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The American Civil Religion:

An Identity in Need of
■ By Ethan Gerstman
U.S. voting site
American political culture is
quasi-religious. It has all the characteristics of a
conventional religion: an established set of rituals,
a prophetic history, and a fervent population that
upholds it. When Americans vote, they reaffirm
their connection to the “civil religion.” When
politicians, historians, or artists describe and
depict the vaunted beginnings of the United States
as an era of enlightenment, they enhance the
power of the civil religion. When Americans
accept the view that America and American values
are exceptional and unique, they revitalize the civil
religion. Alone, this American civil religiosity is comments on the early stages of American culture.
not dangerous. But if the central values of this For example, the Declaration of Independence
religion become perverted, in contexts such as references divinity three times as the force that
immigration policy and voting rights, civil justifies the Revolution.I Similarly, in the
religiosity can be a threat to the values it should introduction to the Federalist Papers, Hamilton
uphold. Ultimately, the modern American civil defers to the authority of “nature’s G-d.”II
religion has largely lost the beneficial qualities that It is evident that the Founders cemented
it originally had and its misinterpretation by some religiosity into America’s earliest documents. But
has led to disenfranchisement and xenophobia. ironically, in America, church and state are legally
separated. That separation of religion and
government was not an attempt to curb religious
What is the American Civil Religion? authority; rather, they knew religious pluralism was
The political philosophy that underlies
divisive when mixed with government, and
American culture is unique by virtue of its
therefore they sought to replace conventional
religiosity. Although the language of Christianity is
religion. They replaced it with a state religion—a
spread throughout, there is no legal favoritism
‘civil religion,’ a term first applied to America by
toward any specific religious practice; the
Robert Bellah in 1967.III By integrating religious
Founders explicitly excluded religious law from
diction and ideology into government, the
the founding documents. That is not to say
Framers created an environment in which
religion had no foundational influence. The
patriotism would define civic identity, instead of
Founders intermixed Judeo-Christian and natural
religious preference. Citizenship would be the
rights rhetoric and values into all the central works
marker of that patriotic identity, acting as a badge
of political literature created during the
of pride, a covenant to the founding documents
Revolution, and in the political philosophy that


and to the country. As political philosopher Alexis established America as a divine power to many
de Tocqueville commented on this unique Americans. Inadvertently or intentionally,
American identity in 1835, “[Patriotism] is in itself American artists have ordained America with
a kind of religion: it does not reason, but it acts divine powers, thereby enhancing the civic religion
from the impulse of faith and sentiment.”IV The more extremely than the Founders.
Founders ingrained the sentiment of religion in
the American institution of citizenship to unite
the burgeoning nation. They designed
patriotism to act as a religion, a replacement for
the state role that conventional religion had
played in the Old World.

Cultivating the Civil Religion After the Modern Presidential Influence on the Civil
Founding Religion
The foundation of the American civic Presidents are the torch bearers of the
religion is public perception. Just as mythology has American civil religion. Through their rhetoric,
empowered conventional religion, the state they act as the pastors of the modern American
religion in America has been likewise strengthened civil faith. For example, following the September
by mythology. Following in the steps of the 11th, 2001 attacks, on September 14th, President
Founders, artists and historians have strengthened Bush held perhaps the most significant
the civic religion, patriotism, by attaching demonstration of civil religion since the Kennedy
prophetic and religious connotations to pivotal speeches referenced by Bellah in his work.VIII Bush
American turning points. One example is the broadcast a service complete with clergy from
circulation of the 1896 five-dollar silver certificate many faiths to create an image of a nation united
which depicted Lady Liberty, an allegory for in prayer. According to Emilio Gentile, “with
American creativity, in the process of enlightening religion, politics, and the armed forces represented
the world with electricity. The goal was, according simultaneously, the ceremony symbolically staged
to art scholar Ariel Buhksbaum, to make it clear the Americans' cohesion and strength, united
that electricity’s “genius originates from around their president to defend God’s
America.”V Bills such as the 1896 educational democracy.”IX Bush’s ceremony was merely part of
series served as enhancers of the American civic a long tradition of modern presidential civil
religion, as they reinforced America as the religiosity, which began with Reagan in 1980.
enlightener, as the force ordained by divinity. Reagan birthed the modern civil religion in his
American Progress is another such example. campaign. For example, in his first inaugural
Painted in 1872, the lithograph depicts a woman, address, Reagan described Americans as “citizens”
clearly resembling Lady Liberty, in center frame of a blessed land while proposing that
leading Americans into the West.VI There, Inauguration Day should become a national “day
American destiny is intertwined with American of prayer.”X According to historian Philip Gorski,
progress and opportunity, which at that time was “Reagan positively encouraged” a powerful
the West. Once again, the artist represents divinity national religious pride.XI
and destiny as synonymous with American ideals. But conservatives are not the only ones
Historian Juliana Barr argues that American Progress who stoke civil religious pride. In recent years, the
cemented the narrative of a divine American mantle has been taken up by Democratic
destiny in which “the United States was ordained presidents. Barack Obama is a clear example. In
by God to expand its civilization.”VII Both 2004, at the Democratic National Convention,
American Progress and the 1896 five-dollar silver Obama attempted to portray America as a place
certificate were tools used to enhance the deserving of mystical awe: “my father got a
American civic religion. They, and many others, scholarship to study in a magical place; America


