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Moreno, Shanaia Nicole T.


Yes, a country cannot survive without its agriculture. Agriculture is essential for ensuring food security,
providing raw materials for industries, contributing to a nation's economy, and supporting the livelihoods of
its citizens. Without agriculture, a country would struggle to sustain its population and its economy.
Agriculture is indeed an important sector of every country's economy for several reasons. Firstly, it is the
primary source of food production and sustenance for a nation's population. Secondly, agriculture
contributes significantly to a nation's GDP and is a major source of employment for a significant portion of
the population. Furthermore, agriculture also provides raw materials for various industries, such as textiles,
pharmaceuticals, and biofuels, contributing to the overall economic output of the country. Additionally, the
agricultural sector plays a crucial role in international trade, helping generate revenue and balancing a
country's trade deficits. Reputable sources such as the American Enterprise Institute's report "A World
Without Agriculture" and resources from the American Farm Bureau Federation emphasize the vital role of
agriculture in sustaining human life, supporting the global economy, and maintaining food security. In
conclusion, agriculture is undeniably an essential sector of every country's economy. Its significance
permeates various aspects of a nation's well-being, and without it, a country's survival and economic
stability would be severely compromised.


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