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Resources And Development

Explanation of whole chapter

What are resources?
Everything available in our environment, which can be used to satisfy our needs

1. Should be technologically accessible {for ex” means that the oil and/or gas can be produced
using currently available technology and industry practices}
2. Economically feasible {means our economy is that much strong for utilisation of resources.}
3. Culturally acceptable

The process of transformation of things- depends on the inter-

dependent relationship among the 3
● Nature

● Technology

● Institutions

● Resources as free gifts of nature - resources aren't free gifts of

nature as is assumed by many. Resources are finite and
should be used judiciously.

● Human beings are essential components of resoursces- bcz

they turn the available material into resources and use them
Why resources are important for development-

Resources are essential feature of a developed society.

The country which has utilized its resources optimally is turned out to be a game changer in the
world ex. rare earth materials in china has given it an edge over others in computer, mobile and
other machineries.

Without resources there can be no development, for instance.


NATURAL derived from Earth. Water, air, trees, HUMAN

minerals, and land are all examples of natural resources.
created by human beings ex
road, school, hospitals etc.


be reproduced or millions of years in their AND
renewed by chemical, formation. some of them can buildings etc QUANTITY
physical or mechanical be recycled and some exhaust less educated
processes. after single use. = low
Ex ,solar and wind progress and
energy also the
should be
less because
also the more


Composed of composed of Metals RECYCLABLE
non- living living things or Fossil fuels
things. having life.

ex. Rocks and Ex, flora and

metals fauna
Type of resources
On the basis of origin Biotic & abiotic

On the basis of exhaustibility Renewable and non-renewable


owned are owned by a
are regulated by
privately by accessible to nation or
individuals all the country. All
institutions. The
plots, members of the minerals,
houses and the water
other community. resources,
beyond 200
properties. forests,
nautical miles of
wildlife, land
the Exclusive
Eg: Grazing within the
Economic Zone
grounds, political
belong to open
burial boundaries
ocean and no
grounds, and oceanic
public parks, area up to 12
country can
picnic spots, nautical
utilise these
playgrounds miles (22.2
without the
etc. km) from the
concurrence of
coast termed
as territorial
water and
belong to the
railways etc.

On the basis of status of POTENTIAL DEVELOPED STOCK available RESERVES are

development are the in the the subset of
resources environment the stock,
which are
which are which can be
surveyed but human
found in a put into use
and their beings do not
region but quality and have the with the help
have not quantity appropriate of existing
been have been technology to technical
utilised. determined access these. ‘know-how’
for but their use
Ex coal
utilisation. has not been
Eg: started.
Ex. Fossil sea deposits)
Rajasthan These can be
and Gujarat They are non- used for
have renewable meeting
enormous resources. future
potential for Hydrogen can requirements.
the be used as a
development rich source of
of wind and energy. But we Eg: Water in
solar energy do not have the dams,
advanced forests etc. is
technology to a reserve
use it. which can be
used in the

Development of resources
Importance of resources
1. Important for human survival
2. Maintain quality of life

Resources are valuable for human survival as well as for the development of nations
which inturn improves the quality of life ,beacause the same resources changed the life of
man from traditional to modern .The air which is an important natural resource makes
survival of life possible,water which is an important constituent of life needs to be
conserved otherwise the life will suffer.

Indiscriminatory use of resources led to

1. Depletion of resources - for instance(21 Indian cities--including Delhi, Bengaluru,
Chennai and Hyderabad--will run out of groundwater by 2020, affecting 100 million people;
40% of India’s population will have no access to drinking water by 2030.
2. Accumulation of resources – India, the richest 1% own 53% of the
country’s wealth. Divided the society into haves and have nots or rich
and poor.
3. Indiscriminate use of resources- deforestation and excessive use of fossil fuels led
to rise in temp-> global warming->ozone layer depletion
Land degradation->Excessive Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides: Fertilizers are
indispensable for increasing food …
Overgrazing: Increase in livestock population results in overexploitation of pastures.
Environmental pollution

To prevent all these we need to have a sustainable form of development

Sustainable development
Sustainable development can be defined as an approach to the economic development of a
country without compromising the quality of the environment for future generations.

Rio de janerio earth summit

● Held in rio de janerio (brazil) in 1992

● 1st international earth summit

● To address urgent problems of environmental protection and socio economic development

at global level{ north-south divide or increasing gap b/w rich and poor countries)
● Agenda 21 was adopted for achieving SD in 21st century.- agenda
Combat environmental damage, poverty, disease through global cooperation on common
interests , mutual needs and shared responsibilities.
Major agenda- every local govt. should draw its own local agenda 21.

Resource planning
Resource planning refers to the strategy for planned and judicious utilisation of resources. Resource
planning is essential for sustainable existence of all forms of life.

In India, there are some regions which can be considered self-sufficient in terms of the availability of
resources and there are some regions which have acute shortage of some vital resources. This calls
for balanced resource planning at the national, state, regional and local levels. For instance bihar is
flooded everyear and in Vidarbha there is acute shortage of water and drought conditions prevail.
Here interlinking of rivers could sort out the problems. Thus it is resource planning.

Another example- Rajasthan rich in solar energy but deficient in water resources. Indira Gandhi canal
supplies water to Rajasthan from other states thus it is a part of resource planning.

Judicious use of resources

Uneven distribution of resources

Equal access to all

To avoid indiscriminated use

resource planning in India

i) Identification and inventory of resources across the regions of the country. This involves surveying,
mapping and qualitative and quantitative estimation and measurement of the resources.

(ii) Evolving a planning structure endowed with appropriate technology, skill and institutional set up
for implementing resource development plans.

(iii) Matching the resource development plans with overall national development plans.
Need of balanced resource planning in india
1. Enormous diversity some states are resource rich some are deficient in the same For
example the state of Rajasthan has vast potential for the development of solar and wind
energy but is deficient in water resources.

The cold desert of Ladakh has rich cultural heritage but is deficient in water and some strategic

The state of Arunachal Pradesh has abundance of water resources but lacks infrastructure which
shows mere availability of resources in the absence of technology and institutions hinders

This shows that the resource planning is needed at the national, regional, state and local levels for
balanced development of a country.

2. Limited resources - population is too vast.

3. For sustainable development

Resources can contribute to development only when they are accompanied by appropriate
technological development and institutional changes.

There is a need for quality human resource i.e. skilled workers who can convert natural resources in
more useable form

Appropriate capital is also required to develop technology

India has made concerted efforts towards achieving the goals of resource planning, right from the
First Five Year Plan launched after Independence.

Why resources need conservation

To overcome irrational consumption and over-utilisation.

Vital for developmental activity

To avert overexploitation by some greedy and selfish individuals.

Gandhiji on resource conservation

Gandhiji was very apt in voicing his concern about resource conservation. He said, “There is enough
for everybody’s need, and not for anybody’s greed. ” According to him, they were the greedy and
selfish individuals who were responsible for depletion of resources. He was in favour of producing
for the masses than mass production.

For example, he was in favour of establishing small cottage and khadi industries where people in
large number are employed in manufacturing cloth. According to him, this not only generates
employment but also helps in conservation of resources.

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