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Analytical Study for Stability of Gabion Walls

Article · January 2010


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Yousif Mawlood
Salahaddin University - Erbil


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Zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University - Hawler ...,..... Vol. 22 No. 5

Analytical Study for Stability of Gabion Walls

Ciyamand T. Peerdawood and Yousif I. Mawlood
College of Engineering, University of Salahaddin/ Hawler -Kurdistan Region
E-mail : ciy amand@ymail. com, E-mail : yousifi sm@yaho o. com

Received l3l4l20l0
Accepted 22llll20l0

This research involves an analytical study of external stability of a common type of retaining walls called
gabion walls. The stability involves checking, sliding, overturning, and bearing capacity of the gabion walls.
Many factors like height and inclination of Gabion, back fill soil slope, and surface surcharge are studied in this
research. Total of 3 I 50 points are taken in account for analyzing. Flow chafts are prepared which can be used as
a guide for rapid and easy checking the external stability of gabion walls with some limitations.

Key words: Gabion wall, sliding, over-turning, bearing capacity, stability.

A abions are cylinders or boxes that are filled with earth or stones, which are used in
t Tbuilding structures such as dams, retaining walls, and dikes. Gabions have been used
\J for several millennia in Egypt and China. Prior to 1879 gabions were constructed with
plant materials, which severely limited their useful life. In about 1879 a company in Italy is
thought to have first used wire mesh in the construction of gabion baskets Freeman [1]. This
is possibly the first use of the modern wire mesh baskets as used today. Gabions are now used
throughout the world for bank stabilization, retaining walls, slope stability, hydraulic
structures, channel linings, weirs for erosion, and numerous other purposes Kuo-Hung [2], see
figures (1, and 2). The advantages of gabion include very porous, flexible, strong, durable,
reliable, easily constructed, and ecological properties. Gabions come in three basic forms, the
gabion basket, gabion mattress, and sack gabion. Gabion baskets can be made from either
welded or woven wire mesh BS8002 [3], figure (3). The welded wire is normally galvanized
to reduce corrosion but may be coated with plastic or other material to prevent corrosion
andlor damage to the wire mesh containing the rock [4]. Gabion fill is normally graded filI of
between 100mm to 200mm in diameter with a nominal 60% smaller or larger, the more angular
the fill, the better interlock and the less deformation of the face occurs [5]. The fill normally
consists of rock material but other materials such as bricks, crushed concrete and blocky or flat
quarried stone have been used to fill the baskets. Chai et al. 12] utilized PFC numerical
simulation to study the influence of reinforcement on the earth stress of gabion retaining wall.
It was found that the eafth pressure behind the wall reached passive state at a depth of 5 m and
appeared active state at a depth of 2 m which were corresponding to results of field
measurements. Hence, the purpose of this study presents first to investigate the mechanical
behavior of soil confined with geo-textiles by a series of tri-axial compression tests, and
second to ana[yze the failed case of soil gabion retaining wall by a numerical method under
various conditions of river level changed.

Analysis Approach
Generally, the design analysis for soil gabion wall may refer to the conventional
concept of retaining walls, which is based on limit equilibrium method and can be divided in
two parts as (1) external stability analysis for sliding, overturning, and bearing capacity, and
(2) overall stability analysis for shear failure slope with soil gabion retaining wall, Bowles
Das [7], Smith [8]. The design begins with the selection of trail dimensions for a typical
vertical cross section through the wall, the steps are repeated iteratively until a suitable design

Zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University - Hawler .....,.,. Vol. 22 No. 5

that meets all criteria's is achieved. The wall stability must be checked at the base of each
course of the gabion.

