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Week 1

What is history?

According to Hirst (2019), History is the intricate tapestry of human experience woven
through time, documenting the triumphs, failures, innovations, and conflicts that have
shaped our world. The study of history is an exploration of the past, a quest to
understand the roots of our present circumstances and a guide for shaping our future.
The study of history is crucial for individuals and societies as it provides insights into our
collective identity, informs decision-making, and fosters critical thinking skills.
Furthermore, while the majority of historical records are in written form, the writing of
history is not solely dependent on written sources.

What is the importance of studying history?

The study of history is of paramount importance because it serves as a dynamic lens

through which we deeply understand the past and gain valuable insights that shape the
present and influence the course of the future. History is more than just a collection of
dates and events.It is a collection of human experiences, triumphs, and hardships. By
examining historical stories, you will uncover the roots of contemporary challenges,
learn from the successes and failures of our predecessors, and develop critical thinking
skills essential to navigating the complexities of a rapidly changing world (Little, 2007).
Furthermore, history fosters a sense of cultural identity, fosters a connection to our
traditions, and allows us to recognize the rich diversity of humanity. In essence, the
study of history equips individuals with the knowledge and perspective they need to
engage thoughtfully with the present and navigate the path to a more enlightened and
just future, thereby creating a more informed and enlightened society (Anglia, 2020).

Would the writing of history possible without written sources? Why or why not?
As stated by Johnson (2020), It is difficult to write history without written sources, as the
written record is an important and primary source of information for historians. While
oral history, artifacts, and archaeological evidence provide insight into the past, written
sources provide a more direct and detailed way to document historical events, people,
and social developments.Written records, such as documents, letters, diaries, official
records, and historical documents, provide a wealth of information about the thoughts,
actions, and perspectives of people from different eras.(Brands & Suri, 2016). These
provide a level of specificity and context that oral history and artifacts alone may lack.
Without documented sources, historians are unable to learn the intricate details and
nuances that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of a historical context
(Whittow, 2018). Additionally, written sources often help preserve and pass information
across generations. These allow historians to trace the development of ideas,
institutions, and societies over time.The lack of written records creates significant gaps
in historians' ability to accurately reconstruct and interpret historical events. Archeology
and other non-written sources play an important role in historical research, but the
written record helps historians build stories, analyze trends, and gain deeper insight into
the complexities of the past. It continues to be the foundation above. Therefore, without
written sources, historiography is very limited and our understanding of many historical
periods is incomplete.


Anglia, N. (2020, April 29). Why is it Important to Study History? Nord Anglia Education.

Brands, H., & Suri, J. (2016). History and Foreign Policy: Making the Relationship Work
- Foreign Policy Research Institute. Foreign Policy Research Institute.
Hirst, K. K. (2019, October 1). What is history? ThoughtCo.

Johnson, S. (2023, July 28). Why Is Learning History Important? Study History's Impact
on Our Future - CraftyThinking. CraftyThinking.

Whittow, M. (2018). Sources of knowledge; cultures of recording. Past & Present,

238(suppl_13), 45–87.
Week 2

Argue why the chronicle of Pigafetta is believable to erase all doubts pertaining
to the First Mass in the Philippines

The reliability of Antonio Pigafetta's chronicle of the first Mass in the Philippines is
primarily due to its status as a first-hand record and the meticulousness with which
Pigafetta recorded the event As a member of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition,
Pigafetta himself witnessed historical moments and essentially provided a reliable
primary source. His vivid descriptions of indigenous geography, customs, and rituals, as
well as his accurate depiction of the first Mass, contribute to the authenticity of his story.
The consistency of Pigafetta's report with other historical records and contemporary
documents further strengthens its credibility. His ethnographic observations go beyond
religious observances to provide a comprehensive understanding of local culture.
Importantly, Pigafetta had no obvious motive for fabrication and emphasized its
commitment to accurately document potential bias (Keates, 2022). In conclusion,
Pigafetta's Chronicle is a reliable and valuable source that dispels doubts and provides
compelling insights about the historic first Mass in the Philippines.

Argue whether the treaty of Paris was an agreement to give full independence to
the Filipinos

The Treaty of Paris, signed in 1898, leaves behind a complicated legacy regarding its
impact on the Philippines and the question of full independence. Although the treaty
marked the end of the Spanish-American War and resulted in the ceding of the
Philippines from Spain to the United States, it lacked clear provisions guaranteeing the
independence sought by Filipino nationalists.The absence of Philippine representatives
during the negotiations and the ambiguity of the text of the treaty allowed for different
interpretations. Although some desired autonomy, the subsequent Philippine-American
War and the establishment of American colonial rule showed that the treaty did not
serve as an agreement for immediate and complete independence for the Filipino
people. The complexities surrounding the Treaty of Paris highlight the delicate nature of
diplomatic agreements and their impact on countries' aspirations for self-determination.
(Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia 2023).


