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Important powers:
Medusa's main weapon is her hair, the density of which she can
control, making it as hard as steel. She can also control the
growth rate of her hair, which can be extended or spread out at
will. Medusa can also use thoughts to manipulate hair
movements and can attack or bind targets. Even if her hair is
cut o , Medusa can still manipulate it with her mind.

Thoughts about inner self:

Medusa symbolizes in nite fear, repression, jealousy, hatred,
isolation.houghts to others on the outside:fear

Appears to others on the outside:
She turned Medusa into a hideous hag, making her hair into
writhing snakes and her skin was turned a greenish hue. Anyone
who locked gaze with Medusa was turned into stone.

What Medusa wants to control?

The most common interpretation of Medusa suggests she is an
apotropaic symbol used to protect from and ward o the
negative, much like the modern evil eye. She represents a
dangerous threat meant to deter other dangerous threats, an
image of evil to repel evil.

While a seemingly straightforward tale, Medusa's story explores
female dynamics, female power against patriarchal forces, with
her image also being used as a mark of protection against evils.
And the ultimate defense against the male gaze. Medusa was
the emblem of female power back in Ancient Greece and a
symbol of both protection and aggression.
What’s more,Attachment theory uses the Medusa Complex to
refer to a self-destructive early state of inwardly directed
aggression produced by a disruption of the mother/child mutual
gaze. Marion Woodman saw the Medusa Complex as a
dissociated state produced by paralysis of the ght-or- ight
response in a state of petri ed fear.

until she was raped in Athena's temple by Poseidon. Athena
then punished her for this violation, by turning her into the
monstrous, stony-glanced creature that we know.

Medusa was a beautiful young woman who was a
priestess for the goddess of wisdom and war, Athena.
Medusa made a vow to the goddess that she would swear
her life to celibacy and servitude.

Physical Traits:
a round face, wide eyes, a beard, and a gaping mouth with an
extended tongue and gnashing, sharp teeth

Medusa was an innocent person despite her very harsh fate in
life. As a human she was loyal and devout to Athena and
ful lled her priestess duties. Even as a Gorgon, she vowed to
never turn any women into stone due to her respect for Athena.

she was one of three Gorgon sisters born to Keto and Phorkys,
primordial sea gods; Medusa was mortal, while the others,
Stheno and Euryale, were immortal.

(biggest enemies)Maximus and humanity itself
Athena. She hate Medusa.
Perseus(Perseus set out with the aid of the gods, who provided
him with divine tools. While the Gorgons slept, the hero
attacked, using Athena's polished shield to view the re ection
of Medusa's awful face and avoid her petrifying gaze while he
beheaded her with a harpe, an adamantine sword.)

Ionio (the god of war), Pemferrido (the god of bitter anger), and
Dieno (the god of terror).
children: pegasus

Creature you can nd:

Round the Earth beyond the river Echanos where it meets the
Land of the night.

nickname: gorgon

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