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1)Who was Gautam Buddha?

What made him renounce his royal life and become a mor

2)Give a brief character-sketch of Chubukov.

(3) How was Mij to be transported to England?

(4) Where was tea first drunk? When did it come to Europe?

(5)When did the baker collect his bills? What showed that bakers were prosperous?

6) Read the stanza given below and answer the questions that follow: There is a languid,
emerald sea, where the sole inhabitant is me a mermaid, drifting blissfully.


(a) Name the poem and its poet.

(b) Who do these lines refer to?

(c) Who is the sole inhabitant of sea?

(d) How does a mermaid live in the sea?

e) Find a word from the passage which means-relaxed and peaceful.

7)I think I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contain'd I stand and look
at them long and long.


(a) Name the poem and its poet.

(b) Who is 'T' in these lines?

(c) What is poet's wish?

(d) Who is so placid and self-contained?

(e) What shows that the poet loves animals?

(8) Why does the poet say "I would not intrude on him"?

(9) Who had thrown a young man into despair?

(10) How does the tiger terrify the villagers
11) What was new hope and life for Bholi?

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