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SK : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediete

KD : Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu
Materi :
a. Short talk (advertisement, announcement, reports, etc.)
b. Antonym, synonym
c. Affixes

1. Advertisement
Advertisement is a public promotion of some products or services. Some commercial advertising
media including billboards, radio, television, magazines, newspaper, etc. are using monologue to
persuade people to buy their products or use their services.

Annabel Furniture
“You need affordable furniture for your house, your office or even your
apartment? Come to my stand in Solo Fair at Radjiman Street. We sell various
furniture with contemporary design! ”

a. What is the advertisement about?
b. To whom is the advertisement for?
c. What does the advertisement persuade, a product or a service?

Using the best course method of teaching

With a qualified teacher
You will get the right place to learn English
Be communicative with us
Never think anymore; PRACTICE!!!
100% money back if you can’t speak English
Interested? Find us on 211 Sky Road, Jakarta.
For more details, visit us on

a. What is the advertisement about?
b. To whom is the advertisement for?
c. What does the advertisement persuade, a product or a service?

2. Announcement
Announcement is a monologue, which tells people an official statement, which gives certain

“Please don’t leave your luggage unattended on the station. Luggage left
unattended may be removed without warning or destroyed or damaged by the
security services. ”

a. What is the announcement about?
b. Where do we can find this announcement?
c. To whom is the announcement for?

We hereby inform all our business partners and peers that beginning in
March 2015, the corporate representative office of PT. Eternal, tbk currently
located at :
Plaza Bapindo, Mandiri Tower and Citibank Tower
Jl. Jederal Sudirman Kav. 54-55, Jakarta 12190
Tlp. (021) 5266287, Fax. (021) 5152234

Thus we communicate the above for public attention

PT. Eternal
Board of Directors

a. What is the announcement about?
b. Where do we can find this announcement?
c. To whom is the announcement for?

3. Reports
A report text describes something in general, not in specific. When we describe a cat in general,
for example: kinds of cats, its favorite food, its hobbies or habits, etc., the writing can be
classified as a report text. On the other hand, if we talk and describe a cat which lives in our
house, for example: its name, its hobbies or habits, etc., then the text is classified as descriptive
The purpose of report is to describe the true nature of something, ranging from natural, man-
made to social phenomena in our environment.
Generic structure:
a. General classification : describe the subject of the report and classification.
b. Description : tells what the phenomenon under discussion, in terms of parts, qualities,
habits or behavior.

Whale are large, intelligent, aquatic mammals (general classification). They breathe air
through blowhole(s) into lungs (unlike fish who breathe using gills). Whales have sleek,
streamlined bodies that move easily through the water. They are the only mammals, other than
manatees (sea cows), that live their entire lives in the water, and the only mammals that have
adapted to life in the open oceans. The biggest whale is the blue whale, which grows to be
about 94 feet (29 m) long – the height of a 9-story building. These enormous animals eat bout 4
tons of tiny krill each day, obtained by filter feeding through baleen. Adult blue whales have no
predators except man (Description).

a. What is the text about?
b. Where do the whales live?

c. What kind of whale is the biggest one?
d. What are their food?
e. How is the size of the blue whale?

1. Antonym (opposite meaning)
Beautiful ………………………………. Ugly ……………………………….
Big ………………………………. Small ……………………………….
Clean ………………………………. Dirty ……………………………….
Clever ………………………………. Stupid, silly ……………………………….
Dangerous ………………………………. Safe ……………………………….
Difficult ………………………………. Easy, simple ……………………………….
Different ………………………………. The same ……………………………….
Thick ………………………………. Thin ……………………………….
Top ………………………………. Bottom ……………………………….
Narrow ………………………………. Wide ……………………………….
Permanent ………………………………. Temporary ……………………………….
Rich ………………………………. Poor ……………………………….
Simple ………………………………. Complicated ……………………………….
Solid ………………………………. Liquid ……………………………….
Success ………………………………. Failure ……………………………….
Answer ………………………………. Ask ……………………………….
Buy ………………………………. Sell ……………………………….
Close ………………………………. Open ……………………………….
Come ………………………………. Go ……………………………….
Finish ………………………………. Start, begin ……………………………….
Pull ………………………………. Push ……………………………….
Start ………………………………. End ……………………………….
Take ………………………………. Give ……………………………….
Goodness ………………………………. Badness ……………………………….
Advantage ………………………………. Disadvantage ……………………………….
Mistake ………………………………. Correctness, truth ……………………………….
Friend ………………………………. Enemy ……………………………….
Friendship ………………………………. Enmity ……………………………….
Truth ………………………………. Lie/Untruth ……………………………….

2. Synonym (similar meaning)

Beautiful Pretty ……………………………….
Big Great, enormous ……………………………….
Broken Damaged ……………………………….
Clever Smart ……………………………….
Dangerous Hazardous ……………………………….
Difficult Hard ……………………………….
Easy Simple ……………………………….
Genuine Real ……………………………….
Famous Popular ……………………………….
Far Distant ……………………………….
Fast Quick ……………………………….
Slim Thin ……………………………….
Bitter Sour ……………………………….

