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OUR Requirements

1. Components which will be generating the required screen , Reports , API as base to what we do
2. Keeping our Database design in the mind we will be generating the basic screens and reports
and that we will be modifying to meet our goal in the further development. Therefore after first
component generation above 400+ aspx forms to be prepared for the entire ERP Solutions that
we have including 4 websites too and one e-Commerce.


 Components that will be a SCREEN GENERATOR for the front End in ReactJS / Angular Latest
 REPORT GENERATOR something that will read the Table / View and provide those
 Component that will generate the REST API GENERATOR from one Connection String, Database ,
Table / View and will be able to use as it is

1. Read SQL Server Database directly and create the screen with the following attributes :-
a. Label as Column Name / Description to be generated and keep it as an field to assign the
name and we can change as in the ScreenNAme.INI file for the Language we want
b. FIRST SCREEN is Grid to provide the
i. Fully Responsive
ii. Multi Line Grid if not suitable within one line than
iii. Sorting
iv. Searching within Grid
v. Filtering within Grid
vi. Upon click on the raw here goes to the second screen
vii. Action Button
c. SECOND SCREEN which will be details from the above Grid Screen
i. From the given Table this will have Lebels as multi language concept in the
ScreenNAme.INI for us to change as required
ii. Component like
1. Left To right / Right to Left display
2. Fully responsiveness of the screen / labels / components
3. Input Fields as Numeric, Alphabetic, Alphanumeric, Currency, Date etc
4. Drop Down searchable.
5. Multi Select DropDown
6. CheckBox
7. Form Format such as Money, Mobile, Date
8. Callender
9. Filtering
10. Common Component to select from REFTable
11. Other screen input Components as and when required
12. Icon / Button
13. Tabs

ReactJS Generator mysql-crud-example

Angular ScreenGenerator

1. Read SQL Server Database directly and create the report with the following attributes :-
a. Taking Label from the ScreenNAme.INI file for the selected language
b. Exporting or printing the reports to CSV, PDF, Excel or any other document format
c. Creating the Views for each cube of the information and use them as input
i. Use drag and drop or mechanics to change the source.
ii. Column to show or hide.
iii. Column format
d. Chart
e. Filtering
f. Sorting
g. Grouping
h. Multi Language support


1. From the SQL Server Database connect and generates the required text
a. Text file of the assigning the Control
b. Text file that Assign the Default value on variable
c. Text File that will call and execute the API
d. Text file for the other


a. Menu Processor which will be placed into the different database and will be called with the
username password to generate their temporary file which will be stored on local browser
for the menu processing and will be destroyed upon logout
b. Bilingual Labels Text will be called with the required form and rights to bring on browser as
offline into their temporary and will be destroyed upon logout
c. REFTABLE which can be called as drop down using display field, select field , their Header,
Arabic / English
d. City, State, Country Table are stored in the different database which can be called as drop
down using display field, select field , their Header, Arabic / English
e. City, State, Country Table are stored in the different database will be called during reporting
as an object to get their names

Johar Saifuddin Mandav

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