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Types of interview

Interviews are an essential part of the recruitment and selection process. There
are various types of interviews conducted by organizations to assess
candidates' suitability for a job role. Some of the common types of interviews
● Structured Interviews: These interviews follow a predetermined set of
questions asked to all candidates in the same order. They are
standardized to ensure fairness and consistency in evaluating
● Unstructured Interviews: In contrast to structured interviews,
unstructured interviews involve open-ended questions that allow for a
more conversational and flexible approach. Interviewers may explore
different topics based on the candidate's responses.
● Behavioral Interviews: This type of interview focuses on past behavior
and experiences to predict future performance. Candidates are asked to
provide specific examples of how they handled certain situations or
challenges in the past.
● Panel Interviews: In a panel interview, a candidate is interviewed by a
group of interviewers representing different departments or roles within
the organization. This format allows for multiple perspectives and
reduces individual bias.
● Group Interviews: Multiple candidates are interviewed simultaneously,
allowing the hiring team to observe interactions, teamwork skills, and
how candidates perform in a group setting. Group discussions or
activities may be included.
● Case Interviews: Commonly used in consulting or analytical roles, case
interviews present candidates with hypothetical business scenarios or
problems to solve. Candidates are evaluated based on their problem-
solving and analytical skills.
● Phone or Video Interviews: These interviews are conducted remotely
over the phone or video conferencing platforms. They are often used as
initial screening interviews before inviting candidates for in-person

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