which stood as a beacon of freedom and Washingtonian precepts of generalized equality,
opportunity.”XII And later, in a 2004 interview, interpreting the American covenant instead as
Obama stated that he was a “follower, as well, of exclusionary.
our civic religion.”XIII He would maintain and
reinforce that belief throughout his presidency. The Consequences of Xenophobia
For example, at the National Prayer Breakfast in The unintended negative consequences of
2010, Obama aligned himself with the values of citizenship’s religious nature include xenophobia.
the Old Testament prophets, asserting that Xenophobia, the fear of foreigners, in America, is
American values and religious Christian values are linked to the phenomenon of citizenship
equally in alignment.XIV He carried the civil religiosity. Opponents of foreign immigration view
religious torch just as Bush and Reagan had before the ‘intrusion’ of immigrants as detrimental to the
him. Ultimately, modern Presidents starting with American covenant. For example, as historian
Reagan maintained the American civil religious Alphonso Clearwater argues in favor of immigrant
tradition as a means to reap electoral benefits, restriction: “If we cease to bestow this august
irrespective of political persuasion. privilege of citizenship recklessly, we may fulfill
that destiny predicted by the founders of the
The Religiosity of American Citizenship republic.”XVII For Clearwater, fulfillment of the
The institution of citizenship is central to American “destiny” is at odds with the extension
American civic religion. It acts as a covenant of citizenship. He believes that extension of
between the divinity purported to be behind citizenship will inhibit his perception of the
America and the individual. The Framers, in American destiny—American economic and
Federalist Papers No. 2, designed citizenship to be political hegemony: “The verdict of history is that
the power source for the civil religion, granting a the most intelligent and resourceful race wins in
unique membership to a people blessed by economic contests.”XVIII
“Providence.”XV Other early American leaders
While the phenomenon of xenophobia
reinforced that idea of membership, such as in
was surely powerful in 1914 when Clearwater
Washington’s Farewell Address in 1796: "Citizens
by birth or choice, of a common country, that wrote that article, the sentiment behind him is
country has a right to concentrate your affections. thriving in modern America. Those Americans
The name of American, which belongs to you, in have treated American citizenship as paramount to
your national capacity, must always exalt the just their self-identity, and therefore fear its
pride of patriotism, more than any appellation corruption. This form of xenophobia is, according
derived from local discriminations."XVI to Erika Lee, present in the “illegal-immigrant”
Washington addressed the idea of belonging campaigns against Mexican immigration. She
explicitly. Alongside the Framers, he wanted to argues that this wave of xenophobia is “new,” and
make the individual American feel as if they were “purportedly race-neutral.”XIX While it is true that
part of an interconnected civic force. Citizenship these anti-immigration activists are acting under
was the medium for that feeling of belonging. the guise of “law and order,” their motives are not
Americans would enter an interconnected
new, and their race neutrality is due to their
covenant with each other through citizenship and
would then regard that bond as sacred. adherence to civil religion.XX They believe, as
Washington’s interpretation of citizenship Clearwater did, that the way to protect the value of
can be considered an ideal type. For him, their own citizenship is to exclude others.
citizenship was separable from ethnicity, Xenophobia is, according to political
background, and religion; it was instead a scientist Ronald Sundstrom, a form of “civic
construct that was specifically inclusive. Inverse to ostracism.”XXI It is a worldview that encourages
that interpretation is xenophobia, understood as exclusion from the general polity; it furthers a
both a fear of foreigners and an active process of “sense that the subject does not rightly belong to
civic ostracism. As the next section argues, the nation.”XXII That sense is described by
xenophobia is among the historical byproducts of Sundstrom as a “perpetual foreignness.”XXIII
American civil religiosity. It ignores the central


