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1. Do you often swim?

Immerse my body in the freshness of water : ngam minh trong nguon nuoc mat
Have a knack for sth: co nang khieu
Have a natural affinity for water: co menh thuy
2. Did you learn to swim when you were a child?
Take up a swimming course
An avid swimmer: nguoi hay boi loi
My friend accidentally fell into a river : ban toi lo te xuong song
I’m extremely scared of falling into the water without the surveillance of a lifeguard: toi rat so
nga xuong nuoc ma khong co su giam sat cua nguoi cuu ho
Aquaphobia (n) chung so nuoc
Water safety: an toan nuoc
Give me an immense sense of trepidation: khien toi bi am anh tot do vi so hai
Exhilarated (a) phan khoi
Chemical taste: vi hoa hoc
Chlorine (n) clo
I live in the area that is not surrounded by water: Toi song o noi ma bao quanh khong phai la
Suffocated (a) nghet tho
Urine (n) nuoc tieu
3. Are there many places to swim near you?
Within a vicinity of: trong pham vi cua…
Escape from the unbearable heat during dog days of summer: trong chay khoi cai nang gay gat
cua mua he
As I mentioned earlier,…: nhu toi vua de cap o tren
There are a lot of swimming courses available in my area.
Admire the tranquility (su yen tinh) and magnificence (su hung vi) of nature, travelling to
beaches to enjoy the natural ambience (khong gian thien nhien) seems like a pro idea (y tuong
I spend my childhood growing up in a rural area
Hollow (a) sâu

4. Is swimming very popular in your country?

Swimming is one of the activities that are gaining popularity among the young generations
I don’t know the first thing about swimming: toi khong biet boi
have high awareness of V-ing: có nhận thức cao về
Highly recommended activity: hoat hong duoc khuyen nen lam
Boost your physical stamina: tang suc chiu dung the chat
Body resistance : suc de khang co the
Additionally/ on top of that/ in addition to that/ moreover/ furthermore/ Plus
When it comes to + V-ing (improving my flexibility)
Equip them with essential life skills
They are more aware of their kids’ safety
Suffer from the extreme heat during dog days of summer
Winning several swimming prizes is a unique selling point which makes a candidate stand out
among others when it comes to university admission.
Take up a swimming course
Vietnam is bordered by many beaches and rivers
5. Why do many people enjoy swimming?
The biggest …I could come up with is
Following this is definitely….
And then we should not overlook ….
It varies from person to person: moi nguoi moi khac
Being drowned: bi duoi nuoc
Drowning prevention: su phong ngua duoi nuoc
Take precautionary measures: bien phap phong ngua
Improve their height : cai thien chieu cao
Alleviate anxiety: giam cang thang
Lubricate bone joints: lam tron khop xuong
Prevent accidental drowning: ngua tai nan duoi nuoc
Floater (n) phao boi
Life coat : ao phao boi
Ward off (v) day lui
6. What do you think are the benefits of swimming?
Reap a lot of rewards from sth: gat hai duoc nhieu loi ich tu viec…
Boost your physical stamina: suc chiu dung the chat
Give you a Chiseled physique : co the cuong trang
Improve your flexibility (n) su deo dai
Offers a lot of therapeutic effects: nhieu lieu phap chua tri
Low-intensity (a) khong phai lao dong manh
Have problems staying afloat
Instill a sense of composure: khien cho ta binh tinh hon
7. How popular are bicycles in your hometown?
Maneuver (v) lạng lách
Reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions: giam luong khi thai
Sth is used widely : cai gi duoc su dung rong rai
Weave though/ in and out the intense traffic/ crowd: len lỏi vào đám đông
Cycling is a great way to burn calories (dot calo) and boost our physical stamina (tang su chiu
dung the chat)
Time-saving (a) tiet kiem thoi gian
Amid the fast-paced life in most cities,…
In big cities which are densely populated,
8. How do you exercise?
Doing intense physical exercises : hoạt động thể chất cường độ cao
Stiffen muscles: lam co san chac hon
Under waist : mong
Do some warm up: khởi động
Stretching: dãn cơ
Bending over: cúi gập
Do jumping jack: bài tập bật nhảy
Work out very intensely: tập luyện nặng
Deadlift/ squat: Hai bài tập ở phòng tập gym
Couch potato: người lười nhác, dành nhiều thời gian xem tivi
Gain a lot of weight: tăng nhiều cân
Hit the gym: đi tập gym
Lose the pounds: giảm cân
Stick with something: kiên trì với cái gì đó
Treadmill (n) may chay bo

