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feature article

STEM habits of mind:

enhancing a PBL design challenge—
integrated STEM instruction approach
It is the intent of this article to contribute to ongoing discussions
among educators, employers, parents, and all those concerned,
to seek the goal of interdisciplinary STEM instruction.

Introduction lenges will require a new scientific workforce equipped with

a skill set of new technology and interdisciplinary thinking,
In order to maintain the United States’ global competitive-
in a culture that is increasingly embracing STEM concepts
ness and create new and innovative solutions to solve global
as a vehicle to address these challenges.
challenges, more and diverse numbers of STEM graduates
need to be attracted and retained in technical disciplines
(Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the
Habits of Mind
21st Century:An Agenda for American Science and Technol- Habits of mind are described as
ogy, 2007). According to the U.S. Department of Education characteristics and practices of what by
(2015), current national statistics reveal that there continues individual people do when con- Paul A. Asunda
to be a great shortage of math and science teachers in fronted with challenges that have no
comparison to the number of students who will actually opt clear resolution (Costa, 2008). These and
for STEM-related careers. As such, solutions to global chal- practices enhance the way people John Weitlauf

34 technology and engineering teacher November 2018

STEM habits of mind: enhancing a PBL design challenge—integrated STEM instruction approach

produce knowledge as a consequence, highlighting a critical problems, educators need to ask themselves: What do engineers
thinking process comprised of skills, attitudes, past experiences do? How do they think? How do they approach problems? How
etc. that are classified into 16 habits. Costa stated that these is what they do similar to, but different from, how a scientist or a
habits of mind incorporate the following dimensions: mathematician sees the world? What does an engineer have in
1. Value: Choosing to employ a pattern of intellectual behav- common with an artist or a designer or a technologist or a politi-
iors rather than other, less productive patterns. cian or a team sports player? What, in short, goes on in the mind
2. Inclination: Feeling the tendency to employ a pattern of of an engineer when he or she is in full flow doing engineering?
intellectual behaviors.
3. Sensitivity: Perceiving opportunities for, and appropriate- To this end, Lucas and Hanson reported that engineers do think
ness of, employing the pattern of behaviors. and act in certain distinctive ways referred to as Engineering
4. Capability: Possessing the basic skills and capacities to Habits of Mind [EHoM]. These habits are systems thinking, prob-
carry through with the behaviors. lem finding, visualizing, improving, creative problem solving, and
5. Commitment: Constantly striving to reflect on and improve adapting. There has also been parallel thinking about Scientific
performance of the pattern of intellectual behaviors. Habits of Mind (SHoM) as well as Mathematical Habits of Mind
6. Policy: Making it a policy to promote and incorporate the (MHoM). Lucas and Hanson further shared that SHoM and
patterns of intellectual behaviors into actions, decisions, and MHoM seek to describe ways in which mathematicians and sci-
resolutions of problematic situations. entists think about problems, rather than the discipline-specific
math or science content that is taught. Gurung (2009) proposed
These dimensions can be viewed as essentials that teachers can teaching disciplinary habits of mind. According to Gurung, these
utilize to make sense of their instructional practices when plan- are a discipline-specific set of dispositions or ways of thinking
ning to impart in students the 16 habits of mind. that describe how a professional practitioner in a given field
seeks to understand the world. These disciplinary habits of mind
Lucas and Hanson, (2014) posited that to comprehend how become an interpretive lens through which the practitioner views
successful engineers think and act when faced with challenging and seeks solutions to complex problems. Brent, Deaton, Tang,

Figure 1. Cross walk between STL design process and Habits of Mind
Figure 1: Cross walk between STL design process and Habits of Mind
Grades 9-12 Design Process from Standards for Technological Literacy as described by Hailey, Erekson,
Becker and Thomas (2005)

Habits of the Mind

Defining a problem
Researching and generating ideas Problem finding
Identifying criteria and specifying constraints
Exploring possibilities

Selecting an approach and

developing a design making a Visualizing
model of prototype

Testing and evaluating the Improving

design specifications

Refining the design

Communicating process and results

Creating or making it Creative -problem solving


November 2018 technology and engineering teacher 35

STEM habits of mind: enhancing a PBL design challenge—integrated STEM instruction approach