Those who apply the term alien to immigrants do view, but he does not explain the view’s source.
not choose one demographic in particular. Once again, the revulsion toward civic disloyalty is
Xenophobes apply perpetual foreignness “to a product of civil religiosity because such
Hispanics/Latinos, Asians, and Asian Americans” disobedience represents a disdain for the
alike.XXIV They are civic ostracizers—intent on traditions of the civil religion. Those who
protecting an identity they believe is vulnerable. transgress and disobey the law are not engaging in
New cultures, they fear, will corrupt their the “ritual observance” that Tocqueville argues is
covenant of citizenship, and by extension, their inherent in American patriotism.XXVI Rather, they
own identity. The Framers are not at fault for this are doing the opposite. By disregarding American
interpretation; the founding documents civic ordinances, criminals are outside of the
specifically endorse the immigration of foreigners. American covenant, and thus subject to the same
Rather, it is clear that American xenophobia is the anger as non-citizens. The benefits of citizenship
creation of Americans who misinterpreted the cease when one is legally awry.
Framing. The aforementioned cessation of benefits
is common in contemporary America. Take for
The Relationship Between Civil Religiosity example the disenfranchisement of felons in the
and American Perceptions of Criminality last decade. According to Matt Whitt, in the
We have established that citizenship acts
journal Social Theory and Practice, “felon and
as a covenant in America. It creates a kinship
prisoner disenfranchisement policies prohibit a
between those who have it and excludes those
significant proportion of U.S. citizens—especially
who do not. Yet the benefits conferred through
at state levels—from exercising their most
citizenship are vulnerable. Their existence hinges
fundamental political right.” Whitt argues that
on an individuals’ behavior. Civic disloyalty is
felon disenfranchisement is indicative of a greater
usually the basis for the revocation of those
trend of democratic erosion that hurts rather than
benefits. Disobedient citizens are cast out by the
helps American principles.XXVII His argument
American civic religion, portrayed as enemies
correctly targets felon disenfranchisement as an
rather than kinsmen. Tocqueville described this
indicator of deteriorating civic principles. But just
unique American disownment in a similar way:
as Tocqueville failed to pinpoint the primary
motivation, Whitt has failed to accurately
During my stay in the United States, I
designate the reason for the restriction of voting
witnessed the spontaneous formation of
rights. One of the underlying motivations behind
committees in a country for the pursuit
legal disenfranchisement is the desire to protect
and prosecution of a man who had
the American civil religion. Exclusion of those
committed a great crime. In Europe, a
with “suspect” moral values will ensure that the
criminal is an unhappy man who is
religion remains pure. In 2005, philosophers John
struggling for his life against the agents of
Kleinig and Kevin Murtagh argued that “the
power, whilst the people are merely a
relative lack of civic involvement [of felons]” is an
spectator of the conflict: in America, he is
“eviscerating social problem,”XXVIII essentially
looked upon as an enemy of the human
intended to curb African American voting. While
race, and the whole of mankind is against
felon disenfranchisement may be a racist policy,
the intention behind it can be attributed to
defense of the civil religion. Voting is the central
Citizenship, and the connection to the
ritual of the American religion; it is how
patriotic divinity harbored therein, requires
Americans commune with the Founders.
obedience to the state. Tocqueville argued that the
Therefore, defenders of the religion who believe
American people regard criminality as abhorrent
they must protect it from the unkempt, criminals,
and inhuman, not merely an insubordinate act. He
would target voting as a vulnerable institution.
is correct in that Americans do hold that unique


