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Fill in the blanks 1x5=5

a. Most ________, ________and ________ are grown from
b. ________ and ________ are sown at a depth of 6.5 to
c. Leaves contain ________ pigment called __________
which traps the sunlight.
d. ________ is the natural satellite of the Earth. It revolves
around the earth in _____ days.
e. A leaver is a rod that can move around a fixed point is
called ________.

2. Give one word for: 1x5=5

a. A place where food grains are stored.
b. Useful machine for harvesting and separation of husk.
c. Plant which is carnivorous.
d. A heavenly body that has light of his own.
e. Large blue seas with ice at its poles.

3. State true or false. 1x5=5

a. An inclined plane makes work difficult as the distance is
b. Food often gets spoilt in the presence of moisture and
warm atmosphere.
c. Onions and potatoes should be kept in one basket.
d. Fruits and vegetables are stored in a granary
e. After showing the seeds are kept uncovered from the top.

4. Answer the following questions briefly. 2x5=10

a. What is combine harvesting?
b. What are the things needed for photosynthesis?
c. Draw and show the various phases of the moon.
d. Why it is easier to pull a bucket of water from a well by
using a pulley than without it?
e. Mention a few indicators by which you know that food item
has gone bad.

5. Answer the following in details. 3x5=15

a. Mention some ways by which food is wasted. Also write
against it how that wastage can be prevented.
b. What things should be kept in mind before storing food
c. Describe a simple activity to show that the bread that we
eat contains starch.
d. Describe the process by which plants make their food.
e. A heavy rock can be lifted easily by using a crowbar.

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