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Chemical Engineering Research and Design 183 (2022) 274–284

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Dynamic simulation of adsorption desulfurization

from diesel fuel over activated carbon in the

fixed bed

Mingling Ren a, Feichao Fan a, Bing Zhou a, Xiaoyi Liang a, Zhen Yang a,b,
State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science
and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
Key Laboratory of Specially Functional Polymeric Materials and Related Technology (Ministry of Education),
School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A fixed bed for adsorption desulfurization (ADS) from a typical diesel fuel is designed via
Received 20 January 2022 dynamic simulation, taking into account the hindering effects of polyaromatics
Received in revised form 9 April 2022 (PAHs) and nitrogen compounds. Experimental results reveal the order of these com­
Accepted 20 April 2022 pounds in term of adsorption affinity as dibenzothiophene > indole > quinoline >
Available online 22 April 2022 methylnaphthalene > naphthalene. At equimolar concentrations, the inhibitory effect of
nitrogen compounds is substantially larger than that of PAHs. The simulations of mul­
Keywords: ticomponent breakthrough curve based on the ideal adsorbed solution theory and the
Dynamic simulation linear driving force model match the experimental data. The mass transfer process is
Diesel desulfurization controlled using a combination of liquid film diffusion and pore diffusion. For adsorbate
Polyaromatics molecules with a critical diameter of approximately 0.7 nm, the mass transfer process
Nitrogen compounds possibly occurs from the liquid phase into macro- or mesopores before being adsorbed in
Activated carbon micropores. The designed fixed bed for ADS from a typical diesel fuel shows a good
negative linear relationship between the liquid hourly space velocity and the ratio of
dibenzothiophene to the total adsorption amount (maximum value of 9.82%).
© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers.

150 ppm, respectively (Xiong et al., 2017). Therefore,

1. Introduction
achieving ultra-deep desulfurization of commercial diesel is
a vital research topic for many countries to fulfil the demand
Sulphur in diesel fuel is converted to SOX during combustion,
for clean diesel.
which not only poisons the catalytic converter for exhaust
Currently, refineries typically remove sulphur-containing
emission treatment but also causes acid rain and air pollu­
compounds from crude oil via hydrodesulphurisation (HDS).
tion (Song and Ma). Owing to health and environmental
However, it is challenging to completely remove aromatic
concerns, many countries are imposing restrictions on the
sulphur compounds through conventional HDS because the
sulphur content of diesel fuel through strict regulations,
lone electron pairs on sulphur atoms can form a stable
limiting the sulphur concentration in diesel to 10 parts per
electron system with the π-electrons of the aromatic ring,
million (ppm) (Shafiq et al., 2020; Tanimu and Alhooshani,
resulting in poor reactivity with hydrogen (Tan et al., 2018).
2019). However, in most commercial diesel fuel available in
Aromatic sulphur compounds such as thiophene, ben­
the European Union and China, the sulphur content is 50 and
zothiophene, dibenzothiophene (DBT), and their derivatives,

Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of
Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China.
E-mail address: (Z. Yang).
0263-8762/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers.
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 183 (2022) 274–284 275

