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Who Am I?

Name: Jasper Nielsen

Go to Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

What is the name of your designation? _____Campaigner____________

What is your code? ENFP-T

Letter Percentage

E 82%

N 54%

F 85%

P 82%

T 61%

What do each of the letters mean?

E = Extraverted

N = Intuitive

F = Feeling

P = Prospecting

T = Turbulent

Section: List bullet points:

Strengths - Curious

- Perceptive

- Enthusiastic

- Excellent Communicators

- Easygoing

- Good-Natured and Positive

Weaknesses - People-Pleasing
- Unfocused

- Disorganized

- Overly Accommodating

- Overly Optimistic

- Restless

Friendships Friendships
Relationships - Effortlessly Sociable

- Uplifting and Supportive

- Generous and Authentic

“...struggle with a suspicion that they care more about their friends than their friends care
about them – a suspicion that can leave these sociable, warmhearted personalities feeling
more than a little lonely.” (16 Personalities)
[Something I connected to on a very personal level]

- Imaginative and Upbeat

- Feel drawn to befriend those who are relatively shy or reserved

- Attracted to Depth and Nuance

- May find it difficult to accept that not everyone can be befriended

- Can give so much to friendships that they cannot tend to their own needs


- Relationships can be beautiful and exhilarating, a chance for two souls to connect
on the deepest of levels

- Deep longing to share their life with another person, can feel empty or uninspired
when single

- Ready to give thier complete soul to a new love or crush, they fall in love easily
then fall hard

- Willing to do whatever it takes as the power of love will prevail

- Thrive in the “honeymoon stage” of the relationship, looking for new ways to prove
dedication and happiness to their partner

- If their partner’s enthusiasm does not match their own, then worry can arise due to
fear of doing something wrong

- Can stuggle with long term relationships as the slightest faulter or when problems
arise and more work has to be put in a relationship, can lead to questioning if there
was anything there in the first place

Career Paths - Struggle with having too many idea and options, not being able to narrow it down
to a managable amount leading to a scattered feeling

- Brigtening the world and workplace around them, taking it as a challenge to lighten
the mood wherever they may end up

- It’s not hard to find a job as many ENFPs find themselves feeling gratified in
almost any job

- Two key points to make any job better for ENFPs are needing to believe that what
they do on a daily basis aligns with their core values and build upon their

- A job can be tough when they cannot help people or create community

- Jobs that offer options for learning opportunities and spaces to use
creativity/experiment with side projects that may be interesting

- Open-ended and flexible working environments serve best for ENFP personality


- Nonprofits
- Public Service
- Counselling
- Education
- Customer or Public Relations
- Hospitality
- Media
- Entertainment
- Social Media
- Communications
- Scientific and Medical fields, where they can have positive impact like human
health or environmental science

Workplace - Bring passion and creativity to the workplace, fond on brainstorming with teams
- Excel in postitions of leadership as they fill the workplace with positivity and
encouragement no matter what position they are in

- Workplaces where ENFPs can work and brainstorm with co-workers who share
similar passion and excitment they can thrive, encouraging others to do so as well

- ENFPs tend to see everyone in the workplace as equals and try to make a good
impression on everyone, this usually goes for when they are in management as

- They can see all their colleagues as friends rather than co-workers, taking genuine
interest in the people around them and wanting to learn more about them

- Happy to experiment and demonstrate adaptability ready to switch course and try
new ideas

- Great listeners, ready and eager to listen to other people’s perspectives and ideas

- ENFPs often feel that they can do their best work when given ample time to work
at their own pace, constant nitpicking and micromanagment can add a large level
of stress when working

- Management is still needed for ENFPs as they can jump to a new project once the
old one begins to lose its luster, check-ins and encouragment work much better to
keep them on task

- Positivity and popularity show ENFPs as natural leaders, getting others to band
together into teams and collaberate to achieve goals, making sure to give credit
where credit is due and bestow praise upon those doing well

- In management ENFPs can sometimes lack a clear sense of order due to their
more laid back/collaberative management style and allowing a lot of freedom for
employees leaving some feeling lost and needing to read the mind of their ENFP

- It can be very difficult for ENFPs to fire or reprimand an employee, ending up with
some taking advantage of their softness

- They still have the strong ability to read the room, being able to tell when more
structure or guidance is needed for the workplace to thrive, even if it may be a
struggle for them

1. Write a reflection using Word on TEAMS (half page minimum) describing:

● How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.
● Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality.

Don’t forget to:

○ Provide details and examples where possible.
○ Use paragraphs in your writing.

2. Upload the worksheet and your write up to your Portfolio tab on your website.
 Write a short sentence or two explaining what you learned about yourself from this

16 Personalities Reflection:

After looking over the results of my personality test I found that many of the occupations and
suggestions for opportunities in careers suggested from the test originally, strayed from the
career paths I intended to choose such as engineering and graphic design which can tend to be
more isolated than many other occupations with less social connection. Recently however
before I took this personality test I was starting to look into other career opportunities that
revolved largely around leadership such as Entertainment and Environmentalism, which I didn’t
really think that I would have had much interest in only a year or two ago.

Many of the personality qualities described in my profile for when I’m active in the workplace
also seem to apply in class, where I’m often the one trying to get the group together or talking,
or when I worked at camp “ ...[wanting] to impress [my] boss, but... [wanting] to make a good
impression on everyone else as well” (16 Personalities). I also learned that my indecision in
where I want to work and what I want to do is something that many people with ENFP
personality types face, “When selecting a career, ENFP personalities tend to find that their main
issue isn’t a lack of options. It’s that there are just so many fascinating and worthy possibilities
to explore” (16 Personalities).

As I read through each section of the description of ENFP personality types, I kept having
moments where I felt, “Wow, is someone spying on me or something?” I was able to understand
the reasoning behind some of the major emotions I feel almost daily, which fits in perfectly with
my personality type being very emotion-driven and sensitive. It seemed that more of the
weaknesses I read about connected to me every day like being a people-pleaser which can take
a very physical and emotional toll on myself or being disorganized as I hop from one activity to
the next. Being optimistic and enthusiastic did connect very well with how I think daily, trying to
see the good in whatever situation may arise and setting my sights on the end of the tunnel,
even if it's still far from the end.

One thing from the relationship section of the ENFP explanation I felt connected everywhere
outside as well as when I am, “...interested in someone [or something], [I] rarely hold back... and
[then] fall hard” when it doesn’t work out or turns for the worse (16 Personalities). This trait I’ve
shown in friendships and relationships in the past can put unwanted strain on myself and the
other person. Looking deeper into the friendship section, I felt deeply hit by a piece of
information that I feel multiple times a week and I believe played a role in the end of amazing
romantic relationships as the spark seemed to dim. Something that I still need to work on
moving further into life as this “...struggle with a suspicion that [I] care more about [my] friends
than [my] friends care about [me]– a suspicion that can leave [me] feeling more than a little
lonely.” tying back into going all in on friendships and relationships, I struggle when others don’t
put the same amount of enthusiasm into a connection as I do (16 Personalities). This is usually
an unrealistic explanation, as with the bulk of friends I make I only see them every once and
awhile, but still feel the need for a stronger connection. Placing me in a very strange game of
cat and mouse trying to keep up with everything and everyone.

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