Stepl: Forces Acting on the Wall: As shown in figure 4,the main forces acting on gabion
walls are the vertical forces from the weight of the gabions and the lateral earth pressure
acting on the back face. These forces are used herein to illustrate the main design principles.
If other forces are encountered, such as vehicular loads or seismic loads, they must also be
included in the analysis. The weight of a unit length (one meter) of wall is simply the product '
of the wall cross section and the density of the gabion fill. The lateral earth pressure is usually
calculated by the Coulomb equation (6,7,9,10). According to Coulomb theory, the total
active force of the triangular pressure distribution acting on the wall is:
Pa: lzKuYrH .. ( 1)
1" = density of back frll soil
H: the wall height,
Ku: the coefficient of active soil pressure.
If a uniformly distributed surcharge pressure (q) is present on top of the backfill surface, it
may be treated as an equivalent layer of soil that creates a uniform pressure over the entire
wall Eq. 1 is modified to:
height of the
Pa:Il2KuTrH "+ k".g.H). ......(2)
The pressure coefficient Ka is given by:
Ka: ........(3)

a = slope angle of babkfill soil surface
f = inclination angle of face of gabion with vertical (- value where as in Fig. 4A; + value
when as in Fig. 48)
d = angle of wall friction
Q= angle of internal friction of back fill soil.
Pa is inclined to a line normal to the slope of the back face by the angle d Wheredis usually
is taken (@ )for Gabion walls. The horizontal and vertical components of Pa are as below:
Ph:Pa.cos(6+B )........ ................. ( 4a)
Pv:Pa.sin(6+B ).....,.. .................. ( 4b)

Step2: Sliding Check: The tendency of the active earth pressure to cause the wall to slide
horizontally must be opposed by the frictional resistance at the base of the wall. This mav be
expressed as:
t'.Sstid:E ........(5)
Where Fr is iesisting force, and Fs is sliding force, and S.Fr1i6 is the safety factor against
sliding (typically >1.5) Das [7].
Fr:Wv*tan$'rc' B.. ... ...( 6) :

tan{'is the coefficient of the sliding friction

at base of gabion, Wv is the sum of the vertical
forces (Wg+Pv), where Wg is weight of the gabion wall. And
Fs:Ph. ......(7)

Zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University Hawler ......... Vol. 22 No.
- 5

Step3: Overturning Moment Check: The active soil pressure forces tend to overturn the
wall, and this must be properly balanced by the resisting moment developed from the weight
of the wall and other forces. Using basic principles of statics, moments are taken about the ioe
of the wall to check overturning. This check may be expressed as
fr ......( 8)
Where Mr is the resisting moment, Mo is the overturning moment, and SFou., is the safety
factor against overturning (typically >2.0) Das [7]. Each moment is obtained by summing the
products of each appropriate force times its perpendicular distance to the toe of the wall.
Neglecting wall friction, the active earth force acts normal to the slope of the back face at a
distance H/3 above the base. When a surcharge is present, the distance of the total active force
above the toe becomes
da: +B sinB. ......( 9)
so the overturning moment is
Mo:da*Ph .......(10)
The weight of the gabion wall (Wg) acts vertically through the centroid of its cross
section area. The horizontal distance to this point from the toe of the wall (dg) may be
obtained from the statically moment of wall areas. That is, moments of areas about the toe are
taken, then divided by the total area .The resisting moment is the sum of the products of
vertical forces and their distance from the toe of the wall, so the resisting moment is
Mr : Wg.dg+ Pv.dv ........(1 1)
dv:B cosp + da sinB ...(12)
Step4: Check Bearing Pressure
First check to determine if the vertical resultant of forces (Wv) lies within the middle third
of the base. If B denotes the width of the base, the eccentricity( e) of the Wv from the mid
w-idth of the base is
e:Bl2- (Mr-Mo)/Wv..... ....... (13)
where Wv:WgfPv
For the resultant force to lie in the middle third check:
e<B/ 6...... ...........(14)
Then the maximum pressure under the base o6qy rsi
o''u*:(Wv /B)(1+6e / B)... ...... (15)
The maximum pressure must not exceed the allowable soil bearing pressure of base soil,
o*o* 1 qo11 , frnally factor of safety for bearing capacity is:
F.Sbear:9dt/omax.. ..-...... ... ( i6)
which must be typically >i.0 .
Also it is useful to mention that there are software programs for design of gabion retaining
walls like Geo-5 program [11] and GUU-Gabion program l12l can be used-for analysis thi
stability of these walls.

