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Algunas cosas que puedes hacer todos los días para

What is the health?
Health Is a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the
absence of diasecise.

How do we take care our health

Follow a varied and balenced diet, which
provides us with the nutrients and calories that
our body needs to stay healthy. Hidrate
regulary, driking plenty of fluids, sleep a
sufficient number of hours. Practice physical
exervise regulary.

Why is good health important?

Our physical and mental well-being is
essential to be able yo fully develop pues
activities, cope with the stress of daily life, be
productive in the work and personal Sphere,
and thereby contribuye positively.

What do we should not to do?

•Shouldn' t smoking🚫🚬
•Shouldn' t eating too quickly🚫🥗
•Shouldn' t skipping some meals
•Sholudn' t 🚫💤🕚
sleep late
•Shouldn' t avoid processed food 🚫🍔🍕🍟

What do should we doto take care of it?

•You should yo follow a diet healthy 🥗🥙🍽️
•You should yo be vaccinated 💉🩺
•You should yo hace a good hygiene 🧼🚿
•You should sleep well 💤😴🛌
•You should yo drink watter 🥛🚰🏺

Because it is important a
Having medical checkups every year is very
important since, in addition to cheking your
health, It also allows you to detect diseases
that may not present symptoms AND aré not
Easy to

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