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Group 1 – Script

Cremen's family is seated at the dinner table, eating and chatting pleasantly. Suddenly, Cremen speaks

CREMEN: Mom, Dad, I've been thinking...I want to go to college.

Cremen's parents exchange a quick glance before turning back to their son. Their expressions are

MOTHER: Cremen, we'd love to be able to send you to college, but...

FATHER: We just can't afford it right now.

Cremen sets down his fork and looks at his parents, his eyes wide with shock and disappointment.

CREMEN: What? I don't understand. I thought you guys were doing okay.

MOTHER: We are, sweetie, but college is expensive.

FATHER: And we just don't have the money to pay for it right now.

Cremen stares down at his plate, feeling a lump forming in his throat. He had always dreamed of going to
college, but he had never imagined that it might not be possible.

CREMEN: (voice cracking) I...I don't know what to say.

He pushes away from the table abruptly, his chair scraping against the floor.

MOTHER: Cremen, honey, please sit down...

Group 1 – Script

But it's too late. Cremen has already fled the room.

Cremen sits on his bed, staring at the ceiling in disbelief. He had always dreamed of going to college, of
getting a degree and making something of himself. But now, it seemed as though that dream was out of

He couldn't believe that his parents couldn't afford to send him to college. They had always seemed like
they were doing well, but apparently things were tighter than he had thought.

His eyes are filled with tears, and he is barely even aware of the sound of someone knocking on the door.

"Hey, are you okay?" Prince asked, coming into the room.

Cremen wiped his eyes and shrugged. "I don't know, man. I just... I really wanted to go to college, and
now it seems like I can't."

Prince sat down next to him on the bed. "I'm sorry, man. I wish there was something I could do to help."

Cremen gave him a small smile. "It's okay. You being here is enough."

Cremen hugged him tightly, feeling a rush of relief. Even though his dream of going to college might have
been delayed, he knew that he had the support of his family. And that was all that mattered.


We see a young man named CREMEN as he walks down the street with a worried expression on his face.
He looks desperate and unsure of what the future holds for him.

Cremen (in voiceover): I don't know what to do. My parents can't afford to send me to college and I
don't want to burden them with my dreams.
Group 1 – Script

He reaches a park and finds a bench to sit on. He takes a deep breath and starts to contemplate his

Cremen (in voiceover): I need to find a way to pay for college, but how?

Suddenly, his cell phone rings, and he answers it.

Cremen: Hey, Abayan. What's up?

Abayan: Hey, Cremen. How are you doing?

Cremen: Not good, man. I'm struggling with money, and I don't know what to do.

Abayan: I might have a solution for you. My grandma needs someone to take care of her, and I was
thinking maybe you could do it for me.

Cremen is hesitant, but the offer sounds too good to refuse.

Cremen: How much would I make?

Abayan: I'll pay you well, man. Don't worry about it.

Cremen agrees to the offer and heads over to Abayan's grandmother's house.



Group 1 – Script

Cremen is greeted by ABAYAN'S GRANDMOTHER, ISHIE. She seems happy to have him there, but the
situation quickly turns sour.

Abayan’s Grandmother: You need to do this and that. And do it fast!

Cremen tries his best to accommodate Abayan’s Grandmother requests, but she grows angrier with each
passing day.

Abayan’s Grandmother: You're useless! You didn't do anything right!

Cremen starts to feel depressed and hopeless, but he can't give up. He needs the money to pay for



Abayan comes to visit his grandmother, and she lies and tells him that Cremen has been abusing her.

Abayan: What the hell? That's not true! Why would Cremen do that?

Abayan’s Grandmother: He's irresponsible and doesn't listen to me!

Abayan is torn between his grandmother and his best friend.



Abayan comes to visit Cremen and confronts him about the situation.
Group 1 – Script

Abayan: Cremen, is this true?

Cremen bursts into tears, finally releasing all the frustration and sadness he's been carrying.

Cremen: Abayan, I didn't do anything. Your grandmother has been abusing me since I got here. But I
didn't tell anyone because I need the money for college.

Abayan is shocked and feels terrible for not believing his friend.

Abayan: I'm so sorry, Cremen. That was messed up. Tomorrow, I'll talk to my mother. She's the mayor of
the city, and maybe she can help.


CREMEN (in parang): "I'm tired of pretending everything is okay. I'm tired of being belittled and
humiliated every day. But I don't want to lose this job. I need this job to pay for my tuition fees and
support my family. So I'll endure. I'll keep my head down and do my job the best I can."


Abayan and Cremen are sitting in front of PICA, Abayan's mother.

Pica: Abayan told me everything. I'm sorry for what happened, Cremen. But I want to help you. I'll pay
for your tuition fees, and you can study to become a lawyer.

Cremen can't believe his ears and starts to cry tears of joy.

Cremen: Thank you, ma'am. Thank you so much.

Group 1 – Script



We see Cremen as he walks towards the entrance of law school.

Cremen (in voiceover): Thanks to Abayan's mother, I was able to finish college and become a lawyer. I
will forever be grateful to her and Abayan for their help.

He enters the building with a content smile on his face.

Cremen (in voiceover): I may have become a lawyer, but I want to do more. I want to help others like me,
who have dreams but can't afford to make them a reality.

With this goal in mind, Cremen decides to start a scholarship fund for students who are not financially
equipped to attend college. He hopes that one day, he can create more opportunities for those who are
struggling to make ends meet.

Cremen (in voiceover): I may have started with nothing, but that doesn't mean I can't give back

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