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When you’re working with ENFJs, it’s important to talk with them in a warm, empathetic way.

natural feelers, they tend to enjoy connecting with others on a more personal level. By learning
how to communicate and work with them, you’re more likely to see ENFJs at their best.

Focus on being constructive when giving feedback. Be sure to encourage them, as well, rather
than just piling on negativity. Be prepared to talk through any concerns they may have.

Encourage ENFJ types to share how they’re feeling, as it may be difficult for them to express
honestly; reassure them that conflict is normal and share encouragement, while discussing your
own feelings in return.

ENFJs thrive when they feel appreciated at work. They’re likely to work well when they feel like
what they’re doing matters. They appreciate when coworkers offer encouragement and support
for their leadership skills.

When others on their team are able to value them, support their decisions, and appreciate their
leadership, ENFJs are likely to feel comfortable and confident, which will help them be more
effective at work.

ENFJs have a natural charisma and great persuasive skills that make them influential leaders in the
workplace. Their strength in the use of spoken language often propels them to take up the
spokesperson role in their teams.

They strive for cooperation and harmony in the workplace, preferring to cooperate with their
colleagues to reach a common goal rather than compete with them. They enjoy empowering and
equipping people, and will, therefore, take up a teacher or mentor's role when given a chance.

Highly creative and innovative, ENFJs often have big, humanitarian visions and a good idea about
how to use people and resources to achieve their desired objectives. A strong believer in people's
potential, their best work is often done when they believe they're making a positive impact in the
world through their work.

ENFJs strive for cooperation and work best in a harmonious environment where they can support
other people and encourage their growth. They often take on a mentor role, seeing their primary
aim as helping other people become better at what they do.

ENFJs are often attracted to leadership roles; they naturally organize people to take advantage of
their unique talents. They often have a strong vision in their work, and enjoy being able to use
their creativity to develop innovative initiatives with a humanitarian focus. ENFJs appreciate
teamwork, and they want to have the organizational resources to put their ideas into action.

ENFJs are strong people, who are constantly striving to care for everyone in their lives. This can
put a lot of pressure on the ENFJ to be perfect and to always hold everyone else up. Even though
ENFJs take this upon themselves, it can become a bit overwhelming after a while, especially if they
don’t feel like they are being appreciated. When the ENFJ is feeling down and exhausted, they
need their loved ones to give them encouragement. The best way to encourage the ENFJ is by
showing appreciation and showering them with love. The ENFJ needs to realize that their hard
work is valued and that the people close to them realize how much they do.


When ENFJs are struggling in life or chronically stressed, they can become more isolated
and detached than usual. They may be especially self-critical, finding ways to blame
themselves for all the issues they are dealing with. They can also become obsessed with
details, trying to find solutions or “fixes”. When ENFJs are in this phase it’s important not
to come along and offer MORE solutions (this will only make them feel worse). What they
need is someone to pull them aside and offer support. Simply letting them know that you
are there for them, they can say whatever they want to say, and no matter how it sounds you
will listen without judgment is extremely encouraging. ENFJs are one of the only types
who really want people to draw closer to them under stress rather than leave them alone.
Show them you’re there. Don’t nitpick what they say because they’ve probably done
enough of that already. After offering support and letting them vent, sometimes having a
laugh or getting a change of scenery is encouraging for them.

If an ENFJ isn’t depressed or stressed, but needs encouragement towards reaching a goal
then your strategy should be different. Join them in their vision, plan with them, dream with
them. Let them know that you have faith in their abilities and ask them if they need any
help with the details. Check in regularly to ask how things are going to show that you
support them in their efforts. Show them the personal implications of accomplishing their
goal – how it will impact others, how it will improve the world, how it aligns with a value
of theirs.

ENFJ: Notice when they’re struggling. Ask them questions that are hard but direct. Listen without
judgement. Support without limits. Acknowledge that their feelings are valid. Offer perspectives
they may have forgotten. Help them get out of their heads and reconnect with their environment
in a meaningful and mood-enhancing way. Remind them of the value they bring to other’s lives
when they’ve forgotten.

ENFJs aim to serve as all-knowing mentors to those around them. The #1 way to motivate them is
to act as though their guidance is essential to accomplishing a given task or project. They’ll jump at
the chance to teach you what they know and help you reach your target.

ENFJs often work great in a team and even do well as the team leader. They have a natural skill for
calming down a room full of people, which makes them excellent mediators in a team. They know
how to bring people together who would normally have trouble in a team. This makes ENFJs great
team members and even leaders, creating an excellent and positive atmosphere. ENFJs can work
alone just fine, but thrive when they are working with a group of people. They especially do well if
they are with people who aren’t afraid to take orders and don’t become intimidated easily.

