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Individual sports:

1. Running: is a competition, the athlete has to finish the course

of about 1, 2, or 5 kilometers, and the first one who reaches the
finish line will be the winner.
2. swimming: is an individual sport that requires the strength
and flexibility to move through water by the whole body. The
sport usually takes place in the pool or some other places like a
lake or even the sea. Athletes need to wear specialized items
such as swimsuits, swim caps, and goggles.
3. Surfing: is a surface water sport in which an individual, a
surfer, uses a board to ride on the forward section, or face, of a
moving wave of water, which usually carries the surfer towards
the shore. Waves suitable for surfing are primarily found
on ocean shores.
Team sports:
1. Soccer: is a game played by two teams of 11 players using a
round ball. The players kick the ball to each other and try to
score by kicking the ball into a large net. At the end of the
specified time, the team that has more scores by shot into the
opponent's net will be the winner.
2. Basketball: is a game played between two teams of five
players each on a rectangular court, usually indoors. they use a
large ball that players try to throw into a high net hanging from
a ring
4. Rowing: is the sport of racing boats. Rowing races are often
held on large rivers. When sculling, each rower holds two oars
—one in each hand. They push their ability to the limit to row
and reach the destination. The boat that matches the finish line
first will win.

What is your favorite sport? Why? Why did you love it?
+ What is your favorite sport that you want to share?
+ Why do you love this sport?
+ Point out the advantages of this sport.
I'm a big on volleyball sport. Volleyball is one of the national
sports in our country, so I followed this in high school. At the
first time I played it, It was really hard and required you to
practice constantly every single day. Yeah, you know. After a
few months of playing this sport, I found joy and felt more and
more exhilarated when I played volleyball. I enjoyed playing
with my friends day by day and it taught me how to develop
teamwork ability. Playing volleyball keeps me healthy and
improves my flexibility. So that is why I love volleyball.

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