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We have all had to deal with many behaviors at one time or another when we belong to a work

group. Occasionally, we catch ourselves engaging in such behaviors. The reasons can be varied,

and some can speak volumes about the connection we make with team members.

When it comes to others, it always starts with being understanding and starting to support

whoever needs it up to the point where the group is negatively affected, and the activities do not

have the dynamism they should. In that case, perhaps the issue is not due to something like low

motivation but rather a lack of attitude.

Although the fear of rejection, the fear of a mistake in the development of activities or

intimidation by the knowledge of others may hinder many people, the initial idea is to retake the

belief of mistakes as an opportunity for improvement and effort as the best ally for success;

many people need to feel motivated to integrate into the work group. For these types of people,

simple things like remembering and trusting in themselves are necessary to bring out their

potential. However, most of the time they burden us with their minimal sense of responsibility

and zero desire to contribute.

The things that usually work are to delegate tasks, serve as constant support and be openly

assertive with the comments that others have to give without giving opportunity to negativism or

communicative weapons such as attacking or judging. In the same sense, joint tasks and common

moments to contribute to the work are key for continuity. In the same context, giving others the

confidence of a safe place and an optimal environment are effective. Lack of delegation,

insufficient support and ineffective communication can demotivate the team.

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