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lightroom mobile updates get the solarised look

share raw files from your ipad transform a portrait in aCr

t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine
28 July - 3 Augu s t i s s ue 201

inspir at ion ide a s

MAn vs
are you smarter than
your auto mode?
W e l c o m e

lightroom mobile updates get the solarised look

share raw files from your ipad transform a portrait in aCr
t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine
28 July - 3 Augu s t i s s ue 201

open carry: the top clips on a wing and a prayer

8 top filter systems zeiss planar t 50mm f/1.4
tested and rated sony’s new full-frame e-mount nifty fifty

t h e w o r l d ’ s b e s t-s e l l i n g d i g i t a l p h o t o m a g a z i n e
and holsters tested how to shoot birds in flight
21-27 JuLY I s s ue 20 0
t h e w o r l d ’ s b e s t-s e l l i n g d i g i t a l p h o t o m a g a z i n e
as easy as led adobe updates
ClassiC zooms: we test the best 14-20 july i s s ue 19 9 constant light sources tested new tools for cc users
70-200mm lenses on the market
t h e w o r l d ’ s b e s t-s e l l i n g d i g i t a l p h o t o M a g a z i n e
t h e w o r l d ’ s b e s t-s e l l i n g d i g i t a l p h o t o m a g a z i n e

inspir at ion ide a s

30 June-6 July I s s ue 197
7-13 july i s s ue 19 8

MAn vs
inspir at ion ide a s in-dep t h re v iews

ice & Fire Brilliant

inspir at ion ide a s in-dep th re v iews
inspir at ion ide a s in-dep t h re v iews

how to plan and shoot a
photographiC trip to iCeland
master the secrets of awesome
architecture photography CAMerA
are you smarter than
tIps for
your auto mode?
perfect On yer bIke
Ma s ter dr aMat ic ac t ion photos

how to make your
people pictures 200th
stand out issue!


Welcome to the world’s essential shooting and editing
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If you’re already a But that’s not the whole story.
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COmmUNI T y aNd s Tar T sHar INg!


We’re more than just a magazine – read on and discover the many
ways you can interact with and enjoy Photography Week
Find out what’s inside this issue
F E aT U r E
latest updates include raw
editing on the go in iOS

F E aT U r E
maN vS CamERa
Find out when to trust the auto
options and when to go manual

The very best reader images
from around the world

I N S p I r aT I O N
GallEry I N S p I r aT I O N TETON TImE-LaPSE
Filmmakers aim to document
every US National park

Find you how you can add
GPS to your Nikon DSLR

Give your portraits the solarised
treatment in Camera raw

SKIllS r aw JUS T
Six photo PagEtofOR
Turn ourmOR E I NfO
backpacks page to learn more
that can hold
a camera,
lenses and
lots more
n e w s

w h at ’ s h o t
The week’s Top headlines in phoTography

Meteora, greece, shot by Elia locardi in

raw on a fuji Xt-2 and edited on location
on an iPad Pro using lightroom for ios

Edi t and sharE r aw f ilEs on

thE go wi th your iPhonE
Lightroom for mobile gets serious

dobe has announced new your raw files from your camera on the or flags you’ve added, so that you can

a versions of its Lightroom app

for ios (2.4) and android (2.1),
go to your iPhone or iPad and edit them
(you can adjust white balance, recover
speed up your workflow once you’re
back in the comfort of your own home.
with some major improvements. the lost detail in the highlights and shadows the degree of raw compatibility is also
most notable new feature for ios users and make selective adjustments – more impressive, with Lightroom for ios
is a new raw technology preview, which on that later), before sharing them. supporting all the same raw file formats
will enable you to share your highest- as Lightroom for desktop.
quality edits of images on the go, rather Sync across devices You won’t be able to simply ping an
than having to make do with sharing a a nice touch is that Lightroom for ios image from your camera to your iPhone
JPeG, or waiting until you get home to can be synced with Lightroom on your or iPad wirelessly, however. to transfer
share the optimised image. other devices, enabling you to copy over raw files across you’ll need either a
with the updated app you can import any image adjustments, star ratings, camera connection kit or Lightning to sD
n e w s
The week’s Top headlines in phoTography
or UsB kits from apple. this will bring
up the Import tab with the ios Photos
app, with imported files added to your
camera roll, which you can then select
and bring into Lightroom for ios to edit.
Due to the considerably larger size
of a raw file compared to a compressed
JPeG, import times can be quite a bit
longer, and raw files also take up more
space on your device. there’s obviously
the worry that performance could be a
bit clunky due to the large files being
handled, but adobe stresses that it’s put
the app through its paces, even testing
it out with a 50MP raw file from a Canon
eos 5Ds on an iPhone 6.

