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Life is a long journey of years;

It is full of mysteries and fears.
Sometimes it makes us laugh and cry;
Sometimes it fails us without a try.
Sometimes it's just a false display;
Of all the rules that we play.
It's just a game of luck and fate;
That makes us do the things we hate.

Life is sweet; life is sour;

It's a mixture of Pleasant hours,
There is a touch of sorrows too;
In all the things that we do
We have to take it as it is;
Though it may not contain the bliss,
But we have to face it through
In all the work that we do.

Life can just be fun at times;

That may sound like the rings of chimes.
It can also be morning tune-
Which gives a blow to our fortune.
So don't take life in a serious way;
As we do sometime say-
That life is struggle, life is hard,
But be merry and live like a pard.

~By Arik Khutia (XII COMMERCE)


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