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Trisha Faye Y.


Performance Activity No. 1 Semi Final

Instructions: Answer critically and honestly as it applied to your MORAL UNDERSTANDING.

Base on the online activity how stoics are? Are you a Stoics or Epicureans? 7 heavenly Virtues:
Which one is YOU? What knowledge (learned), attitudes (realized or appreciate) and skills
(discovered) about Stoicism, Epicureanism and Virtue Ethics? Afterwards present your
confirmation or denial about the result of the activity in a form of personal Moral Reflection.

Answer starts here:

Everyone has their own moral principles that vary greatly from one person to another. While moral
reasoning can be undertaken on another’s behalf, it is paradigmatically an agent’s first-personal practical
reasoning about what, morally, they ought to do. The moral principle an individual chooses to live by
determines whether one is a stoic or epicurean.

Stoicism is a philosophy that emphasizes the distinction between what we can control and what we
can't. Stoics believe that we should concentrate on what we can control rather than worrying about what we
can't. Meanwhile, Epicureanism consider pleasure rather than wisdom to be the most important aspect of
life. Avoiding pain is one of the finest methods to get pleasure, and the best way to do it is to live a simple
life devoid of the stresses of life. From the online personality quiz result, it was revealed that I am inclined
to stoicism. Personally, I agree being a stoic type of person.

Stoicism looks at the part each person plays in the universe and that everything that happens to us
is already fated in our destiny. As a stoic person, I tend to put myself in the position of others around me,
and this enables me to interact with different people on a personal level. It is hard to hate someone if you
truly understand their emotions. Without empathy, we remain detached from those around us, which doesn’t
allow for meaningful relationships to form. Empathy also allows us to see things from multiple perspectives,
rather than just our own. This helps me to be more strategic and deliberate in my actions.

From the 7 heavenly virtues, I consider myself as kindness. Kindness means doing good towards
one and all, and having everyone’s best interest at heart, without the feelings of prejudice or resentment. It
also means having a positive attitude and inspiring the same in others. People say I am a charitable person,
and everyone appreciates my helping hand when I go out of my way to make sure everything remains
alright. I am a good listener and even better at giving advice, and I also make great friends. And I dislike
people who dwell in their envy and practice sympathy without any prejudices.

In this activity, it gives knowledge about what moral philosophy and heavenly virtue an individual
uses as a guiding principle in life. I learned that a stoic sees emotions not as a controlling force in life, nor
as valid in their own right. It made me realize that the only thing truly under your control is your reactions
to events. Everything else is in some way restricted by things outside of your control. Because almost
everything is outside your control, the reasonable behavior is to accept this and not set out to change things,
but to set out to be a good person, and by being a good person have a positive impact on the world.

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