People-focused diplomats, this group tends to forget their own needs in favor of the greater
good, and that can sometimes be detrimental – not just in terms of burnout, but also when
completing their own tasks. However, with this group, the positives vastly outweigh any

“It’s always a good idea to have Protagonists lead group discussions, even if they’re not in
a leadership role, because they excel at it,” says Peacock. “They should be your go-to Zoom
meeting host, and at the heart of any situation involving discussion, consensus, and the
bringing together of people and ideas.”

Supporters tend to thrive in predictable, calm, collaborative environments. They enjoy consistent,
stable work that involves engaging with others. Supporters can help more analytical, reserved
people understand the importance of communicating effectively with others and building strong,
working relationships. When working with another S-type, it is important that they openly
communicate problems so they can effectively work toward a solution.

Feel energized at work when...

They are asked to help others with projects.

Their boss builds a relationship with them over time.

Their peers verbally appreciate the contributions they make to the team.

Their direct reports value their guidance.

What does the S Personality Style contribute to a team?

The S style is reliant and dependable. They are patient, good listeners who want to work with
teams harmoniously. They strive for consensus and will try hard to reconcile conflicts as they arise.
They are compliant towards authority and a loyal team player. The S is also good at multi-tasking
and seeing tasks through until completion.

What motivates the S Personality Style?

The S Personality is motivated by safety and security. They want to avoid conflict and exist in
peaceful environments and around groups that are in harmony. They genuinely appreciate
recognition for their loyalty and dependability

What is the ideal environment for the S Personality Type?

The S flourishes in a team environment when working with others and getting along. They enjoy
people but prefer individuals and groups that they trust and feel comfortable around. They like
environments with little change or surprise and little to no conflict. They like tasks that can be
completed at one time or seen through from beginning to end and enjoy practical procedures and
systems. The S style wants stability, predictability, and harmony.

What should one remember to do when working with S Personality Types?

When working with S Types, try to be personable and build rapport. The sooner they feel
comfortable with you, the sooner they will open up to you, especially if they see genuine interest
in them as a person. They may need help getting started with new projects. Allow them time to
process and ask questions. Provide them with specifics and clarifications for tasks they are asked
to do and explain the "how" questions. When giving feedback to the S Style DISC Profile, do so in
private with thoughtfully explain feedback with empathy, patience, and understanding. If
instituting change in the workplace, be patient with them, explain your reasoning, and give them
time to adjust. It will make them uncomfortable at first

What should one remember not to do when working with an S Personality Type?

When working with a DISC S Style, it's essential to be kind and patient. Don't expect or force them
to make decisions quickly. Avoid being confrontational, using a firm tone or body language, being
overly aggressive, pushy, or demanding. They avoid confrontation and will recoil if approached in
this way.

What is a high S DISC Style likely to do when working with details or when analyzing information?

The S will genuinely try to help with the details and is a valuable support for team goals. They may
work slowly and systematically, which can slow down the action. If they genuinely have a concern
or doubt, they will likely internalize it or hesitate to voice their feedback unless a safe environment
has been created for dialogue.

What positive characteristics does the S Type possess when in teams?

They are naturally relational, creating a supportive and positive team environment. S types tend to
be very grounded in reality and common sense and may see a more straightforward or practical
way to accomplish a goal. They are talented multi-taskers but will work at a slow and steady pace
until something is complete. S types are peacemakers and nurturers in groups, approaching other
team members with patience, attention, loyalty, and an even-temper. They can even view a
project from both the overall big picture view and the smaller steps to get there.

S style in leadership

S-style leaders are natural collaborators who like to reach consensus and create win-win
situations. However, they can sometimes be passive and overly trusting, letting others take
advantage of their supportive, patient nature.

S styles often display leadership characteristics such as these:




S style goals

S styles tend to have goals such as these:

cultivate harmony and stability

strive for team accomplishments

find group acceptance

achieve power through formal roles and positions of authority

maintain status quo and control of the environment

The S personality often serves as the bridge between management and their co-workers because
they are both sincere and dependable. They have the ability to understand all sides of a situation.
They are great listeners, which makes them effective mediators.

S types are thoughtful and deliberate in their actions and aren’t likely to take big risks, no matter
the payoff. They struggle when dealing with angry or unruly individuals, providing potentially
negative feedback and often fail to be productive in emotionally charged environments.

S types are people-oriented and prefer a slower-paced work environment.