and Handley (2012) were of the view that, as students develop science) and designing solutions (for engineering); Engaging in
and practice these disciplinary habits of mind, they will become argument from evidence; and Obtaining, evaluating, and commu-
better equipped to succeed in rapidly expanding science and nicating information. The standards are written as performance
technology fields. Then, does this mean STEM habits of mind can expectations built around three dimensions that seek that each
be realized through an interdisciplinary STEM approach? performance expectation combine a relevant practice of science
or engineering with a core disciplinary idea and crosscutting
The rich products of engineering and technology education as a concept appropriate for students of the designated grade level
field provide a platform for the integration of STEM subject areas, in the context of specific content (NRC Framework, 2011). Figure
providing all students a STEM-geared curriculum as they engage 1 correlates a Standards for Technological Literacy (STL) design
in practices that exemplify the habits of mind through problem- process that integrates dimensions of NGSS with elements of the
based learning (PBL). For example, when teaching about energy engineering habits of mind.
and power concepts, teachers can utilize a wind turbine design
lesson to help develop students’ STEM concepts that mirror Problem Finding: Encourages learners to build on previous
habits of the mind. As such, a Wind Turbine design lesson could knowledge, connect new knowledge to existing knowledge, and
be based on simulation, including engineering and scientific appreciate the relevance of STEM concepts to their everyday
practices that model wind speed extrapolation, potential assess- lives. In the wind turbine lessons, students could be introduced
ment, voltage data collector, and blade design modelling. to conceptual knowledge of fluid mechanics and Bernoulli’s
principles through modeling and simulated exercises. This will
Engineering and technology education educators plan PBL encourage them to utilize science and engineering practices
instructional approaches around Standards for Technologi- as they think as engineers by conducting experiments utilizing
cal Literacy: Content for the Study of Technology, (ITEA/ITEEA, scientific and engineering practices to explore characteristics of
2000/2002/2007). In contemporary society, the standards move- the wind and the wind turbine, including blade design.
ment has birthed the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as
well as Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The CCSS in Visualizing and Improving: Helps students integrate their under-
Math and English Language Arts articulate the knowledge and standing by modeling how ideas are connected and organized in
skills students should master at every grade level from kinder- new knowledge networks. Students engage with a wind tunnel
garten to twelfth grade (Common Core State Standards Initiative, and learn that a green design should harness renewable energy
2014). Similarly, NGSS accentuates the integration of engineering such as wind as much as possible, and how a wind turbine
design into K-12 classrooms and requires that teachers address reacts to the changes in the wind speed. They use the wind tun-
eight science and engineering practices, which are: Asking nel (Figure 2) to simulate, evaluate, and optimize different blade
questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineer- designs and how this harnesses wind energy. For example, they
ing); Developing and using models; Planning and carrying out determine tower arrangement and which blade design arrange-
investigations; Analyzing and interpreting data; Using mathemat- ment is efficient with regard to energy output before building it.
ics and computational thinking; Constructing explanations (for This provides students with multiple representations of scientific

Figure 2. Wind tunnel simulation exercise.

36 technology and engineering teacher November 2018

STEM habits of mind: enhancing a PBL design challenge—integrated STEM instruction approach

phenomena and highlights how features of the phenomena inter- Adapting. At the end of the lesson students utilize design cri-
acting can make thinking visible. tique procedures to help refine their understanding of completed
works by encouraging monitoring and reflection upon ideas.
Creative problem solving helps students learn from others by Students then generate a report on the design of a wind turbine,
developing and designing the wind system by working in teams including energy generation and best blade design procedures.
to promote collaboration and peer discussion about the instruct- Based on the results of their experiments and investigations,
ed concepts. Students complete the wind turbine design activity students reflect on their ideas by refining these design recom-
based on the optimization analysis generated through multiple mendations.
testing cycles (Figure 3). This enables them to develop criteria
for and refine their own understanding and utilize engineering Could STL integrated with NGSS and CCSS be a common ap-
design principles to create a wind energy system and conduct proach to STEM habits of mind? An Integrated STEM approach
lab experiments to determine which turbine blade arrangement to instruction has been viewed as an innovative way of think-
gives the most power for specific conditions. The results of these ing about teaching across STEM disciplines. Riskowski, et al.,
experiments serve as evidence for students to suggest improve- (2009) stated that, rather than focusing on learning in isolated
ments to the design that can generate sufficient energy to power curriculum areas, an integrated program is based on developing
a small device. Grouping students in pairs has been found to experiences around a particular theme that is relevant to stu-
be particularly beneficial for the exchange of ideas (Gerard, et dents’ learning, giving them opportunities to be active learners
al., 2009). For example, in previous years, the authors allowed who research, interpret, communicate, and process learning to
students to work in pairs to design their scale model wind fields. both others and themselves. Engineering/technology education
In the most recent implementation of the curriculum, student problem-based projects tend to be interdisciplinary and focus on
groupings were modified to teams of four. Larger groups al- evidence-based explanations. Problem-based projects should
lowed each team to utilize more generators than years past. This be designed for the application of math, science, and engineer-
allowed for a larger possible number of design configurations. ing technology performance tasks, integrating the conceptual
Shifting the number of students in a team was also done to allow ideas of the NGSS, CCSS, and STL standards. These standards
for the delegation of tasks (research, testing, construction, data advocate for the integration of engineering design into engineer-
collection, observation and analysis, wiring, etc.). Groups were ing and technology education and, as a consequence, accentu-
originally set at two students per team in an attempt to ensure ate STEM habits of mind. An internet search for engineering and
that all students would be task-oriented and also help to miti- technology education course projects will yield a repertoire of
gate student disengagement. However, when the group size was learning activities that teachers may repurpose and utilize in the
increased to four, the authors did not observe disengagement. teaching of problem-based learning activities through an inte-
On the contrary, students seemed to focus on their assigned grated STEM approach. For example, websites like tryengineer-
duties and worked collaboratively. This kind of peer collaboration (
fosters knowledge integration. view/cub_creative_curricularunit;