The Present Antrlysis

The present analysis is done using the previous approach for gabion walls with configurations
and assumptions shown in Fig. (5) as below:

Back Fitl ioil Foundation S.oil Gabion Wall

Cohesionless soil
Ts= )g kN/m' /s= lg kN/m3
/s= )g kN/m3 @= 36" ('--350
G 35", According to above c: 5 kN/m2 c:0
* c:0 kN/m2 oall:140 kN/m2
limitations the followins

Zanco,Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University - Hawler ......... Vol. 22 No. 5

variables are involved in the analysis:

Gabion Geometryt
Stepped 0.5m offsets front tace gabion walls of configurations with below heights, and
inclination values are used:
H:3, 4 ,5,6,7 m
p: 0" , -3o , -6 o, -9 o, -l2o
Back fill soil
Surface slope and uniform surcharge with the following values are used:
c[:0o , 5 , 10 o, 15 o, 20" ,25"
q:0, 10, 20,30,40, 50, 60 kN/m'.
Which gives total of 5x5x6x7:1050 points for checking each one of sliding, overturning, and
bearing capacity so in total 1050x 3:3150 points are analyzed.

The Analysis Results

Excel program is used in calculating and plotting the analysis results. Because of lot of
data, only apart of results for gabion walls of height:6m are presented in table.l of this
research, are chosen as a sample for presentation as shown in figures 6-a,b,c, figures 7- a,b,
c, and figures 8-a,b,c. From these figures the following notes are obtained:
l-Effect of wall inclination, B-angle: Relation between F.Ssria and p-angle for various
values of o-angle is shown in figure (6.a). It is observed that as B-angle increases the value of
F.Sslid increases, this fact is correct for all values of surcharge (q), and o-angle for all value of
gabion height(H). Similar behavior is observed for F.Sou.,. as shown in figure (7.a).While the
behavior of F.S5.u, comparatively with behavior of F.Srrio and F.Sou.,. is completely different
for similar variables as shown in figure (8.a).
2-Effect of back fill slope ,c-angle: Relation between F.Ssric and o-angle for various
values of B-angle is shown in figure (6.b). It is observed that as o-angle increases the value of
F.Ssrio decreases, this fact is correct for all values of surcharge (q), and B-angle for all value of
gabion height(H). Similar behavior is observed for F.Sou.' as shown in figure (7.b). While the
behavior of F.S6.r, comparatively with behavior of F.Srrio and F.Sou., is completely different
for similar variables as shown in figure (8.b).
3-Effect of surface surcharge (q-value): Relation between F.Ssric and q-value for various
values of B-angle is shown in figure (6.c). It is observed that as surcharge pressure (q)
increases the value of F.S,116 decreases, this fact is correct for all values of a-angle and B-
angle for all value of gabion height (H). Similar behavior is observed for F.Sou., as shown in
While the behavior of F.S6.u, comparatively with behavior of F.Srrio and F.Sou., is completely
different for similar variables as shown in figure (8.c).
In general we can said that the behavior of F.Sr1;6 and F.Sou.,. with the mentioned variables is
similar although their values are different. While the behavior of F.S6"u,. with the mentioned
variables is different in behavior and values.
4- Effect of wall height (H-value): The effect of gabion wall height H has little effect on
factor of safety against sliding and overturning, while has great effect on factor of safety
against bearing capacity, and as the H-value increases this factor decrease. So we can say that
the max safe of gabion wall is restricted by the value of allowable bearing capacity of soil
under the gabion.

