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4 Years of dropshipping - Here are some 10 easy hacks.

1. Never interrupt your customer before the sale

Don't do any apps that pop up before they placed an order or left the store without
paying! After that interrupt them as often as possible: Email retargeting (up to 5
emails for cart & checkout) & Sms bump (Also up to 5 times) and do not forget Ads
retargeting ofcourse.
2. Never Skip the Cart
Do never set, skip the cart, automatically. Especially if you are selling in EU Markets.
Europeans do not like that! It is a huge Conversion Killer.
3. Niche Market Advantage:
The smaller the country (Audience) the bigger is the ROAS potential: You have a much
higher chance that you are not the thousand person testing the same products if you
go into these niche countries! Some kind of US 5-7 years ago!
4 Leverage Spytools in Saturated markets
You need to understand that any product that is working in any of the big 4 countries
can be easily duplicated to less saturated markets. As mentioned in 3. use spytools
and combine it with google trends & FB ads library to see how your competitors are
performing in other markets.
5. Country Focus:
For maximum impact, concentrate on the key countries with high potential:
Netherlands, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Each
presents a unique market opportunity that, when tapped into strategically, can yield
significant returns.
6 Use related niche domains
If you are dropshipping in Niche countries. Always use country related domains &
logos! For Example in Sweden, Don't call your shop Fashion world. Instead use the
swedish translation, even better do combinations like: Stockholm-modevaerlden. Now
you sound like a store who is from stockholm and not a random dropship store.
Ofcourse use .se domain if you can get.
7 Local Payment Methods:
You need to have LOCAL payment methods in Europe! You won’t succeed with Paypal
and CC except in Germany and France! Get Ideal and Bancontact For NL/BE, Klarna for
Sweden, Norway and Finland. And Sofort for Germany.
8 Facebook Ads Mastery:
FB ADS has changed over the time, It is a totally different game now! You should keep
it simple, ALWAYS GO broad, use no interest, simple conversion campaign. Facebook
is so smart these days that it can find your buyers regardless, you should not limit FB.
9 Revive your winners on Facebook.
It's weird but it works. If you haven't had any succes finding a new product that
makes you some profit. You can duplicate your product that died out in your shopify
store. Give it a slightly different name, run 2 CBO Campaigns. instead of $50, do $25
on both campaigns and target 1 campaign only for IOS Devices and 2nd campaign
only for Android devices. yes, it works.
10. Ali express product image search
If you found any winner, Use ali express product image search to find any new
variants or colors. Another hack, If you found a new product. And it has not many
listing available on the image search it means the product is new and not many
dropshippers have sold this product.


Assuming you are fluent in the language that is.

But in general localization 100% is key if you are targeting outside your own country.
Payment methods that are favored/trusted in your country can be absolutely hated in
the one you target.
Klarna like you mentioned is a gamble in Sweden/Norway/Finland as they are
common but not loved across the board.
But it would secure alot more sales than using something like paypal.
For Norway/Sweden/Denmark the consumer rights agencies actively advertise and
run campaigns in about how dropshipping stores is considered fraudulent and risky.
So it does raise the bar when it comes to looking like a serious business also.
Same goes for looking into local oddities, as an extreme just dropshipping from
something like aliexpress into Norway is a criminal offence for tax/vat fraud.
(If you do not register for your own Norwegian VOEC number and get aliexpress to
use yours instead of theirs)

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