Linear and radial selections

as mentioned, you can now perform
local adjustments, with both linear and
radial selections – they’re great options
for adding drama to skies or lightening
or darkening elements in an image.
other notable improvements include new features in the latest lightroom mobile updates include raw previews in ios, a new camera
keyboard shortcuts when you’re using interface for android, and the ability to make localised edits using linear and radial selections

a physical keyboard connected to an

iPad, the option to add your copyright
information to all imported photos, and
lens profile support for selected camera
and lens combinations.

this looks like it could be a huge jump
for Lightroom for ios, and it’s certainly
something for photographers who shoot
raw to get excited about. the ability
to edit raw files from your ios device
on the move (provided you’ve got the
connectivity and space on your device)
is something that’s been missing from
Lightroom’s mobile offering.
this not only enables photographers to adobe’s Creative Cloud subscription the built-in camera now has a new
to showcase and share images at service – it’s currently £8.57/$9.99 per Pro mode, enabling you take control of
the best possible quality on the go, it month for access to both Lightroom CC the shutter speed, Iso, white balance,
also speeds up and streamlines their and Photoshop CC. and focus manually, all in a brand
workflow, with edits carried over into new interface which also has a new
their Lightroom catalogue. Lightroom for Android 2.1 Lightroom Camera widget that enables
the update is available now for iPad things are a little different for android users to access the camera directly.
and iPhone from the ios app store for users, with the focus being on the Lightroom for android 2.1 is available
free, but you will have to be signed up end-to-end DnG capture experience. to download now for free.
F e A t u R e

Man vs

It’s the ultimate challenge: a man armed with manual

modes vs the camera’s auto options... who will win?
nly robots rely on the automatic modes and go head to head with Adobe software’s
O on their cameras and editing software,
right? Real photographers will use
auto corrections. We’re using Canon DSLRs and
lenses, but the principles here apply to most
manual options to really take control of their DSLRs and compact system cameras, although
camera and capture top-quality images… some of the settings and options will have
Well, maybe it’s time to think again. Working different names.
through these 17 technique challenges, you’ll From shooting modes to exposure, and from
discover who’s really calling the shots: you focusing to processing, we reveal when it’s best
or your camera. We compare key automatic to control your camera manually, and when you
camera options with their manual counterparts, can rely on auto settings…
F e A t u R e

shooting Modes
We start by pitting common automated scene modes
against the camera’s semi-auto and manual options…


Portrait Mode vs
aPerture Priority
Portrait mode sets a wide aperture on
the lens (f/2.8 in our example) to blur
the background, bumping up the ISO as
necessary to ensure the shutter speed
is fast enough to give sharp handheld
results. However, it may also trip the
pop-up flash, even if you don’t want it
to, and you don’t have any control over
the array of AF points in the viewfinder;
this means the camera may not pick
out a person’s eyes, so you can end up
repeatedly half-pressing the shutter
release until it locks on. Aperture Priority
gives you all that control, and makes it
easier to brighten up your image with We chose an aperture of f/5.6 to get more
exposure compensation, too. of the facial features in focus, and made
Winner: Man sure we focused on the eyes, too

