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Discoveries in Africa and beyond

_Before the 1950s, anthropologists knew little about early humans

and their ancestors.
_Archaeopologists in east Africa stated uncovering ancient footprints,
bones, and tools.
_With these first key discoveries schols are began to form a picture of
life during prehistory.
Ancient Clues Found in East Africa In the 1930s
_anthropoloogists Mary Leakey and Louis Leakey Started searching
for clues to the humans past in a deep Canyon in Tanzania. called
Olduvai Gorge.
_As the Leakeys Searched the side of the forge, They found very
ancient tools Chipped from stone.
_More recent stone tools proved more Sohisticated-both smith and
polished-but the older ones wre exciting to the Leakeys.
_They felt the must be envidence of the makers of those tools in
Olduvai Gorge as well.
_In 1959, after more than two decades of searching Mary Leakey
found a skull embedded in ancient rock at Olduvai Gorge. After careful
testing Leakey Concluded that the skull belonged to an early hominids.
_additional endence of the first hominids was discovered in 1974 by
anthropologists Donalgd Johanson. In Ethiopia, Johanson found many
piece of a single hominid Skeleton, Wich was dated to at least 3 million
year a go.
_For the first time, archaeologists had enough of one skeleton to
piece together and really look at an early hominid. Johanson named his
search ‘’Lucy”

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