comprise majority of the sulphur-containing compounds in diesel fuel in fixed bed challenging. The dynamic adsorption
commercial diesel fuel. HDS requires specific conditions to process is complex; thus, to design adsorption models, linear
remove these compounds such as high temperature and algebra, ordinary differential equations, or even partial dif­
pressure, hydrogen content, and large reactors, resulting in ferential equations are required (Sotelo et al., 2014). To meet
increased cost and energy consumption. To remove aromatic the needs of simulation and design of adsorption processes,
sulphur compounds in an energy-efficient and effective Aspen has developed Aspen Adsorption software. It com­
manner, several new approaches have been rapidly devel­ prises a flowsheet operating system with various models and
oped such as oxidative desulfurization (Wu et al., 2020), does not require the user to be well versed in advanced
biological desulfurization (Chen et al., 2021), and adsorption programming skills. In a study on removing C5-C6 compo­
desulfurization (ADS) (Saha et al., 2021). Among these, ADS is nents to improve the gasoline octane value, Bárcia et al.
considered one of the most competitive methods because it (2010) used this software to simulate multicomponent
can selectively adsorb aromatic sulphur compounds at room breakthrough curves, and these matched the experimental
temperature and atmospheric pressure, achieving ultra-deep data. Ncube et al. (2018) simulated the adsorption behaviour
desulfurization without lowering the octane value of diesel of benzene, toluene, and m-xylene in a packed bed and de­
fuel (Luo et al., 2019). Additionally, it uses activated carbons, signed a commercial-scale packed bed (internal diameter =
zeolites, or activated alumina as adsorbents, which is ad­ 3 m, height = 10 m). Ahmed et al. (2020) designed a mass
vantageous as these compounds are cheap, abundant, and transfer model for adsorption of melanoidins in the packed
renewable (Saleh et al., 2018; Yaseen et al., 2021; Hessou bed and optimised the operating parameters, including inlet
et al., 2021). ADS can therefore be used as a post-treatment concentration, flow rate, and bed height. Hence, in this
process for HDS, enabling energy-efficient and effective ul­ study, Aspen Adsorption software was used for performing
tradeep desulfurization of diesel fuel. multicomponent adsorption simulations and optimising op­
Among many adsorbents, activated carbon has out­ erating conditions.
standing adsorption capacity for aromatic sulphur com­ Herein, Aspen Adsorption software is used to conduct the
pounds owing to its unique pore structure and highly specific dynamic simulation of ADS, considering the hindering ef­
surface area, and it can be easily modified. The adsorption fects of PAHs and nitrogen compounds. The adsorption iso­
affinity of aromatic sulphur compounds is primarily based on therms and breakthrough curves of PAHs, nitrogen
π-π interactions between the aromatic ring and the surface of compounds, and aromatic sulphur compounds are obtained
activated carbon (Saleh et al., 2017). In real diesel fuel, the to establish the adsorption isotherm and mass transfer
aromatics and nitrogen compounds as well as aromatic sul­ models. The effects of PAHs and nitrogen compounds on ADS
phur compounds have similar aromatic skeletons, which are investigated, and the multicomponent adsorption iso­
poses a challenge to the selectivity of ADS (Qu et al., 2016; therm model and the mass transfer model are developed.
Wen et al., 2010). Aromatics are typically classified as Dynamic simulations are applied to further analyse the ef­
monoaromatics (15–25 wt%) and polyaromatics (PAHs) fects of varying concentrations of PAHs and nitrogen com­
(5–10 wt%). Xiao et al. (Xiao et al., 2012) revealed that mono­ pounds on ADS as well as to design a fixed bed for ADS from
aromatics at a concentration of 10 wt% have a negligible ef­ a typical diesel fuel.
fect on ADS, while PAHs at a concentration of 1 wt% have a
significant hindering effect. Among nitrogen compounds, 2. Experiments
indole and quinoline exhibit higher adsorption capacity than
DBT on modified activated carbon (Arcibar-Orozco et al., 2.1. Adsorbent and analytical methods
2019). Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2006) reported that in a fixed bed,
4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT) was partially The adsorbent used herein is styrene-based spherical acti­
replaced by nitrogen compounds. In model diesel fuel (MDF), vated carbon (ACs, Taiyuan Cuihong Technology Co. Ltd.
activated carbon has excellent adsorption capacity for aro­ Taiyuan, China). The nitrogen adsorption of ACs was de­
matic sulphur compounds; however, in real diesel fuel, ac­ termined using Micromeritics ASAP 2020 automated nitrogen
tivated carbon does not exhibit satisfactory adsorption. This adsorption apparatus at 77 K. Specific surface area was cal­
is because in MDF, the effect of PAHs and nitrogen com­ culated based on the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method
pounds on ADS is not taken into account (Bu et al., 2011; Shi (Brunauer et al., 1938). Pore volume was estimated using
et al., 2015). Thus, activated carbon should have high ad­ density functional theory, and the average pore size was
sorption capacity as well as high adsorption selectivity. obtained using the Barrett-Joiner-Halenda (BJH) method
Moreover, for ADS using real diesel fuel, the effect of PAHs (Barrett et al., 1951). The pH of the sample suspension was
and nitrogen compounds should be considered when evalu­ determined.
ating the sulphur uptake of activated carbon.
In industrial applications, ADS is usually performed using 2.2. Preparation of model diesel fuel
a fixed bed. For designing fixed beds, adsorption capacity and
the mass transfer rate are crucial because they define the The composition of real diesel fuel is rather complex and not
breakthrough curve (Wilkins et al., 2020). Iruretagoyena et al. suitable for investigating the adsorption mechanism. Thus,
(Iruretagoyena et al., 2020) simulated ADS in a fixed bed and MDF samples are prepared with naphthalene (NA) and me­
fitted the mass transfer rates of DBT and 4,6-DMDBT on ac­ thylnaphthalene (MNA) as PAHs; quinoline (QUI) and indole
tivated carbon treated with different activation methods (IDL) as nitrogen compounds; DBT as the aromatic sulphur
based on the experiment results of breakthrough curves. compound; and n-octane as the solvent. Single-component
However, none of the studies have conducted dynamic si­ MDF with X (X in the order of NA, MNA, QUI, IDL and DBT)
mulations considering the effects of PAHs and nitrogen was prepared to test adsorption isotherms, and 10 μmol/g of
compounds on ADS, which makes an accurate systematic sample was selected for breakthrough curve measurements.
assessment of the desulfurization performance from real Details of the concentrations of the one-component MDF for
276 Chemical Engineering Research and Design 183 (2022) 274–284

