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What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a Metabolic Disorder that occurs either when the pancreas

can’t produce the hormone insulin necessary for converting sugar into
energy (type 1) or when the body is unable to use the insulin it produces in
the proper manner (type 2)

International Diabetes Federation (IDF) released a report in 2012, stated

that close to 52% of Indians are unaware that they are suffering from high
blood sugar; also they add that the number of Indians with diabetes
mellitus is expected to cross the 100 million mark by 2030.

Classification of diabetes
1 – Type 1 Diabetics is caused by an autoimmune or genetic dysfunction
where pancreas fail to secrete enough insulin, usually affects people
under the age of 30.
2 – Type 2 Diabetics typically shows insulin resistance – condition where
cells fail to respond to insulin. Type 2 Diabetics affects 90% of diabetics
and it is usually caused by excess body weight and inactivity.
3 – Gestational Diabetes in pregnant women without previous history of

Whatever the type of Diabetes, the earlier the condition is diagnosed and
treated, the better it is. Daily practice of Yoga poses, pranayama,
Meditation along with medication and Diet modifications helps manage
and overcome Diabetes.
Yoga asanas for diabetes

Yoga Asana useful for Diabetes cure are those which bring about a stretch
and twist in lower thoracic and upper lumbar region, where pancreas is
located. These yoga asana are believed to increase the blood supply,
massage the organs, activate its cells and thereby cause an increase in
secretion of insulin; reducing high blood sugar.

1. Yoga asana regenerates/rejuvenates pancreatic cells by abdominal

stretching; also by enhancing enzymatic process it may increase utilization
and metabolism of glucose in peripheral tissues.
2. Yoga Asana can cause muscular relaxation, enhance muscular
development and improve circulation to muscles; all of these might
enhance insulin receptor expression on muscles and causes increase in
glucose uptake by muscles and thus reducing blood sugar.
3. It has been seen that various yoga postures can improve sensitivity of b-
cells of the pancreas to glucose signal and also improve insulin sensitivity.
This can result in better glucose uptake and reduction of blood sugar.
4. Certain Yoga Asana can directly stimulate pancreas by enhancing
circulation in the meridian of pancreas and rejuvenates its capacity to
produce insulin.
5. Evidence suggests that regular yoga practice can significant reduce body
weight, which is particularly important to keep diabetes under check.
6. Symptoms of diabetes can be worsened by increase in blood pressure.
Yoga Asana like corpse pose, bridge pose child pose and yoga nidra has
been seen beneficial in controlling hypertension.
7. Bandhas in yoga are neuromuscular locks that regulate and stimulate
endocrine secretions in the body, and also realigns, revitalizes and
improves the functioning of the organs and the glands that get affected by
8. Many Studies have confirmed that practising specific Yoga Asana such
as Ardha Matsyendrasana (half-twist pose) combined with Dhanurasana
(bow pose), Vakrasana (twisted pose), Matsyendrasana (half-spinal twist),
Halasana (plough pose) squeezes and compresses the abdomen and
helps stimulate the pancreatic secretions which causes more insulin to
rush into blood.

Special considerations for diabetics while performing Yoga

1. One should monitor glucose levels throughout the program, and take
appropriate medication as prescribed.
2. It is advisable to Practice yoga in the morning and evening for 40 to 60
minutes with the recommended series of postures according to one’s
3. Postures should be maintained to get maximum benefits. The
maintenance period should be increased gradually from five seconds to a
minute, or even longer, depending on the posture and capacity of the
4. One should always focus on Breath during the maintenance of the