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2023, December 3). Treaty of Paris.

Encyclopedia Britannica.

Keates, J. (2022). La Serenissima: The Story of Venice. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Week 3

What ideas sustained the Filipinos to continue the fight against the Japanese?

Filipino resistance to Japanese occupation during World War II was based on an

unwavering commitment to national identity, a historical consciousness rooted in past
independence struggles, and an unwavering desire for justice and freedom. Despite
facing a formidable opponent, Filipinos drew strength from their collective pride in their
heritage and strengthened their resolve to defend their sovereignty. The historical
resonance of earlier struggles against colonial powers such as the Spaniards and
Americans served as a powerful motivator, creating a narrative of continuity in national
self-determination struggles. The harsh realities of the Japanese occupation,
characterized by brutality and human rights violations, gave Filipinos a compelling
incentive to resist, seeking not only liberation but also retribution. The emergence of
organized resistance groups, represented by leaders such as Luis Taruc and the
Hukbalahap guerrillas, channeled this collective will into a strategic and disciplined effort
that further strengthened the Filipino struggle against the Japanese. In essence, a
powerful combination of national pride, historical awareness, the pursuit of justice, and
organized resistance formed the ideological foundation that fueled the enduring spirit of
Filipino resistance during this difficult period (Patterson, 2014).

According to President McKinley, how did he arrive at the decision of annexing

the Philippines to the United States?

As stated by (Zelikow, 2017) President William McKinley's decision to annex the

Philippines to the United States after the Spanish-American War was influenced by
complex considerations that reflected both strategic and moral imperatives. McKinley
recognized the geopolitical importance of the Philippines and aimed to establish a
strategic foothold in the Asia-Pacific region and increase America's economic interests
and naval presence. The president also struggled with his moral responsibility to uplift
and "Christianize" the Filipino people, reflecting the patriarchal attitudes of the time.
McKinley's decision-making process was shaped by prevailing notions of American
exceptionalism and a perceived obligation to bring the values ​of civilization and
democracy to regions where leadership was needed. His decisions, reflected in part in
the Benevolent Assimilation Manifesto, revealed a combination of strategic
considerations and paternalistic beliefs about America's civilizing mission. In essence,
McKinley's annexation of the Philippines reflected a combination of geopolitical strategy
and moral motivations, highlighting the complexities inherent in American imperial
ambitions in the late nineteenth century.


Patterson, C. (2014). Transitive Cultures: Anglophone Literature in Malaya, the

Philippines and Asian America. ResearchWorks Archive.

Zelikow, P. (2017, February 17). Why did America cross the Pacific? Reconstructing the
U.S. decision to take the Philippines, 1898-99. Texas National Security Review.
Week 4:

What is about the Cavite Mutiny?

The Cavite Rebellion, which broke out on January 20, 1872, was a pivotal event in
Philippine history as it expressed the collective grievances and aspirations of Filipino
military personnel against Spanish colonial rule. The claim of this historical episode lies
in its importance as a catalyst for nationalist movements and the quest for
independence in the Philippines. The uprising, led primarily by Katipunan members,
exposed deep-seated grievances among local soldiers and highlighted issues such as
racism, unequal treatment, and a desire for political reform. Although the rebellion was
quickly suppressed by Spanish authorities, the seeds of resistance were sown, setting
the stage for subsequent revolutionary movements and ultimately paving the way for
Philippine self-determination and liberation from colonial rule.

Where did the cry of rebellion really happen?

The cry of rebellion, more commonly known as the Cry of Balintawak or Cry of Pugad
Lawin, took place on August 23, 1896, at Pugad Lawin in Balintawak, now part of
Quezon City, Philippines. This historic event marked the commencement of the
Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule. The thesis of this pivotal moment
lies in its symbolic and transformative significance as the spark that ignited a
widespread uprising across the archipelago. On that fateful day, Filipino revolutionaries,
led by Andres Bonifacio, tore up their cedulas (tax certificates) and raised the cry for
freedom, signaling a united front against oppression. The Cry of Pugad Lawin
galvanized the spirit of resistance, laying the groundwork for a sustained revolutionary
movement that would ultimately lead to the establishment of the First Philippine
Republic and the pursuit of national sovereignty (Guerrerro et al., 2003)

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2023, September 6). Cavite Mutiny.
Encyclopedia Britannica.

Guerrero, M., Encarnacion, E., & Villegas , R. (2003). In Focus: Balintawak: The Cry

for a Nationwide Revolution. GOVPH.


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