Challenge 2
The Sports mode worked
surprisingly well for
sPorts Mode
capturing sharp images of vs shutter Priority
fast subjects, but creative We put Sports mode through the
options are limited benchmark test of shutter speed and
AF performance: an all-action flying
display. these stunt planes are
unpredictable and challenging to
photograph when swooping against
detailed backgrounds and bright skies.
As expected, and as with any automatic
or semi-auto shooting mode, Sports
mode isn’t always on form when it
comes to exposure. the day was bright
but overcast, and images were routinely
underexposed, whereas with +1 stop of
exposure compensation dialled in
manually our plane shots are perfectly
exposed. Although you can adjust the
brightness in Sports modes, you can’t
do so ‘live’ – you have to dip into the
Quick menu. But at least on some
cameras you can shoot raw when using
Sports mode, giving you more latitude
for adjusting your images later.
Winner: Man
Challenge 3
Close-uP Mode
vs PrograM Mode
In Close-up mode the aperture was
locked at f/5.6, with the ISO fluttering
between 100 and 1600 to give a fast
enough shutter speed to eliminate
camera shake (and stop the built-in
flash firing on cameras that have one).
Again, with no control over the AF
points, the autofocus was often all
over the shop, although switching to
Live View gives you better idea of
what’s in focus. For general close-up
work, the auto option isn’t half bad.
Winner: CaMera


Here, Landscape
mode set an exposure
of 1/125 sec, f/11,
ISO100; the results are
slightly underexposed,
but not bad



Challenge 4
landsCaPe Mode
vs Manual
As you’d expect, Landscape mode is all
about giving you narrowish apertures in
order to capture a decent depth of field.
It will also set a shutter speed according
to the conditions and the lens being
used, increasing the ISO if necessary to
give you reasonably fast shutter speeds
– and sometimes sacrificing image
quality as a result. As you can see in
our example image, this mode has a
Live View focusing, and shooting raw if tendency to underexpose scenes with
available, make Close-up mode a viable bright skies, making Manual a better
option. However, Program mode gives option for high-contrast scenes. lAnDsCAPE
you more control over depth of field Winner: Man
F e A t u R e

Who’s really in charge when it comes to nailing exposure
– you or your camera? Let the challenges commence…


Challenge 5
evaluative Metering
vs Manual override
the camera’s default multi-zone evaluative metering pattern
measures brightness across the scene, but then biases the
exposure towards the AF points that have (or almost have) Taking a manual
achieved focus. In theory this is great, as the area you want to exposure
be well exposed is likely to be the in-focus subject. However, reading, or
if that part of the subject is very bright or dark it can cause the using exposure
rest of the scene to be underexposed or overexposed. Large lock to fix the
areas that are very light or dark can throw the exposure out brightness,
too, and it’s only by dialling in exposure compensation, using isn’t as fast
exposure lock on another part of the scene, or shooting in as dialling
Manual, that you can balance the exposure. in exposure
Winner: Man compensation
F e A t u R e

Challenge 6 Challenge 7 ORIgInAl

levels & Curves e-ttl flash vs

the majority of automatic options Manual flash
in imaging software shouldn’t be e-ttL flash generally does a good job
seen as an instant click-and-forget of balancing the exposure of a backlit
fix. That’s certainly true of Auto subject with a bright background, and
Levels and Auto Curves in Photoshop, its fill light on bright days looks natural,
where the tonal pushing and pulling although on dull days we’ll tone it down
can lead to increased noise and a by 1/3 or 2/3 stop. It can be fooled by
little clipping on the histogram. light or dark subjects, leading to slight
However, they can provide a great underexposure or overexposure. You
base for further manual tweaks, can fix this with flash exposure
particularly if you apply these as compensation, but switching to Manual
adjustment layers in Photoshop. flash gives you consistent output,
Winner: CoMPuter regardless of the subject – so you need
to keep an eye on how far the flash is
from the subject. Overall, e-ttL wins.
Winner: CaMera


