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As the great philosopher Epictetus once said, "We are disturbed not by what happens to

us, but by our thoughts about what happens." This rings especially true when it comes to
the impact of others' opinions on our lives. It's natural to desire acceptance and approval,
but when this desire begins to dominate our lives,

the fear of being judged by others. We worry about what others think of us, how we look,
how we act, and what we say.

it can have detrimental effects on our mental health and overall well-being.

Ladies and gentlement, my name is Thoại An and I’m standing here today to encourage
all of you right now stop – worrying about what others think of you and embrace it as a
guiding principle in our lives.

Let’s star by looking the weight of worrying about what others think of you

The problem with worrying too much about what others think of you is multifaceted. Not
only does it limit personal growth, but it also prevents individuals from pursuing their
passions and interests, stifling their potential for joy and fulfillment. The truth is, when
we care too much about what others think, we subject ourselves to self-doubt and
insecurity, which hinders our personal growth.

When we give over our power to others and allow that their impressions to become how
we perceived, we lose out on who we really are.

The solution to this weight of external judgment lies in the liberation of yourself
from it.

Understand that other people's opinions are just opinions. They are not truths or facts, and
therefore should not hold the power to dictate your self-worth or decisions

Other people's opinions of us are based on their insecurities, biases, and prejudices.
Understanding that people's opinions are simply that - opinions - and not immutable facts
or absolute truths is critical in distancing oneself from unnecessary worry and anxiety.

We must also practice self-love and self-acceptance, acknowledging our intrinsic worth
and surround ourselves with people who support us. Surrounding yourself with supportive
people is critical to ensure you don’t worry about what others think. It will enable you to
be your authentic self.
When we let go of the fear of being judged, we can experience a sense of liberation and
freedom that allows us to live our lives more fully.


In conclusion, we can see that it’s important to realize the detrimental effect of what
others think of you, so you have to take a step toward liberating yourselves from the
weight of worrying about what others think of you.
Let go of the weight of worrying too much about what others think. You will feel lighter
and happier, and you will be able to follow your passions and interests without fear.
Remember, you are the only one who can define your worth, and your happiness is worth

Thank you.

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