Flow Chart
Trials are done to prepared one chart to connect the group of variables (0), (o), (q), and (H)
to check each factor of safety F.Ssrid, F.Sourr, and F.S6.urun6 in rapid and easy way, in result
flow charts for each safety factor against sliding, overturning, and bearing capacity arc

Zanco,Journal of pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University - Hawler '.......' Vol' 22 No' 5

can be used as guides for

achieved as shown in figures ( 9), ( 10) , and (11). These charts
rapid check the extern-al stability of gabion wall with limitations and configurations
mentioned PreviouslY'
The below verified example is applied to a gabion wall using calculations
by Coulomb
theory then the results are cotlpared by prepared flow charts as a

Verification ExamPle:
The geometry of the gabion and soil properties
are as in figure below:
Stepl:-Lateral Forces
Ke-l0.229 Eq.3
Pa:100.3 kN... .'8q,.2
Ph:87.81 kN ... ...Eq.4a Eeek fill roil

Pv:48.63 kN ............ Eq. 4b &=35re"0

Step2:Check Slidine
F.S"ria: rs .'. . '.Eq' 5

Oabion \
Fs:Ph:g7.g1kN, ...Eq.7 fouci roil i
H-6m ,B*4m
Wv: +297: 345.63 kN
48.63 S=ltl,c=5kK/n:2 1

i0"15' $"18kNltt3
Fr: 27L 11 kN.. . .....Eq. 6 t/'16,5m3 ,Wg=297 kN
F.Sstio: 187.8:3'08> 1'5 o'k
B)' flow chart : F.Ssrio: 3.1 . .Fig( 9)

Step4 : Bearing Capacitv

g Ov er tur ning
St ep 3 : Che ckin
e=Bl2- (Mr -Mo)/Wv Eq.13
drl.72 m ....Eq. 9
e:0.285 m
Mo:1 .72*87.81 :151.0 kN.m.'..'..'..Eq'10 1 Eq. 14
check 6.e/B f
dg:2'494 m
6.elB:0.435< 1 o.k
dv: 1 .72 cos-6 - 4 sin-6 ... '...8q. 12
: 4.16 m o,"u* 7(345 .6314)(1.+0.45)'......;"'..Eq' 15

Mr=297*2.492+48.63*4.16 ...Eq. il onrax. 125.3<qax = I40 kN/m'

:940.96 kN.m
F.S: 140 1125.3, .'...Eq. 16
F.Sover: ...'.Eq'8 :!.117 > 1 o.k
:940.961 151.0 :6.23 >2.0 o.k
ByFlowChart F'Sb'u': l'72 "''Fig( 11)
Bvflowchart F.Sou.,: 6.2...'... ..Fig( i't

Many other examples are done similarly and the results showed a good convergence
between the two methods.
Flow charts for rapid and easy checking ea:h of safety factors against sliding, overturning,
walls are prepared as an alternative method for
eory. The charts are connecting variables such as
,n.itutg. pressure, and height of the gabio4 wall,

1- Freeman G. and Fischenich, C."Gabions for Stream bank Erosion
control", r22.pdf
2-Kuo-Hung Tseng, Jing-Jung Fu,"A Stability Analysis of Gabion Retaining Wall on Riverbank" droceeding
of the 9tl',Intgernational offshore and polar Engineering Conference Osaka, June 2009
* 3- British Standard BS 8002 section 4 Code of "Practice for Earth Retaining Structures", 1994.
4-HY-TEN Gabion Solutions,

Zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University Hawler ......... Vol. 22 No.
- 5

5-A Reference Gravity Gabion

6-Joseph E.Bo and Design, 5 tr'

