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NAME:_________________________________________ LRN:_______________________
GRADE AND SECTION:____________________________ SCORE:_______________________

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A musical work with different movements for an instrumental soloist and orchestra
0. symphony c. concerto b. sonata d. rondo
0. A section of the sonata allegro form where the themes are introduced.
0. Exposition b. development c. recapitulation d. theme and variation
0. The general texture of the classical music.
a. monophonic b. homophonic c. heterophonic d. polyphonic
0. The term for serious opera.
0. opera b. opera buffa c. comic opera d. opera seria
0. The most important musical form that was developed during the classical era and usually
the form of the first movement of a sonata or symphony.
a. minuet b. rondo c. symphony d. sonata allegro
6. It repeats the themes as they first emerge in the opening exposition
0. exposition b. development c. recapitulation d. theme and variation
7. Sonata came from the word Sonare which means?
0. to make loud b. to make a sign c. to make a sound d. to make a song
8. The term for Comic opera is also known as?
0. Opera b. opera buffa c. opera seira d. comic opera
9. It is a multi-movement work for solo instrument.
0. symphony b. concerto c. sonata d. cantata
10. Which of the following is called “The Age of Reason”
0. medieval b. renaissance c. baroque d. classical
0. It was the period of economic progress.
0. Renaissance b. Baroque c. Classical d. Romantic
0. He was a famous artist during renaissance period and created the famous DAVID.
0. Leonardo di ser Piero Da Vinci
a. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
b. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
c. Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi
13. Why Leonardo Da Vinci called the ultimate “Renaissance man”?
0. he is a greatest artist of all time.
a. he formed the traditional trinity of great masters of that period.
b. his intellect, interest, talent, and expression of humanist and classical values.
c. All of the above
14. He is the famous artist during Baroque period that was one of the finest masters of
composition and one of the most important painters of the Spanish Golden Age.
0. Diego Velasquez
a. Peter Paul Rubens
b. Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi
c. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino

15. It is called the most famous and parodied portrait, an artwork of Leonardo Da Vinci.
0. Pieta b. The Last Supper c. Monalisa d. Virgin of the Rocks
16. The last painting of Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, on which he worked on up to his death.
0. Pieta b. David c. Monalisa d. The Transfiguracion
17. “Ecstasy of St. Teresa” is the artwork of ____________.
0. Bernini b. Rembrandt c. Rubens d. Velasquez
18. The term Baroque was derived from the Portuguese word barocco which means________.
0. Mannerist b. renaitre c. idealism d. irregularly shaped pearl or stone
0. The following artist are famous during Renaissance Period, EXCEPT:
0. Donatello b. Raphael c. Michelangelod. Rembrandt
20. Which of the following is not an artwork of Peter Paul Rubens?
0. Samson and Delilah c. Portrait of Helene Fourment
a. Landscape with a Tower d. Maria Theresa
0. Which of the following term used to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know other
people in a certain formal or semi-formal occasion?
0. Dance Sport b. Ballroom dances c. Festival Dances d. Social Dances
0. A set of guidelines that help you navigate the social dimensions of dancing.
0. Behaviour b. Character c. Dance Demeanor d. Dance Etiquette
0. Which of the following is an example of a Modern Standard Dances?
0. Cha-cha-chab. Jive c. Rumba d. Tango
0. Which of the following is the attire appropriate for males in Modern Standard Dances?
0. Black/white shirt c. Black/white sweatshirt
a. Black/white long sleeves d. Coat and Tie
25. Which of the following can be developed if one engages in social dancing activities?
0. Resentful b. Fulsome c. Presumptuous d. Sense of Community
26. Social dances that allow group performers to change partners periodically while dancing to
allow chance to get to know other members of the performing group.
0. Dance Sport b. Ballroom dances c. Dance Mixers d. Social Dances
27. The following are dance etiquette that should be considered in a social dancing activity,
0. Wear appropriate dancing attire.
a. Ask someone promptly if you wish to dance with him or her.
b. Always allow counter clockwise as line of direction in social dancing.
c. Always allow clockwise as line of direction in social dancing.
0. Insist executing difficult dance steps including aerial combinations with a partner. Which
of the following best describes as social dances?
0. Social dances are for pairs only.
a. Social dances can be competed.
b. Social dances are dances that improve social skills and fitness.
c. Social dances are dances that entertain people in attendance to a social function.
29. These dances are performed in competition and referred to as competitive ballroom dancing.
0. Ballroom dance b. Dance Sport c. Dance Mixers d. Social Dances

0. How would you use the knowledge and skills learned in social dancing to enhance your
community’s fitness?
a. I will make social dancing my lifetime fitness activity.
b. I will render an intermission number with my partner during fiestas.
c. I will share my skills by teaching community folks, young and old, about social dances.
d. I will coordinate with community officials in conducting a social dancing program for the

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