isotherm determination are shown in Table S1 of where KF , (μmol/g-ACs) (g-MDF/μmol)1/n, and 1/n are Freun­
Supplementary material. Two-component MDF containing dlich constants.
10 μmol/g DBT and 10 μmol/g X (X in the order of NA, MNA, The parameters are determined by fitting the isotherm
QUI, and IDL) was prepared to investigate the effects of PAHs model to adsorption equilibrium data. Isotherm parameters
and nitrogen compounds on ADS in the fixed bed. NA, QUI, are obtained using a nonlinear method in the Static Isotherm
and n-octane are purchased from Shanghai Lingfeng Che­ model of Aspen Adsorption software (Wang and Guo, 2020).
mical Reagent Co. Ltd. MNA, IDL, and DBT are purchased Furthermore, these parameters are used to predict the mul­
from Alfa Aesar Chemical Co. Ltd. Their concentrations are ticomponent adsorption isotherm based on the ideal ad­
99%, 98%, 95%, 96%, 99%, and 98% in that order and are used sorbed solution (IAS) theory.
without further purification.

3.2. Mass transfer model in fixed beds

2.3. Adsorption experiments
To simplify calculations, the mass transfer model is based on
Batch adsorption experiments were conducted at 30 ℃ in a the following assumptions:
constant temperature water bath shaker at 100 rpm. In a
series of experiments, 0.1 g of ACs was mixed thoroughly (1) Consistent with plug flow, the axial and radial diffusion is
with 10 g MDF in a 20 mL brown conical flask for 48 h. The ignored.
concentration of the treated MDF was analysed using GC- (2) The bed operates in isothermal conditions without con­
2014 C. The adsorption isotherms of NA, MNA, QUI, IDL, and sidering the heat of adsorption.
DBT were determined sequentially to identify the isotherm (3) The superficial velocity is constant, and pressure drop is
model, which was essential for simulation. The adsorption neglected.
amount qe was calculated using Eq. (1). (4) The mass transfer process is approximated by the linear
M (C0 Ce )
driving force (LDF) model, where the main resistances are
qe = m (1) combined in a lumped parameter.