7-BrajaM. Da Engineering,',5
8- G.N Smith ( , 5,r'ed., Granada publishing,
9-Arnold Verruijt (2001), Soil Mechanics, Delft University Technology http:geo.
10- Modular Gabion System Gabion wails Design, www.gabions.ner.
1I- Geo-5 -software program, .com
12-GUU-Gabion -software program, version 2.r0 -2004,
Pa:total active force on gabion
ys: density of back fill soil
H: the wall height,
Ka: the coefficient of active soil by coulomb equation
q : surface surcharge pressure
cr:slope angle ofbackfill soil surface
B: inclination angle of face of gabion with vertjcal(_value where as in Fig.44;* value when as in Fig.48)
O: angle of internal friction of back fill soil.
6 : angle of wall -soil friction
Ph : horizontal component of pa
Pv : verlical component of pa
F.S,ria: factor of safety against sliding
Fr : resisting forces to sliding
Fs:sliding forces
F.Sou",= factor of safety against ovefturning
Wv : summation of veftical forces
Wg: weight of gabion wall
da:vertical distance of ph to the toe of the gabion
Mo : ovelturning moment about toe of gabion
Mr: resisting moment about toe of gabion
dg:horizontal distance of centroid of gabion mass to toe of gabion
dv: horizontal distance ofpv to the toe ofgabion
e : eccentricity of the veftical resultant Wv to center line of the gabion base
B: width of gabion
o,or: maximum contact stress at base of gabion
qo11 :
allowable bearing capacity of soil under gabion
F.Surur: factor ofsafety against bearing capacity


.-iJ! ctyK s-s\l.t 6$j+1g,strs"* 6094i,..;i'9:;

sA os
l,tt;ts;11u isu^a )Ea tJj' J dtru

. ';JjLJl ct:+l+ c_rl,r\ e;_rl ,ii") +JJii Ll;r
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.c.r-r*rs c..rr-r\
r)'Yl Lli c!'e rill
e\3 ltii;l Le..'"'-ill .# -rF.)l J6! l-Aril ei.f-rir-.rtlt$l
')l ;rA &-jll irJ,li j r,,,x,ityl6dyjjyl
d'i-Liiirlo. iii i.,)-Yl .i+J;rd$G-I*JI c]^r, os.:4r4*JqsrLL.oo.*ie.=
:lf,f f' i Tort'-rl
'urro-ll LF e^ 4+-*_l 4k- ^+A c.,_*LS tll:\ 11rl,&r dili$ll ,I+ cJ_-r cLl.S l4ol rr.r.J

Zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University - Hawler ......... Vol. 22 No' 5

Fig.( 1): Cylinder gnbion retaining walls Fig.( 2): Box gabion retnining walls

-ll,*,-l tr;-l
lD-3.5m llB*im I lNE4rm I I lv"2tmr


Fig. (3 ): Gabion Basket Fig"(s ): Gabion

configurafions used in
the annlysis
I s'xm
t-*' [;'l | 8E2.5 m
v'4.5 m' m!
I I I |


r gab

Zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University - Hawler ......... Vol. 22 No. 5

Table 1: part of data fbr g:rbion rvnll for gabion hcight, H=6 m
F.S ovet'turn F.S bear
F.S slidine
_30 -60 _90
K 0o -J' -6" -9' -12' 0o -30 -60 -90 -120 00


J.(l /rt 3 u42 1.0s0 ,t,J | ? 6.212 7,155 8 366 10.02 12.38 1,il8 1,090 1.081
0 3.5111
6.8'17 8.009 9.601 I 1.87 l.r 20 1.t02 1.090 1.083 t,079
f, 3 375 3.50 | J.O Ol J n6s 4.120 s.970
E< 3.1lJ J.bb5 1,910 5.683 6.519 1.626 9.t 43 I 1.30 1.122 r.t0l r 091 1.081 | .079

E4 10 3.t 92 J.469
J.l:l 3.J41 J.O i{ 5.372 6.1 s9 7.X02 8.632 r 0.67 |.t25 | .10{ L09 1 1.083 L078
t5 2 99'l J.l ()rJ

< ft)l 6.7r8 8.0,13 9.935 1.129 t.t 06 1.092 1.083 r,078
tl 20 2.771 2.876 3.0 t2 3. llJJ 1.,100
t( 2 509 2.601 2.7211 2.8?2 3.061 4.61r 5.269 6.t J9 7.3J I 9.03,1 1.t35 I .109 1.093 1.083