DISC Profile S styles are calm, modest, and laid back. These are the team builders of the world.
They care about everyone else, in some cases, to the extent of their own expense. S styles tend to
be patient listeners, trustworthy, and persistent. They are balanced between tasks and people.
DISC Profile S styles are reliable and stable with an emphasis on cooperating with whoever is in
charge to carry out tasks.

DISC Assessment S personality types tend to speak calmly and warm-heartedly. They have
a reserved communication style. They are great instructors but prefer to listen more than
they talk. S styles tend to be the ones not speaking in a group situation, as they are more
comfortable in one-on-one communication. Steadiness personality types like to create trust
and rapport during interactions and are happy talking about topics that they have mastered.
S styles usually ask 'how' questions like:

 'How are we going to do this?'

 'How do you feel about that?'

When communicating with S Style individuals, slow down and explain in detail.
Demonstrate the advantages to their team and people close to them. 

Feedback should be given in private, thoughtfully explained and delivered with empathy. Be gentle
and take your time to explain the reason for the feedback. Show them how the changes will
positively impact their wider team.

Delegating to S Styles

If you're delegating to an S style, take your time. Go over the expected tasks and outcomes a
couple of times, allowing them time to process and ask questions. Focus on the benefits for the
team because S's are all about people.

Motivating S Styles

Genuine appreciation and acceptance by others drive the S styles. Time is a significant motivator
of the DISC S types. Do not put pressure on them, while they can hide it well, S styles can get
frustrated by others' impatience. Instead, allow them time without interruption to adjust to a

Managing S Styles

As manager of an S style, you must win their trust first. To maintain it, keep your promises, show
the right attitude towards work, and treat them as a personality rather than just a means of
producing results. When managing S personality types, give them plenty of space to adjust to
changes and listen to them while they speak.

Working Remotely

Remote work is most suited to your S Style workers, especially if they are working at home with
friends or family. Ensure you offer them enough support to cope with the change in working

S Style Leaders
Supporting leaders are comfortable in maintaining routines and in general, tend to be stable and
service-orientated. Steadiness personality types prefer “small teams” as they have a very
participative approach to their leadership. Because this type of leader is so patient, they also have
a great ability to guide, teach and develop their people.

Steadiness (Type S Personality)

The S type personality profile, also known as Steadiness or S style, is one of the four primary DISC
styles. S styles reflect individuals who are calm, modest, and laid-back. To motivate the S
personality type provide them with organized feedback and supporting material. S styles are
motivated by security, familiar situations, and working with a sense of perspective. Let them finish
their work and maintain continuity in their working environment. Remember not to be restless,
make sudden changes or work against what was agreed. Things that demotivate the S style are
sudden, insecure and unexpected situations. The S personality type motivates others through
creating a calm and reliable atmosphere and their eagerness to help others.

– Subtle warmth and quiet kindness. Follows through, is systems-oriented and gives thoughtful
responses to questions. Is sometimes wishy-washy on decisions. True teamwork, stability of
environment, collaboration. Keep things friendly but only if it’s authentic. Ask for input and
concerns and wait patiently for answers. Emphasize follow-through, not change.

S” types are motivated by:

working with a small group of people where they can develop long-term relationships

having clearly defined rules and expectations, which rarely change

cooperating with others as team players

working in a stable, harmonious environment

maintaining the status quo

being acknowledged for their hard work, service and loyalty

focusing on one task at a time.

The best ways to interact with an “S” behavior type:w

chat with them frequently - in a calm and friendly fashion

encourage them to initiate tasks on their own

let them know they can try something new, without being fearful about the outcome

open conversations in a personal way before “getting down to business”

help them learn how to better schedule/manage their time

encourage them to express their thoughts and ideas, and participate more in meetings

whenever possible, give them advanced notice and plenty of time to adjust to changes

show them that you care about them personally.


ENFJ Best Work Environments

ENFJs need to be busy and work at pace. They are keen to make things happen, even to the extent
of jumping in a little early and will want to get a plan and get after it, ticking off the ‘to-do’ list as
they go. A plan coming together is music to the ENFJ ears and they will not thrive in an
environment of chaos or indecision unless that is they have the opportunity to bring order to the
chaos and make some decisions. ENFJs are supremely organised and prefer their roles or work
environment to be so too, and they love juggling, multi-tasking and lots going on. Incredibly warm
and caring ENFJs will prefer an atmosphere of harmony and teamwork and will make sure the
needs of the people are taken care of. ENFJs are built to help and support, but this will be
undertaken through structure and planning. ENFJs are superb and likable relationship builders,
engendering trust, authenticity and harmony. They like to be clear on what is expected and then
the ENFJ will work long and hard to deliver pulling together all the disparate parts and making it
happen on time and exactly as agreed.

