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 A broad movement characterized by practicing alternative spirituality. (self is deity)
 Where no moral absolutes exist,
 and where each person is free to practice their own perception of spirituality.
NEW AGERS use words like, “Spiritual but not religious” “love”, “acceptance”, and “inclusivism”
to attract followers.
They love nature to the point of worshipping nature – mother earth.
They love animals to the point of caring for them more than they care for humans.
NEW AGE books are labeled with phrases like “Discover the hidden force within you”, “Self-
enlightenment”, “Self-empowerment”, “You can heal yourself”, “Discover the secret within
NEW AGE is filled with mysticism, holism, enlightenment, environmentalism, transcendental
meditation, spiritual consciousness, reincarnation… if your looking for crazy – BOOM! You got it
1 Timothy 4:1–2 (NKJV)
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to
deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy…
2 Thessalonians 2:2–3 (NKJV)
not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, … as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no
one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first…

1. Because of its attractive false promises.
 “Let’s search the depts of the soul”. For all that God can do is focused in the soul.
 “Let’s seek for the God within us”. “Unleash the deity within you”.
 God becomes self, and self becomes God.
 “You are in ultimate control of the universe”.
2. Because of intellectualism – the principle that knowledge is wholly or chiefly derived from
 Reason is the final principle of reality.
 And that everything is relative (truth is subject to the individual).
 There is no absolute truth.
Intellectualism is a huge roadblock to faith.
 Faith is the only thing that leads us to an encounter with God!
 Intellectualism leads to an encounter with dark spirits.
People who are intellectual
 Have a limitless hunger for earthly wisdom.
 They read and absorb countless books, articles, and devour internet knowledge.
 They give large amounts of time to documentaries and philosophical teachings.
 They seek the highest education possible. Which then makes them believe that faith is
insignificant and the most insensible option a person could ever choose.
 They then turn their belief to the universe and develop theories like the BIG BANG.
2 Timothy 4:3–4 (TPT)
For the time is coming when they will no longer listen and respond to the healing words of
truth because they will become selfish and proud. They will seek out teachers with soothing
words that line up with their desires, saying just what they want to hear. 4 They will close their
ears to the truth and believe nothing but fables and myths.

The NEW AGE practice is man making themselves God!

 It’s what I want.
 It’s how I feel.
 It’s what I believe.
 It’s what I think.
 It’s what I say.
The NEW AGE movement was invented by lucifer. He was demoted and thrown out of heaven.
Isaiah 14:12-14
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer… 13 For you have said in your heart: ‘… I will
exalt my throne above the stars of God… 14 I will be like the Most High.’

Some practices of the NEW AGE CULT.

 Self-awareness, self-empowerment conventions.

 Psychic seminars.
 Workshops like “nature hikes in search of spirits”.
 Mystical meditation. Tuning into your inner self by blocking all external noise.
 Transcendental meditation. Chanting a mantra twice per day with your eyes closed to
connect with your inner awareness.
 Positive Affirmations. “I am blessed with divine abundance”, Inner peace is my sanctuary
guiding my every step”, “My spirit is connected with the divine, radiating pure light”, “I
am a vessel of divine love, spreading compassion and kindness”, “My spirit sours with
the cosmic energy of the universe”, “I release all worries and fears to divine guidance”,
“My souls is a sacred temple of the divine spirit”, I am surrounded by divine beings who
offer me love and guidance”…
 Visualizations. Is a mental act of picturing the desired outcome or goal in the mind's eye.
This process has a deep connection to the cosmos.
 Crystal and energy healing. spirits work behind these stones releasing demonic energies.
 NEW AGE Music meditation to elevate inner excellence. Listening to two different tones,
each at different frequencies, each in a different ear will cause the brain to produce a
third tone that brings peace.
 Collective cosmic consciousness.
 Chakra clearing – cleaning the seven energy points in your body.
 Stress management through Self-hypnosis and YOGA.
 Holistic healing. The combination of bush medicine and soul therapy.
 Magnetic therapy – relieving menstrual cramps and other body discomforts.
 Channeling energy. Becoming a conduit for energy to pass from a deceased person or
 Psychokinesis – mind over matter, causing objects to move without physical means.
 Telepathy – transference of thoughts into the mind from one person to the other.
 Dream therapy.

NEW AGE SPIRITUALITY feeds your ego by teaching there is no right and there is no wrong.
Just a flood of experiences that your soul goes through that ultimately make you God.

NEW AGERS have created their own buzz word for their movement – AUTARCHY = Self-

The political agenda of NEW AGERS ranges from abortion rights to gay rights, to animal rights,
polygamous privileges, prostitution, gambling. And Homosexuals may be the most enlightened
among us.


1. There is no absolute truth, all beliefs are valid. And all roads lead to God.
2. Humans are intrinsically divine. All things are divine.
3. Salvation is accomplished by good works and reincarnation. Never by grace through
4. Jesus was an enlightened teacher but not the son of God.
5. God is an impersonal consciousness and power. All is one. And all is God.

The greatest and most disheartening challenge for any NEW AGER is when overwhelming
tragedy strikes their life, and nothing they believe can help to change their situation.

Professors and teachers and coaches and life trainers of NEW AGE SPIRITUALITY are in just as
bad a shape, or worst, as the people they teach. Marked by addictions and divorces…
They are full of weaknesses, sins and errors themselves.

There are so many similarities between NEW AGE SPIRITUALTY and BIBLICAL SPIRITUALITY that
it takes quite some time for a new convert to Jesus to have their minds renewed to the truth.

Jeremiah 10:23–24 (MSG)

I know, GOD, that mere mortals can’t run their own lives, that men and women don’t have
what it takes to take charge of life. So correct us, GOD, as you see best….

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