9. What’s the most popular sport in your country?

Promote Patriotism : the hien long yeu nuoc
Acquire its reputation for st (ph.v): Nổi tiếng về cái gì
Football pitch ( Sân bóng
Take possession of the ball (ph.v): Giữ bóng
Pass to (ph.v): Chuyền bóng cho
Score a goal (ph.v): Ghi bàn
Booking (n): Thẻ phạt
Football match: tran dau bong da
Connective tissues are not stretched enough: nhung mo ket noi khong gian du
10. How often do you ride a bicycle?
Environmentally-friendly means of transportation : nhung Phuong tien giao thong than thien voi
moi truong
Take a breather: di nghi xa hoi hong gio
Meander/ saunter/ take a stroll/ramble/ amble: di tan man
Semi-professional: vận động viên bán chuyên nghiệp
Have a great passion for something: có niềm đam mê với cái gì
Mini-stadium: sân vận động mini
Persistence: sự kiên trì
11. Do you think bicycles are suitable for all ages?
Physically demanding sports: môn thể thao cần thể lực tốt
Chiseled physique: co the ran chac
Reduce the risk of contracting heart diseases and obesity : giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim mạch và
béo phì
Traffic congestion/ traffic jam: ket xe
Be alive and kicking (idiom) còn sung (sau khi bị bệnh)
Physically resilient (a): deo dai ve mat the chat
Be full of beans (idiom): nang dong (tính cách)
As fit as a fiddle (idiom): khoe manh deo dai
Narrow (a) hẹp
Tortuous (a) ngoan ngheo
Require a fair bit of maneuvering: yeu cau phai lang lach mot chut
12. What are the advantages of owning a bicycle compared to a car?
Pay through the nose(tra rat nhieu tien) for car maintenance fee (phi bao hanh xe hoi) every
Get your tires inflated : bom xe dap
Eco-friendly (a)than thien voi moi truong
Bicycle riding involves intense physical movements
Meticulousness (n) sự tỉ mỉ
Pedaling (đạp xe nhanh) / peddling (bán hàng rong)
Peddle malicious gossip : tám chuyện tọc mạch ác ý
Get in shape: có cơ thể đẹp
get lean: gầy bớt đi
Be dead-broke: cháy túi
Eat into your savings: ăn vào
Have To/ maintenance (p)/ take over a lot of space/ cumbersome (a) cồng kềnh
13. Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time. You should say:
- what you did
- where and when you did it
- how you felt about it later
- and say if you would recommend this activity to your friends.
My brain is like a sieve (idiom): Đầu tôi có trí nhớ không tốt
It’s been in donkey’s years (đã lâu lăm rồi) since the last time I went for a swim
Boost people’s confidence : tăng độ tự tin
Pique my curiosity : khuấy động sự tò mò
Hot tempered people : người nóng tính
Keep their cool: giữ bình tĩnh
Jump into the pool from a jumping board
While away/kill some time: giết thời gian
No matter how urgent the situation they are in is: Không kể tình huống khẩn cấp như thế nào
The water was crystal clear: nước cực kỳ trong trẻo
Be coy of sth: hơi rén rén về điều gì
Get cold feet when….: cảm thấy rén và phân vân
Breaststroke : bơi ếch
Without hesitation


The professional career paths available to graduates from courses relating to

human movement and sport science are as diverse as the graduate’s
imagination. However, undergraduate courses with this type of content, in
Australia as well as in most other Western countries, were originally
designed as preparation programmes for Physical Education (PE) teachers.
The initial programmes commenced soon after the conclusion of World War
II in the mid-1940s. One of the primary motives for these initiatives was the
fact that, during the war effort, so many of the men who were assessed for
military duty had been declared unfit. The government saw the solution in the
providing of Physical Education programmes in schools, delivered by better
prepared and specifically educated PE teachers.

Later, in the 1970s and early 1980s, the surplus of Australians graduating
with a PE degree obliged institutions delivering this qualification to identify
new employment opportunities for their graduates, resulting in the first
appearance of degrees catering for recreation professionals. In many
instances, this diversity of programme delivery merely led to degrees,
delivered by physical educators, as a sideline activity to the production of PE

Whilst the need to produce Physical Education teachers remains a significant

social need, and most developed societies demand the availability of quality
leisure programmes for their citizens, the career options of graduates within
this domain are still developing. The two most evident growth domains are in
the area of the professional delivery of sport, and the role of a physical
lifestyle for community health.

The sports industry is developing at an unprecedented rate of growth. From a

business perspective, sport is now seen as an area with the potential for high
returns. It is quite significant that the businessman Rupert Murdoch
broadened his business base from media to sport, having purchased an
American baseball team and an Australian Rugby League competition, as
well as seeking opportunities to invest in an English football club. No
business person of such international stature would see fit to invest in sport
unless he was satisfied that this was a sound business venture with ideal
revenue-generating opportunities.