where C0 is the initial concentration, Ce is the equilibrium These assumptions are made for several reasons. The
concentration (μmol/g-MDF), M is the weight of MDF (g), and practical value of the Reynolds number, Pe (Pe Hb / Rp), is 404,
m is the amount of adsorbent (g). which is much larger than 20; thus, the effect of axial dis­
The fixed-bed adsorption experiments were conducted in persion is minimal, and the assumption of plug flow is jus­
a stainless steel column (inner diameter = 4.6 mm, length = tified (Raghavan and Ruthven, 1983). The concentration of
150 mm) with a packed amount of 0.6 g at 30 ℃. The inlet flow adsorbates in MDF is at the ppm scale; thus, the adsorption
rate was 0.1 mL/min, and the treated MDF samples were process in the fixed bed is a purification process. In a pur­
collected using an automatic sampler. The concentration of ification process, when the concentration of the adsorbate
the treated MDF was analysed using GC-2014 C. A simple is < 1%, the influence of the fluid flow rate and radial diffu­
experimental apparatus of fixed bed is shown in Fig S1 of the sion as well as the heat are negligible (Gutiérrez Ortiz et al.,
supplementary material. Experimental results of the break­ 2019). According to the Kozeny-Carman equation, in this
through curve are used to confirm rationality of the simula­ case, the pressure decreased by 0.723 kPa/m, and the effect of
tion. The adsorption amount of the fixed bed is calculated this decrease on the breakthrough curve is negligible (Fig. S2).
using Eq. (2). The LDF model is often used to characterise the mass
transfer kinetics in adsorption columns (Shafeeyan et al.,
m (C L
C (L ) dL ) (2) 2014). It is validated to be suitable for describing the parabolic
concentration profile within the particle, and it is in good
where V is flow rate (mL/min), is the density of MDF (g/mL),
agreement with the simulation results of the homogeneous
and L is the amount of treated MDF (g).
surface diffusion model (HSDM) (Liaw et al., 1979; Sperlich
et al., 2008). The model is popular because of its simplicity
3. Modelling of fixed-bed adsorption and fast calculation speed. Therefore, herein, the mass
transfer kinetics of adsorbates in MDF are approximated
3.1. Adsorption isotherm model using the LDF model described using Eq. (5).
The adsorption isotherm is essential for fixed-bed adsorption s t = ki (ci ci* ) (5)
simulations because it reflects the relationship between the
where ki is the effective mass transfer coefficient (s−1), ci de­
saturation adsorption capacity and the residual concentra­
notes the equilibrium concentration of adsorbate in the li­
tion. Langmuir and Freundlich models, expressed using Eqs.
quid phase, and ci* is the average concentration of adsorbate
(3) and (4), respectively, are typically used to describe ad­
within the particle.
sorption isotherms.
Jeon et al. (Jeon et al., 2009) reported that the adsorption
qm KL Ce
qe = (3) capacities of aromatic sulphur compounds on activated
1 + KL Ce
carbon had a strong positive linear relationship with the pore
where Ce is the equilibrium concentration of adsorbate in the volumes of 0.63–1.2 nm micropores. Ania et al. (Ania and
liquid phase (μmol/g-MDF), KL is the Langmuir constant (g- Bandosz, 2005) demonstrated that a high number of meso­
MDF/μmol), and qm is the maximum adsorption capacity pores can significantly increase the adsorption rate. During
(μmol/g-ACs). the adsorption process of aromatic sulphur compounds on
activated carbon, macropores or mesopores serve as chan­
qe = KF Ce1/ n (4) nels, whereas micropores serve as the main adsorption sites.
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 183 (2022) 274–284 277

Fig. 1 – Sample structural characteristics: (a) N2 adsorption isotherm and (b) pore size distribution of ACs.

Therefore, pore diffusion resistance should be considered. values of the breakthrough curve (Siahpoosh et al., 2009;
Taking into account liquid film resistance and pore diffusion Lucas et al., 2004). It is calculated using Eq. (11):
resistance, the value of ki is calculated using Eq. (4)
1 n Cexp Cmodel
(Siahpoosh et al., 2009). LDF approximation is successfully AAD = n i=1 C0 (11)
applied to the dynamic simulation of acetaminophen ad­
sorption (Juela, 2020). where n is the number of experimental points. When AAD <
0.05, the result is highly consistent; when 0.5 < AAD < 0.1,
1 Rp Rp2
= 3kfi
+ 15 p Dpi (6) the result is probably consistent; and when AAD > 0.1, the
result is not consistent.
where i represents adsorbates, kfi is the liquid film mass
transfer coefficient (cm/s), Dpi is the effective pore diffusion
4. Results and discussion
coefficient (cm2/s), p is the particle porosity, and Rp is the
particle radius (cm).
4.1. Characteristics of ACs
The value of kfi is calculated using Carberry's empirical
equation (Carberry, 1960):
Fig. 1 shows the nitrogen adsorption isotherm and pore size
( )
( )
kfi b µ dp v distribution. Nitrogen adsorption mainly occurs at a low-
v Dmi
= 1.15 µ (7)
pressure range, and it exhibits an obvious hysteresis circle at
the relative pressure p/p0 of approximately 0.8, indicating the
where b is the bed porosity, and Dmi is the molecular diffu­
presence of a large number of micropores and some meso­
sion coefficient, which is calculated using the Wilke-Chang
pores. The pore structure characteristics of ACs are presented
in Table S2. The pore volumes of micropores, mesopores, and
The value of Dpi is obtained using Eq. (8) (Lucas
et al., 2004): macropores account for 75%, 12%, and 13% of the total pore
volume, respectively. The average pore diameter calculated
( 1
Dki ) (8) by the BJH method is 10.8 nm. The pH of the sample sus­
pension is 4.0, implying the presence of a large number of
where τ is the curvature factor, and Dki is the Knudsen dif­ acidic sites on the surface of ACs (Seredych et al., 2009).
fusion coefficient. The value of τ is calculated using Eq. (9)
(Siahpoosh et al., 2009): 4.2. Adsorption isotherm
= p + 1.5(1 p) (9)
The adsorption isotherms of PAHs, nitrogen compounds, and
The Biot number (Bi) can be used to determine the control DBT are presented in Fig. 2. The adsorption amount increases
step in the mass transfer process, which is defined using with increasing equilibrium concentration. MNA has larger
Eq. (10): adsorption capacity than NA, and thus, the presence of me­
kfi Rp thyl groups facilitates adsorption. The adsorption isotherms
Bii = (10) of DBT and IDL are similar, implying that strong competitive
p Dpi

adsorption may occur during coexistence.

