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Active Listening

An essential
component of
during customer
Here are some ways
to display active
Pay Attention.
Focus on the customer and avoid
distractions. Maintain eye contact and
give them your undivided attention.
Repeat what the customer said in your
own words to show that you understood
what they said. This also helps to clarify
any misunderstandings.
Ask open-ended
Ask questions that require more than a yes or no
answer to encourage the customer to share more
Reflect Feelings
Pay attention to the customer's tone
of voice and body language and
reflect their emotions back to them to
show that you understand how they
Take notes.
Jotting down notes can help you
remember important details and show
the customer that you value their input
At the end of the interaction,
summarize what the customer has said
to ensure that you have understood
their needs ad concerns.
By demonstrating active listening
skills, you show the customer that
you value their opinions, and you
are committed to providing them
with the best experience possible.

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