0 l.l7l J.t ia J.1 l0 3.s83 J,ll02 < ttl s,920 6.832 8.057 9.162 t.t66 I {l Ll?.1 ill t.t06
t.t7l l.t l.ll5 t,l0?
: 3.02? 3.r?3 .t. i f,f, J.12J .t.oJ / 5 002 5.673 6.549 1.126 9.J64 I 44 26

E7 I )in J 155 4.770 5,4r0 6.241 /.J0t) 8.928 1.t11 l.l 48 1.129 t.il6 l.l ()tt
\OE l0 2 864 2.961 3 0rJti
il 5,t2t s.908 6 965 8.439 I .185 )J I | 1t l.ll9 t.t09
l5 2 (\92 2 TftJ 2.901 J.05? J.t5? 4,5r8
1 af f 2,5lJl r.693 2.815 J.0 r5 4 236 4,795 5,52,1 6 503 7.869 | .196 6{1 l.t3? |.122 l.lll
{ .173 t.ztx I.t70 1.111 1.1?7 l5
25 : l{5 t.11t 2.566 2'125 J.90{ 108 5,064 5.945 7

9{ I ,t.529 s 0r1 s.822 6.788 8.llt l.? I8 r, t8,l l.lfr() 1.144 t.tJ3
0 2.8.s0 2.93J 3.01? 3.1 3.3tJ
2,9tI J.t)5J J.236 .{ 146 1"888 5 5tt/ 6,s 15 7.787 |.221 1.t90 l.l 65 t.rlft l.l 35
f, 2.1t) 2.80 r

EZ 10 2.580 2.659 2,164 r.90 | 3,076 4.151 4.668 5 3J4 6.219 7.1J2 1,238 1.197 t.t70 -l/ t.138
:.Uf,5 s ti89 /,T'JJ 1.252 t.?0? I 111 1.157 1.t 12
l5 2.479 2 50J 2.602 /J t.u97 3 940 1.121

2260 2.321 2.1li i,f,Jo ,639 3,703 1.1 55 1.131 5.509 6.569 1.211 |.22t1 I .186 r.r6l l. rlu
tl z0
It l.tJ9 l.l t. I l(,
'){ 2.061 2.r lu 1.t96 2.299 ] 4JJ J 125 J,812 1 355 5,0{t 6.001 1.199 1,200 74

{,0J0 1 502 5.r06 s.900 6.116 1.2t0 | .199 |.1"t1 1.162

0 2.598 2.66ft ),.7 63 2.889 .r,05 r

5 t,.48 r )..611 2.16J 2.911 3.8?2 { lls 4.905 5.661r 6.703 t.289 I tlll l.?06 l.r{lJ r .166

\Ol r0 2.341 2,1?2 2.5 l0 1r,)l 2.,f i, 3.70J 4,r37 1,690 5.41? 6.403 l.J0-r I .1,5 1 l.2l.l r,t89 t7l
,-{ i(l l9 I i?1 3.9J0 4.451 5.1J6 6.X66 t.326 |.266 1.225 t.l 97 17
t5 2.223 1,28J 1,166 ?.(r

I tlr) r{ < (?< 1,2u6 240 t.209 1,186

20 2.[12 2.1 25 1.20 r l( ,lJ3 3.691 1.119 1.8 1.355

:.206 J.079 l.{19 3,853 4.42J 5,t96 I t()i l.J l6 |.262 l.lltJ L l99
25 r.89{ | .9J9 2 0)3 2.U9{)

2.5J4 ],6JJ 2.7tt5 J.b5l 4t57 4.512 s.245 6.t 18 33ti 1.280 | .?,10 t.2 l3 1,t92
0 2 395 2.'r5J
) <ltl J TIJ 5.912 J)/ 1.293 1.250 1.r20 r.t 98
f, 1.290 2l,l5 2,661 3.90J 4 397 5.0.13