NFJS will bring structure and impetus whilst at the same making sure the needs of all the people
are taken care of. Often the first to the flipchart they capture ideas giving everyone the chance to
contribute. The ENFJ will assume the leadership role simply because they want to drive for closure
and ensure that people are happy. They need to satiate their need for action and their passion for

ENFJs need clarity, real meaning, a worthwhile output and closure. The ENFJ personality type loves
a plan, a clear picture of where they are going, and they will work diligently towards the goal.
Indeed, the ENFJ will feel less comfortable with too many options open, as they need closure.
ENFJs focus on the organisational and people aspects and so are not primarily creative preferring
to work on making sure that what has been agreed is properly planned and that people are happy.
In a work setting, the ENFJ personality type will be the harmonious team builder, good at
maintaining group morale, accentuating the positive and encouraging contributions from all team
members making the team more open and participative. The ENFJ combines the action orientation
and desire to get things moving of the ENTJ with the people orientation associated with ‘F’s. The
ENFJ may not be the most creative or the one who has the best ideas but will be the one who
drives for closure and bring the people along too.

Buscan la estabilidad y armonía dentro del ámbito laboral, adaptándose fácilmente al entorno. Son
sensibles ante el elogio y las críticas, considerando siempre los sentimientos de otros.

>> ¿Cuál es su forma de manejarse? - Concentra sus energías en el mundo exterior, explora sus
sentimientos en busca de ideas. Apuesta a las relaciones significativas, comprendiendo las
necesidades del otro.

>> ¿Cómo trabaja en equipo? - Su personalidad saca lo mejor de los demás, inspira y favorece al
entendimiento mutuo. Busca llegar a un consenso, generar entusiasmo, enfocarse en los puntos
en comunes para construir en conjunto.

>> ¿Cómo trabaja sus debilidades? - Deberá buscar opiniones objetivas e independientes para
comprobar la efectividad de sus ideas. Es necesario escuchar las críticas y evaluar de forma
objetiva sus proyectos.

Los ENFJ tienen habilidades con las personas

Los ENFJ son, sin duda, el tipo de personalidad con las mejores habilidades con las personas. El
tipo de personalidad ENFJ entiende y se preocupa genuinamente por la gente, y saca lo mejor de
los demás. Aman y apoyan a los demás; quieren que los demás tengan una vida buena y feliz, y a
menudo lo hacen posible. Nada le da más satisfacción al tipo de personalidad ENFJ que mejorar la
vida de los demás.

Fortalezas de ENFJ

Los ENFJ comprenden los sentimientos y motivos de otras personas mejor que cualquier otro tipo
de personalidad.

Los ENFJ son comunicadores verbales inspiradores y carismáticos. Los tipos de personalidad de
ENFJ tienen el talento para motivar y persuadir a otros para que los ayuden a hacer del mundo un
lugar mejor.
Los ENFJ son altruistas y generosos. Los tipos de personalidad ENFJ anteponen las necesidades de
los demás a las suyas propias, y cuando alguien necesita ayuda, seguramente estará allí.

Los ENFJ son afectuosos y no dudan en mostrar afecto y admiración por los demás.

Los ENFJ son divertidos. Los tipos de personalidad ENFJ tienen un gran sentido del humor y a la
gente le encanta estar cerca de ellos.

Los ENFJ son jugadores de equipo; construyen equipos fuertes y los mantienen para alcanzar su
objetivo final.

Los ENFJ son leales y comprometidos. Cualquiera que sea leal y esté comprometido con un tipo de
personalidad ENFJ será recompensado en especie.

Las personas con fuertes estilos de Personalidad S se describen como tranquilo y estable. Buscan a
la rutina, la previsibilidad y la seguridad en su vida y la rutina del día a día. Se esfuerzan por las
relaciones personales y cercanas, y ambientes positivos sin conflicto. Son pacíficos, buenos
oyentes y amigos verdaderamente leales y seguidores. Aparte de ser positivo, amable, paciente y
comprensivo, también pueden ser posesivos de sus seres queridos y, a veces, pasivo-agresivo en
sus esfuerzos por evitar el conflicto o la negatividad.

En un ambiente de equipo, el estilo de S tiene puntos fuertes y las limitaciones potenciales.


Fiable y confiable; miembro del equipo leal y solidario; sincero;

En conformidad a la autoridad; sigue instrucciones muy bien; paciente con los demás no pueden
hablar hasta que algo está mal; sensible a las críticas.

Son buenos oyentes; paciente y empático. Hace que los demás sienten que pertenecen.

