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Universidad Regiomontana

Materia: Idiomas II
Nombre: Edgar Azael Salcedo Mata
Maestro: Salim Kopara

General Escobedo, Nuevo León a 21 de enero del 2024.

Homework Requirements: Please, write 20 sentences, using the grammatical structures
future time clauses and if clauses that were studied in class. And send the activity in the
template with the task indicated in word format.

Ex. When I finish my homework, I will have dinner.
1 When i go my home, i will listen music.
2 If you do your job, You will get good workstation.
3 If you take your medicine, You will be healthy.
4 Edgar will practice playing the piano, When he stay in home.
5 Edgar study for the test, he will have a good note.
6 When i clean my room, i will find my lost charger.
7 When i help my friend, Him will be grateful.
8 If you save your money, You will be able to buy a new phone.
9 If you listen to your boss, You will learn a lot.
10 Edgar will go to the park, Is the weather is nice.
11 Edgar will pass the test, if i study a lot.
12 When it rains, I will bring my umbrella.
13 When she stay up late, Will be tired in de morning.
14 If you moves to the apartament, You won’t be economically stable.
15 If he eat meat, Will be stomach ache.
16 After i finish the homework, I’ll help you wash your car.
17 While i wait for the train, I’ll eat my bread.
18 Before i go party, I’ll finish my job.
19 If you help me, i will buy a the dinner.
20 Edgar will be going to a cinema, After the job.

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