\?'jl l0 2.l1tl t rll 2.306 2.10i i.5Jv 3.366 J,7J8 4.209 4.821 5.0tJ JIJl] 3) t\l; )29 t.205

tl a l.t?0 4 001 s.362 tr5 1.310 278 ;{t 24

l5 2 056 l.IU5 t75 2.39J 3,201 J.lS / 4.581 J

ll I.920 .963 ?.016

1ll1 2.72i 3 028 3.3s2 3.761 4 300 5.023 .i00 1.359 .299 i)/ t.n1
20 |

25 1.760 r.?95 r.8J8 | 011 2.{)l I 2,ti l7 3.1 09 3."t79 3.961 4,609 1. t45 3d9 .tJ r.2ri2 | .2.47

1 rlll {.7{ | 5.518 {t / r.3J1 .,.:d:) t.?50 |.221

0 :,: tu 2 l,l5 2.1J0 J.J:I / 3,7 11 4.1 59
3 2.132 2,t?8 {s l3J LJ59 J.IJJ 3,571 { 00{ 4 563 s.109 ,J77 l..ttl znl 26

trz I f tl -t.3{ J,102 3.427 3 817 {.169 5,081 3)7 | .J?4 1.3t4 |,212
\?r tl
10 0J0 2.073 2 I

t.652 {,r I 8:,5 228 JJ: 288 -i 5+

l5 t.9r9 | .959 :.0 l.i 2.960 J.?66 54

20 1.795 1.830 | ,8lt: I .r)57 r,051 2,800 J.084 J.{{/ I 906 d 5?6 l3? 331 J63 l0 2'.1

c J,r89 3,605 1,162 0r6 20 It t{,1 198

25 t.649 | .676 l.?t0 I .ittJ t.8?0 2.617 2.ti6fi lJ

2.128 t. I ti? r.l8l J,lr9 3.{J4 3,8r0 .1.3{ l 5.021 t,315 l.J9{ I ll:t 289 ,,5
0 2.0li9 2,2,11

5 l((0 ? l{J 2 095 l.li6 I :.ltiJ 3 008 3.3r0 3 690 4,1 8? .1 835 . iff, 1t6 J-t9 ,J(|? l.2h'7

trz 1.0?J i l,lt(i 88' 3.l?tt 3 5.10 .t.008 ,1.63 I .189 JIJl 370 3ti L28r)
\?i tl
l0 1.906

I .9{2 996

1.9s8 i 2,()5S

!,IDL J,()3J J.374 3.8r5 { -{ui


t.l r6 301 ,J97 r.Jltt .?96

t5 t.s37 8ft7
*\D t.111 Jill
tl 2{) 169 I iilJ ?61 r.lt26 I 9r 2.617 2 869 3.t 85 3.s93 4.1 35 r.0J2 1.367

tq | .195 1.5?t :r0J ('1 10 2 581 2.867 3.2t3 J.12t) 0.u?9 I.()JJ t.231 r.119 | .186

5x6x7x3:650 points lbL cach ll. .total o1'(r50x5:3150 points

Zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University - Hawler ...,..... Vol. 22 No. 5

q=10 kN/mt
H=6 m

4 ar'

cl!") I

IA ,r'lltita ' t

1 :rL;rl1'1''
,rllrlr -l ir

irllrllr l)

0itfl:t0 li.j0
[ - attgle u.- r ll !.lf

fl*nglc ls ['.S "r',, fot'

Itig(6 .;r) : Fig(6tt) ; u-anglevs. F.S.1s fot'
El11g111!ryryf 0.-r4glj_:___ __ . j vill'ious virlnes of p- irnglo .
H"6 nr



0 I0 t0 -10 -t0 50 ('0 ?0

r1,li$f rnl

) : tp fiurchrLgc, \'s, Il,S

Fig((rc *',r fot'
variousYrhres 0f fL ungle. l',|66tu
Vr 16.Sm3


Zanco,Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University - Hawler '....'.'. Vol' 22 No. 5

q=tr0 kN/m2
H=6 nr

vt7 vt7

qp6 edj
fr> a
L t
>d 5-l olpho= l
I 0
'' olphu=1

-9 -6 -3 0 I r0 t: l0 15 i0
p - angle u-:lttglc

Fig(7a ) : F-angle vs F.Sover for Fig{7b ) : anglo -u rs. tr So,,rr fot'

various values 0f ff-an8le . Yilr'l{rus vihlcs o{ p-rtttglc .



