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Answer the following questions about Christmas.

1 What word, beginning with 'N', represents peace and is often associated with


Answer: ________
2 In what modern country was Saint Nicholas, the inspiration for Santa Claus, born?

Answer: _________

3 What color are the berries of the mistletoe plant?

Answer: _________

4 Which ocean is Christmas Island located in?

Answer: _________

5 Which continent is the North Pole on?

Answer: _________

6 How many points does a traditional Christmas star have?

Answer: _________

7 What do people traditionally leave out for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve?

Answer: _________

8 What is the name of the reindeer known for having a very shiny nose?

Answer: _________

9 What is the name of the angel who visited Mary in the Nativity story?

Answer: _________

10 What is traditionally hidden inside a Christmas cracker?

Answer: _________
Answer the following questions about Christmas.

1 What word, beginning with 'N', represents peace and is often associated with


Answer: Noel.
2 In what modern country was Saint Nicholas, the inspiration for Santa Claus, born?

Answer: Turkey

3 What color are the berries of the mistletoe plant?

Answer: White

4 Which ocean is Christmas Island located in?

Answer: The Indian Ocean.

5 Which continent is the North Pole on?

Answer: It's in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.

6 How many points does a traditional Christmas star have?

Answer: Five

7 What do people traditionally leave out for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve?

Answer: Cookies and milk.

8 What is the name of the reindeer known for having a very shiny nose?

Answer: Rudolph.

9 What is the name of the angel who visited Mary in the Nativity story?

Answer: Gabriel.

10 What is traditionally hidden inside a Christmas cracker?

Answer: A small toy, a paper crown, and a joke.

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