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e Drama of





The Team
Group 5
Afra Afifah Ahyari - 202212500155
Amanda Lestarini Yatiwan - 202212500160
Intan Pratiwi - 202212500217
Rida Diah Saputri - 202212500144
Tarisya Noer Ariefatul Husniah - 202212500216
This story tells of Othello (a Moorish
general) who marries Desdemona (a
Venetian noblewoman) without the
consent of Brabantio (Desdemona's
father) because of racial differences.
Iago (an officer who is jealous of Othello)
devises an evil plan by manipulating
Othello into believing that Cassio
(another officer respected by Othello) is
having an affair with Desdemona. Finally,
Othello was influenced and decided to kill
Desdemona. Afterwards, Emilia (Iago's
wife and Desdemona's servant) reveals her
husband's crimes. Finally, Iago is arrested,
and Othello feels devastated and decides
to commit suicide.
e s o f D r a m a
Typ o d .
T ra g e d y o f B lo
n g e T r a g ed y /
Tra g ed y: R e v e ra g e d y . T h e
a s s if ie d a s a t
is p ri m a r il y c l
" O the llo " o f a tr a g ic
a ss i c s t r u c t u r e
lo w s th e cl
play fol d o w n f a ll o f a n o b le
d e s c ri b in g t h e
narrative , e ro 's lif e i s
o . T h e t ra g ic h
n is t— O th e ll s
protago in t h is c a s e , O t h e ll o '
a f a t a l e rr o r ,
marred b y d s t o d e a t h .
u s y , w h ic h le a
la b le je a lo
Setting of The Drama

Setting – time Setting – place

Toward the end of the sixteenth Venice, Cyprus.
century, the wars between Venice
and turkey.
The Central Theme

Othello's unfounded jealousy
leads to tragic consequences.
The Characters
Othello: Protagonist
Motivation: Love, Fear of Failures, Jealousy
Desdemona: Protagonist
Motivation: Love, Hope for Reward, Loyalty
Iago: Antagonist
Motivation: Revenge, Jealousy, Greed
Cassio: Confidant
Motivation: Hope for Reward, Duty, Honor
Emilia: Confidant
Motivation: Love, Redemption, Justice
Roderigo: Confidant
Motivation: Love, Greed
Brabantio: Confidant
Motivation: Fear of Failures, Prejudice
Bianca: Confidant
Motivation: Love, Hope for Reward, Devotion
Othello revolves around the tragic
downfall of its titular character
driven to jealousy and murder by
his cunning ensign Iago.
The Structure of Drama
The Source of The Drama
The story of Shakespeare's Othello comes from
the Hecatommithi, a collection of tales published
in 1565 by Giraldi Cinthio. Cinthio in turn had
been influenced by the Decameron by Giovanni
Figurative Language


(Act 1, scene 1, line 50): "Wears (Act 4, scene 1, line 75): "A (Act 4, scene 2, line 88): " and
out his time, much like his horned man's a monster and a the moon winks..."
master's ass..." beast..."
Othello once again references
Iago uses a simile comparing the This a metaphor because Diana or Cynthia the goddess of
servants to donkey's to show the Othello says that because of chastity.
unfair treatment of servants. Desdemona's unfaithfulness it
has turned his personality into
something like a beast.
The Moral Value
01 The importance of
controlling jealousy 04 appreciating the power
of friendship

02 05
the importance of
not falling into
remaining honest and
loyal in life.

03 realizing that prejudice and emotional decisions can

have a negative impact on relationships and one's life

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