Benefit Advantage ……………………………….
Friend Fellow ……………………………….
People Person ……………………………….
Dialogue Conversation ……………………………….
Garbage Rubbish ……………………………….
Gift Present ……………………………….
Hazard Danger ……………………………….
Mistake error ……………………………….
Problem Trouble ……………………………….
Situation Condition ……………………………….
Student Pupil ……………………………….
Teacher Instructor ……………………………….
Answer Reply ……………………………….
Buy Purchase ……………………………….
Guarantee Assure ……………………………….
Chase Run after ……………………………….
Check Examine ……………………………….
Close Shut ……………………………….
Come Arrive ……………………………….
Contain Consist of ……………………………….
Discover Find ……………………………….
Enjoy Like ……………………………….
Finish End ……………………………….

1. Prefixes
A prefix is syllable added to the beginning of the root of the word (prefix adalah suku kata yang
ditambahkan di awal kata dasar). The prefix can change the meaning of the root of word (prefix
dapat mengubah arti dari kata dasar tersebut).
a. UN means ‘”not” (UN berarti “tidak”)
Example :
Important + un = unimportant Means : Tidak penting
Aware + un = unaware Means : Tidak sadar
Believable + un = Unbelievable Means : Tidak bisa dipercaya
Happy + un = Unhappy Means : Tidak bahagia
Comfortable + un = Uncomfortable Means : Tidak nyaman
Able + un = Unable Means : Tidak dapat

b. DIS means “not” (DIS berarti “tidak”)

Example :
Advantage + dis = Disadvantage Means : Tidak beruntung
Agree + dis = Disagree Means : Tidak setuju
Like + dis = Dislike Means : Tidak suka
Appointment + dis = Disappointment Means : Tidak menyetujui
Please + dis = Displease Means : Tidak mempersilahkan
Order + dis = Disorder Means : Tidak memesan

c. OUT means “more than” (OUT berarti “lebih dari”)

Example :
Flow + out = Outflow
Look + out = Outlook
Run + out = Outrun
Grow + out = Outgrow
Talk + out = Outttalk

d. RE means “again” (RE berarti “lagi”)

Example :
Organize + re = Reorganize Means : Menyusun lagi
Use + re = Reuse Means : Menggunakan lagi
Produce + re = Reproduce Means : Menghasilkan lagi
Fill + re = Refill Means : Mengisi lagi

e. MULTI means “many” (MULTI berarti “banyak”)

Example :
National + multi = Multinational Means : Banyak bangsa
Cultural + multi = Multicultural Means : Banyak budaya
Color + multi = Multicolor Means : Banyak warna
Talented + multi = Multitalented Means : Banyak bakat
Various + multi = Multifarious Means : Banyak macam

f. PRE means “before” (PRE berarti “sebelum”)

Example :
Season = Preseason Means Musim sebelumnya
History = Prehistory Means Sebelum sejarah

2. Suffixes
Suffix is a syllable added to the end of the root of word (suffix adalah suku kata yang ditambahkan
di akhir kata dasar). The suffix can change the grammatical structure of the root word (suffix dapat
mengubah tata bahasa dari kata dasar tersebut).
a. Making Noun (membentuk kata benda)
The words will end: -ance, -ancy, -ence, -ation, -ian, -ism, -ment, -ness, -ship, -or, -er.

Original word: Suffixes Word:

Library = perpustakaan Librarian = petugas perpustakaan
Govern = memerintah Government = pemerintahan
Teach = mengajar Teacher = guru/pengajar
Farm = sawah/ladang Farmer = petani
Champion = juara Championship = kejuaraan
Differ = membedakan Difference = perbedaan
Sad = sedih Sadness = kesedihan
Plant = menanam Plantation = tanaman
Critic = mengkritik Critsm = kritikan

b. Making Adjective (membentuk kata sifat)

The words will end : -able, -ible, -al, ful, -ish, -ive, -ous.

Original word: Suffixes Word:

Danger = bahaya Dangerous = berbahaya
Beauty = kecantikan Beautiful = cantik
Child = anak Childish = kekanak-kanakan
Reason = alasan Reasonable = beralasan

Create = membuat Creative = kreatif

c. Making Verb (membentuk kata kerja)

The words will end : -en, -ify, -ize.

Original word: Suffixes Word:

Mobile = bergerak Mobilize = menggerakkan
Beauty = kecantikan Beautify = mempercantik
Light = cerah Lighten = mencerahkan

d. Making Adverb (membentuk kata keterangan)

The words will end : -ly, -ward, -wise.

Original word: Suffixes Word:

Correct = benar Correctly = dengan benar
Beautiful = cantik Beautifully = dengan indah
Bad = buruk Badly = dengan buruk
Careful = hati-hati Carefully = dengan hati-hati

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