A close one, this: E-TTL

isn’t perfect, and needs
some adjustment to get the
best results – it’s slightly
ORIgInAl underexposed the flower here –
but it’s very fast and convenient



Auto Levels has opened up the shadow

detail here (see how the histogram
shifts to the right) while Auto Curves
brings back more of the punch and
mood of the original shot
F e A t u R e

Focusing is the toughest challenge yet, so let’s find out which option
is best for delivering images that are sharp in all the right places…


Challenge 8
aCCuraCy test:
one-shot af
vs Manual foCus
In good light and with plenty to
‘bite’ onto, One-Shot AF is rapid and,
seemingly, accurate. But check your
images at full size and you may be
disappointed. the thing is, there’s a lot
that can get in the way of AF accuracy:
the lens might suffer from back-
focusing or front-focusing; the AF point
may cover a number of details and lock
onto the wrong one; zooming the lens
may cause the focus to shift. Using Live
Live View and Manual View, and zooming in on the rear LCD is
focusing combined is the solution, as what you see is what
the only way to go when you get. So, with a little help from
shooting close-ups the camera, Man wins this one…
Winner: Man
F e A t u R e

Challenge 9
sPeed test: ai servo
af vs Manual foCus
We used our ‘gull test’ for this one – a
challenging subject to push any AF
system – and the camera won
hands-down when it came to tracking
the fast, erratically moving subjects on a
gusty day. Naturally, top-end cameras,
when matched with high-performance
lenses using ring-type ultrasonic motors,
can acquire focus and track the subject
faster and more reliably than others. We
used Canon’s top-end eF 70-200mm
f/2.8L IS II uSM zoom on both a 6D and
5D Mk III. An unfair test? Put is this way:
none of our manually focused images
were sharp enough. Not one.
Winner: CaMera

Challenge 10
reaCtion test: ai foCus af
vs baCk-button foCusing
AI Focus AF switches from One-Shot to AI Servo when the
camera detects movement, then switches back again. As a
test of its effectiveness, we compared it with a Canon 5D
Mk III set to back-button focusing. With the AF mode set to
AI Servo, and focusing deactivated from the shutter button
but instead controlled with the AF-ON back button, this
effectively mirrored AI Focus mode. In our tests AI Focus
mode couldn’t detect sudden movement quickly enough,
and simply couldn’t keep up with subjects.
Winner: Man

Challenge 11
White balanCe
the Auto White Balance option in software such as
Canon’s Digital Photo Professional and Adobe’s Camera
Raw and Lightroom acts in a similar way to the AWB
option on your camera. It’s useful for general scenes, but
when you’re trying to preserve the colour of the light, and
the mood it adds to a picture, the auto correction doesn’t
always deliver. In our experience, using the presets – or
using ACR’s White Balance tool and fine-tuning with the
temperature and tint sliders – works better.
Winner: Man
F e A t u R e



Challenge 12
auto af Point
seleCtion vs
Manual af Point
Having all the AF points activated in
the viewfinder means that the camera
chooses what to focus on. In our tests,
invariably this proved to be the closest
thing to the lens, or an area of high
contrast or movement, and that didn’t
always correspond with the subject or
detail we wanted to be sharp. using
auto AF point selection to act as a ‘net’
for moving targets can be useful, but
there’s a strong chance it will lock onto
background details too. Manually
selecting the AF point makes a huge
difference for creative focusing. It was no surprise that our camera’s auto AF points locked onto the nearest objects,
Winner: Man rather than the intended subjects, when shooting through foreground detail
F e A t u R e

iMage settings
Processing. It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it. And that
means you – or your camera. Let’s see who’s best…
Here, Canon’s Auto picture
style gives a bolder but still
natural-looking colour palette
straight out of the camera


Challenge 13
auto PiCture style vs
PiCture style Preset
the Auto picture style option generates a colour, contrast
and sharpness profile that’s optimized for the scene you’re
photographing. And you know what? It doesn’t do a bad job
at all. If there’s a blue sky or greenery in the frame then it
boosts the colours – and they can look more natural than with
the often overcooked Landscape style. Indoors, the results
are closer to the Standard setting. Despite the Auto setting
delivering slight variations from one picture to the next, and
being rubbish for movies (where you need consistent results
between clips), we’ll give this one to the camera.
Winner: CoMPuter
F e A t u R e