When Bi < 1, external diffusion is the control step; when To further explore the adsorption performance, experi­
1 < Bi < 100, the mass transfer process is controlled by ex­ mental data of adsorption isotherms are fitted using
ternal diffusion and pore diffusion; and when Bi > 100, pore Langmuir and Freundlich models based on the nonlinear
diffusion is the control step. method, and their parameters are listed in Table 1. The ad­
sorption isotherm better fits the model when the correlation
3.3. Modelling validation coefficient R2 is closer to 1. NA and QUI are more consistent
with the Langmuir model than with the Freundlich model,
Absolute average deviation (AAD) is used to quantify the whereas DBT, IDL, and MNA are more consistent with the
deviation of the simulation results from the experimental Freundlich model (R2 > 0.99). Without maximum adsorption
278 Chemical Engineering Research and Design 183 (2022) 274–284

Fig. 2 – Adsorption isotherms of adsorbates over ACs fitted using (a) Langmuir and (b) Freundlich models.

more significant for DBT and IDL due to their stronger acid-
Table 1 – Langmuir and Freundlich model parameters of
base interactions.
Adsorbate Langmuir Freundlich

qm KL R2 KF 1/n R2 4.3. Single-component breakthrough curve

NA 646 0.147 0.989 105 0.521 0.967

To investigate the adsorption capacity of PAHs, nitrogen
MNA 730 0.149 0.933 151 0.441 0.991
compounds, and aromatic sulphur compounds in the fixed
Quin 1182 0.158 0.991 211 0.503 0.982
IDL 1133 0.379 0.971 367 0.367 0.997 bed and to examine the validity of the dynamic simulation,
DBT 1141 0.410 0.951 405 0.341 0.996 single-component breakthrough curves are measured. The
initial concentration of adsorbates in MDF is 10 μmol/g. The
single-component breakthrough curves are presented in
Fig. 3, where the dots represent the experimental values and
capacity, the Freundlich model implies the existence of the solid lines represent the simulation values. With the
multilayer adsorption for DBT, IDL, and MNA (Wen et al., same mass transfer model and Langmuir and Freundlich
2010). The adsorption capacity KF increases in the order models as the isotherm models, their simulation results are
NA < MNA < QUI < IDL < DBT. This indicates that the ad­ shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), respectively.
sorption affinity increases in the order NA < MNA < QUI < The breakthrough capacity increases in the order
IDL < DBT (Misra et al., 2017). NA < MNA < QUI < IDL < DBT, and the corresponding values
The adsorption of compounds with aromatic skeletons are 37.4, 40.6, 61.1, 75.2, and 77.6 g-MDF/g-ACs, respectively.
mainly occurs via π-π interactions between aromatic rings The breakthrough capacity is consistent with the adsorption
and the surface of activated carbon (Bu et al., 2011). Ad­ affinity. Hence, the adsorption capacity of DBT over ACs is
sorbate molecules with larger π electron numbers (sum of the the largest, followed by nitrogen compounds and then PAHs.
number of C(sp2) and S/N atoms) possibly have stronger ad­ Parameters of the simulation in the fixed bed are listed in
sorption affinities (Qu et al., 2016). As shown in Table 2, the Table S3. Fig. 3(a) shows that the simulated NA breakthrough
increasing order of these molecules in terms of π electron curve shows a lower capacity than the experimental values
number is IDL < NA = MNA = QUI < DBT. The methyl group obtained using the Langmuir model. Fig. 3(b) shows similar
provides electrons to the aromatic ring, increasing the elec­ phenomena for NA, MNA, and QUI by using the Freundlich
tron density of the π-system. Consequently, the π-system of model. In order to explain the modelling error sources, the
MNA is slightly larger than that of NA, and MNA has a saturation adsorption amounts of the MDF sample at a con­
stronger adsorption affinity than NA, implying that adsorp­ centration of 10 μmol/g are listed in Table 3. Compared with
tion is mainly based on π-π interactions. Thus, aromatic the experimental values in fixed-bed adsorption, the batch
sulphur compounds with methyl groups, particularly 4, 6- adsorption amounts estimated by the isotherm models are
DMDBT, may be easier to remove over ACs. The pH of a smaller, which is the main reason for the lower saturation
sample suspension reflects the acidity or basicity of a surface amount in dynamic adsorption simulation. The fixed-bed
(Ania and Bandosz, 2005). The pH of 4.0 indicates that many experimental value is close to the batch value, indicating that
acidic sites are present on ACs surface (Lucas et al., 2004). the simulated breakthrough curves are highly consistent
Heterocyclic compounds such as DBT, IDL, and QUI are basic with their experimental values. For example, DBT and IDL
compounds, and thus, their adsorption is based on π-π in­ with AAD values of only 0.17 and 0.16 by using the Freundlich
teractions and acid-base interactions (Qu et al., 2016; Arcibar- model. As shown in Table 3, AAD values are all less than 0.1,
Orozco et al., 2019; Ania and Bandosz, 2005). The Freundlich and this error is within the acceptable range. In addition,
model is applicable to heterogeneous surfaces. The surface is their AAD values are < 0.05, except for NA, showing good
more heterogeneous when 1/n is closer to 0. The 1/n values of agreement with the experimental results. Therefore, the
DBT and IDL are 0.341 and 0.367, respectively, which are Langmuir or Freundlich models for the adsorption isotherm
smaller than those of other adsorbates, implying that the and the LDF model approximation for the mass transfer
sample surface is heterogeneous and the heterogeneity is process in the dynamic simulation of single-component
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 183 (2022) 274–284 279