Best yoga asanas for diabetes cure

1. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) Surya Namaskar is an extremely
beneficial yoga practice for high blood sugar as it improves the blood
circulation of pancreas and enhances utilization of insulin in the body. If
performed at a slow pace (six rounds a minute), suryanamaskar work best
to give you major benefits.
2. Trikonasana (the triangle pose) This yoga posture reduces the damaging
effect of diabetes on kidneys – a risk every diabetic is likely to experience.
And thus helps in improving digestion and absorption.
3. Padahastasana (hand under foot pose) This forward-bending posture helps in
direct stimulation of the organs and glands in the abdominal region, such
as the kidneys, liver and pancreas. Padahastasana also helps to
strengthen abdominal muscles and improve function of abdominal
4. Pavanmuktasana (wind-relieving pose) This gas-releasing posture helps to
brace up the entire system of the body, including the pancreas, liver,
spleen, and abdominal muscles and helps to release excess gas from the
abdomen. Pavanmuktasana also helps in relieving constipation – a
common problem faced by diabetics.
5. Viparit Karani (legs up the wall pose) This posture stimulates the pancreas
and other abdominal viscera and brings significant improvement in blood
sugar control.
6. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) This asana is known to strengthen the spine
and improve in functioning of abdominal organs, thereby aiding digestion.
7. Matsyasana (Fish pose) This asana stretches the abdominal muscles and
also helps in proper toning of the abdominal organs including pancreas.
When performed with controlled breathing, this posture helps to combat
8. Shalabhasana (Grasshopper/Locust pose) This asana is very helpful in the
treatment of diabetes as it stimulates abdominal organs, exercises the leg
and back muscles, and helps in relieving stress.
9. Vakrasana (Twisted pose) This asana helps to stimulates pancreas and
controls the enlargement of the liver. Also it helps in removing excess fat
around the waist.
10. Mandukasana (Frog pose) This is an extremely beneficial pose for people
suffering from high blood sugar as it exerts pressure on the pancreas and
improves the function of all abdominal organs.
11. Vrikshasana (Tree pose) Tree pose directly stimulate pancreas to secrete
12. Dhanurasana (Bow pose) Dhanurasana helps in improving the functioning
of pancreas and intestines. Regular practice will activate organs like liver,
pancreas, and enzyme producing organs.
13. Halasana (Plough Pose) Halasana massages all internal organs like
pancreas, spleen and activates immune system. It improves function of
kidney and liver and helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles. It
helps in rejuvenation of the mind.
14. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Twist Pose) It massages all the abdominal
organs like kidneys, pancreas, small intestines, gall bladder and liver, aids
in digestion and squeeze out toxins
Yoga for diabetes cure – What evidence says
1. In an interventional research of 8-days involving 98 subjects with
diabetes found clinically significant reduction in fasting blood sugar (FBS),
serum total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins (LDL), very low density
lipoproteins (VLDL), the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL-C, and total
triglycerides and significant improvement in HDL-C, on the last day of the
course compared with the first day.
2. A comparative study of yoga practice with physical training showed that
yoga practice for 6 months can significantly reduce fasting blood sugar,
lipid levels, markers of oxidative stress, whereas physical training could
have effect only on blood glucose but had few of other benefits.
3. In an another study of 20 type 2 diabetes patients showed marked
reduction in fasting blood glucose, waist-hip ratio and significant changes
in insulin levels by performing yoga routine for 40 days under supervision
of yoga teacher. The asanas performed were – Surya namaskar (sun
salutation), Trikonasana (triangle pose), Tadasana (mountain pose),
Padmasana (lotus pose), Bhastrika Pranayama (breathing exercise),
Pashimottanasana (posterior stretch), Ardhmatsyendrasana (half spinal
twist), Pawanmuktasana (joint freeing series), Bhujangasana (cobra pose),
Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose), Dhanurasana (bow pose), and Shavasana
(corpse pose).

Pranayama for Diabetes

Pranayama helps to make mind calm and balances the interaction
between pituitary gland and pancreas. Pranayama helps to cure diabetes
in following ways

1. Pranayama controls the movement of inhalation, exhalation and the

refection of vital energy.
2. Pranayama also reduces the blood pressure and weight of the
individual-two possible causes of diabetes.
3. Pranayama also reduces progression of complications and the severity
of complications caused by diabetes as well.
4. Stress induces glucagon secretion which has an opposite action as that
of insulin. Pranayama effectively reduce stress and glucagon and possibly
improving insulin action.
5. Pranayama causes muscle relaxation and improve blood supply which
might enhance insulin sensitivity.
6. Pranayama reduces levels of stress hormones (cortisol). This helps to
reduce insulin resistance.

