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The exact steps to start making money selling
digital products.
Welcome to the comprehensive guide on how to sell
digital products! If you're interested in starting a digital
product business but don't have the time or knowledge
to create your own products, this guide is for you. We'll
cover everything you need to know, from choosing a
niche and finding high-quality products to building your
store, marketing your products, and scaling your
business. Gain valuable insights and strategies to help
you succeed in the highly profitable world of digital PLR
products. So let's get started!

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Table of contents
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Find your niche

Chapter 3: Where to sell

Chapter 4: Marketing

Chapter 5: Optimise your store

Chapter 6: Scale your business

Chapter 7: Beat the competition

Chapter 8: Summary

Digital products

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In today's fast-paced world, more and more people are turning to the
internet to find products and services. This has led to an increase in the
popularity of digital products, which offer many advantages over physical
products. If you're interested in starting an online business, selling digital
products could be a great option for you.

Selling digital products is a business model that involves creating or

purchasing products that can be delivered electronically. These products
can include e-books, planners, templates, printables, software, and much
more. Once you have these products, you can sell them to customers all
around the world through your website or other online platforms. The
beauty of this business model is that you don't have to worry about
inventory, shipping, or handling physical products.

Digital products come in many different forms, but some of the most
popular ones include e-books, planners, templates, and printables. E-books
are electronic books that can be read on devices such as e-readers, tablets,
and smartphones. Planners are digital tools that help people plan and
organize their lives, while templates are pre-designed files that can be
customized to suit a specific purpose. Printables are digital files that can be
printed out and used for various purposes, such as calendars, to-do lists,
and worksheets.

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One of the greatest advantages of selling digital products is the profitability
of the business model. Once you have created or purchased a digital
product, you can sell it over and over again without incurring any additional
costs. This means that you can potentially earn passive income from your
digital products for years to come. Additionally, digital products often have
a high profit margin since there are no costs associated with production,
shipping, or storage.

In conclusion, selling digital products is a great way to start an online

business with low overhead costs and high profitability potential. In the next
chapter, we'll discuss how to choose a niche for your digital product

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Find your niche

Once you have decided to start a digital product business, the next step is
to choose a niche. A niche is a specific market segment that you want to
target with your products. By choosing a niche, you can find and purchase
products that are tailored to the needs of a specific group of customers,
which can help you stand out from the competition and attract loyal

Here are some steps to help you find the right niche for your digital product

The first step in finding a niche is to identify your interests and passions.
Think about the topics that you are knowledgeable about and passionate
about. This could be anything from cooking to yoga to personal finance. By
choosing a niche that you are passionate about, you'll be more motivated to
find and purchase high-quality products that meet the needs of your target
customers. It's not a dealbreaker if you choose a niche that you're not
interested in but it will make your journey easier.

Once you have identified your interests and passions, the next step is to
research market demand. Use keyword research tools such as Google
Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify popular keywords related
to your niche. This will give you an idea of how many people are searching
for information related to your niche and whether there is a market for
products in that niche.

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Find your niche

After you have identified a niche with high demand, it's time to analyse the
competition. Look at what other digital product businesses are offering in
your niche and identify gaps in the market. You can also look at customer
reviews to see what customers are looking for and what they don't like
about existing products in the market.

Once you have identified a niche and analysed the competition, it's time to
define your unique selling proposition (USP). Your USP is what sets your
products apart from the competition and gives customers a reason to
choose your products over others. Developing a unique selling proposition
is crucial to the success of your digital product business. By defining what
makes your products unique and valuable, you can differentiate yourself
from other sellers in the market and attract loyal customers.

One way to develop a unique selling proposition is to focus on the needs

and preferences of your niche. By understanding their pain points and
desires, you can tailor your products to meet their specific needs and stand
out from the competition. For example, if your niche is personal finance,
you could offer budgeting templates that are specifically designed for
college students or busy parents. This would make your products more
appealing to those customers and give them a reason to choose your
products over others.

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Where to sell
Once you've chosen your niche and identified your unique selling
proposition, it's time to build your online store. Choosing the right platform
is crucial to the success of your digital product business, as it will determine
how your customers find and purchase your products. In this chapter, we'll
look at three popular platforms for selling digital PLR products: Shopify,
Gumroad, and Etsy. We'll discuss the pros and cons of each platform to
help you make an informed decision.

Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the world, with
over a million businesses using it to sell products online. It's easy to use, has
a wide range of features, and is highly customizable. Shopify also offers a
range of payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay.
The platform has a strong support system, with 24/7 customer service, a
comprehensive help center, and a large community of users. Most
importantly, it’s fully customizable. Using Shopify is the recommended

Gumroad is a platform designed specifically for digital products, making it a

popular choice for digital PLR product sellers. It's easy to use, with a simple
interface and a range of features, including customizable checkout pages,
email marketing tools, and analytics. Gumroad also offers a range of
payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay.

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Where to sell
The biggest advantage of Gumroad is that it's affordable, with a free plan
plus a 10% transaction fee. It also has a strong focus on creator
empowerment, offering a range of tools and resources to help sellers
succeed. However, Gumroad doesn't offer as much customisation as other
platforms, and it's not as widely known or trusted by customers.

Etsy is a popular online marketplace for handmade, vintage, and craft items,
but it's also a great platform for selling digital PLR products. It's easy to use,
with a simple interface and a range of features, including customisable
listings, marketing tools, and analytics. Etsy also has a large customer base,
with millions of users worldwide.

The biggest advantage of Etsy is that it's free to use, with fees only charged
when you make a sale. It also has a strong focus on handmade and unique
products, which can be a selling point for digital PLR product sellers.
However, Etsy is not as customisable as other platforms, and it can be
difficult to stand out among the thousands of other sellers.

When it comes to choosing a platform for your digital PLR product
business, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Each platform has its own
strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to choose one that fits your
specific needs and goals. Shopify is the leading e-commerce platform for a

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Where to sell
If you sign up with Shopify through this link you will
get your first 3 months for only $1 per month:


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Effective marketing is essential for the success of your digital products. In
this chapter, we'll explore four popular marketing strategies that can help
you reach your target audience and drive sales: TikTok organic, TikTok
page, Facebook Meta Ads, and Instagram page.

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms, with over a

billion active users worldwide. Using TikTok organically can help you reach
a younger audience and showcase your products through creative,
engaging videos. TikTok's algorithm rewards content that resonates with
users, so by creating entertaining and informative videos, you can attract
followers and drive traffic to your online store.

Creating a TikTok page for your digital PLR products is a smart way to reach
a broader audience. With its focus on short-form videos, TikTok is a perfect
platform for showcasing your products in a visually appealing way. By
consistently posting creative and high-quality videos, you can attract a loyal
following of potential customers who are interested in your niche.
Remember to keep the content raw and unfiltered as TikTok prioritises this
type of content.

Facebook Meta Ads (formerly known as Facebook Ads) is a powerful

advertising platform that allows you to target your ads to specific audiences
based on factors like age, location, interests, and more. With Facebook's
extensive user data, you can be sure that your ads are reaching people who
are most likely to be interested in your products. Additionally, Facebook
Meta Ads provides detailed performance metrics so that you can track your
ad performance and make adjustments to improve your results.

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Instagram is a visual platform that's particularly popular among younger
audiences. Creating an Instagram page for your digital PLR products is an
excellent way to showcase your products in a visually appealing way. With
Instagram's photo and video features, you can share high-quality images and
videos of your products and give followers a behind-the-scenes look at your
business. Additionally, Instagram offers a range of advertising options,
including sponsored posts and Instagram Stories ads, so you can reach even
more potential customers.

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to reach your target audience and

build trust with potential customers. By collaborating with influencers in
your niche, you can tap into their audience and reach people who are
already interested in your products. Influencers can promote your products
through sponsored posts, product reviews, or even unboxing videos.
Working with influencers can help you increase your reach, build brand
awareness, and drive sales.

Marketing your digital PLR products is essential to the success of your

business, and TikTok organic, TikTok page, Facebook Meta Ads, Instagram
page, and influencer marketing are all effective ways to reach your target
audience. Each platform offers unique benefits, from TikTok's focus on short-
form video to Facebook's extensive user data. By experimenting with
different marketing strategies and tracking your performance metrics, you
can find the right mix of tactics to drive sales and grow your business. Don't
underestimate the power of influencer marketing, as it can be a highly
effective way to reach new customers and build your brand.

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Instagram is a visual platform that's particularly popular among younger
audiences. Creating an Instagram page for your digital PLR products is an
excellent way to showcase your products in a visually appealing way. With
Instagram's photo and video features, you can share high-quality images and
videos of your products and give followers a behind-the-scenes look at your
business. Additionally, Instagram offers a range of advertising options,
including sponsored posts and Instagram Stories ads, so you can reach even
more potential customers.

