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Realistic, Present-Focused, observant, logical and practical, orderly and organized

Weakness : Judgmental, subjective, tends to blame others, insensitive

ESTJ – The Decisive Leader : Pintar Mengambil Keputusan

Practical and Realistic, Dependable, Self-Confident, Hard-Working, Traditional, Strong Leadership


Weakness: (Kurang Open Minded) Insensitive, Inflexible, Not good at expressing feelings,
argumentative, bossy

INFJ – THE PERCEPTIVE LEADER : Berusah untuk mendengarkan, mengerti, memotivasi

Sensitive to the needs of others, reserved, highly creative and artistic, Focused on the future (idealis,

Weakness : can be overly sensitive, sometimes difficult to get to know, can have overly high
expectations, stubborn

ENFJ – THE PASSIONATE LEADER : Terorganisir, focus, disiplin dan sportive

Outgoing and warm-hearted, empathetic, wide social circle, encouraging, organized

Weakness : gegabah, terburu-buru dalam mengambil keputusan, approval-seeking, overly sensitive,

indecisive, self-sacrificing

INTJ – The Strategic Leader : Rasional, visi dan memiliki tekad yang bulat

Enjoys theoretical and abstract concepts. High expectations, good at listening, takes criticism well

Weakness : can be overly analytical and judgmental, very perfectionistic, dislikes talking about

ISTP – The tactical Leader : nyaman kerja sendiri dan berusah untuk mencapai target

Logical, Learns by experience, action-oriented, realistic and practical, enjoys new things

Weakeness : Impulsive , competitive, dramatic at times, easily bored, insensitive (kurang

berkomitmen dengan rencana mereka)

ISFJ – The Thoughtful Leader : berkomitmen dan sensitive

Reliable, Practical, sensitive, eye for detail (bisa bekerja sesuai deadline)

Weakness : susah memilih prioritas dan strategi yang efektif, dislikes abstract concepts, avoids
confrontation, dislike change, neglects own needs

ESFJ – The Generous Leader : Pemimpin yang

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