A few beneficial pranayama for diabetes care

1. Bharamari – It helps to make mind calm and rejuvenates body and
nervous system.
2. Bhasrika pranayama – It is a revitalizing pranayama. It helps to increase
oxygen level and decrease carbon dioxide levels in the blood. It helps to
put pressure on abdominal organs by using abdominal muscles and
3. Nadi Shodhan pranayama – is very helpful for diabetics. It helps to release
stress and flush out toxins out from the body.
4. Sudarshan kriya – it is an excellent technique to combat diabetes. It has
helped several diabetics across the world in controlling their condition
from getting worse.
5. Anulom vilom – alternate nosrtril breathing has been seen to have
calming effects on nervous system and helps to facilitate homeostasis. It
helps to manage stress and helps in controlling blood sugar level.
6. Kapalbhatti – stimulates pancreas to release insulin thus helps in
controlling diabetes. Kapalbhati combined with nauli kriya helps in
balancing the basal metabolic rate which in turn helps to stabilize blood
sugar level.
It is advisable to learn complete abdominal breathing, fast breathing,
anuloma viloma, kapalbhati, alternate nostril breathing, bandhas from
yoga guru before practicing these pranayama.

Meditation can help with Diabetes care

It is seen that stress is the major cause of diabetes and in turn the
condition itself makes the patients more stressed about it, which further
aggravates the condition. Also diabetics lose self confidence and stop
taking precaution to keep it under control as it is a lifelong disease. It is
observed that certain people crave more for sweet things after they are
diagnosed with diabetes. This is where meditation has its role. It restores
confidence levels and improves will power and gives strength to fight the
condition and live well.
How Meditation helps cure Diabetes
1. Evidence suggests that Meditation can help in reducing blood sugar
levels by regulating sleep patterns, as sleep is very important for natural
healing of the body.
2. Practicing Meditation helps in reducing anxiety and stress – main cause
of type 2 diabetes.
3. The practice of the Meditation for even a short period of time has been
shown to be associated with increased insulin sensitivity and a lowering of
the blood sugar, thereby decreasing the risk factors of diabetes.
4. Meditation help patients achieve homeostasis, which is a balance in the
body — there by promote optimum functioning of autonomic nervous
system, endocrine system and other vital processes – thus body achieves
a cure by itself.
5. Studies have proved that meditation can promote regulation of cortisol
and other stress hormones. Structured programs of meditation, such as
Transcendental Meditation and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
(MBSR), train participants to focus attention and diaphragmatic breathing
to promote relaxation response.
6. During the practice of meditation the amount of carbon dioxide
elimination reduces in proportion to oxygen consumed without any effect
on respiratory quotient (relative amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide
concentration) as studies by Wallace et al. Meditation produces internal
homeostasis and reduction in stress levels.
7. Mindfulness during Meditation promotes self awareness and increases
person’s will power by teaching discipline. It not only leads to better food
choices, but the food is digested and assimilated into the body in a more
efficient way.
Transcendental Meditation technique is a stress reduction technique, and
since diabetes can be worsened by both physiologic and psychological
stress, it makes sense that the regular practice of the Transcendental
Meditation technique may improve the ability to control diabetes”.

A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2006, has shown

that practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation program experience a
significant decrease in insulin resistance, as measured by HOMA and an
overall improvement in sugar levels. “HOMA” stands for homeostasis model
assessment, and is a measure of a person’s insulin level.
A study presented at American diabetes association conference suggested
that mindfulness meditation can help diabetics, which is a non-judgmental
awareness of thoughts and actions in the present moment and involves
judgment, patience, beginner’s mind, trust, non-striving, acceptance and
let go.

Cleansing processes helps cure Diabetes

Especially for diabetes Master cleansing or Shankha Prakshalana is

recommended. Complete process of Shankha Prakshalana takes 1 day
and is recommended once in 6 months, but smaller alternative of it can be
done 3 times a week. This process helps to clean the Gastro Intestinal
tract completely. This process is done by drinking 2 glasses of warm, salty
water with lemon juice added to it. Then 6 different exercises are
performed, these exercises help to speed up the peristaltic movements
and one needs to evacuate bowels. In 2 hours about 7 to 8 bowels are

Yogic diet helps cure Diabetes

A balanced diet rich in fiber, whole grains, legumes and vegetables should
be implemented to get maximum benefits of the regimen.

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