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Poverty is a state of mind

Ladies and gentlemen, I am here today to tell you something that you may not
want to hear, but you need to hear. Poverty is not real. Poverty is an illusion.
Poverty is a state of mind. Yes, you heard me right. Poverty is a state of mind.

Now, before you start throwing tomatoes at me, let me explain what I mean by
that. I am not saying that there are no people who are suffering, who are
hungry, who are homeless, who are sick, who are oppressed. I am not saying
that there are no problems in the world that need to be solved. I am not saying
that we should ignore or neglect the needs of others.

What I am saying is that poverty is not a fixed or objective reality. Poverty is a

relative and subjective perception. Poverty is a mindset that limits our
potential, our creativity, our happiness, and our freedom. Poverty is a belief
that we are not enough, that we do not have enough, that we cannot do

And this belief is what keeps us in poverty. Because if we believe that we are
poor, then we will act like we are poor. We will focus on what we lack, instead
of what we have. We will fear losing what we have, instead of sharing what we
have. We will compete with others, instead of collaborating with others. We
will blame others, instead of helping others.

But if we believe that we are rich, then we will act like we are rich. Not rich in
terms of money or material possessions, but rich in terms of hope, confidence,
dignity, and self-worth. We will focus on what we have, instead of what we lack.
We will share what we have, instead of fearing losing what we have. We will
collaborate with others, instead of competing with others. We will help others,
instead of blaming others.
This is the power of the mind. The mind can either be your greatest ally or your
worst enemy. The mind can either create your reality or destroy your reality.
The mind can either make you or break you.

So how do you change your mind? How do you break free from the illusion of
poverty? How do you transform your mindset from one of scarcity to one of

The answer is simple, but not easy. The answer is: **you decide**.

You decide to change your attitude. You decide to change your perspective. You
decide to change your habits. You decide to change your actions.

You decide to be grateful for what you have, instead of complaining about what
you don't have. You decide to see opportunities
Thank you

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