Figure 3. Student wind turbine designs.

November 2018 technology and engineering teacher 37

STEM habits of mind: enhancing a PBL design challenge—integrated STEM instruction approach

use-mini-lessons-to-launch-stem-projects/; www.envisionex- Gerard, L. F., Tate, E., Chiu, J., Corliss, S. B., & Linn, M. C. (2009). Collaboration and knowledge integration. In International
classroom; Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Proceedings of the 8th
engineering-activities) among others imply that the engineering International Conference of Computer Supported Collabora-
technology teacher, as well as the science and mathematics tive Learning (pp. 188–193). Rhodes, Greece: International
teachers, will need to collaborate and arrange learning experi- Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.
ences that foster STEM habits of mind through PBL. These Gurung, N. & Hayne, A. (2009). Exploring signature pedagogies:
activities should be designed to help students learn to identify Approaches to teaching disciplinary habits of mind. Sterling,
the knowledge and skills needed to develop and promote STEM VA: Stylus Publishing.
habits of mind through design challenges that engage students Hailey, E. C., Erekson, T, Becker, K., & Thomas, M. (2005). The
in completing the PBL activity to a tangible product. national center for engineering and technology education
(NCETE). Retrieved from
Conclusion viewcontent.cgi?article=1022&context=ncete_publications
International Technology Education Association (ITEA/ITEEA).
This article highlights the habits of mind popularized by Costa
(2000/2002/2007). Standards for technological literacy: Con-
and correlates them with Standards for Technology Literacy, Next
tent for the study of technology. Reston, VA: Author.
Generation Science Standards, and the Common Core State
Lucas, B. & Hanson, J. (2014). Thinking like an engineer: Using
Standards. An argument has been presented that these stan-
engineering habits of mind to redesign engineering educa-
dards could be the basis of a common approach to STEM habits
tion for global competitiveness, Retrieved from
of mind through authentic challenges that promote PBL-integrat-
ed STEM instruction. It is the intent of this article to contribute to
National Research Council. (2011). A framework for K-12 science
ongoing discussions among educators, employers, parents, and
education: Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas.
all those concerned, to seek the goal of interdisciplinary STEM
Washington DC: The National Academies Press.
instruction. Such a strategy may provide students with oppor-
Riskowski, J. L., Todd, C. D., Wee, B., Dark, M., & Harbor, J., (2009).
tunities to deepen their knowledge, expand their repertoire of
Exploring the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary water
technical skills, and enhance their appreciation of thinking tools,
resources engineering module in eighth grade science
processes, and strategies to solve 21st century global challenges.
course. The International Journal of Engineering Education,
25(1), 181-195.
References U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Educa-
Brent, N. R., Deaton, L. M., Tang, D. J., & Handley, K. M. (2012) In- tion, Enrollment in Teacher Preparation Programs (2015).
corporating habits of the mind into science and technology National teacher preparation data at a glance (Washington,
curricula. 2012 Conference Proceedings on Higher Education D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, 2015). Retrieved from
Pedagogy. Retrieved from
ceProceedings.pdf rollment_V4a.pdf
Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st
Century: An Agenda for American Science and Technology.
(2007). Rising above the gathering storm: Energizing and Paul A. Asunda, Ph.D. is an assistant profes-
employing America for a brighter economic future. National sor in the Department of Technology Leader-
Academies Press. ship and Innovation at Purdue University. He
Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2014). Read the stan- can be reached at
dards. Retrieved from John Weitlauf is a secondary teacher in Ox-
Costa, L. A. (2008). Describing the habits of mind. Retrieved from ford, IN and is involved in PLTW, the Phoenix Contact Nanoline Contest, and Super Mileage.
Describing-the-Habits-of-Mind.aspx He can be reached at jweitlauf@benton.k12.

This is a refereed article.

38 technology and engineering teacher November 2018

Reproduced with permission of copyright owner. Further reproduction
prohibited without permission.

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