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Types of

Example 1
Declarative I am going to the mall this
Makes a statement- weekend.

ends with a period.

Example 2
We will be inside for recess
today as it is too cold
Imperative Example 1
Go give this note to
Gives a command or Mrs. Dempsey please.
asks you to do
something. Ends in a Example 2
period. Sit correctly in your chair
before you fall.
Interrogative Example 1
Did you know it is supposed to
Asks a question. Ends snow next week?
in a question mark.
Example 2
What was your favorite
Christmas present?
Exclamatory Example 1
Look how high that ball went!
Shows strong feelings
or emotions. Ends in
an exclamation point. Example 2
I can’t believe we won the
entire soccer tournament!
Lets Practice!
Write four sentences, one of each kind (declarative,
imperative, interrogative, exclamatory), down on a blank
sheet of paper. Make sure they have correct capital letters,
punctuation etc. After your teacher has called time, pass
your paper to the right. Try to identify each type of
sentence on the paper given to you.

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