These developments have confirmed sport as a business with professional

management structures, marketing processes, and development strategies in
place. They have indicated new and developing career paths for graduates of
human movement science, sport science, exercise science and related
degrees. Graduates can now visualise career paths extending into such
diverse domains as sport management, sport marketing, event and facility
management, government policy development pertaining to sport, sport
journalism, sport psychology, and sport or athletic coaching.

Business leaders will only continue their enthusiasm for sport if they receive
returns for their money. Such returns will only be forthcoming if astute,
enthusiastic and properly educated professionals are delivering the programs
that earn appropriate financial returns. The successful universities of the 21st
century will be those that have responded to this challenge by delivering such

A second professional growth area for this group of graduates is associated

with community health. The increasing demand for government expenditure
within health budgets is reaching the stage where most governments are
simply unable to function in a manner that is satisfying their constituents.
One of the primary reasons for this problem is the unhelpful emphasis on
treatment in medical care programmes. Governments have traditionally given
their senior health official the title of ‘Minister for Health’, when in fact this
officer has functioned as ‘Minister for Sickness and the Construction of
Hospitals’. Government focus simply has to change. If the change is not
brought about for philosophical reasons, it will occur naturally, because
insufficient funding will be available to address the ever-increasing costs of
medical support.

Graduates of human movement, exercise science and sport science have the
potential to become major players in this shift in policy focus. It is these
graduates who already have the skills, knowledge and understanding to
initiate community health education programmes to reduce cardio-vascular
disease, to reduce medical dependency upon diabetes, to improve workplace
health leading to increased productivity, to initiate and promote programmes
of activity for the elderly that reduce medical dependency, and to maintain an
active lifestyle for the unemployed and disadvantaged groups in society. This
is the graduate that governments will be calling upon to shift the community
focus from medical dependency to healthy lifestyles in the decades ahead.

The career paths of these graduates are developing at a pace that is not
evident in other professions. The contribution that these graduates can make
to society, and the recognition of this contribution is at an unprecedented
high, and all indications are that it will continue to grow.
Questions 1-5
Complete the flow chart below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each

The history of sports and physical science in Australia

A lot of people identified as being 1. unfit

Introduction of PE to 2. schools

Special training programmes for 3. PE teachers

4. Surplus of PE graduates

Identification of alternative 5. Employment opportunities

Diversification of course delivery

Questions 6-13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading

Passage 299?
In boxes 3-13 on your answer sheet, write -

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

6. Sport is generally regarded as a profitable area for investment. T

7. Rupert Murdoch has a personal as well as a business interest in sport. NG
8. The range of career opportunities available to sport graduates is increasing.
9. The interests of business and the interests of universities are linked. T
10. Governments have been focusing too much attention on preventative
medicine. F
11. It is inevitable that government priorities for health spending will change.
12. Existing degree courses are unsuitable for careers in community health. F
13. Funding for sport science and related degrees has been increased
considerably. NG

1. What is exercise good for?
Exercise is good for our bodies and minds
2. What health benefits can we get if we are young and do exercise regularly?
Exercising, especially when we're young, has all sorts of health benefits, like
strengthening our bones, clearing out bad cholesterol from our arteries, and
decreasing the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
3. What chemicals do our brains release when we work out?
Our brains also release a number of chemicals when we work out, including
4. What do these natural hormones control? In what part of the brain? What
kind of feeling does this process lead to?
These natural hormones, which control pain and pleasure responses in the
central nervous system, can lead to feelings of euphoria, or, what's often
called, a runner's high.
5. Fill in the blanks:
Increased endorphins and consistent physical activity in general can sharpen
your focus and improve your mood and memory.
6. What are the most significant benefits if you can find a sport and a team you
Some of the most significant are psychological benefits, both in the short
and long term.
7. Give some examples of the benefits from the communal experience of being
on a team.
Learning to trust and depend on others, to accept help, to give help, and to
work together towards a common goal.
8. What make it easier to establish a regular habit to exercise?
Commitment to a team and doing st fun
9. What has school sport participation shown? What are the reasons for that?
Example and explanation.
School support participation has also been shown to reduce the risk of
suffering from depression for up to four years, meanwhile, your self-esteem
and confidence can get a big boost.
There are a few reasons for that. One is found in training. Just by working
and working at skills, especially with a good coach, you reinforce a growth
mindset within yourself. That's when you say, "Even if I can't do something
today, I can improve myself through practice and achieve it eventually."
That mindset is useful in all walks of life. And then there's learning through
failure, one of the most transformative, long-term benefits of playing sports.
The experience of coming to terms with defeat can build the resilience and
self-awareness necessary to manage academic, social, and physical hurdles.
So even if your team isn't winning all the time, or at all, there's a real benefit
to your experience.

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