I(] flr:l',t .- i

tA9 J:irl'r -i'

Ilrl;r -')



Fig(?c) : cpsurcltarge \-s. It',S0"u,

fdr vli'iour villu€s of li-itttglc . 14r6m
Vr 16.5 tn i

Zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University Hawler ......... Vol. 22 No.
- 5

l-l=5 nr

1.2 q 1.2
'i 1.1
(u ru


0.9 0,9
-15 -t2 -9 .6 30 10 15 20 25 30
p - angle q-angle

Fig(8a ) ; B-angle vs F.S 6.., for

Fig{ 8b) i a-angfe vs. F.S5n,,for
variousvalues of a-angle,
variousvalue 5 of B.angle ,



Belo r o

il)t ?a
Belq ""3
-#Beta=. Betd 6.
08 Beta-- l-' -

0 10203040s060

fig(8c ) , Surcharge vs. F,S6uo, for

various values of p-angle

Zanco, Journal of Puie and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University - Hawler ... ..,... Vol. 22 No. 5

-Ll -1"2



H"d m ll H*7 m 4,0n
1"4 m ll B=4.5 n
V.16.5 ntr ll V'lt 6t

t nt{-

HE4 m u
g'2.5 {!
V.7.0 ml
z,u c
ilmllolions: =
Goblongqll V)
H=3 lo 7m o= 0 to 25' p- 0 lo
8.0.6-0.1 ll
-{ronl ste}rped gobions wilh lrn of rset5 ([J 1.0
Bockllll roil
ilr= oround 35 o , ys =<ircunci 2: kl.l/m3

lci6rol pressures [Pqlqre bclseci on coulomt)

Flg.(t): Flow chorl for foclor of sofety qgqinsl sliding for gobion wolls


Zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University - Hawler ,......., Vol. 22 No. 5



-15 .1) -(l .J




cl .#


Gobion woll
ll=3 io 7nr o= eJ lo 25 '' iJ= 0 io a(U
B. 0.6-0./ ii
-frcnl r:epped got,ion: wilh J
lr:'r offselsIp
Bock filLsolle'
rlr= oround 35 " , 7s =clound 2l kN/nr;
ioterol pressures {Polore |:osed or coulomi:

flg.(10): Flow chqrt for fqctor of sofely ogoinst overturning for gobion wolls


zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences / Salahaddin University
- Hawler ......... Vol. 22 No. 5




a t:'* ?a I ili rl i25 1l135 1.4 l.J1 I
t1- kt\ i rrt 5




H"6 m ll l"Z m
m 2.2
8.4 ll s..i.j m
V-t6.S mr ll V"U t mr

ffiF,-:L.E ro 14
_re I
IMI 1e

| v"r2,r
t.I O
| ,
ns I

t.t) o
tlmltotlons: r.5
Gsblon wsll
lo7m t..+ .!
H=3 o=0lo15. n=01" u
.r r cL
Be 0.6-0.7 H r'J o
Jronl.sfepped gobions wiln trn offsets{p
negollveF- \ 1.2 .ry
Bqckllll sqll
OE^oround 35o. Ys:orouni2l 11cr
kNlrn: c0

lcrlegrl pressures lpolore bosed 1

on couloml:

Fig.(11): FIow chort for foctor
ol sofety og


rssN 2a{ 8.0230

Jts4#s{isQ r rro144 ,rulj I

trSes@ 1


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