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My name is Shanoya Linton and I

am 15 years old and in the future
i would like to become a
veterinarian. I am interested in
learning about food, nutrition
and health. Food, nutrition and
health are important aspects of
our well-being and quality of life.
Food provides us with the
energy and nutrients we need to
grow, develop and stay healthy.
Nutrition is the science that
studies how food affects our
body and health. Health is the
state of physical, mental and
social well-being. In this course, I
will learn about the different
types of food, their nutritional
value and their impact on health.
I will also learn about the dietary
guidelines and
recommendations for a
balanced and healthy diet. I
hope to gain more knowledge
and skills that will help me make
informed choices about what I
eat and how I take care of my
[Hey there, I go by the name of Shanoya Linton and I'm a 15-year-old fireball with a dream
to become a future veterinarian! My passion lies in learning about food, nutrition, and
health. These areas are crucial in keeping us in tip-top shape and living our best lives.
Through the power of food, we gain the energy and nutrients we need to grow and stay
healthy. Nutrition is the super cool science that breaks down how food affects our body
and overall health. And health? Well, it's the ultimate trifecta of physical, mental, and
social well-being! In this amazing course, I'll be diving into the nitty-gritty details of the
different food groups and their nutritional value, along with the golden rules of a
balanced and healthy diet. I'm super stoked to soak up all this knowledge and develop
new skills that will help me make informed choices about my nutrition and health. Let's
do this!]

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