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Human Problems:

Human problems are the things we are facing in every day's life. I believe
the root of every human problem is a deep-seated basic selfishness in each one
of us. We are motivated by what is best for us, even if it's buried deep, deep
beneath all the fluff we tell ourselves.

We are human and human always have problems. we create solutions for them
which are actually bigger problems in disguise. After that, we find out that we
actually upgraded the problems. What isn't the human problem?

People are happy to settle for an image of what they would like people to believe
they are, instead of doing the hard stuff required to becoming someone that
people will admire.

 Do you feed the hungry?

 How much satisfaction do you take from this act?
 Do you volunteer at homeless shelters?
 What's it like when you receive praise from others for your sacrifice?
 How do we find food and shelter?
 How can we find someone to reproduce with?
 How do we bring up our children to have enough status and property to
make them attractive mates?
 How do we bring up our children to do what makes them happy?
 How do we reconcile the two previous questions?

We all derive something from every "selfless" act we do that is a positive for us.
If we don't, we don't continue to do that exercise. This doesn't make us evil. It
has a sense of balance to it. We just tend to see things in ourselves that we
want to see, and often, we miss the reality of just who and what we are deep

Generally, the less self-aware a person is, the bigger the mess they make trying
to fix the messes others made.

We have an appalling lack of empathy anymore.

Humility is often rejected as a weakness, not a strength.

What does life mean? How do we make meaning? How do we know the right
thing to do? How can we stop war? How can we get along? How can we govern
ourselves effectively?

There is no one problem and no way to sum up all our problems into one easy
catch phrase without doing a lot of hurt to humanity. We are constantly
struggling for status, so people will like us and admire us and want to spend
time with us. Even if we have given up out of self-hatred, we still secretly wish
to be loved.

One might say love is the biggest problem. How can we get the love we want?
How can we get enough love to feel okay about ourselves? But you can't really
separate the problem of love from any of the other problems that are crucially
important to solve.


Please always do well and don’t want to stay away from problems. Stay and find
the best solutions of problems and make better than better. Make your way of
life easier and make other's life easier as well.

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