Marketing your digital PLR products is essential to the success of your

business, and TikTok organic, TikTok page, Facebook Meta Ads, and
Instagram page are all effective ways to reach your target audience. Each
platform offers unique benefits, from TikTok's focus on short-form video to
Facebook's extensive user data. By experimenting with different marketing
strategies and tracking your performance metrics, you can find the right mix
of tactics to drive sales and grow your business.

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Optimise your store

Once you have set up your digital product store and started driving traffic
to it, the next step is to optimize your store for conversions. Conversions
refer to the percentage of visitors who take a desired action on your
website, such as making a purchase or subscribing to your email list. By
optimising your store for conversions, you can increase the number of
visitors who take these actions and boost your sales.

Here are some tips for optimising your store for conversions:

Clear and Concise Messaging: Your website should clearly communicate

what your store offers and why someone should buy from you. Use concise
and persuasive language to convey your message and make it easy for
visitors to understand.

Simplify Navigation: Make it easy for visitors to navigate your website and
find what they are looking for. Use clear categories and subcategories, and
minimize the number of clicks it takes for visitors to make a purchase.

Use High-Quality Images: Use high-quality images to showcase your

products and make them more appealing to potential buyers. Consider
using multiple images from different angles or perspectives to give visitors a
better idea of what they are buying.

Clear Call-to-Actions: Use clear and prominent calls-to-action (CTAs)

throughout your website to encourage visitors to take a desired action. For
example, use buttons with action-oriented language like "Add to Cart" or
"Buy Now."

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Optimise your store

Optimise for Mobile: More and more people are browsing and buying on
their mobile devices, so it's essential that your website is optimised for
mobile. Use a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes and
make sure that all buttons and CTAs are easy to tap with a finger.

Provide Social Proof: Social proof is the concept that people are more
likely to buy something if they see that others have bought it and are
satisfied with their purchase. Consider including customer reviews or
testimonials on your website to provide social proof and increase trust in
your brand.

Test and Iterate: Finally, it's important to continuously test and iterate on
your website to optimise for conversions. Use tools like Google Analytics to
track user behavior and identify areas for improvement. Test different CTAs,
page layouts, and images to see what works best for your audience.

Conduct user testing by asking friends or family to navigate your
website and provide feedback. Use their feedback to identify
areas for improvement and optimise your store for better

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Scale your business

Once you've established your digital product store and have seen success
in sales, it's time to focus on scaling your business. This means increasing
your reach, improving your processes, and optimising your sales funnel to
drive more revenue. Here are some tips on how to scale your business:

Use free AI tools to improve efficiency: As your business grows, you may
find that certain tasks are becoming more time-consuming. Fortunately,
there are many free AI tools available that can help automate tasks such as
social media scheduling, customer service, and email marketing. Examples
of these tools include Hootsuite, ManyChat, and Klaviyo. By using these
tools, you can improve efficiency and focus on other aspects of growing
your business.

For example, Hootsuite allows you to schedule social media posts in

advance, freeing up your time to focus on creating new digital products or
engaging with your audience. ManyChat is a chatbot tool that can automate
customer service tasks, such as answering frequently asked questions, while
Klaviyo can help automate email marketing campaigns and provide data-
driven insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Expand your product offerings: If you've found success with a particular

type of digital product, consider expanding your offerings to include
related products. For example, if you've been selling e-books on personal
finance, you could also offer budgeting templates or financial planning
tools. This can help you appeal to a wider audience and increase sales.

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Scale your business

When expanding your product offerings, it's important to stay true to your
brand and ensure that your new products are aligned with your niche and
target audience. You can also use customer feedback and analytics to
identify which products are most popular and prioritize expanding those

Leverage social media advertising: Social media platforms such as Facebook

and Instagram offer highly targeted advertising options that can help you
reach a wider audience. By creating ads that target specific demographics
or interests, you can increase the visibility of your products and drive more
traffic to your store.

To effectively leverage social media advertising, it's important to identify

your target audience and create ad content that speaks directly to their
needs and interests. You can also use analytics to track the effectiveness of
your ads and make adjustments as needed to improve performance.

