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Title: Empowering Unity Through Prayer: CCJE Students Gather for Departmental Prayer Rally

What: Prayer Rally Activity

When: October 5, 2023

Where: Outside University Building

Who: All CCJE Students

Writer: Ciara Belle Yangat

In a vibrant display of camaraderie and spiritual solidarity, students from the College of Criminal
Justice Education (CCJE) came together for a dynamic Prayer Rally, portraying strong faith, unity, and
shared aspirations. The event, organized by the CCJE Junior Criminologist Officers, aimed to foster a
sense of community, seek divine guidance, and strengthen the bonds that define the department.

The activity kicked off with a warm welcome from the classroom representatives per section,
emphasizing the significance of coming together as a department to seek spiritual strength and
guidance. A lively worship session followed, led by a talented group of student musicians of the CCJE
Music Club. The uplifting melodies and heartfelt lyrics resonated through the venue, setting a positive
tone for the rest of the rally. Students took turns leading intercessory prayers, covering various aspects
relevant to CCJE students - academic success, personal well-being, and the pursuit of justice and fairness
in their future careers. This segment allowed for personal reflections and communal support. Several
students shared personal anecdotes and reflections on their journeys within the CCJE department.
These stories not only inspired but also highlighted the diversity of experiences that contribute to the
rich tapestry of the CCJE community. A respected faculty member Sir Pacio also shared insights on the
importance of faith, resilience, and unity in navigating the challenges of academic and professional life.

The rally concluded with a heartfelt closing prayer, symbolizing the collective hopes and aspirations
of CCJE students. The Prayer Rally left an indelible mark on the CCJE community, fostering a spirit of
togetherness, hope, and shared purpose. Students expressed gratitude for the opportunity to come
together in prayer, recognizing the significance of spirituality in their academic and personal journeys.

The CCJE Prayer Rally served not only as a spiritual rejuvenation but also as a testament to the strength
that lies in unity. As the students dispersed, there was a palpable sense of camaraderie and renewed
determination to face the challenges ahead, fortified by the collective power of faith and community.
The event stands as a shining example of how prayer and shared spirituality can be potent instruments
in fostering a strong, resilient, and supportive academic community.

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