Table 2 – Properties of adsorbate molecules.

Chemicals Chemical structure Molecular weight Molecular sizea Number of
C (sp2) + S/N atoms

NA 128.17 7.40 × 9.16 10

MNA 142.20 8.13 × 9.58 10

QUI 129.16 7.40 × 9.16 10

IDL 117.15 7.77 × 9.48 9

DBT 184.26 7.05 × 11.54 13

Molecular size is calculated based on the density functional theory (Jae et al., 2011).

adsorption are appropriate choices. Furthermore, when the more mesopores and macropores with an average pore size
Freundlich model is used as the isotherm model, the values of 10.8 nm, because of which the mass transfer rate using ACs
of AAD for DBT and IDL are only 0.017 and 0.016, respectively, is accelerated. Therefore, an ideal activated carbon sample
suggesting that the Freundlich model is more consistent with should contain a large number of micropores as well as some
their adsorption isotherms. mesopores and macropores to have high adsorption capacity
The breakthrough curves are steep, but their slopes are and fast mass transfer rate.
governed by the adsorption isotherm and the mass transfer
rate (Fig. 3). It is hard to know the mass transfer rate of the 4.4. Effect of aromatics and nitrogen compounds on ADS
adsorption process. The calculated values of the effective
mass transfer coefficient ki are listed in Table S4. The Bi va­ Two-component breakthrough experiments in the fixed bed
lues of PAHs, nitrogen compounds, and DBT are in the range are performed to investigate the effect of PAHs and nitrogen
of 40–50, suggesting that their mass transfer processes in compounds on ADS and to examine the rationality of mul­
fixed beds are influenced by a combination of liquid film ticomponent dynamic simulation. Fig. 4 shows the two-
diffusion and pore diffusion (Xue et al., 2018). Therefore, their component breakthrough curves, where the dots represent
mass transfer process occurs from the liquid phase into the the experimental values, and the dashed and solid lines re­
macropores or mesopores and are finally adsorbed into the present the simulation values when the isotherm models are
micropores. Iruretagoyena et al. (Iruretagoyena et al., 2020) chosen as the IAS-Langmuir and IAS-Freundlich model, re­
reported that the value of mass transfer rate for DBT on ac­ spectively. The mass transfer model uses the LDF model with
tivated carbon samples was in the range 0.0001–0.0005 s−1. the same ki as in Section 4.3.
Mass transfer rate for DBT on ACs is 0.0860 s−1. The mass The MDF at the inlet contains equimolar concentrations
transfer rate using ACs is 150 times larger than that with of NA and DBT (Fig. 4(a)). NA reaches the breakthrough point
their samples. Their samples contain more micropores with first, and then, its C/C0 value increases rapidly until it reaches
an average pore size of approximately 3.5 nm, while ACs has 1.4. After DBT reaches the breakthrough point, the C/C0 of NA

Fig. 3 – Single-component breakthrough curve in fixed bed.