Conclusion them electoral success. They are trying to invoke
American civil religiosity is integral to the prophetic energy of the Founding to legitimize
American culture. It influences American beliefs their presidency or candidacy. In this election
about criminality, immigration, identity, and season, candidates, regardless of party affiliation,
history. That is, in large part, due to its cultivation will use civil religiosity in that manner, and it is
by the artists of the 19th century and the modern necessary for voters to understand that such usage
presidential tradition. Americans must recognize is potentially manipulative. American culture
the weaponization of the civil religion as a means should strive to restore the civil religion to what
to pursue political objectives, whether by the Framers intended it to be—a shared political
disenfranchising felons or excluding immigrants. identity united around values of tolerance, liberty,
When presidents and presidential candidates use and inclusion.
religious diction in speeches, it is clear they are
attempting to call upon civil religiosity to grant

i. Jefferson, Thomas. The Declaration of Independence, xii. Obama, Barack. “Barack Obama’s Address to the 2004
Revolutions (London, England) (London: Verso, 2007), Democratic National Convention” (2004 Democratic
1–3. National Convention, Boston, MA, July 24, 2004).
ii. Hamilton, Alexander et al. The Federalist Papers, Oxford xiii. Obama, Barack and Cathleen Falsani, "Barack Obama: The
World’s Classics (Oxford; New York: Oxford University 2004 “God Factor."" Chicago Sun Times, April 5, 2004.
Press, 2008). xiv. Obama, Barack. “President’s Remarks at the National
iii. Bellah, Robert N. “Civil Religion in America.” Daedalus Prayer Breakfast” (Washington, D.C., February 4, 2010).
134, no. 4 (2005): 40–55. xv. Jay et al., The Federalist Papers No. 2. xvi. Washington, George. Washington’s Farewell Address to the
iv. de Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America (New York: People of the United States. Senate Document (United States.
Bantam, 2000), 102. Congress. Senate) No. 106-21 (Washington: USGPO: For
v. Bukhsbaum, Ariel. “The Silver Certificates of 1896: A sale by the Supt of Docs, USGPO, 2000).
Study of Low, Blashfield, and Shirlaw’s Work and Its Place xvii. Clearwater, Alphonso T. “The Undervaluation of
in the American Renaissance” (M.A., United States -- American Citizenship." Proceedings of the New York State
New York, Sotheby’s Institute of Art - New York, 2015), Historical Association 13 (1914): 83.
35. xviii. Clearwater, 81. xix. Lee, Erika. “America First, Immigrants Last: American
act/648C5FEA49AA494FPQ/1. Xenophobia Then and Now.” The Journal of the Gilded Age
vi. Gast, John. “American Progress. 1872” in Chromolithograph and Progressive Era 19, no. 1 (January 2020): 13.
Published by George A. Crofutt. Source: Prints and Photographs
Division, Library of Congress. For Comparison to Eugène xx. Lee. “America First, Immigrants Last.”
Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People, 1830, 1915–1935. xxi. Sundstrom, Ronald R. and David Haekwon Kim.
vii. Barr, Juliana. “Beyond the ‘Atlantic World’: Early “Xenophobia and Racism,” Critical Philosophy of Race 2, no. 1
American History as Viewed from the West.” OAH (2014): 24.
Magazine of History 25, no. 1 (January 1, 2011): 1. xxii. Sundstrom and Kim, 25. xxiii. ibid, 27.
viii. Bellah. “Civil Religion in America.” xxiv. ibid, 28.
ix. Marsden, Lee and Emilio Gentile. “God’s Democracy: xxv. de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 161.
American Religion after September 11.” Journal of xxvi. de Tocqueville, 113.
American Studies 44, no. 1 (2010): 74. xxvii. Whitt, Matt S. “Felon Disenfranchisement and Democratic Legitimacy.” Social Theory and Practice 43, no. 2 (2017): 283.
x. Reagan, Ronald. “Ronald Reagan’s 1981 Inaugural xxviii. Kleinig, John and Kevin Murtagh. “Disenfranchising
Address” (Washington, D.C., January 20, 1981). Felons.” Journal of Applied Philosophy 22, no. 3 (2005): 232.
xi. Gorski, Philip. American Covenant: A History of Civil Religion
from the Puritans to the Present (Princeton: University Press, Note: Ethan originally wrote this article as a Freshman in
2019). spring, 2020; however, due to the pandemic, there was no issue for that year. Sonia Pavel, the Journal's Co-Editor-in-Chief at the time, helped to edit his piece.


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