Outsource tasks: As your business grows, it may be beneficial to outsource

certain tasks to free up your time and focus on scaling your business.
Consider hiring a virtual assistant to handle administrative tasks or a
freelance writer to create content for your blog.

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Scale your business

Outsourcing tasks can help you focus on high-level tasks that require your
expertise while still ensuring that important tasks are completed. When
outsourcing, it's important to communicate your expectations clearly and
find reliable and qualified individuals who can deliver high-quality work.

By following these tips and using free AI tools, you can efficiently scale
your business and continue to see success with your digital product store.
Remember to stay focused on your niche and target audience and prioritise
providing exceptional customer service to maintain customer loyalty and
build a strong brand.

Leverage the power of automation by using tools like Zapier or
IFTTT to streamline repetitive tasks and free up time to focus on
more important aspects of your business.

page 18

Beat the competition

One of the biggest challenges of selling digital PLR products is staying
ahead of the competition. With so many other sellers offering similar
products, it can be difficult to stand out and attract customers to your
store. However, with the right strategies in place, you can beat the
competition and become the go-to source for high-quality PLR products in
your niche.

One of the best ways to beat the competition is to offer unique products
that your competitors don't have. This could be a new type of planner, a
creative e-book template, or a niche-specific printable. By offering unique
products, you'll stand out from the crowd and attract customers who are
looking for something different.

Another way to beat the competition is to provide exceptional customer

service. This includes responding quickly to customer inquiries, providing
helpful information, and resolving issues promptly. When customers have a
positive experience with your store, they are more likely to return and
recommend your store to others.

Offer competitive pricing: Pricing is an important factor in any business, and

it's no different for selling PLR products. To beat the competition, you need
to offer competitive pricing that is in line with what other sellers are
offering. You can also consider offering discounts or promotions to attract
new customers.

page 19

Beat the competition

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your store and reaching new
customers. By creating engaging content, running ads, and collaborating
with influencers, you can increase your store's visibility and attract more

Finally, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in your niche.
This includes keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing,
monitoring industry blogs and forums, and attending relevant events. By
staying informed, you can adjust your products and marketing strategies to
stay ahead of the competition.

In addition to these tips, you can also leverage free AI tools like Google
Trends or SEMrush to stay on top of industry trends and monitor your
competitors' SEO strategies. By combining these strategies with a solid
understanding of your niche and target audience, you can beat the
competition and build a successful digital PLR product business.

Respond promptly to customer inquiries and concerns, go the extra mile
to resolve any issues, and consistently strive to exceed expectations.
Satisfied customers are more likely to return and recommend your store
to others, giving you an edge over your competitors.

page 20

Congratulations! You have made it through this comprehensive guide on
how to sell digital products. You have learned about the importance of
identifying a niche, finding the right products, building a store, marketing
effectively, optimising for conversions, scaling your business, and staying
ahead of the competition. By now, you should have a solid understanding of
how to start and grow your own digital product business.

Remember that selling digital products is a profitable and sustainable

business model. It allows you to earn passive income while providing value
to customers who may not have the time or expertise to create their own
products. With the right strategy and tools, you can create a successful
online store and generate revenue.

To summarize, the key takeaways from this guide include:

Choosing a profitable niche is crucial to your success. It helps you
target the right audience and stand out from the competition.
Finding quality PLR products that are relevant to your niche can save
you time and effort in creating your own products. PLR Heaven is a
great source for high-quality PLR products that you can resell and brand
as your own.
Building an online store using platforms like Shopify, Gumroad, or Etsy is
easy and affordable. Choose a platform that suits your needs and
Marketing your digital products through social media platforms like
TikTok and Instagram, as well as using paid advertising with Meta Ads,
can help you reach a wider audience and increase sales.

page 21

Optimizing your store for conversions with good product descriptions,
clear calls-to-action, and user-friendly design can make a big difference
in your conversion rates.
Scaling your business using free AI tools like chatbots and email
marketing automation can save you time and help you reach more
Staying ahead of the competition by offering exceptional customer
service, providing value to your customers, and continually improving
your product offerings can help you stand out in a crowded market.

In conclusion, selling digital PLR products can be a profitable and

rewarding business with the right approach. By identifying a niche, finding
quality products, building a user-friendly store, implementing effective
marketing strategies, optimising for conversions, scaling your business, and
staying ahead of the competition, you can succeed in this market.

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If you feel like you’re ready to start making some
money, check out our ready made products that you
can resell.


Thank you and

good luck!

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