelling parts of the table that are not visible on the render (i.e. only
the top)
● Blanket should fall a little bit from the tables edges
● You may add more objects to the scene

Example of solution for task 4

PZ 2024
Task 5
Add colour to the scene created in the previous task.

Minimum requirements:
● Add different light sources (a bit of variation between warm and cold lights can bring
interesting results.
● Each of the objects should have materials added.
● Textures are advisable but not obligatory.

Example of solution for task 5

PZ 2024

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