Challenge 14 AWB found it

impossible AUTO
raW vs JPeg to clear the
If you care about picture quality and you’d like to give colour cast in
yourself more flexibility when it comes to editing your the green-
pictures, then you need to shoot raw. there’s a lot to be filtered light
said for shooting JPeGs too: straight out of the camera of a forest
they’re less noisy and have more punch, and you can
also print and share them more quickly, while raw files MAnUAl
require an additional processing step – you can do this
in-camera with compatible cameras, but the adjustments
are limited. Still, we’re sticking with Man+raw files as the
winner here. the creative, lossless processing options
and increased dynamic range are just too good to miss.
Winner: Man

Challenge 15
auto White balanCe vs
White balanCe Preset
Your camera’s Auto White Balance can be relied on to reduce
colour casts in most situations, but in our experience it can
struggle in overcast conditions, producing cool-looking shots;
strong colours can confuse it too. Manually-selected presets
are usually better – they can’t fix all colour casts without a little
white balance compensation, but they give frame-to-frame
consistency, essential for panoramas and batch-processing.
Winner: Man
F e A t u R e

If you need HDR images quickly then you’ll have to use the
in-camera option, but it’s not as good as doing it manually
Challenge 16
hdr vs exPosure blending
MAnUAl In-camera HDR can be a bit ‘Marmite’ – you’ll either love or
loathe the results. But at least more recent cameras, such as
the Canon 5D Mk III, give you the option of saving the original,
bracketed exposures as raw files too, enabling you to do
some good, old-fashioned blending in Photoshop. Cheating?
A case of Man+Computer vs Camera? Well, at least we didn’t
use any dedicated HDR software…
Winner: Man



Challenge 17:
Man vs CoMPuter
blaCk & White
We put the Auto Grayscale Mix option in Camera Raw and
Lightroom to the test. the result? A flat, grey image that, while
a little uninspiring, is at least a decent foundation for further
contrast adjustments. Adjusting the mix manually produces a
more striking shot at the raw processing stage, but big shifts
with the Grayscale sliders can exacerbate noise and create
banding in large areas of graduated tones, such as skies. So,
overall, we’ll hand it to the software’s more restrained choice. Here the Auto Greyscale Mix option in Camera Raw provides
Winner: CoMPuter a good starting point for further monochrome adjustments

the verdiCt
It’s a pretty even match, but in the end Man beats Camera. there’s no denying that some of the auto options can make
your life easier though, and overlooking them in favour of the fully manual approach may be a little short-sighted. Auto
ISO and AI Servo AF were the stand-out automatic options, delivering reliable results – but, even then, they still needed
some human input to produce the desired results.
s u b s c r i b e

SubScr ibe today and enjoy

Photogr aPhy week For
juS t 39 c /39 P an iSSue *

8 tested
top filter systems zeiss planar t 50mm f/1.4
and rated sony’s new full-frame e-mount nifty fifty

t h e w o r l d ’ s b e s t-s e l l i n g d i g i t a l p h o t o m a g a z i n e
21-27 JuLY I s s ue 20 0

open carry: the top clips on a wing and a prayer ClassiC zooms: we test the best
70-200mm lenses on the market
and holsters tested how to shoot birds in flight
t h e w o r l d ’ s b e s t-s e l l i n g d i g i t a l p h o t o m a g a z i n e t h e w o r l d ’ s b e s t-s e l l i n g d i g i t a l p h o t o m a g as
a z ieasy
ne as led adobe updates
new tools for cc users
grand master flash 14-20 july i s s ue 19 9 7-13 july
constant light sources tested
i s s ue 19 8
we test 8 top dedicated flashguns t h e w o r l d ’ s b e s t-s e l l i n g d i g i t a l p h o t o M a g a z i n e
t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine 30 June-6 July I s s ue 197