280 Chemical Engineering Research and Design 183 (2022) 274–284

Table 3 – Saturation adsorption amount for one-component MDF (µm olg

/ ).
Adsorbate Experiment Langmuir model estimation Freundlich model estimation

Fixed-bed Batch Fixed-bed AAD Batch Fixed-bed AAD

NA 427 384 373 0.055 348 338 0.085

MNA 454 437 424 0.033 417 405 0.049
QUI 710 724 697 0.022 672 648 0.034
IDL 855 896 864 0.028 854 823 0.016
DBT 870 917 884 0.030 888 854 0.017

gradually decreases and finally decreases to 1.0. As shown in and IDL, the breakthrough amount of DBT decreases by 2, 44,
Fig. 4(b)-(d), a similar phenomenon occurs for MNA, QUI, and 70, and 159 μmol/g, respectively. This indicates that the
IDL when coexisting with DBT, for example, their break­ presence of PAHs and nitrogen compounds hinders the ad­
through amount becomes smaller, and C/C0 is greater than 1. sorption of DBT, and the hindrance effect is in the order
From Fig. 4(a) to (d), it can be seen that the breakthrough IDL > QUI > MNA > NA. The hindering effect of IDL is the
amount of DBT progressively becomes smaller and the strongest, because of which DBT has smaller breakthrough
breakthrough curve becomes flat. In MDF, adsorbates with amount (2.3 times higher than that of QUI). The pKa of IDL is
different adsorption affinities may be partially adsorbed on 21.0, which is why it may have larger adsorption affinity
the same adsorption sites. The adsorbates that break through stronger acid-base interactions. Coexisting with
through later usually have stronger adsorption affinities. DBT, the net adsorption capacities of NA, MNA, QUI, and IDL
Hence, they can replace adsorbates with weaker affinities decreased by 70%, 77%, 54%, and 34%, respectively, indicating
adsorbed at the same site, resulting in a higher exit con­ the weak replacement ability of DBT for nitrogen com­
centration of adsorbates than import concentration (Qu pounds. The net adsorption capacities of QUI and IDL are 325
et al., 2016). This indicates that the adsorption affinity of DBT and 567 μmol/g, which indicates that ACs can remove ni­
on ACs is significantly stronger than that of the other four trogen compounds and aromatic sulphur compounds si­
adsorbates. The adsorption capacities of adsorbates in the multaneously.
two-component breakthrough experiments are listed in According to the IAS-Langmuir model, the breakthrough
Table 4. Under equimolar concentrations of NA, MNA, QUI, points of simulated DBT breakthrough curves are advanced

Fig. 4 – Two-component breakthrough curve in fixed bed:(a) DBT-NA, (b) DBT-MNA, (c) DBT-QUI, (d) DBT-IDL.
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 183 (2022) 274–284 281

Table 4 – Adsorption capacity of PAHs, nitrogen compounds, and DBT in the two-component breakthrough experiments


Breakthrough 229 774 309 732 391 706 540 617

Saturation 313 846 348 811 508 825 619 711
Netb 129 845 105 801 325 816 567 712
Difference between the total adsorbate in the feed and the total adsorbate at the output until the end of the experiment.