Bueno en la conciliación de los conflictos; se relaciona instintivamente; ecuánime, evitara el

conflicto a toda costa y suprime los sentimientos como resultado.

Puede encontrar maneras fáciles de hacer las cosas - llenas de sentido común. Puede hacer las
cosas fáciles en vez de la manera correcta.

Motivado por:
El reconocimiento a la lealtad y fiabilidad

Protección y seguridad

No hay cambios bruscos de procedimiento o de estilo de vida

Actividades que se pueden iniciar y acabados

Tiempo de calidad con los demás; relaciones positivas y personales

Relaciones y entornos pacíficos y libres de conflicto

sincero agradecimiento

Ambiente Ideal:

Procedimientos y sistemas prácticos

Patrones de trabajo repetidas

Instrucciones y expectativas claras

Estabilidad y previsibilidad

La falta de cambio; tiempo suficiente para el ajuste

Las tareas que se pueden completar antes de pasar a la siguiente.

Pocos conflictos o discusiones; un ambiente positivo

Un ambiente de equipo

El reconocimiento por el trabajo bien hecho

Consenso para la toma de decisiones

Presión limitada

Como comunicarse con un S:

Crear un entorno favorable; personal y agradable. Sea paciente y amable.

Presentar ideas o desviaciones de las prácticas actuales en una forma no amenazante; darles
tiempo para adaptarse.

Expresar un genuino interés en ellos como persona. Hacer preguntas personales. Les proporcionan
una aclaración para las tareas y respuestas a "cómo". Definir claramente los objetivos, los
procedimientos y su papel en el plan general.

Como NO comunicarse con un S:

Sé agresivo, o demasiado exigente.

Confrontelo continuamente.

Hablar continuamente sin ceder la palabra. Simplemente porque son grandes oyentes no quiere
decir que no tienen nada que decir.

Sé impaciente con sus preguntas o utilice respuestas vagas o más generalizadas.

Areas de Crecimiento Personal para un S:

Trate de ser más abiertos al cambio. Incluso ser espontáneo a veces.

Sea más directo en sus interacciones. Di lo que quieres decir, no siempre reprimir a ti mismo.

Preste atención a sus propias necesidades, no siempre las necesidades de los demás.

Centrarse en los objetivos generales del equipo en lugar de procedimientos específicos.

Encaja con la confrontación constructiva, no internalizar

Trate de ser flexible.

Aumente su ritmo para lograr las metas; mostrar iniciativa.

Trabaje en expresar pensamientos, opiniones y sentimientos.

Es una persona reflexiva, cuidadosa, estable. Es una de esas personas con los pies en el suelo que,
además no suele enfrentarse a los demás. Esta persona prefiere hablar en privado que en público.
Es un gran oyente, hasta el punto que quizá escucha más que no habla. Es un buen instructor,
paciente y amable. Prefiere hablar de los temas que conoce bien. Pero a veces puede ser
cauteloso en exceso, y le falta un poco de expresividad.

Esta persona es sensible y a veces le cuesta controlar sus emociones, especialmente si siente que
alguien está atacando sus valores. Esta persona necesita un jefe que le dé feedback con
regularidad y que muestre interés por la persona así como por el trabajo. Eso le dará la seguridad
que necesita para sentirse cómoda y sacar lo mejor de ella.

Es una persona que se centra más en las personas que en los resultados. Le cuesta tomar
decisiones bajo presión, prefiere tener tiempo para reflexionar. A veces le cuesta centrarse en los
objetivos físicos.

Si hay que tomar una decisión, esta persona necesita información y antecedentes. Y, sobre todo,
tiempo para digerir el proceso de cambio. Este tipo de personas suelen resistirse al cambio ya que
florecen en lo ya establecido. Pero, por otra parte, siempre tendrá en cuenta el factor humano
dentro del proceso decisivo. Siempre pensara en las personas y en las consecuencias que puedan
derivar de las decisiones.

Si forma parte de un equipo, será el elemento conector. Se encargará de que los miembros del
equipo trabajen para un mismo objetivo y, además, se asegurará que haya una buena transmisión
de la información. No será el líder pero será quien cree la sensación de seguridad que permitirá
que el equipo trabaje con tranquilidad.

La incertidumbre, los cambios bruscos y las situaciones desconcertantes son la fuente de estrés
para esta persona. Y cuando está estresada, esta persona se vuelve excesivamente cautelosa y
quiere mantener la situación actual a cualquier precio. Se cierra un poco en banda. Para ayudarla a
gestionar este tipo de situaciones, hay que darle información, proporcionarle un planning y darle
tiempo para adaptarse a los cambios. Si se encuentra en un ambiente agradable, puede gestionar
lo que sea.

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