16-22 June I s s ue 195

inspir at ion ide a s in-dep th re v iews
inspir at ion ide a s in-dep th re v iews inspir at ion ide a s in-dep th re v iews

inspir at ion ide a s in-dep t h re v iews

master the secrets of awesome
architecture photography
ice & Fire
how to plan and shoot a
photographiC trip to iCeland

Manner On yer bIke
shoot pic t uresque l andsc apes
tIps for Ma s ter dr aMat ic ac t ion photos

how to make your
people pictures 200th
stand out issue!

To find out how you can get Photography Week delivered straight
to your device every week for just a few pennies, simply search
for Photography Week on any of the platforms below

ava il able on your de v ice now!

*available for a limited time only. Standard subscription offer varies across platforms/devices – please refer to specific store for the most up-to-date offer
G A L L E R y

The week’s mosT inspiring reader phoTos

Seaward Squared
Andy Freer
andy has used the lines of the harbour walls to great effect in this beautifully balanced long-exposure seascape.
G A L L E R y
The week’s mosT inspiring reader phoTos

a non runner
dAvid oxtABy
These abandoned subjects are perfect
candidates for the grungy Hdr look, and
david has processed the image perfectly
to enhance the desolate feel.

Ferrari 246 S dino

BriAn WAlsh
always look behind closed doors… Brian grabbed a
shot of this rare racing car at a media day to promote
the 2016 Silverstone Classic motorsports festival.
G A L L E R y
The week’s mosT inspiring reader phoTos

neil Burnell
neil’s composition is simple but very
effective, and the depth of field has
rendered the backdrop as an almost
uniform wall of green that nicely
complements the subject’s colours.

JoSHua Tree SunSeT Panorama

MichAel ver sprill
michael’s brilliantly executed panorama perfectly captures the vast open
spaces and dramatic features of California’s Joshua Tree national Park.
G A L L E R y
The week’s mosT inspiring reader phoTos

AndreW BAchA
andrew has created a wonderfully
ambiguous portrait, with the
subject looking out of the frame as
the tracks lead the eye back into it,
and the shifted colours of the sky
adding to the ethereal mood.

luis González
luis has used a shallow depth of field
and simplified colour palette to create
a stunning fine art abstract, with just
enough of the poppy in sharp focus to
give the image context.
G A L L E R y
The week’s mosT inspiring reader phoTos

wild orCHid
GAv Jensen
“another attempt at focus stacking. i found this orchid at Kirkby moor, just outside woodall Spa in lincolnshire, england.”

PHoTograPHy weeK wanTS your PHoToS!

Taken a portrait you’re particularly proud of? Shot a sensational sunset you’d like to
show off? Then join the Photography Week Facebook community and share your best
FAceBook Flickr photos today! you’ll get feedback from fellow readers and the Photography Week team, plus the chance to appear in Xposure, or even on our cover!

I T ’ S C O O L , T H AT
The besT Thing we’ ve seen This week

Image © Will and Jim Pattiz

GRand teton national paRk
captuRed in stunninG 8k
Time-lapse video is latest instalment in brothers’ project to film all 59 US parks
ight down, 51 to go… in 2014, mountain range, Jackon Hole valley and
E film-making brothers Will and
Jim Pattiz embarked on a
Jackson Lake. They used a Sony A7R II,
a Canon 5D Mk III, and a Blackmagic 4K
project to document all 59 of America’s cinema camera to capture more than
National Parks in film and still images, 20,000 still images and movie clips.
and they’ve just produced their latest You can see all eight videos, along
movie – a breathtaking 8K time-lapse with galleries of fantastic still images,
showcasing the Grand Teton National at the brothers’ More Than Just Parks
Park in Wyoming. website (, where w at ch t he v ideo
The brothers, along with two other they explain that their goal is to “share h t t p: // t iny. cc /z4 r2c y
crew members, spent almost a month the wonders of our national parks with
camping and hiking in the park, which as many people as we can, thereby
covers an area of around 500 square ensuring their continued protection and
miles and incorporates the Teton enjoyment for generations to come”.
s K I L L s

crash course

Put yourself
on the maP
The GP-1 accessory adds GPS functionality to many
Nikon DSLRs – Rod Lawton shows you how to set it up