investigate the effect of different concentrations of PAHs and

nitrogen compounds on ADS. To reduce effort, we explore
this aspect using simulations with the IAS-Freundlich model
and the LDF model. The simulation results are presented in
Fig. 5. The simulation results show that the breakthrough
amount of DBT decreases with an increase in the con­
centration of PAHs and nitrogen compounds, but the de­
creasing trend gradually plateaus. The rate of decrease is in
the order IDL > QUI > MNA > NA, implying that nitrogen
compounds have a stronger hindering effect than PAHs. The
adsorption affinities of PAHs and DBT are governed by π-π
interactions; with increasing concentration, PAHs are more
likely to occupy the same adsorption sites as DBT, leading to
an increasingly obvious hindrance to DBT (Qu et al., 2016).
The reduction rate gradually tends to become 0 because of
the limited adsorption sites for PAHs and DBT. The un­
Fig. 5 – Effect of PAHs and nitrogen compounds on ADS. occupied adsorption sites of DBT may be based on acid-base
interactions. When the concentration of PAHs reaches 10%,
the breakthrough amount of DBT decreases by approxi­
and adsorption capacities are significantly smaller than ex­ mately 85%. Under different concentrations, PAHs and ni­
perimental values (Fig. 4. (a)-(d)). The adsorption affinity in­ trogen compounds have considerably different hindering
creases as follows NA < MNA < QUI < IDL < DBT, and the effects; thus, it is essential to consider their concentrations
hindrance effect is ranked as NA < MNA < QUI < IDL. This re­ when assessing the ADS performance of a diesel fuel sample.
sult indicates that the closer the adsorption affinity, the
stronger is the competition with DBT for adsorption. Fig. 4(a) to
(d) indicates that this problem is progressively worse, in­ 4.5. Designing fixed bed reactors using typical diesel
dicating that the simulation becomes less effective when the
competition between the adsorbates is strong. Fortunately, the In a typical diesel fuel, the concentration of nitrogen com­
application of the IAS-Freundlich model helped efficiently pounds and aromatic sulphur compounds is usually at the
overcome this problem, significantly reducing the error be­ ppm scale, while it is 5–10 wt% for PAHs. In this study, a fixed
tween the simulated breakthrough curve of DBT and the ex­ bed is simulated (inner diameter = 0.2 m) for ADS from diesel
perimental value. According to the IAS-Freundlich model, the as well as to determine optimal operating conditions. The
simulation results are satisfactory for the coexistence of DBT hindering effect of PAHs and nitrogen compounds on ADS
and PAHs. And they are slightly poor for the coexistence of are taken into account; then, the sample contains 10 μmol/g
DBT and nitrogen compounds due to the intensive competi­ DBT, 3 μmol/g IDL, 3 μmol/g QUI, 3 wt% MNA, and 3 wt% NA.
tion between nitrogen compounds and DBT. The AAD values The optimal operating conditions are determined by chan­
of dynamic simulation based on the IAS-Langmuir model and ging the stacking height and the flow rate. The operating
IAS-Freundlich model are presented in Table S5. Obviously, the parameters of the fixed bed are presented in Table 5.
AAD values of the former are smaller than that of the latter. Bi > 100 indicates that pore diffusion is the control step.
Thus, multicomponent adsorption isotherms are more con­ The simulation results show that a low flow rate and a large
sistent with the IAS-Freundlich model, implying the occur­ stacking height leads to more DBT breakthrough amount per
rence of heterogeneous adsorption. unit weight of samples (Table S6). Furthermore, the adsorp­
According to the adsorption isotherm, the adsorption ca­ tion capacity of ACs for each component when DBT reaches
pacity of the sample increases with increasing adsorbate the breakthrough point is analysed (Fig. 6). Selectivity of ADS
concentration in MDF. Therefore, it is necessary to is defined as the ratio of DBT adsorption amount to the total

Table 5 – Operating parameters of the fixed bed.

Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Stacking height (m) 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4

Flow rate (L/min) 1.6 4.8 14.4 1.6 4.8 14.4 1.6 4.8 14.4
LHSV (/h) 1.53 4.59 13.76 1.02 3.06 9.17 0.76 2.29 6.88
282 Chemical Engineering Research and Design 183 (2022) 274–284

Fig. 6 – Simulation results: (a) adsorption amount when DBT reaches the breakthrough point, (b) relationship between LHSV
and selectivity of ADS.

adsorption amount. Fig. 6(a) shows that the low flow rate and ADS, and the intercept of the straight line is 0.0982, implying
large stacking height increase selectivity of ADS. Thus, that the maximum value of selectivity of ADS is 9.82%. This
clearly, a fixed bed with low flow rate and large stacking value decreases from 9.68% to 6.29% with increasing LHSV,
height has a large LHSV. Fig. 6(b) shows a strong negative implying that large LHSV is not suitable to the selectivity of
linear relationship between the LHSV value and selectivity of ADS. Fig. 7(a)-(c) shows the breakthrough curves of a fixed

Fig. 7 – Simulation of breakthrough curve in typical diesel fuel at (a) 1.6 L/min, (b) 4.8 L/min, (c) 14.4 L/min, and (d) the effect of
PAHs and nitrogen compounds on ADS.
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 183 (2022) 274–284 283

bed with a stacking height of 4 m under different flow rates. East China University of Science and Technology is ac­
The order of breakthrough is NA < MNA < QUI < IDL < DBT, knowledged. The authors would like to thank the anon­
which is consistent with the ranking of the adsorption affi­ ymous reviewers for their constructive suggestions that have
nities. This indicates that the ranking of the competitive improved the quality of this work.
adsorption ability is NA < MNA < QUI < IDL < DBT. At large
flow rates, the breakthrough curves become smoother and
the amount of replacement is reduced. The low LHSV with a Appendix A. Supporting information
long residence time of the MDF in the fixed bed leads to an
adequate contact between the adsorbate and the adsorbent. Supplementary data associated with this article can be found
With the strongest adsorption affinity and competitive in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2022.04.029.
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