The new D5300 is the first to give the best coverage in populated

Nikon DsLr to have a GPs,
or Global Positioning system,
areas, GPs receivers calculate their
position using a network of satellites
receiver built in. however, you in geostationary in orbit above the
can add GPs capability to many other earth. This means they don’t work so
Nikon DsLrs using Nikon’s clip-on GP-1 well in cities where there are lots of
accessory. It costs around £200/$280, tall buildings, and won’t usually work
and it could prove invaluable for fans at all indoors, but under an open sky a
of travel and landscape photography. GPs receiver will give you a perfect ‘fix’
It’s also extremely simple to use. anywhere on the globe, even in middle
Whereas mobile phones use a of the remotest landscapes. here’s how
short-range cellular network that tends to get it working with your Nikon…
s K I L L s

make the
The GP-1 slots into your
camera’s hotshoe, but the
connection is actually made
via the camera’s accessory
port. The unit comes with
a 10-pin connector for
attaching to your Nikon;
there’s a GP-1a version with
a redesigned 10-pin locking
nut, but that’s the only

The GPs options are in the
setup menu. By default,
GPs only functions when the
meter is active. This means a
short delay, so the GPs data
may not be available if you
raise the camera to your eye
and shoot quickly. You can
opt to have the GPs active all
the time, though.

red or
Now all you have to do is
watch the lamp on the back
of the GP-1 unit. If it’s green, it
means it’s receiving a signal
from the GPs satellites, and
embedding the location data
in your images. If it turns red,
it’s lost contact, but it will turn
green again as soon as it can
get a new fix.
E d i t i n g

r aw i n p h oto s h o p
creaTe a

sOl ar ised
effec T
Harness the power of
Camera Raw’s Tone
Curve panel to mimic
this popular darkroom
processing technique
he tone Curve panel in adobe
t Camera raw enables you to
selectively adjust shadows,
midtones and highlights to fine-tune
the contrast of your images. But you
can also use the tone Curve panel
creatively, to emulate the darkroom-
based solarisation technique made
famous by surrealist photographers
such as Man ray. the technique dates
back as far back as 1920s.
at first glance a solarised photo may
look like a negative version of a mono
image. however, in a negative all the
shadows and highlights are reversed,
so that shadows become highlights
and vice versa. In solarised images, only
some of the tones are reversed. another
distinctive property of a solarised photo
is the sharp white line that appears
around high-contrast areas.
the solarisation effect was
discovered by accident, and is tricky to
W aT cH T He V ideO
h t t p : // t i n y. c c / 3e h l c y
produce in a darkroom. But, as you’ll
see in this video lesson, by combining
the Camera raw Basic sliders with the
tone Curve controls you can create a
solarised image with ease.

WANT To LeArN hoW To use rAW iN phoToshop fAsTer? GeT The WhoLe course NoW!
if you don’t want to wait a whole year to learn how to use raw in Photoshop, you can download our whole
course from the Photography Week app for just $9.99/£7.99. We’ll be including one part of the course every
week until the end of the year in the magazine, so the choice is yours: wait and take the course for free, or
buy it now and learn faster, with all the videos in one place!
mini test

1 2 3
Case LogiC Kontrast iKigai rivaL with LowePro whistLer
Pro DsLr BaCKPaCK Camera Cell medium BP 350 aw
PriCe: £129/$150 PriCe: £230/$300 PriCe: £257/$350
this may be the cheapest the Rival gives you two bags Like the ikigai Rival, this features a
backpack on test, but it rivals bags in one. its removable camera removable camera compartment
costing twice the price. there’s compartment cell enables you with a similar amount of space,
space inside for a full-frame body to instantly transform the main along with the burden of extra
with an attached 70-200mm bag into a regular daypack. this weight. But Lowepro’s version
lens, and up to eight lenses or self-contained, pull-out module compensates with ridged outer
accessories can slot in on either will house a full-frame body and panels, which give your gear
side. At the back is a partition large a hefty attached lens, plus six good protection when the cell is
enough for a 15-inch laptop, with a more lenses alongside. the cell removed from the main bag. the
subsection that’ll house a 10.1-inch itself is well-padded, as is the latter ditches additional padding
tablet. Tripod-mounting points main backpack and especially to save space and weight, but
on either side complete the load- its sculpted back panel. This also packs a ridged frame like a true
lugging abilities. doubles as the primary access hiking backpack.
Although none of the bags here point, providing better security Access is via a rear flap, which
offer true on-the-go access, the than a front-facing flap, and it is hinged halfway down to allow
Kontrast’s top-loading camera contains individual laptop and partial access. You’ll find a
compartment at least lets you get tablet compartments. laptop slot round the front, while
at your camera without exposing However, while the bag-in-a-bag each side can hold a tripod. But
the rest of your gear. thick back design is great for gear protection, the Whistler’s big selling point
padding keeps you comfortable, it restricts internal space and is its go-anywhere ability. Wide,
while semi-rigid internal dividers adds weight. We’re not fans of supple straps provide exceptional
protect your kit. there’s even the awkward tripod-mounting prolonged comfort, and top-
a tough plastic base for extra system either, but at least you get quality materials will shrug off
stability and waterproofing. a separate rain cover. abuse from mother nature.
mini test

4 5 6
Manfrotto Pro Light taMraC TenBa ShooTouT
BumBleBee-220 Pl anvil 23 BaCkPaCk le medium
PriCe: £190/$260 PriCe: £240/$290 PriCe: £159/$200
Here’s an ex-Kata design that if this bag is anything, it’s a mixed there isn’t much that’ll wow you
used to sport the brand’s black- bag. externally there are all the about the shootout backpack,
and-yellow look, hence the trimmings of a quality product, but, while it may not have any
Bumblebee name. the Pro Light with wide, well-padded straps, especially funky features, tenba
bit is just as confusing, though: an equally supportive hip belt has nailed the essentials. the
at nearly 3kg, this backpack is far and super-thick back padding. main compartment is spacious
from a featherweight. the front access flap is covered enough to swallow a full-frame
it’s not as if the bulk can be in useful pockets on either side, body, attached lens and eight
justified by the removable camera and it also contains sizeable laptop surrounding alternatives.
compartment in some other and tablet slots; however, being on Decent all-round padding should
designs, either. But you get a pair the front of the bag, their weight keep everything safe from rough
of lift-out lens pods that will house isn’t best distributed for optimal and tumble, and the bag’s base
four lenses apiece; between these load-carrying comfort. gets a tough plastic coating for
are two thickly padded dividers the main compartment can hold added scuff resistance. Weather
to keep your camera and large a large DsLR and attached lens, protection is good, too, with quality
attached lens cosy. A huge laptop along with plenty of extra optics self-sealing zips, a water-resistant
slot is concealed at the back, with and accessories. But they won’t nylon outer shell and a rain cover.
smaller front and side pockets be as well-protected as in the it’s a comfortable companion
taking care of accessories. other bags on test, as some of thanks to having the softest straps
the unusual rubberised shoulder the internal dividers feel thin and on test, along with an equally
straps are supple, if not especially weak. Worse still is the base, which comfy back panel. Right behind
comfortable, although the hardly feels padded at all. these this you’ll find a slot for a 15-inch
excellent hip belt will take most of weaknesses make the price seem laptop, although the front tripod
the bag’s weight. disproportionately high. carrier add-on isn’t so convenient.
A P P s

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Account Director Editor Jeff Meyer Producer
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